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Why Students Struggle With Essay Writing

Published by Alaxendra Bets at August 19th, 2021 , Revised On August 23, 2023

Writing comes naturally for some of us. Students with good essay writing skills have words flow into  sentences , sentences,  paragraphs , and paragraphs into an essay  or  dissertation . However, for many students, writing is tedious work they want to avoid.

If you are struggling with  essay  or  dissertation writing , rest assured you are not the only student facing this problem. But it’s important to understand the reasons for your essay, coursework, exams, or dissertation writing failures to put your academic life back on track.

Here, we discuss and attempt to figure out the causes as to why are so many students struggling with essay writing.

In the unfortunate event that you have already failed coursework, dissertation, essay, or exam, we have compiled comprehensive guidelines  on what you could do to improve your situation.

Reasons Why Students Struggle with Essay Writing

Before we shed light on the obscure causes of students finding it hard to deal with essay and  coursework writing , let us look into the more apparent causes. Research studies have confirmed that writing and reading are reciprocal processes. Apart from providing professional writing guidelines to students, we also provide professional writing services , i.e. essay services , coursework writing services and dissertation writing services .

If you read regularly enough, your writing will improve by leaps and bounds. Likewise, your writing improves your reading significantly. Many students apprehend the importance of this relationship as they read complicated transcripts and texts to improve their writing abilities.

But not all students can comprehend this relationship between reading and writing, and eventually, writing becomes a continuous struggle for them. Debbie Lee, in her article published on Educator Community (2017), states that;

“To write, we use many parts of our brain at the same time as well as the kinesthetic process of writing. For many students, especially those with language or fine motor skill delays, the task of writing is challenging.”

Poor Mechanical & Content Skills

In the same article, Debbie argued that students with poor processing and poor content and mechanical skills often struggle with essay writing. The most notable processing skills that many students would often lack include fluent development of ideas, language formulation and ideation, and active working memory.

Content and mechanical skills that are essential for any student to be good at writing are as follows;

  • Expressing ideas
  • Organising ideas
  • Punctuation
  • Capitalisation
  • Basic Spelling & Vocabulary
  • Automatic Letter Formation
  • Clarity of Expression
  • Use of appropriate grammar in essay
  • Different styles of essay writing
  • Flexibility in the writing process
  • Understanding the viewpoint from the text in books
  • Lack of enthusiasm and passion

Want to know what essay structure and style will work best for your assignment?

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When you consider all of the above underlying skills that students should master to become proficient writers, you can understand how frustrating it can be. Perhaps, it also explains why most students prefer not to write their papers and  get experienced writers to write .

No Right Answers When You Are Inexperienced

Unable to find what the right answer to a particular  problem question is? Many students end up scratching their heads around the basic question they must answer as part of their essay  or  dissertation  assignment.

While every other skill student learns the right way to do it, it can be hard to figure out the correct way to write an essay  because most of us approach writing naturally and emotionally.

But let it be clearly stated here that the right or correct way of writing an essay does exist if your supervisor or tutor is not teaching the  essay writing structures for different types of essays , dissertations, and research papers, you are not getting the help you deserve, and the confidence needed to jump into an assignment writing task.

To produce a high-quality essay paper, you need to learn to be good at brainstorming, writing the essay outline, and developing the rough draft and the final copy because that is how you will improve your writing skills.

ResearchProspect provides the tools, and they help students need to have their essays written to the highest possible academic standard.

Fear of Failure

Have so many questions in mind before writing even a word of your assignment? What is the  question I need to address ? What is the objective of this assignment? Which academic sources should I use as reference material? What should be the structure of the essay ? What abilities and skills will I be graded on? What writing style must I follow?

These questions and many more could swarm around in your mind. Don’t worry, Don’t Panic. Don’t Be Overwhelmed! It’s normal to have so many questions. It’s completely normal to fear failure, especially if you haven’t had much writing experience in your previous academic years.

If you haven’t been taught about the writing and structuring processes (yes, a range of writing structures and styles exist), it can be pretty hard to get going. The fear of failure will stay with students if they do not provide help on creative writing rules and the  different types of essay writing structures .

For example, this is an article on how you structure a dissertation paper.

Also read: Sociology Essay Writing Service .

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Helping Students Who Struggle with Essay Writing

The world we are living in is changing rapidly. With texts, tweets, posts, snaps, and Insta around us, it’s no wonder students don’t want to get in struggle with writing. This is particularly frustrating for teachers and students alike, as students scrap to express their thoughts and views clearly in the traditional fashion their schools expect them to.

But the world of academia has remained pretty much unchanged over centuries, with universities expecting students to become good researchers and capable writers . We will never replace essays , assignments, research , dissertation , and analysis with tweets, Instagram posts, and Facebook stories in universities.

Your teachers will not be delighted with you if you eagerly indulge in social media postings but struggle with basic essay writing tasks. A study conducted by ResearchProspect concluded that as many as 3 of every 5 students lack proficiency in writing – a number that cannot be ignored.

Our Essay Writers

ResearchProspect writers  know the writing rules and are proficient in all types of writing structures and styles.

Our essay writers understand that essays aren’t going anywhere, and so they have mastered the art of presenting their expression, arguments, and analysis through their writing. They love sentence diagrams and grammar drills because it is their job to do so.

Contact us via telecom, email, or mail to discuss anything regarding your essay. Our staff is always there to help!

Have a last-minute essay to finish? Don’t panic! Please fill out  our online order form  and get your essay paper delivered to your email address promptly. Any subject, any deadline, any complexity – we promise 100% plagiarism free and 100% confidential service.

The essay writing tips in this blog post aim to help readers establish why they struggle to write a first-class essay or dissertation paper that meets academic expectations. The post directly aims to help students experiencing writing difficulties in achieving the grade they desire despite their writing limitations.

View some  essay writing samples  here!

Learn  how to write an essay with a bang!

Helping Students Succeed Since 2011!

ResearchProspect is the UK registered essay writing website helping students across the globe since 2011. Our writers hold master’s to Ph.D. degrees from reputed educational institutes. No matter how urgent or complex your requirements are, our services have helped thousands of students over the years at a time when they needed them the most. So stop struggling with essay writing and get essay writing help from our professional essay writers . View our essay services here  or view our  full range of services here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many students struggle with essay writing.

Many students face challenges with essay writing due to various factors such as lack of effective strategies, time management issues, language barriers, and unfamiliarity with academic conventions. Support and guidance can help mitigate these struggles.

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Why is it so hard to write an essay?

Table of Contents

Writing requires focus

Ideas don’t come quickly, many students don’t outline, writing requires practice, writing requires diligence, writing requires courage, lack of confidence and fear of failure, related posts:.

Josh Bernoff

Why is writing sometimes so hard, and other times so easy?

was it essay or difficult why

Writing can be a joy or a chore. I thought of this as I saw this tweet from Raul Pacheco-Vega:

“I’ve noticed something really funny: I struggle with putting words into paper, up until I reach a point where BOOM, the words just start pouring from my finger tips. Does this happen to you too?”

Every writer has experienced this. It may be mysterious to you, but it makes sense to me.

There are two main reasons why writing doesn’t flow: content deficiencies and environmental challenges. And then there’s a third reason, which is more fundamental.

You can’t write if you don’t know what you want to say

Imagine that I gave you the task of writing an article on artificial intelligence and how important it will be for the future. (Unless you’re an AI expert, in which case, for this thought experiment, imagine that you have to write an article about competitive women’s tennis.)

OK. Sit down at a keyboard. Start writing. Right now, come on, you can do it.

What? You’re drawing a blank? Of course you are. Because you don’t know what you want to say yet.

You can’t write without an idea. Your idea might be “There are too many technical challenges for AI to succeed yet.” Or it might be “AI needs training data, and that data is just becoming available.” Or it might be “AI will be the death of the world as we know it.”

But you can’t even decide on that idea until you do some research. Talk to some people. Read some papers and articles. Develop an idea, not just of what you want to say, but of all the steps in your argument.

You may think you have writer’s block , but you don’t. Your problem is ignorance.

Of course, you may have researched the heck out of this topic and still be unable to write. You need a lede . You need a hook for the piece. You need a theme. You need a throughline — a track for the article to follow. If you don’t have these things yet, perhaps you should talk to a developmental editor about your idea and work them out.

if you’re not ready to write the article, write a fat outline instead. A fat outline is just a dump of the concepts and ingredients of your article, without worrying about formats or writing style. It’s easy and low-stress, since you’re just moving bits and pieces around. If you have content, writing a fat outline should be easy.

Then, once the fat outline is written and you know where you’re going, you can start writing the actual piece.

Still stuck? Perhaps your problems are environmental, rather than content-related.

You can’t write if you’re not in the right frame of mind

If you have a roadmap and you still can’t write, your problem may be in your head. If you feel like a worthless loser and every time you start typing you erase what you wrote and kick yourself, this may be the problem.

To enter a “ flow ” state, where, as Raul describes, the words just start pouring out, here are some things to do.

  • Find a spot where you feel comfortable and won’t be interrupted.
  • Set aside at least a couple of hours to write.
  • Eliminate distractions like Facebook and your buzzing phone.
  • Ensure that you have the right blood-sugar level. It’s best to write when you’re not hungry, but not right after a big meal. Plan your food intake so your brain has sufficient energy. (I’m not a coffee drinker, but if you are, you probably also have to get the right level of caffeination, so you’re neither sleepy nor bouncing off the walls.)

Now, write.

If the words still don’t flow. Don’t worry about it. Just write crap.

Yeah. Don’t worry about about quality. Just get words down on the page. If you do this, you’ll get going, and it will get better as you go along.

Or, you may end up with a shitty first draft . That’s way better than nothing.

And when you go to rewrite it, having chewed through all the content once, you’ll find it far easier to get into a flow state for the rewrite.

Of course, it’s always possible that you just suck as a writer. But probably not. If, like Raul, you have experienced a flow state in writing before, you will be able to attain it again. If you have written good things, you can write more.

Just make sure you have assembled your content, your idea is strong, and your brain and body are ready.

One more thing.

Writers write.

I write every day. When do you write?

You can’t get good at golf without playing a lot. You can’t get good at the violin without practice. What makes you think you can sit down and write great stuff without practicing?

Words go together better in some ways than others. You, in particular, will find that you are better at some ways of writing than others. The only way to find that out is to do it.

If you don’t write much and your words don’t just flow when you do, your problem may not be talent. It may be commitment.

Blog. Write on 750 words . Keep a journal. But whatever you do, find times to write. Do it on a schedule. It will pay off in the long run.

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“Of course, it’s always possible that you just suck as a writer. ” Well, that pretty much nails every insecurity, doesn’t it? I’m grateful you followed up with the positive (and realistic) messages those insecurities often block.

That’s in there for a reason. Because a lot of people are thinking it. I don’t want to coddle people, I want to help them.

I appreciate your suggestions, Josh. I have written a business blog post nearly every Thursday since late 2013. When thinking about some of my past stumbles I can see that I was missing some of those steps. Thanks for the insights!

I experience writer’s block when I don’t know what to say, I think I have to write in logical order, or I think I need to use complete sentences or polished word choice in my early drafts. Here are solutions that have worked for me.

My strongest way to break through “writer’s block”: Go into a room where I can be by myself, and I start talking aloud about the subject. I describe the subject as if my best friend was listening with great interest because he wants to learn as much as possible about this subject, and I’m enthralling him with my brain-dump of information, even if it is simply a bunch of “I wonder if…” statements. Standing on my feet and pacing around can also aid in this process. After I talk for a few minutes I typically discover some words I can type as a possible middle-of-the-article sentence. Even if I stumble over the choice of spoken words, this gets the language flowing smoothly enough to kickstart the writing. (I learned this technique from a personal development instructor whose name I have forgotten. )

When I’m writing the early drafts of a composition, I also give myself permission to write just a word or two or phrases, in any order they choose to appear. My mother taught me that technique. I also tell myself, “The words can be boring as heck, it can be just a bunch of bullet points or phrases, incomplete sentences are fine. It doesn’t have to be brilliant, it just needs to be typed on the screen, and I’ll punch it up later. ”

To avoid writer’s block, I also keep a written/typed idea file. I write/type ideas as soon as they appear. I have an app on my smartphone so I can also store these flashes of themes on-the-go. My brain is prolific on some days, and I capture that flow of ideas to help me through the dry spells.

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Here’s why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket

University of Michigan Presidential Debate Expert Aaron Kall calls President Joe Biden’s uneven debate performance on Thursday night “probably the worst performance of a candidate, certainly an incumbent candidate, ever.”


President Joe Biden speaks at a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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President Joe Biden visits a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden speaks during a presidential debate with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden speak at a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden greets supporters at a Waffle House in Marietta, Ga., Friday, June 28, 2024, following a presidential debate in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s halting debate performance has led some in his own party to begin questioning whether he should be replaced on the ballot before November.

The latest on the Biden-Trump debate

  • The debate was a critical moment in Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s presidential rematch to make their cases before a national television audience.
  • Take a look at the facts around false and misleading claims frequently made by the two candidates.
  • Both candidates wasted no time sparring over policy during their 90-minute faceoff. These are the takeaways .

There is no evidence Biden is willing to end his campaign. And it would be nearly impossible for Democrats to replace him unless he chooses to step aside.

Here’s why:

Delegates Biden won in the primaries are pledged to support him

Every state has already held its presidential primary. Democratic rules say that the delegates Biden won should support him at the party’s upcoming national convention unless he tells them he’s leaving the race.

The president indicated that he had no plans to do that, telling supporters in Atlanta shortly after he left the debate stage, “Let’s keep going.” Biden campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt was even clearer, saying Friday: “Of course he’s not dropping out.”

The conventions and their rules are controlled by the political parties. The Democratic National Committee could convene before the convention opens on Aug. 19 and change how things will work, but that isn’t likely as long as Biden wants to continue seeking reelection.

The current rules read: “Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”


VP Kamala Harris couldn’t automatically replace Biden

The vice president is Biden’s running mate, but that doesn’t mean she can swap in for him at the top of the ticket by default. Biden also can’t decree that she replace him should he suddenly decide to leave the race.

The Democratic National Convention is being held in Chicago, but the party has announced that it will hold a virtual roll call to formally nominate Biden before in-person proceedings begin. The exact date for the roll call has not yet been set.

If Biden opts to abandon his reelection campaign, Harris would likely join other top Democratic candidates looking to replace him. But that would probably create a scenario where she and others end up lobbying individual state delegations at the convention for their support.

That hasn’t happened for Democrats since 1960, when John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson jockeyed for votes during that year’s Democratic convention in Los Angeles.

Other potential Democratic candidates would also face challenges

In addition to the vice president, others that had endorsed Biden in 2024 while harboring their own presidential aspirations for future cycles include California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker and California Rep. Ro Khanna.

Still others who Biden bested during the party’s 2020 presidential primary could also try again, including Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, as well as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

If Biden were to abruptly leave the race, conservative groups have suggested they will file lawsuits around the country, potentially questioning the legality of the Democratic candidate’s name on the ballot.

But Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution in Washington, who wrote a book about the presidential nominating process and is also a member of the Democratic National Committee’s rulemaking arm, said that courts have consistently stayed out of political primaries as long as parties running them weren’t doing anything that would contradict other constitutional rights, such as voter suppression based on race.

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Democracy: American democracy has overcome big stress tests since 2020. More challenges lie ahead in 2024.
  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.
  • Read the latest: Follow AP’s complete coverage of this year’s election.

“This is very clear constitutionally that this is in the party’s purview,” Kamarck said in an interview before the debate. “The business of nominating someone to represent a political party is the business of the political party.”


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Why is writing a college application essay so difficult?

was it essay or difficult why

Danielle Huizar

The college application essay is an extremely difficult part of the college application process. Alexandra Herrada (11) is helping her friends refine their essays.

Danielle Huizar , Editor October 8, 2021

For the majority of seniors, these next few months will be focused on the college application process. From asking teachers for letters of recommendation to describing extracurriculars they are involved in, there is a multitude of information that is needed to successfully fill out a college application. With the variety of different prompts, the limited word count, the pivotal topics covered, and the increasing importance of the essay, the college application essay is arguably the most difficult and strenuous part of the college application process.

At Yorba Linda High School, the two main websites students are using to apply to college are the Common App and the University of California (UC) Application. The Common App has a 650-word personal statement essay that is required by most schools that use the Common App. Some of the prompts include sharing a meaningful “background, identity, interest, or talent,” reflecting on a challenge that shaped your life, discussing an accomplishment that “sparked a period of personal growth,” etc (apply.commonapp.org). In addition, some schools in the Common App have other supplemental essays that could be difficult to interpret. For instance, the University of Chicago has some of the most interesting application questions, such as “What is so easy about pie?,” “What is so odd about odd numbers?,” and a variety of different questions that have to do with random topics (collegeadmissions.uchicago.edu). The UC Application has four 250-350 essays, and students can choose four prompts from the seven prompts that are given, which main topics are leadership, creativity, talents, educational opportunities and barriers, challenges in life, how an academic subject inspired you, ways you have had a positive impact to your community, and reasons your a strong candidate for the UC system (apply.universityofcalifornia.edu). 

I am having difficulty figuring out which prompt I want to use

— Lexi Broadwater (12)

Both of these applications have many prompts a student can choose from which could definitely overwhelm a student. With many different prompts, students could potentially have difficulties figuring out which prompt would make them the best possible applicant for whichever school they want to get into. In addition, it might be difficult to interpret some prompts or come up with creative and interesting responses to make them stand out to the admissions officers. Lexi Broadwater (12) says that she is “having a difficulty figuring out which prompt [she] wants to use.”

In addition, the limited word count poses many problems. While discussing many meaningful and sometimes traumatic events in your essay, it could be hard to be under the word limit. For example, a popular topic that shows up in many college application essays is “personal growth” (princetonreview.com). In a personal growth essay, most of the time you have to talk about an important event that caused personal growth and explain the change in your mindset after that event.  Therefore, in this type of essay, there are around two parts of the essay which need to be thoroughly explained which could be hard in a 650 or 350 word limit on these essays.

Admission officers look for an “ideal student body” while choosing which people are accepted to the school, and admissions officers do not get to see who you actually are from your GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, and other things in your application (essayedge.com). The essay gives admission officers personal insight into your personality, your motivations, and your life which could help admission officers see how you would fit into the school. Also, after the pandemic, many universities decided to not use SAT and ACT scores, and especially for top schools, test scores were an integral part of the admission process, so without them, other parts of your application, like your application essay, become much more important which put more pressure on students to get it perfect.

The college admissions process is very difficult and sometimes overwhelming, and the essay is one of the most pivotal parts of the process. As seniors begin to or start to refine their essays, they should remember that this is a difficult process and should not be too hard on themselves. If you need extra help, the Yorba Linda High School counselors can definitely help you, and the PTSA holds a variety of different events to help write the essay. As a senior also going, and struggling, through this process, I wish everyone good luck, and I hope for the best for everyone’s application and admission processes.

Photo of Danielle Huizar

Danielle Huizar is a senior at Yorba Linda High School. At school, she is involved in Cross Country, Track and Field, Link Crew, Newspaper, and Self Care...

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Dr. P. • Apr 27, 2023 at 4:15 AM

Writing the UC or Common App essays IS hard, but with a great coach, it can be easiER. As a Harvard grad, former full-time teacher, and current Head Coach of Crimson Coaching, I help students through this process so that it even becomes meaningful for them.

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Guest Essay

Why Doctors Aren’t Going Into Pediatrics

An illustration of a child in a bedroom surrounded by toys. The child is using a stethoscope on a teddy bear.

By Aaron E. Carroll

Dr. Carroll is a pediatrician and the president of AcademyHealth and writes often on health policy.

I haven’t actively practiced pediatrics for a few years, but one of my favorite things to do is to be an on-call physician for friends’ and colleagues’ kids. While most of their issues I can address over the phone, some need a recommendation for a pediatrician for in-person care. In the last few years, though, making such connections has been frustrating. Many pediatricians that I recommend can’t take on new patients.

There aren’t enough pediatricians right now, and because of that, some kids are unable to get the care they need. In Nevada, children can wait weeks or months for an appointment. In New Jersey, children who need a developmental pediatrician wait a minimum of three months . In Philadelphia , kids can wait three to six months for a pulmonologist and four months to see an allergist, and many can’t see a developmental pediatrician at all.

Things could get even worse: Fewer graduates from U.S. medical schools want to be pediatricians than we’ve seen in decades .

The results of this year’s medical residency match — a process where medical students are paired with residency programs in U.S. hospitals — were startling. More than 50,000 medical school graduates sought residency training in the 2024 match, an increase of almost 5 percent from the previous year. But the number of students applying to pediatric programs dropped more than 6 percent.

Approximately 30 percent of pediatric training programs failed to fill their available residency slots, leaving 252 positions vacant — a notable increase from just 88 vacant spots last year. This isn’t a minor hiccup; it’s a warning for the future of pediatric care in the United States.

Nurse practitioners and physician assistants could help fill the gap in pediatric primary care. But they cannot easily do so for subspecialty care, such as pediatric gastroenterologists, cardiologists and pulmonologists. “What’s been uniformly concerning for 20 years has been the waning interest in pediatrics subspecialties as the need has grown,” Dr. Atul Grover, the executive director of the Association of American Medical College’s Research and Action Institute, told me. Because we’ve gotten better at treating many childhood illnesses, the number of children with complex diseases that require ongoing care into adulthood will probably increase.

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When it comes to power, solar could leave nuclear and everything else in the shade

Analysis When it comes to power, solar could leave nuclear and everything else in the shade

Arrays of solar panels on a rural property.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton might have been hoping for an endorsement from economists for his plan to take Australian nuclear .

He shouldn't expect one from The Economist .

The Economist is a British weekly news magazine that has reported on economic thinking and served as a place for economists to exchange views since 1843.

By chance, just three days after Dutton announced plans for seven nuclear reactors he said would usher in a new era of economic prosperity for Australia, The Economist produced a special issue, titled Dawn of the Solar Age .

The front cover of The Economist magazine featuring a solar panel and the headline, 'Dawn of the solar age'

Whereas nuclear power is barely growing, and is shrinking as a proportion of global power output, The Economist reported solar power was growing so quickly it was set to become the biggest source of electricity on the planet by the mid-2030s.

By the 2040s — within this next generation — it could be the world's largest source of energy of any kind, overtaking fossil fuels like coal and oil.

Solar's off-the-charts global growth

Installed solar capacity is doubling every three years, meaning it has grown tenfold in the past 10 years. The Economist says the next tenfold increase will be the equivalent of multiplying the world's entire fleet of nuclear reactors by eight, in less time than it usually takes to build one of them.

To give an idea of the standing start the industry has grown from, The Economist reports that in 2004 it took the world an entire year to install 1 gigawatt of solar capacity (about enough to power a small city). This year, that's expected to happen every day.

Energy experts didn't see it coming. The Economist includes a chart showing that every single forecast the International Energy Agency has made for the growth of solar since 2009 has been wrong. What the agency said would take 20 years happened in only six.

The forecasts closest to the mark were made by Greenpeace — "environmentalists poo-pooed for zealotry and economic illiteracy" — but even those forecasts turned out to be woefully short of what actually happened.

A graph showing that actual installations have been more than 3 x higher than IEA forecasts

And the cost of solar cells has been plunging in the way that costs usually do when emerging technologies become mainstream.

The Economist describes the process this way:

"As the cumulative production of a manufactured good increases, costs go down. As costs go down, demand goes up. As demand goes up, production increases — and costs go down further."

Normally, this can't continue. In earlier energy transitions — from wood to coal, coal to oil, and oil to gas — it became increasingly expensive to find fuel.

But the main ingredient in solar cells (apart from energy) is sand, for the silicon and the glass. This is not only the case in China, which makes the bulk of the world's solar cells, but also in India, which is short of power, blessed by sun and sand, and which is manufacturing and installing solar cells at a prodigious rate .

Solar easy, batteries more difficult

Batteries are more difficult. They are needed to make solar useful after dark and they require so-called critical minerals such as lithium, nickel and cobalt (which Australia has in abundance).

But the efficiency of batteries is soaring and the price is plummeting, meaning that on one estimate the cost of a kilowatt-hour of battery storage has fallen by 99 per cent over the past 30 years.

In the United States, plans are being drawn up to use batteries to transport solar energy as well as store it. Why build high-voltage transmission cables when you can use train carriages full of batteries to move power from the remote sunny places that collect it to the cities that need it?

Solar's step change

The International Energy Agency is suddenly optimistic. Its latest assessment, released in January, says last year saw a " step change " in renewable power, driven by China's adoption of solar. In 2023, China installed as much solar capacity as the entire world did in 2022.

The world is on track to install more renewable capacity over the next five years than has ever been installed over the past 100 years, something the agency says still won't be enough to get to net-zero emissions by 2050.

That would need renewables capacity to triple over the next five years, instead of more than doubling .

Oxford University energy specialist Rupert Way has modelled a " fast transition " scenario, in which the costs of solar and other new technologies keep falling as they have been rather than as the International Energy Agency expects.

He finds that by 2060, solar will be by far the world's biggest source of energy, exceeding wind and green hydrogen and leaving nuclear with an infinitesimally tiny role .

In Australia, solar is pushing down prices

Australia's energy market operator says record generation from grid-scale renewables and rooftop solar is pushing down wholesale electricity prices.

South Australia and Tasmania are the states that rely on renewables the most . They are the two states with the lowest wholesale electricity prices outside Victoria, whose prices are very low because of its reliance on brown coal.

It is price — rather than the environment — that most interests The Economist. It says when the price of something gets low, people use much, much more of it .

As energy gets really copious and all but free, it will be used for things we can't even imagine today. The Economist said to bet against that was to bet against capitalism.

Peter Martin is visiting fellow at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University. This article originally appeared on The Conversation .

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Why Is It So Hard for Me to Write an Essay? Here Is How to Beat It

Last Modified: January 13, 2023 by Sylvia Silverstone | This post may contain affiliate links for products we love and suggest. The views expressed in the article are solely the author's opinions.

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Do you ever wonder "why is it so hard for me to write an essay"? As a student, you will get countless academic assignments that pose a challenge. First, you must understand the factors affecting your essay writing. Here are a few. Give them a read and get rid of them to nail your essays.

Why Is It So Hard for Me to Write an Essay

1. Waiting too long to start

One of the most prevalent issues with essay writing is that students either say that "I can't write essays" before they even begin and the fact that they wait for too long. Due to prolonging the time, students tend to push essays way near the deadline.

What happens next? They don't have enough time left. This situation can be turned around if you understand two points. First of all, you must check the benefits of essay writing. So, in this way, if you have to write an essay in 1 hour , you will be totally up for it. This activity will greatly benefit you in the future.

Secondly, know that the more you delay a certain writing process, the more sluggish you will get. Your motivation level will go down; thus, not only will you lose time, but this will also have a huge impact on the quality of your content.

Here are some tips that will help you overcome this issue:

  • Think of this assignment as a general one. The more pressure you will feel, the more effective it will have.
  • Try to develop an outline. Going stepwise will build your confidence.
  • Make sure that you do it in your study time. Always write when your energy level is high; otherwise, your content will not turn out as planned.

2. Ideas don't come quickly

Brainstorming ideas can be really difficult, especially if one must come up with ideas on a whim. It creates a situation where even starting an essay can become monumental. So much focus is required to develop good ideas, narrow them down and choose the best one that supports the essay. From there, organize those ideas into the right order to make sense.

All of this takes up much time and makes it harder for people who are really struggling to write an essay. Those who write regularly are used to these processes and are better at tackling them, but this can become highly demoralizing to those who have little or no practice. They might give up before even getting properly started on an essay.

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3. Disorganized essay structure

Before starting an essay, students should make an outline for the essay. This gives them a basic structure and format for the essay, making it easier to write. However, this is the mistake many people make as they skip this step to start the essay. Thus, resulting in a disorganized, cluttered mess.

Having no organized structure can make it harder to form ideas and properly translate them into the essay. Writing an outline beforehand gives the writer a pathway they can follow. They can streamline their ideas, organize them properly and finally start the essay with a clear goal in mind. Therefore, outlining headings is very important for people struggling to write essays.

4. Rushing the process

Another common trait among people who struggle with writing essays is that they rush through the whole process. The process, as previously stated, includes making an outline, rough drafts, and formatting the essay. If these steps are rushed through or skipped, then the quality of the paper will be diminished.

People skip these because they are short on time or simply lazy and don't want to complete them. You must know that each step is important; therefore, all of them should be given equal importance to formulate quality content.

You can even make the effort of writing different sections on different days. It will keep you focused, and you will deliver an essay worth getting a higher grade.

5. Students don't like to edit

Editing is the last part of writing an essay. It means going through the essay, fixing mistakes, and even completely changing parts of the content. Many people find essay hard to write because they give most of their energy to the writing process instead of dividing time upon each section.

No one can write perfectly the first time, so editing is always necessary. Most of the time, many mistakes are present in the final draft, which dampens the effect of a potentially good essay. Editing is also used to correct any overwriting or underwriting issues which is important to do. So, never skip it!

6. Length and word count are intimidating

If you frequently do essays, you will be familiar with the fact that meeting the word count can be very frustrating. There can be two scenarios. First, either you exceed the word limit. This will become a total headache as cutting down on words can be a serious challenge.

People who write essays time and again are aware of the process. Besides, what to include and what to strike-off are annoying processes.

The other scenario is when you don't have enough writing material, and the word count is still incomplete. It is best to develop a clear outline to overcome these issues. Then, divide the total word count by the number of heading to get an idea of how much you need to write in what area. In this way, you will always succeed in meeting the required length of an essay.

7. Reading comprehension is difficult

When a student gets asked, "why is writing so hard", the most common answer is that they find it hard to read the entire comprehension. It is important to understand that researching by reading the existing content is extremely important for writing a quality essay.

Skipping the comprehension or just carrying out readings on the surface level can put your academic content in danger. Try to practice reading to steer clear from any issues or score a lower grade. In addition, you can go through other forms of information.

For instance, if you get a political or historical essay, you can consume relevant information from videos. In this way, you will not get bored, and who knows, you might get so interested that you dive even deeper into the topic, enhancing your writing and the overall content.

Final thoughts

Essays can be extremely intimidating. Now that you are aware of the underlying issues that might be affecting your approach try to analyze if any of these are relevant to you. After this, the only thing left is to set these issues aside and start working on your essay. No more asking yourself "why is it so hard for me to write an essay"!

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Why is Essay Writing So Difficult

From my high school and college experience, writing essays was always a hustle, at least for most of the subjects.  I must admit that there were some that I was really good at, but in most cases, the highest I would score was B’s. Now come to think of it, it was not that writing an essay was very complicated, but rather the writing process was so boring that it made the whole experience unpleasant.

Having endured this situation for the better part of my first and second year in college, I finally found a solution to the question of why is essay writing so difficult?  This was the biggest breakthrough in my college life that changed my opinion on things I needed to re-evaluate into making essay writing fun.

Why is Essay Writing So Difficult

Why Are College Essay So Hard To Write

But before I let you in on the tips I learned to help with your written essays, let’s highlight the main reasons why writing assignments is so difficult.

– You are always aiming to score an A in every subject

– You are trying to draft something and use words that will impress your teacher

– You want to get your essay done within the least time limit

– You can’t help but get distracted by social media while working on your paper

So why do I think that these are the main reasons why it is difficult to write an essay? Well, social media distractions leave you with the least time to work on your essay. Thus you will be rushing to meet deadlines, and the number of words required, that you might end up missing on the main points. On the other hand, when you focus on impressing your professor or on getting the best grades, this creates too much pressure which then means that the writing process will no longer be fun.

More so, with such pressure, your subconscious will shot down, and this will limit your creativity. When you only focus on scoring an A, you will find yourself turning off some of your ideas which could end up being the best points. Thus, if you are given essay instructions where you are required to write a five-paragraph essay, you have to ensure that your paper meets these requirements. However, it is also important to include your real personality in your words expressions. Although this does not automatically guarantee high grades, you will sure have fun writing the work.

Tips to Improve Your Essay Writing

Ask for Help

This is one of the tips that helped me get through college and still manage to score good grades.  Writing good essays is every student’s target, but some subjects are too complicated to understand the concepts leave alone coming up with a piece of writing.  With tough topics, you have the option to source help from online educational platforms. With such sites, you only need to pay someone to do essay for you. Regardless of the subject, you are sure to find an expert who will correctly answer and undertake the necessary research to ensure that all the questions are properly handled.

So, how do you find someone to pay to do my essay? Well, several reliable platforms have highly qualified writers who ensure you receive perfect work with the required word count.  Before settling for a specific platform, make sure you read their reviews online.  Seeking such help also comes in handy when you have many assignments with limited deadlines.  You will have the peace of mind knowing you can trust someone to help with some of the workloads while you handle other subjects that you love.

Find Ways to Make the Writing Process Fun

Complicating and overthinking ideas makes writing so difficult. As earlier stated, making the process fun plays a crucial role in your creativity.  Thus, you will be in a better position to express yourself and give clear explanations of your key points in your academic papers.  Although this can be challenging, you can trigger your subconscious to come up with ways of making the process fun. For example, I find it fun to write when listening to music. This always works for me even when the topic is too hard.  Hence, take the time to explore some of the things that make you feel motivated to start writing assignment.

Start By Writing Five Original Sentences

Are essays so hard? If you are still feeling overwhelmed, then it is the high time to start small. Ideally, the standard three-point essay is made up of only five original sentences which are then anchored on supporting paragraphs. So what makes part of these five sentences? To begin, write the following sentences.

Thesis: This is the foundation of every essay as it highlights the main idea of the paper. It is usually the last sentences of the introduction part.

Body #1: This is the first main idea of your paper. As you write this part, make sure that the reader quickly understands your perception of the topic.

Body #2: This part should continue expounding the main point highlighted in the previous section. The section should not be too long, instead, focus on including a lot of support ideas.

Body #3 : This is the section where you include other minor points that contribute to the topic. The mistake that most people make is to put these in the first part of the essay.

As you write this section, start by reinstating the thesis statement. This way, the reader will relate your conclusion with what you had highlighted in your thesis.

Writing essays can be the toughest tasks in the world for students. The thought that you will continue writing them even after high school can be overwhelming. However, from what we have discussed above, it shows that there are many ways you can incorporate to help with assignments. Some of the key points include seeking help from professional writers, finds ways to make the writing process fun, and lastly using the five original sentences. 

About The Author

FirstRanker.com is an educational site for all the B.Tech, B.E, M.E, B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Pharm, M.Tech, M.Pharm, MBA, MCA, MBBS, BDS, MD, Degree, Nursing students.

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Today's topic is one that is very near and dear to my heart. One of the biggest obstacles I've overcome in my writing journey is my struggle with ADHD. I'm so excited to start this blog series where I'll talk in depth about different aspects of ADHD and writing, how ADHD can be the ace up your sleeve or the trap door beneath your feet in any creative endeavor but especially writing.

I was first diagnosed when I was four-years-old, which as a young girl, wasn't happening very often at the time. In fact, when I was growing up the medical world was still learning a lot about ADHD. The medications at the time were high doses of stimulants, one that had to be reformulated because it was found to actually cause Tourette's syndrome in small children. One of my earliest memories of taking ADHD medication were getting a Little Debbie cake each morning before school started. At the time, I thought I was getting a cool treat, but really it was the only way my mom knew how to give me a pill since I didn't know how to swallow them yet.

Over the years, I went through more medications than I can even list. Stimulants. Non-stimulants. Fast acting. Slow release. A combination of both.

But the thing is, I wasn't sick. The world around me was.

ADHD, as we've come to understand more about the condition, isn't a problem in and of itself. The problem comes from expecting people who are neurodivergent to operate in a neurotypical world as if they don't have executive dysfunction. ADHD can be incredibly limiting if you're trying to live up to expectations that were never meant for you in the first place. On the other hand, some of the world's most creative and critical thinkers were also neurodivergent.

Because our brains are wired to see and experience the world differently, we oftentimes are insanely good problem solvers and can think outside the box better than most. Oftentimes in social situations when it seems like we're 'zoning out' it's usually because we've anticipated the punchline to the joke a couple words in, and are already thinking of new stories for the conversation. This is a beautiful thing. And it can make you an exceptional writer, if you let it.

Our brains are like supercomputers. They work hard, fast, and have multiple tabs open... all the time.

Today, we're talking about writing Essays. Not creative fiction, but structured assignments for work or school. Although I love to write, and am always bursting with creative ideas... essay writing is one of the things I struggled with the most. Why? Why is essay writing more difficult for people with ADHD?

Well, there are a few different reasons that writing essays can be problematic for people with executive dysfunction. The first thing I think about when writing an essay is decision fatigue .

Picking a topic is truly one of the worst things about essay writing. When you get your assignment to write an essay you usually get a list of topics to choose from or EVEN WORSE your boss or teacher could be cruel enough to say write about anything . Remember those multiple tabs I talked about a few lines up? Imagine infinite tabs leading to infinite black hole google searches. Yeah, that's what my brain does when I have to pick my own topic.

Cruel, unusual punishment in 12 pt. Roman font, double-spaced, in MLA format.

I've wasted so much time on assignments over the years agonizing over topic choice. So, now what do I do to combat this, you ask? I make it fun. Either I do a topic draft, or mortal combat style determine which topic could beat the others in a back alley fight (which is super fun to imagine depending on the subject btw), flip a coin, or pull a topic from a hat. Making the decision tactile, silly, or just plain interesting keeps me from overanalyzing each option, so I never freeze up. The beauty of it is, once the topic is chosen... it's done. I can get down to the real work of creating the essay.

Here comes our next obstacle: research, resources, and structure.

If structure was a person, it'd be a person attempting to murder me with a death laser in a creepy lair. My arch nemesis... who I sometimes flirt with.

Let's be honest, people with ADHD absolutely hate structure. It's almost a universal fact. Only, we don't really. In fact, structure is really good for us. What we really hate is that we're bad at implementing structure into our own lives. When it's forced on us, like regular work or school hours, we thrive. Our bodies get into a routine and then our brains know what to expect too. But implementing it ourselves can be really difficult. Why wouldn't it? We're constantly thinking about how to break the rules.

Don't lie. You're constantly thinking about how to break the rules.

When researching the topic, it's easy to start straying into other areas of research. Why? Well, because it's how we're programmed. We wander and consume knowledge, constantly trying to see a problem or topic from all angles. This isn't good for staying on task when researching something specific, but it's part of what makes us great problem-solvers and pretty great debaters too. (Or maybe I'm just argumentative?)

So how do you keep yourself on task? There's no real easy answer to this one I'm afraid. I still struggle with this and have to set timers to 'checkpoint' if I'm still on task or not when I'm working. I think being aware that this can be a problem is the first step. Then you just try to catch yourself when you're doing it and keep plugging ahead. If any of you have better tips on how to keep yourself from wandering down an alternate research-hole... I'm all ears. Comment below.

So, do people with ADHD struggle to write essays?

Short answer, I think most of us do. But, we also love a challenge and are capable of anything. Do we have to learn a few tips and tricks on how to work with our brains instead of against them? Of course. But that hasn't stopped any of us before, and it certainly won't stop any of us now. ADHD is a complicated, creative, beautiful part of who I am. One that I fought against for many years of my life, but I've learned to love the chaotic, quirky, formidable part of my brain. If you're reading this and also have ADD, ADHD, OCD, ODD, Autism, or any other neurodivergent disorder, I hope you love that part of yourself too. After all, it's what makes you... you.

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I told him he was too short for me. Then we fell in love

Essay: Too short

I was 57 years old — divorced almost 25 years — when I met Jim on Match.com. He was a year older than me, divorced for an equal number of years. His children, like mine, were grown and gone.

Right away I knew I liked this man. He was smart and funny and handsome and quietly sexy. He knew how to listen, but when he spoke — in a voice I loved, soft and deep — he had interesting things to say. He had great hair.

At the restaurant where we met, three hours passed like nothing. 

On our next date, Jim picked me up in his beloved convertible, a very old and not particularly valuable Porsche. Riding in the passenger seat beside him, headed to the ocean, I felt like Audrey Hepburn in “Two for the Road.” We hiked for hours, then went for wine and oysters. 

On our third date he came to my house. I made pasta with pesto sauce, some of which must have ended up on my wrist without my noticing, but Jim did. Very tenderly, he took my hand and brought it to his lips. He licked the pesto off.

Essay: Too short

Now comes the hard part of this story. The first hard part. The harder part comes later.

At the end of this perfectly terrific and romantic date, I told Jim how much I liked him. “I hope I get to know you better,” I said. 

There was just one problem, I told him. “You’re too short for me.”

I’m not proud of this statement. But there you have it.

I’m 5-foot-6 on a good day. I estimated that Jim was 5-foot-7. It’s not as if when we walked into a restaurant together I’d be towering over him.

But I had always seen myself with a tall man — 6 feet tall at least, and on the burly side.

I know why I’d dreamed up this picture. By the time I met Jim, I’d been on my own a long time. I could not name a time in my life when a man had taken care of me. And though this made no sense — worse, it was idiotic — I had come to equate strength, and the ability to protect me, with height and physical girth. 

That wasn’t Jim.

We were sitting on the couch in my living room when I delivered the news to Jim that he was too short to be my boyfriend. He’d been about to kiss me. A stricken look came over his face.

“I’d better go home,” he said.

“We can still be friends,” I told him. (The kiss of death.) He shook his head.

“I’ve been falling in love with you,” he said. “If we can’t be together — really together — I can’t see you again.”

But he did. Not that I revised my position on height as a requirement for a romantic relationship with me. He just decided to hang in there a while longer. I didn’t know this yet, though I’d learn: Jim was a fighter. 

We took another hike. He brought along his Nikon. It turned out he was a serious photographer. Also a bass player in a band. Also an Eagle Scout. Still 5-foot-7, however.

Essay: Too short

A week or so later I invited Jim over to my house again for a meal. It was a weekend known as Fleet Week, when the Blue Angels fighter pilot team comes to San Francisco to perform amazing air stunts in the sky over the city. All that day, in preparation for the big air show, they’d practiced their maneuvers over Marin County, where I lived. I loved watching them.

I set out a plate of some very nice cheese. Jim brought a bottle of wine. The two of us sat out on my deck waiting for the planes to appear overhead. Jim lit up a cigar.

Then there they were: a phalanx of six planes, swooping and dipping just over our heads at Mach speed, their wings nearly touching but not quite. 

“There’s just something about the Blue Angels,” I told Jim. “They’re so incredibly sexy.”

He lifted the cigar to his lips. Blew out a puff of smoke, his gaze fixed on the wild blue yonder.

“There’s an interesting requirement for becoming a Blue Angel,” he said.

“I guess you have to be really great at flying a plane,” I offered. “With excellent eyesight.” 

“To qualify as a Blue Angel,” Jim said, taking his time, “a person cannot be taller than 5-foot-7.” 

Then he just smiled. 

We were married a year and a half later. With the high heels I chose to wear for our wedding, I was probably a little taller than Jim. He was unfazed by this. He was never anything but proud of me, and proud to stand at my side. I had a name for him: my guard dog. Because no matter what, he looked out for me.

Now comes the truly hard part in this story. 

A year after our wedding, Jim was diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer . He survived a 14-hour surgery, a year of chemotherapy and radiation, the loss of his hair, the loss of feeling in his fingers — which meant he could no longer play his guitar. The loss of just about everything he loved other than me. His weight dropped to under 100 pounds by this point. Though I knew the pain was terrible, he refused morphine until the very end. He didn’t want to lose consciousness. He didn’t want to miss a minute of being alive and at my side.

Essay: Too short

Jim has been dead eight years now. I still think of him every time I see the Blue Angels — and so many other times. I never felt a need to check the accuracy of what he told me about height requirements for joining that elite squad of pilots, though I learned recently that his claim was inaccurate — just a brilliant strategic invention that allowed me to see what was in fact true: My husband was brave and strong in ways that had nothing to do with physical stature.

Sometimes, still, I wear a particular checked flannel shirt he loved. Also his blue jeans. And it feels good to me that we were the same size. I know this now: You don’t need to be tall or burly to be someone’s guard dog.

Joyce Maynard is a bestselling author. Her new novel, “How the Light Gets In,” came out in June 2024. She is also the author of “The Best of Us,” a memoir about finding and losing her husband.

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Jeff Mason is a White House Correspondent for Reuters. He has covered the presidencies of Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden and the presidential campaigns of Biden, Trump, Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. He served as president of the White House Correspondents’ Association in 2016-2017, leading the press corps in advocating for press freedom in the early days of the Trump administration. His and the WHCA's work was recognized with Deutsche Welle's "Freedom of Speech Award." Jeff has asked pointed questions of domestic and foreign leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un. He is a winner of the WHCA's “Excellence in Presidential News Coverage Under Deadline Pressure" award and co-winner of the Association for Business Journalists' "Breaking News" award. Jeff began his career in Frankfurt, Germany as a business reporter before being posted to Brussels, Belgium, where he covered the European Union. Jeff appears regularly on television and radio and teaches political journalism at Georgetown University. He is a graduate of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism and a former Fulbright scholar.

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Many Students Find It Difficult to Concentrate or Pay Attention at School-Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

Updated: Mar 24

Write about the following topic:

Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school.

What are the reasons?

What could be done to solve this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Many Students Find It Difficult to Concentrate or Pay Attention at School-Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay - IELTS Luminary

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Sample Essay 1

In contemporary educational settings, a significant number of students grapple with focusing and maintaining attention during class. This challenge, attributed to multifaceted factors, necessitates a holistic approach for amelioration. Our discourse will delve into the primary causes—namely, the digital distraction and the traditional pedagogical methods—and propose innovative solutions to enhance concentration levels among learners.

The advent of digital technology, while beneficial in numerous ways, has introduced a formidable adversary to student concentration. The incessant notifications and the allure of social media platforms have fragmented the attention span of young minds, making sustained focus on educational content increasingly challenging. Furthermore, the conventional teaching methodologies, often characterized by a one-size-fits-all approach, fail to engage students whose learning preferences diverge from the norm. This disengagement is not a reflection of the students' capabilities but rather an indictment of outdated educational practices that do not cater to the diverse learning landscapes of today's youth.

Addressing the issue necessitates a two-pronged strategy. Firstly, educational institutions should integrate digital literacy into their curriculum, empowering students to navigate the digital world responsibly. This includes teaching them to manage distractions and prioritize tasks effectively. Secondly, a paradigm shift towards more personalized and interactive teaching methods is imperative. Incorporating project-based learning, interactive modules, and technology-enhanced education can invigorate the classroom atmosphere, fostering a more engaging and stimulating learning environment. Such approaches not only cater to varied learning styles but also promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, thereby holding students' attention more effectively.

In conclusion, the dual challenges of digital distraction and traditional pedagogy are significant but surmountable barriers to student concentration. By embracing digital literacy and innovative teaching methodologies, we can create a more conducive learning environment that nurtures attention and engagement. This transition not only addresses the immediate concern of concentration but also equips students with the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-evolving educational landscape.

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Sample Essay 2

A significant segment of the student population finds it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school, a multifaceted issue that merits examination. This discourse contends that a combination of lifestyle-induced fatigue and the allure of digital distractions critically undermines scholastic focus, while advocating for the incorporation of technology-infused pedagogy and the bolstering of mental wellness initiatives as potential countermeasures. An exploration of these contributing factors and subsequent remedial strategies will constitute the essence of this essay.

In our era of relentless digital stimuli, young learners are increasingly susceptible to the diversions of instant digital gratification, which frequently eclipse the relative monotony of traditional classroom instruction. The omnipresence of smartphones and social media platforms, offering continuous streams of entertainment and interaction, significantly detracts from their ability to engage with the slower-paced, deliberate process of educational learning. Additionally, the internal battle with mental health issues like anxiety and depression looms large, often manifesting as barriers to effective concentration in school settings. When compounded by societal and familial pressures to excel academically, the weight of these expectations can erode the focus and morale of even the most dedicated students.

Tackling these issues necessitates a two-pronged approach. Schools must strive to resonate with the tech-savvy generation by seamlessly integrating digital tools and interactive media into the curriculum, thus making education not only more relatable but also more stimulating. Moreover, the stigma surrounding mental health must be dismantled, creating a school atmosphere where psychological support is as commonplace and accessible as academic guidance. Through the establishment of comprehensive counselling services and the promotion of mental health literacy, schools can cultivate an environment that not only acknowledges the psychological struggles of its students but actively works to address them.

In conclusion, the multifaceted obstacles impeding student focus, rooted in modern lifestyle and technological distractions, demand a nuanced response. Schools that adopt progressive teaching strategies and advocate for mental wellness are positioned to cultivate an environment where sustained attention emerges not merely as an obligation but as a byproduct of an engaging and supportive educational ecosystem.

Sample Essay 3

In an educational landscape where students frequently find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school, understanding the multifaceted nature of this challenge is crucial. This essay will delve into lifestyle and technological factors that contribute to this issue, followed by a discussion on innovative educational practices and mental health advocacy as key solutions.

The pervasive influence of digital technology in the daily lives of students cannot be overstated. In an age where instant digital gratification is the norm, traditional teaching methods often pale in comparison. Smartphones and social media platforms, offering constant entertainment and social interaction, significantly detract from students' ability to engage with the more deliberate, slower-paced process of classroom learning. Furthermore, the issue of finding it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school is exacerbated by the sedentary lifestyle that has become synonymous with contemporary youth culture. The correlation between physical inactivity and reduced cognitive function is well-documented, suggesting that the lack of physical engagement in young learners’ routines is a contributing factor to their diminished concentration levels.

Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach. Schools can play a pivotal role by integrating technology into their teaching methods, making lessons more relatable and engaging for the digital native generation. For example, using educational apps and interactive digital platforms can transform the learning experience, making it more appealing and effective. Simultaneously, incorporating regular physical activity into the school day, perhaps through innovative movement-based learning or structured exercise breaks, can enhance concentration and overall well-being. Equally important is the establishment of robust mental health support within educational institutions. Creating a nurturing environment where students feel understood and supported, and where mental health issues are addressed proactively, can significantly improve their ability to concentrate and flourish academically.

In conclusion, the obstacles to maintaining focus in educational settings are indeed complex. However, by embracing dynamic educational strategies and prioritizing mental health, schools can create an environment conducive to learning, where it becomes naturally easier for students to concentrate and pay attention.

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Democrats are talking about replacing Joe Biden. That wouldn't be so easy.

President Joe Biden's performance in the first debate Thursday has sparked a new round of criticism from Democrats , as well as public and private musing about whether he should remain at the top of the ticket.

In the modern era, a national party has never tried to adversarially replace its nominee, in part, because knows it would most likely fail. The issue came before both parties in 2016, but neither took action.

Party rules make it almost impossible to replace nominees without their consent, let alone smoothly replace them with someone else. And doing so would amount to party insiders’ overturning the results of primaries when Democratic voters overwhelmingly to nominate Biden. He won almost 99% of all delegates.

And at the moment, there’s no known, serious effort to push him off the top of the ticket.

Still, the Democratic National Committee's charter does make some provisions in case the party’s nominee is incapacitated or opts to step aside, and an anti-Biden coup at the convention is theoretically possible, if highly unlikely. So how would it work?

What happens if Biden drops out before the convention?

The only plausible scenario for Democrats to get a new nominee would be for Biden to decide to withdraw, which he has sworn off repeatedly during other bumpy stretches of his campaign.  

He could do so while serving out the rest of his term in the White House, as Lyndon Johnson did in 1968. 

If Biden were to drop out before he is scheduled to be formally nominated in August, it would create a free-for-all among Democrats, because there’s no mechanism for him or anyone else to anoint a chosen successor.

It takes a majority of the roughly 4,000 pledged delegates to win the party’s nomination. Biden’s won 3,900 of them. Under recent reforms, the party’s more than 700 superdelegates — Democratic lawmakers and dignitaries — are allowed to vote only if no one wins a majority of pledged delegates on the first ballot, so their votes could be crucial in a contested convention. 

Because Biden's opponents all won effectively no delegates throughout the Democratic nominating process, there'd be a virtual clean slate heading into the convention, and the decision would most likely come down to the convention delegates who were initially pledged to Biden.

Biden would have some influence over his pledged delegates, but ultimately, they can vote as they please, so candidates would most likely campaign aggressively to win over each individual delegate.

However, there's a potentially important wrinkle: Democrats plan to formally nominate Biden virtually ahead of the late-August convention to sidestep any potential concerns about ballo t access in Ohio, where a technical quirk has complicated things

Democrats decided to plan a virtual nomination for Biden after Ohio Republicans balked at passing pro forma legislation that would allow Biden to be on the ballot, even though the convention falls after a state deadline. But while Republicans passed a law to shift the deadline, Democrats decided to move forward with a virtual nomination nonetheless.

Could Democrats replace Biden against his will?

There’s no evidence the party would entertain a change without Biden’s consent. But even if it did, there’s no mechanism for it to replace a candidate before the convention, and certainly no way for it to anoint a chosen successor.

If large swaths of the Democratic Party lost faith in Biden, delegates to the national convention could theoretically defect en masse. Of course, they were chosen to be delegates because of their loyalty to Biden and have pledged to support him at the convention.

But, unlike many Republican delegates, Democratic delegates aren’t technically bound to their candidate. DNC rules allow delegates to “in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them,” providing some wiggle room.

The party’s charter does include provisions to replace the nominee in the event of a vacancy. The measure is intended to be used in case of death, resignation or incapacitation, not to replace someone who has no desire to step down.

That was the measure that Donna Brazile, then the interim DNC chair, considered invoking after Hillary Clinton collapsed two months before the 2016 election, she wrote in her memoir .

In her memoir, released a year later, Brazile wrote that she was worried “not just about Hillary’s health but about her anemic campaign ... so lacking in the spirit of fight.” 

“Perhaps changing the candidate was a chance to win this thing, to change the playing field in a way that would send Donald Trump scrambling and unable to catch up,” she wrote, adding that aides to other would-be candidates contacted her, including then-Vice President Biden’s chief of staff.

But after less than 24 hours of consideration, Brazile realized the idea was untenable without Clinton’s cooperation and likely to only divide her party further. “I could not make good on my threat to replace her," she wrote.

Current DNC Chair Jaime Harrison is a longtime Biden ally who serves, essentially, at the pleasure of the president. And the national party has certainly given no indication it’s anything but fully behind his re-election.  

What happens if Biden withdraws after the convention?

To fill a vacancy on the national ticket, the chair can call a “special meeting” of the full DNC, which includes about 500 members. On paper, at least, all it takes is a majority vote of those present to pick new presidential and vice presidential nominees. But that process would most likely be anything but smooth and be filled with behind-the-scenes jockeying and public pressure campaigns. 

If a vacancy were to occur close to the November election, however, it could raise constitutional, legal and practical concerns. Among other issues, ballots have to be printed well in advance of the election, and it might not be possible to change them in time.

Would Kamala Harris replace Biden?

If Biden were to relinquish the presidency, Vice President Kamala Harris would automatically become president — but not the Democratic Party’s nominee. Nor would she necessarily be the nominee if Biden withdrew from his re-election bid while he remained in the White House.

She might be politically favored, but party rules give the vice president no major mechanical benefit over other candidates. 

Biden’s delegates wouldn’t automatically transfer to Harris, and the convention holds separate votes on nominees for president and vice president. So she would still need to win a majority of delegates at the convention. 

If the top of the ticket were vacated after the convention, she would still need to win a majority of votes at the special meeting of the DNC.

That is all, at least, under current party rules. But a vacancy at the top of the ticket is the kind of dramatic moment that might lead party leaders to revisit them in the name of easing the transition. Harris has some close allies in key places at the DNC, including a co-chair of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee. But nothing would be likely to happen without a fight.

was it essay or difficult why

Ben Kamisar is a national political reporter for NBC News.

was it essay or difficult why

Alex Seitz-Wald is a senior politics reporter for NBC News.

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Ranking NFL offensive lines isn’t easy, but Jets and Eagles don’t belong at top of lists

The Skinny Post has arrived with thoughts on the latest set of NFL offensive line rankings, and more

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Dallas Cowboys v Philadelphia Eagles

We have reached July which means before we turn the calendar again legitimate and actual NFL activities will have officially commenced.

Still though a month is a long time which means we are going to have to survive until then. The NFL, aware of this, has thrown us a bone by way of the new-look Hard Knocks covering the New York Giants that premieres this Tuesday.

But the universe is also aware that we need football meat to champ on for the next month-ish so as usual they have also complied and given us a few things to assess and analyze.

That is exactly why we are here. In case you were unaware which would offend us greatly... this is The Skinny Post where we (Michael Peterson and RJ Ochoa) discuss random musings across the Football League of National.

Let’s get into what the FLN offered us this week.

Thoughts on PFF’s ranking of offensive lines across the league

NFC Championship - Detroit Lions v San Francisco 49ers

Like many outlets the folks over at PFF have found an offseason rhythm that is carrying them to football starting up and lately they have been churning out positional rankings which are always fun to offer opinions on.

The esteemed Michael Peterson put the offensive line rankings on my digital desk on Monday morning and to no surprise the Detroit Lions came in as the top dog. Makes sense.

My first pause came in right after that as the Philadelphia Eagles landed at number two. Cards on the table I am the Dallas Cowboys guy here at SB Nation (forever shout out to Blogging The Boys ), but it feels like the loss of Jason Kelce is way too significant for Philly to only have one group ranked ahead of them.

Lane Johnson is great, but is there anyone else on that line that you feel incredible about? Jordan Mailata is also a fine player, but again, do we really feel like the loss of Kelce is this level of nbd to keep them at number two?

I’ll piggyback off of you here as I also agree that the Eagles probably shouldn’t be as high as No. 2 following the loss of Jason Kelce to retirement. At the same time, league circles love what Jordan Mailata has become paired opposite of Lane Johnson and they did just signed guard Landon Dickerson to a massive contract earlier this offseason.

However, the other two spots on the line (center and right guard) are being filled by Cam Jurgens and Tyler Steen, respectively. Jurgens was the team’s right guard a season ago and Steen has only played 71 snaps in his career thus far. Those two positions are far from what you’d consider “established” and I don’t see how an offensive line unit gets to be No. 2 in the entire league with only three of their five positions locked down.

Of course I have to comment on the Chargers here and I’m pretty flummoxed to see them so high (No. 12). This unit has been one of the worst of the past decade and they were allergic to running the ball a season ago. Yes, they drafted the top offensive tackle in this year’s draft but he hasn’t played a snap yet. You’ve also got Trey Pipkins moving from right tackle to right guard. Lots of question marks remain for a team nearly in the top 10.

All of a sudden the Jets apparently have a top-five offensive line thanks to adding Morgan Moses and former Cowboys left tackle Tyron Smith (sad face for you). This unit was abysmal in 2023 but Pro Football Focus believes these additions are enough to vault them up this high.

I don’t know about that one, chief!

New Patriots (not a typo) head coach Jerod Mayo is a football villain

New England Patriots OTA Offseason Workout

So I did a double-take when I first read the headline of this story. Basically, first-year head coach Jerod Mayo is starting their training camp practices 90 minutes later than they’ve been in recent years under Bill Belichick because it’s going to be hotter.

Yeah, like, we’re back in the ‘80s apparently when it comes to toughening up your team.

I feel like in the year of our Lord 2024 that concepts like this wouldn’t really exist too often, but here we are. Now I believe in doing anything you can to give your team an edge, but if Bill Belichick was scheduling practices at 9:30 a.m. to get things done before the heat set in, and they had all that success under him, why are we changing them to 11 a.m. and attempting to fix something that isn’t broken? These guys are all professional athletes so I know they can handle a few extra degrees, but it just seems a but out of left field.

Am I just being an old man yelling at a cloud? You tell me.

This is the kind of thing that I am fine with if you don’t tell anybody.

Is it possible that Jerod Mayo has a bit of a point here? Obviously. He laid it out.

But think about what has to happen for him to be proven right. The Patriots would have to go on a tear of a season and have all sorts of success, an admittedly difficult thing for any NFL team outside of Kansas City these days. If and when this happened then for this to work there would still have to be someone who said “AND THAT’S WHY JEROD MAYO STARTED PRACTICES 90 MINUTES LATER LAST SUMMER!”.

It all feels cheesy and lame and very old-school which is not necessarily a bad thing. My thing is, Jerod, if you are going to do this... keep the reasoning why to yourself.

Which NFL personalities would excel at Wimbledon and why?

Los Angeles Rams v Seattle Seahawks

Wimbledon officially began on Monday and I must confess that stuff like this makes my sports heart soar.

I love epic things and events that captivate us and our attention. The history, tradition and all that jazz of big-time moments and tournaments will forever enthrall me so I insisted (and Michael so kindly obliged) that we shoehorn this in somehow.

In terms of figuring out what NFL personality would excel here... it would have to be somebody of insane athleticism. This is a two-week gauntlet that features 7 rounds of victory necessary for the ultimate champion so we need someone who is pretty peak physical form.

Someone too heavy may not withstand the toll that the tournament requires, but we also need somebody who is strong in their own right. Speed is a necessity but so is power which means we need the perfect blend of overall athleticism.

Give me Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Puka Nacua. He is youthful enough to have the energy needed to make it through all of this and has the exuberant personality to match it all.

Consider though that Nacua is listed at 205 lbs. and that reigning Wimbledon Champion Carlos Alcaraz (who won his opening match as I wrote this) is listed at 163.

This is a difficult thing for an NFL player to do!

I just want to thank RJ for the shoehorning. I am not a big tennis guy (played a single season in 7th grade) but I respect the game and the plethora of tradition that comes with it.

I like your pick of Puka Nacua. That guy did everything as a rookie and I’m sure he’s got a heck of a backhand to go with his record-breaking football skills.

For me, I’m going with another player who was a rookie in 2023 and that’s Falcons running back Bijan Robinson. Speaking of doing everything, Robinson can ALSO do that for the Falcons...if they actually feed him the rock the way he deserves and unlike what now-FORMER coach Arthur Smith did last season.

Robinson has the feet and elite lateral quickness to at least get into position for a chance to return every volley and he’s a bonafide workhorse-in-waiting, so I can easily see him lasting through the seven-day gauntlet.

Predicting people who will pop during the Giants’ version of Hard Knocks

New York Giants OTA Offseason Workouts

What I love about Hard Knocks is that just about everyone has a chance to shine. But if you have a personality that simply catches people’s attention when you enter a room, the producers will find you and put a camera in your face. When I think to past Hard Knocks seasons, they don’t care if you’re a star player or an undrafted rookie. All that matters is that you can entertain and boost those ratings.

Now this isn’t to be a cop-out answer, but I think starting quarterback Daniel Jones has a chance to win some hearts. He seems like a pretty even-keel dude who isn’t too much of a spotlight person, but I have a feeling his good ol’ boy demeanor will have the casuals in the audience laughing and rooting for him. Similar to when Justin Herbert was one Hard Knocks as a rookie, people fell in love with how excited he was to eat a brisket he cooked for him and some teammates. It also led to a viral “Mmmmm....now I can finally eat” quote that has since been meme’d profusely.

A lesser-known name I’ll throw out there is undrafted free agent Casey Rogers. He played defensive line for Oregon and in the few times I saw him play last season, you could tell he has tons of energy and the way his teammates celebrated his big plays tells me he’s also very well-liked.

This is a new type of Hard Knocks given that it follows a team during the offseason so I am fully expecting general manager Joe Schoen to have his share of moments.

Weirdly though my answer for episode 1 is going to be Philadelphia Eagles running back Saquon Barkley. We have already seen in the teaser that part of the conversation with him that ultimately led to his departure is covered and I think people are probably going to empathize with him given the success (in terms of none) that the Giants had while he was on their team.

That is the way these things can go. Players who you never expect can pop. In this new frontier I am going off the deep end and going with someone from another team.

Prove me right, NFL Films.

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  • Why NFL fans still have to wait regarding the ‘Sunday Ticket’ lawsuit
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How to beat radahn in ‘elden ring: shadow of the erdtree’ as a sorcerer or mage.

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Shadow of the Erdtree

The difficulty in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree is…something. Things start very hard, then slowly get easier as you power up, then eventually, if you’re keeping pace with Scadutree fragments, you might be killing even tougher bosses in just a few attempts.

Then there’s Radahn.

The final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree is not remotely balanced, way, way harder than anything you’ve encountered before. And I would argue in many ways he was harder on my class, a sorcerer, mage, whatever you want to call it. A Tarnished who uses all the blue spells. Because all the “easy” Radahn clears I see are usually tanked up melee players with massive shields and one-hit staggers. You ain’t doing that with spells.

So, I beat him. It took forever and a ton of trial and error for a build, but I beat him. Here’s how:

Stats : Scadutree (19), Revered Spirit Ashes (9), Vigor (65), Mind (45), Endurance (35), Strength (20), Dexterity (40), Intelligence (85), Faith (15), Arcane (9)

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Staff of Loss – This is to enhance Night Comet with 30% more damage, plus the scaling from maxing the thing.

Magic Hookclaws with Bloodhound’s Step – I know Bloodhound’s Step got nerfed, and ideally you could wield two staffs for more damage, but I have played 150 hours of this game using it as my main dodge mechanic and especially for Radahn, I didn’t want to screw up my muscle memory timing. I tried to just roll and there was a 0% chance I was beating it that way.

Armor – The highest values that still kept me at Medium load. I think this was Veteran’s armor for me.

Cerulean Amber Medallion +3 – I was finding having to dodge so much with Bloodhound’s Step was depleting my mana for attacks, so I upped it dramatically with this.

Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman – Arguably the most important one as the highest physical resist negation, which is a ton of his attacks. I would not fight without this. Go get it from the original map.

Holy Braid – Highest Holy negation which his loads of his attacks in his second phase. Also kind of a must for this fight. It’s in the top right of the map in Shaman village, accessible through emoting O Mother at the statue by the Gaius fight.

Boltdrake Talisman +3 – He doesn’t have a ton of lightning attacks, but I thought there were enough to use it.

Opaline Bubbletear – A shield right at the start so you can summon early and tank at least one of his initial attacks, mainly the thundercrash spin he always does right at the start.

Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear – Even if I am only activating this up front, I like trying to get to Phase 2 as soon as possibly by laying on more damage up front. Getting through this phase fast also means your Mimic Tear may not have taken much damage.

Summon : Mimic Tear. I swear to god it is the only summon that can go any distance in this fight. When I won, he had survived all the way to the end. One trick you can do here is to put Blessing of Marika in your potion rotation. Mimic Tear will not use your normal potions but it will use this to max heal sometimes. Not every time, but sometimes, which can make him outlive you. I maxed probably five different summons to +10 ranging from big damage ones to tanks, nothing else survived even half the first phase. Every summon I tried except Mimic Tear was terrible in this fight and they really need to mass buff health on all of them. I did not have either of the two NPC summons because I accidentally bricked both questlines.

Spell: Night Comet – Yes, spell, singular. This was it. Mainly it was not just that I was using it all the time, and it did big damage with Staff of Loss, but because it would force your Mimic Tear to only use it as well. Putting on even other good spells results in too much variability in what the Mimic will end up using, and Night Comet does big damage on Mimic and has very low cast time unlike say, throwing moons at him.

Defensive Item – I only used Boiled Crab for this. I used to do this whole dance with Golden Vow but I got tired of doing it before every fight and trying to find time to reactivate it. Managing too many consumables kept getting me hit. But Crab has a short eat time and you can use it in between movesets.

Radahn Phase One – Here he is only using physical attacks or the occasional lightning, and one fire move. The most annoying are his multi-hit combos where generally, if possible, you just want to stay far back from him so his misses with most. Sometimes he adds one final swing at the end of this that can catch you, which is annoying.

Meteor Throw – This is pretty easy to double dodge once you figure out the timing.

Spin Crash – Very easy to dodge if you see it coming and it’s not the first five seconds of the fight when you’re summoning

Gravity Pull – This one sucks. The timing window is so tight many people think you can’t dodge it, but you actually can. Eventually I realized using the audio cue for it would make me almost auto-dodge after being caught so many times. If you are caught, immediately dodge backward multiple times until the spikes stop coming up from the ground.

Fire Slash – This isn’t a good move. I almost never got hit by this.

When to Damage - Almost always when his attention is on Mimic Tear, which can get you 5-6 Night Comet shots in. You can get maybe one comet shot in after most dodges for individual moves, but if you get greedy you will get smashed. I mostly used those windows for potions or crab.

Radahn Phase Two (75% health): Screwww this phase. This is brutal. Some luck involved here honestly.

Giant Light Meteor Rain – Almost always he will start the fight with this move. If you start running backward immediately you can dodge it, and you’ll have a window at the end to use some potions. Mimic Tear is an idiot and will always get hit, but he will keep him busy at least. However, eventually I gave this up. I got as many Night Comet shots in as I could and just tanked the blast, which with my holy defense, was just one potion to chug to regain it.

Rush/Slash Combos – These are the bad ones. There are at least three of these that rush you and often shoot additional beams of holy light out to catch you. Generally speaking dodging toward him or a little to the right could make him miss frequently. The final AOE holy blast he does in many of these combos I only dodged being essentially on top of him when he did it. I died more from these combos than anything else in this fight, and dodging felt like luck half the time as you can barely even see what’s going on with all the holy beams everywhere.

Miquella’s Kiss – This is a grab move that at first, doesn’t hurt, but if Miquella charms you a second time, you will die automatically. There is a rune to negate this but I wouldn’t bother as the grab is not that hard to dodge at least once a fight. This is actually a good move for you because Miquella will often grab your Mimic Tear, and after the animation is over, you can probably get five or so Night Comet hits in.

Old Moves – He still does the meteor throw and gravity pull. If you’ve gotten to this phase a bunch you may be able to dodge these more consistently now. I’d use them as potion windows.

Giant 25% Health Meteor Slam – Once he gets that low, he will leap in the air, and probably five seconds later smash down to earth with a double AOE blast that practically covers the entire arena. This will probably kill you. I thought it was impossible to not get hit by it. But if you start running right when he leaps, and don’t stop and don’t hit a wall, you can get out of its range. But this may be the moment your Mimic Tear dies unless it has healed itself. From here, Radahn will go back to his normal move set and probably kill you with combos. If not, you win.

When to Damage – Namely just a few times. Before tanking the first blast. After he Miquella kisses your Mimic Tear. When he’s going after your Mimic Tear in general. You can risk one hit between movesets but I don’t know if I would bother, and I’d use it for potions. The damage windows will be there, but surviving is 90% of this fight. And you Mimic Tear living is very, very key.

Good luck, prepare to die.

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The tower bridge in London at sunset

9 reasons why English is a difficult language to learn

Many students find that learning the English language is not easy. English language learners may struggle to pronounce English, to learn English grammar, to memorize the meanings of English words, or to use the right metaphors or idioms. In this article, we’ll talk about some of the specific features of English that language learners often struggle to master, and explain why those specific language skills are so difficult to learn. English is the most studied language in the world, with over a billion second-language speakers worldwide . The English language, which was born in England, is now spoken globally, and in many places it functions as a “ lingua franca ” (or shared language) between people from different language backgrounds. As a result, many students today are learning English so they can work for international businesses, engage in international politics, travel the world, or just watch their favorite movies and TV shows. Interested in learning about some of the challenges that English learners face? Read on!

Table of Contents

1. english is not similar to your native language.

Learning English will be most difficult for students whose native language is very different from English. The more different your native language is from English, the more you will have to learn in terms of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and cultural knowledge.

English belongs to a large group of languages called the “Indo-European Languages,” which includes most languages of Europe and some from the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent as well. In general, speakers of Indo-European languages will have an easier time learning English because they will recognize familiar vocabulary and grammar. However, some Indo-European languages (e.g., German, French, Norwegian) are closer to English than others (e.g., Persian, Hindi, Kurdish), so this isn’t a guarantee.

But if your native language is not an Indo-European language, then you’re probably going to struggle a lot more to learn English words, grammar, and pronunciation. The next several list items will outline aspects of English grammar that require a lot of memorization or which are unusual in the world’s languages, and so can present difficulties for learners from a wide range of backgrounds.

2. English verb tenses take practice

Learning when to use different English verb tenses is notoriously difficult for English language students. The reason English verb tenses are so tricky is that they carry a lot of information about when and how something happened. It’s more complicated than just past, present, and future!

Let’s look at some examples:

Emily had cried when Patrick walked into the room.

Emily was crying when Patrick walked into the room.

Emily had been crying when Patrick walked into the room.

In all four sentences above, Emily cried at some point in the past, so the verb to cry appears in the “past tense” in all four sentences. However, did you notice that in each verb looks a little different and in each sentence, there is a slightly different relationship between the timing of the two different past events?

In the first three sentences, Emily started crying before Patrick entered, while in the final sentence, the two things happened at the same time.

In sentences 2 and 3, Emily was finished crying by the time Patrick walked in, but there’s a difference between these two as well!

In the second sentence, we’re focusing more on the fact Emily cried for a period of time.

In the third sentence, we’re more focused on the simple fact that she cried.

Can you see how it might be tricky to learn all the nuances of these differences? To use the correct English verb tense, you need to keep in mind both the tense of the verb (when it happened compared to now: past/present/future) and the “aspect” of the verb (which describes how that event overlapped with other events or times under discussion).

This is a lot to keep in your head all at once, so it’s no wonder that picking the right tense can be very confusing for students who are just starting out!

3. Choosing when to use which article is difficult

Deciding when and how to use articles in English ( a, an, the ) is usually challenging for English learners. Articles are difficult for English learners because using them correctly requires you to get inside the mind of the person that you’re talking to. What does this mean?

Most English teachers and learners will tell you to use a(n) for something that isn’t specific and the for something that is specific. But the story is actually more complicated than that. Let’s look at an example:

The mailman came into the shop today and bought an iced vanilla latte.

A mailman came into the shop today and bought an iced vanilla latte.

In both of these sentences, a specific person came into the shop. The difference is that in the first example (“ The mailman… ”), the speaker is assuming that the person being addressed will know the mailman in question. Maybe he’s the mailman who regularly delivers mail to the coffee shop! But in the second example (“ A mailman… ”), we can assume that the person being addressed does not know the mailman in question.

In order to use the correct article, therefore, you need to know how much information someone has about a given situation, and adjust your language accordingly. If your listener can pick out the specific person or item you are referring to, then you use the . If your listener can’t or doesn’t need to pick it out, you use a(n) . This may sound simple, but using articles correctly can be a challenge, especially for learners whose native languages don’t require a choice between “specific” and “not specific”.

There are other things to learn when it comes to articles. Some proper nouns must always be accompanied by articles (ex: the Bahamas, the Miami Heat ) while others cannot have them (ex: Charles, New Hampshire ). Sometimes we leave out articles after prepositions (ex: at school, in prison, after lunch ), while some types of nouns, like mass nouns ( milk, knowledge, grass ), can’t occur with a(n) . These exceptions must simply be memorized, and learning these rules can be tricky!

4. Phrasal verbs are unpredictable

Phrasal verbs are verbs made up of more than one word, usually a classic verb (ex: put, kick, move ) and a preposition (ex: out, over, up ). English is packed with phrasal verbs, and learning how to use them correctly requires a lot of practice. There are two main reasons why learning phrasal verbs can be tricky.

Reason 1: Most phrasal verbs are idioms , meaning you cannot reliably guess the meaning of a phrasal verb just from the meaning of its parts. Let’s look at some of the phrasal verbs based on the verb “to pick.” Notice that while you might be able to predict a few of these meanings based on the meaning of the preposition (ex: pick up, pick apart ), most of them have meanings that need to be memorized.

Reason 2: Different phrasal verbs follow different grammar rules. As you can see in the examples below, some phrasal verbs can be split apart while others cannot. Learners simply have to memorize which phrasal verbs belong to each group. Let’s look at some examples:

These phrasal verbs can be split apart:

These phrasal verbs cannot be split apart:

Because phrasal verbs require a lot of memorization, both in terms of what they mean and how they’re used, these types of verbs are often a hurdle for language learners.

5. Negative sentences and questions are challenging

English questions ( What does Ken like? ) and negative sentences ( Ken does not like cheese ) are usually challenging for language learners. Questions and negative sentences in English are so difficult because they can have a different word order and sometimes involve changing the form of a verb. 

We can see this when we compare the word order of a question to the regular sentence you would use to answer it. Have a look at these examples:

We can also see this when we compare the negative form of a sentence with the positive form:

If you want to correctly form English questions and negative sentences, you need to learn the rules for changing verbs and word order! These rules take a lot of practice, especially for learners coming from languages which may not alter the word order or verb forms at all in order to form these types of sentences.

6. English spelling is confusing

English spelling is one of the most difficult things for English language learners to master. English speakers like to think that we spell things the way they sound, but there are a lot of exceptions. There are places where the same sound is spelled differently in different words (ex: br ea d and b e d ), or the same spelling has different pronunciations in different words (ex: f i g and s i gh ). There are lots of silent letters (ex: w ho , rid e , p sychology ) and sometimes groups of letters have unpredictable pronunciations (ex: gh in rou gh , ch in ch emistry ).

Learning to spell and to pronounce words can take a lot of work (even for native English speakers), and is especially tough if you’re just starting out!

Here’s an example of how confusing English spelling can be:

Did you know that, if you wanted to, you could spell the word fish as ghoti ? Seems a little ridiculous, right? But let me show you how:

The word “ enou gh ” ends with an f sound, so gh can be pronounced f .

The o in the word “ w o men ” is pronounced more like an i , so let’s use o next!

In words like “ igni ti on ,” the ti sounds like an sh , so we’ll use that at the end.

Put that all together, and we get: gh+o+ti → fish!

You can see why English spelling might be hard to learn!  

There are several reasons why English spelling is a bit of a mess:

Depending on the dialect someone speaks, English uses between 16 and 25 different vowel sounds, but we only have 5-6 letters to use to write them ( a, e, i, o, u, (y) ). This means that we have to get creative about showing which sound each vowel represents! Can you hear all the different vowels in: b ea t, b i t, b ai t, b e t, b a t, b o t, b oo t, b oa t, b i te, b u t , and b ou ght?

English borrows words from a lot of different languages, and sometimes uses their original spellings, even when those other languages follow different spelling rules. Just think about words like faux or psychology !

English words are usually spelled the way they were pronounced in the mid-1500s, since that was when we decided on the “correct spelling.” Often, silent letters represent sounds that used to be pronounced (e.g., knife used to be pronounced “kuh-neef-uh!”)

English spelling is fun for those of us who like to study the history of languages, but it can be quite a bummer for people who are learning to spell English!

7. English idioms are everywhere

Learning how to use and understand English idioms is crucial if you want to use English in the real world. Idioms are set phrases whose meaning you cannot usually predict, even if you know the meanings of each word in the phrase. Because the meanings of idiomatic phrases must be memorized separately from the meanings of words, idioms can be a fly in the ointment for people trying to learn English!

Did you see that? I used an idiom! The English phrase “ a fly in the ointment” can be used to describe any annoying circumstance that causes problems in an otherwise good plan (just like idioms can cause problems for your plan to learn English!) It is an idiom because it doesn’t refer to actual flies getting stuck in actual ointment!

English learners need to learn idioms because idioms are everywhere in English. Have a look at the sort of “pep talk” a coach might give his losing basketball team:

“ Here’s the deal , team. I know you all expected winning this game to be a piece of cake , but now, here we are, 30 points down in the second half. So I’m going to need you all to step up and chip in so we can win this game! We haven’t missed the boat on winning this tournament yet! Come on, guys, let’s blow them out of the water !”

pep talk

Let’s look at the meanings of all those idioms!

English courses often focus on teaching students how to assemble literal sentences (sentences that mean what you’d expect them to mean). As a result, many English language learners are left to learn to use non-literal language, like idioms, outside the classroom, through conversations with native speakers, watching movies, or reading books. This can mean that even learners who do very well in a classroom setting will struggle with things like idioms when they start using English in the real world.

One of the best ways to learn to use any language naturally is to consume media in the language you’re trying to learn. So if you’re trying to learn English idioms, try reading a book, listening to a podcast, watching TV shows or movies, or even just spending time on English-language social media!

8. English has irregular verbs and plurals can surprise you

Learning to use irregular verbs and irregular plurals is difficult for most English language learners because it requires a lot of memorization. Irregular words are those that do not follow “conventional” grammar rules. 

For example:

Sing is an irregular verb because the past tense is sang and not sing ed

Mouse has an irregular plural form because the plural of mouse is mice , not mouse s

Learning to use regular verbs and plurals is quite easy. Once you’ve learned the pluralization rule (add - s or - es ) and the past tense rule (add -ed) , all you need to do is plug new words into each rule. You know that the plurals of fox , cup , and table are fox es , cup s , and table s , and that the past tenses of walk , meow , and toss , are walk ed , meow ed , and toss ed .

But you cannot do the same thing with irregular verbs and plurals. With irregular words, each word must be memorized on its own . You just have to memorize that the plural forms of man , loaf , and fish , are men , loaves , and fish , and you just have to memorize that the past tense forms of is , bring , and have are was , brought , and had ! There are some tips and tricks you can use to learn English irregular plurals and irregular verbs, but even if you learn these tricks, you’ll probably need to spend some time with your flashcards!

All languages have irregular words and English doesn’t have any more than is normal. But learning them for the first time still requires a lot of memorization, which can be quite a hurdle!

9. English has a large and diverse vocabulary

Most linguists would tell you that English has a larger and more diverse vocabulary than most other grammatically similar languages. The size and diversity of the vocabulary of English presents several different challenges to English language learners.

The 1989 full edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains over 250,000 individual entries. This means that there are at least a quarter-million words in English. That’s a lot of words! 

Now, most English learners don’t need to learn anywhere close to 250,000 words in order to function on a day-to-day basis. Researchers estimate that most native English speakers can only actively use somewhere between 15,000 and 60,000 words . But even that is a lot to learn. Because English has so many words, memorizing enough vocabulary to sound fluent takes a long time.

English language learners

English is spoken all over the world, and it has long been spoken by people from a wide variety of language backgrounds. Before English started spreading all over the world, it already had its own complete vocabulary. But as English has acquired new speakers, it has also acquired new words from all of those new speakers’ native languages. The result is that, today, words of English origin make up less than 25% of our modern vocabulary!

The diversity of English’s vocabulary not only means that English language students have more words to learn; students must also learn a lot of grammar and spelling exceptions that are associated with borrowed words. Words that come from non-English languages often follow slightly different rules from words that are native to English. 

For example, if a noun is borrowed from Latin or Greek, we usually don’t follow the normal English pluralization rule (add an -s), and instead follow these rules:






The size and diversity of the English vocabulary therefore not only presents challenges to learners’ ability to memorize words, but also to their ability to remember grammatical and spelling exceptions.

What are some tips for learning English easily?

The best way to learn English is to find the type of course or learning materials that fit your lifestyle. You can learn English with a face-to-face course, from a good series of recorded lessons, by reading books or online articles, or by using an app like Mango ! If you are just starting out, try to find a course taught in your native language.

Learning English with Mango? We offer English courses taught in a variety of languages, including:

Learning English requires the same skills as learning any other language. So if you follow all the methods for learning English that we discussed in our Comprehensive Guide to Learning a Language , you’ll be all ready to learn English as easily as possible!

How hard is it to study English?

While some things about learning English are hard, the good news is that it is easy to find opportunities to study English. English is the most studied second language in the world (with over a billion second-language speakers worldwide!), so you should be able to easily find courses, books, apps, online lessons, and many other resources wherever you are. 

You’ll still have to work hard if you want to learn English, but at least you won’t need to struggle to find materials and courses to help you along the way!

What is the most challenging part of learning English?

Most English language learners will find it challenging to learn English verb tenses, phrasal verbs, articles, spelling, pronunciation, and idioms . This is because these are features of English that are very different from most other languages in the world, or which simply require a lot of memorization. 

Keep in mind that the languages you already speak affect what about English is difficult for you. The things that will be most difficult for you are the things that English does very differently from your native language. 

For example, in Persian, there is only one pronoun for humans, , او [ oo ] ( he/she ) which can be applied to both men and women. If Persian is your native language, then you might have to work hard to remember to use he and she appropriately, because it’s not something you have had to think about doing before. However, speakers of Spanish would not struggle with this at all, as Spanish also has a distinction between masculine and feminine pronouns ( él ( he ) / ella ( she ) ), and so this feature of English seems only natural.

Because speakers of different languages will run into different sorts of challenges when learning English, it can be helpful to find an English course that is designed specifically for learners who speak your native language. This is why Mango’s English courses , designed specifically for speakers of Spanish, or Mandarin, or German, or Somali (etc.), are the best sorts of courses to take!

What is the average length of time it takes to learn English?

According to ALTE (Association of Language Testers in Europe), it takes 500-600 hours of study to learn English to an upper intermediate level (B2) and up to 1,200 hours of study to gain proficiency (C2). The ALTE estimates of how long it takes for a total beginner to achieve various levels of English mastery are given below:

The proficiency levels above are determined according to the Common European Framework of language Reference (CEFR). This is the most common language proficiency ranking system applied to most European languages.

Just like any language, the amount of time it will take one particular person to learn English can vary. The speed at which one person can learn English depends on many factors . If you want to learn more about how to speed up the process of learning a language, check out one of these articles:

How long does it take to learn a language?

The most effective language learning strategies

10 ways to accelerate your language learning process

Summing it all up!

There are lots of things about English that can make it difficult to learn, like verb tenses, articles, and idioms – to name a few.

We hope that this overview has been helpful and that the tips we’ve given you point you in the right direction.  Be sure to check out some of our other articles for some tricks and strategies that can help you or your friends to learn English (or any other language) quickly!

Crystal, D. (1995). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

English. (2022).  Ethnologue. https://www.ethnologue.com/language/eng

Finkenstaedt, T., & Dieter, W. (1973). Ordered profusion; studies in dictionaries and the English Lexicon: C. Winter.

Hoff, E. (2009). Language Development (4th edition ed.): Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Lester, M. (2008). McGraw-Hill’s Essential ESL Grammar: A handbook for Intermediate and Advanced ESL Students.

McPherron, P., & Randolph, P. T. (2014). Cat got your tongue?: Teaching idioms to English learners: TESOL Press.

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Why Is Writing Essays So Hard?

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By Albert Barkley Published December 29, 2018 Essay

  • Grammatical mistakes make hard to write an essay

You should check your grammatical mistakes. Weak grammar makes difficult to write an effective essay. A good error-free essay is important to communicate your message clearly. Once the content is clear, you should check for grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes. Good grammar plays an important role to write an essay.

  • Improper research on the main idea

Students often find it hard to write their essay on a particular idea. They feel it tricky due to lack of sources. However, repetitions are an enormous killer of your essay. You need to avoid using them in order to improve your essay writing skills . You should focus on the main idea or topic.

  • Do not take a lesson from other essays

You should take a lesson from other good essays. You should read like intelligent writers. Therefore, to demonstrate your intelligence, you can quote statements from well-known writers. This shows that you read others works and has the ability to relate the same with your work. However, do not quote too much.

  • Writing an essay in the passive voice

Using passive voice degrades the value of your essay. Students are often advised to make use of active voice. A passive voice generally contains “to be “along with past participants. It is sure that a good reader can become a good writer. Therefore, in order to improve your essay writing skills, you first need to read many essays. The more you read, the more you know the concepts. It will help you to understand the method of supporting a particular point. Moreover, you can learn how to balance an essay.

  • Lack of vocabulary

Vocabulary plays an important role in enhancing any writer’s piece of work. A person with the vocabulary can write a good essay. Moreover, the use of more vocabulary displays your brainpower. You can progress your vocabulary in a subsequent way, to read more books and read daily words.

  • We do not read a lot

It is sure that a good reader can become a good writer. Therefore, in order to write an effective essay, you first need to read many essays. The more you read, the more you recognize the concepts. It will help you to understand the method of supporting a particular point. Moreover, you can learn how to balance an essay.

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How could Democrats replace Joe Biden as their candidate for president?

And who could replace him on the ticket.

was it essay or difficult why

P RESIDENT JOE BIDEN ’s performance in his televised debate with Donald Trump, on June 27th, could hardly have gone worse . With Democratic figures asking if a way can be found to replace him as the candidate for the election in November, what are the options? The main trouble is that he has comfortably secured enough delegates to win his party’s nomination. That means that only one person can change who will be the Democratic candidate to face Donald Trump: Mr Biden himself.

The rules do not allow for a rerun of a popular election. To become the party nominee, a candidate needs to win a majority of delegates to the Democratic national convention. The number needed is 1,968 and Mr Biden has already gathered 3,894 because he has run virtually unopposed. No one, including delegates to the convention, can force the president to step aside. But if he were persuaded to withdraw (whether by his wife, or by a posse of Democratic grandees), these delegates would become unbound and therefore free to vote for the nominee of their choosing.

That would convert the election into a contest for the support of elites rather than the popular contest that it is supposed to be; candidates to replace him would need to woo the party’s patricians. If a candidate failed to win an absolute majority on the first ballot, as may be the case if Mr Biden were to quit, then 700 “superdelegates” (usually former senior party officials) would also be permitted to cast their votes.

The Democratic national convention in Chicago on August 19th-22nd would thus revert from its modern form—a four-day bout of pageantry—to its old-fashioned way of working: four days of back-room haggling. The party could well emerge deeply divided after such tumult. America has not witnessed such a contested convention since 1976, when Republican Party bosses plumped for Gerald Ford over Ronald Reagan.

Suppose Mr Biden soldiers on through the convention, securing the nomination despite the deepening misgivings about him, but then fell ill and was unable to contest the election. The Democratic National Committee, which consists of a few hundred party operatives, would then decide whom to place at the top of the ticket. Such a meeting has been required only once before, in 1972, when the Democrats’ vice-presidential candidate, Thomas Eagleton, had to withdraw after revelations that he had suffered from depression and received electroshock therapy. It is likely that the crown would pass in this instance to the vice-president, Kamala Harris.

Mr Biden appears loyal to her as his running-mate, and his blessing for any replacement for him would count for a lot. Yet her shakiness as a candidate is thought to be one of the reasons Mr Biden has been reluctant to bow out. Ms Harris, who ran a disastrous campaign for the presidency in 2020, would almost certainly attract challengers, especially if Mr Biden were to withdraw his candidacy before the convention. Only a third of Americans think she would beat Mr Trump, according to a poll in May 2024 for Politico by Morning Consult. Although it would be awkward in an identity-conscious party to attempt to bypass the first black and the first female vice-president, some rivals would probably try.

Who might they be? The first place to look is the pool of Democratic governors . Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, would plainly love to be president, and has built a formidable political machine. The governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, is similarly ambitious, and has an inherited fortune worth billions to help in any campaign. The moderate governors whom many Democrats see as best-placed to take on Mr Trump—such as Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania or Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan—might struggle to muster the money and the organisation to mount an effective campaign. Other potential contenders might be senior figures from the Biden administration. The most impressive political talents in his cabinet include Pete Buttigieg, the secretary of transportation, and Gina Raimondo, the secretary of commerce. Raphael Warnock, the senator for Georgia, is charismatic, a gifted speaker and represents a swing state.

Whether it happens before or (especially) after the convention, putting in place a substitute for Mr Biden would be messy and contentious. Such a rowdy spectacle is hardly ideal for Democrats heading into a vital election. But it would be one way to achieve what has proved remarkably difficult in recent years: sucking attention away from Mr Trump. ■

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What Makes Writing an Essay Difficult

Table of contents, 1. lack of writing skills, 2. complicated tasks, 3. lack of life balance, why is essay writing so hard.

What makes writing an essay difficult? Because of an imbalance between educational and personal spheres, essay and paper writing tasks are challenging and demanding. For this reason, many students decide to solve this problem by asking for our help. By using our services, students can focus on the more relevant subjects to their field of study or spend more time with their friends and families. Our services enable you to keep up at school, college, or university and achieve better grades. There are many possible reasons why students can’t write their assignments themselves. The following list has been brought here to show you some of the most common reasons:

why is essay writing so hard

Writing an academic paper requires a set of skills that could only be gained through years of practice. No wonder why so many students struggle in this area. Students must have an excellent knowledge of reading comprehension, analytical writing skills, academic writing standards, and generating ideas to create a coherent text to be able to complete the assignments. 

Another primary reason for students to prefer using our services to writing the papers themselves is that some instructors or professors demand complex topics with equally tricky instruction. Writing such papers requires deep research, many hours of collecting data, and endless hours organizing the ideas and evidence in line with the general topic and the paper’s statements. There are not many students who can handle this much work. Some even feel a huge gap in their knowledge, and they are not confident in the content of their own creation. 

Assignments, papers, and essays can take so much of the students’ lives that they reach a point that they feel they don’t have a life anymore. Balancing between college work and personal life could be a stressful and exhausting procedure. 

These are, of course, some of the major reasons to acquire our writing services. We can save you from all of this pressure and stress.

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Why Baseball Is the Most Difficult Sport

Why Baseball Is the Most Difficult Sport

Out of all the vast variety of sports there are, baseball is the most challenging and difficult sport to play. No other sport compares to the degree of difficulty that you have to deal with, like you do in playing the game of baseball. There are so many different elements that make this game the most difficult. Three major elements stick out in my mind as to why this wonderful sport is the toughest of all. The three main factors in my mind are the increased physical and hand eye coordination component, the mental aspect of this game, and the human interdependence between umpires, which are a vital part in every play.

To play the game of baseball you have to be in great physical shape. You also need to have an exceptional amount of hand-eye coordination. Baseball is a long, grueling 182-game season. You play back to back days, double-headers, and multiple times every week. This game takes a toll on you and your body, little tweaks and injuries add together and can have a lasting effect on your performance for a long time. Not only do you have to be in great condition to play every day and remain injury free, one of the hardest things to do in all of sports is hit a baseball.

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Anybody can just pick up a basketball and football and learn it pretty quickly, but baseball, you could say it’s a whole different ball game. Have you ever tried to just pick up a bat and hit a ball coming 90+ Mph at you? Not only that, can you do that while the ball is traveling in different directions, coming right for you one second, then popping the catcher’s glove the next? It’s safe to say it’s not an easy task to accomplish, and unlike other sports hitting the ball 3 out of 10 times is absolutely great at the major league level.

Not in any other sport can you shoot 3 out of 10 free throws, or complete 3 out of 10 passes and be considered one of the best in the league. This is one example statistically of why baseball is the hardest and most physically demanding sport to play. But wait that’s not all, not only do you have to have the right physical and hand-eye coordination tools, baseball is just as much if not more a game of thinking as well. In the game of baseball more than any other sport, you really have to focus and think about what you’re doing on every single play.

Of course there are parts of the game that become somewhat natural, but baseball is a game of fundamentals. You have to always be on top of your game and one step ahead of the curve, no pun intended. Every play contains different situations, which call for you to do an assortment of different things. You have to be thinking of what it is you’re going to do if the ball is hit to you, and what you do if hit to any of the other eight of your teammates on the field.

Have you ever felt on top of your game, but for some odd reason you just couldn’t focus and preform at the best ability that you know you’re capable of? That’s what happens many times in baseball. You really have to focus and know what you’re doing wrong, and what adjustments to make to fix it. More than all other sports one little odd or unusual thing you start doing or change in your mechanics has a huge effect on the amount of production and performance out on that diamond.

While hitting, throwing, or catching the ball, the simple extra movement or step you’re taking can cause a hundredth of a second difference in your throw, swing, or pitch, but this game is a game of seconds and that slight movement is the difference between a homerun or a ground ball, an amazing play in the field and an error, a strikeout or a ball hit in the upper deck. But wait there’s still more. Along with all the physical and mental aspects of the game that you have to control, there is one key element in which you can’t control.

Many say that baseball is like all other sports with referees and officials to rule upon the game. But baseball has an extra human interdependence aspect of the game, unlike any other: every single play, and every single pitch you have to rely on the judgment of another human outside of both teams. The fact that the main function and goal of the game is to hit the ball and score more runs than the opposing team, and prevent them from doing the same is simple. There has to be someone who deciphers whether a pitch is a ball or a strike right?

This factor that the main purpose of the game consists with every play relying on the judgment of an official is so crucial to the game because these umpires essentially can control the game with their strike zones. Not only is a baseball hard enough to hit when the ball is thrown straight at you. But now you have to take into account the judgment of an umpire on whether or not the pitch is a strike and you should swing at it, or if it’s a ball and you should leave it be. All of these factors working together in junction are why baseball is the hardest sport to play despite what any argument has to say.

Some may say that baseball isn’t as hard as it seems and just about anybody can play the sport. Their thoughts and statements are wrong and blasphemous to the sacred American pastime. While, yes, you may not need to be the greatest athlete to play, or be the fastest and strongest person in the world. The simple fact of all the mental, grueling physical length, hand-eye coordination, and umpire judgment aspects of this game make it by far the hardest sport to play. Some others may say that golf is the rival to baseball and is more difficult.

I say to those people, “Is it really that hard? ” “Is the ball moving? ” And the answer to those questions is no, the ball is standing still, it is not coming 90 mph at them, and no they do not have to decide within those few seconds while the ball is traveling from pitcher to catcher, should I swing at this, and is this a strike. Baseball is America’s past time for a reason. Everybody that truly knows the game knows the difficulty, and the accomplishment in being great at this amazing sport.

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  27. What makes writing an essay difficult- Why is essay writing so hard

    There are many possible reasons why students can't write their assignments themselves. The following list has been brought here to show you some of the most common reasons: What Makes Writing an Essay Difficult. 1. Lack of writing skills. Writing an academic paper requires a set of skills that could only be gained through years of practice.

  28. Life Is Hard Life Is Difficult Essay

    Satisfactory Essays. 1566 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. Life is Hard, Life is Difficult. My message today is titled Life is hard" and it's about how to live a great and meaningful life despite the fact that life is difficult. Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want to live a perfect life. We want that great job or a successful ...

  29. 500-Word on Why I Love You: [Essay Example], 513 words

    I love you for many reasons, some of which are difficult to put into words. But I will try my best to articulate them in this essay. Say no to plagiarism. ... In conclusion, there are countless reasons why I love you, and this essay only scratches the surface. Your kindness, intelligence, sense of humor, strength, creativity, and unwavering ...

  30. ⇉Why Baseball Is the Most Difficult Sport Essay Example

    Not in any other sport can you shoot 3 out of 10 free throws, or complete 3 out of 10 passes and be considered one of the best in the league. This is one example statistically of why baseball is the hardest and most physically demanding sport to play. But wait that's not all, not only do you have to have the right physical and hand-eye ...