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What Is a Good Thesis Statement About Bullying?

Thesis statement about bullying

Unfortunately, bullying is still part of our society despite civilization and technology. But, that does not mean the issue cannot be addressed and fixed. It is the responsibility of parents, teachers, and institutions to find a way to reduce the blow of bullying in our society for everyone to be safe and happy. Are you concerned about bullying and want to be a part of the solution? One of the ways to do this is by writing an interesting essay that educates about bullying and its effects. As a part of the project, you will need a thesis statement for a bullying essay that stands out.

As much as you want to address the nasty effects of bullying, you also need to pass your exams. That is why you need to get a thesis about bullying that will impress your professor. Let us learn more here.

What’s a Bullying Thesis Statement?

  • How to Write a Thesis Statement about Bullying?

What Is a Good Thesis Statement For Bullying?

Interesting examples on thesis statement for bullying research paper, straightforward thesis statement for bullying essay examples, exciting thesis statement on cyberbullying homework, our writing services guarantees good thesis statement.

A bullying thesis statement helps you address an issue about bullying. It needs to include the topic of the research paper you are writing about and the claim you have about the bullying topic. Your thesis statement determines whether your paper will stand out.

Which Of The Following Statements About Bullying Is True?

Most people are oblivious to cyberbullying and its effect. So you need first to understand what bullying is to develop a great thesis statement for bullying. Below are four statements that you can read to determine the truth about bullying.

  • Bullying is a growing phase that children will grow out of.
  • Bullying does not have to be physical; it can also be cyberbullying, verbal, and emotional.
  • Bullying is not harmful.
  • As children mature, they will learn positive behavior on their own.

What do you think is the correct answer? All the above statements are false except b. Bullying is not limited to the physical like fighting and hitting. Cyberbullying, verbal and emotional abuse are all bullying, and they all have devastating effects on the individual or group of people getting bullied.

How to Write a Thesis Statement About Bullying?

The thesis on bullying should be under the introduction. Most students prefer writing a statement when they complete their introduction. But the best way to write a thesis is by finishing your research.

Note that the thesis statement needs to be a summary of your research. You will have a better idea of what your essay is all about once you have completed your project. Ensure that the subject is exciting and as per your tutor’s instruction.

A good thesis statement on bullying needs to be a great impression so that it can hook your instructor or any other person who will read your thesis statement. It needs to be the hook to your essay and motivate the readers. The bullying essay thesis statement needs to be;

  • An interpretation of the subject
  • Precise, forceful, and confident
  • It should challenge the readers

Bullying Thesis Statement Examples

If you have a hard time creating a thesis statement about bullying that will make your essay stand out, worry no more. Our team of experts has combined a list of thesis statements on cyberbullying you can use in your essay to impress your professors. Here we go!

You can make your essay research paper interesting by choosing the right thesis statement about bullying to use. In case you are not sure, here is a list you can choose from.

  • Bullying and its effects on youth, and some possible solutions to the problem it causes.
  • There are several ideas and concepts that most institutes have come up with to help stop bullying, but the challenge is the implementation of these policies.
  • International progress can be hasted by the eradication of bully in and so government bodies should cultivate solutions to address the matter.
  • Corporate bullying could push individuals into isolation, leading to depression and suicide.
  • Bullying has been ignored for a long time, even though it has been a problem in the school system; people have only recently started discussing it.

A bullying thesis does not have to be complex. In fact, at times keeping the thesis statement on bullying essay simple could help capture the attention of your tutor and help improve your grade. Here is a look at the straightforward statements about bullying.

  • The effects of physical bullying are depression, stress, withdrawal, physical, and emotional problems, which could destroy a child’s life.
  • Parents and tutors should always be on the lookout for any bullying so they can fix the problem before it gets out of control.
  • Most bullies have emotional or physical abuse, so they turn to bullies to help them feel in a position of power.
  • Bullying could affect the mental health of the person being bullied, affecting their everyday life.
  • Bullies have a hard time following the regulations, caring for other people, and having self-control.

Cyberbullying is often underestimated, and it makes people feel as though they are not good enough and do not deserve to live. Use these examples in your homework.

  • School violence and cyberbullying attacks affect everyone who attends the school and compromise students’ safety.
  • Cyberbullying is not new and can be used in many ways to bring individuals or a group down, yet not much is being done to address the issue.
  • Proper measures should be implemented to help better predict communication during cyberbullying episodes.
  • As technology advances, teens have become more prone to the internet’s dangers like cyberbullying.
  • A look at the similarities and differences between bullying and cyberbullying and the best way to handle both situations.

Are you still wondering what’s a good thesis statement for bullying is? Reach out to our writing service today. We have skilled writers to help you get the best bullying thesis for a research paper. We can also write the research paper for you and ensure you attain the best grades. So get in touch with us today.

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Home ➔ Free Essay Examples ➔ Bullying Essay

Bullying Essay – Writing Guide

A bullying essay is a piece of writing that explores the issue of bullying, its causes, effects, and possible solutions. Bullying is a widespread problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is a form of aggressive behavior that can be physical, verbal, or psychological, and is often repeated over time. Bullying can significantly impact the mental and emotional well-being of those affected, leading to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicide.

A bullying essay is an assignment that students can be required to write at all education levels. The problem of bullying is pervasive in schools and has many facets that must be addressed with equal consideration. That’s why there are many things you can write about in your essay on bullying. Read on to see a short essay example on this topic with a few comments and some topics you can use as examples for this assignment.

The bullying paper example below is divided into three core elements: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part is followed by a short analysis of that part.

Bullying Essay Example (with commentaries)

Topic: The Three Major Effects of Bullying in Schools

Type: Informative Essay


Bullying in schools has remained constant from decade to decade. Bullying is terrible for children in schools and can have various detrimental effects. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Education, bullying comprises three core elements: unwanted aggressive behavior, observed or perceived power imbalance, and repetition or high likelihood of repetition. It is alarming that almost 20% of students aged 12 to 18 experience bullying nationwide. School bullying can adversely affect kids, including health conditions, learning problems, low self-esteem, and mental health issues.

Introduction analysis:

The introduction oof this essay provides background information on bullying. Then, the writer uses statistics from credible sources as an attention hook, which is one of the good ways to start an essay. And it ends with a thesis statement that states the three main aspects that will be discussed in the essay. However, it lacks a proper transition between the hook and the thesis statement.

Body paragraphs

The first and one of the major negative effects of bullying in school is its ability to wreak havoc on a child’s health and well-being. Aside from physical injuries which may result from physical shoving or pushing, bullying can cause headaches, trouble sleeping, and stomach aches. The mind and body are connected; hence, any stressor to a child’s well-being can manifest as physical symptoms. Bullying may also aggravate pre-existing health conditions like skin, heart, and gastrointestinal diseases. The negative impact on a child’s health is one of the more obvious adverse effects of school bullying.

In addition to affecting the child’s physical health, bullying can cause learning struggles and delays in development. The academic impact on the child experiencing bullying can be overwhelming. Often, one of the first indicators that a child may be experiencing bullying is a sudden decline in grades or poor academic performance. Sometimes, kids are so caught up with how bullying makes them feel that they forget to study, don’t do their homework, or have difficulty paying attention in class and digesting the study material. Bullied children often make excuses to skip school, pretend to be sick, or lie to their parents about attending classes. Overall, the academic impact of bullying is one of the worst ones that must be considered when tackling the problem.

To make matters worse, besides negative physical health outcomes and unsatisfactory grades or a decline in academic achievement, kids who experience bullying in schools also suffer from poor self-esteem and mental health effects. For example, bullied kids tend to experience negative emotions such as social isolation, anger, loneliness, and more. In some cases with high school students, these negative emotions can lead to the misuse of drugs or alcohol. Bullying causes kids to feel poorly about themselves, increasing their risk for depression, anxiety, self-harm, or suicide. These effects can be short-term or long-lasting, even when bullying has ended.

Body analysis:

The body of the essay discusses the three main negative consequences of bullying mentioned in the thesis statement of this bullying essay. Each of these points is elaborated on with specific examples. The language used is clear and easy to understand. However, the essay does not flow smoothly from one point to the next and feels somewhat choppy as a result.

School bullying can have significant and detrimental negative effects on kids, including adverse health outcomes, inadequate academic performance, and mental struggles. Kids who are bullied are more likely to experience a manifestation of health conditions, which may become chronic. Bullying causes kids to be less likely to perform well academically and may cause them to skip class, thereby impacting their learning. Lastly, bullying causes kids to experience unhealthy emotions and poor self-esteem. Bullying is a chronic problem that we must continue to address in schools everywhere.

Conclusion analysis:

The essay’s conclusion restates the three main points of the body and reaffirms that bullying is a serious problem with far-reaching consequences. But, it feels somewhat abrupt and could be further developed at the very end, even though it is an informative piece.

97 Bullying Essay Examples – Here’s a PDF file with more examples of papers about bullying (by various authors). They vary in size and quality, so make sure to analyze them thoroughly.

What to Write About (Topics)

Below, you will find various ideas you can use to write an essay on bullying. The topics are divided by essay type as it will affect how you write and what you write about.

Expository essay : You can educate or inform your audience about bullying or define bullying from your unique perspective. Here are a few topic examples:

  • Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools
  • How to Stand up to a Bully Effectively
  • What Role Bystanders Play in Bullying Situations
  • How to Support Someone Who is Being Bullied
  • The Legal Repercussions of Bullying
  • Existing Policies and Laws That Fight Bullying
  • Best Ways to Handle Bullying for Educators
  • How to Overcome the Consequences of Bullying
  • Examples of Effective and Ineffective Anti-bullying Programs in Educational Institutions

Classification essay : You can explore and describe the types and subtypes of bullying. For example:

  • Bullying in schools
  • Workplace bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Bullying of children
  • Bullying of teenagers
  • Bullying of adults
  • Verbal bullying
  • Physical bullying
  • Emotional bullying
  • Racial bullying
  • Religious bullying
  • Cultural bullying
  • Fat shaming

Problem-solution essay : You can explore and describe the possible solutions to bullying. Here are some topic examples for this bullying essay type:

  • How schools can effectively address bullying
  • The role of parents in preventing bullying
  • How we can change the culture of bullying
  • How we can support a bullying victim
  • How to create a more positive school climate to prevent bullying

Cause and effect essay : You can explore and describe the effects of bullying or the causes that lead to bullying. Below are several topic samples:

  • How bullying leads to school violence
  • How bullying can lead students to suicidal thoughts
  • The long-term effects of being bullied
  • How bullying affects the academic performance of students
  • The psychological consequences of bullying

Persuasive essay : You can try to take a stance on bullying and persuade the readers to take action. Such a bullying essay could be written on the following topics:

  • School shootings: why do school shootings happen, and how can we prevent them?
  • Repeated verbal abuse: how does repeated verbal abuse affect bullying victims, and what can be done to stop it?
  • Family members: should family members be held responsible for bullying?
  • Bystanders: what role do bystanders play in bullying, and how can we encourage them to take action?
  • Social media: how does social media contribute to bullying, and what can be done to stop it?

Argumentative essay : You can argue your point of view on bullying or any of its aspects in an argumentative paper. Topic examples:

  • What causes people to bully others?
  • Can we end school bullying for sure?
  • Should people who bully others be punished?
  • Is there a difference between boys and girls who bully?
  • Is there a link between bullying and poor mental health?

Narrative essay : You can tell your personal story related to bullying (if you have one) or a story of someone you know. Topic examples might include the following:

  • How I studied bullying behavior for my project
  • How spreading rumors ruined my middle-school life
  • How other countries I have been to deal with school bullying
  • Why I changed schools five times and don’t have many friends
  • How it can get to you even through text messages

Bullying is a serious and growing problem affecting individuals, their families, and communities. It is a complex subject to broach and talk about because it provides little comfort to parents, but it should be discussed to implement strategies to mitigate bullying and its effects. And while it is true that some young people will likely “grow out of” being bullied, it’s also true that some never stop being bullied.

In conclusion, this essay guide on bullying has provided a comprehensive overview of the issue and its impact on individuals. It is a problem that affects individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. By working together and taking action, we can help create a world where everyone feels safe, valued, and respected, and where bullying has no place. If you are writing an essay on this topic, this guide can serve as a valuable resource to help you better understand the issue and develop practical solutions to address it. Remember, if you or someone you know is being bullied, speaking out and seeking help is important.

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Thesis Statement on Bullying: Research Essay

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Prevalence of bullying in the primary school system in trinidad and tobago (caribbean)..

  • Bangladesh – 30% of students admitted “bullying someone at least once in the past year”.
  • Kenya – 63-82% of children in Nairobi Public Schools report experiencing “various types of bullying.
  • South Africa – more than 50% of children report being bullied once or twice in the past month.
  • Canada – (Public Safety Canada, 2014) 20% of children aged 4-14 years and 10-15% of children in high school are estimated to be victims.

Effects of Bullying on Students at the Primary Level

Depression -, what can we do as teachers in cases of bullying, critiques, strengths, and weakness in the research articles:.

  • Barrington. K. (2018, May 21). How does bullying affect a student’s academic performance? Retrieved from https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/how-does-bullying-affect-a-students-academic-performance
  • Currie, C. et al., eds. Social determinants of health and well-being among young people. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: international report from the 2009/2010 survey. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2012 (Health Policy for Children and Adolescents, No. 6). Retrieved from http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/163857/Social-determinants-of-health-and-well-being-amongyoungpeople.pdf?ua=1
  • Dupage County Regional Office of Education and State’s Attorney’s Office. (2011). Best Practices in Bullying Prevention and Intervention. Retrieved from https://www.dupage.k12.il.us/main/antibullying/pdf/BestPracticesManual.pdf
  • Gokhan. A Oya. Y. Guneri, (2013). Bullying and victimization: Predictive role of individual, parental, and academic factors. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Goekhan_Atik/publication/273588322_Bullying_and_victimization_Predictive_role_of_individual_parental_and_academic_factors/links/560826fe08aea25fce3b81c6/Bullying-and-victimization-Predictive-role-of-individual-parental-and-academic-factors.pdf
  • Gordon, S. (2018). Six types of bullying every parent should know about. Very Well Family. Retrieved from https://www.verywellfamily.com/types-of-bullying-parents-should-know-about-4153882
  • Nicolaides.S, Toda. Y,& Smith, P, K. (2002). Knowledge and attitudes about school bullying in trainee teachers. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 72, 105–118. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Peter_Smith34/publication/11449084_Knowledge_and_attitudes_about_school_bullying_in_trainee_teachers/links/59d8a29f0f7e9b12b3683583/Knowledge-and-attitudes-about-school-bullying-in-trainee-teachers.pdf
  • Seepersad, R. (May 2014). Bullying and victimization in selected primary schools in north Trinidad. Citizen Security Programme& Ministry of Education. Retrieved from http://csp.gov.tt/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=QK8eG0-iHKg%3D&tabid=191&portalid=0&mid=1055
  • Sinyor, M., Schaffer, A., & Cheung, A. H. (2014). An Observational Study of Bullying as a Contributing Factor in Youth Suicide in Toronto. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 59(12), 632–638. https://doi.org/10.1177/070674371405901204
  • Stop Bullying.gov. (2019, May 30). What Is Bullying? Retrieved from https://www.stopbullying.gov/what-is-bullying/index.html
  • UNICEF. (2015, July). Investigating the prevalence and impact of peer abuse (bullying) on the development of Jamaica’s children. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/jamaica/bullying_FULL_REPORT_Anti_Bullying_Consultants_Report_Edited_2ac.pdf

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Thesis Statements: Examples

  • Where Do Theses Come From?

Bullying in elementary schools is getting worse, because children model what they see at home and there are more cases of physical and emotional child abuse, and this causes various emotional problems in children.

In order to be truly effective, anti-bullying policies should focus on the home life of the bully, because of the strong connection between parental actions and attitudes and the way a student treats his or her peers.


The first example tries to cover too many topics: bullying is getting worse, bullying is related to the student's home life, and bullying causes various emotional problems in children.  The second example focuses only on the connection between a student's home life and tendency towards bullying.

Abortion is a terrible practice that only deranged, baby-killing monsters would advocate under the guise of being pro-choice.

Despite the appeal of freedom of choice, the legalization of abortion has been detrimental to the well-being of women in America.

The first example states a strong opinion, but does not offer any facts to back it up.  The explosive language is likely to alienate even readers who may have been sympathetic to the writer's position.  The second example promises to offer a rational, if still opinioned, look at the issue.

Texting your sister who is in the next room to ask her to bring you your backpack means that you should get a life.

The use of technology to replace face to face communication increases the feeling of isolation among American youth.

The first statement is too specific to be a thesis statement.  If reworded for a more academic structure, the specific anecdote could be used to prove a broader point, but, as it is, the author would have difficulty writing an entire paper about this one incident.  The second thesis statement is broad enough that an entire paper could be written about it.

The government should legalize the use of marijuana.

The governement should legalize the use of marijuana in order to benefit from sales taxes of the drug and in order to make it more easily available to people who need it for medical reasons.

The first statement is debatable, but gives no sign that the author has any reasons for making such a statement.  The second thesis statement offers logical reasons, which the reader can assume the author will expound upon in the rest of the paper.

People who are healthy and have healthy organs should be allowed to find other people in need of organs that they don't need, like a kidney, and sell them to the other people because that could save lives if a financial incentive was offered, instead of just relying on people's charity.

The purchase and sale of organs should be legalized in order to better facilitate the saving of lives.

More words don't always make a better thesis.  The second thesis statement is much clearer.  The example of the first thesis statement could be included earlier in the paragraph to help illustrate what is being argued, especially since the subject matter is rather unusual.

Beauty contests are sexist and detrimental to society, and they should be banned everywhere. 

Beauty contests, while they may increase confidence in those who perform in them, can be sexist and harmful because they encourage objectification of women and put an overemphasis on physical appearance. 

The first example is too simple and opinionated. The writer gives his or her point of view, but does not back it up with reasons or facts -- it is just stated. It also offers an overly simplified and extreme solution to the problem. The second example, while still offering a concrete opinion on the subject, gives reasons for this view. The writer is informing the reader of how he or she will go about defending his or her stance. 

Smoking causes lung damage and other health problems. 

Smoking should be made illegal in the United States because of the health problems that it causes. 

The first example is not a point that can be argued against; it is widely known and accepted that smoking is unhealthy. Why write a paper explaining something that everybody already knows and agrees about? The second example can be argued, however: making smoking illegal is one possible solution to the problem, but it still needs to have evidence and argument to back it up because not everybody believes that this is a good solution. 

Exams are not the best way to determine academic successs. 

Exams determine students' talent at test-taking and recall rather than their actual understanding of the material; therefore, instead of exams alone, instructors should employ several different ways of measuring student success, including papers and projects.  

The first example is too broad; it is more of a general topic rather than a thesis. The second example is much more specific. It narrows the thesis down from the problem itself to the solution to the problem. 

Prompt: Describe a character from the movie who shows compassion.

Jack shows compassion.

Jack shows compassion through his kind words, his selfless volunteering, and his forgiveness of Alicia's quick temper.

The first example simply uses the prompt as the thesis statement.  The second example offers support for the statement, preparing the reader for an essay about how Jack's kind words, selfless volunteering and forgiveness show his compassion.

One thing I am going to talk about today is one thing that happened to me one time when I was on this one trip at a place that I was staying at for a certain amount of time. 

Standing on a mountain-top in Israel was an experience that redefined my faith and helped me decide to become an archeologist.

The first example is very vague, providing the reader with almost no information.  The second example gives the reader a clear idea of what the essay is going to be about.  The first example also announces what the author plans to do.  It is much better to launch right into the essay, thereby demosntrating to the reader the purpose of the essay.

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Bullying Essay Writing Prompts & Examples for Students


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Bullying is a repeated, physical, social, or psychological behavior that refers to the misuse of power by a person or group towards another individual or people. It is unacceptable in the United States! However, the acts of bullying are typical for the educational institutions, especially high schools. The teachers assign corresponding essays and research papers hoping to prove the harmfulness of this phenomenon to the students. Do not confuse bullying essay and bully essay! We will explain the difference between these two, share some good topics, provide useful writing tips, and present free examples of such papers. There are times when students can do nothing about the homework. It does not mean they know nothing about the offered topic or have no talent - the lack of time is the most common reason. What our academic writing company offers is quality help with writing an essay available online 24/7. Do not miss your chance to improve your grade!  

What Is Bullying Essay?

One may ask, “ What is bullying essay? ” Okay, not all students know the definition of this word because some of them are lucky never to witness school bullying. A bullying essay is an academic paper on the humiliation, inequality, and unfair treatment of a person by another person or a group of people. It is a common phenomenon in the US schools. Bullying is one of the main reasons for the massive school murders. Because this activity may lead to the fatal, dramatic consequences, a bullying essay is one of the most popular assignments.

Working on Bullying Essay Outline

The primary thing to get ready with before writing a bully essay is the bullying essay outline. It is a must in any type of writing. An outline won’t let you get lost during the writing process. It looks like a detailed plan of action, and here is an example:

  • The negative aspects & adverse consequences of bullying.
  • The victims of bullying: common features they share, reasons to be involved in bullying, and mistakes the victims do.
  • Conditions under which bullying takes place.
  • The outcomes of bullying.
  • Possible solutions against bullying: from the things students should do on their own to the involvement of parents and teachers.
  • Conclusion Relate bullying as a story and rewrite the thesis statement from the introduction.

Preparing an Unforgettable Bullying Essay Introduction

In the bullying essay introduction, introduce the topic you are going to discuss. Define the term “bullying” using a dictionary and own words. Show the importance of discussing this issue by starting with an interesting fact or official statistics. The examples of the opening sentences are:

“Between 1 in 4 US students say they have been bullied at school.” “There is no general profile of a person involved in bullying. Young adolescents who bully can be either well-connected socially or marginalized.” 

The rationale for writing an interesting bullying essay introduction is to make it possible to let the reader appreciate the topic and understand its significance.

Tips on Writing a Bullying Essay Conclusion Paragraph

A bullying essay conclusion paragraph should leave the greatest impression on the reader and motivate them to contribute something to the war against bullying. A writer can start with the essay hook or rewritten thesis. Both versions are good to make the reader interested. A student has to develop a conclusion to guarantee a closure for the bullying essay that defines his or her final claim concerning the problem of bullying in schools or an entire community. It is time to stop the anti-social behaviour!

  • Offer a final statement that talks about the abusive practices against the person or group of people.
  • Provide learning insight to stress the important role of bullying in the life of modern kids. Show the importance of further research. Think about what makes a significant lesson for personal perception.
  • Share feedback relevant to the implementation of governmental regulations created to stop the bullying.
  • Come up with the recommendations about bullying to let others think about the most effective way of handling the problem.
  • List the negative implications of bullying (victim’s physical & mental problems).

Post-Writing Steps

No matter whether you work on a short essay about bullying or a long one, the post-writing recommendations are the same. Do not ignore their importance!

  • Look at the format and structure of the paper and fix it if needed.
  • Proofread to detect & fix any grammar, spelling, or punctuation mistakes.
  • Seek for the tutor’s feedback before revising.
  • Apply grammar and plagiarism checking software to get rid of the errors.
  • Let your peers or family members read the bullying essay to make sure it is polished.

20 Anti Bullying Essay Topics

An essay on bullying is not limited to defining the term. It has many options when it comes to choosing a specific topic. An essay on bullying may have several categories. One of the examples is cyber bullying essay - the threat of bullying with the help of social profiles and Internet, in general, is high.

  • Reasons why teasing may end up bullying.
  • Accepting people for who they are - preventing bullying.
  • The ways to support people who were bullied in the past.
  • The consequences of school bullying.
  • Turning for help to the adults.
  • Stopping the culture of bullying in the US schools.
  • Ways to make students feel comfortable when talking about bullying.
  • The problem of standing around and doing nothing to help the victim.
  • How other kids may prevent their peers from bullying each other.
  • Bullying in person vs. bullying in a group.
  • What are the mental consequences of bullying?
  • How can students prevent cyberbullying?
  • Reasons why some people bully others.
  • The way a bully feels once he or she put someone down.
  • Family essay : The role of family members in the life of the bullied person.
  • Risks for standing up for the one who is being bullied.
  • New ways to increase the community’s awareness about bullying
  • Describing the episode of bullying from your life.
  • Things you would do if someone tried to bully you.
  • Different types of bullying.

Each of these bullying essay titles is a good example of the ways to reduce bullying in schools essay. If you still lack ideas, rely on our Topic Generator for Essay . 

Read our free bullying essay examples. They will help to understand the goals of such paper better!

5 Awesome Bullying Essay Examples

Argumentative essay on bullying.

An argumentative essay on bullying is a challenge. A writer has to take one of the positions in the existing debate. Unlike in persuasive paper, there is no need to convince the target audience of your truth, and it makes the mission a bit easier. Here is an extract from such essay:

"Bullying is unacceptable, and many movements exist trying to stop this act of violence and inequality among teenagers. I will formulate an argument towards the problem at hand. Being a student of the high school, I see bullying among students of my age every day. That is why I will express my support in the fight against this phenomenon. Some things change for better thanks to the efforts of our parents and teachers, but the signs of bullying are present in most of the US education institutions. It is inhuman and has to end. Do you think the measures contemporary society takes are effective? I am a former victim of bullying: it happened several times when I was studying in the high school because of my family’s social status. The rest of the students came from wealthy families, and they believed there is no place for “burglars” like me. What they did to me was morally unacceptable. I think the government along with the legal bodies should make school bullying illegal and punish those who commit this crime according to the constitutional law. Such type of crime can have a long-term impact on everybody involved in the act. The experts define several types of this crime. Those are face-to-face like direct name calling; at a distance like spreading rumors; and cyberbullying. To me, the worst one is face-to-face even though experts name cyberbullying as the most dangerous one.”  

Persuasive Essay on Bullying

In a persuasive essay on bullying, a student has to explain his or her position towards the existing problem AND prove it to the reader. It requires more efforts than an argumentative paper. See the example below.

"School bullying is one of the basic issues in many educational institutions. Students may injure or even murder others. It happens in many regions of the world, but it looks like the United States suffer from this problem more than other countries. This type of crime is never acceptable. I have witnessed several acts of severe school bullying in my city, and I do not understand why teachers, parents, and government do nothing special to prevent such cases. Even if the act of bullying has nothing to do with physical injuries or rape, it may lead to the victim’s suicide. That is the purpose of the school bullies. I insist on forcing all shareholders in the education sector to cooperate to decide on the ways of handling and preventing this problem until it gets worse. The shareholders and working personnel are responsible for bullying. They should guarantee the safety of every student. One of the solutions I recommend implementing to fight against school bullying effectively is through special education explaining why this type of activity is to be discouraged and measures to take if bullying takes place on the eyes of other students. The students should understand the problem. Writing a persuasive essay on this topic might be a clue to the solution.”  

Cyber Bullying Cause and Effect Essay

A cyberbullying cause and effect essay should explain the reasons for bullying and the possible consequences. Most of the outcomes are dramatic and even fatal.

"Hitting someone makes a bully feel good. The strongest ones tend to express their significance through humiliating the weak. It is a natural instinct of many people. The primary reason to blame people who are weaker than you is the inferiority complex - the bully is a non-confident teen who feels better when making others look beneath himself or herself. The psychologists name one more reason. One of the main problems that lead to school bullying is the inability of parents to control their children. Those who come from wealthy families believe they will stay untouched. This feeling of permissiveness results in many different crimes and bullying is one of them. The major effect of the school bullying is the dramatic change in victim’s personality. Bullying can make initially happy and mentally healthy people self-conscious, shy, non-confident, or insane. Some of them end up in asylums. The results of bullying are obvious: the person becomes anti-social and keeps away from trying new things. The victims avoid speaking in public or participating in team games. In some situations, a bullying victim can start to have previously absent anxious signs.”  

5 Paragraph Essay About Bullying

Do you need an example of 5 paragraph essay about bullying? Find the solution below - discover more statistics & facts about bullying in the US schools.

"Bullying is one of the most common problems in the US schools. More than seven percent of kids in the 8th grade prefer staying at home once per month because of the school bullying (Banks, 1997). 15% of students are regularly bullied. Some of them are initiated into the bullying practice by the older students. The paper will talk about the definition of bullying, causes, effects, and the ways people can prevent this phenomenon. Bullying exists for ages. In most situations, it involves the School Bus Park, school hallways, and bathrooms, sometimes during recess (Banks, 1997). A bully never attacks alone. Such person prefers being surrounded by some type of minions that follow him/her everywhere. These people, minions, tend to have no personal opinion, and that makes them a treasure for the leader.”  

How to Prevent Bullying Essay

One of the most popular topics is how to prevent bullying essay. People should not close their eyes to the problems of teenagers ! Your essay may sound this way:

“A victor of bullying can do a lot to stop this phenomenon. It is necessary to take measures to protect yourself by evaluating personal strengths and weaknesses. This way, you will know how to resists the bullies. It is critical to develop and implement psychological, defensive tactics to keep away from getting in touch with the bullies. To stay away from bullying, one has to avoid any contacts with the bullies. A potential victim should not show anger in case of the attack - a good sense of humor may prevent the conflict. If bullying happens, the victim must report it immediately.”

So, writing a teenage bullying essay is useful. It helps to study one of the most serious school problems. Bullying essay should unite people in a battle against inequality and unfair treatment in educational institutions. What do you think? 


If you need to share your thoughts on a piece of paper and get the highest grade, contact our professional team of writers. We offer academic solutions for democratic prices!  


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


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Expository Essay About Bullying

Caleb S.

How to Write an Expository Essay about Bullying: A Guide

expository essay about bullying

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Need to write an expository essay about bullying?

Bullying is a problem that affects millions of people around the world, particularly in schools. It can be incredibly damaging for both victims and perpetrators, leaving lasting physical, mental and emotional scars.

Writing an expository essay about this important issue is a good way to spread awareness and cope with its effects. But what if you don't know where to start?

Don't worry! This blog will help you out!

In this blog, you’ll learn about expository essays, how to write them, and some tips for making a successful essay.

So let's get started!

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  • 1. What is an Expository Essay About Bullying?
  • 2. Expository Essay Examples on Bullying
  • 3. Steps to Write the Best Expository Essay
  • 4. Expository Essay Topics About Bullying
  • 5. Tips for Writing an Expository Essay About Bullying

What is an Expository Essay About Bullying?

What is an expository essay?

An expository essay is a type of essay that explains, describes, discusses, and informs about a specific topic.

An expository essay about bullying aims to explain or inform the reader about an aspect of bullying.

It typically involves research and data as well as personal experience and opinion. It requires clear language and logical structure in order to present a comprehensive view of the topic.

The goal is to present factual information in an organized way and allow the reader to draw their own conclusions.

Expository Essay Examples on Bullying

Reading bullying essay examples can be a great way to get some ideas and inspiration for your own work.

Here are a few good example essays you should check out before writing:

Short Expository Essay About Bullying

What is Bullying in School Essay Example

Essay About Bullying 500 words

Expository Essay on Cyberbullying

Expository Essay About Bullying in School

Want to read essay samples on other topics? Check out expository essay examples .

Steps to Write the Best Expository Essay

Writing a successful expository essay about bullying requires several steps.

Step 1: Select a Topic 

First, you should select a specific and manageable topic to research. For example, you might choose to write about bullies in high school or cyber bullied teenagers.

Note that your topic must be interesting, relevant, and specific. Moreover, you need to be sure that it has enough information available for research.

Step 2: Research and Gather Evidence

Second, you need to do your research and gather facts and evidence. Consider both primary and secondary sources such as newspapers, books, magazines, websites, interviews, and surveys.

While researching, take notes on the most important points so that they are easier to reference when writing your essay.

Step 3: Write an Outline

Before you start writing, create an expository essay outline . This will help you organize all the information and keep track of your ideas as you develop them further. 

A standard 5-paragraph structure should be enough, although more depending on the complexity of the topic is acceptable.

Start with a compelling fact, question, or quote.

Provide context and set the stage for the topic.

Clearly state the main idea or argument of the essay.

: Introduce the main idea of each paragraph.

Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the topic sentence.

Use transitional words or phrases to smoothly connect ideas between paragraphs.

Example/evidence 1

Example/evidence 2

Example/evidence 1

Example/evidence 2

Example/evidence 1

Example/evidence 2

Example/evidence 1

Example/evidence 2

Example/evidence 1

Example/evidence 2

Example/evidence 1

Example/evidence 2

A. Acknowledge opposing views

B. Refute opposing views with evidence and reasoning

Summarize the main points without introducing new information.

Offer final insights or implications related to the topic.

Encourage the reader to think, do, or learn more about the subject.

Step 4: Write the Essay

Now it 's time to put everything together and start writing. Start with an introduction that should grab the reader's attention and explain why this topic is important. 

Next, move on to the body of your essay, which will include several paragraphs discussing different aspects of bullying in detail. 

Finally, write a conclusion that summarizes the main points of your essay and provides closure.

Step 5: Edit and Proofread

A well-written essay should also be edited and proofread for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. 

Make sure to read it over several times and make adjustments as necessary. Revising your paper will help ensure that your paper is clear and thorough.

Expository Essay Topics About Bullying

If you’re looking for a few good expository essay topics about bullying, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • The Different Forms of Bullying.
  • The Psychological Impact of Bullying on Victims.
  • The Connection Between Bullying and Mental Health.
  • The Consequences of Bullying on Academic Performance.
  • The Impact of Bullying on Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence.
  • Strategies for Preventing Bullying in Schools.
  • The Long-Term Effects of Bullying on Adult Life.
  • The Influence of Parenting in Preventing Bullying Behavior.
  • Bullying in the Workplace: A Growing Concern.
  • Legal and Ethical Aspects of Bullying Prevention in Schools.

You can get an idea from expository essay topics on other topics as well.

Watch this video about what is bullying:

Tips for Writing an Expository Essay About Bullying

Expository writing can be difficult, but with a few tips, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips that you should consider when writing an expository essay about bullying: 

  • Keep it organized

Writing an expository essay can be overwhelming if you don't keep your thoughts and information organized. Having an outline is a great way to make sure everything stays on track.

  • Be specific 

A successful expository essay must be specific and provide enough detail for the reader to understand the topic. Avoid vague generalizations and stick to well-defined points.

  • Use clear language 

Writing an expository essay requires strong communication skills, so be sure to use concise and straightforward language when making your points.

As the goal of an expository essay is to inform rather than persuade, it's important to have a neutral stance. Don't let your personal opinions or biases affect the way you present information.

  • Be sympathetic

Bullying is a sensitive topic, so it's important to be sympathetic and understanding when discussing it. 

Empathize with people who have been affected by bullying and try to portray their experience accurately.

  • Provide solutions 

An expository essay should not only provide facts but also offer potential solutions to the problem. Make sure to include ways that people can prevent or stop bullying.

To conclude the blog,

Writing an expository essay about bullying can be a challenging yet rewarding task. With the right preparation and research, you can create a thoughtful, informative piece that will inform readers about this important issue.

Unable to write your own essay due to some reason? Consider hiring a professional expository essay writing service .

Our online essay writing service ensures quality, originality, and timely delivery. We have experienced writers who are ready to write a custom essay according to your requirements.

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Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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Expository Essay

Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Cathy A.

Learn How To Craft a Powerful Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Published on: Jan 24, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024


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Are you looking for ways to craft a powerful persuasive essay about bullying? Writing an effective and engaging persuasive essay is no easy task.

However, with some preparation and planning, it can be a piece of cake! 

From outlining strong arguments to providing examples, we will explain all details of composing a perfect persuasive essay about bullying.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

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Writing a Perfect Persuasive Essay About Bullying 

Bullying is a major issue that affects many children, teens, and adults in schools, workplaces, and other environments. 

Writing a persuasive essay about bullying can effectively raise awareness of the problem and find solutions.

Here are a few components of a persuasive essay that you should include:

  • An Introduction 

Start your essay with an interesting introduction that explains the concept of bullying and its effects on those involved.

Provide evidence to support your argument using facts, statistics, and personal accounts to support your claims. 

Offer potential solutions to the problem of bullying. Focus on proposing effective solutions that can be implemented in schools and other environments where bullying is a common issue.

  • Call to Action

Conclude your essay with a call to action for both victims and bystanders of bullying. Encourage them to stop it or report it when they witness it happening.

Here Is How You Can Write a Persuasive Essay About Bullying Introduction 

Writing an introduction to a persuasive essay about bullying can be challenging.

To start, it's important to understand the purpose of the introduction. It is to provide a brief overview of the topic and introduce your thesis statement. 

  • Begin by providing a general overview of the topic of bullying.
  • Introduce the main point of your essay: your thesis statement. 
  • Create a hook for your introduction to draw readers into your topic and compel them to read further. 
  • State why this issue is important and relevant, providing evidence from authoritative sources to support your claims. 
  • Conclude your introduction with a summary of the main points you will make in the essay. 

How To Write Body Paragraphs In a Persuasive Essay About Bullying

Body paragraphs in a persuasive essay about bullying should focus on providing evidence to support the thesis statement. 

This can be done through various research methods such as interviews, surveys, and personal experiences. 

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Here are five ways to effectively write body paragraphs for a persuasive essay about bullying:

1. Utilize vivid tone and descriptive imagery

2. Present evidence - Provide facts, figures, and other evidence to support your argument. 

3. Discuss consequences: Explain how bullying hurts individuals, communities, and society. 

4. Make a call to action: Ask the reader to participate in anti-bullying initiatives or speak up when they witness bullying.

5. Offer solutions: Suggest ways to prevent bullying, such as implementing more school-wide programs or teaching students.

How To Write The Conclusion In a Persuasive Essay About Bullying

The conclusion of a persuasive essay about bullying should summarize the key arguments. 

It should provide a call to action for readers to take further steps in preventing or stopping bullying.

Check out this amazing video!

Lastly, it is important to end on a positive note, reassuring readers that progress is possible.

Learn more about making perfect persuasive essay outlines in this amazing blog!

Examples of Persuasive Essay About Bullying

We have shared some practical examples of persuasive essays on bullying so that you can get inspired and start crafting your paper. 

Persuasive essay about bullying must stop

Short Example of Persuasive essay about bullying

Persuasive essay about bullying in school

Cyber Bullying Persuasive Essay

Bullying Persuasive Speech

Examples of Argumentative Essay About Bullying

These essay samples can give you a helpful look at how other students have approached this complex topic before. 

Argumentative Essay About Bullying Introduction, Body, Conclusion

Argumentative essay about bullying pdf

Check out this amazing blog by our expert writers on persuasive essay examples !

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics About Bullying

Have a look at these inspiring topics. You might get motivation for your next persuasive essay. 

  • Should Schools Implement Mandatory Training Programmes to Address Bullying?
  • What Role Do Parents and Guardians Play in Preventing Bullying? 
  • Is Online Harassment on the Rise and How Can We Stop it?
  • How Effective Are Anti-Bullying Policies at Schools?
  • Should Employers be Responsible for Preventing Bullying in the Workplace? 
  • How Can We Make Schools a Safer Place to Help Students Avoid Bullying?
  • Is Social Media Making Bullying Worse? 
  • Are Laws and Regulations Regarding Cyberbullying Effective Enough?
  • Should Teachers Be Held Accountable for Bullying in the Classroom?
  • What Are Some of the Long-Term Effects of Bullying on Victims? 
  • How Can We Encourage Bystanders to Speak Out Against Bullying? 
  • Is Cyberbullying More Difficult for Parents and Schools to Stop Than Traditional Bullying? 
  • Should Government Intervention be Required to Address the Bullying Crisis in Schools?
  • How Can We Help Victims of Bullying Heal and Recover? 
  • What Are Some Effective Ways to Prevent Bullying From Occurring?

Check out some more persuasive essay topics to get inspiration for your next essay.

In conclusion, consider all aspects of the issue when writing a persuasive essay on bullying. You should provide evidence to support your point of view and address any potential counterarguments. 

If you're struggling to write a persuasive essay on bullying, CollegeEssay.org's persuasive essay writing service is here for you.

Our experienced essay writer can help you create a well-researched, persuasive, and compelling essay.

With our essay writing service, you can be sure your essay will make an impact. 

Our AI essay writer is here to assist you in creating a well-reasoned argument.

So, what are you waiting for? Place your ' write me an essay ' request today!

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thesis statement examples for bullying

Bullying - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Every day, someone somewhere, from toddlers squabbling over a toy to employees to older people in a nursing home, experiences some form of bullying. Bullying is a hidden evil that has a far-reaching impact on numerous lives, creating invisible wounds. It’s a sobering reminder of the imbalance of power in our society, where some people use words and deeds as weapons to hurt and demean others. Bullying has catastrophic impacts on its bullied victims’ mental, emotional, and physical health. Confidence is snuffed out and replaced with the oppressive shadows of anxiety and loneliness.

However, we must stand together against this threat, as each act of kindness, compassion, and support shines a light into the darkness and reminds us of the tremendous power and resilience we all possess. If we work together, we can make a world in which kindness triumphs over cruelty and everyone’s individuality is cherished. Providing students with essay topics about bullying is one strategy for addressing this global problem in schools. Students can learn valuable coping skills by writing papers on bullying essay examples.

Bullying is a sensitive topic to many, especially when discussing its effects, such as anxiety, depression, and suicide. Regardless, when students conduct thorough research and see alarming facts, such as the rate of bullying in the United States among teenagers, we can be confident that some level of awareness has been made.

A clear structure is vital when writing an argumentative essay on bullying to earn an A and feel good about your thesis statement, outline, essay introduction, and conclusion. You also don’t have to invent the wheel because plenty of prewritten papers are available online that discuss various argumentative essay topics about bullying.

A simple way to begin writing argumentative essays about bullying is to develop exciting and applicable concepts to your course. Then, investigate things that will round out your understanding of the subject. Finally, look for a specialist’s research paper whose ideas fascinate you and keep up with the news on your topic of interest by reading relevant newspapers.

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Introduction For this project I wanted to discuss Cyberbullying. I chose this because it is a huge issue still and has been since technology became more prominent in the youth. It is something that can be ignored and needs to be talked about. Educational Significance- The importance of this topic is that cyberbullying not only mentally effects students, follows them home, and can affect their school work. About half of young people have experienced some form of cyberbullying, and 10 […]

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The Effects of Bullying and Cyber Bullying

Cyberbullying is defined as posting, sending, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else over digital devices (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). However, cyberbullying is very dangerous and has the ability to cross the line into unlawful or criminal behavior. This, in brief, is the argument that cyberbullying is damaging to teens, adolescents, and even some adults. The following paper shall be an assessment on the issue. Following, I will further explain the the […]

How is Cyberbullying Affecting Students of all Ages?

How is cyberbullying affecting students of All ages? Bullying has been a problem in schools since most of us can remember. As modern technology advances cyberbullying advances with it and takes on a new appearance. Kids these days have so many outlets of which they can use to bully one another. While Cyberbullying has been all over the news recently, technologies continue to advance, and this bullying seems to become more prevalent. Bullying has been happening for as long as […]

What is Cyberbullying?

Human all around the world are living in the 21st century and there is one thing most of us cannot live without is our phone. The number of internet uses and social networking have increased unbelievably. From that major problem of the society which people let the use of social networking increases, it creates many more concerns to the society. Most people use social networks for the sake of enriching their lives, to connect to other people. But there are […]

Cyberbullying – Growing Problem

Cyberbullying is a Growing Problem that Isn’t being Dealt with enough “go kill yourself” or “nobody needs you” or “disappear” is what appears on young children’s screens on a daily basis, mostly on snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and many more socializing apps. Nowadays, technology has advanced and evolved over the years and they have benefited us in so many ways. Such as work, school, socializing, and many more. But what if that technology was used against us, more specifically; adolescence. This […]

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Cyberbullying: what Can you Do?

Abstract The literature review article is on Cyberbullying. The areas that are covered in the review have been separated from the learning definition of cyberbullying. The roles of adolescents involved in this issue that are targeted are a part of the statistics. The reasons that cyberbullying has become an issue are the differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying. The discovery of cyberbullying will provide a foundation for developing cyberbullying intervention programs. The issue of cyberbullying is in existence has become […]

The Effects of Bullying and Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying basically refers to a type of bullying that usually occurs through the digital devices such as phones, tablets and computers. Normally this type of bullying occurs through SMS or rather text messages, phone applications or sometimes it may involve the social media platforms including and not limited to Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram. Moreover, this type of bullying is commonly experienced by the young people and when it involves adults, it may yield to illegal cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment and in […]

Cyberbullying is a Serious Problem

The Cyberbullying has become a major social concern because raises questions about the ethical use of technology. In recent years, has been the subject of research and information and prevention and activities for different groups such as organizations, schools and parents’ to protect against the muse of technology, and because of that, this paper explains on how cyberbullying is the same to sociology and the issue of how is related to the world. Cyber-bullying is defined as an aggressive, intentional […]

Cyberbullying Laws

One myth that is prevalent in today's society is that cyberbullying is less serious and has less implications than traditional physical bullying. Although many people would believe that traditional bullying is more extensive and has a larger effect on a person's well-being because it is face to face, this may not be true. In fact, cyberbullying may be just as bad. "Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior […]

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How Protecting Oneself from Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is prevalent in our society today and it radically affects teenagers. The impact is seen in news stories, posts on social media, and incidents happening at numerous schools around the country. Cyberbullying is ubiquitous, and victims can be identified by their behavior. The bullies themselves possess specific characteristics. This needs to be stopped. I will be discussing how to prevent cyberbullying, how parents can contribute to halting it, signs of cyberbullying, and finally, how to prevent it on social […]

Cyberbullying and Business

Cyberbullying is it normally associated with large corporations. Now social media is a company's downfall (David, 2018). The word cyber has anything dealing with networking and computers. It is a way someone can use computers to cause dangers or harm to anyone (Benner, 2012). This can be done by being hacked to where they can get your credit card information. This can also can destroy family and an individual's life. Businesses cannot protect themselves from this type of illegal attack. […]

The Internet has Changed Bullying

Many people around the world now have access to the internet. Teenagers use the internet for many reasons such as socializing, education, and to maintain personal and professional relationships. However, some teenagers misuse the internet for wrong reasons such as cyberbullying and racisms through social media. Teenagers should only be allowed to use social media only if they are using it the appropriate reasons. Cyberbullying and racisms happen even to this day because of immature behaviors that teenagers do not […]

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Essay About Bullying Among the most common and neglected problems in the world, bullying is on top of the list. It is a terrible and dangerous activity that occurs in numerous places, from homes, schools, workplaces, to the internet (cyber-bullying). According to NCAB (National Centre Against Bullying), the definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Common acts of bullying in A Raisin In The Sun literary analysis essay include teasing, insults, name-calling, provoking, threats, taunting, and it can get physical by beating or stealing. In order to fully understand this issue, one should take a look, and address the underlying reasons and causes why one becomes a bully in the first place, and what its effects can be. Neglect and insecurity can make a person wants to bully others but the victim can get seriously hurt, and this can lead to serious problems: like depression, and poor performance in academia, or life in general. One of the root causes, and the most important one in my opinion, is the family life and how things are at home. If a child is growing up in a dysfunctional family, with abusive parents, who fight all the time, no one wants to hear or support them, it's sufficient to make the child feel unloved and not important, leading them to become angry and insecure individuals later on. Jealousy, attention-seeking, low self-esteem, stress, and traumas are other causes of bullying. Regardless of the reasons, at the end of the day, the bully him or herself is solely responsible. It is a very dangerous act, as it can lead to numerous serious and extensive effects. Side effects range all the way from poor appetite and non-stop crying, to suicidal tendencies. From a mental standpoint, victims of bullying are far more likely to suffer from anxiety, depression, abnormal fears and worries, sleep disorders, and nervous habits. People who have been bullied can go from being happy and confident to being withdrawn, developing shyness, and low self-esteem. One may see no worth in himself, and there is no way out of this torment. This can lead to alcohol and drug addiction. In more severe cases, a person may commit suicide because they see no value in life. Bullying also interferes with academic performance and social involvement. If a student finds himself a target for bullying, he may hate school and refuse to go. His grades will go downhill he won't be able to learn. They may be very good at sports, but refuse to play or join teams, just because they will be picked on. Severe bullying may lead people to drop out of school. Research has shown that approximately 160,000 teens have skipped school because of bullying (“Indicators of School Crime and Safety.” 2010), and 1 in 5 students ages 12-18 has been bullied during the school year (“Bullying: Fast Facts.” 2019). In conclusion, there are several causes of bullying such as rage, increased anger, revenge, jealousy, and the urge to be in control. On the other hand, bullying has several severe effects such as self-destruction behaviors, development of nervous habits, and the risk of developing anxiety or depression or both. Certainly, bullying is a very unpleasant phenomenon of everyday life, and no one should turn a blind eye to it.

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25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze


Understanding what makes a good thesis statement is one of the major keys to writing a great research paper or argumentative essay. The thesis statement is where you make a claim that will guide you through your entire paper. If you find yourself struggling to make sense of your paper or your topic, then it's likely due to a weak thesis statement.

Let's take a minute to first understand what makes a solid thesis statement, and what key components you need to write one of your own.

Perfecting Your Thesis Statement

A thesis statement always goes at the beginning of the paper. It will typically be in the first couple of paragraphs of the paper so that it can introduce the body paragraphs, which are the supporting evidence for your thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should clearly identify an argument. You need to have a statement that is not only easy to understand, but one that is debatable. What that means is that you can't just put any statement of fact and have it be your thesis. For example, everyone knows that puppies are cute . An ineffective thesis statement would be, "Puppies are adorable and everyone knows it." This isn't really something that's a debatable topic.

Something that would be more debatable would be, "A puppy's cuteness is derived from its floppy ears, small body, and playfulness." These are three things that can be debated on. Some people might think that the cutest thing about puppies is the fact that they follow you around or that they're really soft and fuzzy.

All cuteness aside, you want to make sure that your thesis statement is not only debatable, but that it also actually thoroughly answers the research question that was posed. You always want to make sure that your evidence is supporting a claim that you made (and not the other way around). This is why it's crucial to read and research about a topic first and come to a conclusion later. If you try to get your research to fit your thesis statement, then it may not work out as neatly as you think. As you learn more, you discover more (and the outcome may not be what you originally thought).

Additionally, your thesis statement shouldn't be too big or too grand. It'll be hard to cover everything in a thesis statement like, "The federal government should act now on climate change." The topic is just too large to actually say something new and meaningful. Instead, a more effective thesis statement might be, "Local governments can combat climate change by providing citizens with larger recycling bins and offering local classes about composting and conservation." This is easier to work with because it's a smaller idea, but you can also discuss the overall topic that you might be interested in, which is climate change.

So, now that we know what makes a good, solid thesis statement, you can start to write your own. If you find that you're getting stuck or you are the type of person who needs to look at examples before you start something, then check out our list of thesis statement examples below.

Thesis statement examples

A quick note that these thesis statements have not been fully researched. These are merely examples to show you what a thesis statement might look like and how you can implement your own ideas into one that you think of independently. As such, you should not use these thesis statements for your own research paper purposes. They are meant to be used as examples only.

  • Vaccinations Because many children are unable to vaccinate due to illness, we must require that all healthy and able children be vaccinated in order to have herd immunity.
  • Educational Resources for Low-Income Students Schools should provide educational resources for low-income students during the summers so that they don't forget what they've learned throughout the school year.
  • School Uniforms School uniforms may be an upfront cost for families, but they eradicate the visual differences in income between students and provide a more egalitarian atmosphere at school.
  • Populism The rise in populism on the 2016 political stage was in reaction to increasing globalization, the decline of manufacturing jobs, and the Syrian refugee crisis.
  • Public Libraries Libraries are essential resources for communities and should be funded more heavily by local municipalities.
  • Cyber Bullying With more and more teens using smartphones and social media, cyber bullying is on the rise. Cyber bullying puts a lot of stress on many teens, and can cause depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Parents should limit the usage of smart phones, monitor their children's online activity, and report any cyber bullying to school officials in order to combat this problem.
  • Medical Marijuana for Veterans Studies have shown that the use of medicinal marijuana has been helpful to veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Medicinal marijuana prescriptions should be legal in all states and provided to these veterans. Additional medical or therapy services should also be researched and implemented in order to help them re-integrate back into civilian life.
  • Work-Life Balance Corporations should provide more work from home opportunities and six-hour workdays so that office workers have a better work-life balance and are more likely to be productive when they are in the office.
  • Teaching Youths about Consensual Sex Although sex education that includes a discussion of consensual sex would likely lead to less sexual assault, parents need to teach their children the meaning of consent from a young age with age appropriate lessons.
  • Whether or Not to Attend University A degree from a university provides invaluable lessons on life and a future career, but not every high school student should be encouraged to attend a university directly after graduation. Some students may benefit from a trade school or a "gap year" where they can think more intensely about what it is they want to do for a career and how they can accomplish this.
  • Studying Abroad Studying abroad is one of the most culturally valuable experiences you can have in college. It is the only way to get completely immersed in another language and learn how other cultures and countries are different from your own.
  • Women's Body Image Magazines have done a lot in the last five years to include a more diverse group of models, but there is still a long way to go to promote a healthy woman's body image collectively as a culture.
  • Cigarette Tax Heavily taxing and increasing the price of cigarettes is essentially a tax on the poorest Americans, and it doesn't deter them from purchasing. Instead, the state and federal governments should target those economically disenfranchised with early education about the dangers of smoking.
  • Veganism A vegan diet, while a healthy and ethical way to consume food, indicates a position of privilege. It also limits you to other cultural food experiences if you travel around the world.
  • University Athletes Should be Compensated University athletes should be compensated for their service to the university, as it is difficult for these students to procure and hold a job with busy academic and athletic schedules. Many student athletes on scholarship also come from low-income neighborhoods and it is a struggle to make ends meet when they are participating in athletics.
  • Women in the Workforce Sheryl Sandberg makes a lot of interesting points in her best-selling book, Lean In , but she only addressed the very privileged working woman and failed to speak to those in lower-skilled, lower-wage jobs.
  • Assisted Suicide Assisted suicide should be legal and doctors should have the ability to make sure their patients have the end-of-life care that they want to receive.
  • Celebrity and Political Activism Although Taylor Swift's lyrics are indicative of a feminist perspective, she should be more politically active and vocal to use her position of power for the betterment of society.
  • The Civil War The insistence from many Southerners that the South seceded from the Union for states' rights versus the fact that they seceded for the purposes of continuing slavery is a harmful myth that still affects race relations today.
  • Blue Collar Workers Coal miners and other blue-collar workers whose jobs are slowly disappearing from the workforce should be re-trained in jobs in the technology sector or in renewable energy. A program to re-train these workers would not only improve local economies where jobs have been displaced, but would also lead to lower unemployment nationally.
  • Diversity in the Workforce Having a diverse group of people in an office setting leads to richer ideas, more cooperation, and more empathy between people with different skin colors or backgrounds.
  • Re-Imagining the Nuclear Family The nuclear family was traditionally defined as one mother, one father, and 2.5 children. This outdated depiction of family life doesn't quite fit with modern society. The definition of normal family life shouldn't be limited to two-parent households.
  • Digital Literacy Skills With more information readily available than ever before, it's crucial that students are prepared to examine the material they're reading and determine whether or not it's a good source or if it has misleading information. Teaching students digital literacy and helping them to understand the difference between opinion or propaganda from legitimate, real information is integral.
  • Beauty Pageants Beauty pageants are presented with the angle that they empower women. However, putting women in a swimsuit on a stage while simultaneously judging them on how well they answer an impossible question in a short period of time is cruel and purely for the amusement of men. Therefore, we should stop televising beauty pageants.
  • Supporting More Women to Run for a Political Position In order to get more women into political positions, more women must run for office. There must be a grassroots effort to educate women on how to run for office, who among them should run, and support for a future candidate for getting started on a political career.

Still stuck? Need some help with your thesis statement?

If you are still uncertain about how to write a thesis statement or what a good thesis statement is, be sure to consult with your teacher or professor to make sure you're on the right track. It's always a good idea to check in and make sure that your thesis statement is making a solid argument and that it can be supported by your research.

After you're done writing, it's important to have someone take a second look at your paper so that you can ensure there are no mistakes or errors. It's difficult to spot your own mistakes, which is why it's always recommended to have someone help you with the revision process, whether that's a teacher, the writing center at school, or a professional editor such as one from ServiceScape .

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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thesis statement examples for bullying

The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 29, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/thesis-statement/

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Thesis Statement for Cyber Bullying Essay

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Published: Mar 5, 2024

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thesis statement examples for bullying


Thesis Statement

thesis statement examples for bullying

Embark on a comprehensive guide to understanding the cornerstone of any compelling essay or research paper: the thesis statement. Learn its definition, discover real-world examples, and unlock the secrets to crafting a strong thesis that captures your argument succinctly. Ideal for students, educators, and aspiring writers, this article serves as a one-stop resource for mastering the art of thesis statement creation. Boost your academic writing skills and make your arguments more persuasive with our expert tips.

What is Thesis Statement? Definition

A thesis statement is a sentence that captures the main point or claim of an essay or research paper. It serves as a roadmap, guiding the reader through the arguments that are presented in the work.

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Clear and concise, a thesis statement sets the tone and direction for the entire piece of writing.

What is Thesis Statement

What is the Best Example of a Thesis Statement?

A strong thesis statement is concise, specific, and sets the stage for the arguments to follow. One such example that is often cited for its effectiveness is:

Example: “Stricter plastic regulations are crucial to combat environmental damage.”

This thesis statement is considered strong for the following reasons:

  • Concise : It gets straight to the point, making it easy for the reader to understand the essay’s focus.
  • Specific : It clearly identifies the need for stricter regulations on plastic, providing a specific course of action.
  • Arguable : The statement is not a mere fact but an arguable position that invites discussion and analysis.
  • Roadmap : Though brief, it gives readers a quick idea of what the essay will argue, serving as a roadmap for the discussion that will follow.
  • Relevance : The topic is timely and relevant, adding weight to the thesis statement.

This example serves as an excellent starting point for an argumentative essay, offering a clear and focused direction for both the writer and the reader.

100 Simple Thesis Statement Examples

Navigating the complexities of academic writing can be challenging, but a well-crafted thesis statement can make all the difference. Whether you’re a student, educator, or anyone interested in improving their writing skills, these 100 simple thesis statement examples will provide you with the inspiration and guidance you need. From argumentative essays to analytical papers, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Argumentative Thesis Statements

  • School uniforms should be mandatory to promote equality and reduce bullying in educational institutions.
  • Social media platforms must regulate fake news to prevent the spread of misinformation.
  • Animal testing is unethical and should be banned in cosmetic research.
  • The death penalty is an outdated form of punishment that has no place in a civilized society.
  • Climate change is a global crisis that requires immediate action from governments worldwide.

Analytical Thesis Statements

  • Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” explores the complexities of human emotion through its multi-dimensional characters.
  • The Great Gatsby portrays the American Dream as unattainable , offering a critical look at 1920s America.
  • The symbolism in “Lord of the Flies” serves to highlight the inherent evil in human nature.
  • The marketing strategies of Apple Inc. focus on emotional appeal , setting it apart from competitors.
  • The rise of cryptocurrency challenges traditional financial systems , signaling a shift in how we understand money.

Expository Thesis Statements

  • The benefits of exercise extend beyond physical health , including mental well-being and increased productivity.
  • Remote work is becoming the new norm , offering both challenges and opportunities for businesses.
  • Meditation has proven health benefits , such as reducing stress and improving focus.
  • The history of the Internet traces back to military projects , but its rapid expansion has been consumer-driven.
  • Renewable energy sources are essential for a sustainable future , as they reduce dependency on fossil fuels.

Compare and Contrast Thesis Statements

  • While both Apple and Samsung offer high-quality smartphones , Apple’s focus on user experience sets it apart.
  • Public and private schools provide different benefits and challenges , making the choice dependent on individual needs.
  • Traditional and online education have distinct advantages , but online learning offers more flexibility.
  • Cats and dogs make excellent pets , but cats require less maintenance and attention.
  • Democracy and monarchy are contrasting forms of government , each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

Persuasive Thesis Statements

  • Recycling should be made compulsory to minimize environmental impact.
  • Vaccination should be mandatory for public health and safety.
  • Higher education should be free for all citizens to promote economic growth and social mobility.
  • Gun control laws need to be stricter to reduce the incidence of mass shootings.
  • Organic farming should be subsidized to promote sustainable agriculture.

Cause and Effect Thesis Statements

  • The rise in fast-food consumption has led to an increase in obesity rates among young adults.
  • The advent of social media has significantly impacted mental health , leading to increased anxiety and depression.
  • Global warming is causing extreme weather conditions , including more frequent and severe hurricanes.
  • The decline in print journalism can be attributed to the digital revolution , which has shifted the focus to online news.
  • The increase in remote work has led to a surge in demand for home office equipment , affecting the retail market.

Informative Thesis Statements

  • The life cycle of a butterfly consists of four stages : egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
  • The process of photosynthesis is essential for plant growth , converting sunlight into energy.
  • The history of jazz music traces its roots to African and European musical traditions , blending them into a unique American art form.
  • The benefits of yoga include improved flexibility, strength, and mental clarity .
  • The invention of the printing press revolutionized information distribution , paving the way for the spread of knowledge.

Problem-Solution Thesis Statements

  • To combat climate change, governments should invest in renewable energy sources like solar and wind power.
  • The opioid crisis can be mitigated through stricter regulations on prescription medications and better educational programs.
  • To reduce traffic congestion, cities should invest in public transportation systems like buses and subways.
  • The issue of plastic waste can be addressed by implementing recycling programs and banning single-use plastics.
  • To improve mental health services, there should be increased funding for research and public awareness campaigns .

Evaluation Thesis Statements

  • The film “Inception” successfully combines complex storytelling with groundbreaking visual effects , making it a modern cinematic masterpiece.
  • Despite its popularity, fast food is harmful to health and well-being , offering little nutritional value.
  • The educational system needs a comprehensive overhaul to meet the needs of the 21st century , including a focus on STEM and vocational training.
  • The novel “1984” by George Orwell offers a chilling glimpse into the dangers of totalitarianism , making it a must-read for all generations.
  • The iPhone revolutionized the smartphone industry , setting new standards for design and functionality.

Definition Thesis Statements

  • Success is a subjective term , defined differently by each individual based on their goals and values.
  • Beauty is a complex concept , influenced by cultural, psychological, and personal factors.
  • Intelligence is not solely based on IQ , but also includes emotional and social intelligence.
  • Happiness is a state of well-being , influenced by external and internal factors.
  • Leadership involves not just authority but also responsibility , including the ability to inspire and guide others.

Process Thesis Statements

  • The process of brewing coffee involves several key steps , from bean selection to brewing technique, that influence the final flavor.
  • Creating a budget involves tracking income and expenses , setting financial goals, and making adjustments as needed.
  • The process of writing a novel involves planning, drafting, and revising , each stage requiring different skills and focus.
  • Learning a new language involves mastering vocabulary, grammar, and cultural nuances , requiring consistent practice and immersion.
  • Building a successful startup involves market research, product development, and effective marketing strategies .

Descriptive Thesis Statements

  • The Grand Canyon offers breathtaking vistas , showcasing the raw beauty and power of nature.
  • The Mona Lisa captivates audiences with its enigmatic expression , intricate details, and revolutionary techniques.
  • New York City is a melting pot of cultures , offering a diverse range of experiences from food to entertainment.
  • The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon , characterized by vibrant colors and patterns in the night sky.
  • The Amazon Rainforest is a complex ecosystem , home to a diverse range of flora and fauna.

Controversial Thesis Statements

  • Genetically modified foods pose potential health risks and should be clearly labeled.
  • Euthanasia should be legalized under specific conditions , to preserve the dignity and choice of terminally ill patients.
  • Surveillance technology poses a threat to individual privacy , requiring stricter regulations.
  • The legalization of marijuana has both pros and cons , affecting health, economy, and social issues.
  • The gender pay gap is a systemic issue , requiring legislative action for equal pay.

Narrative Thesis Statements

  • My journey to becoming a doctor was fueled by personal experiences , shaping my view of healthcare.
  • The most impactful moment of my life was moving to a new country , which taught me resilience and adaptability.
  • My passion for photography started as a hobby but evolved into a career , shaping my artistic vision.
  • The experience of hiking the Appalachian Trail was transformative , offering lessons in perseverance and self-discovery.
  • My year of traveling solo taught me the importance of independence and adaptability , enriching my perspective on life.

Research Thesis Statements

  • The impact of climate change on coral reefs requires immediate attention , as indicated by recent scientific studies.
  • The effects of video games on cognitive development are largely positive , contrary to popular belief.
  • The influence of social media on body image is significant , particularly among young adults.
  • The benefits of intermittent fasting are supported by scientific evidence , including improved metabolic health and longevity.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare is expanding , offering promising solutions for diagnosis and treatment.

Opinion Thesis Statements

  • In my opinion, remote learning is less effective than traditional classroom education , due to lack of social interaction and hands-on experience.
  • I believe that mental health should be given equal importance as physical health in public healthcare systems.
  • I think that electric cars are the future of transportation , offering a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.
  • I feel that organic food is worth the higher price , due to its health benefits and environmental impact.
  • In my view, freelancing offers more freedom and flexibility than a 9-to-5 job , although it comes with its own set of challenges.

Proposal Thesis Statements

  • I propose that schools implement mindfulness programs to improve student well-being and academic performance.
  • I suggest that companies adopt a four-day workweek to increase productivity and employee satisfaction.
  • I recommend that local governments invest in green infrastructure to combat the effects of climate change.
  • I advocate for stricter gun control laws to reduce violence and improve public safety.
  • I propose that healthcare be made universally accessible , to ensure that all citizens receive the care they need.

Reflective Thesis Statements

  • Reflecting on my college experience, I realize the importance of time management in achieving academic success.
  • Looking back on my career, I see the value of continuous learning in staying relevant in the job market.
  • Upon reflection, my travels have broadened my understanding of cultural diversity , enriching my worldview.
  • Reflecting on my relationships, I understand the importance of open communication in maintaining healthy connections.
  • Looking back at my childhood, I appreciate the role of family support in shaping my values and aspirations.

Hypothetical Thesis Statements

  • If renewable energy were universally adopted, it could significantly reduce carbon emissions , mitigating the effects of climate change.
  • If education were made more accessible, it would lead to greater social mobility and a more equitable society.
  • If healthcare were universally accessible, it would improve public health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.
  • If public transportation were more efficient, it could reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.
  • If mental health services were more widely available, it would reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues and improve public well-being.

Future-Oriented Thesis Statements

  • As technology continues to advance, ethical considerations will become increasingly important in fields like AI and biotechnology.
  • As the global population grows, sustainable agriculture will become crucial in meeting the world’s food needs.
  • As remote work becomes more prevalent, companies will need to adapt their management strategies to maintain productivity and employee engagement.
  • As climate change intensifies, global cooperation will be essential in implementing effective mitigation strategies.
  • As mental health awareness increases, the demand for qualified mental health professionals will rise , necessitating improvements in training and education.

How to Write a Thesis Statement?

Start by understanding what a thesis statement is: it’s a sentence that encapsulates your paper’s primary argument or point. The 3 parts of a thesis statement generally include the subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint of reasons.

First, identify the subject or topic of your paper. This is the broad area that your research or essay will cover.

Next, you need to formulate a precise opinion on your chosen subject. This assertion gives your paper a unique angle and a clear direction.

Finally, the blueprint of reasons outlines the main points or arguments you will use to support your opinion. These will form the body of your essay or research paper.

Now that we’ve outlined the 3 parts, let’s talk about how to start.

  • Brainstorm: Begin by brainstorming ideas related to your topic. This is a crucial step that helps in defining your precise opinion and blueprint of reasons.
  • Narrow down: Based on your brainstorming, narrow down your focus to a specific aspect of your topic.
  • Write a working thesis statement: Craft a working thesis statement based on your narrowed-down focus. This statement doesn’t need to be perfect yet, but it should serve as a guide for your research or writing process.
  • Refine: As your research progresses, refine your thesis statement. Make sure it clearly communicates your argument and the main points that support it.
  • Review and Revise: Once your essay or research paper is complete, revisit your thesis statement. Ensure it still aligns with the arguments you presented in your paper.

how to write a thesis statement

By following these steps, you can construct a good thesis statement that will steer your paper towards a compelling argument.

Tips for Creating Effective Thesis Statements

Here are ten straightforward tips to make your thesis statement effective and engaging.

  • Focus on Detail: Your thesis statement should clearly outline your main argument. Avoid vagueness and stay precise.
  • Create a Spark: Make your thesis statement thought-provoking. It should incite a reader to think about the subject in depth.
  • Keep it Brief: Short, crisp sentences often make the strongest statements. Aim to keep your thesis within one or two lines.
  • Locate it Right: Position your thesis statement at the end of your introduction. It provides a smooth transition into the main body.
  • Use Solid Evidence: Make sure each part of your thesis can be supported with concrete evidence from your research.
  • Mirror Your Structure: Your thesis should give a glimpse into how your essay or paper is organized.
  • Ensure Consistency: The entire content of your paper should align with the thesis statement, reinforcing your main argument.
  • Avoid Being Predictable : Stay away from cliches or commonly used structures. Let your unique voice shine through your thesis.
  • Revise if Required: As you delve deeper into your topic, you may need to tweak your thesis statement to better fit your findings.
  • Welcome Feedback: Constructive critique can help refine your thesis statement, making it more compelling and clear.

Thesis Statement Format

A well-structured thesis statement generally follows this format:

  • Subject : This is the primary topic or subject of your research or essay.
  • Claim/Position : This is your stance or claim about the subject. It’s the argument you will be supporting throughout your paper.
  • Supporting Points : These are the main points or ideas that you will use to back up your claim.

Here’s an example in a simple format:

[Subject] + [Claim/Position] + [Supporting Points]

This could look like:

“Exposure to sunlight (subject) has significant health benefits (claim/position) including boosting vitamin D levels, improving mood, and regulating sleep (supporting points) .”

Remember, your thesis statement should be concise, clear, and should directly answer the question or task set in the assignment.

Blank Thesis Statement

Here’s a blank outline for a thesis statement that you can use as a starting point:

“[Your Subject] is significant because it [Your Claim/Position], due to [Your Supporting Points].”

Simply fill in the blanks with your specific details. Remember, the subject is what you’re discussing, the claim/position is your argument about the subject, and the supporting points are the reasons or evidence that back up your claim.

Examples of Good Thesis Statements

1. “Mindfulness meditation can significantly reduce stress levels due to its effects on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and emotional balance.”

2. “The implementation of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, is crucial to combat climate change and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.”

3. “Understanding cultural differences enhances international business communication by fostering mutual respect, minimizing misunderstandings, and building stronger relationships.”

4. “Maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise routine is critical for optimal health, contributing to weight control, enhanced mood, and increased energy levels.”

5. “Education reform should focus on skills-based learning, given its potential to better prepare students for the job market, encourage critical thinking, and foster lifelong learning.”

6. “Social media plays a significant role in modern politics, shaping public opinion, promoting political engagement, and serving as a platform for activism.”

7. “Technological advancements in agriculture, including precision farming and biotechnology, can address global food security by boosting crop yields and adapting to changing climates.”

8. “Early intervention in children with developmental disorders aids in better academic performance, improved social skills, and higher quality of life in the long term.”

9. “Artificial intelligence in healthcare can enhance patient care by improving diagnosis accuracy, personalizing treatment plans, and streamlining administrative tasks.”

10. “Promoting diversity in the workplace leads to increased creativity, broader perspectives, and improved problem-solving due to the variety of experiences and backgrounds.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Research Paper

1. “The proliferation of electric vehicles can significantly curb greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the global fight against climate change.”

2. “Exploring the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances could revolutionize mental health treatment, offering new avenues for conditions resistant to traditional therapy.”

3. “The rise of telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated its viability for providing accessible and cost-effective healthcare solutions, particularly in remote areas.”

4. “Blockchain technology has transformative potential beyond cryptocurrency, with applications in supply chain transparency, digital identity verification, and secure data sharing.”

5. “Understanding the impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems is critical for developing effective environmental policies and fostering sustainable consumption habits.”

6. “The integration of AI in education can personalize learning experiences, improve student engagement, and aid teachers in instructional design and assessment.”

7. “Investigating the relationship between gut microbiota and mental health may offer insights into novel treatments for depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.”

8. “The ethical implications of gene editing technologies like CRISPR must be addressed to balance the potential health benefits with societal and moral considerations.”

9. “Examining the role of social media in modern conflicts can help develop strategies for information management, conflict resolution, and peacebuilding efforts.”

10. “Research into sustainable farming practices can contribute to food security, environmental conservation, and the socio-economic wellbeing of farming communities.”

High School Thesis Statement Examples

1. “School uniforms should not be mandatory as they limit students’ self-expression, creativity, and individuality.”

2. “Integrating financial literacy classes in high school curriculums can better prepare students for adulthood by teaching essential skills like budgeting, investing, and debt management.”

3. “Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ portrays the consequences of family feuds and impulsive decisions, demonstrating the importance of communication and reconciliation.”

4. “The use of technology in classrooms enhances the learning experience by providing interactive content, facilitating collaboration, and catering to different learning styles.”

5. “Recycling programs in high schools can foster environmental responsibility, reduce waste, and serve as a practical example of sustainability principles.”

6. “In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, Harper Lee uses the character of Atticus Finch to explore themes of morality, justice, and racial inequality.”

7. “School cafeterias should offer healthier food options to combat the rising rates of childhood obesity and promote better eating habits.”

8. “Participation in extracurricular activities like sports, clubs, and arts programs can enhance a high school student’s academic performance, social skills, and self-esteem.”

9. “J.D. Salinger’s ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ uses the journey of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, to depict the struggles of adolescence and the quest for identity.”

10. “High schools should start later in the day to accommodate teenagers’ biological sleep patterns, improving students’ attention, mood, and academic performance.”

Middle School Thesis Statement Examples

1. “Keeping pets at a young age can teach children responsibility, empathy, and the importance of companionship.”

2. “In ‘Harry Potter’, J.K. Rowling explores themes of friendship, courage, and the struggle between good and evil through a magical, captivating narrative.”

3. “Recycling at school and at home helps protect the environment by reducing waste, conserving resources, and reducing pollution.”

4. “Playing a musical instrument can enhance a middle school student’s cognitive abilities, boost self-confidence, and foster discipline.”

5. “Reading is more than a school subject; it’s a gateway to learning, understanding different perspectives, and developing critical thinking skills.”

6. “Bullying in middle school should be addressed promptly and effectively to protect students’ wellbeing and create a supportive learning environment.”

7. “Outdoor education can supplement traditional classroom learning by promoting physical activity, fostering teamwork, and connecting students with nature.”

8. “In ‘The Hobbit’, J.R.R. Tolkien uses Bilbo Baggins’ journey to explore personal growth, bravery, and the importance of home.”

9. “School homework should be thoughtfully assigned, balancing the need for academic reinforcement with students’ time for extracurricular activities and relaxation.”

10. “Involving students in community service projects can foster civic responsibility, increase social awareness, and promote personal development.”

College Thesis Statement Examples

1. “Effective corporate social responsibility initiatives can enhance a company’s reputation, foster customer loyalty, and contribute to sustainable business practices.”

2. “The portrayal of mental health in modern cinema influences societal perceptions, highlighting the need for accurate and sensitive representation.”

3. “The evolution of women’s roles in Shakespeare’s plays reflects the changing societal attitudes towards gender during his time.”

4. “The rise of gig economy demonstrates a shift in employment patterns, with implications for workers’ rights, economic stability, and labor laws.”

5. “Feminism in Jane Austen’s novels subtly challenges the societal norms of her time, advocating for women’s independence and intellect.”

6. “Understanding the causes and effects of food deserts can inform public policy on nutrition, health, and urban planning.”

7. “Mandatory voting can increase political engagement, ensure representativeness, and uphold the democratic principle of political equality.”

8. “Exploring the cultural significance of hip-hop music reveals its influence on social issues, race relations, and youth culture.”

9. “Investigating the impact of climate change on global migration patterns can help formulate humanitarian and environmental policies.”

10. “The ethical considerations of artificial intelligence in healthcare encompass issues of patient privacy, algorithmic bias, and the doctor-patient relationship.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Essays

1. “The popularity of reality television reveals a societal fascination with real-life drama, celebrity culture, and the human experience under unique circumstances.”

2. “Traveling abroad can broaden one’s perspective by exposing individuals to new cultures, languages, and ways of life.”

3. “Mindful parenting promotes a healthy parent-child relationship, fostering emotional understanding, patience, and effective communication.”

4. “Sustainable fashion, though often seen as a trend, is a necessary response to the environmental and social implications of fast fashion.”

5. “Social networking platforms have revolutionized communication, but also present issues related to privacy, misinformation, and mental health.”

6. “The depiction of superheroes in comic books mirrors societal values and concerns of different eras, offering insight into cultural trends and ideologies.”

7. “Bilingual education benefits students by enhancing cognitive flexibility, promoting cultural awareness, and offering competitive advantages in the global job market.”

8. “Adopting a plant-based diet can contribute to personal health and environmental sustainability, addressing issues like animal welfare, climate change, and resource consumption.”

9. “Street art, often dismissed as vandalism, is a form of public expression that reflects societal issues, promotes dialogue, and beautifies urban spaces.”

10. “The rise of eSports challenges traditional perceptions of sports, demonstrating the importance of strategic thinking, teamwork, and digital proficiency in the modern age.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Personal Essays

1. “My volunteering experiences at the local food bank have underscored the importance of community service in alleviating poverty and promoting social unity.”

2. “Growing up in a bilingual household has enriched my cultural understanding and equipped me with effective communication skills in a multicultural world.”

3. “Overcoming adversity in my childhood has fostered resilience, empathy, and a determination to advocate for underprivileged children.”

4. “My journey in amateur photography has helped me appreciate the beauty in everyday life and taught me the power of visual storytelling.”

5. “Training for a marathon transformed not only my physical health but also taught me the values of discipline, perseverance, and goal-setting.”

6. “Navigating college as a first-generation student has been challenging yet rewarding, fostering independence, adaptability, and a strong work ethic.”

7. “The year I spent traveling solo after high school broadened my perspective, helped me understand different cultures, and instilled a sense of self-reliance.”

8. “Adopting a rescue dog changed my life, teaching me about responsibility, companionship, and the joy of giving a pet a second chance.”

9. “My passion for sustainable living, nurtured through family practices and education, has inspired me to advocate for environmental causes and green initiatives.”

10. “My experience in the school band has not only enhanced my musical skills but also instilled a deep appreciation for collaboration and shared success.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Argumentative Essay

1. “Animal testing for cosmetics should be banned due to its inhumane nature, unreliability, and the availability of alternative testing methods.”

2. “Schools should implement stricter anti-bullying policies to protect students, promote a healthy learning environment, and prevent long-term psychological effects.”

3. “Internet censorship infringes upon freedom of speech, stifles creativity and innovation, and can be used as a tool for political control.”

4. “Capital punishment should be abolished because it does not effectively deter crime, is cost-inefficient, and violates basic human rights.”

5. “Mandatory vaccination is necessary to maintain herd immunity, protect vulnerable populations, and prevent the resurgence of deadly diseases.”

6. “The government should impose stricter regulations on fast food industries to combat the obesity epidemic, improve public health, and reduce healthcare costs.”

7. “Violent video games should not be blamed for real-world violence, as there is no concrete evidence linking the two, and they can offer cognitive benefits.”

8. “Plastic bag bans are essential to reduce environmental pollution, conserve resources, and promote sustainable consumer habits.”

9. “Public funding for arts education is crucial for fostering creativity, enhancing cultural understanding, and improving academic performance in other subjects.”

10. “Telecommuting should be encouraged to reduce carbon emissions, improve work-life balance, and decrease overhead costs for businesses.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Narrative Essay

1. “My first solo trip to Europe was a whirlwind of self-discovery, independence, and an appreciation for diverse cultures.”

2. “Landing my first job taught me the values of hard work, resilience, and the joy of earning my own money.”

3. “Moving to a big city from a small town marked a significant turning point in my life, filled with challenges, adaptation, and personal growth.”

4. “The experience of surviving a hurricane emphasized the power of community, the importance of preparation, and the unpredictable force of nature.”

5. “Adopting a healthier lifestyle transformed my life, leading to a profound personal journey toward wellness, self-care, and positive change.”

6. “Learning to play the guitar during the pandemic not only developed a new skill but also provided an emotional outlet in difficult times.”

7. “My first failure in a baking contest taught me that success is a journey of continuous learning, experimentation, and embracing mistakes.”

8. “Living with a roommate for the first time was a rollercoaster ride of shared responsibilities, conflict resolution, and cherished camaraderie.”

9. “Coaching a kids’ soccer team was a rewarding experience, imparting lessons about teamwork, discipline, and the pure joy of sport.”

10. “My encounter with a humpback whale while diving in Hawaii deepened my respect for marine life and ignited a commitment to ocean conservation.”

Short Thesis Statement Examples

1. “Public libraries are indispensable resources for communities, providing access to knowledge, digital services, and learning opportunities.”

2. “Climate change is a global issue demanding immediate and collective action for mitigation and adaptation.”

3. “School uniforms restrict students’ freedom of expression and individuality.”

4. “The portrayal of women in media influences societal gender norms and expectations.”

5. “Fast food consumption contributes to obesity and other health issues.”

6. “Bilingual education fosters cognitive development and cultural appreciation.”

7. “Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the future of work.”

8. “Animal testing is unethical and often unnecessary due to technological alternatives.”

9. “Social media impacts mental health, affecting self-esteem and fostering comparison.”

10. “Music education enhances cognitive abilities, creativity, and emotional intelligence.”

Thesis Statement Examples for Short Story

1. “Through the use of vivid imagery and symbolism, the short story ‘The Necklace’ explores the consequences of pride and the pursuit of material wealth.”

2. “In the short story ‘Hills Like White Elephants,’ Ernest Hemingway skillfully portrays the complexities of communication, addressing themes of choices, power dynamics, and the implications of decision-making.”

3. “Kate Chopin’s ‘The Story of an Hour’ delves into the theme of female liberation in a patriarchal society, exemplifying the profound impact of personal freedom and societal constraints.”

4. “Through the exploration of guilt, redemption, and the complexities of human nature, Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’ unveils the dark undercurrents of Puritan society.”

5. “Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’ delves into the significance of heritage and the tension between embracing cultural roots and seeking individual identity.”

6. “Anton Chekhov’s ‘The Lady with the Dog’ skillfully depicts the transformative power of love and its ability to challenge societal norms.”

7. “In ‘The Cask of Amontillado,’ Edgar Allan Poe creates a chilling atmosphere of revenge and deceit, exploring themes of betrayal, obsession, and the dark side of human nature.”

8. “Through the theme of societal conformity and individuality, Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lottery’ raises profound questions about tradition, morality, and the dangers of blindly following rituals.”

9. “In ‘The Gift of the Magi,’ O. Henry presents a heartwarming tale of selflessness and sacrifice, emphasizing the true value of love and the spirit of giving.”

10. “Katherine Mansfield’s ‘The Garden Party’ delves into class distinctions, shedding light on the tension between privilege and empathy in a vividly portrayed social event.”

Informative Thesis Statement Examples

1. “The advancements in renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, offer a promising solution to combat climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.”

2. “The impact of social media on society is multifaceted, influencing communication patterns, shaping public opinion, and presenting both opportunities and challenges for individuals and businesses.”

3. “Understanding the principles and benefits of mindfulness meditation can help individuals reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and enhance overall quality of life.”

4. “Exploring the history and cultural significance of traditional festivals provides valuable insights into the customs, beliefs, and values of different communities around the world.”

5. “The study of genetics and genomics has revolutionized healthcare, leading to advancements in personalized medicine, disease prevention, and targeted therapies.”

6. “Investigating the effects of climate change on biodiversity reveals the interconnectedness of ecosystems, the risk of species extinction, and the urgency of conservation efforts.”

7. “Exploring the impact of technology on education reveals its transformative potential in enhancing learning experiences, promoting digital literacy, and preparing students for the future workforce.”

8. “Understanding the causes and consequences of income inequality sheds light on socioeconomic disparities, social mobility, and the implications for individuals and society as a whole.”

9. “Exploring the historical context and significance of landmark court cases provides insight into the evolution of civil rights, constitutional interpretations, and social progress.”

10. “Studying the psychological and physiological effects of exercise highlights its positive impact on mental health, physical well-being, and overall life satisfaction.”

Examples of 3 Point Thesis Statements

1. “The legalization of marijuana should be implemented nationwide due to its potential benefits in pain management, tax revenue generation, and reducing the burden on the criminal justice system.”

2. “Effective time management skills can improve academic performance by enhancing productivity, reducing stress levels, and fostering a healthy work-life balance.”

3. “Social media addiction can have detrimental effects on mental health, interpersonal relationships, and overall well-being, necessitating the need for awareness, self-regulation, and support systems.”

4. “The three main causes of climate change are industrial emissions, deforestation, and excessive fossil fuel consumption, requiring global cooperation, policy interventions, and sustainable practices for mitigation.”

5. “Gun control measures should be implemented to enhance public safety by implementing universal background checks, restricting access to high-capacity magazines, and promoting responsible firearm ownership.”

6. “The three key components of a healthy lifestyle include regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep, contributing to overall physical and mental well-being.”

7. “Online education offers advantages of flexibility, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness, making it an increasingly popular alternative to traditional classroom-based learning.”

8. “The three major effects of air pollution on human health are respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and increased risk of lung cancer, necessitating the need for stringent environmental regulations and pollution reduction strategies.”

9. “The three main benefits of cultural diversity in the workplace are increased innovation, improved problem-solving abilities, and enhanced adaptability in global markets.”

10. “The three major consequences of deforestation are loss of biodiversity, climate change acceleration, and disruption of local ecosystems, emphasizing the urgency of conservation efforts and sustainable forest management.”

What are Good Thesis Statement Sentence Starters?

“The evidence suggests that…”

“Research indicates that…”

“It is clear that…”

“The data supports the notion that…”

“A closer examination reveals that…”

“Through analysis, it becomes apparent that…”

“It is widely acknowledged that…”

“Based on the available information, it can be argued that…”

“Scholars have long debated…”

“An important aspect to consider is…”

Can a Thesis Statement Be a Question?

Yes, a thesis statement can be a question. It serves as a thought-provoking inquiry that guides the direction of the essay and prompts exploration and analysis of the topic.

How Long should a Thesis Statement Be?

A thesis statement is generally recommended to be around 40 to 60 characters or 10 to 15 words. However, the most important aspect is that it effectively conveys the main argument or point of the essay in a clear and concise manner. The length may vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the specific requirements of the assignment.


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  2. Bullying Thesis Statement Examples

    thesis statement examples for bullying

  3. Bullying and thesis statement

    thesis statement examples for bullying

  4. essay on bullying

    thesis statement examples for bullying

  5. Thesis Statement Examples School Violence

    thesis statement examples for bullying

  6. Bullying Essay: Popular Topics and Useful Samples

    thesis statement examples for bullying


  1. How to Write a Thesis Statement

  2. How to Write the Thesis Statement for your Academic Essay

  3. Thesis Statement Part 2

  4. Expanding perspectives on cyberbullying

  5. How to write thesis statement in english essay

  6. How to Write a Compelling Thesis Statement in CSS/PMS English Essay Writing?


  1. How To Write an Excellent Thesis Statement About Bullying

    A good thesis statement on bullying needs to be a great impression so that it can hook your instructor or any other person who will read your thesis statement. It needs to be the hook to your essay and motivate the readers. The bullying essay thesis statement needs to be; An interpretation of the subject. Precise, forceful, and confident.

  2. Bullying Essay ⇒ Sample with Analysis and Topic Examples

    The bullying paper example below is divided into three core elements: introduction, body, and conclusion. Each part is followed by a short analysis of that part. ... The body of the essay discusses the three main negative consequences of bullying mentioned in the thesis statement of this bullying essay. Each of these points is elaborated on ...

  3. Thesis Statement for Bullying Research

    Thesis Statement for Bullying Research. Bullying is a pervasive issue that affects individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It involves the repeated and intentional use of power to harm, intimidate, or control others. This essay will explore the various forms of bullying, its impacts on victims, and the measures that can be taken to ...

  4. Thesis Statement on Bullying: Research Essay

    A few examples of verbal bullying are teasing, insults, intimidation, racist remarks, and now homophobic remarks. Technology innovation has been gradually supplanting the pooch's job as man's closest companion. Technology is an increasingly underlying key factor in every lifestyle decision, task, solution, business venture, and educational ...

  5. Thesis Statements: Examples

    Bullying in elementary schools is getting worse, because children model what they see at home and there are more cases of physical and emotional child abuse, and this causes various emotional problems in children. ... The example of the first thesis statement could be included earlier in the paragraph to help illustrate what is being argued ...

  6. Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying: [Essay Example], 534 words

    Thesis Statement for Cyber Bullying. In today's digital age, the rise of social media and online communication platforms has brought about a new form of bullying known as cyberbullying. This phenomenon involves individuals using technology to harass, intimidate, and threaten others online, leading to negative psychological and emotional ...

  7. Bullying Essay Examples

    4 Bullying's Grim Toll: A Cry for Urgent Action . Bullying's Dark Reality: A Life Locked in an Invisible Cage Bullying is extremely wrong and uncalled for. Bullying affects over 3.2 million victims every single year, leading to one out of ten people dropping out of school, 160,000 people skipping school, low self-esteem, depression, self-harm, and even suicide; the third leading cause of ...

  8. Steps to Writing a Bullying Essay With 5 Great Examples

    Show the importance of discussing this issue by starting with an interesting fact or official statistics. The examples of the opening sentences are: "Between 1 in 4 US students say they have been bullied at school.". "There is no general profile of a person involved in bullying.

  9. Bullying Essay Thesis Statement Examples

    The document provides examples of thesis statements for an essay on bullying and advice for crafting an effective thesis. It discusses bullying as a complex issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Five sample thesis statements are given that address topics like cyberbullying, the need for anti-bullying policies and education, the societal roots of bullying behavior, the ...

  10. Writing an Expository Essay About Bullying With Examples

    I. Introduction. A. Hook: Start with a compelling fact, question, or quote. B. Background information: Provide context and set the stage for the topic. C. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main idea or argument of the essay. II. Body Paragraphs. A. Topic sentence: Introduce the main idea of each paragraph.. B. Supporting details: Provide evidence, examples, and explanations to support the ...

  11. How to Write a Persuasive Essay on Bullying in Schools

    Your thesis statement should clearly describe your stance on bullying and the key argument you will make in your essay. For example, a well-crafted thesis statement may be: " Teenage bullying in schools is an urgent problem that requires immediate intervention from educators, parents, and society as a whole, as it has adverse effects on ...

  12. Write a Persuasive Essay About Bullying: Examples and Tips

    Writing an introduction to a persuasive essay about bullying can be challenging. To start, it's important to understand the purpose of the introduction. It is to provide a brief overview of the topic and introduce your thesis statement. Begin by providing a general overview of the topic of bullying.

  13. How to Stop Bullying: Exploring The Causes, Effects, and Strategies

    Schools should offer counseling and educational programs that aim to address the root causes of bullying and promote empathy, self-reflection, and positive social interactions. Conclusion. A. Reiteration of thesis statement: Bullying is a significant issue that warrants attention and intervention. It can have detrimental effects on individuals ...

  14. Bullying Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    Free essay examples about Bullying ️ Proficient writing team ️ High-quality of every essay ️ Largest database of free samples on PapersOwl. Writing Service; ... A clear structure is vital when writing an argumentative essay on bullying to earn an A and feel good about your thesis statement, outline, essay introduction, and conclusion. ...

  15. 25 Thesis Statement Examples That Will Make Writing a Breeze

    Thesis statement examples. A quick note that these thesis statements have not been fully researched. These are merely examples to show you what a thesis statement might look like and how you can implement your own ideas into one that you think of independently. ... Cyber bullying puts a lot of stress on many teens, and can cause depression ...

  16. Sample Thesis Statement About Bullying

    This document discusses the challenges of crafting an effective thesis statement on the complex topic of bullying. It notes that bullying affects people in many ways and has multiple causes and consequences, making it difficult to distill into a concise statement. Understanding the different types of bullying, like verbal, physical, and cyberbullying, adds further complexity when trying to ...

  17. How to Write a Thesis Statement

    Placement of the thesis statement. Step 1: Start with a question. Step 2: Write your initial answer. Step 3: Develop your answer. Step 4: Refine your thesis statement. Types of thesis statements. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

  18. Thesis Statement Examples On Bullying

    Thesis Statement Examples on Bullying - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses some of the challenges students face when writing a thesis statement on bullying. One challenge is finding the right balance between specificity and breadth when addressing the complex issue of bullying.

  19. Bullying Thesis Statement

    Thesis Statement: Bullying statistics indicate bullying is just getting worse. Many studies have shown increasing domestic violence at home leading to an increase in bullying online and school. Bullying is not only physical but it can also disrupt a person's emotions that can lead to depression. Depression is a sad feeling where you lose all ...

  20. 3 Point Thesis Statement

    Thesis Statement: "The accelerating effects of climate change threaten global biodiversity through temperature shifts, habitat degradation, and altered migration patterns.". In this example, the 3-point thesis statement clearly presents the three main points that will be discussed in the paper: temperature shifts, habitat degradation, and ...

  21. Thesis Statement for Cyber Bullying Essay

    Published: Mar 5, 2024. Cyberbullying has become a prevalent issue in today's society, with the rise of technology and social media platforms. This essay will explore the history of cyberbullying, the debates surrounding this topic, and how these debates have evolved to a resolution. The thesis statement for this essay is: Cyberbullying is a ...

  22. Bullying Thesis Statement Examples

    Bullying Thesis Statement Examples - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. bullying thesis statement examples

  23. Thesis Statement

    The 3 parts of a thesis statement generally include the subject, the precise opinion, and the blueprint of reasons. First, identify the subject or topic of your paper. This is the broad area that your research or essay will cover. Next, you need to formulate a precise opinion on your chosen subject.