Game Theory Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This comprehensive guide to game theory research paper topics is designed to assist students and researchers in the field of economics. Selecting a compelling and relevant research topic is a crucial step in the academic journey, and this guide aims to facilitate this process. We provide an extensive list of topics, divided into ten categories, each with ten unique ideas. Additionally, we offer expert advice on how to select a topic from this multitude and how to write a research paper in game theory. Lastly, we introduce iResearchNet’s professional writing services, tailored to support your academic journey and ensure success in your research endeavors.

100 Game Theory Research Paper Topics

Choosing a research paper topic is a critical step in the research process. The topic you select will guide your study and influence the complexity and relevance of your work. In the field of game theory, there are numerous intriguing topics that can be explored. To assist you in this process, we have compiled a comprehensive list of game theory research paper topics. These topics are divided into ten categories, each offering a different perspective on game theory.

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  • The role of Nash Equilibrium in game theory
  • The concept of Dominant Strategy and its applications
  • The Prisoner’s Dilemma and its implications
  • The concept of Subgame Perfect Equilibrium
  • Zero-sum games and their significance
  • The role of Mixed Strategy in game theory
  • The concept of Pareto Efficiency in game theory
  • Evolutionary game theory and its applications
  • The concept of Bayesian games
  • The role of Repeated Games in game theory
  • The role of game theory in strategic decision making
  • The impact of game theory on negotiation strategies
  • Game theory and decision making under uncertainty
  • The role of game theory in conflict resolution
  • The impact of game theory on cooperative decision making
  • Game theory and decision making in competitive environments
  • The role of game theory in risk management
  • Game theory and decision making in auctions
  • The impact of game theory on voting strategies
  • Game theory and decision making in social dilemmas
  • The use of game theory in understanding market competition
  • The impact of game theory on economic policy making
  • The role of game theory in understanding oligopolies
  • Game theory and its role in understanding bargaining situations
  • The influence of game theory on economic behavior
  • The role of game theory in understanding public goods and free-riding
  • The impact of game theory on understanding market failures
  • Game theory and its role in understanding strategic trade policy
  • The influence of game theory on understanding labor negotiations
  • The role of game theory in understanding financial markets
  • The role of game theory in strategic business decisions
  • Game theory and its impact on pricing strategies
  • The use of game theory in understanding competitive strategies
  • Game theory and its role in merger and acquisition decisions
  • The influence of game theory on supply chain management
  • The role of game theory in understanding corporate governance
  • The impact of game theory on marketing strategies
  • Game theory and its role in understanding business negotiations
  • The influence of game theory on organizational behavior
  • The role of game theory in understanding innovation and R&D strategies
  • The role of game theory in understanding voting behavior
  • Game theory and its impact on political negotiations
  • The use of game theory in understanding international relations
  • Game theory and its role in understanding political coalitions
  • The influence of game theory on policy making
  • The role of game theory in understanding electoral competition
  • The impact of game theory on understanding conflict and war
  • Game theory and its role in understanding public policy decisions
  • The influence of game theory on understanding political power dynamics
  • The role of game theory in understanding political cooperation and conflict
  • The role of game theory in algorithm design
  • Game theory and its impact on network design and performance
  • The use of game theory in understanding cybersecurity
  • Game theory and its role in artificial intelligence
  • The influence of game theory on distributed computing
  • The role of game theory in understanding internet economics
  • The impact of game theory on understanding data privacy
  • Game theory and its role in understanding machine learning
  • The influence of game theory on understanding software engineering
  • The role of game theory in understanding social networks
  • The role of game theory in understanding evolutionary biology
  • Game theory and its impact on understanding animal behavior
  • The use of game theory in understanding population dynamics
  • Game theory and its role in understanding cooperation and conflict in nature
  • The influence of game theory on understanding ecological interactions
  • The role of game theory in understanding disease spread and control
  • The impact of game theory on understanding conservation strategies
  • Game theory and its role in understanding genetic algorithms
  • The influence of game theory on understanding ecosystem management
  • The role of game theory in understanding biodiversity
  • The role of game theory in understanding social behavior
  • Game theory and its impact on understanding social norms
  • The use of game theory in understanding social networks
  • Game theory and its role in understanding social conflict and cooperation
  • The influence of game theory on understanding social influence and persuasion
  • The role of game theory in understanding social decision making
  • The impact of game theory on understanding social dilemmas
  • Game theory and its role in understanding social justice and fairness
  • The influence of game theory on understanding social change and stability
  • The role of game theory in understanding social identity and group behavior
  • The role of game theory in understanding mathematical optimization
  • Game theory and its impact on understanding mathematical modeling
  • The use of game theory in understanding mathematical logic
  • Game theory and its role in understanding mathematical decision theory
  • The influence of game theory on understanding mathematical probability
  • The role of game theory in understanding mathematical statistics
  • The impact of game theory on understanding mathematical operations research
  • Game theory and its role in understanding mathematical graph theory
  • The influence of game theory on understanding mathematical combinatorics
  • The role of game theory in understanding mathematical dynamical systems
  • The role of game theory in understanding behavioral economics
  • Game theory and its impact on understanding quantum computing
  • The use of game theory in understanding complex systems
  • Game theory and its role in understanding network science
  • The influence of game theory on understanding artificial intelligence 6. The role of game theory in understanding climate change strategies
  • The impact of game theory on understanding sustainable development
  • Game theory and its role in understanding social media dynamics
  • The influence of game theory on understanding future economic models
  • The role of game theory in understanding future political strategies

This comprehensive list of game theory research paper topics provides a wide range of options for your research. Each category offers unique insights into the different aspects of game theory, from fundamental concepts to future directions. Remember, the best research paper topic is one that not only interests you but also has sufficient resources for you to explore. We hope this list inspires you and aids you in your journey to write a compelling research paper in game theory.

Introduction to Game Theory

Game theory, a fascinating and influential field of study, is a theoretical framework for understanding social situations among competing players. In some respects, game theory is the science of strategy, or at least the optimal decision-making of independent and competing actors in a strategic setting.

The key pioneers of game theory were mathematicians John von Neumann and John Nash, as well as economist Oskar Morgenstern. Game theory was originally developed to understand economic behavior and is still widely used in economics today. However, its applications have expanded to various other fields, including computer science, political science, and biology.

In essence, game theory models the rational behavior of individuals who are aware that their actions affect each other. It involves designing mathematical models to study interactions in structured scenarios (games) and predict the outcome of these interactions. Games in this context are situations where outcomes depend on the actions of multiple players. Each player has a set of possible actions and makes a decision based on their preferences and the expected actions of other players.

Game theory has two main branches: cooperative and non-cooperative game theory. In cooperative games, binding agreements among players are possible, while in non-cooperative games, binding agreements are not. Non-cooperative game theory, which focuses on predicting individual behavior, is more widely used.

Game theory has a wide range of applications. In economics, it is used to model competition and cooperation between firms, to analyze bargaining situations, and to understand and design auctions. In political science, it is used to model strategic voting, while in computer science, it is used in the design of algorithms.

Research papers in game theory allow students to delve deeper into specific areas, contributing to their personal knowledge and the broader academic community. These papers can explore a wide range of game theory research paper topics, from understanding the role of game theory in economic decisions to examining its applications in computer science or political science.

The importance of game theory extends beyond academia. It has real-world implications in various sectors, including economics, politics, and computer science. By understanding the strategic interactions modeled by game theory, we can design better policies, make better business decisions, and develop more efficient algorithms.

How to Choose a Game Theory Topic

Choosing a research topic is a critical step in the research process. The topic you select will guide your study, influence the complexity and relevance of your work, and determine how engaged you are throughout the process. There are numerous intriguing game theory research paper topics that can be explored. Here are some expert tips to assist you in this process:

  • Understanding Your Interests: The first step in choosing a research topic is to understand your interests. What areas of game theory fascinate you the most? Are you interested in how game theory influences economic behavior, or are you more intrigued by its role in computer science or political science? Reflecting on these questions can help you narrow down your options and choose a topic that truly engages you. Remember, research is a time-consuming process, and your interest in the topic will keep you motivated.
  • Evaluating the Scope of the Topic: Once you have identified your areas of interest, the next step is to evaluate the scope of potential game theory research paper topics. A good research topic should be neither too broad nor too narrow. If it’s too broad, you may struggle to cover all aspects of the topic effectively. If it’s too narrow, you may have difficulty finding enough information to support your research. Try to choose a topic that is specific enough to be manageable but broad enough to have sufficient resources.
  • Assessing Available Resources and Data: Before finalizing a topic, it’s important to assess the available resources and data. Are there enough academic sources, such as books, journal articles, and reports, that you can use for your research? Is there accessible data that you can analyze if your research requires it? A preliminary review of literature and data can save you from choosing a topic with limited resources.
  • Considering the Relevance and Applicability of the Topic: Another important factor to consider is the relevance and applicability of the topic. Is the topic relevant to current issues in game theory? Can the findings of your research be applied in real-world settings? Choosing a relevant and applicable topic can increase the impact of your research and make it more interesting for your audience.
  • Seeking Advice: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from your professors, peers, or other experts in the field. They can provide valuable insights, suggest resources, and help you refine your topic. Discussing your ideas with others can also help you see different perspectives and identify potential issues that you may not have considered.
  • Flexibility: Finally, be flexible. Research is a dynamic process, and it’s okay to modify your topic as you delve deeper into your study. You may discover new aspects of the topic that are more interesting or find that some aspects are too challenging to explore due to constraints. Being flexible allows you to adapt your research to these changes and ensure that your study is both feasible and engaging.

Remember, choosing a research topic is not a decision to be taken lightly. It requires careful consideration and planning. However, with these expert tips, you can navigate this process more effectively and choose a game theory research paper topic that not only meets your academic requirements but also fuels your passion for learning.

How to Write a Game Theory Research Paper

Writing a research paper in game theory, like any other academic paper, requires careful planning, thorough research, and meticulous writing. Here are some expert tips to guide you through this process:

  • Understanding the Structure of a Research Paper: A typical research paper includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. The introduction presents your research question and its significance. The literature review provides an overview of existing research related to your topic. The methodology explains how you conducted your research. The results section presents your findings, and the discussion interprets these findings in the context of your research question. Finally, the conclusion summarizes your research and suggests areas for future research.
  • Developing a Strong Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement is the central argument of your research paper. It should be clear, concise, and debatable. A strong thesis statement guides your research and helps your readers understand the purpose of your paper.
  • Conducting Thorough Research: Before you start writing, conduct a thorough review of the literature related to your topic. This will help you understand the current state of research in your area, identify gaps in the literature, and position your research within this context. Use academic databases to find relevant books, journal articles, and other resources. Remember to evaluate the credibility of your sources and take detailed notes to help you when writing.
  • Writing and Revising Drafts: Start writing your research paper by creating an outline based on the structure of a research paper. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you cover all necessary sections. Write a first draft without worrying too much about perfection. Focus on getting your ideas down first. Then, revise your draft to improve clarity, coherence, and argumentation. Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and supports your thesis statement.
  • Proper Citation and Avoiding Plagiarism: Always cite your sources properly to give credit to the authors whose work you are building upon and to avoid plagiarism. Familiarize yourself with the citation style required by your institution or discipline, such as APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard. There are many citation tools available online that can help you with this.
  • Seeking Feedback: Don’t hesitate to seek feedback on your drafts from your professors, peers, or writing centers at your institution. They can provide valuable insights and help you improve your paper.
  • Proofreading: Finally, proofread your paper to check for any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies in formatting. A well-written, error-free paper makes a good impression on your readers and enhances the credibility of your research.
  • Incorporating Game Theory Concepts: When writing a game theory research paper, it’s crucial to accurately incorporate game theory concepts. Make sure you understand these concepts thoroughly and can explain them clearly in your paper. Use diagrams and examples where appropriate to illustrate these concepts.
  • Analyzing and Interpreting Game Theory Models: Game theory research often involves analyzing and interpreting game theory models. Be sure to explain your analysis process and interpret the results in a way that is understandable to your readers. Discuss the implications of your findings for the broader field of game theory.
  • Discussing Real-World Applications: Game theory is a practical field with many real-world applications. Discuss how your research relates to these applications. This can make your research more interesting and relevant to your readers.

Remember, writing a research paper is a process that requires time, effort, and patience. Don’t rush through it. Take your time to understand your topic, conduct thorough research, and write carefully. With these expert tips, you can write a compelling game theory research paper that contributes to your academic success and the broader field of game theory.

iResearchNet’s Research Paper Writing Services

In the academic journey, students often encounter challenges that may hinder their ability to produce high-quality research papers. Whether it’s a lack of time, limited understanding of the topic, or difficulties in writing, these challenges can make the process stressful and overwhelming. This is where iResearchNet’s professional writing services come in. We are committed to supporting students in their academic journey by providing top-notch writing services tailored to their unique needs.

  • Expert Degree-Holding Writers: At iResearchNet, we understand the importance of quality in academic writing. That’s why we have a team of expert writers who hold degrees in various fields, including economics. Our writers are not only knowledgeable in their respective fields but also experienced in academic writing. They understand the nuances of writing research papers and are adept at producing well-structured, coherent, and insightful papers.
  • Custom Written Works: We believe that every research paper is unique and should be treated as such. Our writers work closely with you to understand your specific requirements and expectations. They then craft a custom research paper that meets these requirements and reflects your understanding and perspective.
  • In-Depth Research: Good research is the backbone of a compelling research paper. Our writers conduct thorough research using reliable and relevant sources to ensure that your paper is informative and credible. They are skilled at analyzing and synthesizing information, presenting complex ideas clearly, and developing strong arguments.
  • Custom Formatting: Formatting is an essential aspect of academic writing that contributes to the readability and professionalism of your paper. Our writers are familiar with various formatting styles, including APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, and Harvard, and can format your paper according to your preferred style.
  • Top Quality: Quality is at the heart of our services. We strive to deliver research papers that are not only well-written and well-researched but also original and plagiarism-free. Our writers adhere to high writing standards, and our quality assurance team reviews each paper to ensure it meets these standards.
  • Customized Solutions: We understand that each student has unique needs and circumstances. Whether you need a research paper on a complex game theory topic, assistance with a specific section of your paper, or editing and proofreading services, we can provide a solution that fits your needs.
  • Flexible Pricing: We believe that professional writing services should be accessible to all students. That’s why we offer flexible pricing options that cater to different budgets. We are transparent about our pricing, and there are no hidden charges.
  • Short Deadlines up to 3 hours: We understand that time is of the essence when it comes to academic assignments. Whether you need a research paper in a week or a few hours, our writers are up to the task. They are skilled at working under pressure and can deliver high-quality papers within short deadlines.
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At iResearchNet, we are committed to helping you succeed in your academic journey. We understand the challenges of writing a research paper and are here to support you every step of the way. Whether you need help choosing a topic, conducting research, writing your paper, or editing and proofreading your work, our expert writers are ready to assist you. With our professional writing services, you can focus on learning and leave the stress of writing to us. So why wait? Order a custom game theory research paper from iResearchNet today and experience the difference.

Empower Your Academic Journey: Choose iResearchNet Today!

Embarking on the journey of writing a research paper can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to complex fields like game theory. But remember, you don’t have to face this challenge alone. iResearchNet is here to provide you with the support you need to produce a high-quality, insightful, and impactful research paper.

Our team of expert degree-holding writers is ready to assist you in creating a custom-written research paper that not only meets but exceeds academic standards. Whether you’re struggling with topic selection, research, writing, or formatting, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive services are designed to cater to your unique needs and ensure your academic success.

Don’t let the stress of writing a research paper hinder your learning experience. Take advantage of our professional writing services and focus on what truly matters – your learning and growth. With iResearchNet, you can be confident that you’re submitting a top-quality research paper that reflects your understanding and hard work.

So, are you ready to empower your academic journey? Order a custom economics research paper on any of the game theory research paper topics from iResearchNet today. Let us help you navigate your academic journey and secure your success. Remember, your academic achievement is our top priority, and we’re committed to helping you reach your goals. Order now and experience the iResearchNet difference!


game theory research paper topics

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Journal of Game Theory

The Journal of Game Theory publishes original research, survey papers and short notes in game theory and its applications providing rigorous analysis and significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. It welcomes game-oriented papers from all fields of study, including: biology; computer science, economics, engineering; management science, operations research, political science, psychology.

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Game Theory Research

Game theory is the formal study of conflict and cooperation. Game theoretic concepts apply whenever the actions of several agents are interdependent. These agents may be individuals, groups, firms, or any combination of these. The concepts of game theory provide a language to formulate, structure, analyse and understand strategic scenarios.

Individual faculty interests are listed below, along with our Research students.

  Dr Galit Ashkenazi-Golan

Galit AG 200x200

Repeated games; Markov decision processes and stochastic games; Borel games; games with incomplete information; games with imperfect monitoring

Professor Olivier Gossner


Game theory; economics of information; bounded rationality and complexity; repeated games

Professor Andrew Lewis-Pye

Andy Lewis Pye 200x200

Logic; computability; discrete mathematics; algorithmic randomness; network science; complex systems; distributed computing; cryptocurrencies

Dr Grammateia Kotsialou

Grammateia Kotsialou 200x200

Liquid democracy; distributed ledger technology; mechanism design; decentralised governance structures; algorithmic economics

Dr Katerina Papadaki


Multiagent learning in pricing games; search and patrolling games; robust optimisation; combinatorial optimisation; approximate dynamic programming algorithms; applications in wireless networks, transportation, energy efficiency, scheduling, and financial portfolio optimisation

Professor  Bernhard von Stengel


Game theory; efficient computation of equilibria; theory of online algorithms; extensive form games; correlated equilibria; pivoting algorithms in linear programming; polytope theory

Johannes Brustle

Masha Dalirrooyfard

Sahar Jahani

Edward Plumb


Seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation

  • Frontiers in Complex Systems
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Game Theory and Complex Systems

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About this Research Topic

We are excited to announce a Research Topic on “Game Theory and Complex Systems,” which explores the fascinating intersection of these two fields. This issue aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines, including physicists, computer scientists, behavioral economists, and social scientists, who employ game-theoretical techniques in their research. Game theory is a versatile tool, with applications in a multitude of disciplines, including statistical physics, computer science, biology, economics, finance, climate change negotiations, and sociology. The interdisciplinary nature of complex systems and game theory presents a unique opportunity for researchers to contribute diverse perspectives and methodologies. The primary goal of this Research Topic is to deepen our understanding of human behavior through the lens of game theory and complex systems. We encourage contributors to investigate the applications of these frameworks to human behavior, particularly focusing on empirical evidence and behavioral experiments. By examining decision-making dynamics, cooperation, and strategic interactions, we aim to enhance our ability to model and predict human behavior and provide valuable insights into real-world phenomena. Contributions should address how game theory can shed light on intricate social, economic, and biological dynamics, thereby advancing theoretical and applied knowledge in these fields. We invite researchers, practitioners, and scholars to submit original research articles, reviews, or theoretical papers for this Research Topic. Areas of interest include but are not limited to: evolutionary game theory in complex systems, agent-based modelling and simulations of strategic interactions, network effects on game-theoretical dynamics, applications in social networks, and behavioral experiments in game theory. Additionally, we welcome studies on game theory’s role in economic systems, decision-making in biological environments, multi-agent systems, and its application to climate change negotiations. All submissions should align with the interdisciplinary focus of the issue, contributing to the overarching understanding of game theory and complex systems.

Keywords : Game Theory, Complex Systems, Human Behavior, Multi-agent systems, Agent-based Modelling, Complex Networks, Behavioral Experiments

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Papers published on a yearly basis, theory of games and economic behavior.

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Evolution and the Theory of Games

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The Strategy of Conflict

7,845  citations

A Course in Game Theory

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Industrial market structure and economic performance

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  • Prof. Parag Pathak


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Topics in game theory, assignments, referee reports.

Students are required to write three referee reports due in Ses #3, Ses #5, and Ses #7. A referee report evaluates the paper on its readiness for publication by commenting on the results, the structure, and the exposition of the paper. For details, please refer to William Thomson’s article:

Guidelines on writing referee reports ( PDF )

The suggested articles for the three referee reports are listed below.


Fowlie, Meredith, and Jeffrey Perloff. “ ?” Mimeograph, University of Michigan, 2009.

Mansur, Erin T., and Matt White. “Market Organization and Efficiency in Electricity Markets.” Mimeograph, University of Pennsylvania, 2007. ( )

Leslie, Phillip, and Alan Sorenson. “The Welfare Effects of Ticket Resale.” Mimeograph, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, October 2009. Also available as , November 2009.

Fowlie, Meredith, Stephen Holland, and Erin T. Mansur. “ .” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 15082, June 2009.

McLennan, Andrew. “ .” School of Economics Discussion Paper No. 360, University of Queensland, Australia, 2008.


Bergemann, Dirk, and Juuso Välimäki. “ .” Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1672, Yale University, August 2008.

Chen, Chia-Hui. “One-to-Many Negotiation Between a Seller and Asymmetric Buyers.” PhD diss., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 2009.

Pai, Mallesh M., and Rakesh Vohra. “ .” Mimeograph, Northwestern University, July 2009.

Fox, Jeremy T., and Patrick Bajari. “Measuring the Efficiency of an FCC Spectrum Auction.” Mimeograph, University of Chicago, October 2009. ( ) Also available as , October 2005.

Segal, Ilya, and Michael D. Whinston. “ .” Mimeograph, Stanford University, January 2009.

Hafalir, Isa, and Vijay Krishna. “ .” Mimeograph, Pennsylvania State University, January 2006.

Cheng, Harrison, and Guofu Tan. “Auctions with Resale and Bargaining Power.” Mimeograph, University of Southern California, January 2009. ( )

DeMarzo, Peter, Ilan Kremer, and Andrzej Skrzypacz. “ .” 95, no. 4 (September 2005): 936-959. 

Krishna, Vijay. “ .” 112, no. 2 (October 2003): 261-288.

Asker, John. “A Study of the Internal Organisation of a Bidding Cartel.” Working paper, Stern School of Business, New York University, April 2009. ( )

Marshall, Robert, and Leslie Marx. “ .” 124, no. 2 (May 2009): 883-910.

Kastl, Jakub. “Discrete Bids and Empirical Inference in Divisible Good Auctions.” Mimeograph, Stanford University, 2009. ( )

Hortaçsu, Ali, and Jakub Kastl. “Do Bidders in Canadian Treasury Bill Auctions Have Private Values?” Mimeograph, Stanford University, 2008. ( )


Manea, Mihai. “ .” 4, no. 2 (June 2009): 165-197.

Sönmez, Tayfun, and M. Utku Ünver. “ .” 52, no. 1 (July 2005): 153-185.

Bogomolnaia, Anna, and Hervé Moulin. “ .” 72, no. 1 (January 2004): 257-279.

Roth, Alvin E., Tayfun Sönmez, and M. Utku Ünver. “ .” 125, no. 2 (December 2005): 151-188.

Sönmez, Tayfun, and M. Utku Ünver. “ .” Mimeograph, Department of Economics, Boston College, 2009.

Pycia, Marek, and M. Utku Ünver. “ .” Boston College Working Papers in Economics No. 715, January 2009.

Abdulkadiroğlu, Atila, Yeon-Koo Che, and Yosuke Yasuda. “ .” Economic Research Initiatives at Duke (ERID) Research Paper No. 20, November 2008.

Budish, Eric. “The Combinatorial Assignment Problem: Approximate Competitive Equilibrium from Equal Incomes.” Mimeograph, Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, October 2009. ( )

Pycia, Marek. “Many-to-One Matching without Substitutability.” Industrial Performance Center (IPC) Working Paper No. 05-008, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November 2005. ( )

Yenmez, M. Bumin. “Incentive Compatible Market Design with an Application to Matching with Wages.” Mimeograph, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, November 2009. ( )

Lee, Soohyung. “Marriage and Online Mate-Search Services: Evidence from South Korea.” Mimeograph, Department of Economics, University of Maryland, October 2009. ( )

Research Paper

A short 2-3 page progress report on the research paper is due one week after Ses #7, and the final paper is due 6 weeks later at the end of the January Independent Activities Period (IAP). The goal of the research paper is to lay the foundation for dissertation work. The paper may be empirical or theoretical in nature. I will meet with students in the middle of January to check the progress of the paper.


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  1. Game Theory Research Paper Topics

    This comprehensive guide to game theory research paper topics is designed to assist students and researchers in the field of economics. Selecting a compelling and relevant research topic is a crucial step in the academic journey, and this guide aims to facilitate this process. We provide an extensive list of topics, divided into ten categories ...

  2. An Overview on Game Theory and Its Application

    Game theory is commonly used in e conomics, psychology, biology, a nd political science. Its. application is majorly in studies of competitive scenes. As such, the stated problems are refe rred ...


    the title of this project suggest, a grasp on game theory. Game theory has many applica-tions in a wide array of elds such as economics, politics, psychology, science, computer science, and biology to name a few. Although, we could spend an entire project studying game theory alone, we will concentrate on decision making and solving 2-person games.

  4. PDF Game theory and applications

    interaction and collective-level dynamics are uni˙ed by means of game theory. These papers do also show the generality of applications. The results are abstract and not restricted to a certain context or interpretation. 1.1 The early days of game theory We begin this chapter with one of the most important results of game

  5. 100781 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on GAME THEORY. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on GAME THEORY

  6. Scientific & Academic Publishing: Aims and Scope

    The Journal of Game Theory publishes original research, survey papers and short notes in game theory and its applications providing rigorous analysis and significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. It welcomes game-oriented papers from all fields of study, including: biology; computer science ...

  7. Game Theory: Articles, Research, & Case Studies

    Games of Threats. by Elon Kohlberg and Abraham Neyman. The Shapley value is the most widely studied solution concept of cooperative game theory, with applications to cost allocation, fair division, voting, etc. It is defined on coalitional games, which are the standards objects of the theory. The authors extend the Shapley value solution beyond ...

  8. Real-World Applications of Game Theory and Optimization

    This research topic centers on the practical application of game theory and optimization methods to address complex challenges in real-world contexts. At its core, game theory provides a framework for analyzing strategic interactions among rational decision-makers, while optimization techniques are designed to seek the most favorable outcomes. These tools have proven to be powerful assets ...

  9. Game Theory and Applications in Economics: Journal of Applied Mathematics

    The focus of the special issue is the application of game theory to problems in economics. We welcome original research and review articles concerned with application of game theory to issues in economics. Potential topics include, but are not limited to: Microeconomics with game theory; Industrial organization with game theory; Game theory

  10. Research Topics in Game Theory

    The course will concentrate on mathematical techniques for constructing and solving games. Students will be required to develop a topic relating political science and game theory and to write a formal research paper. Section Number. 001. Call Number. 99758. Day, Time & Location. MW 4:10PM-5:25PM To be announced.

  11. Game Theory Research

    Game Theory Research. Game theory is the formal study of conflict and cooperation. Game theoretic concepts apply whenever the actions of several agents are interdependent. These agents may be individuals, groups, firms, or any combination of these. The concepts of game theory provide a language to formulate, structure, analyse and understand ...

  12. (PDF) Topics in Game Theory

    In a game, a rational behavior of the players is to use only reactiv e strategies, eliminating the non-reactive ones. So, they will play a subgame of the pre-. vious one, that we call reduction of ...

  13. Game Theory and Complex Systems

    Manuscript Submission Deadline 08 March 2025. We are excited to announce a Research Topic on "Game Theory and Complex Systems," which explores the fascinating intersection of these two fields. This issue aims to bring together scholars from various disciplines, including physicists, computer scientists, behavioral economists, and social ...

  14. Game theory

    Game theory is a research topic. Over the lifetime, 28468 publications have been published within this topic receiving 780917 citations. Popular works include Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, The Theory of Industrial Organization and more. ... In this paper, the authors propose a theory of interdependent decision based on the Retarded ...

  15. Readings

    Topics in Game Theory. Menu. More Info Syllabus Calendar Readings Assignments ... Harvard Institute of Economic Research Discussion Paper No. 2064, 2003. ... "Coordination and Policy Traps (Signaling in a Global Coordination Game)." NBER Working Papers 9767, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 2003. Angeletos, G., and I. Werning. ...

  16. (PDF) Game Theory

    Game Theory (GT) is the formal study of conflict and cooperation among sev-. eral agents, denoted as players, representing individuals, animals, computers, groups, firms, etc. The concepts of ...

  17. Syllabus

    In the workshop, we will discuss both theory and application of higher-order beliefs. Hopefully this will uncover partial information gathered in both sides and lead to cross-fertilization and further research. Secondly, there is a recent interest in unawareness, and several decision theory and game theory papers have been written on this topic.

  18. Recent Developments of Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning

    It offers a thorough account of the developments at the confluence of game theory and RL. The reviewed papers mainly focus on broad themes and address three important research questions: the impact of game theory on multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), the significant contributions of game theory to RL, and the significant impact areas.


    The course will concentrate on mathematical techniques for constructing and solving games. Students will be required to develop a topic relating political science and game theory and to write a formal research paper. Section Number. 001. Call Number. 12983. Day, Time & Location. TR 4:10PM-5:25PM To be announced.

  20. Recent Developments of Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning

    The reviewed papers mainly focus on broad themes and address three important research questions: the impact of game theory on multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), the significant ...

  21. Assignments

    The goal of the research paper is to lay the foundation for dissertation work. The paper may be empirical or theoretical in nature. I will meet with students in the middle of January to check the progress of the paper. This section provides guidelines for writing referee reports and suggested articles for the referee report assignments of the ...

  22. Research Topics in Game Theory

    The course will concentrate on mathematical techniques for constructing and solving games. Students will be required to develop a topic relating political science and game theory and to write a formal research paper. Section Number. 001. Call Number. 14139. Day, Time & Location. TR 4:10PM-5:25PM To be announced.

  23. Applications of Game Theory in Project Management: A ...

    Abstract and Figures. This paper provides a structured literature review and analysis of using game theory to model project management scenarios. We select and review thirty-two papers from Scopus ...