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How to Give a Killer Presentation With VS-Code ?!?

Published on sun 17 april, 2022.

  • Architecture
  • Visual Studio Code

what is code presentation

In this tutorial, you will learn how to optimally present code from within Visual Studio code. As a developer, being asked to present your code seems to be a very common ask in 2021. Doing code reviews over Zoom, talking about some code that you have written in a remote job interview, talking at a meet-up, or even making YouTube videos are all things I have done within the last week. As the old saying goes, the devil is in the details 😈Being able to present code in a professional manner is an essential skill nowadays, so how exactly do you present code in a great way in Visual Studio code... read on to learn đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„

Before getting into VS-Code, let us talk about a great free presenting tool for Windows called ZoomIt . ZoomIt will allow you to either zoom in on certain areas on your screen or annotate the screen while you are presenting. ZoomIt has been created by Microsoft for technical presentation, it's free, so there's no harm in trying it out!

After installing ZoomIt, you can use the shortcut key Ctrl and 1 to Zoom in on the screen where your mouse is currently located. The shortcut combo of Ctrl and 2 will annotate the screen. Within annotation mode, you can either annotate freehand, draw a box, circle or arrow đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘‰đŸŒđŸ‘‰đŸœđŸ‘‰đŸŸđŸ‘‰đŸż

Better Live Coding

Coding on its own is hard enough, so is presenting. Trying to do both at the same time exponentially doubles up the chances of mistakes from occurring. Having to worry about live coding in your presentations, just adds a new source of stress. Typos, syntax issues, code that does not compile are the things that make people who present code wake up in the middle of the night with sweats. Instead of doing live coding in a talk, you can use a handy extension called HackerTyper . Hacker Typer allows you to record yourself programming ahead of time. Hacker Typer records all your keystrokes within VS-Code into a buffer. After recording and saving your keystrokes, you can then replay the same sequence again later. In your presentation, you can wildly mash any key on your keyboard and your code will appear on screen how you expect it to and in the right locations. Using Hacker Typer makes it look like you are live coding, however, it allows you to concentrate on making your talk points rather than the code. Making a recording using Hacker Typer is simple :

  • Open a file or a new VSCode window
  • Open the command palette, Ctrl + Shift , type PHackerTyper: Record Macro
  • Open a new file and start typing some code
  • Every keystroke you make will be recorded into an in-memory buffer
  • When you have finished open the command palette again type execute HackerTyper: Save Macro

After recording your macro, when you are ready to give your presentation, follow these steps:

  • Open a new file
  • Open the command palette, type in Execute HackerTyper: Play Macro
  • Select the name you selected
  • Now type anything on your keyboard and the code you recorded earlier will start typing đŸ’„

VS-Code Themes

When doing a presentation, the general rule of thumb is that a darker theme looks best on electronic displays, e.g. computer screens, and a lighter theme looks better on projectors. To make your code easy to read for your audience, it is recommended to use a light theme. If you need inspiration about which light theme to use in VS-Code for presentations, I recommend the Github theme . Downloaded over 2 million times, this is an extremely popular light theme to use that looks good and will make your code pop 😍

Presentation Mode

When presenting code, you do not want your audience to become distracted by unneeded visual noise. You do not need solution explorer, the terminal, the sidebar, or any annoying notifications distracting your presentation. To ensure a smooth, distraction-free presentation, you could present your code using the in-built Zen mode to remove these distractions. To start zen mode, open the command palette ( Ctrl + Shift + P ) and search for 'zen'. Zen mode is OK, however, you can go one step further with an extension, [Presentation Mode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=jspolancor.presentationmode). The Presentation Mode extension will render code within VS-Code in a nice distraction-free view. After installing the extension, to start presentation mode, open the command palette ( Ctrl + Shift + P ) and search for 'presentation mode' option.

You now know about all the tools required to make a really cool and smooth presentation in VS-Code. Use these tools and remember practice makes perfect. Armed with this new knowledge, I'm sure you will nail your presentation 💅. Happy Coding đŸ€˜

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.css-1prv3zp{-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-webkit-box-pack:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center;display:-webkit-inline-box;display:-webkit-inline-flex;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;position:relative;margin-right:var(--chakra-space-3);} .css-13otjrl{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentcolor;} .css-1xh5ykb{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentcolor;vertical-align:middle;fill:none;width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentcolor;} add multiple code windows.

Sometimes you want to describe differences in code snippets and point out best practices by comparing them.

.css-xtks34{-webkit-transform:translateY(-3px);-moz-transform:translateY(-3px);-ms-transform:translateY(-3px);transform:translateY(-3px);margin-right:var(--chakra-space-3);} .css-ms62x2{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentColor;vertical-align:middle;stroke:currentColor;fill:currentColor;width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentColor;} Annotate with Text and Arrows

Ever heard the myth of self explaining code? Pah! 😄

Place explanations (or just funny jokes) beside your snippets and style them to your needs with our powerful rich-text editor .

Additionally, you're able to add arrow elements to point at specific parts of your code.

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.css-1ttp4ht{-webkit-transform:translateY(-3px);-moz-transform:translateY(-3px);-ms-transform:translateY(-3px);transform:translateY(-3px);} .css-177wddp{width:1em;height:1em;display:inline-block;line-height:1em;-webkit-flex-shrink:0;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;color:currentColor;margin-right:var(--chakra-space-3);} Your branding will be on point

If you're sharing your code snippets on social media, a little bit of branding doesn't hurt!

You can add your own avatar and specify a username for X, Github, Instagram or LinkedIn .

Add custom images

Upload custom images and arrange them per drag and drop. Push your creativity to new boundaries!

For example you can add an image of the programming language you're using or place a screenshot of the desired outcome of your code snippet.

Logo of CSS3

Highlight your code in different ways

With snappify you're able to change opacity, blur or gray-out parts of your code so the viewer can focus on what matters .

Of course it's also possible to mark specific lines as added or removed to emphasize a change in the code.

Manage your code snippets in one place

As you build an ever-growing library of code snippets, snappify helps you to keep an overview.

Because your code deserves a .css-c41erm{color:#447ED6;-webkit-animation:animation-fo40za 15s linear infinite;animation:animation-fo40za 15s linear infinite;}@-webkit-keyframes animation-fo40za{0%{color:#44D698;}25%{color:#447ED6;}50%{color:#D644A4;}75%{color:#447ED6;}100%{color:#44D698;}}@keyframes animation-fo40za{0%{color:#44D698;}25%{color:#447ED6;}50%{color:#D644A4;}75%{color:#447ED6;}100%{color:#44D698;}} stunning presentation


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How to absolutely ace developer presentations

A live coding class at a Codeworks bootcamp

Whatever your personality type, you can learn to present.

You don’t have to be a naturally public or outgoing person to be good at presenting. Private, quiet people make brilliant presenters too. Whatever your personality, the Codeworks program puts a lot of emphasis on transferring these soft skills to our students. Each student presents several times during our Software Engineering and Web Development courses. After they graduate, they leave campus as not only better presenters, but better communicators for life.

On average, students will present two or three times during their course. That’s a lot. Through the students that graduate from our courses every 6 weeks, we play an important role in shaping the culture of the tech industry.

Clear presentations play a vital role in making that culture more accessible to wider audiences. The need for these skills is inescapable. Hear it from Codeworks graduate Anna Collins :

‘’I used presenting skills in teaching, as a student at Bootcamp, and now in my job, talking in front of others in daily stand ups.’’

Anna works at Barcelona green energy organization, Hola Luz . At work, her code needs to be as crystal clear in person as it is on screen. There’s no escaping it, presenting is essential for life after a coding bootcamp.

“Being able to write code is one thing, but being able to explain it to someone else is another.

“Like Einstein said, if you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.”

Firstly, why do coders need to present?

Some developers might think presenting is something super senior and scary. Something for managers or ego-maniacs. But really, presentations are just one way of transmitting ideas and thoughts.

Luckily presenting is something you can improve on, with practice. Keeping it regular helps students overcome the angst so they can pitch to clients in the future. Matt Boardman, Madrid based elevator pitch consultant says:

“Your expertise, product or idea is worth nothing unless your client or investor believes in it enough to pay for it.”

A live coding class at a Codeworks bootcamp

Presenting for a better life

Even if you’re not pitching for investment, we’re going to get radical. Better presenting will quite literally make your life better. With presentation skills, you’re more likely to give a better interview and get that a decent job.

With a job that pays well, you’re better able to buy a beer for your friend, without the stress of being broke. So the cycle continues. You present. You get paid. You have a beer. Life gets better.

But more importantly, the more you present, the more your confidence continues to soar. So you get happier at work. You start to speak up more in meetings. All of a sudden, you’re getting noticed. You present a little more. Maybe you get promoted. You buy more beers. Okay, we’ll stop there, you’ve got the idea.

Our top presenting tips

1. nail your slides.

  • Slides should support what you say, not the other way around. The less things to read on slides — the more attention you get. Check out the 10/20/30 rule for more.
  • Start with the why .
  • Tell a story. If your audience can connect with your topic, you are winning! If you’re presenting your product, present the pain points that you are solving!
  • When talking about your tech stack, don’t just list the logos of frameworks and tools you used. Make your audience understand your choices and the flow between them. This shows the way you thought through the architecture of your project.
  • Know the content of your slides by heart. Never read what’s on them, just glance on them as a reminder if needed.

2. Remember your body language

  • Don’t turn towards the slides. If you need to, point at them if they support what you want to say. Never show your back to the audience!
  • Pay attention to your hands: don’t put them in your pockets or cross them in front of your body.
  • If you are nervous, keep a pen in your hands! This way you will make your hands return to a natural position holding it, and you can use it to point on your slides as well.

3. Speak to your audience

  • Don’t read the slides! People can read them by themselves.
  • Test the microphone, be aware of the volume and your voice through the speakers.
  • Keep up the energy!
  • Use pitch and volume as strokes in a paint. Don’t be monotonic. Control the pace of your speaking and avoid cutting off the end of sentences.
  • Don’t feel the urge to fill every second. Use silence to create attention when you speak. There’s nothing like the loaded pause.

4. Show your product in the best light

  • Keep it simple. It’s not necessary to show how users log in (unless it’s something special).
  • Connect the features to user stories while demoing.
  • Don’t highlight things that don’t work, are glitchy, or you didn’t have time to implement. Just focus on the parts that you’re showing.
  • If you use dummy data (which is completely fine when you are making MVPs), don’t tell it to your audience. They don’t need to know that, and it’s not important either.

Presenting at Codeworks

How to improve your presentation skills at work

  • Try to formulate the lessons you learned throughout your project, pitch, or demo so others can benefit. We use a saying at Codeworks: Stay hungry. And stay foolish.  We all make mistakes! Share your original assumptions, what mistakes you made, and how you can overcome them in the future.
  • Watch Ted talks, and take a note of presenters you respect. Ask yourself, what traits can you mirror?
  • Film yourself and ask for feedback. From colleagues, friends and even the dog. Always put yourself in your audiences’ shoes.

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Good font for code presentations? [closed]

There's a couple of good questions regarding screen fonts for coding.

I'm putting together some Keynote presentations that will contain

code fragments

screen dumps of terminal windows

And the usual Courier display is looking a bit tired.

What are some good fonts for each of these? I'm especially interested in the terminal window dumps, to make sure they are legible. Or perhaps I can cut and paste the characters from the terminal window and apply some formatting to make it look screen-dumpish?

My main goal are

legible on screen and in printed outlines

the screen dump especially should be legible, but still identifiable as a screen dump

demonstrate I'm a person of visual taste and refinement, lol.

Robert Harvey's user avatar

8 Answers 8

I prefer Consolas .

  • 1 The link is broken –  Brad Johnson Commented Oct 24, 2017 at 21:56
  • Link to the above microsoft page: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/consolas –  crash Commented Apr 15, 2020 at 9:30
  • 1 + for Consolas. Basically a Monaco with proper indentation. –  MrCheatak Commented Mar 26, 2022 at 11:51

If you are doing a presentation, and you don't care about anything lining up, Verdana is a good choice.

If you are going to distribute your presentation, use a font that you know is on everyone's machine, since using something else is going to cause the machine to fall back to one of the common fonts (like Arial or Times) anyway.

If you do care about things lining up, and are not distributing the presentation, consider Consolas:

It is highly legible, reminiscent of Verdana, and is monospaced. The color choices are, of course, a matter of taste.

Glorfindel's user avatar

I do a lot of such presentation and use Monaco for code and Chalkboard for text (within a template that, overall, has only small changes from the Blackboard one supplied with Keynote). Look at any of my presentations' PDFs (e.g. this one ) and you can decide whether you like the effect.

Alex Martelli's user avatar

  • 13 I really love Monaco for code. But Chalkboard? Ooof. –  molf Commented Jun 21, 2009 at 0:25
  • Thanks Alex, this looks quite nice. Interestingly my presentations will be about Python as well. –  Mark Harrison Commented Jun 21, 2009 at 0:30
  • @Mark, Great! As you may notice I sacrifice some readability (short var names, &c) in order to fit entire functions and classes on one readable slide (sometimes I explicitly apologize for that;-) -- in some other languages I wouldn't even try, but Python, Perl, Ruby, SQL, allow one such luxury;-). –  Alex Martelli Commented Jun 21, 2009 at 2:30
  • 2 @Alex, if a template is designed by Apple doesn't mean it's good. :-) Still, +1 for Monaco. –  molf Commented Jun 21, 2009 at 12:20
  • 3 eh, Chalkboard ~= Comic sans?! bancomicsans.com/home.html –  Carl Hörberg Commented Jul 14, 2009 at 10:19

I'm personally very fond of Inconsolata

baudtack's user avatar

  • I like that font too. It's easy to read and uncommon enough to look fresh. –  Antonis Lamnatos Commented Jul 14, 2009 at 13:58
  • The only thing I wish it had was a complete Unicode set. –  baudtack Commented Jul 14, 2009 at 14:19

Do you want people to focus on the content, and demonstrate that you're a person of taste and good sense? Stay with Courier. Don't innovate just because you can (otherwise, why not craft exquisite animations for every slide transition, with dancing letters...?).

Courier has several advantages:

  • Excellent readability in low resolutions.
  • Fixed width preserves indentation.
  • Serifed fonts link letters, allowing people to understand words and identifiers as a whole (gestalt perception). Nonserifed fonts should only be used for headlines.
  • Tried and true: people will immediately understand it's code.

If you want to dump point 4, at least choose an alternative that preserves points 1-3. Never allow form to trump function.

Pontus Gagge's user avatar

  • Don't agree, innovate otherwise we'd still be using sticks in the sand to write. –  rhody Commented Sep 11, 2020 at 0:01
  • It's a common mistake to confuse "new" and "innovative". Argue the benefits of the alternatives: nothing is good just because it's new, nor just because it's old. –  Pontus Gagge Commented Sep 12, 2020 at 9:57
  • Have you tried sublime text, I found the font on that is Very readable, better that courier. The point is that if you don’t try new things you’ll never know if they are useful or not. Take a risk, try something new. –  rhody Commented Sep 14, 2020 at 16:16
  • Lucida Console (good, but a little short)
  • Lucida Sans Typewriter (taller, smaller character set)
  • Andale Mono is very clear

But this has been answered here before .

Community's user avatar

  • It's a different question... the requirements for a good font for coding and a good font for presentations about coding are quite different. Unless you do extreme team coding, you don't need the coding font to be visible by hundreds of people projected on a screen in an auditorium. :-) –  Mark Harrison Commented Jul 14, 2009 at 22:58

I use DejaVu Sans Mono at Size 16.

UPDATE : I have switched to Envy Code R for coding and Anonymous Pro for terminal

Ibn Saeed's user avatar

I like Calibri.

Geo's user avatar

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged fonts or ask your own question .

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what is code presentation

Clean Code Explained – A Practical Introduction to Clean Coding for Beginners

Yiğit Kemal Erinç

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."                                       – Martin Fowler

Writing clean, understandable, and maintainable code is a skill that is crucial for every developer to master.

In this post, we will look at the most important principles to improve code quality and I will give you code examples for each of them.

Most examples are taken from Robert J. Martin's Clean Code . It is a programming classic and I suggest you read the whole text when you have time.

How to Name Variables (and other things)

"There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things."                                                                                                                â€“ Phil Karlton

There is a reason why we do not use memory addresses and have names instead: names are much easier to recall. And, more importantly, they can give you more information about the variable, so someone else can understand its significance.

It can take some time to find a good name but it will save you and your team even more time in the future. And I am sure most readers have faced the situation where you visit your code only a few months later and have a hard time understanding what you did before.

How to Create Meaningful Names

Do not use comments to explain why a variable is used. If a name requires a comment, then you should take your time to rename that variable instead of writing a comment.

"A name should tell you why it exists, what it does, and how it is used. If a name requires a comment, then the name does not reveal its intent."                 – Clean Code

I have seen this type of code so many times. It is a common misconception that you should hide your mess with comments. Do not use letters like x, y, a, or b as variable names unless there is a good reason (loop variables are an exception to this).

These names are so much better. They tell you what is being measured and the unit of that measurement.

Avoid Disinformation

Be careful about words that mean something specific. Do not refer to a grouping of accounts as accountList unless its type is actually a List. The word has a specific meaning and it may lead to false conclusions.

Even if the type is a list, accounts is a simpler and better name.

Avoid Noise Words

Noise words are the words that do not offer any additional information about the variable. They are redundant and should be removed.

Some popular noise words are:

  • The (prefix)

If your class is named UserInfo, you can just remove the Info and make it User. Using BookData instead of Book as class name is just a no-brainer, as a class stores Data anyways.

You can also read Jeff Atwood's blog post about SomethingManager naming here .

Use Pronounceable Names

If you can't pronounce a name, you can't discuss it without sounding silly.

Use Searchable Names

Avoid using magic numbers in your code. Opt for searchable, named constants. Do not use single-letter names for constants since they can appear in many places and therefore are not easily searchable.

This is much better because MAX_CLASSES_PER_STUDENT can be used in many places in code. If we need to change it to 6 in the future, we can just change the constant.

The bad example creates question marks in the reader's mind, like what is the importance of 7?

You should also make use of your language's constant naming and declaration conventions such as private static final in Java or const in JavaScript.

Be Consistent

Follow the one word for each concept rule. Do not use fetch , retrieve, and get for the same operation in different classes. Choose one of them and use it all over the project so people who maintain the codebase or the clients of your API can easily find the methods they are looking for.

How to Write Functions

Keep them small.

Functions should be small, really small. They should rarely be 20 lines long. The longer a function gets, it is more likely it is to do multiple things and have side effects.

Make Sure They Just Do One Thing

Functions should do one thing. They should do it well. They should do it only. – Clean Code

Your functions should do only one thing. If you follow this rule, it is guaranteed that they will be small. The only thing that function does should be stated in its name.

Sometimes it is hard to look at the function and see if it is doing multiple things or not. One good way to check is to try to extract another function with a different name. If you can find it, that means it should be a different function.

This is probably the most important concept in this article, and it will take some time to get used to. But once you get the hang of it, your code will look much more mature, and it will be more easily refactorable, understandable, and testable for sure.

Encapsulate Conditionals in Functions

Refactoring the condition and putting it into a named function is a good way to make your conditionals more readable.

Here is a piece of code from a school project of mine. This code is responsible for inserting a chip on the board of the Connect4 game.

The isValidInsertion method takes care of checking the validity of the column number and allows us the focus on the logic for inserting the chip instead.

Here is the code for isValidInsertion, if you are interested.

Without the method, if condition would look like this:

Gross, right? I agree.

Fewer Arguments

Functions should have two or fewer arguments, the fewer the better. Avoid three or more arguments where possible.

Arguments make it harder to read and understand the function. They are even harder from a testing point of view, since they create the need to write test cases for every combination of arguments.

Do not use Flag Arguments

A flag argument is a boolean argument that is passed to a function. Two different actions are taken depending on the value of this argument.

For example, say there is a function that is responsible for booking tickets to a concert and there are 2 types of users: Premium and Regular. You can have code like this:

Flag arguments naturally contradict the principle of single responsibility. When you see them, you should consider dividing the function into two.

Do Not Have Side Effects

Side effects are unintended consequences of your code. They may be changing the passed parameters, in case of passing by reference, or maybe changing a global variable.

The key point is, they promised to do another thing and you need to read the code carefully to notice the side-effect. They can result in some nasty bugs.

Here is an example from the book:

Can you see the side-effect of this function?

It is checking the password, but when the password is valid, it is also initializing the session which is a side-effect.

You can change the name of the function to something like checkPasswordAndInitializeSession to make this effect explicit. But when you do that, you should notice that your function is actually doing two things and you should not initialize the session here.

Don't Repeat Yourself

Code repetition may be the root of all evil in software. Duplicate code means you need to change things in multiple places when there is a change in logic and it is very error prone.

Use your IDE's refactoring features and extract a method whenever you come across a repeated code segment.


Do not leave code in comments

Please, do not. This one is serious because others who see the code will be afraid to delete it because they do not know if it is there for a reason. That commented out code will stay there for a long time. Then when variable names or method names change, it gets irrelevant but still nobody deletes it.

Just delete it. Even if it was important, there is version control for that. You can always find it.

Know your language's conventions

You should know your language's conventions in terms of spacing, comments, and naming things. There are style guides available for many languages.

For example, you should use camelCase in Java but snake_case in Python. You put opening braces on a new line in C# but you put them on the same line in Java and JavaScript.

These things change from language to language and there is no universal standard.

Here are some useful links for you:

  • Python Style Guide
  • Google's Javascript Style Guide
  • Google Java Style Guide

Clean coding is not a skill that can be acquired overnight. It is a habit that needs to be developed by keeping these principles in mind and applying them whenever you write code.

Thank you for taking your time to read and I hope it was helpful.

If you are interested in reading more articles like this, you can subscribe to my blog .

I am an MSc. student at TU Munich and a part-time SWE at Visa. I like working with Java microservices and frontend stuff. Feel free to reach me out :)

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How to Use Visual Studio Like a Pro When Presenting Your Code

Visual Studio is great to write code and create something amazing, but sometimes, you may want to use it for a different purpose: presenting your code to an audience. Whether you are giving a demo, a workshop, a lecture, or a webinar, you want to make sure that your audience can see and understand your code clearly. That's where Presentation Mode comes in.

Presentation Mode is a feature that lets you open an instance of Visual Studio that looks like a fresh install, without any customizations, extensions, or settings synchronization. This way, you can avoid any distractions or confusion that may arise from your personal preferences or environment. You can then adjust any settings that are relevant for your presentation, such as font sizes, themes, window layouts, and keyboard shortcuts. These settings will be preserved for the next time you use Presentation Mode.

How to Enter Presentation Mode

There are two ways of entering Presentation Mode in Visual Studio: with an extension or from command prompt without extensions.

With the extension

The easy way is to install the Tweaks extension and open any solution, project, or file in Visual Studio. Now you can right-click the Visual Studio icon in the Windows task bar and select Presentation Mode .

This will launch a new instance of Visual Studio with the default settings and no extensions (other than machine-wide ones). You can then open your solution or project and start presenting.

From Command Prompt

You can do the same thing yourself if you don't want to install the extension. Open the Developer Command Prompt or Developer PowerShell and execute the following line:

This will launch a new instance of Visual Studio with the root suffix PresentationMode. You can swap the word PresentationMode with whatever other word you want to create yet another isolated instance type. This can be helpful for scenarios where you need different settings based on the kind of project you are working on. For instance, you might prefer specific extensions and window layouts only for web development. This allows you to have that versatility.

How to Customize Presentation Mode

Once you have entered Presentation Mode, you can customize any settings to configure Visual Studio for your presentation style. Here are some common settings that you may want to change:

  • Font sizes : You can change the font sizes for the Text Editor, Environment, Tooltips, Statement Completion, and more from Tools > Options > Environment > Fonts and Colors . A good rule of thumb is to use at least 18 points for the Text Editor and 12 points for the Environment.
  • Theme : You can change the theme from Tools > Options > Environment > General . You may want to choose a theme that matches your presentation slides or has good contrast for your audience.
  • Window layout : You can change the window layout from Window > Reset Window Layout . You may want to minimize or close any tool windows that are not relevant for your presentation, such as Solution Explorer, Output, Error List, etc. You can also use Window > Auto Hide All to hide all tool windows until you hover over them.
  • Keyboard shortcuts : You can change the keyboard shortcuts from Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard . You may want to use the default keyboard shortcuts or choose a scheme that matches your audience's expectations.

These settings will be saved for the next time you use Presentation Mode. If you want to reset them to the default values, you can use Tools > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings Âč.

How to Exit Presentation Mode

To exit Presentation Mode, simply close the instance of Visual Studio that you used for presenting. This will not affect your normal instance of Visual Studio or any other instances with different root suffixes.

Presentation Mode is a handy feature that lets you use Visual Studio in a clean and distraction-free way for presenting your code to an audience. It allows you to customize any settings that are relevant for your presentation style, such as font sizes, theme, window layout, and keyboard shortcuts. These settings will be preserved for the next time you use Presentation Mode. To enter Presentation Mode, you can either use the Tweaks extension or the Developer Command Prompt or PowerShell. To exit Presentation Mode, simply close the instance of Visual Studio that you used for presenting. I hope this article has helped you learn how to use Visual Studio in Presentation Mode and how to make your code presentations more effective and engaging.

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Code Presentation Tips

Sometimes, I need to show some code in my slides. It can be an internal presentation for 3-5 developers, an online meetup, or a live event. And many times, I have found myself trying to recover the lost code style configuration or to recreate a color palette from the previous presentation.

I’ve decided to save all the templates and share them and some tips about code in slides with you. I hope it will help you to create code slides quicker and better.

Know Your Tools #


Get familiar with the tools for code formating and syntax highlight.

Popular choices for many languages are JetBrains IDEs or VS Code . There also some useful extensions for IDEs that can help you to take screenshots directly from the editor, such as Code screenshots or Polacode .

General-purpose text editors #

I use Sublime Text . It supports syntax highlight for many languages and has a lot of helpful extensions. Mine most often used commands for work with small pieces of code are Set syntax: %language_name% to use syntax highlight for a particular language in the current file and Reindent Lines to apply auto-indentation. Both commands can be accessed through the command menu by Ctrl/Command + Shift + P shortcut.

Online tools #

The best online tool I’ve seen so far is Carbon . It supports many languages, has many color themes, modern design, and it offers a lot of options for color theme configuration.

Those are my favorite tools to create a formatted and visually appealing piece of code, but there are other products in the market. What else do you use? Please, share your setup in comments!

Prepare Format & Highlight Presets #

No Highlight

Prepare and save the configuration for your editor.

It is possible to import and export code style configurations for IntelliJ Idea. For convenience, I store them in GitHub repository: Idea Config . You can apply this code style configuration in Settings → Editor → Code Style → Scheme → Import Scheme → IntelliJ IDEA code style XML and selecting your config file. The same menu allows you to export the current scheme. Create your config, save it in a repository, and use it when you need to have your code style in IDE.

Also, I store color schemes for Carbon . Carbon has many ready-to-use themes, but you can customize and share your configurations. You can find my configs and instructions on how to apply them here: Carbon Config .

Have Dark And Light Presets #

Dark and Light

Create presets for both light and dark environments.

I like the white code on a dark background, and usually, I use this theme for personal projects. But a couple of times, I had to redo a big presentation with a lot of code just because of the requirements from event organizers. It is convenient to have presets for two themes: dark and light. This way, you can quickly rewrite all your slides and adjust your presentation.

Choose Suitable Language #


This problem may occur only when your presentation content is not about one particular technology. But if you are talking about a problem that can be solved and demonstrated in any programming language, then it is better to use a more suitable programming language.

For example, the Spark application can be written both in Java and Scala, but the Scala version almost always will be shorter and more expressive.

Keep It Short #


Long code is acceptable only when you want to demonstrate how awful the long code looks.

Respect the time and effort of your audience. Leave only the code that shows the idea. Don’t include things that do not solve the problem of your slide, such as logging, error handling, imports, comments, etc. Also, don’t hesitate to replace a long or uninteresting block of code with comment or pseudocode.

Remember that simplicity is achieved not when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing to take away.

Useful Links #

Carbon code image share tool — https://carbon.now.sh/ .

Codestyle templates — https://github.com/smyachenkov/code-slides-config .


Technology integration blog for teachers

coding presentation for middle school

Celebrate Learning with a Coding Presentation

A great way to end a programming unit or coding workshop is to have students give a coding presentation. This provides a valuable opportunity for students to reflect upon the learning experience. Moreover, it develops strong communication skills, which are highly valued in the workplace.

What is a Coding Presentation?

Programmers often need to give coding presentations. A coding presentation is a demonstration of the program. It can include:

  • description of what the program does and why it is useful
  • instructions on how to use the program
  • features that make the program unique
  • code snippets that control how the program runs
  • parts of the program that are under construction or require improvement

Why Do Programmers Give Coding Presentations?

Experiences in schools should prepare students for higher learning and the workplace. To that end, a coding presentation is part of a computer programmer’s job. It is commonplace for programmers to share their work with others. In the real world, the audience for a coding presentation could be a:

  • fellow programmer that will provide advice on how to improve the design
  • manager who needs to monitor the progress of the program
  • client interested in using the program
  • user that requires training in how to use the program
  • investor that will fund program development

What is the Educational Value of a Coding Presentation?

When assigning a coding presentation as a culminating assignment, consider the audience. They could be a peer, small group, or whole class. Depending on the size of the group or the pairing of class members, coding presentations can be time consuming. However, without a doubt, the allocation of instructional time to this task has educational value. Use a coding presentation as an opportunity to:

  • build communication skills
  • acknowledge accomplishments
  • encourage critical reflection about learning
  • promote collaboration
  • provide an assessment opportunity
  • offer a source of inspiration to others

Questions to Guide the Design of a Coding Presentation

Please note, students may have limited experience with giving coding presentations. Consequently, allocate class time towards organizing the content. Provide the following questions to help students outline their ideas:

  • What does the program do?
  • Who is the user of the program?
  • Why is the program useful? Explain its applications.
  • What does the user have to do to make it work?
  • Describe your favorite part of the program. Why do you like it?
  • What part of the program was the most difficult to code? Why?
  • What would you like to add or change in the program if you had more time?
  • How can you use this experience, to make another program in the future?

Coding Presentation Tips

You want the coding presentations to be positive experience. To that end, provide students with some proven tips that will guarantee success!

Everyone Must be Able to See the Program Demonstration

The coding presentation should include a demonstration of the program. When presenting it is important that the audience can see the screen. If students are presenting to a small group, their own device may be sufficient. However, if the demonstration is to the entire class, the presenter must be able to show their program on a large display.

Determine in Advance How to Highlight Code Snippets

An explanation of how the program works in a coding presentation is often done by highlighting a portion of the script. This can be done in real-time, by opening the program for the audience to see. Alternatively, the programmer can take screenshots of the code and them put them onto PowerPoint or Google slides for easy reference.

Show the Line Numbers of the Code

In some coding applications, the line numbers are automatically on. However, in some programs such as the IDLE Python Editor they are not. If using this application, from the Options menu select Show Line Numbers .

Enlarge the Font Size of the Code

In most coding applications, the font size is small. Most likely, the default code is point size 10. This is difficult to read from a distance. For this reason, have students customize this option to make it easier for the audience to see the code. For example, if using the IDLE Python Editor :

  • From the Options menu select Configure IDLE .
  • Select the Fonts/Tab option.
  • In the Size box, select a larger font such as 18.
  • Click Apply .

TechnoPython and Coding Presentation Activity

A Python programming unit that has a coding presentation activity is TechnoPython . In this technology project, students learn the Python programming language by developing a series of original games. Aside from teaching computer science concepts, the lessons also interweave essential soft skills that are valued in a programmer. These include curiosity, logical thinking, persistence, creativity, teamwork, and strong communication.

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How can I embed programming source code in Powerpoint slide and keep code highlighting?

Is it possible to embed programming source code to Powerpoint slide, and keep code highlighting/coloring?

  • microsoft-powerpoint
  • source-code

anderas's user avatar

  • what application are you copying from? –  user1931 Commented Dec 21, 2009 at 4:26
  • I use textmate, e-texteditor and eclipse the most. –  Yousui Commented Dec 21, 2009 at 4:58
  • 2 Please copy your code to VC Code, and then paset to ppt –  Mohammad Fallah Commented Oct 12, 2023 at 17:13

11 Answers 11

After pasting, a small "Paste Options" icon appears below the pasted text.

Click this icon and choose "Keep Source Formatting" :

enter image description here

  • 3 I don't see such a Paste Options icon. I don't see a button to give me these options. I'm using PowerPoint:mac 2011. I think I have seen it in Windows versions, however. –  Asclepius Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 21:49
  • I tried different suggested methods and tools to copy from, but was actually missing that word/powerpoint was messing up the format by using "Destination Theme". Thanks! –  Tim Büthe Commented Jan 22, 2014 at 11:23

Use Notepad++ with add-on NppExport.

Select the source code

Use Copy RTF to clipboard of NppExport

Paste into empty PPT slide (do not select any textfiled)

Jawa's user avatar

  • 8 With version 6.9.2 or higher it's working without NppExport plugin. Just make right-click on the selected text -> Plugin commands -> Copy Text with Syntax Highlighting. –  Ivan Kochurkin Commented Aug 7, 2016 at 19:00
  • 2 Current version of Notepad++ already comes with this plugin :) –  fabriciorissetto Commented Nov 27, 2016 at 17:53
  • 1 Still working in NPP v8.2.1, Power Point 2016 –  iroiroys Commented Mar 16, 2022 at 6:08
  • Direct copy to PowerPoint did not worked well, I paste the code to Word and copy it from word to PowerPoint –  Alireza Fattahi Commented Aug 28, 2023 at 4:45

Pygments can format almost every format to rtf:

schlamar's user avatar

  • 3 An online translator is available at pygments.org/demo –  koppor Commented Nov 25, 2015 at 11:48
  • 6 Same idea, straight to the OS X clipboard pygmentize -f rtf code.py | pbcopy . –  Christian Long Commented Mar 14, 2016 at 14:28
  • Thanks for this. I got very favorable results with pygmentize -O style=paraiso-dark -f rtf -l aspx-cs Index.cshtml | pbcopy for syntax highlighting of a Razor view for use in a presentation. –  Asbjørn Ulsberg Commented Jun 20, 2019 at 20:42
  • Adding to what @ChristianLong suggested, but for Linux: pygmentize -f rtf code.py | xclip -sel clip . Note that you will probably have to install xclip. –  Matthew Cole Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 23:16

If the source code does not need to be copied and pasted out of the presentation, a quick and dirty solution could be to simply take screenshots of the source code.

Emory Bell's user avatar

  • 12 Image can be fuzzy when zoom in. –  Yousui Commented Dec 21, 2009 at 4:58
  • Use the magnifier and then take a screenshot of that. –  wbeard52 Commented May 17, 2015 at 0:57
  • 4 Doing so can increase the size of the presentation file significantly. –  Rufflewind Commented Nov 10, 2016 at 17:39
  • 1 This also has the drawback that once screenshot, it is no longer possible to resize the column width. This becomes a problem if you try to fit a 80 column printout into a 2x1 horizontal slide layout, a 132 column source into a 1x2 vertical layout, for example. The pygmentize answer above doesn't suffer from this. –  Matthew Cole Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 22:55
  • Click on Insert → Object → OpenDocument Text
  • Paste on opened panel
  • Click outside.

Note: Copying from Notepad++ will preserve colors and styling.

random's user avatar

  • 1 Doesn't work for power point 2010. I copied text from Notepad++ to Power point presentation but it looses colors and styling. –  ART Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 5:11
  • 2 If I use NPPExport pluging and use "copy RTF to clipboard" and then paste it works. –  ART Commented Jan 4, 2016 at 5:13

Copy the code and first paste that code into Microsoft word

enter image description here

Then do the formatting if necessary and then copy from word and paste back to powerpoint by right clicking and choosing use destination theme

enter image description here

  • Either way,  what does “Then do the formatting if necessary” mean? –  Scott - Слава Україні Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 19:10
  • It means if you want to do some changes of your own like aligning or indentation of code –  selftaught91 Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 19:17
  • This was the only way that I could copy and paste code from IntelliJ (a special program used for writing code) –  robert Commented Nov 14, 2019 at 4:15

Here's another approach:

  • https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/syntax_highlight.html
  • https://pinetools.com/syntax-highlighter
  • Paste the code to highlight into the web site.
  • Copy the highlighted version.
  • Create a new Word document.
  • Paste the code into Word (note the background colours may be lost).
  • Copy the code from Word.
  • Create a new text area in PowerPoint.
  • Click the Home menu option.
  • Open Paste on the ribbon.
  • Select Keep source formatting .
  • Optionally, change the text area background colour to taste.

Adjust the font using Inconsolata or other monospace font.

Dave Jarvis's user avatar

Online syntax highlighter like TextMate seems good as well, http://markup.su/highlighter/

But after pasting into PowerPoint presentation new lines and line spacing is lost, so we can take a screen shot of the preview and paste it in our PowerPoint presentation

Mohammed Abdul Mateen's user avatar

  • Pasting into ppt does not quite work here on Windows 10: The new lines are not pasted. –  koppor Commented Nov 24, 2015 at 15:22

Using Notepad++ and Npp Export works great, but your text will end up with a white background.

To remove it, paste first the text in word with the "preserve source formatting" option. Then, select the text and in Home > Font, remove the background with the Text Highlight Color option.

Then, copy again the text from word, and paste it in powerpoint with the "preserve source formatting" option.

John's user avatar

Pasting from Eclipse should retain formatting if the app supports it. I know Word does... not sure about PPT.

Chris Nava's user avatar

  • 1 Works from Eclipse Juno to Word 2010, but not to Powerpoint 2010 - it loses the colours and converts some of them to bold text –  DNA Commented Sep 4, 2013 at 17:21

I've had no success pasting into Powerpoint 2010 on Windows.

However, pasting from Eclipse into Word 2010 works.

You can then save this formatted text as an RTF file, then embed the RTF into a Powerpoint 2010 slide using Insert Object (and optionally select 'link' so you can edit and update the text in Word).

DNA's user avatar

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what is code presentation

How to use VBA in PowerPoint: A beginner’s guide

  • Written by: Jamie Garroch
  • Categories: PowerPoint productivity , Presentation technology
  • Comments: 45

what is code presentation

Here at BrightCarbon we’re always looking for new ways to improve our own PowerPoint productivity and then share that knowledge with the presentation community (that includes you, by the way!). One of the ways we do this is by using VBA code to automate and extend the functionality of PowerPoint. We publish  free PowerPoint VBA code snippets here in our blog for you to use and also offer a PowerPoint automation service . This article explains how to grab the code from our articles and use it in your PowerPoint project, so that you can take your productivity to the next level!

What is VBA?

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a programming environment for Microsoft Office applications. It’s included with your installation of Office by default  ( unless your system administrator has deactivated it ) . PowerPoint VBA provides you with a way to do one of two things   using macros and add-ins:  

  • A utomate  PowerPo int:   If you ever find yourself repeating the same task over and over again, VBA could be your new best friend.  Let’s say you have 100 slides and you need to unhide all hidden objects  across all those slides . That could take you  many  eye-straining minutes, but with a PowerPoint VBA it takes around a  second.
  • E xtend  PowerPoint :   Sometimes PowerPoint doesn’t have the feature you need  to complete your task . As an example, if you end up deleting default layouts from a template, there’s no  easy  way in PowerPoint to get them back. This article includes PowerPoint VBA code to do just that!

How to open the VBE (Visual Basic Editor)

Getting to meet your VBA friend is very simple. With PowerPoint open and at least one presentation file open, press  Alt+F11 * on your keyboard. This will open the VBE (Visual Basic Editor):  

PowerPoint VBE No Modules

*If for some reason Alt+F11 isn’t mapped on your keyboard you can right click anywhere on the ribbon, select  Customize the Ribbon
  and in the window that appears, tick the  Developer Tab  check box over on the right hand side before clicking  OK  to close the window. Now you can click the  Visual Basic  button within this tab:  

PowerPoint Developer Tab Visual Basic

Adding PowerPoint VBA code  

To add some VBA code, you need a container to put it in so go ahead and click  Insert  from the menu and then select  Module :  

PowerPoint VBE Insert Module

You now have a module ready to paste the VBA code into  from one of our blog articles :  

PowerPoint VBE Module Inserted

Copy the VBA code from  the required blog article  by double-clicking on it and then paste it into the  Module1  window above.  Here’s a very simple example of some code  to display a message dialogue :

You should now see something like this:  

PowerPoint VBA

Because this code is just a single  Sub  procedure called  HelloWorld , it’s referred to as a macro.  

Running  the PowerPoint VBA macro  

Now you have the macro in your presentation you can use  Alt+Tab  to return to the more familiar PowerPoint window. From here, the macro can be run by pressing  Alt+F8  on your keyboard  (or b y  clicking the  Macros  button in the Developer tab)  which opens a window containing a list of available macros:  

PowerPoint VBA

Security Soup

The first time you add VBA code to a file, Microsoft assumes that it is safe because you added it. As soon as you save, close and reopen the file, Microsoft doesn’t know that it’s your code so it will disable it by default. You can tell the Office app to allow your code to run either by signing it with a digital certificate (beyond the scope of this article) or by lowering the security setting for the app. You can do this in PowerPoint by clicking File / Options / Trust Center / Trust Center Settings / Macro Settings and selecting this option shown below:

VBA Macro Settings

Saving your file  

what is code presentation

Once you ’ve added  VBA code  to  your presentation, PowerPoint will  ask you to save it as a  pptm  file  (the ‘m’ stands for macro)  instead of the more  familiar  pptx  format .  You can go ahead and do this to  either  keep a n archive  copy of your  code-enabled  project  or   to  create your personal macro library.  

If you want to distribute your  presentation,   it’s advisable to   save  it  using the familiar pptx format so that  your  recipients don’t see lots of verbose  security  messages  when opening  pptm  files!  

Y ou can  make  your file saveable as a standard presentation again  by  right – click ing  on  each   code module in the  project explorer pane , clicking  Remove   ModuleX 
   and either click  Yes   (if you want to keep a backup of the modules independently of your presentation)  or  No   when  asked if you want to save the module before removing it :  

what is code presentation

Now your presentation doesn’t include any code and you can save it as a pptx file.  

So, there you have it.  You now know how to open the VBE, insert a PowerPoint VBA code module, paste code into it, run the macro and save the file in either pptm  or pptx formats. All you need is a cool macro to make your daily life even easier. Keep checking in with our blog for more useful macros – like this one on restoring default slide master layouts!

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Check out our PowerPoint automation service which provides you with a custom solution to your specific needs.

what is code presentation

Jamie Garroch

Principal technical consultant, related articles, how to consistently brand graphs and charts across microsoft office.

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  • Comments: 1

How do you make sure that your graphs and charts have consistent branding across Excel, PowerPoint and Word? Learn how to create and use custom templates that support your brand identity across Microsoft Office.

what is code presentation

Changes to VBA Macro Security in Microsoft 365

  • Presentation technology / Industry insights
  • Comments: 2

You can do some really cool things in Microsoft Office with just a few lines of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) - from creating your own custom formula in Excel to correcting branded content in PowerPoint to merging address data for a mail campaign in Word. And sometimes you need to share that VBA solution with colleagues and clients, via the Internet. A change that Microsoft rolled out at the end of March 2022 tweaks the process required by Windows users to gain access to this active content.

what is code presentation

Protecting your prized PowerPoint content

  • PowerPoint productivity / Presentation technology

Our comprehensive guide to password protecting PowerPoint files so your precious presentations stay just they you made them!

very simple, very explicit, very good help for a beginner vba programmer in powerpoint. Thanks

great resource, thanks. I’ve used VBA for years in MSaccess, and this is a good refresher for me.

I am trying to make a ppt file that loops until stopped. then I save it as a video. the ppt ran and looped continuously. Once recorded as video it stopped looping. do you have code to make ppt work when in video format

Hi Charles. As soon as you export a PowerPoint deck as a video all the PowerPoint functionality is removed as the file is magically transformed into an MP4 file, without VBA (sob sob). The only way to make the video loop is to use the looping feature of your video player.

Yeah, your best off recording a screen capture of the presentation running, then cutting it so it loops perfectly.

You can convert the video into gif file so that it will loop

Hi Jamie, thanks for the clear into, I am very new to this so that really helps. I am trying to develop a VBA macro that looks for the left hand mouse key being pressed and held down for more than two seconds whilst over a shape in slideshow mode. Once this is satisfied (i.e. two second press) for it then to hyperlink or take the user to a specified slide or even the next slide worst case.

I realise there is an automated/ built in feature (Action) that does this type of thing for a mouse click or mouse over but I really need a “long press” to activate if possible.

Any help appreciated.

Hi Simon and thanks for a great question. What you’re looking to do is pretty complex because VBA doesn’t natively support mouse actions in the PowerPoint slide show window. But, it is possible to use a Windows API (hence no Mac compatibility) called GetAsyncKeyState to gain access to mouse button click events. I had a look at this and quickly ran into a brick wall because an action link to a macro in slide show mode (Insert / Action / Mouse Click / Run macro) fires on the mouse up event, not mouse down. That means any corresponding VBA timer code can’t run until after the user releases the button and hence too late to detect if it was held down for two seconds. Maybe something could be done with the mouse over event to simulate what you need to achieve? Another approach could be to use the mouse down event on an invisible userform although that is also getting very involved with multiple Windows APIs. Depending on what you’re trying to do, you could also start the timer on click one, change the colour of the clicked shape and show countdown text before reverting to the original colour. If the user clicks a second time before the time expires, then the hyperlink is fired.

Valuable app

Hello I have a question:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() ActivePresentation.FollowHyperlink _ Address:=””, _ NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=False ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.GotoSlide (2)

Now it opens Chrome. but how can i make it that it opens te address en afther that shut down chrome.

Hi Tom. Your example should open the default browser at the URL specified by the Address parameter. For more information on the FollowHyperlink method, see this Microsoft documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/powerpoint.presentation.followhyperlink

Thank you very much! It’s exactly what I needed.

I have tried using your randomizing macro with a powerpoint – I must be doing something wrong, because it isn’t putting the slides in random order. Please advise! I copied the macro exactly (using cut & paste), and thought I was following all the directions here for how to use it in the powerpoint. But, no random presentation of the slides. Boo hoo!

Hi Marya. Let’s check that VBA is installed and enabled on your machine. Can you add the following macro to the VBE project (just below the existing one) and try to run it from the PowerPoint window using Alt+F8?

Sub CheckVBA() MsgBox “it’s working” End Sub

Make sure the quotes are the straight type.

I am trying to format my title page so that the number displayed is equal to the linked slide and updates automatically wherever the slide is moved. For example “about us” is on slide #5 and linked, so it goes to slide 5 when you click on the word. I need the number (in a separate text box) to update automatically to the slide number location that the link goes to.

Hi Mary and thanks for the question. It looks like you’re interested in some kind of automated agenda slide builder. That’s a fair bit of code to create and quite complex as it needs to handle events from PowerPoint to detect when slides have moved. It could be possible to write a simpler macro which you run manually each time you want to update that title page. You’d need start by finding a way to identify which objects are your numerical indicators. For example, if you named your objects in the selection pane (Alt+F10) “Agenda Link”, then is simple macro could be a starting place for you: Sub UpdateAgendaNumbers() Dim oSld As Slide Dim oShp As Shape Dim LinkedSlideIndex As Long On Error Resume Next For Each oSld In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes If oShp.Name = “Agenda Link” Then If oShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionHyperlink Then If oShp.HasTextFrame Then LinkedSlideIndex = Split(oShp.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Hyperlink.SubAddress, “,”)(1) oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = LinkedSlideIndex End If End If End If Next Next End Sub

Great wealth of information. Have never used macros before but was looking to use them to help with this situation. At work we use Work Orders (created in Power Point) and are looking to include a sequential number to them (print 50-100 copies of one slide with the numbers) and if possible would like the number to continue from the last printed number…been trying to find some code to help but not having much luck possible partly due to being new to macros

That’s definitely something we could help design for you Joshua. If you’d like to discuss further, please click the Contact button at the top of this page.

I tried this changing the font color of text within the textbox. I used this to change the font color on a mouse over:

Public Sub GraphicHover(ByRef oGraphic As Shape)

oGraphic.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(0, 130, 202)

and it works just fine. But, when I move the mouse off the text box, onto the invisible rectangle with this code attached to the mouseover event, it doesn’t change the text color back to it’s original color and remains the color I changed it to mentioned above. I know the mouseover event is being triggered because I checked “Highlight when mouse over” and I am seeing the highlight on the invisible rectangle:

Public Sub ResetGraphicHover(ByRef oCover As Shape) Dim oSld As Slide Dim oShp As Shape Set oSld = oCover.Parent For Each oShp In oSld.Shapes With oShp.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color If .RGB = RGB(0, 130, 202) Then .RGB = RGB(121, 135, 156) End With Next End Sub

Any clue where my ResetGraphicHover is failing?

Hi Dave. I took your code and it works for me. You could add a debug line after the For Each… line in the rest macro to check that (a) it’s firing and (b) which shapes are being looked at on your slide. To do that, add this:

Debug.Print oShp.Name

After you run the slide show, check the output in the VBE Immediate pane (Ctrl+G to toggle it).

Hi I am creating an interactive game (matching cards or concentration) in PowerPoint. If the 2 cards match, I need a pop-up text box to appear. If the 2 cards do not match, I need a sound to play.

I understand I need programming to make this happen. Please help or give alternative ways to achieve this. Thanks.

Hi Tammy. Have a look at this article which will help you: https://www.brightcarbon.com/blog/powerpoint-memory-game/

Hi Producer I will like to get comments on macros you can make available to me. Beautiful. I am using this approach frequently to make offline projects. Thanks. S. Fas

Excellent!!! Thank you!

You’re more than welcome NataĆĄa!

Thank you! Is there any option to replace a font in the entire presentation for a specific character. Let’s say, I would like to change font only for dots in the deck but I would like to keep the rest in the original font. Any idea please? Thank you so much!

Hi Jan. You might be able to use the Replace Fonts feature found in the Home tab of PowerPoint under the Replace menu at the far end of the ribbon. If you need to use VBA then set up a nested loop to iterate all shapes within all slides and then use the oShp.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font object to change the font.

Exellent explenation. so beutiful. I am creating an interactive e learing quiz. Thanking you.

Hello! I have a client who’s interested in using tagging to help create searchable content within slides. For example, they have four different categories for slide content across multiple presentations (Overview, Market, Product, Country). I’d like to assign a different shape to represent each of the four categories, where a blue square might represent Overview slide content. Then, when someone uses the keyword “Overview” to search for overview content (on Teams or SharePoint), these slides are easily identified. Is this something that’s possible with VBA code?

Hi Linda. That’s a very good question! Given the need is to search via SharePoint, VBA probably won’t help here as the PowerPoint file needs to be opened for VBA to examine its content. I have a sneaking suspicion that if you add keywords in the Tags field under File / Info that SharePoint may use this. But, that’s at the file level rather than the slide level. We have a PowerPoint add-in called ShowMaker that might be of interest as it allows you to add category metadata to slides and then the presenter can use that to filter the deck and export the required content. You can find an overview of it here: https://www.brightcarbon.com/showmaker/ and we could set up a demo if you’re interested (please use the Contact button at the top of this page if that’s the case).

I’ve just created an elearning package in PowerPoint using VBA , I didn’t realise it could sum up text boxes within PowerPoint to mark the qualification at the end. Also used AWS text to speech over the top of the learning . Looks great

Sounds like a fun and successful project Stu! Thanks for sharing 🙂

I have a bit of a tricky one but hoping it is possible to do with VBA. We offer training services to multiple clients that can be customized but the majority of training is consistent from one client to the next (main changes are the slide masters/formatting and addition/removal of certain sections).

What we want to do is create one master (or multiple) training document(s), and then use VBA’s to link it to the client specific PowerPoint. We want to link the master rather than using the “reuse slide” command so that if we update one file the other will automatically update as well.

Not sure if it matters, but our company uses sharepoint as storage

Hi Dave and thanks for a great question. VBA is an excellent solution for automating a manual process. In general, if a person can perform a task manually via a sequence of pre-defined steps then VBA can do it automatically, faster, and with less chance of mistakes for something done many times. We’d be happy set up a call to discuss your needs further and see what could be automated with VBA. If that’s of interest, please use the contact button at the top of the page and mention my name in the form.

PP does not seem to have the record macro feature. To write vba code in PP by someone who only worked with vba in excel, would require some prior knowledge. Is there a summary of the most common objects, methods etc to refer to?

Hi Reef. You’re correct that there’s no VBA macro recording feature in newer versions of PowerPoint. The best place to start learning is by purchasing a book (there’s one called “Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 365” on Amazon or reading the extremely exciting Object Model documentation from Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/overview/powerpoint/object-model

Hi Greeting I had made a game in power point using VBA codes. At last it generate a report every time a candidate conduct the game . My requirement is to generate result in same excel sheet after conducting the game. Like Row 1 player 1 result Row 2 player 2 result I need your help Regards

Hi Asheesh. It’s possible to use VBA to get PowerPoint to “talk” to Excel (and other Office apps) but it’s a bit complicated to mention in a comment here. We’d be happy to help if you’d like a quote or if you want to try yourself you could start with this: Set oXL = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”) and have a look at some online examples. I’d also recommend the book “Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 365” available from Amazon.

If there are two colors of font in the textFrame, how to change the font of one color through VBA?

Hi Bruce. You could either iterate through the Characters collection of the TextRange2 object or the Runs collection which returns all of the TextRanges with the same style. Example: ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).TextFrame2.TextRange.Runs(1).Font.Fill.ForeColor.RGB

Hi – can you help, please?

How can I change the font color and size of the message box? What code will work and where will I put it? Creating an interactive game in powerpoint. Thank you!

—– Sub Correct() Points.Caption = (Points.Caption) + 10 Output = MsgBox(“Your answer is correct, well done!”, vbOKOnly, “Correct Answer”) ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Next End Sub

Sub Incorrect() Points.Caption = (Points.Caption) – 5 Output = MsgBox(“Your answer is incorrect.”, vbOKOnly, “Wrong Answer”) ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Next End Sub

Sub Reset() SlideLayout.Points.Caption = 0 ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.View.Exit End Sub ———-

Thanks for your explanation.

Hi Jamie, Is there any way to keep my macro save in a file so I can utilize on any other PPTs equivalent as.normal.dotm for Word, .xlam(add-in) for Excel.

Hi Anurag. Thanks for the question and Happy New Year! The best way to do this would be to export your project as a ppam and activate it as an add-in via the PowerPoint add-ins UI. Save your ppam in %AppData%\Microsoft\AddIns and then in the Windows PowerPoint Developer tab, click PowerPoint Add-Ins and add your ppam from there. If you’re not code-signing your VBA project, you may need to adjust Trust Centre settings. You could optionally build an EXE/MSI installer package for Windows and PKG for macOS, although that is a more complex topic.

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Great work combined with amazing service, gracias Team BrightCarbon! Mila Johnson InComm

what is code presentation

Documentation as Code: why you need it and how to get started

What is documentation as code (dac), benefits of documentation as code, docs as code workflow, dac and markdown, documentation as code with swimm.

Documentation as Code (DaC) is a revolutionary methodology in which technical writers and developers create and maintain documentation using the same processes and tools as software code development. By adopting this approach, DaC promotes the creation of comprehensive, up-to-date, and accurate documents, by embracing version control, automated testing, and continuous delivery mechanisms typically used in coding. As a result, documentation remains synchronized with code updates, improving clarity, and reducing discrepancies. Owing to these benefits, DaC is swiftly gaining traction among software teams worldwide, marking a significant evolution in documentation practices.

Using a DaC approach reduces manual work, allowing documentation writers to focus on creating accurate, usable information. It also helps ensure all your documentation shares a consistent structure and language. Another aspect of the DaC process is the ability to automatically test for formatting and style errors and ensure a new version of the documentation is ready for deployment.

This is part of a series of articles about code documentation .

DaC methods provide the following advantages.

Keeping documentation and code in sync

When a page in the documentation is outdated, it can confuse new employees, remote workers, or end users, impacting productivity. If you keep documentation in a separate system, development teams often forget about it – in the worst case, there is no clear source of truth for documentation.

Disorganized documentation can increase technical debt. Keeping documentation next to code can help keep it up to date. Developers can update the docs when they change the code – the local availability of documentation also allows developers to update and search sections themselves, rather than rely on a technical writer. However, this still requires ongoing vigilance by developers to update the documentation. Documentation as code solutions like Swimm can help reduce this burden by updating documentation automatically. Learn more below.

Using the same tools to review documentation and code

Most organizations manage code changes with pull request workflows – developers submit changes for review before publishing to the code base. The code reviews aim to promote collaboration while standardizing workflows and maintaining code quality.

With DaC, you use the same system to review documentation. If the team fails to update the documentation when making a change, the code review should catch it. You could use documentation previews for all pull requests to help reviewers check the documentation’s accuracy.

Writer-developer collaboration

Dedicated technical writers should use the same methods and tools as the developers to ensure collaboration. Writers and developers must work together on complex projects to keep documentation in sync and allow writers to review changes by developers. A shared workflow helps reduce friction and keep everyone on the same page.

Automated documentation checks

Publishing documentation as part of the CI/CD pipeline lets you automate documentation checks. These may include identifying broken links, style errors, or formatting issues.

Documentation versioning

Documentation versioning is important if your project has multiple software versions that are used in parallel – it is critical to clarify which version the documentation relates to. Most documentation tools have versioning features, but it is still time-consuming to keep documentation in sync. With DaC, you branch the documentation when you branch the code, so versioning is done automatically.

Here is an outline of the Docs as Code approach in practice, including the tools and processes for implementing DaC in your organization. You can implement this workflow as part of your developer experience strategy.

1. Plain text authoring

The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is developers’ most widely used tool, including for documentation. Development teams should write all documentation in plain text for easy reading and editing in the IDE. It is common to use simple languages like Markdown to delineate formatting (learn more below).

There are three key advantages to the plain text approach:

  • A unified tool and language allow developers to find code easily and avoid distracting context switches.
  • Plain text is compatible with every IDE and easy for humans to read. Most operating systems support plain-text files, and many open source tools allow non-technical individuals to work with them.
  • Plain-text documentation helps focus on technical content without distractions like layout considerations. Formatting should be basic, with features such as headings, tables, text highlighting, hypertext links, bullets, and numbers.

2. Source control

Source control is essential for keeping track of changes, including who made them and when. Development teams should be familiar with a version control system (VCS) that monitors application code, so you can use the same VCS for writing and storing documentation. You can store documentation in a dedicated repository or distribute it together with the relevant source code.

Git-based versioning platforms like GitHub and GitLab encourage collaboration between developers and writers, by showing the changes made to every file, with a dedicated space for discussing and explaining the changes. Teams can make granular decisions to accept or reject changes to the documentation.

Another benefit of a versioning tool is the ability to work asynchronously with multiple contributors to one file. Branches allow individual team members to create their file versions and merge changes without impacting other contributors or the original file. A versioning platform also provides an interface that facilitates conflict reporting and resolution.

3. Publishing

After writing, versioning, and saving the documentation, you can publish it – ideally in a plain-text format. Creating static web pages with a Static Site Generator (SSG) makes it easier to convert plain-text files to HTML. SSGs let you enhance your brand using CSS stylesheets and add dynamic JS sections. Everything is rendered on the server side.

With an SSG, you can decouple content from the final graphics. Developers only handle technical content, and another team can handle the visuals. This approach saves developers time because they don’t need to address formatting. It also makes editing easier because the style applies to all pages.

SSGs usually offer features to enhance your content’s usability without requiring extra intervention by developers. These may include search bars, navigation menus, a homepage, a contents page, and documentation displays for previous versions.

4. Automation

Another advantage of DaC is that it supports automation the same way you might automate a CI/CD pipeline for source code. Continuous integration practices let you build automated tests to check content whenever someone makes a Pull or Merge request. These tests identify formal and technical errors in the documentation (e.g., invalid links, typos, incorrect punctuation).

You can then leverage continuous delivery (CD) to automate the detection and publishing of changes in the main branch – this saves time when publishing new content. Combining CI and CD automation helps speed up the overall documentation process and reduce errors.

DaC writing usually involves using Markdown or a similar text-based language. This type of language can be useful for short and simple documents or documentation open to developer contributions. However, Markdown or an equivalent language is not enough for longer, more complex documents or documentation that need to follow a specific pattern. One example is a schema that gives you granular control over the document structure.

Complex documentation often requires stronger link handling, smarter search and replace capabilities, and tighter CMS integration. Most documentation-writing features and tools are not easily available in Markdown, static site generators, or standard Markdown editors.

A Help Authoring Tool (HAT) or documentation tool suite can better enforce standards templates (e.g., DITA, DocBook) and style guidelines (e.g., cross-reference formats, layouts). Many tools include or integrate a content management system (CMS) to provide more robust content reuse and chunking capabilities.

There is a tradeoff between keeping documentation simple, and enabling simple plaintext authoring with markdown, and using a HAT to enable richer documentation, but requiring a more complex workflow.

While DaC is great in keeping documentation next to the code, and part of the development flow, it does not guarantee that documentation will remain up to date as the code changes. Any team practicing DaC will tell you that while this method is superior to keeping docs on an external system like Notion and Confluence in terms of freshness, many documents still become stale over time.

Also, keeping docs as part of your code means you can search it with your regular code search tools. However, textual search is still limiting, and team members are often not sure if there’s documentation that can help them solve a particular challenge, and how to find it, and may not even search for the documentation to begin with.

Swimm is a Continuous Documentation platform based on Documentation as Code. Swimm documentation is saved as regular Markdown files within the code. However, Swimm has introduced three novel capabilities to this methodology:

  • Swimm can identify and sync documentation automatically  as relevant code changes. This is done by integrating a Swimm app into CI.
  • Swimm IDE plugins prompt devs about docs  next to relevant parts of their code, so they can find them when they need them.
  • Swimm enables remote editing and indexing  using a Workspace for all collaborators. This way, even if docs are saved in different repositories, they can be searched, indexed by tags, edited remotely and more – features that are unavailable in traditional DaC.

Lï»żearn more about Swimm !

Home PowerPoint Templates Models How to Code Presentation Template

How to Code Presentation Template

The How to Code Presentation Template for PowerPoint is a presentation deck with 9 slides to be used in presentations on learn to code. The How to Code template can be used to prepare a presentation describing different components of programming and coding techniques or programming courses. Programming is a skill that is a necessity for the present time. Frequently, various institutions offer courses and diplomas in programming or coding. For such institutions, this How to Code Template is the best choice.

The slides contain icons and colorful graphics of people, computer equipment, etc. Each presentation template slide explains a different aspect of programming and coding. For instance, the Developer slide discusses the essential characteristics of being a full-stack developer. The Code Editor slide can either point to the details of code editors available or a comparison between different code editors or IDEs like Visual Studio Code (VSCode), SublimeText, etc. Similarly, other slides can be edited to present features of the training organization or present the advantages of Pair programming techniques. For instance, the Pair Programming slide shows the graphic of two people with PCs; this can be used to describe the concept and significance of pair programming in general. There is another slide with a visual displaying an online meeting for the students who want to learn coding via online mode.

There are two additional slides for any additional content about the topic, one with a coding icon and the other with the title: ‘Learn to Code.’ Also, there is a data-driven chart to showcase any statistics about the institute or a general trend of various code editors so far. Another application of this template is helping you prepare a project proposal for investors to launch a programming institution. It can also help prepare a presentation about computer Programming for educational purposes.

This template’s icons, shapes, and designs give users the freedom to decorate their projects. They can edit and rearrange the shapes, change the colors and font styles, etc. The How to Code Presentation Template can be edited on Google Slides well.

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Teaching programming to High School students is undoubtedly a great way to give them useful and practical skills for life! And to help you out with this task, Slidesgo has created this template for an introduction to Java programming for you. Not only is it extremely attractive with its neon...

Java Programming Workshop presentation template

Java Programming Workshop

Programming... it's hard, it must be said! It won't be after you use this presentation! If you are an expert in Java and programming, share your knowledge in the form of a workshop. This template is designed for you to include everything you know about Java and show it to...

New Operating System Design Pitch Deck presentation template

New Operating System Design Pitch Deck

Windows, Android, macOS... the list of operating systems is quite long, and without them, we wouldn't have be using electronic devices today. Yeah, no computers, no smartphones! As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, there is a growing demand for new and innovative operating systems that can keep...

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Sharing our latest culture memo.

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Sergio Ezama

Chief Talent Officer

In August 2009, Reed Hastings, our co-founder, published a 125-page powerpoint presentation on Netflix’s culture. Its refreshingly direct tone immediately struck a chord — and the focus on values and performance over rules and controls have enabled us to adapt and grow ever since.  

Over the last 15 years, we’ve revised it four times in the quest for excellence, and today, we’re publishing the latest iteration for anyone to read. It’s been 12 months in the making, with every employee given the chance to weigh in (we call this “farming for dissent”). In total, we received over 1,500 comments, many of which are reflected in this update.  

A few key things to highlight: First , the memo had gotten a bit long, so we’ve shortened it by focusing on what’s most important, and what differentiates Netflix. Second , we reintroduced some concepts from the original deck that had been watered down (e.g. the emphasis on responsibility, and the focus on good and bad process versus no process at all). Third , we’ve structured it around the core principles that we think best represent Netflix today — an entertainment company of 13k+ people that operates all around the world: 

The Dream Team : We aim only to have the highest performers at Netflix, modeling ourselves on a professional sports team, not a family.

People over Process : Our goal is to inspire and empower more than manage because employees have more impact when they’re free to make decisions about their own work. 

Uncomfortably Exciting : Netflix works best if you thrive on change because success in entertainment requires us to think differently, experiment and adapt (often quickly). 

Great and Always Better : We often say we suck today by comparison to where we want to be in the future. So we focus on constant improvement, and the resilience needed to get there. 

As head of talent, I’m often asked, why do we place so much emphasis on the culture memo? We believe that our culture is key to our success and so we want to ensure that anyone applying for a job here knows what motivates Netflix — and all employees are working from a shared understanding of what we value most. The other question I’m often asked — does Netflix seriously not have an expenses or vacation policy? The answer: we don’t. 

You might think that this kind of freedom leads to chaos. While we’ve had our fair share of failures — and a few people have taken advantage of our culture — our emphasis on individual autonomy has created a very successful business. This is because in our industry, the biggest threats are a lack of creativity and innovation. And we’ve found that giving people the freedom to use their judgment is the best way to succeed long term.

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When is the 2024 presidential debate? Date, time and how to watch Biden, Trump

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President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are set to face off in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election Thursday, June 27.

The matchup is breaking tradition: Instead of being organized by the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) and presented across different networks, the candidates decided to bypass the commission and instead participate in two network-produced debates. First up is the "CNN Presidential Debate" hosted by CNN in its Atlanta studios.

This first debate will also have no live audience, unlike previous years.

Here's everything you need to know about where and when to watch the candidates' first showdown of the 2024 cycle.

When is the presidential debate?

The "CNN Presidential Debate" takes place Thursday, June 27.

What time does the presidential debate start?

The debate starts at 9 p.m. E.T.

How to watch, stream the debate

The debate will broadcast on CNN and stream on CNN.com and Max, formerly known as HBO Max.

A live stream of the "CNN Presidential Debate" will also be available on USA TODAY via YouTube .

Various other networks are offering their own coverage of the debate, including:

  • Fox News announced it would present “ extensive live coverage ” of the CNN presidential debate across all its platforms, including the “FOX News Democracy 2024: CNN Presidential Debate” from 9–11 p.m. E.T.
  • ABC News will show “The Race for the White House" and coverage of the debate on ABC, ABC News Live and Hulu on Thursday from 7 p.m. to midnight.
  • Other networks, such as  NewsNation , will show the debate with pre and post-debate analysis. 

Who is moderating the debate?

CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the in-studio debate.

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Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Presentations > Six tips for recording a presentation

Six tips for recording a presentation

Your latest presentation is filled with crucial information and key concepts your colleagues need to remember. Record and archive it for easy reference and absorption.

A man sitting at a table with a laptop

How to record your presentation

Whether you’re recording a presentation for work, a webinar or school, both you and your colleagues will greatly appreciate having it available to reference. You can absorb information at your pace, ensuring that you retain pertinent information, without having to rely solely on your notes. While the method of recording depends on the virtual meeting platform or whether its in person, here are some guidelines on how to record you presentation:

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Tell your story with captivating presentations

Powerpoint empowers you to develop well-designed content across all your devices

1. Choose the right equipment

High-quality recording equipment is essential for producing professional-looking and sounding presentations. Laptops are equipped with microphone and a high-resolution webcam, but it’s always a good idea to consider investing in higher quality recording equipment.

2. Test Your equipment

Before starting your presentation, it’s crucial to test your recording equipment to ensure everything is working properly. Check the audio levels, video quality, and any additional accessories you may be using, such as lighting or a green screen. Conducting a test run will help identify any technical issues that need to be addressed. Review the virtual meeting platform you are using to ensure that the recording feature is enabled, so you won’t have to search for it when the presentation time rolls around.

3. Optimize your environment

Choose a quiet, well-lit environment for recording your presentation. Minimize background noise and distractions to ensure clear audio and video quality. Consider using a neutral background or a virtual background to maintain a professional appearance. Natural lighting is ideal, but if that’s not possible, invest in good quality lighting equipment to ensure your face is well-lit and visible.

4. Organize your presentation contents

Organize your presentation materials in a logical order to facilitate smooth delivery. Create an outline or script to guide your presentation, making sure to include key points, transitions, and visual aids. Practice your presentation multiple times to become familiar with the contents and ensure a confident delivery. If you have multiple presenters, solidify the speaking order and designate one person to facilitate the presentation.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Even though you’re recording your presentation, it’s essential to engage with your audience as if they were present in the room with you. Encourage interaction by asking questions, prompting viewers to think critically, and inviting them to share their thoughts or experiences in the comments section. Respond to comments and questions promptly to foster a sense of community and connection with your audience.

6. Monitor Your Time

Keep track of time during your presentation to ensure that you stay within the allotted timeframe. Plan your presentation carefully, allocating sufficient time to cover each topic or section. If you find yourself running out of time, prioritize the most critical points and consider saving less crucial information for a follow-up or supplementary material.

For more ways to improve presentation skills, like calming presentation anxiety and connecting with a virtual audience , learn more presentation tips .

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The 10 Best PowerPoint Color Palettes You Should Use [+1 Template]

Presentations have evolved over the years, and have now reached a stage where every element that is used can help make an impact or completely disassociate from the audience. To ensure that your presentations are on the former half of the spectrum, make sure that you are using the right PowerPoint color palette in their appropriate scenarios. 

Colors are often some of the most overlooked factors of a presentation, with most presenters looking to go with “something that looks nice.” However, colors play a more important role than you may have imagined and deeply impact how your audience will react to your presentation. 

The 10 Best PowerPoint Color Palettes

Every presentation needs you to use colors according to the type of presentation it will be. For example, if you are going to pitch a project to investors, you need your colors to be full of energy. Still, in retrospect, if you are presenting in front of a room full of professionals on a topic they know about, you need colors that ooze professionalism and are cool colors!

To help you find a color palette that fits your energy needs, we have created a list of the ten best PowerPoint color palettes with their hex codes!

1. Energizing Presentation Color Palette   

Color Code: #4D74FF · #FF5128 · #050007 · #EFFFF

Infographic to showcase the color palette when used in a slide

One presentation color palette that you should keep handy when creating any slideshow that requires you to portray energy is the orange, blue, black, and white combo! The orange color helps promote energy and create an upbeat feel to the presentation, while the blue helps keep your audience engaged during a long presentation. 

The ice-white and pitch-black color combo also helps keep your text readable and crisp. This scheme is best for when you want to have a pitch meeting.

2. Reliable Color Palette For Presentations

Color Code: #343752 · #90ACC7 · #FAD12B

Infographic to showcase the color palette when used in a slide

Blue is one of the most commonly used colors in businesses as it screams out ‘trustworthy and calming, yet it’s so monotone. But, when combined with yellow and a companion darker blue color, you end up creating a reliable PowerPoint color palette that you will keep on going back to when you need a color scheme to fall back on. This color scheme can be used for purposes like branding and marketing.

3. Confident PowerPoint Color Palette

Color Code: #F8275B · #FF574A · #FF737D · #3D2F68

Infographic to showcase the color palette when used in a slide

To boost confidence within your audience while presenting, you must use this color scheme that contains the color red! 

When using red in presentations, one thing to keep in mind is that red is a very aggressive color when alone; that’s why you should pair it with softer colors, like a softer tone of orange, pink, and Fuschia.

4. Fun Corporate Presentation Color Scheme

Color Code: #3B4D54 · #B9BAB5 · #FE8D3F

Infographic that shows the fun corporate color palette for presentations

All of us can agree that corporate presentations can be a bore, especially when with all the boring gray and dark colors. To create a corporate slideshow that is also fun at the same time, you should add bright colors, like orange, to your gray-tone colored presentation. 

The bright color helps add a pop to your presentation and keep it serious, enabling you to keep your audience engaged and attentive!

5. High-End Color Palette For Presentations

Color Code: #5D1D2E · #951233 · #C15937 · #997929

Infographic that shows the high-end presentation color palette

One of the best themes to use for your presentation has to be the vintage color schemes! This 1930s color scheme uses colors such as dark brick red, copper, olive green, and wine red to give your presentation an elegant mood that makes your slideshow look expensive. This color scheme is best suited for luxury goods presentations!

6. Modern Palette For Presentations

Color Code: #5EA8A7 · #277884 · #FE4447

Infographic that shows the modern palette for presentations

When talking about good color palettes for presentations, the modern color palette is among the first to come to mind. The palette uses bright colors like red over muted colors like dark and light cyan. 

The bright color adds a pop to your slides, which helps keep the audience refreshed throughout the presentation. This color scheme is best used to create a presentation that balances business and energy with modernity.

7. Calming Presentation Color Scheme

Color Code: #C5DE82 · #7C3A5F · #FD8C6E · #98ACB5

Infographic that shows the calming color scheme for presentations

When creating a calming presentation, one thing to keep in mind is to use colors that help soothe your audience. You can use colors that are found in nature, like spring green, blue-gray, terracotta, and mulberry purple, to help create that soothing effect, as shown below! 

This color scheme is best suited for health and mental well-being presentations; it can be used by hospitals and companies present in the health sector.

8. Professional Presentations Color Palette

Color Code: #6B90B2 · #1B558E · #CCD64D

Infographic that shows the professional presentation color palette

Make your presentation look professional while keeping it refreshing and fresh using this professional color scheme. This palette combines dark and desaturated blue with a lemon-like yellow.

The yellow adds a fresh look to your slides, while the blue colors help keep your presentation looking professional. These colors suit slides requiring you to break important news or build trust with your audience.

While talking about professional slides, if you find it difficult to create visually appealing slides, check out our professional PowerPoint templates that are 100% customizable, enabling you to edit the template according to your requirements.

9. Creative PowerPoint Color Schemes

Color Code: #02AA9D · #3187DE · #FE951C · #FF88AC

Infographic that shows the creative PowerPoint color scheme

Add a bit of creativity to your presentations with the help of bright colors that help catch your attention and invoke the feeling of experimentation. It creates a fun and creative color palette when combined with tropical colors. 

Bright colors, like orange and pink, help bring a warm tone to your presentation, while tropical colors, like viridian green and blue, help keep your presentation creative! This color scheme is best suited for brainstorming sessions.

10. Warm Presentation Color Palette

Color Code: #A49393 · #EED6D3 · #E8B4B8

Infographic that shows the warm color palette for presentations

Last but not least, we have the warm color scheme on our list of the best presentation color schemes! Best suited for cosmetics and fashion sector presentations, this palette uses warm neutral colors, like different light and dark tones of red. Using neutral colors allows your slides to be versatile and can be paired up with almost anything, and warm neutral colors help keep your presentation looking sophisticated and warm.

These were some of the best color schemes that you should use for your next presentation. It’s finally time to say goodbye to plain slideshows and wow your audience with the perfect color palette. If you are trying to experiment with the color palettes, check our blog on the one color never to use in presentations to ensure you are doing everything correctly when creating your own scheme. 

Take a loot at our presentation design services if you need help designing your presentation. Our team of design experts helps create and tailor slides according to your needs, enabling you to focus on things that matter, like the content and speech delivery. Here are some more examples of well-designed PowerPoint slides.

SlideUpLift’s Collection Of Professional PowerPoint Templates

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What is the best color scheme for PowerPoint?

The best color scheme for PowerPoints ensures readability, maintains a professional look, and complements the content of your presentation. A balanced color scheme combines neutral backgrounds (like white or light gray) with contrasting text and accent colors. Blue and green tones are often favored for their professional and calming effects, while red can be used sparingly for emphasis. 

What is the 60-30-10 color rule in PowerPoint?

The 60-30-10 color rule is a classic design principle that helps create visually appealing and well-balanced presentations. It dictates that you should use:

1. 60% of a dominant color : This is usually the background color and sets the overall tone of the presentation.

2. 30% of a secondary color contrasts with the dominant color and is often used for elements like charts, graphs, or images.

3. 10% of an accent color : This is used sparingly to highlight important points or call-to-action elements. The accent color should stand out against the other two colors to draw attention where needed.

What is the best color for accessibility in PowerPoint?

The best colors for accessibility in PowerPoint ensure high contrast between text and background, making content readable for everyone, including those with visual impairments.

It’s crucial to use dark text or light text on dark backgrounds to achieve this. Additionally, avoid color combinations that are difficult for colorblind individuals to distinguish, such as red-green or blue-yellow.

How do I decide on my color palette?

Deciding on a color palette for your PowerPoint involves understanding your audience and purpose, choosing a base color that aligns with your brand or desired mood, and selecting complementary colors using the color wheel. It’s important to ensure contrast and readability by testing colors on different screens and considering color psychology to evoke the right emotions. For instance, blue can convey trust and professionalism, while red signals urgency. Online tools like Adobe Color, Coolors, or Canva’s Color Palette Generator can also help create harmonious color schemes. By following these steps, you can develop a color palette that enhances your presentations’ effectiveness and visual appeal.

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Madeira Beach to tackle final steps of John's Pass Village density increase

MADEIRA BEACH, Fla. — Residents are invited to share their concerns Wednesday night with Madeira Beach city commissioners as officials work to finalize plans for a density-increase for John’s Pass Village .

A city workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Madeira Beach City Hall  and residents are welcomed to speak to the board during the public comment section of the meeting regarding proposed changes to the areas zoning and designation.

What You Need To Know

 city is working to rectify discrepancies between three sets of land codes, maps  what is built currently in john's pass does not align with current zoning codes  if a major storm were to hit today, city staff says john's pass could not be rebuilt as is get the details: city of madeira beach presentation on density changes.

According to Community Development Director Jenny Rowan, the city has been working for the last couple of years to rectify some ongoing discrepancies between the city’s land-use rules and Pinellas County’s standards and building codes.

Before the process began, development in John’s Pass was dictated by three sets of maps and land codes that didn’t all agree.

“Currently what’s built on the ground today does not meet the zoning code, which is also what we call the land development regulations,” Rowan said. “It’s a big process too. We had to go to the county and get their blessing and approval and also approve two different plans locally.”

Pinellas County approved changing the designation to an "Activity Center" in a 6-1 vote in February . The final step is for the City of Madeira Beach to finalize and vote on the land development regulations, which could happen as soon as late-summer.

Rowan says what is concerning about the current makeup is that should the village get destroyed in a major storm or fire, it could not be rebuilt back to the way it looks today. She says once the proposed changes are made, John’s Pass Village could be rebuilt to the same height, density, and intensity.

“We really wanted to make sure we’re protecting what’s down here,” she said. “If a hurricane were to come through, you couldn’t build what’s there now. So we’re still in that process of making sure that our codes line up to what’s here.”

The code changes, Rowan says, will also protect the look and feel of John’s Pass so that any future development will blend in with what’s already there.

“Anything new after this zoning is passed will look the same, will feel the same, and just blend in to the built environment,” she explained.

Proceeding the 6 p.m. meeting, commissioners are set to discuss the process of replacing the city’s mayor . Jim Rostik, who served as mayor for less than a year, stepped down suddenly earlier this month. Vice-Mayor Anne-Marie Brooks will assume the role as mayor in the meantime.

Quarto will use Pandoc to automatically generate citations and a bibliography in a number of styles. To use this capability, you will need:

A quarto document formatted with citations (see Citation Markdown ).

A bibliographic data source, for example a BibLaTeX ( .bib ) or BibTeX ( .bibtex ) file.

Optionally, a CSL file which specifies the formatting to use when generating the citations and bibliography (when not using natbib or biblatex to generate the bibliography).

Bibliography Files

Quarto supports bibliography files in a wide variety of formats including BibLaTeX and CSL. Add a bibliography to your document using the bibliography YAML metadata field. For example:

You can provide more than one bibliography file if you would like by setting the bibliography field’s value to a YAML array.

See the Pandoc Citations documentation for additional information on bibliography formats.

Citation Syntax

Quarto uses the standard Pandoc markdown representation for citations (e.g.  [@citation] ) — citations go inside square brackets and are separated by semicolons. Each citation must have a key, composed of ‘@’ + the citation identifier from the database, and may optionally have a prefix, a locator, and a suffix. The citation key must begin with a letter, digit, or _ , and may contain alphanumerics, _ , and internal punctuation characters ( :.#$%&-+?<>~/ ). Here are some examples:

Markdown Format Output (default) Output( , see )
Blah Blah (see ; also ) Blah Blah see [1], pp. 33-35; also [1], chap. 1
Blah Blah ( and passim) Blah Blah [1], pp. 33-35, 38-39 and passim
Blah Blah ( ; ). Blah Blah [1, 2].
Wickham says blah ( ) Wickham says blah [1]

You can also write in-text citations, as follows:

Markdown Format Output (author-date format) Output (numerical format)
Knuth ( ) says blah. [1] says blah.
Knuth ( ) says blah. [1] [p. 33] says blah.

See the Pandoc Citations documentation for additional information on citation syntax.

Citation Style

Quarto uses Pandoc to format citations and bibliographies. By default, Pandoc will use the Chicago Manual of Style author-date format, but you can specify a custom formatting using CSL ( Citation Style Language ). To provide a custom citation stylesheet, provide a path to a CSL file using the csl metadata field in your document, for example:

You can find CSL files or learn more about using styles at the CSL Project . You can browse the list of more than 8,500 Creative Commons CSL definitions in the CSL Project’s central repository or Zotero’s style repository .

CSL styling is only available when the cite-method is citeproc (which it is by default). If you are using another cite-method , you can control the formatting of the references using the mechanism provided by that method.

Bibliography Generation

By default, Pandoc will automatically generate a list of works cited and place it in the document if the style calls for it. It will be placed in a div with the id refs if one exists:

If no such div is found, the works cited list will be placed at the end of the document.

If your bibliography is being generated using BibLaTeX or natbib ( Section 7 ), the bibliography will always appear at the end of the document and the #refs div will be ignored.

You can suppress generation of a bibliography by including suppress-bibliography: true option in your document metadata

Here’s an example of a generated bibliography:

Including Uncited Items

If you want to include items in the bibliography without actually citing them in the body text, you can define a dummy nocite metadata field and put the citations there:

In this example, the document will contain a citation for item3 only, but the bibliography will contain entries for item1 , item2 , and item3 .

It is possible to create a bibliography with all the citations, whether or not they appear in the document, by using a wildcard:

Using BibLaTeX or natbib

When creating PDFs, you can choose to use either the default Pandoc citation handling based on citeproc, or alternatively use natbib or BibLaTeX . This can be controlled using the cite-method option. For example:

The default is to use citeproc (Pandoc’s built in citation processor).

See the main article on using Citations with Quarto for additional details on citation syntax, available bibliography formats, etc.

When using natbib or biblatex you can specify the following additional options to affect how bibliographies are rendered:

Option Description
biblatexoptions List of options for biblatex
natbiboptions List of options for natbib
biblio-title Title for bibliography
biblio-style Style for bibliography


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    Serifed fonts link letters, allowing people to understand words and identifiers as a whole (gestalt perception). Nonserifed fonts should only be used for headlines. Tried and true: people will immediately understand it's code. If you want to dump point 4, at least choose an alternative that preserves points 1-3.

  7. Clean Code Explained

    Here is a piece of code from a school project of mine. This code is responsible for inserting a chip on the board of the Connect4 game. The isValidInsertion method takes care of checking the validity of the column number and allows us the focus on the logic for inserting the chip instead.

  8. How to Use Visual Studio Like a Pro When Presenting Your Code

    Presentation Mode is a handy feature that lets you use Visual Studio in a clean and distraction-free way for presenting your code to an audience. It allows you to customize any settings that are relevant for your presentation style, such as font sizes, theme, window layout, and keyboard shortcuts.

  9. Code Presentation Tips

    Sometimes, I need to show some code in my slides. It can be an internal presentation for 3-5 developers, an online meetup, or a live event. And many times, I have found myself trying to recover the lost code style configuration or to recreate a color palette from the previous presentation. I've decided to save all the templates and share them and some tips about code in slides with you.

  10. 3 Visual Studio Code Extensions for Programming/Code Presentations

    Delivering a technical presentation is hard enough, so why not let your code editor do a little heavy lifting for you. Built directly into VS Code is a great...

  11. How to efficiently write/code your presentation slides

    Like in any markdown file you'd be able to add code from any scripting language and it will syntax highlight it for you making your presentations more standard and you'd never paste screenshot of code in your presentations again. Syntax Highlighting. --- # Simple React Component ```jsx. const HelloMessage = () => {.

  12. Celebrate Learning with a Coding Presentation

    A coding presentation is a demonstration of the program. It can include: description of what the program does and why it is useful. instructions on how to use the program. features that make the program unique. code snippets that control how the program runs. parts of the program that are under construction or require improvement.

  13. How can I embed programming source code in Powerpoint slide and keep

    Paste the code to highlight into the web site. Copy the highlighted version. Create a new Word document. Paste the code into Word (note the background colours may be lost). Copy the code from Word. Create a new text area in PowerPoint. Click the Home menu option. Open Paste on the ribbon. Select Keep source formatting.

  14. How to use VBA in PowerPoint: A beginner's guide

    Now your presentation doesn't include any code and you can save it as a pptx file. So, there you have it. You now know how to open the VBE, insert a PowerPoint VBA code module, paste code into it, run the macro and save the file in either pptm or pptx formats. All you need is a cool macro to make your daily life even easier.

  15. Documentation as Code: why you need it and how to get started

    Documentation as Code (DaC) is a revolutionary methodology in which technical writers and developers create and maintain documentation using the same processes and tools as software code development. By adopting this approach, DaC promotes the creation of comprehensive, up-to-date, and accurate documents, by embracing version control, automated ...

  16. Introduction to Coding Workshop

    That's because you're an expert in coding, and are about to prepare an introductory workshop to coding. Alright! Dive headfirst into this editable template and transform the slides into useful resources for your students. For example, you can show a bit of theory on them, or explain the solution to some practical exercises.

  17. How to Code Presentation Template

    The How to Code Presentation Template for PowerPoint is a presentation deck with 9 slides to be used in presentations on learn to code. The How to Code template can be used to prepare a presentation describing different components of programming and coding techniques or programming courses. Programming is a skill that is a necessity for the ...

  18. Code Your Presentation Slides as an Executable Program

    While creating executable presentation slides is cool, there are some limitations to keep in mind, such as: It isn't easy to handle images and play videos. The code may be lengthy compared to simple text in Markdown or tools like Microsoft PowerPoint. It may be time-consuming to develop. It requires careful consideration for compatibility with ...

  19. Creating a PowerPoint Presentation using ChatGPT

    You can run the code and obtain a PowerPoint file in the following steps. Firstly, open your PowerPoint application and create a new presentation. Then, you should find "Visual Basic Editor" in the "Tools" menu, under "Macro" submenu. Launching Visual Basic Editor. You should see a "VBAProject" window in the Visual Basic Editor.

  20. Free templates about Programming for Google Slides & PPT

    Download the All About Programming in Java presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template's design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research or group ...

  21. Sharing Our Latest Culture Memo

    In August 2009, Reed Hastings, our co-founder, published a 125-page powerpoint presentation on Netflix's culture. Its refreshingly direct tone immediately struck a chord — and the focus on values and performance over rules and controls have enabled us to adapt and grow ever since.

  22. Presidential debate: When is it? Date, time, how to watch

    Fox News announced it would present "extensive live coverage" of the CNN presidential debate across all its platforms, including the "FOX News Democracy 2024: CNN Presidential Debate" from ...

  23. Six tips for recording a presentation- Microsoft 365

    Create an outline or script to guide your presentation, making sure to include key points, transitions, and visual aids. Practice your presentation multiple times to become familiar with the contents and ensure a confident delivery. If you have multiple presenters, solidify the speaking order and designate one person to facilitate the ...

  24. Copilot tutorial: Create a presentation with a prompt

    Duration: 1 minute 14 seconds. Discover how Copilot in PowerPoint effortlessly creates captivating presentations in just a few prompts and access the full power of Microsoft Designer to bring your ideas to life with professional graphics.

  25. henniefrancis/google-io-extended-cpt-2024

    You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window.

  26. The 10 Best PowerPoint Color Palettes You Should Use [+1 Template]

    High-End Color Palette For Presentations. Color Code: #5D1D2E · #951233 · #C15937 · #997929. One of the best themes to use for your presentation has to be the vintage color schemes! This 1930s color scheme uses colors such as dark brick red, copper, olive green, and wine red to give your presentation an elegant mood that makes your slideshow ...

  27. City to tackle final steps of John's Pass density increase

    John's Pass Village could be re-designated as an 'Activity Center' which would allow for higher density and intensity. City leaders say this will align codes with what's currently built.

  28. PDF Update on Moderna's RSV Vaccine, mRESVIA (mRNA-1345), in Adults ≄60

    Presentation Pivotal Phase 2/3 Trial Brief review of study design Update on safety Update on efficacy 12-month revaccination data Safety Immunogenicity Summary. 4 Pivotal Safety and Efficacy Study Design Population Healthy adults including those with chronic, stable medical conditions, and/or frailty

  29. Citations

    See the Pandoc Citations documentation for additional information on bibliography formats.. Citation Syntax. Quarto uses the standard Pandoc markdown representation for citations (e.g. [@citation]) — citations go inside square brackets and are separated by semicolons.Each citation must have a key, composed of '@' + the citation identifier from the database, and may optionally have a ...