#1 Microbiology Resource Hub

Lessons and Courses on Microbiology

undergraduate research project microbiology


Below are some PROJECT TOPICS for your undergraduate and postgraduate (M.Sc. & Ph.D.) research studies. These project topics are only “suggestive in nature. This implies that they can be used as they are, or they can be modified and used as you so deem fit.

@ www.MicrobiologyClass.net we are interested in the academic- and self-development of our users, and that is why we have taken it upon ourselves to update on these topics from time to time, so that our users will always have free access to the project topics of their choice.

In case you have any project topic that you will like us to include to the list, please feel free to submit your suggested project topic through our email below. Our editorial team members will look at it, and add them to the list. You can also submit such “suggested project topic” through: [email protected]

  • Physiology and ecology of the neonatal gut microbiota
  • Biodegradable Polymer Degradation in Compost Environments
  • The Influence of Invasive Species on Host-Associated Microbiomes 
  • Impacts of bacterial associated ectomycorrhizal fungi on forest fungal and tree growth 
  • Emerging pollutant transformation and reactive oxygen species formation by oxygenase enzymes in different microbiomes
  • Survival and resuscitation mechanisms of desert soil bacteria
  • The effect of seasonal oxygen fluctuations on aquatic microbiomes
  • Microbiome-Enhanced Silicate Weathering
  • Comparative Analysis of Gut Microbiomes in Chinchillas and mice for pathogen research
  • Characterization of Probiotic Properties of Limosilactobacillus fermentum
  • Whole-Genome Analysis of  Lactobacillus johnsonii
  • Effect of flouroquinolones and aminoglycosides mixtures on soil bacterial activity
  • Evolution and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria on antimicrobial surfaces in hospitals
  • Determination of the single and combined effects of antibiotics on soil bacterial and fungal communities
  • Characterization of PVL-positive MRSA isolates.
  • Effect of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum strains on the intestinal microbiome.
  • Prevalence of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in children and adults.
  • Isolation and characterization of entomopathogenic fungi from soil.
  • Genomic analysis of hydrocarbon oxidizing sulphur bacteria.
  • Investigation of the biodegrading potentials of Fervidobacteriumpennivorans .
  • Effect of calcium on the genetic makeup of Gemmatimonas phototrophica .
  • Modulation of Mycorrhizal colonization for improved food production.
  • Isolation and characterization of novel antimicrobial compounds from endophytes.
  • Isolation and characterization of novel antimicrobial compounds from lichens.
  • Monitoring of wastewaters for the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 to mitigate COVID-19 spread.
  • Metagenomics to unravel novel antimicrobial resistance genes in hospital environment.
  • Determination of quorum sensing and biofilm-forming capability in Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from door handles, sinks, beddings and floor of hospitals 
  • Occurrence and serotyping of Salmonella species from blood samples of in- and out-patients
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Acinetobacter baumannii
  • Prevalence and Plasmid Profile of Fluoroquinolone – Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (FQRSA) isolated from clinical samples
  • Bacteriological and Physicochemical Parameters of Selected Borehole Water Sources
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Aeromonas hydrophila
  • Preliminary Studies on the Antibacterial Activities of Leaf Extracts of Azadirachta indica and Psidium guajava on Methicillin and Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus .
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Salmonella and Shigella spcecies
  • Molecular Detection of Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (PVL) Toxins in Clinical Isolates of Staphylococcus aureus
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Candida auris
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and Plasmid Profile of Fluoroquinolone – Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (FQRSA) isolated from poultry and abattoir samples
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Candida albicans
  • Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of Parkia biglobosa, Hymenocardia acida and Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides extracts on pathogenic Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Vibrio cholerae
  • Detection and antibiogram of constitutive- and inducible-clindamycin-resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Enterococcus faecalis
  • Antibacterial Activity of Adenia Cissampeloides Plant Extracts on some selected Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
  • Evaluation of the Efficacy, Quality and Safety of Hepatitis B Vaccines stored in cold-chain systems
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Listeria monocytogenes
  • Phytochemical and Antimicrobial analysis of hulls and nuts of Tetracarpidium conophorum (Ukpa) on selected Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Mycobacterium species
  • Prevalence, antibiogram and PCR detection of the virulence-associated genes of Escherichia coli
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against first generation cephalosporins
  • Determination and isolation  of the metabolites of endophytic Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolated from leaves of Carica papaya
  • Isolation and characterization of bacteria and fungi associated with the biodegradation of municipal solid waste matter
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against second generation cephalosporins
  • Isolation, antibiogram and characterization of vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from clinical bacterial isolates
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against third generation cephalosporins
  • Determination of Bioethanol Production from Corncob Hydrolysed by Cellulase of Aspergillus niger Using Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against fourth generation cephalosporins
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical bacterial Isolates against fifth generation cephalosporins
  • Evaluation of the Efficacy, Quality and Safety of Hepatitis B Vaccines sold in the open market
  • In Vitro Susceptibility Test of Different Clinical fungal Isolates against ketoconazole and nystatin
  • Phenotypic detection of extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of metallo beta lactamase (MBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of AmpC enzyme producing Escherichia coli isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of ESBL producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of metallo beta lactamase (MBL)-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of AmpC enzyme producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of ESBL producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of metallo beta lactamase (MBL)-producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from hospital samples
  • Phenotypic detection of AmpC enzyme producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from hospital samples
  • Isolation of Bacillus species with antibiotic-producing ability from soil samples
  • Detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)isolates from clinical samples
  • Phenotypic detection of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus species from clinical samples
  • Detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from pig dung’s
  • Detection of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from cow dung’s
  • Prevalence of Schistosoma haematobium infection in a primary school
  • Prevalence of Schistosoma bovis infection in abattoir houses
  • Prevalence of Schistosoma bovis infection in intestinal tract of slaughtered animals
  • Evolution of biocide resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • PCR detection of virulence-associated genes in multidrug resistant clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli
  • Molecular characterization of antibiotic resistant genes in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates of clinical origin
  • PCR determination of panton valentine leukocidin genes in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates
  • Comparison of Cefoxitin and Oxacillin Disk Diffusion Methods for Detection of mecA-Mediated Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus
  • PCR detection of mecA gene in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of methicillin resistant coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) strains of hospital origin
  • Antibiogram of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from ready to eat food samples
  • Susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from Zobo drink samples
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from Soya milk drink samples
  • Prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates in marketed sachet and bottled waters
  • Phenotypic Detection of Methicillin Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus by Disk Diffusion Testing and Etest
  • Prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates in pig farms
  • Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility profile of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from cattle farms
  • Detection and prevalence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates from goat farms
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns and occurrence of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates in poultry farms
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli isolates recovered from faecal samples of poultry birds
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of bacterial pathogens recovered from free-range birds or fowls
  • Isolation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from fresh and soured palm wine marketed in local and urban markets
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Azadirachta indica on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Garcinia kola on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Carica papaya on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Determination of the ethanolic and methanolic extracts of the root, leaves and stem of Zingiber officinale on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli clinical isolates 
  • Investigation of Schistosoma species in Pond Water Snails
  • Detection of Plasmid Borne Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Enzymes from Blood and Urine Isolates of Gram – Negative Bacteria
  • Detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates Producing CTX-M-15 Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamases
  • Detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolates from suspected community acquired urinary tract infections
  • Doripenem and ertapenem resistance amongst ESBL positive and AmpC positive Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates.
  • Detection of extended-Spectrum Βeta-Lactamase – Producing Escherichia Coli Strains of Poultry Origin
  • Detection of extended-Spectrum Βeta-Lactamase – Producing Escherichia Coli Strains of abattoir Origin
  • Microbiological investigation of Escherichia coli isolates from cloacal and feacal swabs of broiler chickens for AmpC enzymes and metallo beta lactamase enzymes
  • Frequency and antibiogram of uropathogens isolated from Urine Samples of HIV Infected Patients
  • Inhibitory effects of neem and Bitter kola leaves on selected pathogenic bacteria and fungi
  • Detection of Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase Enzymes from Otitis Media Bacteria Pathogens.
  • Cloacal faecal carriage and occurrence of antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in chicken grown with and without antibiotic supplemented feed
  • Evaluation of antibacterial activities of some Nigerian medicinal plants against some Gram negative resistant bacteria pathogens
  • Detection of ESBL-producing Gram negative bacteria using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry.
  • Prevalence and antibiogram of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from water samples
  • Determination of the Quality of Commercial Antibacterial Discs Available in Nigerian market
  • Determination of the Medicinal Efficacy of Acetone, Aqueous, Methanol and Ethanol Crude Extracts of Mangifera indica Leaf
  • Phytochemical analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic and Methanolic Stem and Root Extracts of Cnestis ferruginea on Multidrug Resistant Bacteria of clinical origin
  • Prevalence and antibiogram of Salmonella species, Shigella species and Staphylococcus aureus in retail meats
  • Determination of the Microbial Contamination and prevalence of multidrug resistant bacteria of Ready-to-Eat Fried Chicken Meat
  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profile of Staphylococcus aureus from Healthy School Pupils
  • Antibiogram of Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolated from the Nasopharyngeal Mucosa of primary school children
  • Antifungal and antibacterial activities of Ocimum gratissimum and Gongronema latifolium leaves on Colletotrichum species
  • Phytochemical analysis and Antibacterial activity of Crude Extracts from Leaves of Wonderful Kola on some selected Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
  • Antibiotic sensitivity profiles of biofilm-producing bacterial isolates from clinical and water samples
  • Metagenomics to unravel novel AMR in food chain.

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100+ Microbiology Project Topics [Updated]

microbiology project topics

Microbiology, the study of microorganisms, holds immense importance in the realms of medicine, agriculture, industry, and environmental science. It’s a field teeming with opportunities for exploration and discovery. For students passionate about unraveling the mysteries of the microbial world, engaging in microbiology projects is not just educational but also immensely rewarding.

In this blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide to over 100 updated microbiology project topics across various sub-disciplines. Whether you’re a student seeking inspiration for your next research endeavor or an educator looking to expand your list of project ideas, this resource is tailored to meet your needs.

Choosing a Microbiology Project Topic

Table of Contents

Selecting the right project topic is crucial for the success and fulfillment of your research journey. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Personal Interest and Career Goals: Opt for a topic that aligns with your interests and long-term career aspirations. Whether it’s bacterial pathogenesis, virology, immunology, environmental microbiology, food microbiology, or clinical microbiology, choose a subject that excites you.
  • Relevance to Current Trends: Stay abreast of the latest advancements and trends in microbiology. Topics related to emerging infectious diseases, antibiotic resistance, microbiome research, and biotechnological applications are particularly timely and impactful.
  • Resource Availability and Feasibility: Assess the availability of laboratory resources, equipment, and expertise required for your chosen project. Ensure that your topic is feasible within the constraints of your academic or research environment.

100+ Microbiology Project Topics

Now, let’s delve into our curated list of microbiology project topics across various sub-disciplines:

Bacterial Microbiology

  • Role of quorum sensing in bacterial biofilm formation.
  • Antibiotic resistance mechanisms in clinically relevant bacterial strains.
  • Bacteriophages as alternative therapeutics for antibiotic-resistant infections.
  • Molecular mechanisms of bacterial pathogenicity using model organisms.
  • Genetic diversity and evolution of influenza viruses for vaccine development.
  • Host-virus interactions underlying viral replication and pathogenesis.
  • Metagenomic profiling of viral communities to identify novel pathogens.
  • Screening natural products for antiviral activity against emerging diseases.
  • Efficacy of novel vaccine formulations in eliciting immune responses.
  • Immunomodulatory effects of probiotics on mucosal immunity and gut health.
  • Dysregulated immune responses in autoimmune disorders.
  • Host immune evasion strategies in persistent viral infections.

Environmental Microbiology

  • Microbial diversity in hydrothermal vent ecosystems using next-generation sequencing.
  • Biodegradation of environmental pollutants by microbial consortia.
  • Extremophilic microorganisms adapted to harsh environmental conditions.
  • Role of soil microbiota in plant growth promotion and biocontrol.

Food Microbiology

  • Microbial contamination in food processing facilities and sanitation practices.
  • Identification and characterization of foodborne pathogens.
  • Spoilage mechanisms of food products and strategies for shelf life extension.
  • Safety and efficacy of probiotic supplements in fermented foods.

Clinical Microbiology

  • Molecular epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections using whole-genome sequencing.
  • Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in clinically important pathogens.
  • Human microbiome profiling in health and disease states using metagenomics.
  • Rapid diagnostic tests for infectious diseases in clinical settings.

Miscellaneous Topics

  • Microbial ecology of the human gut microbiota.
  • Role of microbiota in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism.
  • Microbiological aspects of bioremediation in environmental cleanup efforts.
  • Microbial production of biofuels and bioplastics.
  • Application of CRISPR-Cas technology in microbial genome editing.
  • Microbial production of enzymes for industrial processes.
  • Microbial synthesis of novel antimicrobial compounds.
  • Microbial fermentation processes for food and beverage production.
  • Bioinformatics analysis of microbial genomes and metagenomes.
  • Microbial ecology of extreme environments, such as deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
  • Microbiological aspects of the human skin microbiome and its implications for health.
  • Microbial diversity and ecosystem functions in freshwater and marine environments.
  • Microbial interactions in symbiotic relationships with plants and animals.
  • Microbial biogeochemical cycling of elements in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in urban environments.
  • Microbial ecology of infectious diseases in wildlife populations.
  • Microbial contributions to nutrient cycling and soil fertility in agricultural systems.
  • Microbial contamination of water sources and strategies for water quality management.
  • Microbial degradation of pollutants in soil and water environments.
  • Microbial diversity and biotechnological potential of hot springs and thermal vents.
  • Microbial ecology of the built environment, including hospitals and households.
  • Microbial interactions in the rhizosphere and their effects on plant health and productivity.
  • Microbial diversity and function in extreme environments, such as polar regions and deserts.
  • Microbial ecology of air quality, including indoor and outdoor microbial communities.
  • Microbial contributions to biogeochemical cycling in aquatic ecosystems, such as lakes and oceans.
  • Microbial roles in the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems.
  • Microbial diversity and community dynamics in mangrove ecosystems and their ecological functions.
  • Microbial contributions to the degradation of pollutants and xenobiotics in contaminated environments.
  • Microbial interactions with pollutants and their role in environmental remediation strategies.
  • Microbial diversity and function in hydrothermal vent ecosystems and their biogeochemical significance.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in permafrost environments and their response to climate change.
  • Microbial ecology of extremophiles and their adaptations to extreme environmental conditions.
  • Microbial diversity and function in deep-sea environments, including the deep ocean and hydrothermal vents.
  • Microbial contributions to the biogeochemistry of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycling in marine ecosystems.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in marine food webs and ecosystem dynamics.
  • Microbial diversity and function in coral reef ecosystems and their response to environmental stressors.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and organic matter in coastal ecosystems and estuaries.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in Arctic and Antarctic environments and their response to climate change.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the degradation and detoxification of contaminants.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine sediments and their role in biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps and their contributions to global biogeochemical cycles.
  • Microbial diversity and community dynamics in oceanic oxygen minimum zones and their implications for carbon and nitrogen cycling.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in shaping marine biodiversity and ecosystem structure.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in marine ecosystems, including primary production and decomposition processes.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine plankton communities and their role in biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem productivity.
  • Microbial ecology of marine symbioses, including mutualistic, commensal, and parasitic relationships between microbes and marine organisms.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the biodegradation and detoxification of contaminants in marine environments.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine sediments and their role in biogeochemical cycling, nutrient regeneration, and sediment stability.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in coastal ecosystems, including estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrove forests.
  • Microbial diversity and function in coastal sediments and their role in biogeochemical cycling, organic matter degradation, and nutrient fluxes.
  • Microbial ecology of marine viruses and their role in shaping microbial communities, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem dynamics in marine environments.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine snow aggregates and their role in transporting carbon, nutrients, and microbes in the ocean.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in mediating host-microbe interactions, disease dynamics, and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of carbon and sulfur in marine sediments, including the role of anaerobic microbial processes in sedimentary environments.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine hydrothermal vent ecosystems and their role in chemosynthetic primary production, mineral precipitation, and ecosystem sustainability.
  • Microbial ecology of marine deep-sea ecosystems, including abyssal plains, trenches, and seamounts, and their role in global biogeochemical cycles and biodiversity.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine sponge microbiomes and their role in nutrient cycling, secondary metabolite production, and host-microbe interactions.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the bioremediation of oil spills, heavy metal contamination, and other anthropogenic pollutants in marine environments.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in deep-sea ecosystems, including the role of chemosynthetic microbes in supporting deep-sea food webs and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine coral reef ecosystems and their role in reef health, resilience, and recovery from environmental stressors such as climate change, pollution, and disease.
  • Microbial ecology of marine plastic pollution and its impact on marine ecosystems, including microbial degradation of plastic polymers, biofilm formation on microplastic surfaces, and microbial interactions with plastic-associated pollutants.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine coastal habitats, including rocky shores, sandy beaches, and tidal pools, and their role in coastal ecosystem processes, biodiversity, and ecosystem services.
  • Microbial interactions with marine organisms and their role in mediating host-microbe interactions, disease dynamics, and ecosystem functioning in marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, kelp forests, and seagrass meadows.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in marine ecosystems, including the role of microbial processes in carbon sequestration, nitrogen fixation, and nutrient regeneration in the oceanic food web.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine pelagic ecosystems, including the open ocean, coastal upwelling zones, and polar seas, and their role in primary production, nutrient cycling, and global climate regulation.
  • Microbial ecology of marine biofilms and their role in ecosystem processes, including biofouling, biocorrosion, and nutrient cycling in marine environments, such as ship hulls, oil platforms, and marine infrastructure.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine benthic habitats, including deep-sea sediments, hydrothermal vents, and cold seeps, and their role in biogeochemical cycling, energy flow, and ecosystem stability.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the biodegradation, detoxification, and bioaccumulation of contaminants in marine ecosystems, including oil spills, heavy metals, plastics, and agricultural runoff.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in marine ecosystems, including the role of microbial processes in carbon fixation, nitrogen cycling, and sulfur metabolism in marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine deep-sea ecosystems, including abyssal plains, trenches, and seamounts, and their role in global biogeochemical cycles, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning.
  • Microbial ecology of marine sponge microbiomes and their role in nutrient cycling, secondary metabolite production, and host-microbe interactions in marine ecosystems, including coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the bioremediation of oil spills, heavy metal contamination, and other anthropogenic pollutants in marine environments, including coastal waters, estuaries, and marine sediments.
  • Microbial contributions to the cycling of nutrients and energy in deep-sea ecosystems, including the role of chemosynthetic microbes in supporting deep-sea food webs, hydrothermal vent communities, and cold seep ecosystems.
  • Microbial diversity and function in marine pelagic ecosystems , including the open ocean, coastal upwelling zones, and polar seas, and their role in primary production, nutrient cycling, and global climate regulation in the marine biosphere.
  • Microbial diversity and community composition in marine benthic habitats, including deep-sea sediments, hydrothermal vents, and cold seeps, and their role in biogeochemical cycling, energy flow, and ecosystem stability in the deep sea.
  • Microbial interactions with marine pollutants and their role in the biodegradation, detoxification, and bioaccumulation of contaminants in marine ecosystems, including oil spills, heavy metals, plastics, and agricultural runoff in coastal and oceanic environments.

Tips for Successful Microbiology Projects

Embarking on a microbiology project can be both exhilarating and challenging. Here are some tips to help you navigate the research process with confidence:

  • Planning and Organization: Start with a clear research question and outline a detailed project plan with achievable milestones.
  • Literature Review: Thoroughly review existing literature to build a solid theoretical framework for your research.
  • Laboratory Techniques and Safety: Adhere to best practices for experimental design, data collection, and laboratory safety protocols.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation: Utilize appropriate statistical methods and data visualization tools to analyze your results effectively.
  • Effective Communication: Prepare concise and compelling presentations or manuscripts to communicate your findings to peers and stakeholders.

In conclusion, microbiology offers a vast playground for exploration and innovation. By choosing the right project topic and following sound research principles, you can make meaningful contributions to our understanding of the microbial universe.

We hope this curated list of microbiology project topics serves as a valuable resource for students and educators alike, inspiring the next generation of microbial enthusiasts to embark on their research journeys. Happy exploring!

Feel free to share your thoughts, feedback, or additional project ideas in the comments section below. Together, let’s continue unraveling the mysteries of microbiology!

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90 Innovative Microbiology Project Topics for Undergraduate

Find engaging microbiology project topics for undergraduates. Explore bacteria’s roles in health, the environment, and food. Get inspired and dive into the world of tiny organisms!

Choosing a microbiology project as an undergrad opens up a world of amazing tiny creatures that impact our lives in big ways. From how bacteria affect health to how microbes clean the environment or help in food production, there’s a project for everyone. Check out these ideas to find one that sparks your curiosity. Dive in and see the amazing ways tiny microbes make a big difference!

Table of Contents

Microbiology Project Topics for Undergraduate PDF

What is microbiology.

Microbiology is the study of tiny organisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Why Microbiology Matters

Checkout why microbiology matters:-

  • Fight Diseases : Helps us treat and prevent infections.
  • Create Vaccines : Helps make vaccines to stop illnesses.
  • Discover Medicines : Helps find new treatments.


  • Clean Pollution : Helps remove pollution from the environment.
  • Keep Nature Balanced : Helps maintain healthy ecosystems.
  • Make Foods : Used to make yogurt, cheese, and bread.
  • Ensure Food Safety : Helps keep food safe by studying germs.


  • Create New Products : Helps make things like biofuels and medicines.
  • Support Innovation : Helps develop new technologies.

Microbiology is important for health, the environment, food, and new technologies.\

Microbiology Research Areas

Check out the microbiology research areas:-

Medical Microbiology

  • Diseases : How microbes cause sickness.
  • Treatments : Creating new medicines and vaccines.
  • Prevention : Finding ways to stop infections.

Environmental Microbiology

  • Cleanup : Using microbes to remove pollution.
  • Soil : Studying microbes that help plants and soil.
  • Ecosystems : Understanding microbes’ roles in nature.

Industrial Microbiology

  • Food : Improving food production, like cheese and beer.
  • Production : Making chemicals, fuels, and medicines using microbes.
  • Innovation : Creating new products with microbes.

Agricultural Microbiology

  • Plant Growth : Helping plants grow better with microbes.
  • Soil : Enhancing soil health and fertility.
  • Farming : Developing eco-friendly farming methods.

Applied Microbiology

  • Cleanup : Using microbes to clean polluted areas.
  • Engineering : Designing microbes to produce useful products.
  • Genetics : Studying microbe DNA to explore their functions.

These areas show how studying microbes helps in health, the environment, food production, agriculture, and more.

Microbiology Project Topics for Undergraduate

Check out microbiology project topics for undergraduate:-

Microbial Genetics

Gene cloning.

  • Clone Genes : Insert genes into vectors.
  • Screen Clones : Identify successful clones.
  • Applications : Use in research and medicine.
  • Challenges : Overcome cloning issues.

Gene Expression Studies

  • Measure Expression : Quantify gene expression levels.
  • Use Techniques : Apply PCR or microarrays.
  • Analyze Data : Interpret expression results.
  • Applications : Understand gene function.


  • Introduce Mutations : Create genetic mutations.
  • Study Effects : Observe changes in phenotype.
  • Applications : Discover gene functions.
  • Challenges : Control mutation effects.

Genomic Sequencing

  • Sequence Genomes : Determine DNA sequences.
  • Analyze Data : Interpret genomic information.
  • Applications : Research microbial diversity.
  • Challenges : Handle large data sets.


  • Analyze Sequences : Use software to study DNA.
  • Identify Patterns : Find genes or mutations.
  • Applications : Support genetic research.
  • Challenges : Manage data complexity.

Plasmid Construction

  • Design Plasmids : Create plasmids with specific genes.
  • Transform Cells : Introduce plasmids into bacteria.
  • Analyze Results : Confirm plasmid presence.
  • Applications : Use in genetic studies.


  • Edit Genes : Use CRISPR for targeted gene editing.
  • Test Efficiency : Check editing success.
  • Applications : Modify microbial genomes.
  • Challenges : Address off-target effects.

Synthetic Biology

  • Design Systems : Create synthetic biological circuits.
  • Test Systems : Implement in microbes.
  • Applications : Use in biotechnology.
  • Challenges : Ensure system stability.

Microbial Genomics

  • Study Microbes : Sequence and analyze microbial genomes.
  • Compare Genomes : Look at differences and similarities.
  • Applications : Explore microbial diversity.
  • Challenges : Interpret complex data.

Functional Genomics

  • Analyze Genes : Study gene functions in microbes.
  • Use Tools : Apply gene knockouts or overexpression.
  • Applications : Investigate gene roles.
  • Challenges : Manage experimental variables.

Microbial Physiology

Metabolic pathways.

  • Study Pathways : Investigate metabolic processes.
  • Use Techniques : Apply biochemical assays.
  • Analyze Results : Determine pathway functions.
  • Applications : Understand metabolism.

Microbial Growth

  • Measure Growth : Track microbial growth rates.
  • Optimize Conditions : Adjust media and environment.
  • Applications : Improve culture techniques.
  • Challenges : Control growth variables.

Stress Responses

  • Induce Stress : Apply environmental stressors.
  • Measure Responses : Assess microbial adaptations.
  • Applications : Study stress tolerance mechanisms.
  • Challenges : Standardize stress conditions.

Nutrient Utilization

  • Test Nutrients : Evaluate different nutrient sources.
  • Measure Growth : Observe growth on varied media.
  • Applications : Optimize microbial growth conditions.
  • Challenges : Control nutrient effects.

Enzyme Activity

  • Measure Activity : Assess enzyme functions in microbes.
  • Optimize Conditions : Adjust for maximum activity.
  • Applications : Explore industrial uses.
  • Challenges : Maintain enzyme stability.

Cellular Respiration

  • Study Respiration : Investigate aerobic and anaerobic processes.
  • Measure Outputs : Assess gas production or consumption.
  • Applications : Understand energy metabolism.
  • Challenges : Control experimental conditions.

Temperature Effects

  • Test Temperatures : Examine microbial growth at different temperatures.
  • Analyze Effects : Determine optimal and extreme conditions.
  • Applications : Study temperature tolerance.
  • Challenges : Manage temperature variation.

Osmotic Pressure

  • Apply Pressure : Test effects of osmotic changes.
  • Measure Growth : Assess microbial response to pressure.
  • Applications : Explore osmotic stress tolerance.
  • Challenges : Control osmotic conditions.
  • Adjust pH : Examine microbial growth at various pH levels.
  • Measure Impact : Determine growth changes.
  • Applications : Study pH tolerance.
  • Challenges : Maintain stable pH.

Temperature and pH Interactions

  • Combine Factors : Study the effect of both temperature and pH on microbes.
  • Measure Growth : Observe how combined factors affect growth.
  • Applications : Optimize culture conditions.
  • Challenges : Control multiple variables.

Microbial Ecology

Soil microbiome.

  • Sample Soil : Study microbial communities in soil.
  • Analyze Diversity : Measure microbial diversity and functions.
  • Applications : Understand soil health and fertility.
  • Challenges : Handle diverse microbial populations.

Water Microbiome

  • Sample Water : Investigate microbial communities in aquatic environments.
  • Monitor Changes : Track microbial diversity over time.
  • Applications : Assess water quality.
  • Challenges : Control for contamination.

Extreme Environments

  • Study Extremophiles : Investigate microbes in extreme conditions (e.g., high temperature, salinity).
  • Analyze Adaptations : Understand survival mechanisms.
  • Applications : Explore biotechnological uses.
  • Challenges : Manage harsh conditions.

Microbial Interactions

  • Observe Interactions : Study how microbes interact with each other.
  • Analyze Effects : Determine the impact on microbial communities.
  • Applications : Explore symbiotic and antagonistic relationships.
  • Challenges : Control interaction variables.

Microbial Biogeochemical Cycles

  • Study Cycles : Investigate how microbes contribute to nutrient cycles (e.g., carbon, nitrogen).
  • Measure Impact : Assess microbial roles in these cycles.
  • Applications : Understand environmental processes.
  • Challenges : Manage complex interactions.

Microbial Succession

  • Track Changes : Observe changes in microbial communities over time.
  • Analyze Trends : Determine patterns of succession.
  • Applications : Study ecosystem development.
  • Challenges : Control for environmental changes.

Human Microbiome

  • Sample Microbiome : Study microbial communities in humans.
  • Analyze Health Impacts : Assess effects on health and disease.
  • Applications : Explore links between microbiome and health.
  • Challenges : Handle personal data ethically.

Plant-Microbe Interactions

  • Study Interactions : Investigate how microbes interact with plants.
  • Measure Effects : Assess impacts on plant health and growth.
  • Applications : Explore agricultural benefits.
  • Challenges : Manage plant and microbial variability.

Microbial Diversity in Urban Environments

  • Sample Urban Areas : Study microbial communities in cities.
  • Analyze Diversity : Measure and compare microbial diversity.
  • Applications : Understand urban microbiomes.
  • Challenges : Control for environmental factors.

Microbial Toxins

  • Identify Toxins : Study toxins produced by microbes.
  • Measure Effects : Assess impact on health or environment.
  • Applications : Explore safety and control measures.
  • Challenges : Manage toxic effects.

Microbial Pathogenesis

Pathogen identification.

  • Isolate Pathogens : Identify disease-causing microbes.
  • Characterize Strains : Study different strains and their properties.
  • Applications : Improve diagnostics and treatments.
  • Challenges : Ensure accurate identification.

Virulence Factors

  • Study Factors : Investigate factors that contribute to pathogenicity.
  • Analyze Mechanisms : Understand how they cause disease.
  • Applications : Develop targeted therapies.
  • Challenges : Control for experimental variables.

Infection Models

  • Develop Models : Create models to study microbial infections.
  • Test Treatments : Evaluate potential treatments or vaccines.
  • Applications : Improve understanding of infections.
  • Challenges : Ensure model relevance.

Antibiotic Resistance

  • Test Resistance : Study how microbes resist antibiotics.
  • Identify Genes : Find genes responsible for resistance.
  • Applications : Develop new treatments.
  • Challenges : Address spread of resistance.

Pathogen-Host Interactions

  • Study Interactions : Investigate how pathogens interact with hosts.
  • Analyze Immune Response : Understand immune responses to infection.
  • Applications : Develop vaccines and therapies.

Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

  • Study Outbreaks : Analyze patterns of disease spread.
  • Identify Risk Factors : Determine factors influencing outbreaks.
  • Applications : Improve public health responses.

Microbial Biofilms

  • Study Biofilms : Investigate how microbes form biofilms.
  • Analyze Effects : Assess impact on infections and resistance.
  • Applications : Develop biofilm control strategies.
  • Challenges : Control biofilm growth conditions.

Viral Pathogens

  • Study Viruses : Investigate viral pathogens and their effects.
  • Analyze Replication : Understand viral replication and spread.
  • Applications : Develop antiviral treatments.
  • Challenges : Manage virus safety.

Fungal Pathogens

  • Study Fungi : Investigate pathogenic fungi and their effects.
  • Analyze Virulence : Understand mechanisms of fungal diseases.
  • Applications : Improve treatments for fungal infections.
  • Challenges : Manage fungal safety.

Parasitic Microbes

  • Study Parasites : Investigate parasitic microbes and their life cycles.
  • Analyze Effects : Assess impact on hosts.
  • Applications : Develop control strategies for parasitic diseases.
  • Challenges : Manage parasitic safety.

Microbial Biotechnology

Bioplastics production.

  • Develop Bioplastics : Create bioplastics using microbes.
  • Optimize Production : Improve production efficiency.
  • Assess Impact : Study environmental and economic impacts.
  • Applications : Explore commercial uses.

Microbial Enzyme Production

  • Produce Enzymes : Create enzymes using microbes.
  • Optimize Processes : Improve production methods.
  • Explore Applications : Study uses in various industries.
  • Assess Costs : Analyze production costs and benefits.

Bioprocess Engineering

  • Design Processes : Create and optimize microbial production processes.
  • Develop Systems : Improve bioreactor systems.
  • Ensure Quality : Implement quality control measures.
  • Assess Feasibility : Evaluate economic aspects.

Microbial Quality Control

  • Develop Methods : Create quality control methods for microbial products.
  • Prevent Contamination : Study contamination prevention techniques.
  • Ensure Compliance : Meet regulatory standards.
  • Test Products : Check for quality and safety.

Biofuels Production

  • Produce Biofuels : Create biofuels using microbes.
  • Optimize Processes : Improve production efficiency.
  • Scale Up : Move from lab to industrial scale.
  • Assess Impact : Study economic and environmental impacts.

Pharmaceutical Production

  • Produce Drugs : Use microbes to create pharmaceutical compounds.
  • Study Applications : Investigate uses in medicine.
  • Address Regulations : Ensure compliance with standards.

Specialty Chemicals

  • Produce Chemicals : Create specialty chemicals using microbes.
  • Evaluate Market : Study commercial potential.
  • Assess Benefits : Analyze environmental impact.

Waste Management

  • Treat Waste : Use microbes to manage and treat waste.
  • Design Processes : Optimize treatment methods.
  • Monitor Efficiency : Assess process effectiveness.
  • Evaluate Costs : Study economic feasibility.

Food Ingredients

  • Produce Ingredients : Create food ingredients using microbes.
  • Ensure Safety : Check for quality and safety.
  • Meet Standards : Comply with regulatory requirements.

Textile Technology

  • Develop Textiles : Use microbes in textile production.
  • Optimize Processes : Improve textile treatments.
  • Analyze Market : Study commercial potential.
  • Assess Sustainability : Evaluate environmental impact.


  • Clean Contaminants : Use microbes to clean up pollutants.
  • Optimize Processes : Improve remediation efficiency.
  • Assess Impact : Study environmental benefits.
  • Evaluate Costs : Analyze economic feasibility.

Wastewater Treatment

  • Treat Water : Use microbes to treat wastewater.
  • Optimize Systems : Improve treatment processes.
  • Monitor Efficiency : Assess treatment effectiveness.

Soil Bioremediation

  • Clean Soil : Use microbes to remediate contaminated soil.
  • Optimize Methods : Improve remediation techniques.
  • Assess Benefits : Study environmental impacts.
  • Evaluate Costs : Analyze economic aspects.

Microbial Fuel Cells

  • Generate Power : Use microbes to produce electricity.
  • Optimize Performance : Improve fuel cell efficiency.
  • Explore Applications : Study potential uses.
  • Assess Viability : Evaluate commercial potential.

Microbial Soil Health

  • Study Soil Microbes : Investigate their role in soil health.
  • Assess Impact : Measure effects on soil fertility.
  • Optimize Practices : Improve agricultural practices.
  • Evaluate Benefits : Explore environmental advantages.


  • Study Airborne Microbes : Investigate microbes in the air.
  • Assess Health Effects : Examine impacts on health.
  • Monitor Levels : Measure airborne microbe concentrations.
  • Develop Controls : Create methods to manage bioaerosols.
  • Use Microbes : Apply microbes to compost organic waste.
  • Optimize Processes : Improve composting methods.
  • Assess Quality : Evaluate compost quality.
  • Study Benefits : Explore environmental advantages.

Microbial Water Purification

  • Purify Water : Use microbes to clean water.
  • Optimize Processes : Improve purification techniques.
  • Assess Efficiency : Measure effectiveness.

Bioindicator Species

  • Identify Indicators : Use microbes as indicators of environmental changes.
  • Monitor Environments : Assess ecological health.
  • Analyze Data : Interpret bioindicator results.
  • Develop Strategies : Create environmental management plans.

Microbial Diversity in Ecosystems

  • Study Diversity : Investigate microbial diversity in various ecosystems.
  • Assess Roles : Understand ecological roles of microbes.
  • Monitor Changes : Track changes in diversity over time.
  • Evaluate Impact : Study effects on ecosystem health.

Diagnostic Techniques

  • Develop Tests : Create methods for diagnosing infections.
  • Optimize Tests : Improve test accuracy and speed.
  • Evaluate Impact : Assess benefits for patient care.
  • Address Challenges : Overcome diagnostic limitations.

Vaccine Development

  • Create Vaccines : Develop vaccines against microbial pathogens.
  • Test Efficacy : Evaluate vaccine effectiveness.
  • Study Safety : Ensure safety and minimize side effects.
  • Evaluate Impact : Assess public health benefits.

Antibiotic Development

  • Discover Antibiotics : Identify new antibiotics from microbes.
  • Test Effectiveness : Evaluate against pathogens.
  • Optimize Production : Improve production methods.
  • Address Resistance : Study and mitigate antibiotic resistance.

Microbial Pathogens

  • Identify Pathogens : Study disease-causing microbes.
  • Understand Mechanisms : Investigate how they cause disease.
  • Develop Treatments : Create new therapies.
  • Evaluate Risks : Assess potential impacts on health.

Infection Control

  • Develop Protocols : Create methods for controlling infections.
  • Test Effectiveness : Evaluate control measures.
  • Implement Strategies : Apply in healthcare settings.
  • Address Challenges : Overcome infection control issues.

Antimicrobial Resistance

  • Study Resistance : Investigate how microbes resist drugs.
  • Identify Mechanisms : Understand resistance mechanisms.
  • Develop Solutions : Create strategies to combat resistance.
  • Assess Impact : Evaluate public health implications.

Microbial Genomics in Medicine

  • Sequence Pathogens : Study genomes of disease-causing microbes.
  • Analyze Data : Identify genetic factors related to disease.
  • Develop Treatments : Use data for therapeutic development.
  • Address Challenges : Handle genomic data complexities.

Host-Microbe Interactions

  • Study Interactions : Investigate how microbes interact with hosts.
  • Analyze Effects : Understand impacts on health.
  • Develop Therapies : Create treatments based on interactions.
  • Address Challenges : Manage complex host-microbe dynamics.

Microbiome and Disease

  • Study Microbiomes : Investigate how microbiomes relate to diseases.
  • Analyze Changes : Observe changes in microbiome associated with diseases.
  • Develop Treatments : Explore therapeutic options based on microbiome data.
  • Address Challenges : Handle variability in microbiome data.

Clinical Trials

  • Conduct Trials : Test new treatments and vaccines.
  • Monitor Progress : Track trial outcomes.
  • Analyze Results : Assess effectiveness and safety.
  • Address Challenges : Overcome trial limitations.

Fermentation Technology

  • Develop Fermentation : Create and optimize fermentation processes.
  • Improve Yield : Increase production efficiency.
  • Study Applications : Explore industrial uses.

Microbial Production of Vitamins

  • Produce Vitamins : Use microbes to create vitamins.
  • Explore Applications : Study uses in health and nutrition.
  • Assess Costs : Analyze production costs.

Biocontrol Agents

  • Develop Agents : Create microbes for pest control.
  • Test Efficacy : Evaluate effectiveness against pests.
  • Study Applications : Explore uses in agriculture.

Microbial Bioinformatics

  • Analyze Data : Study microbial data using bioinformatics tools.
  • Develop Tools : Create new bioinformatics tools.
  • Explore Applications : Investigate uses in research and industry.
  • Assess Challenges : Manage data complexity.

Microbial Production of Antibiotics

  • Produce Antibiotics : Use microbes to create antibiotics.

Bioprocess Optimization

  • Improve Processes : Optimize microbial production processes.
  • Increase Efficiency : Enhance productivity.

Enzyme Engineering

  • Engineer Enzymes : Develop and improve microbial enzymes.
  • Test Performance : Assess enzyme effectiveness.
  • Assess Benefits : Analyze commercial potential.

Microbial Production of Organic Acids

  • Produce Acids : Use microbes to create organic acids.
  • Explore Applications : Study uses in industry.

Microbial Production of Polymers

  • Produce Polymers : Use microbes to create polymers.

Bioengineering of Microbial Strains

  • Engineer Strains : Modify microbes for specific functions.
  • Optimize Performance : Improve strain efficiency.
  • Assess Costs : Analyze economic feasibility.

Soil Fertility Enhancement

  • Improve Soil : Use microbes to enhance soil fertility.
  • Optimize Practices : Develop better agricultural practices.
  • Study Benefits : Assess impacts on crop yield.
  • Evaluate Costs : Analyze economic benefits.

Plant Growth Promotion

  • Promote Growth : Use microbes to boost plant growth.
  • Optimize Methods : Improve growth-promoting techniques.
  • Study Effects : Measure impacts on plant health.
  • Assess Benefits : Explore environmental advantages.

Pest Control

  • Control Pests : Use microbes to manage pests.
  • Test Efficacy : Evaluate effectiveness.
  • Study Applications : Explore agricultural uses.
  • Assess Impact : Analyze environmental effects.

Disease Management

  • Manage Diseases : Use microbes to control plant diseases.
  • Optimize Strategies : Improve disease management techniques.
  • Study Benefits : Assess impacts on crop health.


  • Produce Fertilizers : Develop biofertilizers using microbes.
  • Improve Composting : Use microbes to enhance composting processes.
  • Optimize Methods : Develop better composting techniques.
  • Assess Quality : Measure compost quality.


  • Develop Pesticides : Create microbial biopesticides.

Soil Health Monitoring

  • Monitor Soil : Use microbes to assess soil health.
  • Analyze Data : Interpret soil health data.
  • Develop Strategies : Create plans to improve soil health.
  • Assess Benefits : Study impacts on crop productivity.

Genetically Modified Crops

  • Modify Crops : Use microbes to develop GM crops.
  • Optimize Traits : Improve crop traits.
  • Study Applications : Explore benefits and risks.
  • Assess Impact : Evaluate environmental and economic impacts.
Must Read:

Tips for Choosing a Microbiology Project Topic

Check out the tips for choosing a microbiology project topic:-

Follow Your Passion: Choose something you’re excited about.
Resources: Ensure you have what you need.
Time: Choose a project that fits your schedule.
Current Research: Find ideas from recent studies and discoveries.
Real-World Use: Pick a topic that could benefit health, the environment, or industry.
Consult Experts: Get input from professors or professionals.
Check Research: Make sure your topic is unique and not overdone.
Define Objectives: Know what you want to achieve with your project.

Conducting Microbiology Research

Check out the best steps for conducting microbiology research:-

Define Your Question

  • What to Study : Clearly state what you want to learn.

Plan Your Experiment

  • Design : Decide how you’ll do your research.
  • Materials : List what you need.

Collect Samples

  • Gather : Get the microorganisms or materials you need.
  • Handle Properly : Use correct techniques for collecting and storing samples.

Do the Experiment

  • Follow Steps : Carry out your experiment as planned.
  • Record : Write down your observations and results.

Analyze Results

  • Look at Data : See if your results answer your question.
  • Compare : Check your results against your expectations and other research.

Draw Conclusions

  • Summarize : State what you learned.
  • Share : Prepare a report or presentation to show your findings.

Review and Reflect

  • Evaluate : Think about what worked well and what didn’t.
  • Get Feedback : Ask for advice from others to improve.

These steps will help you conduct your microbiology research effectively and share your discoveries.

Challenges and Opportunities

Check out the challenges and opportunities

Skill Needed: Requires specialized training and precise methods.
Accuracy: Must avoid contaminating samples to get reliable results.
Tools and Money: Access to equipment and funding can be limited.
Interpreting Results: Analyzing and understanding data can be tough.
Responsibility: Need to conduct research ethically.


Advanced Tools: New tools and methods can improve research.
Treatments and Vaccines: Can lead to new ways to treat diseases.
Cleanup: Microbes can help clean up pollution and waste.
Better Production: Can improve food safety and production methods.
Diverse Fields: Many career paths in healthcare, industry, and research.

Microbiology research has its challenges but also offers exciting chances to make a big impact.

Which topic is best for research in microbiology?

The best topic for microbiology research depends on what interests you and what you have access to. Here are some tips:

  • Available Resources : Pick a topic that matches the equipment and materials you can access.
  • Personal Interest : Choose something you’re passionate about, like food fermentation if you love food science or waste treatment if you care about the environment.
  • Future Opportunities : Consider topics that could lead to more research or career opportunities, such as genetic engineering.

Top Choices

  • Antibiotic Resistance : Tackles a major health issue.
  • Probiotics and Gut Health : Focuses on improving health.
  • Waste Treatment : Addresses environmental problems.
  • Genetic Engineering : Explores new technologies.

Choose a topic that fits your interests, resources, and future goals.

What are the biggest problems in microbiology?

Check out the biggest problems in microbiology:-

Bacteria are becoming harder to treat with current antibiotics.
New or returning diseases spread quickly and are tough to control.
Contaminated samples can lead to incorrect research results.
Labs often struggle with a lack of money, equipment, and supplies.
Ensuring research is done responsibly, especially with genetic changes and health studies.
Understanding how microbes affect climate and pollution is complex.
Analyzing large amounts of data can be difficult.
People often don’t understand how important microbiology is for health and everyday life.

These problems highlight challenges in microbiology but also point to areas where improvements can be made.

To sum it up, tackling microbiology projects as an undergrad is a fantastic way to explore the hidden world of microbes. These projects let you see how tiny organisms impact our health and the environment.

Whether you’re interested in fighting diseases or exploring new technologies, these topics give you hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of microbiology. The skills you gain will be useful in whatever scientific path you choose.

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Top 100 Microbiology Project Topics [Updated]

Microbiology Project Topics

  • Post author By admin
  • April 20, 2024

Microbiology is the science of tiny living things like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and tiny animals called protozoa. It’s super important in lots of areas like medicine, farming, making useful stuff from living things, and taking care of the environment. In this blog, we’ll delve into a range of fascinating microbiology project topics suitable for students, researchers, and enthusiasts alike.

Table of Contents

What Are The Major Breakthroughs And Discoveries In Microbiology?

Microbiology has witnessed numerous breakthroughs and discoveries throughout its history. Here are some major ones:

  • Germ Theory of Disease: Proposed by Louis Pasteur and later expanded upon by Robert Koch, this theory established that microorganisms are the cause of many diseases, leading to significant advancements in public health and medicine.
  • Vaccination: Edward Jenner’s development of the smallpox vaccine in the late 18th century marked the beginning of vaccination as a powerful tool in preventing infectious diseases.
  • Antibiotics: Finding medicines like penicillin, discovered by Alexander Fleming, changed medicine a lot. They became great at treating bacterial infections.
  • DNA Structure: Learning about DNA’s shape by James Watson and Francis Crick helped us understand how genes work in tiny organisms and all living things.
  • Recombinant DNA Technology: In the 1970s, scientists made a new method called recombinant DNA technology. It let them change and study the genes of tiny organisms. This helped a lot in biotechnology and medicine.
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Invented by Kary Mullis in the 1980s, PCR revolutionized molecular biology by enabling the amplification of specific DNA sequences, with applications in diagnostics, forensics, and research.
  • CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing: The discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology, pioneered by Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, has revolutionized genetic engineering, allowing precise manipulation of DNA sequences in microorganisms and other organisms.
  • Human Microbiome Project: This initiative aimed to characterize the microbial communities inhabiting the human body, leading to a deeper understanding of the role of microbiota in health and disease.
  • Metagenomics: Advances in metagenomic sequencing technologies have allowed researchers to study microbial communities directly from environmental samples, revealing the vast diversity of microorganisms and their functional potential.
  • Synthetic Biology: The field of synthetic biology combines principles of engineering and biology to design and construct new biological systems, leading to applications in biotechnology, bioenergy, and medicine.

Top 100 Microbiology Project Topics

  • The Role of Gut Microbiota in Human Health
  • Microbial Diversity in Antarctic Soils
  • CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing in Bacteria
  • Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms in Clinical Isolates
  • Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Environments using Microorganisms
  • Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Communities in Oceanic Dead Zones
  • Development of Novel Antimicrobial Agents from Natural Sources
  • Microbial Ecology of Hydrothermal Vent Environments
  • Engineering Microbial Consortia for Biomass Conversion
  • Biofilm Formation and Control Strategies
  • Microbial Production of Bioplastics
  • Comparative Genomics of Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Bacteria
  • Role of Microorganisms in Nitrogen Fixation
  • Microbial Bioinformatics: Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Microbial Production of Enzymes for Industrial Applications
  • Biodegradation of Plastic Waste by Microorganisms
  • Molecular Epidemiology of Foodborne Pathogens
  • Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere
  • Host-Pathogen Interactions in Infectious Diseases
  • Microbial Biogeochemistry in Extreme Environments
  • Development of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Infectious Diseases
  • Microbial Fuel Cells: Harnessing Microbial Energy Production
  • Microbial Degradation of Environmental Pollutants
  • Evolutionary Dynamics of Antibiotic Resistance Genes
  • Microbial Production of Secondary Metabolites with Pharmaceutical Potential
  • Microbial Adaptation to Extreme pH Conditions
  • Microbial Symbiosis in Marine Invertebrates
  • Microbiome Analysis of Endangered Species
  • Role of Microorganisms in Soil Fertility
  • Microbial Production of Biofuels from Lignocellulosic Biomass
  • Bacterial Quorum Sensing and its Implications for Biotechnology
  • Microbial Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils
  • Microbial Source Tracking in Water Quality Assessment
  • Epidemiology and Control of Hospital-Acquired Infections
  • Microbial Ecology of Hypersaline Environments
  • Applications of Synthetic Biology in Microbial Engineering
  • Microbial Production of Vitamins and Nutraceuticals
  • Microbial Adaptation to Antibiotic Stress in Clinical Settings
  • Biotechnological Applications of Archaea
  • Microbial Community Dynamics in Fermented Foods
  • Bioreactor Design for Microbial Cultivation
  • Microbial Volatile Organic Compounds in Plant-Microbe Interactions
  • Microbial Diversity in Hot Springs: Adaptation to High Temperatures
  • Microbial Forensics: Tracking Sources of Contamination
  • Ecological Role of Microorganisms in Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Microbial Communities in Hydrocarbon-Degrading Consortia
  • Microbial Remediation of Polluted Sites
  • Biotechnological Applications of Microbial Pigments
  • Microbial Adaptation to Low Oxygen Environments
  • Application of CRISPR-based Technologies in Microbial Engineering
  • Microbial Ecology of the Human Skin Microbiota
  • Microbial Adaptation to Extreme Environments: Insights from Extremophiles
  • Microbial Metabolism of Greenhouse Gases in Soil
  • Microbial Biofertilizers: Enhancing Plant Growth and Nutrient Uptake
  • Microbial Biocatalysis for Green Chemistry Applications
  • Microbial Diversity in Airborne Particles: Implications for Indoor Air Quality
  • Microbial Consortia for Enhanced Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Compounds
  • Microbial Community Dynamics in Composting Processes
  • Bioinformatics Approaches for Metagenomic Data Analysis
  • Microbial Adaptation to Heavy Metal Stress in Industrial Settings
  • Microbial Lipid Production for Biofuel Applications
  • Microbial Biotechnology in the Production of Fine Chemicals
  • Microbial Production of Amino Acids: Process Optimization and Scale-Up
  • Microbial Community Structure and Function in Coral Reef Ecosystems
  • Microbial Ecology of Extreme pH Environments: Acidophiles and Alkaliphiles
  • Microbial Bioconversion of Agricultural Waste into Value-Added Products
  • Microbial Source Tracking of Fecal Contamination in Water Resources
  • Microbial Biosurfactants: Applications in Environmental Remediation
  • Microbial Degradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Marine Environments
  • Microbial Fermentation for the Production of Alcoholic Beverages
  • Microbial Diversity in Hydrothermal Vent Communities
  • Microbial Adaptation to Low Nutrient Environments: Oligotrophs and Oligotrophic Environments
  • Microbial Biosensors for Environmental Monitoring
  • Microbial Metabolism of Xenobiotic Compounds: Biodegradation Pathways
  • Microbial Communities in the Built Environment: Indoor Microbiology
  • Microbial Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Microbial Diversity in Antarctic Lakes and Ponds
  • Microbial Adaptation to High Salt Environments: Halophiles and Hypersaline Habitats
  • Microbial Production of Bioactive Compounds for Pharmaceutical Applications
  • Microbial Electrochemical Systems for Renewable Energy Generation
  • Microbial Degradation of Pesticides in Agricultural Soils
  • Microbial Biosynthesis of Nanomaterials: Biogenic Nanoparticles
  • Microbial Ecology of Methanogenic Environments: Anaerobic Digesters
  • Microbial Production of Biodegradable Plastics: Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
  • Microbial Interactions in the Rhizosphere: Plant Growth Promotion and Disease Suppression
  • Microbial Adaptation to Extreme Cold Environments: Psychrophiles and Polar Habitats
  • Microbial Biotechnology in the Food Industry: Fermented Foods and Probiotics
  • Microbial Diversity in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Communities
  • Microbial Biofilms in Medical Devices: Prevention and Control Strategies
  • Microbial Adaptation to Low pH Environments: Acidophiles and Acidic Habitats
  • Microbial Production of Bioactive Peptides: Antimicrobial and Anticancer Properties
  • Microbial Metabolism of Sulfur Compounds in Hydrothermal Vent Environments
  • Microbial Biodegradation of Synthetic Polymers: Plastic Waste Management
  • Microbial Biocatalysis for the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals
  • Microbial Adaptation to Extreme Pressure Environments: Piezophiles and Deep-Sea Microbes
  • Microbial Diversity in Forest Soils: Role in Nutrient Cycling and Carbon Sequestration
  • Microbial Biotechnology in the Textile Industry: Enzymatic Processes for Dye Removal
  • Microbial Production of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites: Natural Products Discovery
  • Microbial Ecology of Methane Seeps: Anaerobic Methanotrophic Communities
  • Microbial Adaptation to Extreme Radiation Environments: Radiotolerant Microorganisms

Future Trends in Microbiology Projects

Emerging technologies in microbiology research.

Advances in technology, such as single-cell sequencing, CRISPR-based gene editing, and high-throughput screening techniques, are revolutionizing microbiology research. Projects may explore the applications of these technologies in studying microbial communities, understanding microbial physiology, and developing novel biotechnological tools.

Role of Microbiome Studies in Precision Medicine

The human microbiome, the collection of microorganisms inhabiting the human body, has profound effects on health and disease. Projects could investigate how microbiome composition varies in different individuals and populations, how it influences host physiology, and its potential as a diagnostic or therapeutic target in precision medicine.

Microbial Biotechnology and its Impact on Industry

Microbial biotechnology encompasses a wide range of applications, including the production of biofuels , pharmaceuticals, bioplastics, and specialty chemicals. Projects may focus on developing microbial-based bioprocesses, optimizing microbial strains for industrial production, and assessing the environmental and economic sustainability of microbial biotechnologies.

Microbiology offers a vast array of exciting project topics spanning from basic research to applied and future-oriented studies. 

Whether you’re interested in understanding the fundamentals of microbial growth, exploring cutting-edge technologies, or addressing real-world challenges, there’s something for everyone in the world of microbiology project topics.

So, roll up your sleeves, put on your lab coat, and embark on a journey of discovery in the fascinating realm of microorganisms.

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undergraduate research project microbiology

33 Microbiology Project Topics: You haven’t thought of

Microbiology, the study of microorganisms, plays a vital role in various fields, including medicine, environmental science, and biotechnology. 

Engaging in a microbiology project allows students and researchers to delve deeper into the intricate world of microorganisms while contributing to scientific knowledge. 

Selecting an appropriate and compelling topic for a microbiology project is essential to ensure relevance, interest, and academic growth. 

Choosing Microbiology Project Topics 

When choosing a microbiology project topic, it is crucial to consider several factors. 

Firstly, researching current trends and advancements in microbiology helps identify emerging areas of interest. 

This ensures that the chosen topic aligns with the latest developments in the field. Additionally, reflecting on personal interests and career goals can lead to a topic that sparks enthusiasm and motivation throughout the project. 

Seeking guidance from professors, experts, or mentors in the field can provide valuable insights and suggestions for selecting a suitable topic. 

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Sample Microbiology Project Topics 

These are sample microbiology project topics for BSc students, it doubles as an MSc microbiology project topics list, and even includes the latest research topics in microbiology.

1. Investigating the effects of antimicrobial agents on bacterial growth: 

This project focuses on exploring the impact of different antimicrobial agents, such as antibiotics or disinfectants, on the growth and survival of specific bacterial strains. 

2. Studying the role of probiotics in gut microbiota composition

This project aims to understand how probiotics, beneficial microorganisms, influence the diversity and balance of the gut microbiota and their potential health benefits. 

3. Analyzing the impact of environmental factors on microbial diversity

This project explores how various environmental factors, such as temperature, pH, or pollution, affect the composition and diversity of microbial communities in specific ecosystems. 

4. Investigating the role of gut microbiota in human health and disease. 

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5. Exploring the potential of bacteriophages as alternative antimicrobial agents. 

6. Studying the antibiotic resistance mechanisms in bacteria. 

7. Investigating the effects of environmental pollutants on microbial communities. 

8. Analyzing the microbiome of different habitats, such as soil, water, or air. 

9. Investigating the role of biofilms in microbial pathogenicity. 

10. Studying the interactions between the host immune system and pathogenic microorganisms. 

11. Exploring the use of probiotics for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 

12. Investigating the potential of microbial enzymes in industrial applications. 

13. Studying the microbial diversity and ecology of extreme environments, such as hot springs or deep-sea vents. 

14. Analyzing the impact of microbial infections on crop yield and agricultural productivity. 

15. Investigating the role of microorganisms in bioremediation of environmental pollutants. 

16. Studying the microbiology of foodborne illnesses and developing strategies for their prevention. 

17. Exploring the microbial production of biofuels and bioplastics. 

18. Investigating the role of microorganisms in the degradation of pollutants in wastewater treatment plants. 

19. Studying the microbial ecology of coral reefs and their role in reef health. 

20. Analyzing the microbial communities associated with different animal species. 

21. Investigating the antimicrobial properties of plant extracts and essential oils. 

22. Studying the microbial diversity and metabolic activity in natural and constructed wetlands. 

23. Analyzing the microbial composition and potential health benefits of fermented foods. 

24. Investigating the role of microorganisms in the production of antibiotics and other bioactive compounds. 

25. Studying the interactions between microorganisms and human skin microbiota. 

26. Analyzing the impact of climate change on microbial communities in polar regions. 

27. Investigating the role of microorganisms in the degradation of plastics and other pollutants in marine environments. 

28. Studying the microbial communities in the human respiratory tract and their association with respiratory diseases. 

29. Exploring the use of microbial biosensors for environmental monitoring and detection of contaminants. 

30. Investigating the role of microorganisms in the nitrogen cycle and nutrient cycling in ecosystems. 

31. Studying the microbial ecology of hydrothermal vents and their role in the deep-sea ecosystem. 

32. Analyzing the microbial communities involved in the fermentation of alcoholic beverages. 

33. Investigating the impact of antimicrobial use in veterinary medicine on the development of antibiotic resistance. 

Remember, when choosing a topic, consider your interests, available resources, and the potential for contributing to existing scientific knowledge in the field of microbiology.

Conducting a Literature Review 

Before diving into the project, conducting a comprehensive literature review is crucial. 

Exploring scientific journals, research databases , and reputable online sources allows researchers to gain a solid understanding of existing knowledge and gaps in the chosen topic. 

Analyzing previous studies and findings provides a foundation for formulating a research question and hypothesis . 

Developing a Research Question and Hypothesis 

A well-defined research question is essential for any microbiology project. It should be clear, specific, and aligned with the objectives of the study. 

Based on the existing knowledge gathered from the literature review, researchers can formulate a testable hypothesis, which serves as a tentative explanation for the expected outcome of the experiment. 

Designing and Planning the Experiment 

Once the research question and hypothesis are established, designing and planning the experiment becomes the next crucial step. 

Researchers need to identify appropriate research methodologies, techniques, and materials necessary to carry out the study. Creating a detailed experimental protocol and timeline ensures a systematic and organized approach to the project. 

Gathering and Analyzing Data 

With the experimental plan in place, researchers proceed with gathering data by following the designed protocol. This may involve collecting samples, performing laboratory experiments, or utilizing specialized equipment. Accurate and detailed record-keeping is essential for subsequent data analysis. 

Interpreting and Discussing Results 

After data collection, researchers analyze the gathered information to draw meaningful conclusions.

Statistical analysis and data visualization techniques aid in interpreting the results.

Findings are then compared with existing literature, and any discrepancies or novel discoveries are discussed, providing insights into the significance of the research. 

Presenting the Research 

The final phase of the microbiology project involves presenting the research findings. This can be in the form of a comprehensive research report or an oral presentation.

Creating engaging visual aids, such as charts, graphs, or diagrams, helps convey information effectively and enhances audience understanding. 

Embarking on a microbiology project provides a unique opportunity to explore the captivating realm of microorganisms.

By selecting a relevant and engaging topic, conducting a thorough literature review, designing and executing experiments, and analyzing the results, researchers can contribute to scientific knowledge and develop valuable skills in the field of microbiology. 

FAQ Section 

Can i choose a microbiology project topic from a different subfield of microbiology than my academic specialization .

Yes, you can explore topics from different subfields of microbiology as long as you have access to relevant resources and guidance from mentors familiar with the chosen topic. 

Are there any specific safety precautions to consider when conducting a microbiology project? 

Yes, safety precautions are essential when working with microorganisms. It is important to follow proper laboratory protocols, wear appropriate protective gear, and handle potentially harmful microorganisms with caution. 

How long does a typical microbiology project take to complete? 

The duration of a microbiology project can vary depending on its complexity, scope, and available resources. Some projects may be completed within a few months, while others may extend over several semesters. 

Can I collaborate with other researchers or students on my microbiology project? 

Collaboration is encouraged in scientific research. Working with other researchers or students can bring diverse perspectives, shared resources, and enhanced learning opportunities to the project. 

Are there opportunities to present my microbiology project at conferences or publish it in scientific journals? 

Yes, there are opportunities to present research findings at conferences or submit manuscripts to scientific journals. Consult with your mentors or professors to explore suitable avenues for sharing your work with the scientific community. 

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100+ microbiology research topics to succeed.

microbiology research topics

Microbiology topics are some of the most researched ideas. This field entails the study of different microorganisms, ranging from eukaryotic fungi and single-celled organisms to cell-cluster organisms. When pursuing a microbiology course in a university or college, your educators will ask you to write academic papers on microbiology research topics.

Choosing the right microbiology topics to write about is essential because it determines the direction of your research and writing processes. Therefore, take your time to identify a topic you will be comfortable working with from the beginning to the end.

Top Microbiology Topics for Research

If looking for the top microbiology research paper topics, this list has some of the best ideas to explore. That’s because most people are searching for information related to these topics in microbiology.

  • Bioterrorism- Bioweapons limit with technological developments
  • Antibiotics resistance- A major limitation in medicine
  • Extraterrestrial life- Existing life evidence in space
  • Gene therapy- Gene therapy as a controversial biology topic
  • Cloning- Latest developments in cloning research
  • Antibacterial products-Latest discoveries explaining the possibility of antibacterial products effects on the immune system
  • What is the future of microbiology research, both theoretically and technologically?
  • Epidemics- Current disease control protocols and possible solutions
  • Vaccines- Recent research about the effectiveness of vaccines like flue
  • Food preservation methods- How technology enhances safe food preservation and consumption

These are brilliant microbiology project topics. However, you need time and effort to research any of these topics and come up with an awesome paper.

Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology

Maybe you want to research and write about current topics in microbiology and immunology. That means you’re looking for topics that will enable you to explore recent information in this area. In that case, consider these microbiology topics in the news.

  • Virus-like particle vaccines for protozoan parasites and respiratory viruses
  • Quorum sensing and campylobacter biofilm formation in molecular mechanisms
  • Campylobacter horizontal gene and natural competence transfer
  • Murine investigation models for innate immune response and colonization resistance in campylobacter jejuni infections
  • iBALT role in respiratory immunity
  • Antiviral immunity for pyroptosis
  • Damage to the sensing tissue by Myeloid c-Type Lectin receptors
  • How antifungal drugs modify the cell wall
  • Host cell’s death pathways manipulation by the Herpes Simplex virus
  • Type II Secretion system structures in needle filaments
  • RIP Kinase signaling outcomes during neuro-invasive infection by virus
  • Innate immune system pathological and physiological functions of CARD 9 signaling
  • The genetics of the Lassa virus
  • Genital immunity’s memory lymphocyte- Tissue-resident memory T cells’ role
  • Delivery and formulation technologies for the mRNA vaccines
  • Peptide and protein nanocluster vaccines
  • Reovirus’ cell killing- Consequences and mechanisms
  • Leptospirosis reference lab’s role
  • Hypoxia-inducible and hypoxia factors in stem cell maintenance among cancer patients
  • Development of dengue vaccine

Pick any of these new research topics in microbiology if your goal is to work on recent information. Nevertheless, take your time reading recent literature in this field to come up with an awesome paper.

Interesting Topics in Microbiology

Perhaps, you’re looking for microbiology projects topics that most people will find interesting to read about. In that case, consider these interesting microbiology topics.

  • Techniques and methodologies for future research about the virus
  • Redox-active metabolite’s roles in microbial signaling
  • The role and emergence of yeast as a baking industry’s preservative
  • Host-pathogenic interactions study with a focus on redox and cellular metals
  • Yeast non-conventional use in the wine-making industry
  • Microbiota- What is the bifidobacterila’s role in the human gut?
  • Virus role in vaccines development and improvement in third world countries
  • Heath- Microbiology role in addressing antibiotic resistance
  • Human microbial ecosystems study- Microbe interactions
  • Impact and role of viruses in large animals’ health
  • How bacteria in complex organisms respond to stress
  • Cell to cell interaction and social behavior in bacteria interactions
  • Norovirus cross-contamination investigation during service procedures in the food industry in fresh produce preparation
  • Transfer rate determination in Salmonella sp. From nut butter to food materials
  • Listeria monacytogenes comparative genomic analysis for survival within a food processing situation
  • Thermal resistance and survival of desiccated Salmonella in dry and moist food processing environments
  • Effective cleaning products for removing food matrix with B. Thuringiensis spores and B. Cereus
  • Analysis of cleaning procedures’ effects on Bacillus spores
  • How temperature affects viruses survival in vegetables and fruits
  • How temperature and time combine to stimulate C. botulinum spores to germinate or produce a toxin

This category has some of the most interesting and easy microbiology research topics. However, take your time to research the topic you choose to write a paper that will impress your educator to award you the top grade.

Medical Microbiology Research Topics

Maybe you want to explore microbiology and human health topics. In that case, consider these medical-related microbiology paper topics.

  • Probiotics- A study of their preparation
  • How to prevent sickle cell anemia
  • The growth of mold
  • How fertilizes, polythene and manure affect the hypocotyl’s elongation rate
  • How cinnamon and curry inhibit the growth of bacteria
  • How oil spills affect microorganisms in the oceans
  • Reproducing yeast in sugar substitutes
  • Why vitamin c affects the rotting rate for fruits
  • Effective toothbrush disinfecting methods
  • Describe the spread of Ebola

Consider any of these microbiology research topics research paper if interested in something to do with medicine. However, take your time to identify good and authentic information sources before you start writing your paper. That’s because your educator will be interested in unique and relevant content.

Microbiology Research Topics for Undergraduates

Are you pursuing undergraduate studies in microbiology? If yes, you will find these microbiology research topics for college students interesting.

  • Using polymerase chain reaction to diagnose infectious diseases
  • Preliminary antimicrobial and phytochemical screening of coat and seed of citrus sinensis
  • Microbiology effect on mining
  • Human skin colonization by bacteria
  • Sweet orange’s antibacterial activity on Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus isolated from wound infection
  • The susceptibility pattern of bacteria to antibiotics
  • Bush pear analysis and the oil project
  • Spoilt avocado microbial examination- What it reveals
  • Characterization and isolation of microorganisms from a stored pap
  • CryoEM use in understanding pathogen resistance and transport
  • Additive manufacture of skin-facing antimicrobial devices for surgery
  • Oral bacteria’s role in cardiovascular disease
  • Nutrient-mediated ‘Dual warhead’ antimicrobials’ delivery
  • Induction mechanisms of the protective lung tissue memory cells in influenza
  • The activity of eukaryotic, elucidating topoisomerase in homologous recombination
  • Oral bacteria involvement in chronic periodontitis- Metabolomics investigation
  • Effect of metal nanoparticles on the multi-species biofilm consortia- A metabolomics investigation
  • How vaping or smoking affects the risk of CoV-2, SARS, and COVID-19 outcomes
  • Soil contaminants risks on below and above ground eco-systems in urban areas
  • Protective microbes- How to rebuild microbiota when treating AMR infection

This category also has some of the best microbiology topics for presentation. However, get ready to research any of these topics to write an impressive paper.

Hot Topics in Microbiology

Perhaps, you’re looking for the most interesting microbiology essay topics to research and write about. In that case, consider some of the ideas in this category.

  • Shea butter’s microbiological analysis
  • Research of tapeworms and their dangers
  • Influenza spread in the world and its impact on the war
  • Restriction-modification cellular microbiology
  • Applied microbiology- Biofuels generation using microorganisms
  • Microscope invention and its effect on microbiology knowledge
  • Microbiology role in food industries and pharmaceutical
  • How microbiology has helped in preventing life-threatening illnesses
  • Bacterial polymer- A study of cyanophycin
  • A study of the functionalities and properties of wetland bacteria
  • Microbiological study of a commercial preparation of yogurts
  • A study of bacteria that withstand antibiotics
  • Human immunodeficiency virus diagnosis- How it’s done
  • A study of plasmodium species correlation
  • A study of onions’ microorganisms
  • An investigation of starch fermentation, specificities, and activities of its enzymes
  • Listeria growth and survival in freshly cut vegetables
  • Low moisture food inoculation protocols
  • Survival and growth of Salmonella during partially sprouted products processing and chia powders
  • Environmental organisms’ risk assessment and the importance of better control and knowledge

This category also has some of the best food microbiology topics. Nevertheless, students should be ready to spend time and effort researching any of these ideas before writing. That’s because educators expect them to present fresh and relevant information in their papers.

Learners have many topics or ideas to consider when researching and writing academic papers. However, every student should look for an interesting topic they are comfortable researching and writing about. That’s because writing a research paper or essay takes time. Choosing a boring topic means a learner will spend their time working on something they’re not interested in. And this can reflect on the quality of their paper. Thus, their grade will suffer.

environment research topics

undergraduate research project microbiology

Recent Microbiology Research Topics for Undergraduates

Recent Microbiology Project Topics for Students

If you are looking for recent, relevant microbiology research topics for undergraduates we have put together a collection of some of the newer research projects in this field.

As you already know, Microbiology is the study of microorganisms and as a field of study it has sub disciplines such as parasitology, virology, bacteriology etc.

For undergraduates looking to start their degree or diploma research in Microbiology you may have a focus area or not.

Check below list of Microbiology Project topics for Undergraduate students

Maybe you find a research topic that you can work on or use to derive a more relevant topic for yourself.

1. Antibiotics Susceptibility Pattern of Different Bacteria Associated With Wound Sepsis (A Case Study of University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital)

This work investigated the antibiotic susceptibility profile of bacterial associated with wound sepsis of patients attending University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Teaching Hospital. Wound swabs were collected from a total number of Hundred patients with different kinds of wound (surgical wound, burn, ulcers and pressure sores) and cultured, of which 72 samples showed bacterial growth.

2. Influence of Different Nitrogen Sources on Growth and Phb Production of Bacterial Isolates

Soil samples used for the study were collected from groundnut farm garden. The isolates were screened for PHB production using sudan III stain as well as submerged fermentation. Four (4) of the best PHB producing bacteria were selected for further study.

3. Phenotypic And Genotypic Characterisation Of Diarrhoeagenic Escherichia Coli Isolated From Children In Mukuru Informal Settlement, Nairobi County, Kenya

Diarrhoeal diseases in Kenya are among the five main causes of mortality in children younger than five years. Bacterial diarrhoea has been reported to account for up to 30 % of all cases of infantile diarrhoea.

4. Assessment And Characterization Of Rhizobacteria In Petroleum-Polluted Soil In Umuahia

Petroleum – polluted sites are disturbed ecosystem with scanty plants. Study was carried out in such sites to assess the area of its rhizobacterial status, particularly comparing that of the rhizospheres and non-rhizospheres in the site. The samples were suspended and serially diluted in physiological saline and inoculated on nutrient media by spread plates method.

5. Isolation And Identification of Microorganisms From Herbal Mixtures Sold at Enugu Metropolis

The safety, efficacy and quality of herbal mixtures have been an important concern for health authorities and health professional, especially now there is increase in the use of herbal mixtures. This study was aimed at isolation and identification of microorganisms from some liquid herbal mixtures sold in Enugu metropolis, South East of Nigeria

6. AntiMicrobial Effect of Persea Americana Avocado Pear Peel

In the for anti microbial effect the back peel of  Persea americana  (AVACADO) was investigated for activities . the study was to evaluate  the antimicrobial efficacy of  the crude ethanolic and aqueous extract of the peel of   Persea americana  against  selected clinical isolates.

7. Physicochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Honey and Shea Butter Samples and Their Antibacterial Effect on Staphylococcus aureus AND Klebsiella pneumoniae

This research work was carried out to examine the physicochemical and phytochemical constituents of honey and Shea butter samples respectively and their antibacterial effect on  Staphylococcus aureus  and  Klebsiella pneumoniae .

8. Bactericidal Activities of Hibiscus Sabdarifa Leave Extract against enteric human pathogens

Microbiological  tests  revealed  that  Hibiscus  sabdariffa  plant  extract  has  antibacterial properties  thus  verifying  folklore  medicine  in  the  treatment  of  abscesses,  bilious  conditions, cough,  dysuria  and  scurvy  (Morton,  1987;  Perry,  1980  Ross,  2003).

If you wish to search the database for more microbiology project topics you can follow the steps below;

  • Go to the page for the List of Microbiology Project Topics
  • Use the search bar (see image below) to enter the specific keywords or titles for the materials or topics you are looking for.
  • Browse through the results and click on the ones you like to proceed to access them. You can always change/refine your keywords search to see new results for topics and materials.

Microbiology Research Topics for Undergraduates

9. Characterising Growth Behaviour of Yeast Strains Isolated from Mango Fruit in Carbon, Nitrogen and Stress Environments

The present experiment aims at investigating the growth behaviour of different yeast strains inselected carbon, nitrogen and stress environment to obtain strains with prospects for industrialapplication.   Specifically,   the   study   is   set   to:   isolate   yeast   from   decaying   mango   fruit   anddetermine growth performance of yeast strains in different environments, carbon, nitrogen andstressors.

10. Antimicrobial Activities of Selected Plants (bitterleaf, utazi, and bitterkola leaf) Extracts against Fish Pathogenic Bacteria

Aquaculture has been a growing activity for the last 20 years worldwide and this impressive development has been attended by some practices potentially damaging to animal health. The bacterial infections are considered the major cause of mortality in aquaculture. Among the common fish pathogens,  A. hydrophila  and  Y. ruckeri  as gram-negative and  S. agalactiae ,  L. garvieae  and  E. faecalis  as grampositive bacteria cause infectious diseases.

11. Antibacterial Activity of Leaf Extract of Phyllantgus amarus agaice salmonella species Coursitive Agent of Typhoid Fever

The study was conducted to assess the antibacterial activity of Phyllanthus amarus (Schum and Thonn) extract against Salmonella typhi causative agent of typhoid fever at the laboratories of the Departments of Chemistry and Theoretical and Applied Biology of the College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

12. Microbiological Evaluation of Bacteria Species Isolated from Zobo and Kunnu Sold in Olabisi Onabanjo University

Zobo and Kunu drinks are non-alcoholic beverage that is widely produced and consumed in Nigeria.The beverage may possess health risk when contaminated due to method of preparation. Zobo and Kunu drinks were purchased from different sellers in Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye Ogun State.

13. Effects of Palm Oil Processing Waste on Soil

The microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of soil receiving palm oil processing waste (POPW) in Abraka were investigated. The effect of palm oil processing waste was tested on loamy, sandy and clay soils. The pour plate technique was used for the isolation of the organisms.

14. Studies on the Antibacterial Activity of Castor Oil Seed on Some Selected Bacteria

The castor plant is a robust perennial shrub of Euphorbiacaea family.  The seeds are documented to have an antibacterial profile against some bacterial organisms  such as  Escherichia  coli,  Staphylococcus  aureus,  Pseudomonas aeruginosa,    Klebsiella  pneumoniae,  Proteus  vulgaris,  and  Streptococcus pyogenes.

15. Investigating The Presence Of Staphylococcus Aureus And Escherichia Coli In Dairy Products

Dairy products are various products derived from cow’s milk or that of other female mammals such as goat, sheep, yaks, horses, camel. Dairy products include yoghurt, nono (fermented cow’s milk, madara (unfermented cow’s milk, cheese, whey, condensed and evaporated milk.) (cultureforhealth, 2015).

16. Antifungal Effect of Garcinia Kola

The study determines the antifungal effects of aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic extracts of Garcinia kola on some selected fungal isolates and their phytochemical constituents. The antifungal sensitivity and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) were determined by agar well diffusion and agar dilution methods, respectively using Sabouraud dextrose agar

17. A Comparative Study of the Antibacterial Activities of Medicated Soaps on Some Selected Bacteria from the Skin

Four medicated soaps (Ghana soap, Tetmosol, Beneks’, and Crusader) were investigated for their antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermis. A total number of thirty (30) students of Western Delta University, Oghara, Delta state, 15 males and 15 females were skin swabbed with sterile swab sticks. Identification of the bacterial species was by standard microbiological techniques

18. Cultivation of Pleurotus Pulmonarus on Sawdust

Pleurotus  species are popularly known as oyster mushroom which are regarded as one of the edible mushroom of commercial important throughout the whole world. Utilization of this depends on the ability to secrete cellulolytic and hemilocellulolytic enzymes which can make use of wide spectrum of Agro industrial wastes for the growth and frutification. In this study potato dextrose agar was the only growth medium used to prepared the mycelia of  P. pulmonarius.

19. Isolation and Identification of Micro Organisms Responsible for Spoilage of Dairy Product (Milk, Yoghurt and Locally Prepared Cheese)

Milk, Yoghurt and Cheese are highly valuable food which are readily digested and have high concentration of nutrients which have proved to be a heaven of microbes, studies were conducted on the isolation and identification of microbes [Fungi and Bacteria] on peak canned milk, yoghurt, locally prepared cheese and cheese water. It was revealed that yoghurt was devoid of microbes while milk, locally prepared cheese and cheese water harboured microbes.

20. Production of Amylase from Isolated micrococcus from Fermented Ugba

Ugba (Ukpaka) is the Ibo name of the fermented African Oilbean seeds (Pentaclethra macrophylla, Benth). It is a popular traditional food condiment in Nigeria especially among Ibo ethnic group generally. It is produced by natural (local) fermentation in homes as a small family business. It is an important and cheap source of protein for people whose staple foods are deficient in proteins.


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UW Microbiology

Research opportunities, faculty accepting 499 students.

Faculty Member Research Topics

Associate Professor, Microbiology
Bacterial Comparative Genomics

Adjunct Professor, Microbiology

Professor, Microbiology
Salmonella-Host Interactions

Professor, Microbiology
Molecular Virology, Vaccine, Transdermal Drug Delivery, HIV, Influenza, Biotechnology, SARS-CoV2

Professor, Microbiology
HPV, Polyomaviruses

Professor, Microbiology
Sociomicrobiology, Quorum Sensing, Biofilm, Regulation of Virulence Genes

Gerald and Lyn Grinstein Professor of Microbiology, Microbiology
Metabolic Networks, Bacterial Signaling, Bioenergy Production

Adjunct Professor, Microbiology
Respiratory Microbiology, Respiratory, Fecal Microbiomes, Interspecies Interactions, Bacterial Adaptation During Chronic Infection

Adjunct Associate Professor, Microbiology
Host-Pathogen Interactions, Chlamydia, Malaria

Assistant Professor, Microbiology
Host-virus, Innate Immunity, Antiviral, Evolution, DNA Virus Mechanisms of Evading Host Defenses, Amoeba, Virus Discovery

Professor Emeritus, Microbiology
Methylotrophic Bacteria, Metabolic Engineering

Professor, Microbiology
Salmonella, Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Microbiota-E.Coli

Assistant Professor, Microbiology
Immunity, Inflammasome, Host-pathogen, Pathogenesis

Professor, Microbiology
Protein Secretion, Microbiome, Pathogens, Toxins

Adjunct Associate Professor, Microbiology
Parasitology, Malaria Vaccines, Malaria Diagnostics, Clinical Trials, Vaccine

Professor, Microbiology
Microbial Communities, Biofilms, Quorum Sensing

Professor, Microbiology
Helicobacter Pylori Pathogenesis

Professor, Microbiology
Adenovirus, HPV, Rotavirus, Defensins, Enteroids, Paneth Cells, Parvovirus

Professor, Microbiology
Bacterial Conjugation, Horizontal Gene Transfer, Protein Folding

Microm 499 offers the opportunity to learn current laboratory technology essential for industry or graduate school, and to participate in scientific research at the conceptual and technical levels. Microm 499 can therefore be a very rewarding experience, however it is a demanding and time-consuming endeavor. It is not for everyone, and for this reason is not required of microbiology majors.

Consider carefully your ability to commit the necessary time and effort before deciding to do a Microm 499 project. It is expected that students will register for 2-3 credits of Microm 499 for AT LEAST 2 quarters (1 credit is equal to 3 hrs per week). Students should expect to spend a minimum of 6-10 hours per week in the laboratory, and should be somewhat flexible with regard to scheduling time in the lab. Normally, Microm 499 students will also register for  Microm 496, Library Research , with the 499 advisor.

There are many ways to go about identifying a research mentor. You can go directly to one or more faculty member(s) with whom you might be interested in working, use the  Undergraduate Research Program (URP)  database, or use networking to try and find a spot in a lab. 

Please be aware that not every laboratory may have an opening for a 499 student. Try to arrange your Microm 499 as far as possible in advance (1-2 Quarters) of the quarter you wish to begin. Once you have been accepted into a laboratory for Microm 499, Contact Josey Overfield, Academic Adviser, to obtain an entry code to register for the course. A C/NC grade is given for each Quarter of research. Most research mentors require that the results of your study be written up as a research report;  Microm 496  can be used for this purpose.

Undergraduate Research in any department may be used as an elective,  provided the research project has the prior approval of the Undergraduate Research Advisor. Use  this form  to get your research approved if it is outside of MICRO department.

University Honors Program  and Microbiology with Distinction students are required to carry out a research project (Microm 495). The procedures for identifying a research mentor and the necessary time commitments are similar to those for Microm 499, as described above. The major difference is that Microm 495 students will receive research credit only upon submission and acceptance of their research paper ( Microm 496 ), and the research paper must be read by the research mentor and another faculty member (identified by the research mentor).

UW EEPS - The Equity and Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Program

The Equity and Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (UW-EEPS) program provides research opportunities for talented undergraduate students from diverse social and cultural backgrounds to perform hands-on research in the basic biological and physical sciences, in the broadly defined areas of drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, cellular pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, biophysical virology, and microbiology.

For more information, please see their UW EEPS page:  https://sop.washington.edu/UWeeps/

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Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Lauren Augustyniak.

Collaborate with trainees like Lauren Augustyniak, who has experience in areas including bacterial viability and antigenic variation in infections.

Share in the excitement of scientific discovery while exploring career opportunities in microbiology, immunology and related biomedical fields.

Gain research experience in our labs and significantly enhance your undergraduate work. We offer valuable opportunities that go beyond classroom learning in biochemistry, biomedical science, the biological sciences or related fields.

You will engage in experiments as you are mentored by  our faculty investigators . You may be able to volunteer, earn credit or fill a work-study position.

You also may be eligible to work with our faculty in university-wide programs that offer financial support, including:

  • Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
  • Project Portal

Jump-Start Your Research Career

As a student researcher, you will gain insight into the entire research process, learning from various members of your research team. Under your mentor’s guidance, you will build on skills and concepts from your coursework. You will contribute to new knowledge aimed at understanding disease mechanisms and organisms, and host defenses against them.

Our faculty also engage undergraduates in collaborative research through the Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology .

You may continue working in the same lab for a semester or longer, carrying out longer-term projects. This will give you a better opportunity to be listed as a co-author on publications in scientific journals. This will help make your resume competitive when you apply to graduate school, MD programs or other pursuits.

Present Your Research

We give you several opportunities to share your research projects — usually through poster presentations — and vie for awards.

CURCA students present at the Celebration of Student Academic Excellence ; SURE participants at the Buffalo Summer Research Day. We also encourage you to present with your lab team at local and regional conferences on immunology, microbial pathogenesis and DNA replication and repair.

If you are a highly productive undergraduate student-researcher who makes major contributions to an important paper, you may have opportunities to present at national or international research forums. In these cases, the cost of your participation will almost certainly be supported through your mentor’s research grant or awards that you earn.

Gain Real-World Lab Experience

Participating in laboratory meetings gives you insight into life in a research lab and connects you to fellow researchers — from other undergraduates through senior faculty members.

In your lab, you also will have opportunities to gain experience with state-of-the-art techniques and processes.

Our undergraduate researchers have engaged in studies to:

  • explore intracellular trafficking of the HIV envelope protein complex using the fluorescent dye FlAsH
  • study how opposing forces affect the Escherichia coli DNA helicase RecBCD, using fluorescent beads at the single molecule level
  • characterize how the E. coli single-stranded binding protein interacts with two DNA replication fork repair helicases using imaging technology in live cells
  • study branch migration, the late stage of DNA recombination, at the level of individual DNA molecules
  • study cellular gene expression in mice with Toxoplasma gondii infection

Pursue Independent Study

Through our research tutorial course — MIC 499 Independent Study  — we give you opportunities to play a small role in a microbiology or immunology research project. You will gain valuable laboratory experience while earning one to eight credits. You need to arrange to take the course with one of our  faculty researchers  who agrees to mentor you.

Find a Research Opportunity

You may find a research mentor through several avenues:

Search for Faculty

Our searchable faculty profiles describe faculty research interests and ongoing projects:

Research Opportunity Listings

Faculty who are actively seeking student researchers list their projects in the  Experiental Learning Network . The Experiential Learning Network also maintains a listing of summer and national research opportunities.

  • Experiential Learning Network’s Research Opportunity Database
  • National or Summer Research Opportunities
  • 9/5/24 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)

Students participating in CSTEP can find lab mentors in the biomedical sciences.

  • CSTEP Summer Research Internship Program

Ask Your Professors

Talk to faculty whose science classes you have taken. They may be able to suggest other faculty with whom you might work.

Student Clubs

Student organizations host speakers, facilitate shadowing opportunities and connect you with peers who share your interests—all of which may help you find a project mentor.

  • 4/18/23 Undergraduate Student Clubs

If you have questions about our undergraduate research opportunities in microbiology or immunology, please contact:

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Amy Jacobs, PhD

Research Associate Professor

955 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 829-2085

Email: [email protected]

Department of Biological Sciences

undergraduate research project microbiology

Examples of Undergraduate Research Projects

Fall 2021 projects.

StudentResearch Proposal
Whitney BrownCharacterizing the role of FOXP3 in ccRCC
Ziche ChenIntereations between LANA and Super-enhancers
Anna EberweinSynaptic Dysfunction in the Drosophila Niemann Pick Type C Disease Model
Ivy HanInvestigating tension in epithelial wound healing 
Cassidy JohnsonElucidating Genes Involved in hoe-1-dependent UPRmt activation via a Forward Genetic Approach
Grace LeeMicrotubule dynamics regulates gap junction trafficking and placement in the motor circuit
Shuyang LinPGE2-G mediated P2Y6 signaling pathway
Robert McCarthySurvivability of E. Coli Rho and H-NS mutants in various pH ranges.
Sharath NarayanIdentifying suppressor mutations in RNA polymerase to rescue replication-transcription conflicts
Dev PatelEffects of CSK inhibition on Atrial Fibrillation
Jacque PinonThe role of macrophages in obesity and metabolic disease
Brittany PolevikovDefining the pathogenic cascade of P. aeruginosa in UTIs
Eddie QianExosome treatment of ischemic kidney injury
Bennett SchneierCopper Homeostasis in UPEC Bacteria
Elena SolopovaCorrelation of White Matter MRI Hyperintensities with Expression of Lysyl Oxidase in Patients with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
Carly StewartThe Impact of Infection on Fecundity in Insects
Liraz StilmanTelomeres and telomerase in yeast
Navya ThakkarRhythm and Grammar
Katherine ZhongNegative Regulators of the Immune System

Previous Projects

StudentResearch Proposal
Dhivyaa AnandanIdentifying mechanisms of tumor dormancy in the bone marrow
Patrick BrayStress effects of restricgted feeding in mice
Ivy ChenThe effect of domestication on cultural transmission of birdsong
Dara CraigCamera trapping in Ecology
Jacob EdwardsStudies on GPBP within the extracellular matrix
Elise ErmanDevelopment of assay to monitor error fre repair in non-homologous end joining
David Fei-ZhangCharacterization of BVES degrons
Jacob GussertStudying the nature of circadian rhythms in bacteria isolated from the natural environment
Alexis GutierrezExtracellular RNA
Alexander KurajExamining the effect of photoperiod on the Trek-1 channel in serotonin neurons
Emily Layton"Paternal Grandmother Age Affects the Strength of Wolbachia-Induced Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Drosophila melanogaster."
Zelong LiuOverexpression of xCT in noralized lung epithelial cells
Abby PerryEffect of co-infection on the immune response of tribolium flour beetles
Carter PowersThe Effects of Temperature and Age on Immune Gene Expression in Anopheles gambiae
Anish RamanIntersection of HSPG expression at the drosophilia neuromuscular junction
Saba RehmanCharacterization of neuregulin (NRG) trafficking
Sabeen RehmanPositional cloning of a novel gene regulating craniofacial development
Zhan (Jack) RongThe role of Rif1 in controlling DNA damage and structure during replication
Faith RovenoltCharacterizing and modeling co-infection in Tribolium
Nicholas RuppeMechanisms that regulate do novo telomere addition at a double-strand break
Chloe StallionComparison of genetic and liguistic character of Creolization in the Caribbean
Emily StruttmannEffects of high-salt conditions on H. pylori
Amanda SunDetermining the function of Rm62 in resolving R-loops
Raymar TuranganImmune priming in mosquitoes
Claire Weinstein The characerization of acinetobacter baumannii sensitivity to novel bacteriophages
Matthew XinCharacterizing the relationship between p73 and cigarette smoke
Roger YuProtein trafficking and membrane biogenesis
Eric ZhangCK1 in DNA repair and Hhp1 as a model protein
Danzhu ZhaoQuantifying the impact of ACK1 inhibition on the interferon gamma response in melanoma cells
Junqin ZhuExamining the role of ten elleven translocation enzymes in RNA 5-hydroxymethylcytosine

Undergraduate Research

Participating in research as an undergraduate can be a very rewarding experience. Approximately 90% of Biology majors pursue an independent research project at some point during their undergraduate careers; some also pursue honors, and some do not.

Jump to:  How to get started In-department research Out-of-department research Questions about enrolling

How to Get Started

Biology majors in particular have a plethora of research opportunities in the Biology Department, departments in the Medical School, and labs at Hopkins Marine Station. To get started in searching for a potential lab, these are some great resources to consider:  

  • Biology Department Faculty : Browse each faculty member's areas of research
  • Research Areas : Search for a faculty member based on a particular area of interest within the field of Biology
  • Community Academic Profiles : This site allows you to search for faculty labs in the Stanford School of Medicine. You can search by name, department, or even keyword. This is a useful tool if you know generally what area of research you would like to pursue, but are unsure of a specific lab that does what interests you.

Once you have narrowed down 3-5 of your top choices, use the following steps as a general guide:

Spend time thoroughly looking over the lab's website. This will give a lot of information including how large the lab is, what types of projects are underway, and how many and what kinds of publications are getting done.

Read through a few publications to familiarize yourself with the research. This will give you something to talk about when you set up a meeting with the faculty member, and it also shows a genuine interest in their work.

Email the faculty member asking for an appointment. Be sure to mention that you have looked through their website and publications. This shows that you have made an effort and have an interest in them specifically. Be prepared to discuss your specific research interests.

Send a generic email simply asking if there are spaces in their lab. This is not compelling, and you may not even get a response.

Assume that the faculty member knows who you are. Briefly introduce yourself as a Biology major interested in pursuing ____.

Remember: politeness and persistence are important!

In-Department Research (BIO 199)

Once you have found and been accepted into a lab, you are strongly encouraged to enroll in academic credit for your work in the lab. The general formula for determining units is: 1 unit=3 hours of work per week.

Working in a Lab in Biology

Students doing research in Biology Department labs can study anything from cell biology, genetics, and plants to ecology, conservation, and marine biology. To get academic credit for Biology Department research (which can also count toward Biology major electives and Biology Honors requirements), students should enroll in their faculty member's section of BIO 199.

Be sure to discuss the number of units and grading options ahead of time with your faculty research advisor. No petition is required to enroll in BIO 199, and students in any major are welcome to enroll provided they have permission from the faculty member.

Out-of-Department Research (BIO 199X)

Autumn 2024 – October 2, 2024, 3:00 pm Winter 2025 – January 15, 2025, 3:00 pm Spring 2025 – April 9, 2025, 3:00 pm

Working in a Lab Outside of Biology

Many students find research opportunities in labs outside the Biology Department.  BIO 199X is available for declared Biology majors only.  If you are not a Biology major, consider enrolling under your PI's home department subject code, e.g. MED 199. Once you declare the major, you will submit a BIO 199X petition and start enrolling under that subject code.

You must submit your BIO 199X petition within one quarter of declaring the Biology major in order to receive credit toward your major electives . 

For Honors, only your BIO 199/X units count from your junior and senior years.

Students only need to petition ONCE to work with the same sponsor. If you switch labs, you will be required to submit a new petition.

Appropriate Research Projects

The research field is expected to encompass biological concepts and processes. Projects should be empirical or theoretical biological research, consisting of independent and original scientific work by the student. Applied clinical, environmental, or technological studies may be appropriate in cases where there is a major analytical, experimental or observational component to the study, involving independent conceptual, field or laboratory work by the student. Simply collecting data or samples from human subjects or interviewees, collating data, doing repetitive technical work, or doing statistical analysis is not sufficient for Bio 199X credit. Students should discuss the nature of their projects with their Departmental advisors prior to petitioning for approval, if there is any doubt about appropriateness.

Research Sponsors

Sponsors should be Academic Council members (assistant, associate, or full professors) if possible. If you are not sure if your research sponsor is an Academic Council member, search on Stanford Who in the "Search in Stanford view." If your sponsor is not an Academic Council member you will need to find a faculty member in the Department of Biology to serve as a co-sponsor of your research. This can be your faculty advisor if appropriate.

Petition Procedure

To petition for BIO 199X credit , students must submit the following items to the Biology Form Submission website or in Gilbert 118:

Fill out the  Petition and Research Sponsorship Form  (Fillable)

Your research proposal should be at least 2-3 pages in length (double spaced, not including references and figures) and should be organized as described below using the following headings. Also please include your Sponsor's name and department at the top.

Title of Research Project

Objective of research . Briefly and clearly state the question that your research is designed to address. Explain the specific aims of the research.

Background and Significance . Using appropriate background information which is appropriately referenced, indicate the significance of your research.

Experimental design . Describe the project design you will use to carry out your research including methods and materials. Indicate how these techniques will allow you to address your research question. Note the following: 1) research involving vertebrate animals requires that your sponsor have an approved Animal Use Protocol on file with the University Panel on Laboratory Animal Care; 2) work with radioactive substances requires certification in the University’s radiation safety course; 3) work with pathogenic organisms requires special training and precautions 4) work with human material requires that you complete the Human Subjects Training. If any of these apply, describe them in your proposal.

Possible results . Describe the expected outcome of your research, indicating how the data collected will be used to draw conclusions regarding the research question. Throughout your proposal, be specific about your own work: do not simply state the goals of the lab in which you are working. Stress the biological concepts you are using and your understanding of the methodology. The proposal should clearly show some level of independence in your research, the feasibility of the project, and an understanding of the basic biology involved. If this is your first Quarter of Bio 199X and you do not yet have your own project, but are helping someone else in the lab on their project while learning concepts and methods, then describe the project that you are working on instead.

Print or email the  sponsor information sheet  and give it to your sponsor for their reference.

Submit your Petition Form and Research Description to both your PI and major advisor well ahead of the submission deadline! Both readers will need time to review your proposal and provide feedback for revisions.

Questions about enrolling?

If you're unsure if you should enroll in BIO 199, BIO 199X, or something else (e.g. MED 199), use this decision tree to make your decision. Still unsure?  ayalamac [at] stanford.edu (subject: BIO%20199X%20Enrollment) (Contact the student services office) .  

Decision tree to aid in enrolling in research units

Ohio State University


Ohio State University

Research Opportunities

Research Opportunities For Microbiology Majors

At work in the lab

Below, we have provided information about research opportunities that are available to our undergraduates. We encourage you to explore these opportunities. Please contact the Microbiology Undergraduate Advisor or the Undergraduate Research Advisor if you have questions about these or other programs.

A student who is interested in research opportunities should follow these steps:

  • Review the Faculty Research Interests Page to find a lab that interests you.
  • E-mail the faculty member to set up an appointment to talk about research opportunities in their lab. If the Faculty member agrees to have you in their lab, you can discuss scheduling your research hours, start date and number of credits taken.
  • Enroll in Microbiology 693. Students usually sign up for 1 to 3 credit hours of research per quarter. Each credit is approximately 4 hours per week in a lab.
  • Here are some examples of previous and ongoing undergraduate student research projects.

Points to remember

  • Undergraduate research is a serious commitment. Faculty members are often only interested in having students who can commit to at least two quarters of research.
  • You need to set up your research project a quarter ahead of time. For example, if you want to start research in winter quarter, you need to get everything arranged in the fall quarter.
  • While research is important to your education, so is doing well in your classwork. Therefore we recommend that you only consider undergraduate research if you have a grade point average of 3.0 or better.

Honors research

Seniors have the option to enroll in Microbiology H783, which involves a written thesis. To find out more about this program, contact the Undergraduate Honors Advisor.

Petri dish

Exciting research opportunities are available at universities across the country for students to participate in summer research experience programs. More information on these programs can be found at : http://www.nsf.gov/home/crssprgm/reu/start.htm.

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Undergraduate Science Education at Harvard

A world of exploration. a world of expertise..

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Research Opportunities and Funding

• Look below to find summer and term-time Harvard research opportunities on campus and abroad. • For summer programs at other sites, see Summer Programs Away in the tab on the right. • For selected undergraduate science research opportunities at Harvard, see the Undergraduates: Open Research Positions & Projects  tab on the right.

  • Funding For Research at Harvard
  • Research Away Harvard Programs

Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (BCMP) Summer Scholars Program Brigham Research Institute Undergraduate Internships Broad Institute at Harvard Summer Program CARAT Cell Biology Research Scholars Program (CRSP) Center for Astrophysics Solar Research Experience for Undergraduates Program CURE, Dana Farber Harvard Cancer Center DaRin Butz Research Internship Program on Biology of Plants and Climate Ernst Mayer Travel Grants in Animal Systematics E3 Evolution, Ecology and Environment REU Harvard-Amgen Scholars Program Harvard College Funding Sources Database Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology Harvard Global Health Institute Funding for Independent Projects and Internships Harvard Global Health Institute Cordeiro Summer Research Fellowship Harvard Global Health Institute Domestic and Global Health Fellowships  Harvard Medical School Undergraduate Summer Internship in Systems Biology Harvard Multidisciplinary International Research Training (MIRT) Program Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology HST Summer Institute Harvard Origins of Life Initiative Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program in Biological Sciences Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology Harvard Stem Cell Institute Harvard Student Employment Office Harvard Summer Research Program in Kidney Medicine Harvard University Center for the Environment Undergraduate Fund Herchel Smith-Harvard Undergraduate Science Research Program (any science area) International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) McLean Hospital Mental Health Summer Research Program MCZ Grants-in-Aid for Undergraduate Research MGH Orthopedic Trauma Undergraduate Summer Program MGH Summer Research Trainee Program MGHfC Digestive Disease Summer Research Program Microbial Sciences Initiative Mind, Brain, Behavior Summer Thesis Award PRISE (any science or engineering area) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics, HMS Summer Program in Epidemiology, HSPH STARS - Summer Training in Academic Research Training and Scholarship Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard Summer Research Program, Division of Newborn Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital Summer Undergraduate Research in Global Health (SURGH) Radcliffe Institute Research Partnership Program Ragon Institute Summer Program The Arnold Arboretum The Joey Hanzich Memorial Undergraduate Travel and Research Fellowship Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Oceanography Undergraduate Summer Immunology Program at Harvard Medical School Undergraduate Summer Research in Physics

Harvard College Funding Sources Database  - Database of both Harvard and outside funding sources for a variety of educational purposes, including research. Additional database: https://uraf.harvard.edu/find-opportunities/resources-your-search/campus-partners  

The  Harvard Student Employment Office  manages a Jobs Database , the Faculty Aide Program  and the Federal Work Study Program . All of these programs may offer student research assistant opportunities. The site also provides information about Job Search Resources  and Research Opportunities .

  CARAT  – CARAT (Common Application for Research and Travel) is used by all the major funding sources at Harvard.

Harvard College Research Program (HCRP)  – Summer (or term time) stipend. Applications from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships at 77 Dunster Street.

Deadlines:   Fall term funding: 12 noon (EST), Tuesday, September 14, 2021 Spring term funding: 12 noon (EST), Tuesday, February 1, 2022 Summer funding: 12 noon (EST), Tuesday, March 22, 2022  [TENTATIVE]

Late applications  will not  be accepted for term-time or summer cycles.

Conference funding: rolling application deadline

Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard

The Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH) program connects undergraduates interested in a PhD with first-class researchers working in the life and physical sciences, humanities, and social sciences. This program is offered through GSAS and the  Leadership Alliance .

During this 10-week program, SROH interns conduct research and participate in discussions with Cambridge-based Harvard faculty, build their presentation and research discussion skills, and take part in field trips with other Harvard summer programs. Students in the program live in Harvard housing and enjoy access to the outstanding resources of the university.

Note that we also have funding for students interested in  atmospheric sciences  as part of the NSF-supported International Partnership in Cirrus Studies project.  Please see pire.geosci.uchicago.edu for information on participating faculty. Research focuses on modeling and measurement of high-altitude clouds.

PRISE  – The Program for Research in Science and Engineering (PRISE) is a summer residential community of Harvard undergraduates conducting research in science or engineering. By the application deadline students must be progressing toward finding a lab or research group but do not need to have finalized their research group or project. Participants must be in residence and be active participants for the entire duration of this ten week program.

Deadline:  Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 12:00 noon (EST)

Herchel Smith-Harvard Undergraduate Science Research Program  – Primarily directed toward students intending to pursue research-intensive concentrations and post-graduate study in the sciences. Undergraduate research either at Harvard or elsewhere, including internationally. Applications from the  Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships .

Deadline:  Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12:00 noon (EST) via CARAT

Harvard-Amgen Scholars Program  -- The Amgen Scholars Program at Harvard is a 10-week faculty-mentored residential summer research program  in biotechnology for sophomores (with four quarters or three semesters of college experience), juniors, or non-graduating seniors (who are returning in the fall to continue undergraduate studies)

Deadline : Tuesday, February 1, 2022, 12 noon

Harvard Origins of Life Initiative

Research Grants:   Harvard undergraduates can apply for grants to support their research during the academic year.

Summer Undergraduate Program:  Summer Undergraduate Research Grants are available for undergraduates working in Origins member faculty  on Origins-related projects. Possible research areas include astronomy, astrophysics, chemical biology, geophysics, chemistry, genetics, and earth and planetary sciences. 

iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) team  - The iGEM team is a research experience targeted toward undergraduates interested in synthetic biology and biomolecular engineering. 

Mind, Brain, Behavior  – Summer Thesis Awards for rising seniors in the MBB track. Applications through MBB.

If interested, contact Shawn Harriman in March of your junior year.

Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) Internship Program (HIP) – for students interested in stem cell biology research. Students conduct research in labs affiliated with the HSCI. Accepted students are matched with a research laboratory group. or any college or university across the United States and internationally.  Harvard University will sponsor the visas for international students who are selected for this program.

Deadline:  Feb 7, 2022

Harvard Summer Research Program in Kidney Medicine (HSRPKM) - an introduction to nephrology (kidney medicine) for the undergraduates considering career paths spanning science and medicine. The Program includes nephrology divisions of four Harvard-affiliated hospitals – Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), Boston’s Children’s Hospital (BCH) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).

Deadline : check the program website: https://hskp.bwh.harvard.edu/

BCMP Summer Scholars Program at Harvard University is organized by the The Department of Biological Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology (BCMP) at Harvard Medical School. This 10-week program is open to both Harvard undergraduates and to students from other colleges and universities. Students must be authorized to work in the United States.

Deadline: contact program for details

Undergraduate Summer Immunology Program at Harvard Medical School  - a ten week summer research internship with a stipend. The program consists of laboratory research, lectures, and workshops and is open to Harvard undergraduates and students from other colleges and universities. Applicants must be eligible for employment in the US.

Deadline: contact program 

Microbial Sciences Initiative  - Summer research with Harvard Faculty. Email applications to  Dr. Karen Lachmayr .

Deadline:  contact program

Summer Undergraduate Research in Global Health (SURGH)  offers Harvard undergraduates the opportunity to research critical issues in global health under the direction of a Harvard faculty or affiliate mentor. Students in SURGH receive housing in the Harvard Undergraduate Research Village and a stipend for living expenses. The summer savings requirement is also provided for students who are on financial aid. Throughout the summer, participants in SURGH have the opportunity to interact with students in the other on-campus research programs. 

Domestic and Global Health Fellowships (DGHI)  offers Harvard undergraduates the opportunity to work in field-based and office-based internships in both US health policy and global health. Sites can be domestic or international. Students receive a stipend to cover travel expenses to and from their site, living expenses, and local transportation. Unfortunately DGHI cannot cover the summer savings requirement for students who are on financial aid. 

Harvard Global Health Institute Funding for Independent Projects and Internships

Funding for projects in the United States and abroad.

Deadline: contact program

The Joey Hanzich Memorial Undergraduate Travel and Research Fellowship  provides up to $5000 to a rising junior or rising senior enrolled in the Secondary Field in Global Health and Health Policy (or another field) who pursues a summer internship, project or research in health policy or global health, either in the United States or abroad.

Cordeiro Summer Research Fellowship Registered GHHP students may apply for a Cordeiro Summer Research Fellowship for the summer before their senior year. Each year 12 to 15 fellowships allow students to get a head start on their senior theses or research projects related to global health or health policy without incurring major costs to themselves.

Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology HST Summer Institute  - The HST Summer Institute offers hands-on research experience for undergraduates in two areas of study: Biomedical Informatics and Biomedical Optics . Participating institutions include the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School.

Deadline : contact program

MCZ Grants-in-Aid for Undergraduate Research  -The Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), the Harvard University Herbaria (HUH), and the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University (AA) award small grants in support of faculty-supervised research by Harvard College undergraduates.

Deadlines:  contact program

Ernst Mayer Travel Grants in Animal Systematics

Proposals are reviewed two times a year. 

The Arnold Arboretum : Fellowships are available to support undergraduate research

  • Ashton Award for Student Research
  • Cunin / Sigal Research Award
  • Deland Award for Student Research
  • Shiu-Ying Hu Student/Postdoctoral Exchange Award
  • Summer Short Course in Organismic Plant Biology
  • Arnold Arboretum Genomics Initiative and Sequencing Award
  • Jewett Prize
  • Sargent Award for Visiting Scholars
  • Sinnott Award

Living Collections Fellowship  – Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

Hunnewell Internships  – Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

Summer Short Course in Organismic Plant Biology Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology  - The Harvard Forest Summer Research (REU) program is an intensive 11-week residential research and education experience at the Harvard Forest, a 3,700-acre outdoor laboratory and classroom in central Massachusetts. Students conduct research on the effects of natural and human disturbances on forest ecosystems, including global climate change, hurricanes, forest harvest, changing wildlife dynamics, and invasive species. The program includes a stipend, free housing, all meals, and the travel cost of one round trip to Harvard Forest. This program is open to not only Harvard undergraduates, but also students from all colleges and universities in the United States.

Harvard University Center for the Environment Undergraduate Fund  provides financial support for student research projects related to the environment. In the context of this program, 'environment' refers to understanding the relationships and balances of the natural and constructed world around us, with a particular emphasis on understanding how anthropogenic activities and policies affect the environment, including the intimate relationships between energy use and demand, environmental integrity and quality, human health, and climate change.  Two types of funding are available: 1) Funds for independent research (preference given to rising seniors seeking funds for senior honors thesis research) and 2) Research Assistantships (directed summer research experiences under Harvard faculty guidance). Award are intended to be applied towards living expenses (room, board), travel expenses related to research activities, and minor research expenses (for students doing independent research projects) for up to 10 weeks.  Awards are not intended to serve as a salary stipend for students. 

Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Oceanography : The Harvard Oceanography Committee has funding and fellowships for both term time and summer research. 

Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program in Biological Sciences -   This intensive 8 week laboratory-based biological research program is for undergraduates during the summer following their sophomore or junior years.

Additional programs at the HSPH:

  • Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program (SHURP)  – for undergraduate students outside of Harvard
  • Additional summer programs  – for undergraduate students outside of Harvard
  • Additional summer programs  – for undergraduate students at Harvard
  • Boston-based undergraduate students looking for coop or other research internship positions are encouraged to contact faculty members directly.

STARS - Summer Training in Academic Research Training and Scholarship  - provides underrepresented minority (URM) medical and undergraduate students an opportunity to engage in exciting basic, clinical and translational research projects during the summer at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS). Housing and stipend provided.

Radcliffe Institute Research Partnership Program  -- The Radcliffe Institute Research Partnership Program matches students with leading artists, scholars, scientists, and professionals. Radcliffe Fellows act as mentors and students provide research assistance, acquire valuable research skills, and participate in the Institute’s rich intellectual life.

Harvard School of Public Health Summer Program in Biostatistics & Computational Biology

The Summer Program is a relatively intensive 6-week program, during which qualified participants receive an interesting and enjoyable introduction to biostatistics, epidemiology, and public health research. This program is designed to expose undergraduates to the use of quantitative methods for biological, environmental, and medical research. 

MGH Summer Research Trainee Program

The goal of the MGH Summer Research Trainee Program (SRTP) is to inspire students who are underrepresented in medicine (URM) to consider careers in academic medicine by immersing them in cutting-edge research opportunities. Each summer, fifteen students are selected from a nationwide competition to join SRTP. Each student is assigned to a specific MGH laboratory, clinical site, health policy, or health services research area where they undertake an original research project under the mentorship and guidance of a Mass General Hospital (MGH) investigator. Assignments are carefully considered and are made with the student's research and career interests in mind. In addition to this unique research experience, students will gain knowledge through weekly didactic seminars, both at the MGH and at Harvard Medical School, attend career development workshops and networking event, and have opportunities for clinical shadowing.

Application deadline:  contact program

MGHfC Digestive Disease Summer Research Program

Massachusetts General Hospital for Children (MGHfC) Digestive Disease Summer Research Program provides support for 10 students at the undergraduate or medical school level. Each student will be matched with a research mentor to perform an independent research project focused on digestive diseases over a 10-week period during the summer months within a laboratory or collaborating laboratory of the MGHfC. MGHfC collaborating laboratories at MGH possess unique expertise in engineering and computational sciences in support of various projects centered on digestive disease research. 

Contact: Bryan P. Hurley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Program Director, Mucosal Immunology & Biology Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School,  [email protected] ,   http://www.massgeneral.org/mucosal-immunology/Education/summer-research-program.aspx

Broad Institute at Harvard Summer Program

Broad Summer Research Program BSRP is a nine-week undergraduate research program designed for students with an interest in genomics and a commitment to research. Students spend the summer in a laboratory at the Broad Institute, engaged in rigorous scientific research under the guidance of experienced scientists and engineers. Underrepresented minority students enrolled in a four-year college are eligible to apply.

Broad Summer Scholars Program BSSP invites a small number of exceptional and mature high school students with a keen interest in science to spend six weeks at the Broad Institute, working side-by-side with scientists in the lab on cutting-edge research. Rising seniors who live within commuting distance to the Broad Institute are eligible to apply.

DaRin Butz Research Internship Program   The program gives undergraduates in the life sciences a unique opportunity to experience research from start to finish while gaining training and connections among scientific colleagues. DaRin Butz Interns will not only conduct research, but will also develop their project with their advisors and be guided through the process of sharing their research through written reports and oral presentations, an important component of scientific research.

MGH Orthopedic Trauma Undergraduate Summer Program

The Harvard Orthopedic Trauma Service provides number of undergraduate opportunities:

Orthopedic Internship

This internship is for undergraduate and graduate/medical students who are looking for exposure to Orthopaedic clinical and basic research.

Orthopedic Trauma Undergraduate Summer Internship

Our program is intended for undergraduates interested in healthcare careers. Our interns are introduced to the hospital experience through orthopedic research and observation.

Women's Sports Medicine Summer Internship Program

Learn more about this month long internship open to medical and premedical students.

Summer Research Program, Division of Newborn Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital

Summer Student Research Program sponsored by the Harvard Program in Neonatology, an academic program which includes Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC). The objective of the Summer Student Research Program is to provide motivated students with an intensive laboratory and clinical research experience under the guidance of Faculty and Fellow mentors from the Academic Program. The Summer Program experience includes:

Brigham Research Institute Undergraduate Internships

The internship programs hosted by the Brigham Research Institute provides undergraduate students with a focused and challenging summer research experience in a cutting-edge science laboratory. Interns will have the opportunity to obtain a research training experience in a laboratory or research setting at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Deadlines: check program website

Undergraduate Summer Research in Physics

Undergraduate Research in Mathematics

CURE, Dana Farber Harvard Cancer Center

The CURE program introduces scientifically curious high school and college students from groups currently underrepresented in the sciences to the world of cancer research. Students are placed in laboratories and research environments at the seven DF/HCC member institutions: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Massachusetts General Hospital, as well as research environments at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.

Ragon Institute Summer Program

The Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard brings together scientists and engineers from diverse fields to better understand the immune system and support human health. 

Deadline: check program website

Harvard Medical School Undergraduate Summer Internship in Systems Biology

The Undergraduate Summer Internship is our headline program enabling undergraduate students to collaborate with our researchers, as well as their own peers, through Harvard's Quantitative Biology Initiative and the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. ​Participants work in our labs, gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art tools, learn cutting-edge scientific techniques in our dynamic research environment. Students interested in pursuing a PhD or MD/PhD, and students from under-represented minorities or disadvantaged backgrounds, are especially encouraged to apply.  

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

The Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)  Research Experience for Undergraduates  (REU) is a 10-week program that introduces undergraduates to bioengineering, materials research, nanoscience, and engineering while providing a coordinated, educational, and dynamic research community that inspires them to seek a graduate degree. 

Center for Astrophysics Solar Research Experience for Undergraduates Program

Scientists from the Solar and Stellar X-Ray Group (SSXG) and the Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Group (SSP) at the  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics  (CfA) host undergraduate students from around the US. Please visit the  website for more information .

E3 Evolution, Ecology and Environment REU

We are seeking rising sophomores, juniors and seniors majoring in the life sciences who would like to join a new Research Experience for Undergraduates program based in the  Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB)  at Harvard University. Members of the program will enjoy cutting edge research experiences within the context of a strong mentorship community made up of faculty, graduate students, and peers. In addition, members will participate in a professional development program that is aimed at preparing students for the graduate school application process, building confidence to succeed in graduate school, and exploring long-term career opportunities. These professional development activities will include attendance of the annual  Leadership Alliance National Symposium  (LANS) research and mentoring conference. The E3 REU is part of a larger umbrella program, hosted by the Harvard GSAS  Summer Research Opportunities at Harvard (SROH) .

Program website:  https://reu.oeb.harvard.edu/sroh 

Harvard Multidisciplinary International Research Training (MIRT) Program

The 10-week  Systems Biology Summer Internship Program  enables interns to work on research projects spanning many scientific fields, including systems biology, biophysics, bioinformatics, genomics, applied mathematics, and computation. 

McLean Hospital Mental Health Summer Research Program

This competitive program seeks to  engage scientific curiosity ,  create research opportunities , and  promote academic success in mental health fields  for promising young  Black, Indigenous and underrepresented People of Color (BIPOC) interested in science .  We had our first, very successful MMHRSP last summer, and applications are now open for next summer. MMHRSP is an intensive, 10-week, full-time mental health/neuroscience research experience at McLean Hospital. McLean is the primary psychiatric teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School and is located in Belmont, MA ( https://www.mcleanhospital.org/ ).  Chosen Fellows will receive a $7,000 stipend for the 10-week program.  



Cell Biology Research Scholars Program (CRSP)

The Cell Biology Research Scholars Program  provides a 10-week full-time research opportunity to undergraduate students with a passion for scientific discovery and fundamental biology. Students will be hosted by faculty investigators to work on cutting-edge research projects and participate in training workshops and mentoring activities in preparation for a productive scientific research career.

Summer Institute in Biomedical Informatics , now entering its 15th year, is a 9-week full-time extensive research opportunity with a curriculum including didactic lectures, clinical case studies, a mentored research project, and presentation of findings. 

The  Summer Program in Epidemiology  at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is an intensive 5-week program that integrates mathematics and quantitative methods to provide students with an understanding of the skills and processes necessary to pursue a career in public health. 

Biodiversity of Hispaniola Booth Fund Fellowship Cognitive Neurosciences at the University of Trento, Italy Darwin and the Origins of Evolutionary Biology, Oxford, England David Rockefeller International Experience Grant Harvard-Bangalore Science Initiative Harvard Summer School Study Abroad in the Sciences HCRP Herchel Smith-Harvard Undergraduate Science Research Program International Summer Undergraduate Research in Global Health (I-SURGH) RIKEN Center for Allergy and Immunology, Japan RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan Rosenkrantz Travel Grants Study Abroad in Paris, France The Office of Career Services (OCS) awards Undergraduate Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Undergraduate Summer Research in Physics Weissman International Internship

Harvard Summer School Study Abroad in the Sciences

In 2015 Harvard Summer School Science Study Abroad programs will be offered in the Dominican Republic, England, Italy, France, and Japan. See below for links to information on each of these programs.

Darwin and the Origins of Evolutionary Biology  - Oxford, England.

Prerequisites:  None. Apply through Harvard Summer School.

Information:   Andrew Berry

RIKEN Center for Allergy and Immunology  - Yokohama, Japan.

Laboratory research in immunology. Students will also receive some Japanese language training. Apply through Harvard Summer School.

Accepted students may apply to the  Reischauser Institute  for scholarships to help defray the costs of the program.

RIKEN Brain Science Institute  – Laboratory Research in Neurobiology, Tokyo, Japan.

Prerequisites:  Neurobiology of Behavior (MCB 80) or Animal Behavior (OEB 50); laboratory experience preferred but not required. Apply through Harvard Summer School.

Biodiversity of Hispaniola  - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.  This six-week course covers basic prinicples of ecology, evolution, and island biogeography in the context of the diversity of habitats and organisms on the island of Hispaniola.

Prerequisites:  course work in biology

Information:   Brian Farrell  

Cognitive Neurosciences at the University of Trento  - Trento, Italy

This eight-week program at the University of Trento, Italy, organized by the Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative, provides students a unique opportunity to study the mind/brain. Taught by leaders in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, the program includes daily, hands-on, laboratory sessions (e.g., neuroimaging demos) and Italian language classes, all while surrounded by the breathtaking Italian Alps.

Information:   Alfonso Caramazza

Study Abroad in Paris, France

Biology and the evolution of Paris as a Smart City.

Information:  Robert Lue

  • Bangalore, India;  The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research  (JNCASR)
  • National Centre of Biological Sciences  (NCBS)
  • The Indian Institute of Science  (IISc) 

Note:  This is not a Harvard Summer School Program. 

Prerequisites:  Introductory coursework in basic biology, chemistry, physics, and math.

Information:   Venkatesh N. Murthy  or   Ryan Draft

International Summer Undergraduate Research in Global Health (I-SURGH)  I-SURGH offers Harvard undergraduates the opportunity to conduct cutting-edge global health research in an international setting. Students in I-SURGH receive a stipend to cover travel costs to and from their site, living expenses, and local transportation. Unfortunately Harvard Global Health Institute cannot cover the summer savings requirement for I-SURGH students who are on financial aid.  Once accepted to their site, participants in I-SURGH meet with a Harvard faculty member to develop a project that falls within the research agenda of the site. Throughout the summer, students work with a local mentor who supervises their daily work. While all returning Harvard College undergraduates are eligible to apply for an I-SURGH placement, preference is given to sophomores and juniors. 

The Office of Career Services (OCS) awards funding for research abroad, including both Harvard Summer School Study Abroad and non-Harvard International programs.  The  David Rockefeller International Experience Grant , which is a need-based grant aimed at students who have not previously received Harvard international funding, supports many of these awards. Award amounts vary. The purpose of the grant is to afford all students the opportunity to take part in a significant international experience, regardless of financial background. See the  Office of Career Services Summer Funding webpage  for more information.

Herchel Smith-Harvard Undergraduate Science Research Program  – Primarily directed toward students intending to pursue research-intensive concentrations and post-graduate study in the sciences. Undergraduate research either at Harvard or elsewhere, including internationally. Applications from the  Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships .

Harvard College Research Program (HCRP) – Summer stipend that can be applied towards travel expenses. Applications from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships at 77 Dunster Street.

Weissman International Internship  – Research abroad for returning Harvard undergraduates. Average award ~$4000. More information and applications available through OCS.

Deadline:   See the  Office of Careers Summer Funding webpage

Booth Fund Fellowship  - For seniors to engage in a program of travel, study, research or observation that will further expand and challenge an existing interest in a particular field. 

Rosenkrantz Travel Grants

This grant program is exclusively for concentrators in History and Science.  It allows motivated rising juniors  (who have completed sophomore tutorial) and who are concentrating in history and science to devise a short but meaningful plan of travel and academic discovery in the United States or abroad. This grant program may serve as the first stage of research towards a senior thesis or junior research paper, but there is no requirement that it do so. The only requirement is a sincere passion for adventure and exploration, and a willingness to prepare well for the experience.

Please visit the Department of Physics webpage for more information:  https://www.physics.harvard.edu/academics/undergrad/summer

Please visit the Harvard Mathematics Department webpage for more information:  http://abel.harvard.edu/research/index.html

Undergraduate Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences

Please visit SEAS website for more information: https://www.seas.harvard.edu/faculty-research/research-opportunities

David Rockefeller International Experience Grant The David Rockefeller International Experience Grants were established in 2009 by David Rockefeller SB ’36, LLD ’69 to give students the opportunity to gain a broader understanding of the world beyond the U.S. or their home country, and to learn about other countries and peoples by spending time immersed in another culture. The purpose of the grant is to afford all students the opportunity to take part in a significant international experience, regardless of financial constraints.

A significant international experience may consist of:

  • summer study abroad programs
  • internships and service projects
  • research assistantships (under the direction of a principle investigator)
  • experiential learning projects.
  • Harvard-affiliated Labs
  • Undergraduates: Open Research Positions & Projects
  • Harvard Wintersession & Winter Recess
  • Summer Programs Away
  • Underrepresented Minority Fellowships
  • Post-Bac Job Listings
  • Post-Bac Resources
  • Transportation for Researchers
  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities (HUROS) Fair
  • Undergraduate Research Spotlight
  • Resume Template & Proposal Tips
  • Lab Citizenship
  • Research Ethics and Lab Safety
  • Conference Presentation Grants
  • Research Advising - Contact Us!


Propelling a course-based undergraduate research experience using an open-access online undergraduate research journal.

\r\nEvelyn Sun

  • Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

The University of British Columbia has developed a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) that engages students in authentic molecular microbiology research. This capstone course is uniquely built around an open-access online undergraduate research journal entitled Undergraduate Journal of Experimental Microbiology and Immunology (UJEMI). Students work in teams to derive an original research question, formulate a testable hypothesis, draft a research proposal, carry out experiments in the laboratory, and publish their results in UJEMI. The CURE operates in a feed forward manner whereby student-authored UJEMI publications drive research questions in subsequent terms of the course. Progress toward submission of an original manuscript is scaffolded using a series of communication assignments which facilitate formative development. We present a periodic model of our CURE that guides students through a research cycle. We review two ongoing course-based projects to highlight how UJEMI publications prime new research questions in the course. A journal-driven CURE represents a broadly applicable pedagogical tool that immerses students in the process of doing science.


Becoming a scientist is a complex endeavor that requires multiple levels of development. An essential goal for any successful undergraduate program in STEM is to provide opportunities for students to develop skills in the context of being able to do real-world science ( Laursen et al., 2010 ; American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011 ; Feldman et al., 2013 ). To support students as scientists in training, activities in the curriculum ought to ensure that students acquire technical skills, the ability to read and interpret scientific literature, learn how to design experiments, document observations, analyze and interpret data, and have the opportunity to disseminate research findings ( Coil et al., 2010 ). These fundamental skills form a foundation to support higher order activities including innovation, teamwork, self-authorship, expert thinking, collaboration, and meaningful engagement with the scientific community. Collectively, this developmental process can be described as scientific enculturation ( Florence and Yore, 2004 ; Auchincloss et al., 2014 ; Linn et al., 2015 ).

Scientific enculturation requires opportunities for students to “do science” ( Linn et al., 2015 ). Research experiences and mentorship from scientists are needed for students to acquire on the ground training, disciplinary knowledge and understanding of the scientific method ( Linn et al., 2015 ; Estrada et al., 2018 ). Several types of undergraduate research opportunities have been documented to provide a range of different scientific experiences ( Lopatto, 2004 , 2010 ; Seymour et al., 2004 ; Russell et al., 2007 ; Sadler et al., 2010 ; Linn et al., 2015 ; Robnett et al., 2015 ). Credit-based undergraduate research opportunities include protocol-driven teaching laboratories, inquiry-based teaching laboratories such as course-based undergraduate research experience (CUREs), and research internships. While protocol-driven teaching labs generally involve activities where the experimental results are known at the outset, at least to the instructor ( Weaver et al., 2008 ), CUREs and research internships tend to address novel research questions where the experimental outcome is usually unknown ( Auchincloss et al., 2014 ; Beck et al., 2014 ). Research internships, often called directed studies or honors thesis projects, typically have a one-to-one structure where an undergraduate student mentee is paired with a more senior scientist as a mentor ( Shapiro et al., 2015 ). With capable mentors, internships can provide high quality research experiences; however, because mentor:mentee pairings tend to be self-selecting, student diversity, and equitable access can be limited ( Bangera and Brownell, 2014 ). In contrast, CUREs are designed to be scalable and accessible by accommodating a few to several hundred student mentees to one or more faculty mentors ( Linn et al., 2015 ). The course-based nature of CUREs also means that lectures and tutorials can be paired with research activities to provide consistent training in fundamental research skills. CUREs are a rapidly growing pedagogical model for teaching science curricula to promote enculturation and scientific identity among all students in a program, and not an exclusive few ( Bangera and Brownell, 2014 ; Esparza et al., 2020 ).

Auchincloss et al. (2014) proposed that science-based CUREs can be defined by five main domains in which students: (1) engage in scientific practices, which include technical skills development and the use of the scientific method, (2) experience discovery, as the outcome of an experiment is not known by the students or the instructor at the outset, (3) pursue research questions with broad relevance and meaning beyond the classroom setting, (4) collaborate with their peers, as fellow scientists, and sometimes with practicing scientists in the broader community, and (5) iterate, as experiments are repeated, refined, and cross-examined to generate more robust models and concrete knowledge. Taken together, these domains provide students with an experience that integrates the complex facets of doing authentic research ( Brownell et al., 2015 ). As a result, positive outcomes of CUREs on student development have been documented in several areas of research competency including science identity and confidence, content knowledge, and science literacy ( Brownell et al., 2015 ; Olimpo et al., 2016 ).

A broad range of science-based CUREs have been developed within disciplines (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography) as well as across disciplines ( Brownell et al., 2015 ; Kerr and Yan, 2016 ; Sarmah et al., 2016 ; Shanle et al., 2016 ; Alford et al., 2017 ; Ballen et al., 2017 ; Ayella and Beck, 2018 ; Light et al., 2019 ; Shelby, 2019 ; Stoeckman et al., 2019 ; Wolkow et al., 2019 ). Bhattacharyya et al. (2020) showcase the wide range of diversity in CURE design ( Bhattacharyya et al., 2020 ). Some CURE courses focus on one main biological model such as expression of p53 tumor suppressor gene in yeast ( Brownell et al., 2015 ), protein interactions with Mer tyrosine kinase ( Shelby, 2019 ), mutagenesis of lactate dehydrogenase ( Ayella and Beck, 2018 ), or the effect of nicotine and caffeine on the development of zebrafish ( Sarmah et al., 2016 ). Some involve students collaborating with an outside institution to conduct their research projects such as the Rosetta Research Experience for Undergraduates where students undertake their CUREs outside of the institution following a 2 weeks programming boot camp ( Alford et al., 2017 ). Others involve consecutive CURE courses taken throughout a student’s degree that progressively building a single research topic (e.g., antibiotic resistance) ( Light et al., 2019 ).

Here we review a capstone CURE developed at the University of British Columbia that centers around student-driven microbiology-based projects, and culminates in the generation of original research articles published in an online undergraduate research journal titled the Undergraduate Journal of Experimental Microbiology and Immunology (UJEMI). We describe the structure and function of our CURE model and discuss UJEMI as a tool with the potential to objectively assess student development and observe the process of scientific enculturation. We hope that insights gleaned from our experiences may be helpful to others seeking to design and understand the pedagogical value of CUREs.

An Undergraduate Research Journal-Driven Cure

The University of British Columbia’s (UBC) Point Grey campus located in Vancouver, Canada is a large research intensive post-secondary institution which serves over 45,000 undergraduate students and 10,000 graduate students annually ( The University of British Columbia, 2020 ). Since 2001, UBC has been developing a capstone molecular microbiology CURE that serves students in the final year of their 4 year undergraduate program offered by the Department of Microbiology and Immunology. Initially starting out as an optional course enrolling a few students, the course is now required for graduation and has grown to accommodate up to 60 students per semester, totaling approximately 120 students per academic year. Prior to enrolling in the CURE, students are required to complete two lab courses. One is a traditional, protocol-driven lab while the other is a guided inquiry-based lab; together they provide students with fundamental knowledge and skills required to begin working independently in a molecular microbiology laboratory. Resourced with a single instructor and one to two graduate student teaching assistants, the CURE unfolds over 16 weeks (September–December or January–April).

The course is equipped with four learning centers: an interactive classroom lecture (1.5–3 h per week), a team-based meeting (1 h per week), web-based resources including classroom management tools for communication and an open-access undergraduate research journal 1 , and a wet-bench research laboratory outfitted with the majority of the tools necessary to conduct microbiology and molecular biology which is open to students throughout the week. In addition, students are encouraged to interact with researchers working in grant-funded laboratories at UBC, which increases the scope and breadth of the scientific and technological resources available in the course.

The primary instructor of the CURE manages our undergraduate research journal, UJEMI. The structure and function of UJEMI have been previously described ( Sun et al., 2020 ). Briefly, the CURE instructor mentors graduate student editors employed as teaching assistants over the summer months to administer a student-centered peer-review experience, and prepare the manuscripts for online publication ( Sun et al., 2020 ). In addition to papers generated from research conducted in our CURE, UJEMI invites submissions from undergraduate students doing scientific research projects in microbiology and/or immunology at accredited universities around the world. Taken together, UJEMI provides a platform for undergraduate researchers to participate in the authentic process of research dissemination as published authors, and the novel findings published as UJEMI articles drive new research questions in our CURE term after term.

Our CURE is divided into three phases where students engage in planning, experimentation, and dissemination, respectively ( Figure 1 ). Writing assignments are used to scaffold the process and provide clear milestones as the course unfolds.


Figure 1. Research cycle over a 16 week academic term. Planning, experimentation, and dissemination phases are denoted. Due dates for communication assignments and feedback scaffolding the CURE are shown on the periphery. Individual proposals are submitted after the first week of classes. The team proposal is submitted at the conclusion of the planning phase in week 6. Teams conduct oral presentations on week 12 at the beginning of the dissemination phase. Draft manuscripts are submitted at the end of week 14 and the final manuscript just before the end of the course around week 15.

The planning phase (weeks 1–6) begins by directing students to papers published in UJEMI by former students in the course. Students review the UJEMI literature and consider the data and proposed models. Students are encouraged to link their reading to the broader literature. Based on their reading, individual students submit a flowchart as well as a 1-page letter of intent explaining their proposed research question, hypothesis, experimental questions, and potential outcomes. Students also present a brief feasibility analysis. Written feedback on each proposal is provided by the instructor and teaching assistant(s) (week 2). Teaching assistants in the CURE are typically senior graduate students with backgrounds in microbiology and/or immunology who have a demonstrated aptitude for experimental research and teaching.

During the planning phase, students self-assemble into teams of 3 or 4 people and are assigned a weekly meeting time. Each team evaluates each individual proposal and selects a lead project to carry forward for the term. The team’s decision considers the potential scientific impact of the project, areas of development that individuals or the team would like to pursue (e.g., experience with a specific technique), feasibility, and the risk to reward ratio. The course learning objectives do not include a prescribed set of techniques that the students must learn; rather the focus is on working through a hypothesis-driven research project using the tools best suited to address the research question.

The team then moves into a series of team meetings in which the lead proposal is developed (weeks 2–6). The instructor and teaching assistants provide guidance as students refine their proposal to ensure that their hypothesis is testable, that their experiments are well designed and technically feasible, that they are sourcing reliable protocols and methods, and that they create strategies to execute their project within the constraints of the course (e.g., time, resources, expertise). It is important to note that the instructor and teaching assistants do not direct project development, but instead facilitate the process. The students are expected to guide their own research direction, which promotes project ownership. The development of a novel research question and self-directed approach to project management are elements of CUREs that have shown to increase student perceptions of ownership over their own projects and the outcomes associated with their projects ( Cooper et al., 2019 ). This planning phase concludes with submission and feedback on an extensive team-based proposal that details the scientific background, hypothesis, experimental aims, protocols, and methods, laboratory safety considerations, a timeline, and pitfalls and workarounds (week 8). The team proposal becomes a road map for the project.

The experimentation phase is carried over weeks 6–12. Student teams are assigned a lab bay and prepare their own reagents including stock solutions and growth media. They also design primers and culture lab-based Escherichia coli strains which they can request from the course strain collection, the Coli Genetic Stock Center at Yale University, or from academic researchers around the world who have published strain descriptions. Students plan their own lab work schedules and are encouraged to divide the work amongst their team members so as not to over burden any one individual. The lab is open during the week from approximately 8a.m. to 5p.m. and students come and go during the day. Although we don’t monitor the time spent working on the project, student teams are given the same explicit deadlines. We estimate that individual students spend approximately 4–6 h per week working on their project which, if equitably distributed across their team, accounts for about 16–24 h of team-based lab work per week. Instructors and teaching assistants are available for guidance and demonstrations of technical steps. Similar to most research experiences, experiments rarely work on the first attempt and students often repeat steps before achieving a result. Bi-weekly written research reports and team meetings are used for reflection and feedback (weeks 9, 11, and 13). Students are often able to troubleshoot their own experiments after systematic reflection in written form. The experimentation phase concludes with an oral presentation to the class summarizing their research question and findings (week 12). Peer- and instructor-based feedback is gathered to support the dissemination phase.

The final phase involves dissemination of research results in the form of an original research article (weeks 12–16). Building off instructor and peer feedback from their oral presentation, as well as classroom activities in which strategies for drafting an original research manuscript are discussed, the students assemble their data as figures and tables and attempt to construct a coherent story. Instructors and teaching assistants provide guidance especially with deeper data analysis and reaching well-supported conclusions to provide students with enough scaffolding to facilitate the drafting process. Student teams submit a draft manuscript, formatted as per the Instructions for Authors guidelines set out by the Journal of Bacteriology. The manuscripts are reviewed by the instructor and teaching assistants (week 15) and returned to the student teams for revision (week 16). Students revise their work (often extensively) prior to final submission and provide a response to reviewers (week 16). A course grade is not assigned until the paper is accepted for publication in UJEMI. Students have the option of advancing their manuscript to a peer review phase if their work communicates a bona fide well-controlled finding (either negative or positive data). The peer review process extends beyond the end of the course ( Sun et al., 2020 ). Importantly, papers published in UJEMI serve as fuel for the next iteration of the course, and the research cycle continues.

Connecting Research Projects

Over 4 months, student teams work through a research cycle ( Figure 1 ). The publication of a UJEMI article creates a body of knowledge that can be used to derive new research questions. A broad range of projects have been developed by students in the course that span the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, and microbiology. Projects include research on bacteriophage ( Chiu et al., 2017 ; Dimou et al., 2019 ), bacteria ( Cramb et al., 2015 ; Backstrom et al., 2017 ; Hartstein et al., 2017 ), and yeast ( Goldhawke et al., 2016 ), as well as Caenorhabditis elegans as a model host organism ( James et al., 2018 ; Cheng et al., 2019 ). Students have employed a wide range of microbiology and molecular biology techniques including standard PCR, quantitative PCR, Gibson’s cloning, flow cytometry, and Next Generation Sequencing. As of 2019, UJEMI had published 493 original research articles solely authored by undergraduate students. Individual articles investigating common research questions can be clustered into ongoing course-based projects. Two ongoing research projects are summarized in Supplementary Table S1 and are mapped chronologically in Figure 2 . We review these two projects as case studies to provide insight into how research evolves over multiple terms of the course.


Figure 2. UJEMI case studies demonstrate how each CURE build on each other over time. (A) Left: working model of proteins involved in the secretion of capsule in E. coli strain K30 (reprinted with permission, Yuen et al., 2017 ). Gene products discussed include Wza (red), Wzb (green), Wzc (blue). Capsule subunits are shown in small blue and black circles. Auxiliary secretion machinery subunits (Wzx, Wzy) are not discussed in the text. Right: Plasmid map, PI2-MBP fusion protein domain architecture, and primary amino acid sequence of PI2 (reprinted with permission, Grewal et al., 2020 ). Cysteine residues are shown in bold font. (B) Chronology of ongoing CURE-based research projects published in UJEMI investigating the capsule on antibiotic resistance (left, blue/red project nodes) and the expression and purification of protease inhibitor 2 (PI2) (right, purple/red project nodes). Projects are labeled with the name of the first author in the corresponding UJEMI publication (refer to Supplementary Table S1 ). Projects sharing similar research aims are depicted as the same shape project node. The red project nodes represent research articles describing key advancements in each project.

The Wza Story: Antibiotic Susceptibility and Capsule Secretion Genes

It has been suggested that capsule, a discrete layer of polysaccharide linked to the cell surface of some bacteria including E. coli , could create a physical barrier to impede the movement of molecules such as antibiotics into the cell ( Slack and Nichols, 1982 ). Decreased intracellular concentration of the antibiotic may result in tolerance to high extracellular concentration of the antibiotic (i.e., increased resistance). Several mechanisms of capsule mediated resistance have been proposed including the idea that charged-based interactions between capsular polysaccharides and antibiotics may slow diffusion across the membrane ( Slack and Nichols, 1982 ). Further, the regulation of capsule synthesis has been linked to stress response regulons in E. coli ( Gottesman and Stout, 1991 ), leading to the notion that stress such as exposure to antibiotics may play a role in the regulation of capsule expression.

This project first began in our course when a student team decided to investigate the effects of sub-lethal doses of the antibiotics streptomycin and kanamycin on the synthesis of macromolecules in E. coli strain B23 ( Chung et al., 2006 ). The students measured an increase in the concentration of hexose, a component of capsule, after treatment with the sub-lethal doses of the antibiotics ( Chung et al., 2006 ). This study was followed up by two student teams who hypothesized that E. coli strain B23 treated with sub-lethal doses of kanamycin and streptomycin would increase capsule production ( Ganal et al., 2007 ; Lu et al., 2008 ). The students found that capsule production increased following sublethal treatment with streptomycin and kanamycin ( Ganal et al., 2007 ; Lu et al., 2008 ). However, follow-up studies were unable to link this phenotype with increased resistance to streptomycin ( Fowler et al., 2009 ; Naimi et al., 2009 ), and increased resistance to kanamycin was observed in two studies ( Kam et al., 2009 ; Al Zahrani et al., 2013 ), but not in a third ( Drayson et al., 2011 ).

In 2014, the student team of Parmar et al. followed up on a report published in the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research by researchers outside of the course suggesting that tetracycline interacts with capsular polysaccharides ( Song et al., 2013 ). Parmar et al. asked whether capsule deficient mutants showed decreased resistance to tetracycline. The results of this study did not show a change in resistance to tetracycline (or streptomycin) in the capsular mutants ( Parmar et al., 2014 ).

In 2014, the student team of Botros et al. initiated a new arm of the project by devising a screen to ask whether or not capsule contributes to resistance against a panel of 10 antibiotics representing different structural classes. The students drew upon the extensive research of Dr. Chris Whitfield at Guelph University in Canada whose lab has constructed defined deletion strains of the capsule secretion machinery in E. coli strain K30 ( Figure 2A left; Whitfield, 2006 ). The students contacted Dr. Whitfield who generously provided wild type E. coli strain K30 and an isogenic strain (Δ wza−wzb−wzc ) bearing a deletion of the genes encoding the outer membrane channel protein (Wza), the intermembrane ATPase (Wzb), and the inner membrane bound phosphatase (Wzc). Botros et al. developed a disk diffusion assay to semi-quantitatively compare the resistance of capsule deficient mutant strains and the wild type strain. After optimization, the disk diffusion assay was shown to be efficient and reliable. The results showed statistically significant differences in the zones of inhibition between the wild type and a capsule deficient mutant when treated with erythromycin and nitrofurantoin. Interestingly, resistance to erythromycin increased in the capsule deficient strain whereas resistance to nitrofurantoin decreased. Botros et al. chose to focus on the erythromycin result and followed up by showing that the phenotype was also observed for other macrolide antibiotics (e.g., clarithromycin, roxithromycin) but not for a ketolide (e.g., telithromycin). The student team concluded that deletion of the E. coli K30 group I capsule biosynthesis genes wza, wzb , and wzc confers capsule-independent resistance to macrolide antibiotics ( Botros et al., 2015 ).

The next series of course projects utilized single gene deletion strains of Δ wza ,Δ wzb ,Δ wzc contributed again by Dr. Whitfield. After corroborating the results of Botros et al., student teams went on to show that deletion of wza is sufficient in conferring resistance to the macrolide erythromycin ( Su et al., 2017 ) whereas deletion of wzb is not ( Rana et al., 2016 ). Students also tested a Δ wzc deletion mutant which also showed a partially macrolide resistant phenotype ( Jazdarehee et al., 2017 ).

The next set of student team projects asked whether complementation of wza in a strain bearing a deletion of this gene would restore the wild type (less erythromycin resistant) phenotype. The first attempt involved PCR amplification of the wza gene product and ligation into the TA TOPO cloning vector ( Yuen et al., 2017 ). The student team of Yuen et al. designed PCR primers to amplify a product encompassing the putative wza promoter region to allow constitutive wza expression. The team obtained clones which they analyzed using Sanger sequencing. All of the inserts were found to be oriented in the same direction opposing the plasmid borne lac promoter sequence used for blue/white screening. The team surmised that the wza gene product may be lethal when overexpressed. Based on these results, the student team of Pochanart et al. decided to subclone the wza gene into a pBAD24 vector which encodes a promoter that can be upregulated and downregulated with the addition of media-based L-arabinose or glucose, respectively ( Pochanart et al., 2018 ). The students were able to obtain clones which were verified by Sanger sequencing. Growth experiments showed that the high inducer concentration reduced the growth rate of the clones transformed with the wza- containing plasmid ( Pochanart et al., 2018 ). This was consistent with the previous suggestion that overexpression of wza may be lethal ( Yuen et al., 2017 ). The next student project set out to optimize the concentration of arabinose inducer to minimize the effect on growth rate ( Abuan et al., 2018 ). After optimizing the inducer concentration, the students were able to show that in a strain bearing a deletion of wza , arabinose induction of a plasmid-encoded copy of wza was sufficient to restore erythromycin sensitivity of a Δ wza deletion strain using a disk diffusion assay ( Abuan et al., 2018 ).

Students have started to explore the structure and function of the outer membrane channel protein Wza to understand how it is linked to the macrolide sensitivity. Using the crystal structure Wza ( Dong et al., 2006 ), Su et al were able to measure the diameter, electrostatic properties and hydrophobicity of the pore. The students estimated the Wza pore to have a diameter of approximately 17 angstroms whereas the approximate size of erythromycin is 12 angstroms, suggesting that the channel may be sufficiently large enough to accommodate the antibiotic. The team acknowledged that electrostatic interactions and hydrophobicity of the Wza channel may also influence antibiotic movement through the channel. The student team of Chiu et al. (2017) followed up with a study that tested mutant specific tolerance to macrolides with different structural properties including erythromycin, clarithromycin, and roxithromycin, and telithromycin. The authors reported that wza linked resistance was observed for erythromycin, clarithromycin, and roxithromycin but not for telithromycin, the latter having distinctive aromatic rings and ketone groups. Chiu et al. (2017) speculated that the additional ketone groups on telithromycin may increase its polarity which may influence how it crosses the membrane relative to the other tested macrolides. Surprisingly, a single wza deletion mutant was shown to be more resistant than a Δ wza−wzb−wzc triple deletion mutant when treated with azithromycin, perhaps insinuating a more complex, structure-specific model of antibiotic uptake ( Chui et al., 2017 ).

The students have proposed a range of models to explain how deletion of Δ wza renders E. coli strain K30 resistant to macrolides. Su et al. (2017) suggested a model in which Wza stabilizes other outer membrane proteins involved in outer membrane integrity. Botros et al. suggested that the formation of K-LPS in the absence of the capsule secretion genes alter the stability of permeability of the outer membrane (personal communication with Dr. Chris Whitfield, 46). Finally, several studies on the macrolide resistant phenotype linked to wza have observed that the effect is limited to experiments done on solid media (disk diffusion assays) as opposed to liquid media (broth dilution assays) ( Rana et al., 2016 ; Jazdarehee et al., 2017 ; Su et al., 2017 ). How the nature of the growth media influences the observed phenotype remains an open question. The student team of James et al. (2020) have asked whether the discrepancy between experiments performed in liquid vs. solid phase media reflect a phenotype related to biofilm formation ( James et al., 2020 ). While a compelling hypothesis, James et al. reported that their data showed no correlation between biofilm production in liquid media and erythromycin resistance in E. coli K30 wild-type, Δ wza , and Δ wza−wzb−wzc ( James et al., 2020 ).

A recent study by the student team of Gu et al. (2018) revisited the initial data describing the antibiotic screen published by Botros et al. (2015) . Gu et al. (2018) were specifically interested in the observation that a triple deletion of Δ wza−wzb−wzc results in a decreased resistance to the antibiotic nitrofurantoin. Following an extensive effort to verify the DNA sequence of each of the mutations in each strain, the students showed that deletion of wzb is sufficient to decrease resistance to nitrofurantoin. To explain their data, Gu et al. (2018) present a working model in which nitrofurantoin toxicity is reduced in the absence of the wzb phosphatase, possibly by increasing the concentration of a phosphorylated form of a putative reductase.

The PI2 Story: Protein Expression and Disulphide Bond Formation

The production of recombinant protein in a functionally folded conformation is a long-standing challenge faced by many microbiologists and biotechnologists ( Rosano et al., 2019 ). The expression of proteins containing disulphide bonds in prokaryotic organisms such as E. coli is confounded by the naturally occurring net reducing redox state of the cytosol ( Ren et al., 2016 ). Interested in better understanding the function of the reductase protein domain thioredoxin (Trx) that has been shown to promote the solubility of fusion proteins containing disulphide bonds, Shah (2004) initiated a study within our CURE to investigate the effect of a Trx fusion on solubility of proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2) from potatoes. PI2 is a relatively small 21 kDa, dimeric, cysteine-rich, heat-stable, endo-acting peptidase that inhibits chymotrypsin and trypsin protein containing 16 cysteine residues predicted to form 8 disulphide bonds ( Keil et al., 1986 ). Using a plasmid containing the PI2 gene sequence that was donated to the course, several iterative attempts were made at cloning the gene into the pET32 expression vector (Invitrogen) ( Kazem, 2004 ; Shah, 2004 ; Park, 2006 ; Duronio, 2012 ; Przeworski et al., 2015 ). The student team of Geum et al. eventually constructed a PI2-Trx fusion plasmid that was confirmed by restriction enzyme analysis, however, overexpression of the PI2-Trx protein product was not observed in whole cell lysates of E. coli strain BL21(DE3) using SDS-PAGE analysis stained with Coomassie blue. Geum et al. tentatively concluded that pET32 and/or strain BL21(DE3) may not be a suitable expression vector/host for overexpression of PI2. In section “Future directions,” the authors suggested Sanger sequencing to rule out mutations within their construct as well as Western blots as a more sensitive method of analysis ( Geum et al., 2015 ).

In 2016, the student team of Fogarty et al. (2016) revisited the PI2 expression project. They began by using Sanger sequencing to determine the DNA sequence of the pi2 insert and its genetic fusion to the thioredoxin domain ( Fogarty et al., 2016 ). The authors analyzed the resulting DNA sequence to discover that the insert contained eukaryotic introns that resulted in a truncated protein due to an in-frame stop codon. The potato-derived pi2 gene sequence also contained codons rarely used in E. coli . Fogarty et al. (2016) therefore adapted their project goal to design a version of the pi2 sequence that lacked introns and was codon optimized for expression in E. coli . The team had their newly engineered DNA sequence synthesized as a gene block which they subcloned into a TOPO TA cloning plasmid. The next term, the student team of Lapointe et al. explored whether or not the newly designed pi2 would be expressed when fused to either a maltose binding protein (MBP) domain or a hexahistidine tag (6XHis). The team subcloned the engineered pi2 sequence from the TOPO TA plasmid construct into the commercially available pMALc2x and pET30b expression vectors that encode MBP and 6xHis tags, respectively ( Figure 2A right). Expression analysis in BL21(DE3) transformed with each plasmid revealed a band in SDS-PAGE gels corresponding to the predicted molecular mass of PI2 fused to the MBP tag, although some protein degradation products were observed ( Lapointe et al., 2016 ). Lapointe et al were the first to demonstrate PI2 expression and purification in our lab.

Ang et al. (2017) then opened a new branch of the project in our CURE by exploring whether or not altering the expression conditions or the cytosolic redox state of the E. coli expression host would impact PI2 expression levels. The authors compared PI2-MBP expression levels in E. coli strain Origami 2 (DE3) and E. coli wild type strain BL21(DE3). Origami 2 (DE3) bears mutations in glutaredoxin ( gor ) and thioredoxin ( trxB ) resulting in a net oxidizing cytoplasm. E. coli strain BL21 (DE3) encodes wild type copies of gor and trxB resulting in a net reducing cytoplasm. Contrary to their hypothesis predicting higher expression levels of the cysteine rich PI2 in E. coli strain Origami 2, SDS PAGE analysis of whole cell lysates showed over-expressed protein corresponding with the molecular mass of PI2-MBP in BL21(DE3) but not in Origami 2 (DE3) ( Ang et al., 2017 ).

In 2019, the student team of Grewal et al. followed up by attempting to express PI2-MBP in E. coli strain SHuffle (C3028), which has a net oxidative cytoplasm ( Lobstein et al., 2012 ; Grewal et al., 2020 ). Unlike Origami 2, SHuffle expresses a disulfide bond isomerase, DsbC, that facilitates proper protein folding by disrupting the formation of non-native disulfide bonds ( Grewal et al., 2020 ). SDS PAGE analysis revealed a band that corresponds to the expected molecular mass of PI2-MBP. Using maltose affinity chromatography, the students purified a soluble form of PI2-MBP. They probed the tertiary structure of the protein using limited proteolysis and observed distinct bands indicative of a uniformly folded protein structure as opposed to an irregular aggregated protein. The team recommended follow up studies to further assess folding and function of purified PI2-MBP.

These two case studies describe a series of authentic scientific research projects that build on each other over time. Carried out by undergraduate student teams pursuing hypothesis-driven questions as part of a CURE, each individual research project focuses on novel investigations and original ideas that contribute to working biological models ( Figure 2A ). The two case studies follow distinct branching patterns which are defined by the results of experimentation and curiosity driven research questions depicted as nodes in Figure 2B .

Consistent with the use of original research articles as the conventional approach to the dissemination of research results in science, UJEMI articles serve as concise records of a series of small student-driven research projects that provide literature-based linkages between projects within the course. This model has been an effective approach to CURE development for several reasons. First, similar to a maturing grant-funded research laboratory, the accumulation of reagents, and scientific knowledge increases the power and efficiency of the ongoing research projects, which is motivating to students as it has the potential to yield more frequent, impactful, and exciting discoveries. Second, by focusing on novel research questions the participants engage in dynamic projects with broad meaning and relevance. In fact, UJEMI articles have been cited in articles published by well-established professional research journals ( Chang et al., 2010 cited in Burmeister et al., 2020 ). Third, the UJEMI literature-base creates a “community of practice.” At the outset of the course, students are introduced to the journal as a repository of scientific investigations conducted by students who have come before them. Similar to any research project, they begin by “standing on the shoulders of giants” and they are expected to meet or exceed the effort and scientific rigor of their predecessors.

Each phase of the course uses UJEMI articles to facilitate student learning. In the planning phase, students read UJEMI papers, and derive new, follow-up research questions. In the experimentation phase, students experimentally verify the reliability of data in previous UJEMI papers looking for similarities and differences in results and interpretation before conducting novel analysis. In the dissemination phase, UJEMI articles are used as models for constructing a draft paper, as well as providing points for discussion. While the dissemination phase is notably short (i.e., 2–3 weeks to draft a manuscript), the students become familiar with the structure and function of UJEMI articles over the term before authoring their own manuscript. We surmise that by extensively working with the UJEMI articles in different contexts, the task of drafting a manuscript is made more efficient by indirectly scaffolding the writing phase with activities throughout the term that are linked to journal articles.

UJEMI articles provide students with concrete research topics and summaries of future directions, which enables student-driven project development by allowing the course instructor to provide arms-length verbal and written feedback to facilitate project development. In the planning phase, the instructor and teaching assistants provide written feedback on the individual proposal as well as the team proposal. The instructor and teaching assistants are also able to use team meetings to highlight aspects of previous studies that may impact the proposed research. Instructors often point out key papers in the field that the team should be aware of, known study limitations, and available research methods. The influence of the instructor on project development is more apparent in the dissemination phase when feedback is provided on the draft manuscript. Most often the instructor and teaching assistants work with the student authors to refine their paper in order to communicate evidence-based conclusions, clarify definitions, and explain ideas for future experiments that are both feasible and relevant. In cases where the research is communicated effectively in a UJEMI article, student teams tend to follow up with new research projects. If the research is communicated poorly, the projects tend to stall.

The prospect of being an author on a scientific manuscript is an aspect of our CURE model that promotes project ownership. Student authorship has previously been shown to benefit learning and research skill development in the context of CUREs ( Cooper and Brownell, 2018 ; Corwin et al., 2018 ). All students participating in the course have the option of being included as an author on their team’s manuscript. The default approach to authorship order is alphabetically by last name; however, in some instances, teams have decided to change the authorship order to acknowledge specific contributions. To change from the alphabetically ordered authorship, all team members must approve. The team-based nature of the course, and co-authorship on a UJEMI publication, also promotes a sense of collaborative ownership of the project. For example, we observe a trend in our student’s written reflections about their research progress where they make statements moving from “…my project” to “…our project.” We hypothesize that systematic analyses of student reflections written over the course of the term will be a valuable metric to measure positive shifts in student confidence, ownership and the value of collaboration in the scientific process.

Analysis of individual UJEMI papers provides evidence of practices consistent with the notion of scientific enculturation. Case studies 1 and 2 include UJEMI articles that describe stages of scientific development in line with the outcomes of CURE participation predicted by Auchincloss et al. (2014) . For example, writing the Introduction and Discussion sections requires content knowledge supported by credible scientific literature. The Methods and Materials section, as well as the Results section, capture a range of technical skill development, as well as collaboration skills as students share reagents within the course and interact with practicing scientists in the field. Since experimentation rarely follows a direct path, students learn to adapt their project goals and navigate uncertainty in their data. The conclusions sections of UJEMI papers reflect scientific maturity, as conclusions and claims are adjusted to more accurately reflect the data. Taken together, the process of doing authentic research through a journal-driven CURE means that students are fully immersed in the scientific experience. In order to meet the goal of publishing a scientific journal article, students need to engage with each of the CURE domains which comprehensively integrate the complex and dynamic processes underpinning the development of a scientist. A scientific project culminating in an original research article is an effective product to teach the process of doing science.

UJEMI articles are rich sources of objective data for understanding how our students are developing as scientists. A meta-analysis conducted by Linn et al. (2015) reported that more than half of 60 studies on undergraduate research experiences relied on subjective student-based, self-reporting surveys or interviews. The results of the study called for powerful and generalizable assessments to document student development to complement student surveys of perceived learning ( Linn et al., 2015 ). Indeed, numerous studies have since described the development of validated and reliable survey instruments to assess student development in undergraduate research settings ( Corwin et al., 2015 ; Shortlidge and Brownell, 2016 ; Ballen et al., 2017 ). Toward this end, we have collected preliminary data using the laboratory course assessment survey (LCAS) ( Corwin et al., 2015 ) which showed student perceptions of learning aligned with the core domains of a CURE as outlined by Auchincloss et al. (2014) . We are beginning to data mine and develop coding schemes for UJEMI articles to provide evidence of student learning within each domain of our CURE. One example is an assessment of scientific methodologies and skills developed as part of the CURE. Analysis of the Methods and Materials section of UJEMI articles provide evidence of techniques used by students in the course. Our preliminary data show that almost all student teams engage in E. coli strain isolation, PCR, Sanger Sequencing, and assay development/optimization. Since the projects are student-driven, the portfolio of techniques is not always predictable. Nevertheless, knowing what techniques are most commonly used helps the teaching team tailor scaffolding activities to guide student learning in the course. As a second example, evidence of collaboration can be gleaned from analyzing the Methods and Materials section as well as the Acknowledgments section of papers. Teams often recognize the contributions of other students in the course as well as researchers within and beyond the boundaries of our institution. Collaboration data informs course instructors of instances where scientific interactions can be fostered and better supported in future iterations of the course. We are also conducting deeper analyses of the writing assignments used to scaffold our CURE. Artifacts of learning, such as bi-weekly research summaries or research proposals, provide detailed accounts of activities including troubleshooting, reflection, and planning. We anticipate that additional meta-analyses of UJEMI papers, and associated writing assignments, will provide valuable integrated metrics of student development as scientists. Analyses over time will also provide dynamic perspectives reflecting the inner workings of our CURE to inform future curricula development to continually refine how best to meet the needs of our students.

The CURE described herein challenges students to develop and execute a novel research project with the goal of delivering a publication quality scientific manuscript in only 4 months. From the outset of the CURE, the students are made aware that their goal can be achieved by working as a team in a disciplined manner through a series of structured assignments that contribute to each research phase. A 2016 survey of alumni ( n = 67) from our program showed that 93.9% of the respondents perceived their CURE experience as worthwhile, with 49 students (74.2%) indicating that the experience was “definitely” worthwhile and 13 students (19.7%) indicating that the experience was “somewhat” worthwhile. Three students (4.5%) indicated that the experience “had no value to them” and one student (1.5%) indicated that they felt the experience was “not a good use of their time.” These survey data were supported by comments which included these reflections from two alumni:

“ Being able to do a project from scratch with so much freedom is something that I have not yet seen in any other course, but I feel is extremely important and helpful. In addition to the learning, the freedom was quite thrilling, it provided a feel of what science really is like (lots of time reading papers and troubleshooting), rather than sitting in a lecture theatre memorizing what a professor says, or following step by step procedures for an experiment I may not completely understand or care about how well the results for it turned out. ”

“ Overall, I think it was a really valuable experience, as all the other lab courses are basically cookbook style courses and here we were able to figure things out for ourselves and research what we were interested in. […] it seemed a little daunting when starting the course, but it was really a lot of fun in the long run and I think I learned a lot.”

These comments support the idea that student perceptions of learning align with the overall learning objectives of our CURE. Going forward we envision using mixed methods approaches combining validated survey instruments such as the LCAS, student reflections on learning, and coded analyses of learning artifacts such as UJEMI articles to better understand how CURE experiences can be designed and optimized to meet student needs.

Our journal-driven CURE model provides students with an opportunity to engage in a disciplined experience that guides them through three critical phases of doing science: planning, experimentation, and dissemination. We depict these phases and their corresponding writing assignments as a cycle ( Figure 1 ). Through iterative cycles of the course we have learned to appreciate the value of the time invested in each phase. A well-planned project with a testable hypothesis tends to provide concrete results and can be quite productive, especially in the context of a relatively short undergraduate course. The functional linkages between projects in the course underscore the value of the dissemination phase in terms of distilling information needed to carry on the project in another academic term. Further, the time constraint placed on the dissemination phase motivates students to summarize and communicate their findings in a timely manner. This model ostensibly reflects the process that most scientists would envision when taking on a new project; however, without structure, it is not uncommon for the planning and dissemination phases to be rushed or unbounded, respectively. Moreover, without formal milestones such as writing assignments, feedback critical for progressive development may be limited or absent altogether. We suggest that the research cycle model presented here may be useful, not only in CURE settings, but in other research settings in which trainees are developing including undergraduate internships or graduate studies.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/ Supplementary Material , further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Ethics Statement

Written informed consent was obtained from the individual(s) for the publication of any potentially identifiable images or data included in this article.

Author Contributions

DO and MG performed the conceptualization and acquisition of funding. DO prepared the original draft. All authors participated in the preparation and editing of this manuscript.

Funding for the work presented in this manuscript was provided by the University of British Columbia’s Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UBC Skylight, and a grant awarded by UBC’s Program for Undergraduate Research Experience to DO and MG.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


We thank Craig Kornak for his contributions to the artistic design of the figures. We also acknowledge Dr. William D. Ramey for his innovations, mentorship, and guidance in the development of our CURE.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2020.589025/full#supplementary-material

Supplementary Table 1 | Metadata compilation of UJEMI articles discussed in the two case studies.

  • ^ https://ujemi.microbiology.ubc.ca/

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Florence, M. K., and Yore, L. D. (2004). Learning to write like a scientist: coauthoring as an enculturation task. J. Res. Sci. Teach. 41, 637–668. doi: 10.1002/tea.20015

Fogarty, E., Alimohammadi, A., Siu, J., and Stachowiak, A. (2016). Synthesis, cloning, and sequencing of a codon optimized variant of proteinase inhibitor ii designed for expression in Escherichia coli . J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 20, 100–105.

Fowler, D., Hu, J., Hou, P., and Wong, C. (2009). The effect of sub-inhibitory streptomycin on capsular polysaccharide production and streptomycin resistance in Escherichia coli . J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 13, 47–52.

Ganal, S., Gaudin, C., Roensch, K., and Tran, M. (2007). Effects of streptomycin and kanamycin on the production of capsular polysaccharides in Escherichia coli B23 cells. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 11, 54–59.

Geum, L., Huber, R., Leung, N., and Lowe, M. (2015). Construction of recombinant expression vectors to study the effect of thioredoxin on heterologous protein solubility. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 19, 1–5.

Goldhawke, B., Kalhon, M., Lotto, J., and Deeg, C. M. (2016). Yeasts from greenhouse grapes show less phenotypic and genetic diversity than yeasts from vineyard grapes when isolated from grape crush cultured in liquid media. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 2, 8–15.

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Grewal, R., Kim, W., Shi, D., and Tong, H. (2020). Comparative expression of potato proteinase 1 inhibitor type II in an oxidative 2 versus reductive cytosolic environment of Escherichia coli . 6, 1–10.

Gu, M., Khan, A., Pagulayan, D. S., and Tam, W. L. (2018). Deletion of the capsule phosphatase gene wzb renders Escherichia coli strain K30 sensitive to the antibiotic nitrofurantoin. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 4, 1–15.

Hartstein, S., Kim, C., Phan, K., Windt, D., and Oliver, D. C. (2017). Escherichia coli OmpC mutants are sensitive to ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and sodium dodecyl sulfate treatment whereas double OmpC and OmpF mutants are not. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 3, 17–21.

James, C., Kim, C., Pan, C., and Zhong, D. (2020). Biofilm production in Escherichia coli K30 with group 1 capsular gene wza and wza-wzb-wzc deletions is not correlated with erythromycin resistance phenotypes in liquid media. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 25, 1–9.

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Jazdarehee, A., Anderson, J. J., Morrison, D., and Pardoe, W. (2017). Deletion of Escherichia coli K30 type I capsule assembly gene wzc confers resistance to the antibiotic erythromycin in solid media. J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 21, 108–112.

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Lapointe, H. R., Li, S., Mortazavi, S., and Zeng, J. (2016). Expression and purification of a potato type II proteinase inhibitor in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3). J. Exp. Microbiol. Immunol. 2, 34–40.

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Keywords : course-based undergraduate research experience, undergraduate research journal, scientific enculturation, pedagogy, curriculum, molecular microbiology, STEM-science technology engineering mathematics

Citation: Sun E, Graves ML and Oliver DC (2020) Propelling a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience Using an Open-Access Online Undergraduate Research Journal. Front. Microbiol. 11:589025. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.589025

Received: 30 July 2020; Accepted: 02 November 2020; Published: 23 November 2020.

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Copyright © 2020 Sun, Graves and Oliver. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: David C. Oliver, [email protected]

Disclaimer: All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


National Summer Undergraduate Research Project

Applications for NSURP 2024 are now closed. Thank you to all who applied!

If you are interested in being an NSURP 2024 mentor, please click here .

The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP) is a community-driven initiative that creates rewarding, remote summer research experiences for underrepresented minoritized (URM) undergraduate students in Microbiology, Immunology, Cancer Biology, and Biomedical Engineering.

The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP) is a virtual research program for that matches URM undergraduate students from across the U.S. to laboratory mentors around the world to conduct for an eight week, full time, research experience. All NSURP programming (research, seminars, meetings, etc.) takes place remotely. NSURP is a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

The National Summer Undergraduate Research Project (NSURP) is designed to:

  • Match URM undergraduate students on a nationwide-level to Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology laboratory mentors who can provide a remote summer research project experience.
  • Provide a science and professional development seminar series for participants that is authentic to the experiences of URM students in science.
  • Provide a platform for participating students to present their research online in an official capacity.

NSURP Program Details

  • What: A NSF REU that connects underrepresented minoritized (URM) undergraduate students in STEM with mentors (PIs, or their designated lab members) in the Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology Sciences. Mentors will supervise students in a remote-work summer research project. Students in the program will be expected to attend the seminar speakers and online lectures focused on professional development. Students will be expected to work full time (40 hours per week) and will be compensated $600 dollars per week for the duration of the eight-week summer program. We expect accept ~35 students into NSURP each year.
  • How: URM undergraduate students submit applications (application period is February-April) to participate in NSURP. Prospective NSURP mentors apply by submitting project descriptions to the NSURP site. After undergraduate participants are chosen, the NSURP team will connect students with mentors and from there, the research project is in the hands of the student and the mentor. NSURP organizers will arrange weekly seminars and professional development talks that students are also expected to participate in.
  • When: The program will be 8 weeks long and will run June 10th – August 2nd 2024.
  • Where: Wherever you are right now. This experience is meant to be completely virtual.

For more details, including Mentor FAQs, applying for or submit a project, or project ideas and implementation, check out the For Students and For Mentors pages.

Follow us on Twitter or send us an email .

NSURP Gets Published

Nsurp updates: stats, cohort #2 cutoffs, and seminars, recent posts.

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Get Involved with KSU Research

The purpose of this page is to help undergraduates find faculty members who are looking for help on research projects. If you see a project you're interested in, click on "learn more" to find out the project details and then email the faculty member directly.

View our archived projects.

Current Research Projects

Veteran Students and Grief

We are interested in learning about the grief of students and how various student populations understand grief, experience grief, and subsequently cope with grief.

Project Field of Study

  • Interviewing skills preferred
  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills 
  • Oral communication skills
  • Ability to manage time effectively
  • Willing and open to learn
  • Research methods course in respective field is preferred
  • Communication, Education, Psychology majors preferred

Faculty Mentors 

Dr. Emily Scheinfeld Dr. Chinasa Elue

Informal Caregivers' Experiences in Preventing and Managing Behavioral Symptoms in Persons with Dementia: A Qualitative Study

Are you passionate about helping others and making a real difference? Join our dynamic research team as a Research Assistant and be part of an innovative project developing a voice assistance app to support informal caregivers helping individuals with dementia.

Department of Nursing, Department of Computer Science

Modupe Adewuyi Xinyue Zhang

Numerical Analysis of Space Capsule Entry and Reentry Dynamics in the Martian Atmosphere

The research project aims to conduct a comprehensive numerical analysis of the entry and reentry dynamics of a space capsule within the Martian atmosphere.

Mechanical Engineering

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Gaurav Sharma

Maya America: Journal of Essays, Commentary, and Analysis

The journal "Maya America: Journal of Essays, Commentary, and Analysis" is looking for a student to help take the journal to publication.

School of Music and Interdisciplinary Studies

Dr. Jesús Castro-Balbi Dr. Alan LeBaron

Gamified Virtual Reality Approach to Improve Dementia Behavioral Symptoms Management

This project aims to develop a gamified behavioral training application prototype that provides a safe and immersive learning platform.

Nursing, Software Engineering and Game Development

Faculty Member(s)

Dr. Modupe Adewuyi Dr. Joy Li

Remotely Controlled Radiation Capsule Design for Low-Risk Brachytherapy for Rapid Cancer Treatment

The project is exploring a new type of radiation capsule that can be remotely controlled using inductive coupling outside the body to block and release radiation with customized directionality. This enables precision dose delivery with a high dose rate for low-energy LDR radiation sources.

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Biology, Nursing, Radiation Oncology

Dr. Hoseon Lee Dr. Chetan Dhital Dr. Tris Utshig Dr. Eduardo B. Farfan

Sustainable Livelihoods of Artisanal Alcohol in Cabo Verde

Alcohol is a unique commodity, as it can be both a liability and asset to societies worldwide. The objective of this project is to investigate the dynamics, opportunities, and downsides associated with artisanal alcohol in the context of economic retrenchment and regeneration opportunities through cultural asset management. The interdisciplinary researchers aim to study the complexities of artisanal alcohol as a commons problem that has the potential to both empower and imperil livelihoods.

Geography and Anthropology

Brandon D. Lundy Mark W. Patterson Monica H. Swahn Nancy H. Pullen

Understanding the Complete Spectrum of the Left-Wing and Environmental Movement: A Data Driven Approach

This research project aims to add to the understanding surrounding the degree and nature of terrorism, nonterrorist criminal activities, pre-incident behaviors, and failed/foiled plots perpetrated by those motivated by a left-wing and environmental ideology in the United States. More specifically, this project will utilize secondary sources (e.g., court records, media reports) to assess the modus operandi of left-wing and environmental violent extremists with a specific focus on indicators of malevolent creativity & innovation and criminal expertise.

Sociology & Criminal Justice

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Michael Logan

Association of Hospital Unit Team Virtuousness Scores with Eight Hospital Unit Measures

This ongoing study is exploring the relationships between hospital unit team virtuousness scores and eight hospital unit measures. Team virtuousness refers to a team climate in which virtues and character strengths are practiced, supported, and encouraged.

Students who work on this study will help manage implementation of an online team virtuousness questionnaire and gather hospital unit data. A statistician will analyze the data to determine any associations between hospital unit team virtuousness scores and unit measures of quality of patient care, patient satisfaction, and unit staff engagement and turnover.

Faculty Mentors

Lynn Varagona Nancy Ballard

Undergraduate Research Opportunity In The Field Of Population Genetics

Population genetics deals with genetic differences within and between populations and is a part of evolutionary biology. It is used to detect genetic diseases and genetic risk factors for multifactorial diseases, understand diseases using insights obtained from genetic risk factors and treat diseases using these insights.   Theoretical population genetics bridges mathematics and evolutionary biology. The corner stone of  population genetics is the Kingman coalescent. Using a new calculus, fractional calculus, we introduced the modified version of Kingman coalescent, which we call fractional coalescent. In this research, you will learn how by using  Kingman's coalescent and fractional coalescent we could identify and understand the forces that produce and maintain genetic variation in populations. 


Dr. Somayeh Mashayekhi

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

The Center for Machine Vision and Security Research (CMVSR) is pursuing innovative research projects falling in the areas of machine vision, pattern recognition, machine learning, convolutionary neural networks (CNN), artificial intelligence, and evolutionary computation.

Computer Science

Chih-Cheng Hung

Atlanta's Immigrant Crossroads: Untapped Potential or Utilized Promise for Newcomer Integration

Recently several municipalities in the Atlanta area have declared themselves “welcoming cities” to immigrants and refugees. Atlanta is a new immigrant gateway destination and a region at the crossroads of receptivity (Singer, Hardwick, and Brettel, 2008).

Geography & Anthropology, Social Work and Human Services

What Factors Impact Perceptions of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is common in the workplace and college settings. This project aims at understanding what factors impact people's willingness to believe victims of sexual harassment.

  • Interest in Psychological research
  • Interest in gaining research experience
  • Comfort with learning new skills
  • Comfort interacting with other KSU students
  • Time management skills

Dr. Danica Kulibert

Assessing Potential Biomarkers for Postoperative Delirium

This project will assay potential biomarkers in blood samples drawn from postoperative patients who are assessed for delirium, for a project funded by the American Association of Clinical Care Nurses.

  • Molecular and Cellular Biology

Dr. Doreen Wagner Dr. Susan M.E. Smith Dr. Sharon Pearcey

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    For undergraduates looking to start their degree or diploma research in Microbiology you may have a focus area or not. Check below list of Microbiology Project topics for Undergraduate students. Maybe you find a research topic that you can work on or use to derive a more relevant topic for yourself. 1.

  10. The Bean Beetle Microbiome Project: A Course-Based Undergraduate

    Undergraduate university courses represent an excellent opportunity to introduce students of microbiology to the exciting and topically relevant field of microbiome research, as they represent the future leaders and global citizens that will be best equipped to dispel misconceptions and raise microbial literacy among the general public.

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  13. Examples of Undergraduate Research Projects

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  14. Undergraduate Research

    Participating in research as an undergraduate can be a very rewarding experience. Approximately 90% of Biology majors pursue an independent research project at some point during their undergraduate careers; some also pursue honors, and some do not. Jump to: How to get started In-department research Out-of-department research Questions about ...

  15. Research Opportunities

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    The Cell Biology Research Scholars Program provides a 10-week full-time research opportunity to undergraduate students with a passion for scientific discovery and fundamental biology. Students will be hosted by faculty investigators to work on cutting-edge research projects and participate in training workshops and mentoring activities in ...

  17. Frontiers

    A broad range of projects have been developed by students in the course that span the fields of molecular biology, biochemistry, and microbiology. Projects include research on bacteriophage (Chiu et al., 2017; Dimou et al., 2019), bacteria (Cramb et al., 2015; Backstrom et al., 2017; Hartstein et al., 2017), and yeast (Goldhawke et al., 2016 ...

  18. NSURP.org

    NSURP Program Details. What: A NSF REU that connects underrepresented minoritized (URM) undergraduate students in STEM with mentors (PIs, or their designated lab members) in the Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology Sciences.Mentors will supervise students in a remote-work summer research project. Students in the program will be expected to attend the seminar speakers and online ...

  19. MycoSolutions

    The goal of this team is to address issues of sustainability and resource utilization by using fungi in novel ways. From making foods to commodity chemicals and medicines, fungi possess an amazing capacity for biological conversion and synthesis. When approached from the perspective of a circular ...

  20. Graduate Research Topics

    Graduate Research Topics. Bacteriophage Ecology, History, and Behavior. Detection of other microbial species and the host environment by Salmonella. Biochemistry of central carbon metabolism. Molecular mechanisms of transcription elongation,elongation control of virulence genes in proteobacteria. Patrick Bradley. Human microbiome, bioinformatics.

  21. Archived Research Projects

    Explore Kennesaw State's Undergraduate Research Projects Archive, showcasing completed student research projects through the years! ... A minimum GPA of 3.0 in a Biology related concentration is preferred. Additionally, students should be able to commit to at least two semesters of work in the Carpenter lab (including summers). Student ...

  22. First-Year Scholars Projects

    The 2024-2025 First-Year Scholars Projects are Live! The goal of this program is to introduce first-year students to the undergraduate research experience. There are projects in every college on all kinds of topics, many of which are interdisciplinary. We encourage students to apply for projects they find interesting, regardless of whether the ...

  23. Research Projects

    Project Field of Study. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Biology, Nursing, Radiation Oncology. Faculty Mentor(s) Dr. Hoseon Lee Dr. Chetan Dhital Dr. Tris Utshig Dr. Eduardo B. Farfan. LEARN MORE