
The A-Z of SwiftUI Presentations and Navigation

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Written by: Karin Prater

Published on: May 23, 2023

SwiftUI has revolutionized the way we design user interfaces for Apple platforms, enabling developers to create more dynamic and interactive apps. A vital aspect of this UI design involves SwiftUI presentations and navigation, which are key to delivering a seamless user experience. This blog post, “The A-Z of SwiftUI Presentations and Navigation”, provides an in-depth exploration of various presentations such as sheets, popovers, popup menus, alerts, action sheets, confirmation dialogs, and navigation tools like NavigationView and Navigation Stack. Whether you’re an experienced developer or a beginner, this guide offers insightful tips, best practices, and a comprehensive understanding of SwiftUI presentations and navigation. Let’s delve into the world of SwiftUI and elevate your UI design skills.

Navigating with NavigationView and Navigation Stack in SwiftUI

Navigation is an essential aspect of app design, providing users with a clear path through your app’s content. SwiftUI provides tools like NavigationView and, more recently, Navigation Stack for iOS 16, which offers additional flexibility and reliability.

  • NavigationView: As explored in this detailed guide , NavigationView in SwiftUI is a crucial component that manages the presentation of views on a navigation interface. It offers a convenient way to present hierarchical information, where each new screen is presented on top of the stack.
  • Navigation Stack: Introduced in iOS 16, Navigation Stack has brought significant improvements to SwiftUI navigation. Detailed in this post , Navigation Stack provides a more flexible and reliable way to manage views in your app. A key feature of Navigation Stack is its support for programmatic navigation, allowing you to trigger navigation actions based on specific logic or user interactions.

SwiftUI NavigationStack example

By understanding these navigation tools and mastering their implementation, you can provide users with intuitive and efficient navigation through your SwiftUI application.

Understanding SwiftUI Sheets

A SwiftUI sheet, as detailed in this blog post , is a type of UI component that can present content modally. It is integral for providing users with additional information or functionalities without leaving the current screen.

There are primarily three types of sheet presentations in SwiftUI: Modal, Bottom, and Full screen.

  • Modal Sheets: Modal Sheets occupy a portion of the screen, allowing the underlying view to remain partially visible. This presentation style is useful when you want to retain context for the user.
  • Bottom Sheets: As the name suggests, these sheets slide up from the bottom of the screen, covering only part of the view. They’re optimal for presenting secondary content or actions related to the current screen.
  • Full Screen Sheets: Full Screen Sheets take up the entire screen. You might use this presentation style when you want to focus the user’s attention entirely on the sheet content, such as during a detailed task.

swiftui sheet with presentationDetents of medium, large, height and percentage

Each type of sheet presentation serves a specific purpose, and understanding how to use them effectively is key to creating a smooth and engaging user interface in SwiftUI.

Popovers and Popup Menus in SwiftUI

Popovers and popup menus are another set of SwiftUI presentations that can enhance the interaction in your apps. In this detailed guide , you can find more in-depth information.

  • Popovers: A popover is a transient view that appears above other content onscreen when you tap a control or in an area. It’s an ideal choice when you want to provide additional information or functionality without taking the user out of their current context.
  • Popup Menus: Popup menus, on the other hand, provide a list of options for the user to select from. They’re beneficial when you need to save screen real estate while still offering multiple choices to the user. You can use the dedicated control view Menu which you can read about in this blog post .

swiftui popover examples for presentationCompactAdaptation

Both of these presentations have their use-cases, and implementing them correctly can lead to a more intuitive and user-friendly application. Understanding the right context to use popovers and popup menus is crucial for your SwiftUI app design.

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Mastering Alerts in SwiftUI

Alerts in SwiftUI play a significant role in communicating important messages to the user. This informative post provides comprehensive insights on how to create effective alerts.

  • Basic Alerts: The simplest form of an alert presents an informational message to the user. It typically includes a title, an optional message, and one dismiss button.
  • Alerts with Multiple Buttons: For situations where the user needs to make a choice, SwiftUI alerts can include multiple buttons. Each button can trigger a different action when tapped.
  • Alerts with Text Fields: In some cases, you might want to prompt the user to enter some information directly within the alert. SwiftUI allows you to include text fields in your alerts for this purpose.
  • Error Messages: Alerts are an effective way to present error messages. By presenting an error in an alert, you can inform the user about a problem and potentially provide a solution or workaround.

SwiftUI example for showing an alert when an error occurs

Mastering the use of alerts in SwiftUI can greatly enhance the user experience by providing important information and capturing user input when necessary. It’s vital to use alerts judiciously to ensure they serve their intended purpose effectively.

Action Sheets and Confirmation Dialogs in SwiftUI

SwiftUI also offers Action Sheets and Confirmation Dialogs as interactive ways to engage with the user. You can delve into these presentations in more depth in this thorough guide .

  • Action Sheets: An Action Sheet is a specific style of alert that presents the user with a set of two or more choices related to the current context. Use an Action Sheet when you want to give the user multiple options related to a particular task or decision.
  • Confirmation Dialogs: These dialogs replace action sheets for iOS 15. They consist typically of a message and two buttons, one for confirming the action and one for canceling.

swiftui example for an action sheet and confirmation dialog

Both Action Sheets and Confirmation Dialogs contribute to a more interactive and user-friendly app experience. Understanding how and when to use these effectively is a key component in mastering SwiftUI presentations.

SwiftUI Dismiss View

The ability to dismiss views is a crucial part of SwiftUI presentations, as it provides a way for users to close modal views, popovers, or navigation stacks. Understanding how and when to dismiss views effectively contributes to a smooth and user-friendly experience.

  • Dismissing Sheets and Popovers: In SwiftUI, sheets and popovers can be dismissed by changing the state that triggered their presentation. You control this by manipulating the boolean state property that you used when presenting the sheet or popover.
  • Dismissing Navigation Views: With NavigationView, you can pop to the previous view by using the presentationMode environment property. With the newer Navigation Stack API, you can programmatically control navigation, including dismissing views, providing more flexibility in your app navigation.

Properly dismissing views ensures that your app’s user interface remains clean and that users are not overwhelmed with unnecessary views or information.

In conclusion, mastering SwiftUI presentations and navigation is a crucial skill for anyone developing apps for Apple platforms. This blog post has provided an overview of various SwiftUI presentations, including sheets, popovers, alerts, action sheets, confirmation dialogs, and different navigation tools like NavigationView and Navigation Stack. Furthermore, the importance of correctly dismissing views was emphasized to ensure a smooth user experience.

Understanding and effectively implementing these presentations and navigation methods will greatly enhance the overall usability and user experience of your SwiftUI application. Therefore, it’s recommended to familiarize yourself with these tools and techniques and practice using them in different contexts to fully grasp their utility and flexibility. Continue to explore and learn more about SwiftUI to hone your skills and create more efficient, intuitive, and interactive apps.

Further Reading and Resources

For more detailed insights and examples on the topics covered in this blog post, consider checking out the following resources:

  • SwiftUI Sheet: Modal, Bottom, and full screen presentation in iOS
  • SwiftUI Popovers and Popup Menus: The Ultimate Guide
  • How to Show SwiftUI Alerts with Buttons, Textfields and Error Messages
  • SwiftUI in Action: A Deep Dive into Action Sheets and Confirmation Dialog
  • Exploring Navigation in SwiftUI: A Deep Dive into NavigationView
  • Better Navigation in SwiftUI with Navigation Stack

These articles provide comprehensive guides and examples that delve deeper into the subjects discussed in this blog post. You are encouraged to read these resources to further your understanding and proficiency in SwiftUI presentations and navigation.

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How to present a full screen modal view using fullScreenCover()

Paul Hudson    @twostraws    December 1st 2022

Updated for Xcode 16

SwiftUI’s fullScreenCover() modifier gives us a presentation style for times when you want to cover as much of the screen as possible, and in code it works almost identically to regular sheets.

Regular sheets can be dismissed by dragging downwards on them, but that isn’t possible with views presented using fullScreenCover() . As a result, it’s important you provide a way to dismiss the presented view, probably using the dismiss environment key.

Important: fullScreenCover() is not available on macOS.

For example, this defines a simple FullScreenModalView struct that can dismiss itself, then presents it from ContentView when another button is pressed:

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Maegan Wilson

Posted on Aug 26, 2019 • Updated on May 16, 2020 • Originally published at appsbymw.com

How to Present and Dismiss a Modal in SwiftUI

In this post, we will cover how to present and dismiss a modal view.

Find the source code at this Github Repo.

maeganwilson / swiftui-show-modal-tutorial

A tutorial for SwiftUI on how to present and dismiss a Modal


NOTE : this tutorial is using Xcode 11 and has been tested using iOS 13.1.2 .

Let's get started by making a new project using SwiftUI. When creating a new project, make sure that the language is set to Swift, and the User Interface is configured to SwiftUI like in the picture below.

modal presentation style swiftui

show_modal variable

Now that the project is made, we need to open the ContentView.swift file to declare a variable that determines whether or not to present the modal.

The variable has to be a binding variable and one that can update the view when changing, which is why we declare it as a State variable.

Button to change the state!

Let's change the Text() to a Button() that sets show_modal to true .

I added a print() statement to make sure the button works. Go ahead and run the app (Command + R) and click on the button. By clicking on the button, "Button Pushed" will be printed in the console.

Create the Modal View

Now, let's create the modal view. Create a new file and change the Text to "This is a Modal." It should look like the code snippet below.

Making the Modal Appear

It's time to make the modal appear from the button push on the first view. Open ContentView.swift and add the following to the button.

What does .sheet() // more code do? It is deciding if ModalView should be presented when show_modal changes.

.sheet(isPresented: Binding<Bool>){ /* View to present */} is a modifier that can present the view when isPresented is true . In our example, show_modal is a Binding<Bool> because it is declared with @State . We also set the view to be presented as ModalView() .

ContentView.swift should now be complete and look like this.

Add a dismiss button

Dragging works to dismiss, but sometimes users would instead hit a button, or maybe you want the user to hit the button to confirm, and a drag cancels the operation. To add a button to dismiss the modal, we need to put add an Environment variable for presentationMode and then call presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() . Here is how it looks in ModalView.swift .

I'm going to break down what we did.

  • Add the environment variable. This environment variable is what determines when to dismiss the modal.
  • Embed the Text in a VStack. We do this to be able to have a Button view on top of the Text.
  • Add a button with the following action. The action in the button is what to perform when the button is tapped. self.presentaionMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() is the method that dismisses the Modal.

Now, running the application, we can dismiss the view either by dragging or by tapping on the button.

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I was asked by @cwhooten how to make a list that presents a dynamic modal. You can find that answer as a branch to the original example by clicking on this sentence .

Updated the note at the top.

Updated the note at the top since it has been tested with Release Xcode and Release iOS 13.

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For me, I can only present the sheet once when dismissing with the button. If I try to present it again it does nothing, but if I drag to dismiss I can keep presenting and dismissing repeatedly. Any suggestions?

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I'm running this on a device and in the Xcode simulator, and I'm not experiencing this. Any chance you have a link or some code to look at?

Are you running Catalina? I did have the issue you are reporting with the Catalina betas sometimes, but every time I ran on a real device it worked.

Well, after some more testing, it works as expected unless I am using a button in navigation bar trailing items. For some reason the problem I described only happens when it's a navigation bar button. If I just put a button somewhere else in the View it works perfectly. This solves my problem for now. Thanks for the reply, and for the tutorial!

And yes I am running Catalina, still on a beta so I'll try again when I am on the real Catalina/Xcode.

I also had this problem in the simulator at some point in the beta process, but when on a real device it works. In my app on the App Store, I have this implemented as a nav bar button and it works as expected. You can see the code on my GitHub . I linked to the direct file.

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  • Joined Oct 20, 2019

Very helpful

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Where technology meets something or other, swiftui: modal presentation.

I have regrettably little time to devote to SwiftUI. I explore when I can, although I wish I were a lot further in that journey.

Here’s my latest go, where I’m looking to build a modal presentation. Today is the first time I’ve been able to play with Modal , the storage type for a modal presentation. I tied it together with an isPresented  state, but I’m wondering if I’ve done this all wrong.

I can’t help but think there’s a better way to do this. I’m using a text button for “Done” instead of a system-supplied item, so it won’t be automatically internationalized. Nor, can I find any specialty “Done” item in SFSymbols. When looking at Apple’s samples, such as Working with UI Controls , I see the same Text("Done")  . While I know that Text elements are automatically localized should resources be available, is SwiftUI providing us with any core dictionary of terms?

I think using the isPresented state in the code below may be too clunky. I’d think that there would be a more direct way to coordinate a modal item. Any advice and guidance will be greatly welcomed.

I remain stuck in Mojave for most of my work, although I put an install of Catalina on a laptop. Although you can build proper SwiftUI apps using the beta Xcode, without the preview (and I’ve had no luck finding a secret default to enable it under Mojave) makes the experience way slower than working in a playground.

I’m hoping to dive next into Interfacing with UIKit .

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  • June 16, 2019
  • Development , SwiftUI , WWDC , Xcode

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SwiftUI: Boing!

I suspect they are just missing a BarButton type that exposes what UIKit already offers. Fingers crossed.

As an aside, to get to the new presentationControllerDidAttemptToDismiss() delegate callbacks for a Modal, which allows you to ‘interrupt’ the user trying to dismiss your modal, I used a UIHostingController to show my SwiftUI view and a BindableObject in which I bound to via .sink on the UIKit side to dismiss it.

  • June 17, 2019 10:02 AM
  • By Paul Colton

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Now that we have a lot of interactive content like cards and floating buttons, we can use those to initiate different interactions like calling a modal or an alert. In SwiftUI, the modal interaction is fantastic and has a built-in drag to dismiss gesture. I recommend using it often, even for large content.

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SwiftUI - Half modal?

I'm trying to recreate a Modal just like Safari in iOS13 in SwiftUI:

Here's what it looks like:

enter image description here

Does anyone know if this is possible in SwiftUI ? I want to show a small half modal, with the option to drag to fullscreen, just like the sharing sheet.

Any advice is much appreciated!

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  • Wouldn't it be just overlay ? –  user28434'mstep Commented Jun 21, 2019 at 9:53
  • 1 I'm not too sure, I thought it might be an option on a Modal or popover, but the docs are quite sparse at the moment –  ryannn Commented Jun 21, 2019 at 10:03
  • 1 I found modals in SwiftUI to fall too short on options. For example, I could not find a way to select its presentation style to "FormSheet". Something very basic that has been around since iOS 3.2!. I had to go with the UIHostingController trick. –  kontiki Commented Jun 21, 2019 at 15:31
  • 6 Made this in pure SwiftUI. Enjoy! github.com/cyrilzakka/SwiftUIModal . Enables fullscreen and half modal capabilities. –  cyril Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 6:03
  • 3 @ryannn It looks like half sheet is finally supported in iOS 16 - for details see this answer . –  pawello2222 Commented Jun 6, 2022 at 22:08

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modal presentation style swiftui


  1. PPT

    modal presentation style swiftui

  2. Climate Change Educational Presentation in Colorful Hand Drawn style

    modal presentation style swiftui

  3. PPT

    modal presentation style swiftui

  4. Create an app "homepage" in SwiftUI

    modal presentation style swiftui

  5. I have found that my approach is pretty similar to SwiftUI, which is

    modal presentation style swiftui

  6. Exploring SwiftUI: Building a Map App with MVVM Architecture

    modal presentation style swiftui


  1. How to use Alignment Guides in SwiftUI

  2. SwiftUI

  3. GFGC HLK/COMMERCE MADAL PRESENTATION/B.com modal presentation/working modals of commerce/#modal#Bcom

  4. SwiftUI Button and Properties

  5. Tips on Presenting Views Modally in SwiftUI (from an ex-Apple engineer 🍎)

  6. SwiftUI Modal Popup: Easy way to Present a Modal View (SwiftUI 2.0 Tutorial)


  1. Modal presentations

    To draw attention to an important, narrowly scoped task, you display a modal presentation, like an alert, popover, sheet, or confirmation dialog. In SwiftUI, you create a modal presentation using a view modifier that defines how the presentation looks and the condition under which SwiftUI presents it. SwiftUI detects when the condition changes ...

  2. SwiftUI Sheet: Modal, Bottom, and full screen presentation in iOS

    A sheet in SwiftUI is a presentation style that displays a new view on top of the current view. Sheets slide in from the bottom of the screen, which is why they are often referred to as bottom sheets. They cover the main content. SwiftUI has newer features to set the size of the sheet. If you for example what to create a half sheet and allow ...

  3. Presentation modifiers

    Use presentation modifiers to show different kinds of modal presentations, like alerts, popovers, sheets, and confirmation dialogs. Because SwiftUI is a declarative framework, you don't call a method at the moment you want to present the modal. Rather, you define how the presentation looks and the condition under which SwiftUI should present ...

  4. modalPresentationStyle

    Discussion. Presentation style defines how the system presents a modal view controller. The system uses this value only in regular-width size classes. In compact-width size classes, some styles take on the behavior of other styles. You can influence this behavior by implementing the adaptivePresentationStyle(for:traitCollection:) method.

  5. Detail Guide to Modal Presentation in Swift Storyboard

    Configure the Transition Style and Presentation for your Modal View Controller as following. ... SwiftUI: Little Twists for NavigationTransition Introduced in WWDC 2024 (What works and what does

  6. The A-Z of SwiftUI Presentations and Navigation

    SwiftUI also offers Action Sheets and Confirmation Dialogs as interactive ways to engage with the user. You can delve into these presentations in more depth in this thorough guide. Action Sheets: An Action Sheet is a specific style of alert that presents the user with a set of two or more choices related to the current context. Use an Action ...

  7. SwiftUI: Different Ways To Present Modal Views

    In SwiftUI there are basically 3 ways to perform a modal presentation, well it's 3+1 actually but we'll see later. These are our options: Sheets. Transitions. Animations. All these options are good and give us a solution to our problem but are slightly different from each other. Let's analyze them one by one.

  8. SwiftUI Presentations with Modals, Bottom Sheets, and ...

    In this video, I'll show you how to use the various presentation styles available in SwiftUI to create modals, bottom sheets, and fullscreen covers in your i...

  9. How to present a full screen modal view using fullScreenCover()

    Updated for Xcode 16. SwiftUI's fullScreenCover() modifier gives us a presentation style for times when you want to cover as much of the screen as possible, and in code it works almost identically to regular sheets.. Regular sheets can be dismissed by dragging downwards on them, but that isn't possible with views presented using fullScreenCover().As a result, it's important you provide a ...

  10. Modal Presentation

    An extensive series of tutorials covering advanced topics related to React hooks, with a main focus on backend and logic to take your React skills to the next level. 3 hrs. SwiftUI Concurrency. Concurrency, swipe actions, search feature, AttributedStrings and accessibility were concepts discussed at WWDC21.

  11. How to Present and Dismiss a Modal in SwiftUI

    Add a dismiss button. Dragging works to dismiss, but sometimes users would instead hit a button, or maybe you want the user to hit the button to confirm, and a drag cancels the operation. To add a button to dismiss the modal, we need to put add an Environment variable for presentationMode and then call presentationMode.wrappedValue.dismiss().

  12. How to present a screen with modalPresentationStyle in SwiftUI ...

    SwiftUI has just released version 1, so I got some stuck about presenting a screen with fullscreen mode. It's easy to do without NavigationView, but in a child NavigationView, ...

  13. CustomPresentationDetent Protocol Implementation in SwiftUI for Modal

    To implement CustomPresentationDetent for our modal presentation, we need to create a custom struct that conforms with the protocol. The protocol contains a static method that returns an optional ...

  14. SwiftUI: Modal presentation

    SwiftUI: Modal presentation. I have regrettably little time to devote to SwiftUI. I explore when I can, although I wish I were a lot further in that journey. Here's my latest go, where I'm looking to build a modal presentation. Today is the first time I've been able to play with Modal, the storage type for a modal presentation.

  15. SwiftUI sheet () modals with custom size on iPad

    Coupled with a specialized view to handle common elements in the modal: struct ModalContentView<Content>: View where Content: View { // Use this function to provide the content to display and to bring up the modal. // Currently only the 'formSheet' style has been tested but it should work with any // modal presentation style from UIKit.

  16. SwiftUI

    I developed credits the following with just SwiftUI which is probably what an overlay does but for my purposes it is much more flexible: struct FullscreenModalView<Presenting, Content>: View where Presenting: View, Content: View {. @Binding var isShowing: Bool. let parent: () -> Presenting.

  17. Full Screen Modal

    Modal Presentation . 2:18. 48. Remote Images. 3:15. 49. Dismiss custom modal. 3:18. 50. Iterating Over an Array ... How to let users pick a date and time using a dropdown wheel or a calendar style. 3:15. 36. Hover Effects. How to design for iPadOS pointer using hoverEffect and onHover ... Design and code a SwiftUI 3 app with custom layouts ...

  18. isModalInPresentation

    isModalInPresentation. iOS 13.0+ iPadOS 13.0+ Mac Catalyst 13.0+ tvOS 13.0+ visionOS 1.0+. @MainActor @preconcurrency override dynamic var isModalInPresentation: Bool { get set }

  19. Modal Presentation

    Modal Presentation . Navigate to another screen using a built-in Modal view . 7:03. 17. Navigation View and List . Build a table view with navigation options and presentations in SwiftUI . 11:48. 18. Navigation Style and Passing Data. Create a detail screen for your navigation list items . 9:22. 19.

  20. swift

    It looks like half sheet is finally supported in iOS 16. To manage the size of sheet we can use PresentationDetent and specifically presentationDetents(_:selection:) Here's an example from the documentation: struct ContentView: View {. @State private var showSettings = false.

  21. Customise and resize sheets in SwiftUI

    Support all modal presentation styles which are compatible with SwiftUI and don't remove the presenting view controller from the UIWindow The snippet of supported modal presentation styles 3.