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Chapter 1: Introduction to Solar Photovoltaics

1.1 overview of photovoltaic technology.

Photovoltaic technology, often abbreviated as PV, represents a revolutionary method of harnessing solar energy and converting it into electricity. At its core, PV relies on the principle of the photovoltaic effect, where certain materials generate an electric current when exposed to sunlight. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the key principles underlying PV technology, exploring the fundamental concepts of solar radiation, semiconductor physics, and the intricate mechanisms that facilitate the transformation of sunlight into a usable electrical power source.

The section begins by delving into the basic structure of photovoltaic cells, emphasizing the significance of semiconductor materials in capturing and converting sunlight. Readers will gain insights into the intricate processes at the atomic and molecular levels, understanding how photons energize electrons and initiate the flow of electrical current. With a focus on the various types of PV cells, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film technologies, this section lays the foundation for a deeper exploration of the design and construction aspects in subsequent chapters.

The Photovoltaic Effect

As photons, the fundamental particles of light, collide with other materials, they bestow their energy upon electrons, liberating them from their atomic confines and setting in motion a flow of electrical charge.

The photoelectric effect is described by the following equation:

  • E is the energy of the emitted electron,
  • ℎ is Planck’s constant (6.626×10 −34  J⋅s),
  • f is the frequency of the incident light,
  • ϕ is the work function of the material, representing the minimum energy required to liberate an electron.

This equation elucidates that for photoemission to occur, the energy of the incident photons (ℎ ⋅f ) must be greater than or equal to the work function of the material ( ϕ ). If the energy of the photons surpasses the work function, the excess energy contributes to the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons.

Fundamental Concepts: Solar Radiation and Semiconductor Physics

To comprehend the intricate choreography of the photovoltaic effect, one must first grasp the fundamental concepts of solar radiation and semiconductor physics. Solar radiation, the radiant energy emitted by the sun, serves as the primary source of energy for PV systems. Understanding the characteristics of solar radiation, including its intensity, spectrum, and variability, becomes paramount in optimizing the performance of photovoltaic cells.

Semiconductor physics, the bedrock of PV technology, unveils the secrets of materials that act as conduits for the photovoltaic effect. Semiconductor materials, typically crystalline silicon, pave the way for the efficient capture and conversion of sunlight into electricity. This section delves into the atomic and molecular levels of semiconductors, providing readers with a microscopic view of the materials that form the backbone of PV cells.

Semiconductors are materials that have electrical conductivity between that of conductors (like metals) and insulators (like non-metals). The conductivity of a semiconductor can be controlled and modified, making it a key component in the field of electronics. The most common semiconductors are silicon (Si) and germanium (Ge), although there are many other materials that exhibit semiconductor properties.

Here are key characteristics and features of semiconductors:

  • Conductivity: Semiconductors have conductivity levels between conductors and insulators. They can conduct electricity under certain conditions but can also act as insulators under different conditions.
  • Band Gap: Semiconductors have a band gap, an energy range in which no electrons can exist. This band gap is critical in determining the conductivity of the material. There are two types of semiconductors based on their band gap: intrinsic and extrinsic.
  • Intrinsic Semiconductors: Pure semiconductors with no intentional impurities. Silicon and germanium are intrinsic semiconductors.
  • Extrinsic Semiconductors: Semiconductors intentionally doped with impurities to alter their electrical properties. This process introduces charge carriers, either electrons or holes, enhancing conductivity. Extrinsic semiconductors are more commonly used in electronic devices.

In semiconductor physics, P-type (positive-type) and N-type (negative-type) materials are two distinct types of semiconductors that play a crucial role in the operation of electronic devices, including solar cells and transistors. These materials are typically made of semiconductors like silicon or germanium.

P-type Material

  • Doping with Acceptors: P-type semiconductors are created by introducing certain impurity atoms, known as acceptors, into the crystal lattice of the semiconductor material. Common acceptors include boron (B) in silicon.
  • Formation of “Holes”: The introduction of acceptor atoms creates an excess of “holes” in the semiconductor crystal lattice. A hole is essentially a vacant position where an electron could exist. These holes behave as positive charge carriers.
  • Hole Mobility: In P-type materials, the predominant charge carriers are positive holes. When an external voltage is applied, these holes move through the material, contributing to the flow of electric current. However, it’s important to note that electrons (negative charge carriers) also exist in P-type materials, but they are in the minority.
  • Represented Symbolically: The symbol for P-type semiconductors is often indicated by adding a “+” sign, such as S i + .

N-type Material

  • Doping with Donors: N-type semiconductors result from the introduction of certain impurity atoms, known as donors, into the semiconductor crystal lattice. Common donors include phosphorus (P) in silicon.
  • Excess Electrons: Donor atoms create an excess of free electrons in the crystal lattice. These free electrons become the predominant charge carriers in N-type materials.
  • Electron Mobility: When an external voltage is applied, these free electrons move through the material, contributing to the electric current. Although holes (positive charge carriers) also exist in N-type materials, they are in the minority.
  • Represented Symbolically: The symbol for N-type semiconductors is often indicated by adding a “-” sign, such as S i − .

P-N Junction

When a P-type semiconductor is brought into contact with an N-type semiconductor, a P-N junction is formed. At the junction, electrons from the N-type material diffuse into the P-type material, recombining with holes. This creates a depletion zone with a net negative charge on the P-type side and a net positive charge on the N-type side. The resulting electric field opposes further electron diffusion, establishing an equilibrium.

The P-N junction is fundamental in semiconductor devices, serving as the basis for diodes, transistors, and solar cells. Understanding the behavior of P-type and N-type materials is crucial for designing and optimizing the performance of these devices in various electronic applications.

The Atomic Ballet: How Photons Energize Electrons

As readers embark on a journey into the heart of photovoltaic technology, they witness the mesmerizing atomic ballet where photons infuse electrons with energy, liberating them from their stable orbits. This dance, governed by the laws of quantum mechanics, forms the crux of the photovoltaic effect. Technical terms such as bandgap energy, where electrons transition between energy levels, and absorption spectra, dictating the wavelengths of light absorbed, become the language through which engineers communicate with the quantum realm.

The chapter unravels the intricacies of energy band diagrams, illustrating how semiconductor materials create an environment conducive to the efficient conversion of solar energy. Terms like valence bands and conduction bands take center stage, defining the energy states of electrons and their pivotal role in the generation of electric current. This microscopic perspective equips readers with a profound understanding of the inner workings of photovoltaic cells.

Types of Photovoltaic Cells: Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline, and Thin-Film Technologies

With the foundation laid in the realm of semiconductor physics, the chapter navigates towards the tangible manifestations of PV technology—photovoltaic cells. These cells, the building blocks of solar panels, come in various forms, each with its unique characteristics and applications.

Monocrystalline cells, characterized by a single crystal structure, emerge as the epitome of efficiency. Their uniform composition facilitates the smooth flow of electrons, maximizing the conversion of sunlight into electricity. Polycrystalline cells, composed of multiple crystals, strike a balance between efficiency and cost-effectiveness, offering a pragmatic solution for diverse applications. Thin-film technologies, employing layers of semiconductor materials, provide flexibility and affordability, opening avenues for innovative designs and applications.

Technical terms such as efficiency ratings, fill factor, and degradation rates become crucial metrics in evaluating and comparing these different types of cells. Engineers navigate the trade-offs between efficiency and cost, selecting the most suitable technology for specific contexts. The chapter, through diagrams and calculations, unravels the intricacies of these technologies, laying the groundwork for informed decision-making in the design and construction of photovoltaic systems.

Timeline of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Development

  • Photovoltaic Effect Discovered: Becquerel’s initial discovery is serendipitous; he is only 19 years old when he observes the photovoltaic effect.
  • First Solar Cell: Fritts’ solar cell, made of selenium and gold, boasts an efficiency of only 1-2%, yet it marks the birth of practical solar technology.
  • Einstein’s Photoelectric Effect: Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect wins him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921.
  • First Practical Silicon Solar Cell: The first silicon solar cell, with an efficiency of 4%, is primarily used in space applications, including powering satellites.
  • Energy Crisis Drives Interest: Solar energy gains attention during the oil crises, and President Jimmy Carter installs solar panels on the White House in 1979.
  • Emergence of Thin-Film Technology: Exxon, in 1985, achieves a breakthrough in thin-film technology, setting a new efficiency record for that era.

1990s – 2000s:

  • Efficiency Improvements: In 2009, researchers achieve a milestone with a solar cell boasting 41.6% efficiency, a significant leap from earlier technologies.

2000s – 2020s:

  • Grid Integration and Policy Support: Germany’s Renewable Energy Act of 2000 kickstarts a solar boom, making it a global leader in installed solar capacity.
  • Cost Reduction and Mass Adoption: By 2019, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reports that solar is the cheapest source of electricity in history.

Present (2020-2023):

  • Rapid Growth and Innovation: Solar power costs drop further; Saudi Arabia, known for oil, aims for 58.7 gigawatts of solar capacity by 2030.
  • Advancements in Energy Storage: Tesla’s Gigafactories, focused on energy storage, strive to revolutionize solar adoption by making energy storage more accessible.
  • Research and Development: In 2022, researchers unveil transparent solar cells, paving the way for integration into windows and other surfaces.

1.2 Historical Development

The historical development of solar photovoltaics is a fascinating journey that spans centuries. From the early experiments in the 19th century to the cutting-edge technologies of the present day, this section provides a chronological narrative of the milestones that shaped the evolution of PV technology. Beginning with the discovery of the photovoltaic effect by Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel in 1839, the narrative progresses through significant breakthroughs, such as the invention of the first solar cell by Charles Fritts in 1883 and the development of silicon solar cells in the 1950s.

Early Experiments and the Discovery of the Photovoltaic Effect

The foundational discovery that laid the groundwork for solar PV technology was the photovoltaic effect, first observed by the French physicist Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel in 1839. Becquerel, while investigating the behavior of different materials when exposed to light, noted that certain materials generated an electric current when illuminated. This phenomenon, known as the photovoltaic effect, was the key to unlocking the potential of solar energy for electricity generation.

The First Solar Cell

Building upon Becquerel’s discovery, the American inventor Charles Fritts made a significant leap forward in 1883 by constructing the first working solar cell. Fritts used a thin layer of selenium coated with a layer of gold to create a device that could convert light into electricity. While Fritts’ solar cell had a relatively low efficiency, his work laid the foundation for future developments in the field.

Einstein’s Contribution

The theoretical understanding of the photovoltaic effect received a boost in the early 20th century with Albert Einstein’s work on the photoelectric effect. Einstein’s explanation of how light interacts with materials at the atomic level provided a theoretical framework for understanding the generation of electricity from light. This theoretical insight paved the way for further advancements in solar cell technology.

Silicon Solar Cells and the Space Race

The real breakthrough for solar PV technology came in the 1950s with the development of silicon solar cells. Bell Labs, in 1954, produced the first practical silicon solar cell, marking a significant improvement in efficiency and paving the way for commercial applications. The initial applications were primarily in space exploration, as solar cells became crucial for powering satellites and spacecraft during the space race.

1970s: Growth and Diversification

The 1970s witnessed a surge in research and development efforts, driven by growing environmental concerns and the quest for alternative energy sources. Solar cells found applications beyond space exploration and began to be used in remote power systems, such as lighthouses and communication towers. The oil crises of the 1970s also contributed to increased interest in solar energy as a means of achieving energy independence.

1980s: The Rise of Thin-Film Technology

The 1980s saw the emergence of thin-film solar cell technology as a viable alternative to traditional crystalline silicon cells. Thin-film cells, made from materials like amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride, and copper indium gallium selenide, offered advantages such as flexibility and lower manufacturing costs. This diversification of materials and technologies contributed to the growing accessibility of solar PV systems.

1990s and 2000s: Efficiency Improvements and Grid Integration

Advancements in materials science and engineering led to steady improvements in the efficiency of solar cells during the 1990s and 2000s. Research focused on enhancing the performance of silicon cells and exploring new materials with better light-absorbing properties. The integration of solar PV systems into the electrical grid became more common, with governments worldwide incentivizing renewable energy adoption through feed-in tariffs and other policy measures.

Recent Advances

In the 21st century, solar PV technology has witnessed remarkable advancements. Research efforts have been dedicated to increasing the efficiency of solar cells, exploring tandem cell configurations, and developing novel materials for enhanced performance. The cost of solar energy has seen a significant decline, making it increasingly competitive with conventional energy sources.

The historical context not only highlights the perseverance of scientists and engineers but also underscores the growing importance of solar energy as a viable and sustainable alternative. The energy crises of the 20th century played a pivotal role in accelerating research and development efforts, leading to increased efficiency and affordability of photovoltaic systems. Understanding this historical trajectory provides engineers with a valuable perspective on the challenges overcome and the potential for future advancements.

1.3 Importance in Modern Engineering

In the contemporary landscape of engineering, the importance of solar photovoltaics cannot be overstated. This section explores the role of PV technology in addressing the pressing challenges of the 21st century, including climate change, energy security, and sustainable development. As the world shifts towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, solar photovoltaics emerges as a key player in the global energy transition.

The section discusses the integration of PV systems into various engineering projects, from residential and commercial buildings to off-grid applications and large-scale solar farms. Engineers are presented with real-world examples showcasing the versatility and adaptability of solar photovoltaics, emphasizing its role in reducing carbon emissions, mitigating environmental impact, and fostering energy independence.

Addressing Climate Change and Environmental Impact

As the specter of climate change looms larger than ever, the imperative to transition towards low-carbon and renewable energy sources has become a central focus of global engineering endeavors. Solar PV emerges as a key player in this paradigm shift, offering a clean and abundant energy source that produces electricity without the emissions of greenhouse gases. The reduction of carbon footprint is a critical contribution of solar PV to mitigating climate change, aligning with international efforts to limit global temperature rise.

The environmental impact of solar PV extends beyond emissions reduction. Unlike conventional energy sources that rely on finite fossil fuels, solar PV harnesses the inexhaustible power of sunlight. This sustainable approach reduces dependence on fossil fuels, mitigating environmental degradation associated with extraction, transportation, and combustion of non-renewable resources. Modern engineering, driven by a commitment to environmental stewardship, recognizes the pivotal role of solar PV in fostering a harmonious coexistence with the planet.

Energy Security and Independence

Solar PV plays a vital role in enhancing energy security by diversifying the energy mix and reducing reliance on centralized power generation. The decentralized nature of solar PV systems allows for distributed energy generation, empowering communities, businesses, and even individual households to generate their own electricity. This decentralization not only improves resilience against disruptions but also contributes to greater energy independence, reducing vulnerability to geopolitical and economic uncertainties associated with traditional energy sources.

In regions with limited access to reliable grid infrastructure, solar PV becomes a lifeline, providing a source of electricity that is independent of centralized power grids. Remote and off-grid areas, often marginalized in traditional energy distribution networks, benefit immensely from the deployability and scalability of solar PV systems. Modern engineering, with an emphasis on inclusivity and accessibility, recognizes solar PV as a catalyst for bridging the energy divide and promoting social equity.

Economic Viability and Job Creation

The importance of solar PV in modern engineering is underscored by its increasing economic viability. Advancements in technology, coupled with economies of scale, have significantly reduced the cost of solar PV systems. As a result, solar energy has become increasingly competitive with traditional energy sources, making it an attractive investment for businesses, governments, and individuals alike.

The solar industry has emerged as a substantial contributor to job creation and economic growth. From research and development to manufacturing, installation, and maintenance, the solar sector spans a diverse range of skill sets and employment opportunities. Modern engineering acknowledges the role of solar PV not only in providing clean energy but also in fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and the development of a robust green economy.

Resilience and Disaster Preparedness

In the face of natural disasters and extreme weather events, the resilience of energy infrastructure becomes a critical consideration in modern engineering. Solar PV systems, characterized by their modular and distributed nature, offer inherent advantages in terms of resilience. Unlike centralized power plants that can be susceptible to single points of failure, solar PV arrays can continue to generate electricity even in the aftermath of localized disruptions.

Microgrids powered by solar PV provide a resilient energy solution for communities, ensuring a reliable source of electricity during emergencies. The decentralized nature of solar PV contributes to disaster preparedness by reducing the vulnerability of energy infrastructure to large-scale disruptions. Modern engineering, guided by principles of resilience and adaptability, recognizes the importance of integrating solar PV into disaster-resilient infrastructure.

Technological Advancements and Innovation

The relentless pursuit of technological advancements is a hallmark of modern engineering, and solar PV stands at the intersection of innovation and sustainable energy solutions. Ongoing research and development efforts focus on enhancing the efficiency of solar cells, exploring new materials, and innovating in system design. Tandem solar cells, perovskite solar cells, and other emerging technologies hold promise for further improving the performance and affordability of solar PV systems.

Exercise 1.1

Student Exercise Questions

  • Conceptual Understanding: a. Explain the photovoltaic effect and how it relates to the operation of solar photovoltaic cells. b. What are the key components of a solar photovoltaic cell, and how do they contribute to the conversion of sunlight into electricity? c. Describe the difference between monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film solar photovoltaic technologies.
  • Mathematical Foundations: a. Calculate the energy in joules delivered by a photon of sunlight with a wavelength of 500 nm. b. If a solar cell has an efficiency of 15% and receives 1000 W/m² of solar radiation, calculate the electrical power it can generate. c. Given the electrical power output of a solar panel, determine the energy it can produce over a day with 6 hours of peak sunlight.
  • Design and Efficiency: a. Discuss the factors that affect the efficiency of a solar photovoltaic system. How can system designers optimize efficiency? b. Create a basic design plan for a residential solar photovoltaic system, considering factors like location, orientation, and system size. c. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of fixed-tilt and tracking solar panel systems.
  • Energy Yield and Calculations: a. Calculate the daily energy yield of a 5 kW solar PV system in a location that receives an average of 5 hours of sunlight per day. b. Given a solar panel’s efficiency and surface area, determine its daily energy output. c. Explain the concept of capacity factor and its significance in evaluating the performance of a solar PV system.
  • Environmental Impact: a. Discuss the environmental benefits and challenges associated with solar photovoltaic technology. b. Compare the environmental impact of solar PV systems to other energy sources like fossil fuels and nuclear power.
  • Technological Trends: a. Investigate and present a brief overview of recent technological advancements in solar photovoltaics, such as perovskite solar cells or bifacial panels. b. Explain how energy storage solutions, like batteries, can enhance the usability of solar PV systems. c. Discuss the potential integration of solar PV technology into urban infrastructure and architecture.

By the end of this chapter, readers will have gained a comprehensive understanding of the overarching principles of PV technology, its historical journey, and the pivotal role it plays in shaping the future of modern engineering. Armed with this knowledge, engineers can embark on a journey through the subsequent chapters, where they will delve deeper into the intricacies of solar photovoltaic design and implementation.

Solar Photovoltaics for Design Engineers Copyright © by Bilal Shahid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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You’ve seen them on rooftops, in fields, along roadsides, and you’ll be seeing more of them: Solar photovoltaic (PV) installations are on the rise across the country—but how do they turn sunshine into energy? Simple answer: with semiconductors. Of course, there’s more to it.

Understanding how solar cells work is the foundation for understanding the research and development projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) to advance PV technologies. PV has made rapid progress in the past 20 years, yielding better efficiency, improved durability, and lower costs.  

But before we explain how solar cells work, know that solar cells that are strung together make a module , and when modules are connected, they make a solar system , or installation . A typical residential rooftop solar system has about 30 modules.

Photovoltaic Cell Module and System Graphic

Now we can get down to business.

How a Solar Cell Works

Solar cells contain a material that conducts electricity only when energy is provided—by sunlight, in this case. This material is called a semiconductor; the “semi” means its electrical conductivity is less than that of a metal but more than an insulator’s. When the semiconductor is exposed to sunlight, it absorbs the light, transferring the energy to negatively charged particles called electrons. The electrons flow through the semiconductor as electrical current, because other layers of the PV cell are designed to extract the current from the semiconductor. Then the current flows through metal contacts—the grid-like lines on a solar cell—before it travels to an inverter. The inverter converts the direct current (DC) to an alternating current (AC), which flows into the electric grid and, eventually, connects to the circuit that is your home’s electrical system. As long as sunlight continues to reach the module and the circuit is connected, electricity will continue to be generated.

A module’s ability to convert sunlight into electricity depends on the semiconductor. In the lab, this ability is called photovoltaic conversion efficiency. Outside, environmental conditions like heat, dirt, and shade can reduce conversion efficiency, along with other factors . But researchers are coming up with solutions , such as backsheets that are placed on the panels to reduce their operating temperature, and new cell designs that capture more light. 

Capturing more light during the day increases energy yield , or the electricity output of a PV system over time. To boost energy yield, researchers and manufacturers are looking at bifacial solar cells, which are double-sided to capture light on both sides of a silicon solar module—they capture light reflected off the ground or roof where the panels are installed. The jury is still out on how bifacials will affect a system’s energy yield, but some SETO-funded projects are working to reduce this uncertainty by establishing baseline metrics to quantify and model bifacial efficiency gains .

Silicon: The Market Leader

The main semiconductor used in solar cells, not to mention most electronics, is silicon, an abundant element. In fact, it’s found in sand, so it’s inexpensive, but it needs to be refined in a chemical process before it can be turned into crystalline silicon and conduct electricity. Part 2 of this primer will cover other PV cell materials.

To make a silicon solar cell, blocks of crystalline silicon are cut into very thin wafers. The wafer is processed on both sides to separate the electrical charges and form a diode, a device that allows current to flow in only one direction. The diode is sandwiched between metal contacts to let the electrical current easily flow out of the cell.

About 95% of solar panels on the market today use either monocrystalline silicon or polycrystalline silicon as the semiconductor. Monocrystalline silicon wafers are made up of one crystal structure, and polycrystalline silicon is made up of lots of different crystals. Monocrystalline panels are more efficient because the electrons move more freely to generate electricity, but polycrystalline cells are less expensive to manufacture.

The maximum theoretical efficiency level for a silicon solar cell is about 32% because of the portion of sunlight the silicon semiconductor is able to absorb above the bandgap —a property discussed in Part 2 of this primer. The best panels for commercial use have efficiencies around 18% to 22%, but researchers are studying how to improve efficiency and energy yield while keeping production costs low.

Read more about solar PV research directions in Part 2 !

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  • Published: 28 March 2019

Photovoltaic solar cell technologies: analysing the state of the art

  • Pabitra K. Nayak   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7845-5318 1 ,
  • Suhas Mahesh 1 ,
  • Henry J. Snaith   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8511-790X 1 &
  • David Cahen   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8118-5446 2  

Nature Reviews Materials volume  4 ,  pages 269–285 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

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  • Semiconductors
  • Solar cells
  • Solar energy and photovoltaic technology

The remarkable development in photovoltaic (PV) technologies over the past 5 years calls for a renewed assessment of their performance and potential for future progress. Here, we analyse the progress in cells and modules based on single-crystalline GaAs, Si, GaInP and InP, multicrystalline Si as well as thin films of polycrystalline CdTe and CuIn x Ga 1− x Se 2 . In addition, we analyse the PV developments of the more recently emerged lead halide perovskites together with notable improvements in sustainable chalcogenides, organic PVs and quantum dots technologies. In addition to power conversion efficiencies, we consider many of the factors that affect power output for each cell type and note improvements in control over the optoelectronic quality of PV-relevant materials and interfaces and the discovery of new material properties. By comparing PV cell parameters across technologies, we appraise how far each technology may progress in the near future. Although accurate or revolutionary developments cannot be predicted, cross-fertilization between technologies often occurs, making achievements in one cell type an indicator of evolutionary developments in others. This knowledge transfer is timely, as the development of metal halide perovskites is helping to unite previously disparate, technology-focused strands of PV research.

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The authors acknowledge the support from the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant nos EP/P032591/1 and EP/M015254/2) and thank B. Wenger, T. Markvardt, T. Kirchartz, T. Buonassisi and A. Bakulin for critical comments and data and D. Friedman for providing a GaAs cell. D.C. thanks the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he held the Rowland and Sylvia Schaefer Chair in Energy Research, for partial support.

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Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Pabitra K. Nayak, Suhas Mahesh & Henry J. Snaith

Department of Materials and Interfaces, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

David Cahen

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All authors contributed to the discussion of content. P.K.N. researched most of the data, carried out the analysis and wrote the article. D.C. and S.M. contributed to the researching of data and analysis. D.C., H.J.S. and P.K.N. edited the manuscript before submission.

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Correspondence to Pabitra K. Nayak .

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H.J.S. is the co-founder and CSO of Oxford PV Ltd, a company that is commercializing perovskite photovoltaic technologies. P.K.N., S.M. and D.C. declare no competing interests.

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Nayak, P.K., Mahesh, S., Snaith, H.J. et al. Photovoltaic solar cell technologies: analysing the state of the art. Nat Rev Mater 4 , 269–285 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-019-0097-0

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Published : 28 March 2019

Issue Date : April 2019

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-019-0097-0

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Solar Energy And Photovoltaic Cell

We have learned about the role of renewable energy in the sustainable development of the country. Renewable energy is more sustainable than fossil fuel sources. Sun is the source of renewable energy. The radiating light and heat from the sun are harnessed and converted into other forms of energy. In this article let us learn about solar power, solar energy, and photovoltaic cells in detail.

Solar Power:

Solar power is an indefinitely renewable source of energy as the sun has been radiating an estimated 5000 trillion kWh of energy for billions of years and will continue to do so for the next 4 billion years. Solar energy is a form of energy which is used in power cookers, water heaters etc. The primary disadvantage of solar power is that it cannot be produced in the absence of sunlight. This limitation is overcome by the use of solar cells that convert solar energy into electrical energy. In this section, we will learn about the photovoltaic cell, its advantages, and disadvantages.

Solar Panel

Solar Energy:

It is defined as the radiating light and heat from the sun that is harnessed using devices like heaters, solar cookers, and photovoltaic cells to convert it to other forms of energy such as electrical energy and heat.

Solar Panel

Photovoltaic Cell:

  • Photovoltaic cells consist of two or more layers of semiconductors with one layer containing positive charge and the other negative charge lined adjacent to each other.
  • Sunlight, consisting of small packets of energy termed as photons, strikes the cell, where it is either reflected, transmitted or absorbed.
  • When the photons are absorbed by the negative layer of the photovoltaic cell, the energy of the photon gets transferred to an electron in an atom of the cell.
  • With the increase in energy, the electron escapes the outer shell of the atom. The freed electron naturally migrates to the positive layer creating a potential difference between the positive and the negative layer. When the two layers are connected to an external circuit, the electron flows through the circuit, creating a current.

Photovoltaic Cell

Advantages of Photovoltaic Cells:

  • Environmental Sustainability: Photovoltaic cells generate clean and green energy as no harmful gases such as CO x , NO x etc are emitted. Also, they produce no noise pollution which makes them ideal for application in residential areas.
  • Economically Viable: The operation and maintenance costs of cells are very low. The cost of solar panels incurred is only the initial cost i.e., purchase and installation.
  • Accessible: Solar panels are easy to set up and can be made accessible in remote locations or sparsely inhabited areas at a lesser cost as compared to conventional transmission lines. They are easy to install without any interference with the residential lifestyle.
  • Renewable: Energy is free and abundant in nature.
  • Cost: Solar panels have no mechanically moving parts except in some highly advanced sunlight tracking mechanical bases. Consequently, the solar panel price for maintenance and repair is negligible.

Disadvantages of Photovoltaic Cells:

  • The efficiency of solar panels is low compared to other renewable sources of energy.
  • Energy from the sun is intermittent and unpredictable and can only be harnessed in the presence of sunlight. Also, the power generated gets reduced during cloudy weather.
  • Long-range transmission of solar energy is inefficient and difficult to carry. The current produced is DC in nature and the conversion of DC current to AC current involves the use of additional equipment such as inverters.
  • Photovoltaic panels are fragile and can be damaged relatively easily. Additional insurance costs are required to ensure a safeguard of the investments.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How do solar cells work, what is the principle of solar cells.

Silicon crystals are laminated into p-type and n-type layers, stacked on top of each other. Light striking the crystals induces the “photovoltaic effect,” which generates electricity.

State true or false: Solar energy is a renewable form of energy.

What does the solar cell include, can solar power from photovoltaic cells be harnessed in the absence of sunlight.

No, it can be only harnessed in the presence of sunlight.

Hope you have learned in detail about Photovoltaic Cells along with advantages and disadvantages. Stay tuned with BYJU’S for more such interesting articles.

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Photovoltaic solar cells: a review.

case study photovoltaic cells answer key

1. Introduction

2. solar cells, 2.1. the working principle of pv cells.

  • Absorption of photons in a p-n junction electronic semiconductor to generate the charge carriers (electron-hole pairs). The absorption of a photon with energy (E = hυ) higher than the gap energy ‘E g ’ of the doped semiconductor material means that its energy is used to excite an electron from the valence band ‘Eυ’ to the conduction band ‘E c ’ leaving a void (hole) at the valance level. Additional kinetic energy is given to the electron or hole by the excess photon energy (hυ–hυ 0 ). ‘hυ 0 ′ is the minimum energy or work function of the semiconductor required to generate an electron-hole pair. The work function here represents the energy gap. The excess energy is dissipated as heat in the semiconductor [ 21 , 22 ].
  • Consequent separation of the light-generated charge carriers. In an external solar circuit, the holes can flow away from the junction through the p-region, and electrons can flow out across the n-region and pass through the circuit before they recombine with the holes.
  • Finally, the separated electrons can be used to drive an electric circuit. After the electrons passed through the circuit, they will recombine with the holes.

2.2. Solar Cell Panels

2.3. components of solar power system, 2.4. p-n junction solar cell, 2.4.1. formation of the depletion region, 2.4.2. p-n junction solar cell under applied voltage, 2.4.3. pv cell under illumination.

  • The net flow of the electrons and holes in a p-n junction semiconductor under equilibrium conditions will generate two currents: ‘ I diff ’ and ‘ I drift ’. These currents balance and cancel each other at the equilibrium state.
  • If an external source is deployed to the p-n junction, the generated current is the diode current ‘ I d ’.
  • Under illumination, the p-n junction will present another current called light or photocurrent ‘ I ph ’.

2.5. I-V and P-V Characteristics

  • Short-circuit current density ‘ Isc ’ occurs at (R = 0 and V = 0)
  • Open-circuit voltage ‘ Voc ’ (no-load, I = 0 and R = ∞)
  • Fill factor ‘ FF ’ that represents the ratio of ‘ Pmax ’ to the electrical output of ‘ Voc ’ and ‘ Isc ’

2.6. Design Considerations

2.7. materials employed in pv cells, 2.7.1. iii-v pv gallium arsenide, 2.7.2. future trends, 2.8. challenges in solar cells, 3. simulation of solar cells and modules, 3.1. simulation of solar cells by matlab/simulink, 3.2. simulation of solar cells by comsol/multiphysics.

  • Creating a user-defined, spatially dependent variable for the generation rate, using an integral expression involving the solar radiation ‘ F ( λ )’, which is used to find the rate of photon generation ‘ ϕ ( λ )’.

Share and Cite

Al-Ezzi, A.S.; Ansari, M.N.M. Photovoltaic Solar Cells: A Review. Appl. Syst. Innov. 2022 , 5 , 67. https://doi.org/10.3390/asi5040067

Al-Ezzi AS, Ansari MNM. Photovoltaic Solar Cells: A Review. Applied System Innovation . 2022; 5(4):67. https://doi.org/10.3390/asi5040067

Al-Ezzi, Athil S., and Mohamed Nainar M. Ansari. 2022. "Photovoltaic Solar Cells: A Review" Applied System Innovation 5, no. 4: 67. https://doi.org/10.3390/asi5040067

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The biggest problems with solar power today, and how to solve them

Over the past decade, the solar installation industry has experienced an average annual growth rate of 24% . A 2021 study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) projected that 40% of all power generation in the U.S. could come from solar by 2035.

Solar’s current trends and forecasts look promising, with photovoltaic (PV) installations playing a major role in solving energy problems like carbon pollution and energy dependence. However, challenges related to solar energy threaten to slow growth and make solar less accessible to homeowners and businesses.

These issues include problems connecting solar to electrical grids, equipment shortages, supply chain delays, a lack of land for commercial solar arrays, and a lack of qualified contractors and laborers to meet installation demands.

Industry stakeholders, governments, manufacturers, and scientists are seeking ways to address these roadblocks and push the development of solar power forward. Here is a closer look at the issues affecting the PV sector and current efforts to solve them.

Technological limitations in photovoltaic efficiency

The U.S. Department of Energy defines solar conversion efficiency as “the percentage of the solar energy shining on a PV device that is converted into usable electricity.” The agency points out that most of the sunlight hitting PV cells gets lost during the conversion process. Light either gets reflected or turned into heat instead of getting converted into electricity.

Recombination is another factor limiting PV efficiency. It happens when charge-carrying electrons encounter defects in the PV material or merge with charge carriers known as “holes,” which do not have electrons. During recombination, the energy turns into light photons or heat instead of producing energy.

Currently, most panels have efficiencies of 17-20% .

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Solutions to improve PV efficiency

Researchers have developed new technologies, such as multi-junction PV cells , which increase efficiency to more than 45%. Manufacturing costs, material availability, and other factors need to be addressed before this technology becomes accessible for commercial use.

Another solution is bifacial solar panels , which have cells on their underside to catch light reflected off the ground, roof, or other reflective surfaces. If combined with sun-tracking panels that adjust to maximize solar contact throughout the day, bifacial panels are 30-40% more efficient than their one-sided counterparts.

Solar intermittency and storage challenges

Solar intermittency is the most obvious issue related to PV panel efficiency. The sun is not visible for 24 hours per day except for a short time each year at extreme latitudes. Solar power users need other power sources to use after sunset, and utilities cannot rely on solar alone to provide electricity for their customers.

One solution is to capture extra energy during the daytime and store it. However, storage issues are common. Batteries add to the cost of solar installation. Costs for batteries to cover home energy are $8,500 to $10,000 , not including installation and maintenance. These systems may not be enough to cover high energy usage periods, such as heating or cooling the home during extreme temperatures.

Solutions to improve solar reliability

One of the most common solutions for residential and small business customers is net metering . Users keep their utility connections, and their system feeds unused energy back into the grid. The utility company offers credits that the customer can use to cover the cost of electricity from the grid after dark.

Battery technologies are improving, and smart energy management software can help solar users maximize efficiency based on electricity usage patterns. Advances such as more efficient lithium-ion batteries and safer, faster-charging solid-state batteries are on the horizon. These could make storage more efficient and cost-effective and make it possible for more solar users to disconnect from the grid.

Geographic variations in solar intensity

In general, the closer to the equator a location is, the more solar radiation it receives and the more energy PV cells can produce. However, pollution, cloud cover, foliage, elevation, and other factors also play a role in how much solar energy hits PV panels.

In areas with low levels of solar radiation, such as locations in higher latitudes, solar panels may not produce as much energy, making them a less cost-effective option. The same could hold true for areas with lots of cloud cover and rainfall.

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Solutions for solar intensity limitations

Solar optimization is one area that has already enjoyed significant advancements. For instance, solar tracking technology allows panels to adjust daily and seasonal changes in the sun’s location. Dual-axis panels rely on software to calculate the ideal angle and tilt based on available sunlight at a given time. Common in utility-scale ground-mounted systems, these systems ensure panels are always in the position to maximize solar radiation exposure.

AI-powered software can also perform an advanced site analysis and use mathematical models to help optimize the placement, location, and angle of panels in a solar array. With these tools, you can design ground-mounted and rooftop systems and calculate yield to ensure maximum exposure to solar energy.

case study photovoltaic cells answer key

Cost competitiveness with other energy sources

Solar energy itself is cost-effective. Systems produce free energy with limited maintenance for their lifespan, which averages 30 to 35 years. However, many people have to decide if solar is worth the investment.

The reason for this indecision is the upfront cost of solar installation and the knowledge that they may still have to pay for supplemental power at times. EnergySage puts the cost of an average home solar PV system at $30,000, with the price dropping to about $21,000 if you take advantage of government incentives.

This large initial investment may put solar out of reach for some customers and have others worrying about the return on their investment.

Solutions for cost-effectiveness

Federal and state incentives lower the overall cost of solar PV installation for both homeowners and businesses. However, other developments could help decrease costs.

NREL documented a trend of significant price decline for solar installations during the 2010s, with most of the cost decrease due to lower panel and equipment costs. In 2021, the Department of Energy announced an effort to lower prices even further , targeting 60% cheaper installation costs by 2030.

The DoE points to advances in promising technologies and low-cost materials, such as perovskite, as major cost-lowering factors. Also, an increase in domestic panel production will help avoid tariffs and geopolitical issues.

Land use requirements

Solar panels require a large area for energy production. Utility-scale solar farms use at least 10 times as much land as coal and natural gas plants, including the land to extract and transport the fossil fuels, to produce a comparable amount of power. This has raised concerns in sectors like agriculture, with farmers expressing worries that the best farmland could be earmarked for solar developments.

Finally, the DoE has also acknowledged concerns about how large arrays could affect wildlife, highlighting worries about water quality, bird collisions, and disruption to ecosystems.

Solutions for land use concerns

Design and optimization are key elements of the effort to limit the size of large solar plants. Utility providers can use specialized software to measure the potential yield of solar arrays. These tools will allow energy companies to minimize area while maximizing output.

Other advances focus on the novel field of agrivoltaics , which involves integrating solar into farmland without disrupting crop production. Solutions, like raised mounting systems and selection of shade-growing crops, are aspects of this effort, with some farmers finding advantages in the temperature regulation offered by solar panels to increase farm yields.


Solar panel life cycle and environmental impact

Solar panels degrade over time, with the lifespan depending on their build quality, maintenance, and local conditions. Most panels retain 80% of their electricity production capacity after 30 years. However, after that, they need to be removed and replaced. Environmental advocates express concerns about the inability to recycle panels and the potentially hazardous materials that some contain.

The environmental impact goes beyond waste. While the panels themselves produce energy without carbon emissions, other processes in the life cycle of a panel may not be as clean . Mining of necessary minerals and manufacturing panels may produce pollution, adding to the overall carbon footprint of solar energy. The same applies to transporting panels to installation locations. These factors increase the impact of panels on the environment, perhaps negating some of the benefits they provide.

Solutions for reducing environmental impact

Recent research has focused on solar panel recycling, with some studies producing promising results for the reuse of silicon from old solar panels. These developments could eventually lead to the reuse of materials, limiting waste.

Meanwhile, NREL highlights research efforts that could increase the lifespan of solar panels to 50 years or more. This effort requires experimenting with different cell and module technologies and working on panel packaging.

With the impressive growth of solar energy in recent years, the future looks promising . Researchers and companies are actively trying to address many of the problems slowing the solar PV industry, and governments continue to offer incentives and create policies that focus on making clean energy more accessible to everyone.


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100 Best Solar Energy Case Studies of 2019

The adoption of solar energy in the world is growing at a rapid pace in the world.

More and more consumers, businesses and governmental organizations are considering solar energy.

But it can be sometimes difficult to convince your family, friends, boss or colleagues to adopt solar energy?

To make it easier to convince people to adopt solar power we selected the best and most complete 100 solar energy case studies.

The case studies included in this list contain key information about the return on investment and annual savings of solar energy systems built all over the world and different sizes.

The list is divided in three categories:

Residential Solar Energy

Commercial solar energy, public sector solar energy, 1. home lavallee family.

Country: Cumberland, Rhode Island, United States Installer: Renewable Energy Service of New England Inc. Solar PV: Suniva Inverter: Enphase Size: 9.5 kW Return on Investment: 34.9% Annual Savings: $3845

RES installed 33 solar modules for the Lavallee Family. The projected return of investment is 6 years.

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2. Home Middle Franconia

Country: Bavaria, Germany Inverters: SMA Size: 5 kWp Cost reduction: €875 per year

One family of five installed a solar energy system with batteries. The whole system included a SMA pv inverter, a SMA battery inverter and a SMA sunny home manager for system monitoring and energy management.

3. Home Götz Family

Country: Wetzlar-Hermannstein, Germany Installer: Gecko Logic Solar PV: Yingli Inverters: SMA Size: 8.5 kWp Cost Reduction: €3936 per year

A colleague convinced the family to invest in solar energy. The solar modules exceed the predicted energy yield. This system was installed by Gecko Logic.

4. Home Tan Family

Country: Jalan Kelawar, Tanglin, Singapore Installer: ReZeca Renewables Solar PV: Yingli Solar Size: 18.6 kWp Estimated Annual Savings: SGD$6000

The Tan Family wanted to reduce their footprint and their energy bills. In total 62 solar panels were installed.

5. Home Pappalardo Family

Country: Viagrande, Italy Installer: Etnergia Solar PV: Yingli Inverters: SMA Size: 8.58 kW Cost Reduction: €5533 per year

After seeing solar pv installation in other countries the family decided to switch to solar energy. The company Etnergia installed 39 solar panels on roof with south-east orientation. The system is performing better than expected.

6. Absolute Coatings

Country: New Rochelle, New York, United States Installer: Sunrise Solar Solutions Inverter: Enphase Size: 82 kW Savings over system life: $442 866

Sunrise Solar Solutions designed and installed 313 solar modules for Absolute Coatings on a new roof. The mounting system is ballast only. This project is part of 200 kW solar energy system that will completed in a next phase.

7. Rehme Steel

Country: Spicewood, United States Installer: Freedom Solar Power Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 81.6 kW Estimated savings over 25 years: $338 883

Rehme Steel wanted to reduce their operating cost and their carbon emissions.

8. Birkhof Horse Stables and Riding School

Country: Waldsoms, Germany Installer: Gecko Logic Solar PV: Yingli Inverters: SMA Size: 34.68 kWp Cost Reduction: €12 954

Birkhof choose for solar energy, because of environmental and cost reduction reasons. Gecko Logic installed the system in 2008.

9. Ryan and Ryan Insurance

Country: Kingston, New York, United States Installer: Sunrise Solar Solutions Solar PV: Conergy Inverter: Enphase Size: 16.3 kW Savings over lifetime system: $69 654 Years to breakeven: 5.9

The roof of Ryan and Ryan Insurance was big enough to place enough solar panels to cover their whole energy consumption. The solar panels are mounted with a fully ballasted racking system.

10. Powerplant Poggiorsini

Country: Poggiorsini (Bari), Italy Installer: SAEM Company Solar PV: Yingli Inverters: Siel Size: 3 MWp Return: €1 412 000 per year

The solar power plant was built by SAEM Company and is made up of 13 500 units. The plant is oriented to the south. The plant produces enough energy to power the homes of 1500 families.

11. Huerto Solar Villar de Cañas II

Country: Villar de Cañas, Spain Installer: CYMI Solar PV: Yingli Inverters: Siemens Size: 9.8 MWp Return: €6 336 000 per year

Prosolcam bought a 22 hectare site to invest in solar energy. The company CYMI designed and installed the system that consist of 56 180 pv modules. The plant has an south facing orientation.

12. Amcorp Gemas Solar Plant

Country: Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Installer: Amcorp Power Sdn. Bhd. Solar PV: Yingli Size: 10 269 MWp Return: MYR 11.88 million (about $2.6 million)

Amcorp Power is a solar farm developer in Malaysia. The solar plant has a power purchase agree with Tenaga Nasional Berhad for 21 years. The plant that consists of 41 076 pv modules, produces enough energy for 3315 residential homes.

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13. Jackson Enterprise LLC

Country: California, United States Installer: CM Solar Electric Solar PV: Sunpower, LG Inverter: SMA Size: 26kW Average Annual Savings: $11 556 Return on Investment: 23.6%

The solar energy system provides at least 100% or more of the energy consumption of the building. And the total net investment of the system was $49 000.

14. Diab Engineering

Country: Geraldton, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: Conergy Inverter: SMA Size: 100 kW Year 1 return on investment: 34% 10 Year Net Present Value: $139 000 Annual Savings: $41 000

Diab Engineering choose Infinite Energy to install a solar energy system on there roof of their workshop. Diab Engineering used government funded solar programmes to finance their system.

15. GAL Manufacturing

Country: New York,United States Installer: Solar City Size: 237 kW Annual Savings: $50 000

GAL Manufacturing is a family owned company that builds elevator parts. The system will generate almost half of the buildings energy consumption. The project is partly funded by government funds.

16. Hewlett Packard

Country: Palo Alto, California, United States Size: 1 MW Estimated Lifetime Savings: $1 million

HP installed 1 MW of solar modules on its roof. The system will provide 20% of the buildings usage. HP doesn’t own the system, but will purchase the energy produced from Solar City.

17. Velmade Prestige Sheet Metal

Country: Osborne Park, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: REC Solar Inverter: SMA Size: 31 kW Year 1 return on investment: 18% 10 year Net Present Value: $7 400 Annual Savings: $8 500

In 2014 Velmade installed 120 solar modules on its roof. As a small-to-medium business it wanted to reduce its operating costs. The project is expected to payback in 5.3 years. Velmade used outside funding for its solar system.

18. Bella Ridge Winery

Country: Herne Hill, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: REC Solar Inverter: SMA Size: 40 kW Year 1 return on investment: 21% Annual Savings: $18 300

Bella Ridge Winery is a energy intensive company and was suffering of rising electricity prices in Australia. Infinite Energy installed 156 REC Solar modules on a ground mounted rack. The projected payback period is 4.4 years.

19. Cheeky Brothers

Country: Osborne Park, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: REC Solar Inverter: Fronius Size: 40 kW Year 1 return on investment: 28% Annual Savings: $13 500

Cheeky Brothers is a Food company that installed 152 REC Solar panels on its roof. The system produces 28% of electricity consumption.

20. Seven Acres Business Park

Country: Suffolk, United Kingdom Installer: Enviko Solar PV: CSUN Inverter: SMA Size: 40 kW Yearly Income and Savings: £8 079

This business park decided to install 120 solar panels on its roof just in time before feed in tariffs were reduced in 2012. The project was completed just in time by Enviko.

21. Broad Oak Cider Farm

Country: Clutton Hill Industrial Park, Bristol, United Kingdom Installer: Enviko Solar PV: Conergy Inverter: Solaredge Size: 100 kW Yearly Income and Savings: £15 894

Enviko helped Broad Oak Cider Farm install 400 solar panels that covered the whole roof of the building. Power optimizers were used to reduce the effects of shading on the panels.

22. Glebar Inc.

Country: Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, United States Installer: Solar Energy World Solar PV: Schuco Size: 55.5 kW Yearly Savings: $8000

Glebar Inc was looking for a way to reduce its energy bills and reduce its carbon footprint. Solar Energy World helped achieving their goals. The system is partly funded with a tax break and Solar Renewable Energy Credits.

23. Metuchen Sportscomplex

Country: Metuchen, New Jersey, United States Installer: Solar Energy World Solar PV: LG Size: 312 kW Yearly Savings: $33 397

The developer Recycland LLC decid to add Solar Energy to its building to reduce energy costs and to reduce its carbon footprint.

24. Alfandre Architecture

Country: New Paltz, New York, United States Installer: Sunrise Solar Solutions Solar PV: Conergy and Hyunday Inverter: Enphase Size: 33.4 kW Savings over lifetime system: $190 000

Alfandre Architecture is applying for the LEED GOLD Certification. Adding solar energy to the project is a logical step. Sunrise Solar Solutions did the installation of the new building.

Country: San Jose, California, United States Installer: Solar City Size: 650 kW Annual Cost Savings: $100 000

Ebay wanted to make its campus in San Jose more sustainable. Solar City designed and installed the 3248 solar panel system on five different buildings located on the campus.

26. Heritage Paper

Country: Livermore, California, United States Installer: Solar City Size: 528 kW Annual Cost Savings: $26,950

Heritage Paper is the packaging supplier of big companies like Nordstrom and Cliff Bar. Their huge facility uses huge amounts of energy and installing solar panels was a no-brainer.

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27. Batth Farms

Country: San Joaquin Valley, California, United States Installer: Solar City Size: 1.5 MW Estimated lifetime savings: $9 000 000

The Batth farm uses a lot of energy for the irrigation of the land and running waterpumps. To reduce their operating costs Solar City installed a solar energy system on their farmland.

28. Advance Auto Parts

Country: Enfield, Connecticut, United States Installer: Solar City Size: 1.17 MW Annual Cost Savings: $100 000

Advance Auto Parts is a distribution company of after-sales auto parts. Solar City installed the solar system with little to no disruption to daily operations.

29. Roofmart

Country: Kewdale, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: REC Solar Inverter: SMA Size: 100 kW Year 1 Return on Investment: 25% 10 year Net Present Value: $103 200 Annual Savings: $37 600

Roofmart design, manufactures and distributes steel constructions that are used for garages, patios and sheds. The system was installed in december 2015 and the cost will be returned in under 4 years.

Country: Osborne, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: Winaico Inverter: SMA Size: 100 kW Year 1 Return on Investment: 32% 10 Net Present Value: $240 300 Annual Savings: $45 300

Imdex is listed on the ASX and produces and manufactures fluids and instruments for the mining, oil and gas industries. The projected payback period the solar energy system will be 3.1 years.

31. Audi Seattle

Country: Seattle, United States Installer: A&R Solar Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 235 kW Estimated 25 year savings: $2 million

Audi Seattle is a dealer of high performance electric vehicles. The company wanted to power their vehicles with a sustainable energy source, solar energy.

32. Boulder Nissan

Country: Boulder, United States Installer: Independent Power Systems Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 50.25 kW Estimated 25 year savings: $384 000

Boulder Nissan is a high volume seller of the electric Nissan Leaf in the Boulder area. The adoption of solar energy is a logical step.

34. Microsoft

Country: Mountain View, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 551861 kW Estimated annual savings: $120 000

Microsoft is one of the biggest software companies in the world with a commitment to the environment.

35. Rivermaid Trading co.

Country: California, United States Installer: Sunworks Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 1.7 mW Estimated annual savings: $300 000

Rivermaid Trading is a grower, processor and distributer of fruit. The company has facitlities that are huge and with solar energy they wanted to reduce their energy bills.

36. Lake County Sanitation District

Country: Lakepoint, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 2.17 mW Estimated savings over 20 years: $5 million

The Lake County Sanitation District wanted to reduce their environmental impact.

37. Dobinsons Spring & Suspension

Country: Rockhampton, Australia Solar PV: Hanwha Q Cells Size: 510 kWp Estimated annual savings: AUD$160 000

In the past decade Dobinsons saw their energy costs grow with 100%. With an solar energy system Dobinsons is now protected from increasing energy prices.

38. Austchilli

Country: Bundaberg, Australia Solar PV: Phono Solar Size: 300 kWp Estimated payback period of 4-5 years

Rising energy costs made the business model of Austchilli less feasible and that is why they choose solar energy.

39. Enmach Industries

Country: Bundaberg, Australia Solar PV: Q-Cell Size: 100 kWp Estimated annual savings: AUD$40 000 Estimated payback period of 3.5 years

Like a lot of Australian manufacturing companies, the energy bill of Enmach Industries was rising. Solar energy was the only logical solution.

40. Advantage Welding

Country: Rockhampton, Australia Solar PV: Phono Solar Size: 33 kWp Estimated payback period of 4.2 years

To reduce their electricity bill Advantage Welding worked together with Gem Energy to install solar energy panels on their roof.

41. Bridge Toyota

Country: Darwin, Australia Solar PV: Q Cells Size: 100 kWp Estimated annual savings AUD$35 000 Estimated payback period of 3.5 years

Bridge Toyota has a huge energy consumption for its showroom, office, workshop and warehouse. To prevent huge energy bills cutting in their operating margins they switched to a solar energy system on the roof of their facility.

42. Great Western Hotel

Country: Rockhampton, Australia Solar PV: Q Cells Size: 57 kWp Estimated payback period of 3.2 years

The Great Western Hotel used a renovation to make their operation more green with a solar energy system that is connected to the grid.

43. Luther Auto Group

Country: Midwest, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 454 kWp Estimated saving over 25 years: $2.1 million

The Luther Auto Group used their large flat roofs of their dealerships to generate cheap solar energy.

44. Turtle Bay Resort

Country: Kahuku, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 702 kWp Estimated saving over 20 years: $2.5 million

The Turtle Bay Resort won the Leader in Sustainability Award in Hawaii. The Turtle Bay Resort worked together with REC Solar to install a roof mounted system and a ground mounted system.

45. Zurn Industries

Country: Paso Robles, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 552.7 kWp Estimated annual savings: $110 000

Zurn Industries is a manufacturer of irrigation equipment and want to reduce their operating expenses with the installation of a roof mounted solar energy system.

46. San Antonio Winery

Country: Paso Robles, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 517 kW

Estimated saving over 30 years: $4 million The San Antonio WInery will produce 80% of the power they need for their wine production facility and their hospitality center.

47. Ballester Hermanos

Country: San Juan, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 874 kW Estimated annual savings: $100 000 Ballester Hermanos is located on Puerto Rico that has high energy prices. Solar energy through a power purchase agreement made a lot of economic sense. 

48. Sonoma Mountain Village

Country: Rohnert Park, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 1.16 mW Estimated annual savings: $680 000 Sonoma Mountain Village improved their Leed Premium status by expanding their solar energy capacity.

49. Haas Automation Inc.

Country: Oxnard, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 1.74 mW Estimated annual savings: $500 000

Haas automation wanted to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce their energy costs and opted for two solar roos systems in partnership with Renusol.

50. Niner Wine Estates

Country: Paso Robles, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 388.47 kW Estimated payback period of 5 years

Niner Wine Estates is a Sustainability in Practice Certified winery and has an LEED status. Through their solar energy system they generate 100% of their energy needs.

51. Valley Fine Foods

Country: Benecia and Yuba City, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 1.14 mW Estimated annual savings: $250 000

Valley Fine Foods used a roof mounted and ground mounted solar system to reduce their energy cost.

52. Tony Automotive Group

Country: Waipahu, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 298 kW Estimated savings over 25 years: $5.3 million

Tony Automotive groups has Honda, Nissan and Hyundai dealerships in Hawaii. The need for solar energy was great, because Hawaii has the highest energy costs in the nation.

53. Windset Farms

Country: Santa Maria, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 1.05 mW Estimated annual savings: $245 000

The Windset Farms installed more than 4000 solar energy panels on their roof to curb their rising energy bill.

54. Vintage Wine Estates

Country: Santa Rosa & Hopland, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 945 kW Estimated savings over 30 year period: $10 million

Vintage Wine Estates used a combination of roof mounted and ground mounted solar panels to reduce their utility costs.

Country: Bibra Lake, United States Solar PV: Conenergy Size: 350 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$169 000

AWTA is the largest wool testing organization in the world. The installed 1085 solar panels on their roof and produce 32% of their energy consumption.

56. Transmin

Country: Malaga, Australia Solar PV: Suntech Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$15 200

With the help of the AusIndustry Clean Technology Investment Program, Transmin made their operations more sustainable with 174 Suntech panels and 2 SMA solar inverters.

57. Mining & Hydraulic Supplies Pty Ltd

Country: Malaga, Australia Solar PV: Solarpower Size: 7 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$1900

Mining & Hydraulic Supplies has reduced their electricity bill significantly and generate 80% of their energy with solar panels.

58. T&G Corporation

Country: Perth, Australia Solar PV: Suntech Size: 33 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$9800

In the preceding years T&G Corporation saw their utility bills rise 28%. With solar energy the made their future energy bills predictable again.

59. Firesafe United Group

Country: Bibra Lake, Australia Solar PV: Hanwha Size: 80 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$23 500

Firesafe United Group installed 3 solar energy systems on their roof to optimize their energy costs.

60. Pacific Nylon Plastics Australia

Country: O’Connor, Australia Solar PV: Canadian Solar Size: 20 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$10 700

Pacific Nylon Plastics Australia used the redevelopment of their buildings to make their operations greener with the installation of 80 solar pv panels

61. Sheridan’s

Country: West Perth, Australia Solar PV: Daqo Size: 15 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$6 100

Sheridan’s installed with their installation partner Infinity Energy 60 solar panels on their roof and one fronius solar inverter.

62. Signs & Lines

Country: Midvale, Australia Solar PV: Q Cells Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$13 500

Cost control was a major reason for Sign & Lines to choose for a roof mounted solar energy system.

63. Slumbercorp

Country: Welshpool, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$16 100

64. WA Glasskote

Country: Landsdale, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$10 200

WA Glasskote generates 12% of its energy consumption with their solar energy system.

Country: Malaga, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 200 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$82 854

Dobbie wanted to reduce their impact on the environment and their energy costs.

Country: Belmont, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 30 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$15 100

Pindan, a construction company, generates 7% of their energy usage with solar panels.

67. Wallis Drilling

Country: Midvale, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 67 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$28 900

Wallis Drilling wanted to reduce their costs and make their operations more sustainable. They choose for a roof mounted solar energy system with four Fronius solar inverters. Their solar energy electricity consumption represents 47% of their total energy consumption.

68. Geostats

Country: O’Connor, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 20 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$6 600

Geostats wanted to make their operations more environmentally friendly and optimize their energy costs.

69. Eilbeck Cranes

Country: Bassendean, Australia Solar PV: Canadian Solar Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$15 800

Eilbeck Cranes installed 156 Canadian Solar on their roof connected to two Fronius inverters monitored with Fronius Remote Monitoring Solution.

70. Arbortech

Country: Malaga, Australia Solar PV: Poly Solar Panels Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$13 000

Arbortech wanted to reduce its dependency on the utility prices by switching to rooftop solar.

71. Australian Safety Engineers

Country: Canning Vale, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$22 100

Australian Safety Engineers wanted to decrease their utility bill. They opted for a rooftop solar energy system.

72. Stylewoods

Country: Kewdale, Australia Solar PV: Winaico Solar Panels Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$31 500

Stylewoods wanted to reduce their energy bill to free up more working capital for their operations.

73. Plas-Pak

Country: Malaga, Australia Solar PV: Winaico Solar Panels Size: 100 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$31 500

Plas-Pak wanted to maintain competitive prices for their clients and to make their company more environmentally friendly.

74. John Papas Trailers

Country: Welshpool, Australia Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$13 300

John Papas Trailers reduced their dependence on grid electricity through the decision for a solar energy system.

75. Quality Blast and Paint

Country: Welshpool, Australia Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$12 550

Quality Blast and Paint wanted to become more competitive through the adoption of solar energy.

76. Pelagic Marine Services

Country: Freemantle, Australia Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 40 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$15 530

Pelagic Marine Services wanted to make their business more sustainable and more cost efficient and choose for a solar energy system installed by Infinity Energy.

77. Twenty Two Services

Country: Neerabup, Australia Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 13 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$4 200

Twenty Two Services wanted to reduce their yearly CO2 emissions and their utility bills. Infinity Energy helped them install solar energy system containing 38 solar panels and one Fronius inverter.

78. Yolo County

Country: California, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 6.8 mW Estimated savings over 30 years: $60 million

Yolo county wanted to reduce their energy bill and supply their residents with green energy.

79. AC Transit District

Country: California, United States Installer: Sunpower Size: 177 kW Estimated savings over 25 years: $5 million

ACT Transit District is is Sunpower helped AC Transit District with the installation of two solar energy projects.

80. US Airforce Academy

Country: Colorado Springs, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 6 mW Estimated savings annual savings: $500 000

81. Department of Mines and Petroleum

Country: Carlisle, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: Winaico Inverter: SMA Size: 40 kW Year 1 Return on Investment: 31% 10 Year Net Present Value: $69 200 Annual Savings: $15 400

Infinite Energy installed 153 solar panels on the roof of the Department of Mines and Petroleum. The projected return is 2.8 years.

82. Sacred Hearts Academy

Country: Hawaii, United States Installer: Hawaiian Energy Systems Solar PV: Centrosolar America Solar Inverter: Enphase Size: 243 kW Cost Reduction: 33% annually

Sacred Hearts Academy is a private school in Honolulu, Hawaii. Hawaiian Energy Systems inc. and Centrosolar America installed 1023 panels on three different sun orientations and was completed in 2013.

83. Ina Levine Jewish Community Center

Country: Arizona, United States Installer: Green Choice Solar Solar PV: Centrosolar America Size: 1.3 MW Cost reduction: $6.8 million lifetime system

The Ina Levine Jewish Community Center delivers services to the Scottsdale community. Green Choice Solar installed 5685 solar panels on two locations. One part of the panels was installed on the roof and the majority was installed on 400 carports.

84. Fire station Gifhorn

Country: Germany Installer: Elektro Ohlhoff Solar PV: Yingli Solar Inverter: Kaco Powador Size: 60.86 kWp Cost Reduction: €25900

The roofs of the fire station in Gifhorn presented a perfect solar energy investment opportunity. It was an easy decision for the local government of Gifhorn.

85. University of Colorado

Country: Boulder, Colorado, United States Installer: Eco Depot USA / Solarado Energy Inverter: SatCon Technology Corporation Size: 100 kW Average Annual Savings: $21 750 Return on investment: 7.9%

In septembre 2009 the University of Colorado installed solar panels on a solar carport. This project was part of a LEED Platinum certificate process for which the University applied. The LEED platinum status is the highest green building status that can be achieved in the LEED program.

86. Rotary Residential College

Country: Kensington, Australia Installer: Infinite Energy Solar PV: REC Solar Inverter: SMA Size: 40 kW Year 1 return on investment: 33% 10 year Net Present Value: $69 000 Annual Savings: $20 400

Rotary Residential College is a high-school with a lodging service to their students. Infinite Energy helped the Rotary Residential College with the installation of 153 REC solar panels on their roof.

87. Solar Carport Santa Cruz

Country: Santa Cruz, California, United States Installer: Swenson Solar Size: 386 kW Annual Savings: $73 000

The city of Santa Cruz choose Swenson Solar to build two solar carports with 834 and 936 solar panels installed on them.

88. Hurstpierpoint College

Country: Hurstpierpoint, United Kingdom Installer: Enviko Solar PV: Conergy Inverter: SMA Size: 53.75 kW Yearly Income and Savings: £10 151

Hurstpierpoint is a college home to more than 1000 students. The college wanted to reduce their energy bill and demonstrate their green credentials. The solar panels are installed on three different roofs. Because of the feed-in-tariff the cost of the installation will be recovered in 6 years.

89. San Ramon Valley Unified School District

Country: Danville, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 3.3 mW Estimated savings over 25 years: $24.4 million

The San Ramon Valley Unified School District was confronted with the reduction of their budgets and growing energy bills. Getting solar energy was their solution.

90. University of California Merced

Country: Merced, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 1.1 mW Estimated savings over 20 years: $5 million

The university wanted to reach their sustainable goals and with no upfront cost the adopted solar energy through a power purchase agreement.

91. Stonehill College

Country: Easton, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 2.8 mW Estimated savings over 20 years: $1.8 million

The Stonehill College started the Stonehill Goes Green campaign to reduce their gas emmission with 20% by 2020. That is why they switched to solar energy paid through a power purchase agreement.

92. Inland Empire Utilities Agency

Country: San Bernardino County, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 3.5 mW Estimated savings over 20 years: $3 million

The Inland Empire Utilities Agency has the objective to be 100% powered by renewable energy by 2020.

93. Phelan Piñon Hills Community Services District

Country: San Bernardino County, United States Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 1.5 mW Estimated savings over 30 years: $13 million

The Phelan Piñon Hills Community Services District was confrented with fast growing electricity prices and lowered their cost with solar energy.

94. Bundaberg Christian College

Country: Bundaberg, Australia Solar PV: Hanwha Q Cells Size: 193.98 kWp Estimated annual savings: AUD$100 000

The Bundaberg Christian College has opted for a solar energy system with battery backup, the largest system of its kind at an Australian school.

95. Cathedral College

Country: Rockhampton, Australia Solar PV: Q Cells Size: 85 kWp Payback period of six years

Because of it strong commitment to sustainability, Cathedral College opted for solar energy.

96. Emerald Marist College

Country: Central Highlands, Australia Solar PV: Q Cells Size: 100 kWp Estimated annual savings: AUD$40 000

Due to high air conditioning usage and electricity bills during the summer months, Emerald Marist College, choose to install a solar energy system on its roof.

97. Pleasanton Unified School District

Country: Paso Robles, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 1 mW Estimated saving over 25 years: $2.2 million

The Pleasanton Unified School District made the switch to solar energy through a power purchase agreement. The solar panels were placed on solar carports.

98. Roseville Joint Union High School District

Country: Paso Robles, United States Solar PV: REC Solar Size: 1.02 mW Estimated saving over 25 years: $8 million

The Roseville Joint Union High School District installed solar panels over their parking structures.

99. St Catherine’s College

Country: Crawley, Australia Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 200 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$84 000

100. City of Perth – Depot

Country: Perth, Australia Solar PV: Sunpower Size: 39 kW Estimated annual savings: AUD$16 100

The city of Perth wanted to make their depot more sustainable and more cost efficient. 

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