Boy vaping

How bad is vaping and should it be banned?

essay on how vaping is bad

Professor at the National Drug Research Institute (Melbourne), Curtin University

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PhD Candidate (Psychiatry) & Research Assistant, University of Newcastle

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Nicole Lee works as a consultant in the health sector and a psychologist in private practice. She has previously received funding by Australian and state governments, NHMRC and other bodies for evaluation and research into alcohol and other drug prevention and treatment.

Brigid Clancy is an Associate at 360Edge, a drug and alcohol consultancy company.

University of Newcastle and Curtin University provide funding as members of The Conversation AU.

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Vaping regularly makes headlines, with some campaigning to make e-cigarettes more available to help smokers quit, while others are keen to see vaping products banned, citing dangers, especially for teens.

So just how dangerous is it? We have undertaken an evidence check of vaping research . This included more than 100 sources on tobacco harm reduction, vaping prevalence and health effects, and what other countries are doing in response. Here’s what we found.

How does vaping compare to smoking?

Smoking is harmful. It’s the leading preventable cause of death in Australia. It causes 13% of all deaths , including from lung, mouth, throat and bladder cancer, emphysema, heart attack and stroke, to name just a few. People who smoke regularly and don’t quit lose about ten years of life compared with non-smokers.

Nicotine, a mild stimulant, is the active ingredient in both cigarettes and nicotine vaping products. It’s addictive but isn’t the cause of cancer or the other diseases related to smoking.

Ideally, people wouldn’t be addicted to nicotine, but having a safe supply without the deadly chemicals, for instance by using nicotine patches or gum, is safer than smoking. Making these other sources available is known as “harm reduction”.

Vaping is not risk-free, but several detailed reviews of the evidence plus a consensus of experts have all estimated it’s at least 95% safer to vape nicotine than to smoke tobacco. The risk of cancer from vaping, for example, has been estimated at less than 1%.

These reviews looked at the known dangerous chemicals in cigarettes, and found there were very few and in very small quantities in nicotine vapes. So the argument that we won’t see major health effects for a few more decades is causing more alarm than is necessary.

Pile of cigarette butts

Is ‘everyone’ vaping these days?

Some are concerned about the use of vaping products by teens, but currently available statistics show very few teens vape regularly. Depending on the study, between 9.6% and 32% of 14-17-year-olds have tried vaping at some point in their lives.

But less than 2% of 14-17-year-olds say they have used vapes in the past year. This number doubled between 2016 and 2019, but is still much lower than the rates of teen smoking (3.2%) and teen alcohol use (32%).

It’s the same pattern we see with drugs other than alcohol: a proportion of people try them but only a very small proportion of those go on to use regularly or for a long time. Nearly 60% of people who try vaping only use once or twice .

Smoking rates in Australia have declined from 24% in 1991 to 11% in 2019 because we have introduced a number of very successful measures such as restricting sales and where people can smoke, putting up prices, introducing plain packaging, and improving education and access to treatment programs.

But it’s getting harder to encourage the remaining smokers to quit with the methods that have worked in the past. Those still smoking tend to be older , more socially disadvantaged , or have mental health problems.

Read more: My teen's vaping. What should I say? 3 expert tips on how to approach 'the talk'

Should we ban vapes?

So we have a bit of a dilemma. Vaping is much safer than smoking, so it would be helpful for adults to have access to it as an alternative to cigarettes. That means we need to make them more available and accessible.

But ideally we don’t want teens who don’t already smoke to start regular vaping. This has led some to call for a “ crackdown ” on vaping.

But we know from a long history of drug prohibition - like alcohol prohibition in the 1920s - that banning or restricting vaping could actually do more harm than good.

Banning drugs doesn’t stop people using them - more than 43% of Australians have tried an illicit drug at least once. And it has very little impact on the availability of drugs.

But prohibition does have a number of unintended consequences, including driving drugs underground and creating a black market or increasing harms as people switch to other drugs, which are often more dangerous.

The black market makes drugs more dangerous because there is no way to control quality. And it makes it easier, not harder, for teens to access them, because there are no restrictions on who can sell or buy them.

Read more: Learning about the health risks of vaping can encourage young vapers to rethink their habit

Are our current laws working?

In 2021, Australia made it illegal to possess and use nicotine vaping products without a prescription. We are the only country in the world to take this path.

The problem is even after more than a year of this law, only 8.6% of people vaping nicotine have a prescription, meaning more than 90% buy them illegally.

Anecdotal reports even suggest an increase in popularity of vaping among teens since these laws were introduced. At best, they are not helping.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the way to reduce the black market is to make quality-controlled vapes and liquids more widely available, but restricted to adults. If people could access vaping products legally they wouldn’t buy them on the black market and the black market would decline.

We also know from many studies on drug education in schools that when kids get accurate, non-sensationalised information about drugs they tend to make healthier decisions. Sensationalised information can have the opposite effect and increase interest in drugs . So better education in schools and for parents and teachers is also needed, so they know how to talk to kids about vaping and what to do if they know someone is vaping.

What have other countries done?

Other countries allow vapes to be legally sold without a prescription, but impose strict quality controls and do not allow the sale of products to people under a minimum age. This is similar to our regulation of cigarettes and alcohol.

The United Kingdom has minimum standards on manufacturing, as well as restrictions on purchase age and where people can vape.

Aotearoa New Zealand introduced a unique plan to reduce smoking rates by imposing a lifetime ban on buying cigarettes. Anyone born after January 1 2009 will never be able to buy cigarettes, so the minimum age you can legally smoke keeps increasing. At the same time, NZ increased access to vaping products under strict regulations on manufacture, purchase and use.

As of late last year, all US states require sellers to have a retail licence, and sales to people under 21 are banned. There are also restrictions on where people can vape.

A recent study modelled the impact of increasing access to nicotine vaping products in Australia. It found it’s likely there would be significant public health benefits by relaxing the current restrictive policies and increasing access to nicotine vaping products for adults.

The question is not whether we should discourage teens from using vaping products or whether we should allow wider accessibility to vaping products for adults as an alternative to smoking. The answer to both those questions is yes.

The key question is how do we do both effectively without one policy jeopardising the outcomes of the other?

If we took a pragmatic harm-reduction approach, as other countries have done, we could use our very successful model of regulation of tobacco products as a template to achieve both outcomes.

Read more: It's safest to avoid e-cigarettes altogether – unless vaping is helping you quit smoking

  • Tobacco control

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Vaping and Its Negative Aspects Essay

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Works cited, attention-arousing and orienting material.

Vaping has become a curse of the recent decade. Vapes are better than nicotine-containing cigarettes. Vapes do not harm the health of a smoker. Vapes are about vaping, not smoking. As one popular vape-producing company puts it, “live long and vape strong”. It seems that vapes create a new reality in which smoking could be safe. Well, what if I say that, in the US, in one week 12 people died because of vaping and 805 people were diagnosed with the breathing illness related to vaping (Pesce par. 1). If these statistics are not enough to give up vaping, the goal of the current speaker is to persuade that vapes are not as warm and fuzzy as companies want us to believe.


Vaping is regarded as an escape for smokers who try to give up their addiction since the latter could substitute the former. Still, there are numerous sources that vaping is a decent and safe habit. The argument against vaping is backed by the results of the researches, the viewpoints of medical experts, and the experience of vapers. The importance of this topic is undeniable since even underaged people become addicted to vapes.

Thesis Statement

Vaping has numerous devastating effects and did not worth doing.

Preview of main points

There are two major reasons to give up a habitude of vape. Firstly, vaping is addictive and undermines the ability to self-control. Secondly, usage of a vape, even if it is nicotine-free, poses a health hazard and leads to diseases of the respiratory system.

Vaping is addictive

It is a well-known fact that there are numerous kinds of vaping liquids. They have various chemical compositions, tastes, and smells. Some of them might contain nicotine, while others are free of it. The problem is that vaping causes addiction in any case.

One of the reasons for this is that vapes are regarded as tools to socialize and make new acquaintances (Levin par. 21).

In essence, new friends and a higher circle of socialization is positive outcome of vaping.

However, the issue lies in the fact that young people that are shy to make friends, for instance, during classes, start vaping to fit in with the team.

  • Vice versa, if an individual intends to give up vaping, he or she might postpone this idea because of the fear to distance herself from the friends who use vapes.
  • In the interview with the 21-years old man, Levin illustrates how strong the addiction might be (par. 16). Josh Evans avows that he inhales the vapors even though sometimes it makes him feel physically bad and fail to fight against vaping (Levin par.16).
  • The final point worth being mentioned is that addiction to vaping leads to more serious addictions in the long-term perspective.

In two years, the number of young adults using vaping cartridges with the flavor of cannabis or nicotine increased more than twice (Pesce para.2).

According to the President of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Matthew Myers, people that become addicted to vapes or e-cigarettes at a young age, grow into heavily smoking adults (Lemons 17).

(Transition: The fact that vapes triggers addiction would not be that important if it were not for the health hazard.)

Vaping is dangerous for health

Blaha informs that all lung fluid samples of people ill with “e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury (EVALI)” show the presence of vitamin E acetate (par 6.).

From this, it could be inferred that vaping liquids contain chemicals that cause diseases of the respiratory system. Thus, even nicotine-free vapes could have a devastating effect on health.

Another point of concern about vaping is that hitherto remains a lot of doubts about how certain chemicals in liquids affect health (Blaha par. 9). Nevertheless, some studies confirm that vaping leads not only to asthma but also to cardiovascular disease (Blaha par.9).

Therefore, it could be argued that vaping remains an insufficiently studied phenomenon. The absence of a clear understanding of the consequences of vaping, as well as PR campaigns of brands that produce vapes and liquids, give a reason to think that vaping does not affect health. At the same time, the growing number of young people with breathing diseases makes them think that vaping is not as good as it might seem at the first sight.

(Transition: As you can notice, vaping has a significant number of disadvantages that should motivate people either not to try it or give up the habit.)

Summary statement

Vaping is not only addictive but also challenges the well-being of a vaper. In the scientific community, there is no common opinion on the effect of the chemicals that are included in the composition of vaping liquids. Notwithstanding this fact, the example of people diagnosed with EVALI proves that vaping represents a threat and that life would be better without this addiction.

Concluding remarks

Still, it is important to remember that our health and quality of life depend on our own choices. Vapes were not created by nature and human beings survived for centuries without smoking and vaping. I will leave you with the question: if the necessity to vape was not put in our bodies and minds by nature, do we need it?

Blaha, Michael Joseph. “5 Vaping Facts You Need to Know.” Health Conditions and Diseases , 2020. Web.

Lemons, Jane Fullerton. E-Cigarette Dilemma . CQ Press, 2019. Web.

Levin, Dan. “Vaping on Campus: No Parents, No Principals, a Big Problem.” The New York Times , 2019. Web.

Pesce, Nicole Lyn. “These Charts Show the Shocking Number of High School and College Students Who Vape.” Market Watch , 2019. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 6). Vaping and Its Negative Aspects.

"Vaping and Its Negative Aspects." IvyPanda , 6 Sept. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Vaping and Its Negative Aspects'. 6 September.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Vaping and Its Negative Aspects." September 6, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Vaping and Its Negative Aspects." September 6, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Vaping and Its Negative Aspects." September 6, 2022.


How bad is vaping for your health? We’re finally getting answers

As more of us take up vaping and concerns rise about the long-term effects, we now have enough data to get a grip on the health impact – and how it compares to smoking

By Graham Lawton

6 December 2023

New Scientist. Science news and long reads from expert journalists, covering developments in science, technology, health and the environment on the website and the magazine.

Klaus Kremmerz

AS THE old joke goes, when I read about the dangers of smoking, I gave up reading. If you are a vaper, you might feel like you want to stop reading now. Don’t: you need to know this.

I am a vaper. Like many others, I used to smoke and switched to vaping for health reasons. I plan to quit completely, but I haven’t managed it yet. I am sure vaping is better for me than smoking, but I am also sure it is worse than not vaping. I cough in the morning and feel massively addicted to the nicotine. I don’t even really know what I am inhaling. I worry that it will be hard to quit, that I am causing long-term damage to my body and that by vaping, I am susceptible to slipping back down the slope to cigarettes. I also have the same worries for the teenagers I see coming out of school and immediately enveloping themselves in sweet-smelling clouds.

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As vaping has increased throughout the Western world, these fears have been repeated often. Part of last month’s King’s Speech in the UK focused on new legislation aiming to create a smoke-free generation in part by cracking down on youth vaping. Worldwide, there have been calls for tougher regulation and more investigation into vaping’s health effects as increasing numbers of children admit to taking up the habit.

But there hasn’t been a huge amount to say on whether fears over health effects are well-founded – until…

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The Risks of Vaping

A Look at Safety

Illustration of a teenager saying no to friends offering him an electronic cigarette

You’ve probably heard a lot about vaping lately. You might also know about the recent outbreak of lung injuries and deaths linked to vaping in the U.S. But those aren’t the only risks that come with vaping. Here’s what you need to know.

Vaping devices, also known as e-cigarettes, vape pens, and e-hookahs among other terms, come in many shapes and sizes. Some look like traditional cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. Others are shaped like every-day objects, such as pens or USB memory sticks.

While they may look different, most vaping devices work in a similar way. Puffing activates a battery-powered heating device. This heats the liquid in a cartridge, turning it into vapors that are inhaled.

Vaping exposes the lungs to a variety of chemicals. These may include the main active chemicals in tobacco (nicotine) or marijuana (THC), flavorants, and other ingredients that are added to vaping liquids. Plus, other chemicals can be produced during the vaporizing process.

“If the liquid has nicotine in it, then the user is inhaling nicotine along with the other ingredients in the liquid,” explains Dr. Thomas Eissenberg, an expert on tobacco research at Virginia Commonwealth University.

While vaping devices work similarly, some are more powerful than others. They create more vapor and deliver more chemicals.

So how safe is vaping? Studies suggest nicotine vaping may be less harmful than traditional cigarettes when people who regularly smoke switch to them as a complete replacement. But nicotine vaping could still damage your health.

“Your lungs aren’t meant to deal with the constant challenge of non-air that people are putting into them—sometimes as many as 200 puffs a day—day after day, week after week, year after year,” Eissenberg says.

“You’re inhaling propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavorants that were meant to be eaten but not inhaled, and nicotine,” he explains. “And all of those are heated up in this little reactor, which is an e-cigarette. When they get heated up, those components can turn into other potentially dangerous chemicals.”

One harmful chemical may be a thickening agent called Vitamin E acetate, which is sometimes used as an additive in THC-containing vape products. The CDC identified it as a “chemical of concern” among people with vaping-associated lung injuries. They recommend avoiding any vaping product containing Vitamin E acetate or THC, particularly those from informal sources like friends, family, or in-person or online dealers.

Vaping is now more popular among teens than smoking traditional cigarettes. One in four high school seniors say they vaped nicotine in the past month. And studies have found that teens who vape nicotine may be more likely to go on to smoke traditional cigarettes.

Marijuana vaping has also increased dramatically among teens. About 20% of high school seniors vaped marijuana in the past year. The rates have more than doubled in the past two years.

New laws are aimed at curbing vaping among teens. People must now be 21 to buy any tobacco product, including vaping products. And companies can no longer produce and sell flavors that appeal to children like fruit and mint.

If you’ve already started vaping or smoking cigarettes, it’s never too late to quit. See the Wise Choices box for tips on stopping.

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Essay on Why Is Vaping Bad

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Vaping and the health risks behind it, introduction.

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  • Breland, Alison, et al. “Electronic Cigarettes: What Are They and What Do They Do?” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1394, no. 1, 2016, pp.530.,doi:10.1111/nyas.12977.
  • “E-Cigarettes: The Health Risks of Vaping.”, NBCUniversal News Group,
  • “Is Vaping Bad for You? Learn the Truth about the Side Effects Here.” Best Vape Deals - Cheap Vape Mods, Tanks & EJuice | Vaping Cheap, 10 Oct. 2018,
  • Palazzolo, and Dominic L. “Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping: A New Challenge in Clinical Medicine and Public Health. A Literature Review.” Frontiers, Frontiers, 1 Nov. 2013,
  • “The Different Types of Vapes You Need to Know.” Vaping360,
  • “10 Shocking Dangers of Vaping | Health Risks Of Vaping And E-Cigarettes.” The Authentic Gay, 30 Jan. 2019,

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The Impact of E-Cigarettes on the Lung

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E-cigarettes are a relatively new tobacco product that have been sold in the U.S. for about a decade The e-cigarettes currently in the U.S. marketplace have not been systemically reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration to determine their impact on lung health. While much remains to be determined about the lasting health consequences of these products, the American Lung Association is very troubled by the evolving evidence about the impact of e-cigarettes on the lungs.

The Inhalation of Harmful Chemicals Can Cause Irreversible Lung Damage and Lung Disease

In January 2018, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine 1 released a consensus study report that reviewed over 800 different studies.

That report made clear: using e-cigarettes causes health risks. It concluded that e-cigarettes both contain and emit a number of potentially toxic substances. The Academies' report also states there is moderate evidence that youth who use e-cigarettes are at increased risk for  cough  and wheezing and an increase in asthma exacerbations.

  • A study from the University of North Carolina found that the two primary ingredients found in e-cigarettes—propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin—are toxic to cells and that the more ingredients in an e-liquid, the greater the toxicity. 2
  • E-cigarettes produce a number of dangerous chemicals including acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde. These aldehydes can cause lung disease, as well as cardiovascular (heart) disease. 3
  • E-cigarettes also contain acrolein, a herbicide primarily used to kill weeds. It can cause acute lung injury and COPD and may cause asthma and lung cancer. 4
  • Both the U.S. Surgeon General and the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine have warned about the risks of inhaling secondhand e-cigarette emissions, which are created when an e-cigarette user exhales the chemical cocktail created by e-cigarettes.
  • In 2016, the Surgeon General concluded that secondhand emissions contain, "nicotine; ultrafine particles; flavorings such as diacetyl, a chemical linked to serious lung disease; volatile organic compounds such as benzene, which is found in car exhaust; and heavy metals, such as nickel, tin, and lead."
  • The Food and Drug Administration has not found any e-cigarette to be safe and effective in helping people who use tobacco products to quit. If people are ready to quit smoking and using other tobacco products for good, they should call 1-800-QUIT NOW or talk with their doctor about finding the best way to quit using proven methods and FDA-approved treatments and counseling.

NAM Report -

Sassano MF, Davis ES, Keating JE, Zorn BT, Kochar TK, Wolfgang MC, et al. (2018) Evaluation of e-liquid toxicity using an open-source high-throughput screening assay. PLoS Biol 16(3): e2003904.

Ogunwale, Mumiye A et al. (2017) Aldehyde Detection in Electronic Cigarette Aerosols. ACS omega 2(3): 1207-1214. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.6b00489].

Bein K, Leikauf GD. (2011) Acrolein - a pulmonary hazard. Mol Nutr Food Res 55(9):1342-60. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201100279.

Page last updated: July 31, 2024

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Health Risks Of Vaping: Let's Stick To The Science And Speculate Less

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A growing body of evidence gathered over the last 15 years has shown that using an electronic cigarette ("vaping") is probably far safer than smoking and likely to help smokers quit their deadly habit forever. Certain segments of the public health establishment have reacted oddly to these results—they've ignored them and treated vaping as a serious threat. The American Heart Association, for example, has even called for e-cigarettes to be taxed and regulated as stringently as tobacco products are. [1]

Fortunately, this view doesn't seem to be as predominant as it once was; we're beginning to see more physicians, scientists, and public health organizations make statements based on the available science instead of what they think the evidence might show one day.

Consider this May 24 review article published in Prescriber : E-cigarettes: informing the conversation with patients  by Anna Kate Barton. The author, a clinical research fellow at the University of Edinburgh in the UK, helpfully outlined the history, anatomy, and science of e-cigarettes with the aim of helping doctors more knowledgeably discuss vaping with their patients. Compared to the typical news report about vaping —"Vaping is not better than smoking, and it still causes long-term lung damage"—Barton's article illustrated how we should talk about scientific issues when the evidence surrounding them is evolving. Let's consider a few examples.

Smoking cessation

What does the current evidence say about vaping and smoking cessation? ACSH has previously reported that vaping very likely helps smokers quit cigarettes, and maybe even nicotine , for good. Citing some of the same literature we have, Barton reached a similar conclusion about smoking cessation. While acknowledging the limitations of these studies ( discussed here ), she explained:

Patients using e-cigarettes also often report greater satisfaction and greater reduction in smoking than those using nicotine patches, and e-cigarettes are regarded as the most popular form of smoking cessation aid with smokers wishing to quit. Current position statements and the existing evidence base advocate their combination with stop smoking counseling, the most effective smoking cessation tool.

This comes down to a concept known as “ harm reduction .” Ideally, people would never take up smoking. But since they do, the goal should be to help them mitigate the risks when abstinence isn't feasible. More experts are beginning to embrace this approach in order to enhance smoking cessation campaigns, as Barton noted:

E-cigarettes as aids to smoking cessation are advocated by several organizations including Public Health England. This is based on the principle of risk-reduction – simply, e-cigarettes provide nicotine in a much safer form that traditional cigarettes. Although neither are entirely risk-free, e-cigarettes are generally accepted to confer less risk to both the user and passive smokers than traditional cigarettes.

Health risks of vaping

After contrasting the overall risk of vaping with smoking, Barton added that some preliminary studies have indeed associated e-cigarette use with various negative outcomes. For example, an onslaught of headlines in mid-2019 warned the public about an outbreak of “e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury” (EVALI). Under-reported at the time was the fact that the injury-causing devices were typically purchased illegally and contained THC or certain dangerous additives, which made them far more harmful than the nicotine-containing devices adult customers can legally purchase in licensed vape shops in the US and UK. Surveying the literature nearly two years later, we get a better sense of the problem:

Interestingly, 82% [of EVALI cases] reported use of THC-containing [vape] products. Vitamin E acetate is sometimes added as a condensing agent in e-liquid, particularly in those containing THC, and this has been associated with EVALI. As such, the CDC discourages use of THC-containing [vape products], particularly those sourced informally from family or friends.

The point, then, is that proper regulation and vigilance by individual users can minimize these types of injuries. The UK, where vaping has proven to be a similarly popular smoking cessation approach, “has not thus far experienced a similar epidemic of EVALI as the USA,” Barton added, though she mentioned two severe cases that apparently weren't related to THC or Vitamin E acetate .

About those long-term effects

Opponents of vaping often point to the dearth of research on its chronic health effects as a first line of criticism. This is a fair enough point, but I hasten to add that it cuts both ways. If we don't know the long-term effects of vaping, we don't know the long-term effects of vaping. “At present,” Barton observed in reference to chronic lung disease, “we can only reflect on potential consequences of 10–15 years of widespread e-cigarette use.”

But that's often not what tobacco control advocates do. “The long-term risks of exclusive use of e-cigarettes are not fully known,” The American Cancer Society claims, “but evidence is accumulating that e-cigarette use has negative effects on the cardiovascular system and lungs. Without immediate measures to stop epidemic use of these products, the long-term adverse health effects will increase.” Retired University of California, San Francisco tobacco researcher Stanton Glantz has even suggested that  e-cig users would “be better off just smoking.”

The impulse to reject anything tobacco-related is understandable. But we have to stick with the data we have, which suggests vaping is far safer than smoking, and wait for the long-term results to come in. What we can't do is minimize the existing evidence while simultaneously making statements about the future. Uncertainty is acceptable when we don't have enough evidence, as Barton wrote:

It seems unlikely that e-cigarettes will be without pathological consequences within the human lung and elsewhere, though when we will be able to prove or disprove this is less clear … Regular monitoring of suspected adverse events arising from e-cigarettes … will aid recognition of new complications in [the] future, though it is unlikely we will appreciate the full picture of any long-term harms until well into this century.

[1] The FDA classifies e-cigarettes as tobacco products, but this designation makes little sense. According to Nicotine and Tobacco Research , "If all products containing nicotine derived from tobacco were labeled as 'tobacco products' internationally, then nicotine-replacement therapies would be classified as tobacco products, which they are clearly not."

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Cameron English

Director of Bioscience 

Cameron English is a writer, editor and co-host of the Science Facts and Fallacies Podcast. Before joining ACSH, he was managing editor at the Genetic Literacy Project.

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Essay on Why Vaping Is Bad

Students are often asked to write an essay on Why Vaping Is Bad in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Why Vaping Is Bad

Health risks.

Vaping can cause serious health problems, including lung damage, heart disease, and cancer. The chemicals in e-cigarettes can damage the cells in your lungs, leading to inflammation and scarring. This can make it harder to breathe and increase your risk of infections.

Nicotine Addiction

E-cigarettes contain nicotine, which is addictive. Nicotine can harm your brain and body, leading to problems such as anxiety, depression, and addiction. It can also increase your risk of heart disease and cancer.

Secondhand Vapor

Vaping can release harmful chemicals into the air, which can be inhaled by people nearby. This is called secondhand vapor, and it can cause the same health problems as vaping.

Vaping is a dangerous habit that can have serious health consequences. If you are thinking about starting to vape, or if you are currently vaping, please reconsider. There are many other ways to enjoy yourself without putting your health at risk.

250 Words Essay on Why Vaping Is Bad

Risky experiment, liquid trouble.

E-cigarettes use a liquid that may contain nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals. Nicotine is a drug that can harm brain growth in young people and can also cause addiction. The other chemicals in e-cigarettes could be bad for your lungs.

Lung Problems

Vaping can cause lung problems, such as scarring and inflammation. It can make you more likely to get infections. Some people have even died from vaping-related lung illnesses.

Not an Addiction-Curer

Vaping is often promoted as a way to quit smoking, but it isn’t a good idea. Vaping is not a proven way to quit smoking, and it can actually make it harder to quit.

Social Embarrassment

Vaping can also cause social problems. Some people find it annoying when others vape around them. It can also lead to arguments and conflicts.

Bad for Society

Vaping can be bad for the community as a whole. It can lead to more pollution and can make it harder for people to breathe.

Be Smart, Say No

500 words essay on why vaping is bad, health risks of vaping.

Vaping is inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. It is often promoted as a safer alternative to smoking, but there is no doubt that vaping has its own set of health risks. Some of the dangers associated with vaping include potential lung damage due to chemicals and metals entering the lungs, nicotine addiction, and the risk of burns or explosions due to faulty devices. The aerosol produced by e-cigarettes contains various chemicals, including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein, which can cause respiratory irritation and increase the risk of developing serious illnesses like cancer.

Addictive Nature of Nicotine

The majority of e-cigarettes contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance found in traditional cigarettes. Nicotine can adversely affect brain development, especially in young individuals whose brains are still developing. It has been linked to problems with memory, attention, and mood. Additionally, nicotine can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer. E-cigarettes often deliver nicotine more efficiently than traditional cigarettes, leading to a quicker and stronger addiction.

Aerosol and Its Effects

In conclusion, there is ample evidence to suggest that vaping is not a safe alternative to smoking and is potentially harmful to our health. The aerosol produced by e-cigarettes contains harmful chemicals that can damage the lungs and pose a risk of addiction to nicotine. Until more research is conducted and the long-term effects of vaping are fully understood, it is best to avoid this practice and encourage others to do the same.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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essay on how vaping is bad

Explainer: More teens are vaping. This is why that’s a concern.

E-cigarette use, or vaping, among adolescents has skyrocketed in the last decade, prompting calls to action from the nation’s top health leaders. However, the harms of vaping don’t seem to be sinking in with Georgia youth. A 2019 survey of Georgia teens revealed that nearly 1 in 5 high school students have vaped and 11% of students reported vaping in the past 30 days.

Christina Proctor is a clinical assistant professor in the department of health promotion and behavior at UGA’s College of Public Health. She studies teen substance use, and below, Dr. Proctor provides more details on the harms of vaping and the strategies we can use to reduce teen vaping.

What is vaping, and how does it differ from using cigarettes?

Smoking delivers nicotine by burning tobacco, which we know is associated with many chronic conditions and diseases. Vaping delivers nicotine by heating a liquid that contains nicotine extracted from tobacco, flavors, and other chemicals. Research shows that vaping exposes you to less toxins than smoking cigarettes, but there’s still risk. There’s a lot we don’t know about the chemicals that are contained in vaping products, and we still don’t have enough research about product safety.

Why is there a lot of concern around teens and vaping right now?

E-cigarettes were initially developed to help people quit smoking and were used as a harm reduction strategy for individuals who had a hard time quitting tobacco use. Since then, there have been many different types of electronic cigarettes and vaping devices created to deliver nicotine. Many of these products are developed by the tobacco industry, and the same marketing strategies used to push tobacco on to people have been used to try to get individuals to start using vaping products. More than 2 million U.S. middle and high school students reported using e-cigarettes in 2021, with more than 80% of those youth using flavored e-cigarettes. There are a lot of teens who vape that never had any intention of using tobacco products. Essentially the tobacco companies have found a way to get a new group of people addicted to nicotine just as we were closing in on goals to decrease tobacco product use in this country.

What are some misconceptions about vaping that people need to be aware of?

I think the biggest misconception is that vaping isn’t as harmful as tobacco use. There’s harm in vaping, too. Nicotine is a powerful psychoactive substance, toxic, and is highly addictive. It raises your blood pressure and spikes your adrenaline, which increases your heart rate and the likelihood of having heart issues and heart attacks. A lot of the new vaping devices allow modification of nicotine delivery and often are delivering way more nicotine to the body than a normal cigarette would. You can buy extra strength cartridges or increase the voltage on the devices to get a higher hit of the substance. The high intake of nicotine is concerning, and many people will have a hard time quitting vaping once they start.

What are some of the current public health interventions for vaping?

They are very similar to our public health interventions to decrease tobacco use. Policies restricting access are key to decreasing e-cigarette use in young populations. The federal minimum age to buy e-cigarettes and electronic nicotine delivery systems was raised from 18 to 21 years of age. Advertisements must include a warning about the dangers of nicotine. Increasing prices by adding taxes and restricting e-cigarette or electronic nicotine delivery systems in public spaces or at workplaces are good strategies to decrease use. In addition, there are now mass media campaigns that discourage use. Current use of vaping products has decreased in the past two years, so public health efforts and policies could be contributing to those declines.

– Chancey Phillips

Posted April 12, 2023.

Explainer: More teens are vaping. This is why that’s a concern.

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Impact of vaping on respiratory health

Linked editorial.

Protecting children from harms of vaping

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  • Andrea Jonas , clinical assistant professor
  • Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care, Department of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
  • Correspondence to A Jonas andreajonas{at}

Widespread uptake of vaping has signaled a sea change in the future of nicotine consumption. Vaping has grown in popularity over the past decade, in part propelled by innovations in vape pen design and nicotine flavoring. Teens and young adults have seen the biggest uptake in use of vape pens, which have superseded conventional cigarettes as the preferred modality of nicotine consumption. Relatively little is known, however, about the potential effects of chronic vaping on the respiratory system. Further, the role of vaping as a tool of smoking cessation and tobacco harm reduction remains controversial. The 2019 E-cigarette or Vaping Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) outbreak highlighted the potential harms of vaping, and the consequences of long term use remain unknown. Here, we review the growing body of literature investigating the impacts of vaping on respiratory health. We review the clinical manifestations of vaping related lung injury, including the EVALI outbreak, as well as the effects of chronic vaping on respiratory health and covid-19 outcomes. We conclude that vaping is not without risk, and that further investigation is required to establish clear public policy guidance and regulation.


BAL bronchoalveolar lavage

CBD cannabidiol

CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

DLCO diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide

EMR electronic medical record

END electronic nicotine delivery systems

EVALI E-cigarette or Vaping product Use-Associated Lung Injury

LLM lipid laden macrophages

THC tetrahydrocannabinol

V/Q ventilation perfusion


The introduction of vape pens to international markets in the mid 2000s signaled a sea change in the future of nicotine consumption. Long the mainstay of nicotine use, conventional cigarette smoking was on the decline for decades in the US, 1 2 largely owing to generational shifts in attitudes toward smoking. 3 With the advent of vape pens, trends in nicotine use have reversed, and the past two decades have seen a steady uptake of vaping among young, never smokers. 4 5 6 Vaping is now the preferred modality of nicotine consumption among young people, 7 and 2020 surveys indicate that one in five US high school students currently vape. 8 These trends are reflected internationally, where the prevalence of vape products has grown in both China and the UK. 9 Relatively little is known, however, regarding the health consequences of chronic vape pen use. 10 11 Although vaping was initially heralded as a safer alternative to cigarette smoking, 12 13 the toxic substances found in vape aerosols have raised new questions about the long term safety of vaping. 14 15 16 17 The 2019 E-cigarette or Vaping product Use-Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) outbreak, ultimately linked to vitamin E acetate in THC vapes, raised further concerns about the health effects of vaping, 18 19 20 and has led to increased scientific interest in the health consequences of chronic vaping. This review summarizes the history and epidemiology of vaping, and the clinical manifestations and proposed pathophysiology of lung injury caused by vaping. The public health consequences of widespread vaping remain to be seen and are compounded by young users of vape pens later transitioning to combustible cigarettes. 4 21 22 Deepened scientific understanding and public awareness of the potential harms of vaping are imperative to confront the challenges posed by a new generation of nicotine users.

Sources and selection criteria

We searched PubMed and Ovid Medline databases for the terms “vape”, “vaping”, “e-cigarette”, “electronic cigarette”, “electronic nicotine delivery”, “electronic nicotine device”, “END”, “EVALI”, “lung injury, diagnosis, management, and treatment” to find articles published between January 2000 and December 2021. We also identified references from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, as well as relevant review articles and public policy resources. Prioritization was given to peer reviewed articles written in English in moderate-to-high impact journals, consensus statements, guidelines, and included randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and case series. We excluded publications that had a qualitative research design, or for which a conflict of interest in funding could be identified, as defined by any funding source or consulting fee from nicotine manufacturers or distributors. Search terms were chosen to generate a broad selection of literature that reflected historic and current understanding of the effects of vaping on respiratory health.

The origins of vaping

Vaping achieved widespread popularity over the past decade, but its origins date back almost a century and are summarized in figure 1 . The first known patent for an “electric vaporizer” was granted in 1930, intended for aerosolizing medicinal compounds. 23 Subsequent patents and prototypes never made it to market, 24 and it wasn’t until 1979 that the first vape pen was commercialized. Dubbed the “Favor” cigarette, the device was heralded as a smokeless alternative to cigarettes and led to the term “vaping” being coined to differentiate the “new age” method of nicotine consumption from conventional, combustible cigarettes. 25 “Favor” cigarettes did not achieve widespread appeal, in part because of the bitter taste of the aerosolized freebase nicotine; however, the term vaping persisted and would go on to be used by the myriad products that have since been developed.

Fig 1

Timeline of vape pen invention to widespread use (1970s-2020)

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The forerunner of the modern vape pen was developed in Beijing in 2003 and later introduced to US markets around 2006. 26 27 Around this time, the future Juul Laboratories founders developed the precursor of the current Juul vape pen while they were students at the Stanford Byers-Center for Biodesign. 28 Their model included disposable cartridges of flavored nicotine solution (pods) that could be inserted into the vape pen, which itself resembled a USB flash drive. Key to their work was the chemical alteration of freebase nicotine to a benzoate nicotine salt. 29 The lower pH of the nicotine salt resulted in an aerosolized nicotine product that lacked a bitter taste, 30 and enabled manufacturers to expand the range of flavored vape products. 31 Juul Laboratories was founded a decade later and quickly rose to dominate the US market, 32 accounting for an estimated 13-59% of the vape products used among teens by 2020. 6 8 Part of the Juul vape pen’s appeal stems from its discreet design, as well as its ability to deliver nicotine with an efficiency matching that of conventional cigarettes. 33 34 Subsequent generations of vape pens have included innovations such as the tank system, which allowed users to select from the wide range of different vape solutions on the market, rather than the relatively limited selection available in traditional pod based systems. Further customizations include the ability to select different vape pen components such as atomizers, heating coils, and fluid wicks, allowing users to calibrate the way in which the vape aerosol is produced. Tobacco companies have taken note of the shifting demographics of nicotine users, as evidenced in 2018 by Altria’s $12.8bn investment in Juul Laboratories. 35

Vaping terminology

At present, vaping serves as an umbrella term that describes multiple modalities of aerosolized nicotine consumption. Vape pens are alternatively called e-cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery systems (END), e-cigars, and e-hookahs. Additional vernacular terms have emerged to describe both the various vape pen devices (eg, tank, mod, dab pen), vape solution (eg, e-liquid, vape juice), as well as the act of vaping (eg, ripping, juuling, puffing, hitting). 36 A conventional vape pen is a battery operated handheld device that contains a storage chamber for the vape solution and an internal element for generating the characteristic vape aerosol. Multiple generations of vape pens have entered the market, including single use, disposable varieties, as well as reusable models that have either a refillable fluid reservoir or a disposable cartridge for the vape solution. Aerosol generation entails a heating coil that atomizes the vape solution, and it is increasingly popular for devices to include advanced settings that allow users to adjust features of the aerosolized nicotine delivery. 37 38 Various devices allow for coil temperatures ranging from 110 °C to over 1000 °C, creating a wide range of conditions for thermal degradation of the vape solution itself. 39 40

The sheer number of vape solutions on the market poses a challenge in understanding the impact of vaping on respiratory health. The spectrum of vape solutions available encompasses thousands of varieties of flavors, additives, and nicotine concentrations. 41 Most vape solutions contain an active ingredient, commonly nicotine 42 ; however, alternative agents include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or cannabidiol (CBD). Vape solutions are typically composed of a combination of a flavorant, nicotine, and a carrier, commonly propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin, that generates the characteristic smoke appearance of vape aerosols. Some 450 brands of vape now offer more than 8000 flavors, 41 a figure that nearly doubled over a three year period. 43 Such tremendous variety does not account for third party sellers who offer users the option to customize a vape solution blend. Addition of marijuana based products such as THC or CBD requires the use of an oil based vape solution carrier to allow for extraction of the psychoactive elements. Despite THC vaping use in nearly 9% of high schoolers, 44 THC vape solutions are subject to minimal market regulation. Finally, a related modality of THC consumption is termed dabbing, and describes the process of inhaling aerosolized THC wax concentrate.

Epidemiology of vaping

Since the early 2000s, vaping has grown in popularity in the US and elsewhere. 8 45 Most of the 68 million vape pen users are concentrated in China, the US, and Europe. 46 Uptake among young people has been particularly pronounced, and in the US vaping has overtaken cigarettes as the most common modality of nicotine consumption among adolescents and young adults. 47 Studies estimate that 20% of US high school students are regular vape pen users, 6 48 in contrast to the 5% of adults who use vape products. 2 Teen uptake of vaping has been driven in part by a perception of vaping as a safer alternative to cigarettes, 49 50 as well as marketing strategies that target adolescents. 33 Teen use of vape pens is further driven by the low financial cost of initiation, with “starter kits” costing less than $25, 51 as well as easy access through peer sales and inconsistent age verification at in-person and online retailers. 52 After sustained growth in use over the 2010s, recent survey data from 2020 suggest that the number of vape pen users has leveled off among teens, perhaps in part owing to increased perceived risk of vaping after the EVALI outbreak. 8 53 The public health implications of teen vaping are compounded by the prevalence of vaping among never smokers (defined as having smoked fewer than 100 lifetime cigarettes), 54 and subsequent uptake of cigarette smoking among vaping teens. 4 55 Similarly, half of adults who currently vape have never used cigarettes, 2 and concern remains that vaping serves as a gateway to conventional cigarette use, 56 57 although these results have been disputed. 58 59 Despite regulation limiting the sale of flavored vape products, 60 a 2020 survey found that high school students were still predominantly using fruit, mint, menthol, and dessert flavored vape solutions. 48 While most data available surround the use of nicotine-containing vape products, a recent meta-analysis showed growing prevalence of adolescents using cannabis-containing products as well. 61

Vaping as harm reduction

Despite facing ongoing questions about safety, vaping has emerged as a potential tool for harm reduction among cigarette smokers. 12 27 An NHS report determined that vaping nicotine is “around 95% less harmful than cigarettes,” 62 leading to the development of programs that promote vaping as a tool of risk reduction among current smokers. A 2020 Cochrane review found that vaping nicotine assisted with smoking cessation over placebo 63 and recent work found increased rates of cigarette abstinence (18% v 9.9%) among those switching to vaping compared with conventional nicotine replacement (eg, gum, patch, lozenge). 64 US CDC guidance suggests that vaping nicotine may benefit current adult smokers who are able to achieve complete cigarette cessation by switching to vaping. 65 66

The public health benefit of vaping for smoking cessation is counterbalanced by vaping uptake among never smokers, 2 54 and questions surrounding the safety of chronic vaping. 10 11 Controversy surrounding the NHS claim of vaping as 95% safer than cigarettes has emerged, 67 68 and multiple leading health organizations have concluded that vaping is harmful. 42 69 Studies have demonstrated airborne particulate matter in the proximity of active vapers, 70 and concern remains that secondhand exposure to vaped aerosols may cause adverse effects, complicating the notion of vaping as a net gain for public health. 71 72 Uncertainty about the potential chronic consequences of vaping combined with vaping uptake among never smokers has complicated attempts to generate clear policy guidance. 73 74 Further, many smokers may exhibit “dual use” of conventional cigarettes and vape pens simultaneously, further complicating efforts to understand the impact of vape exposure on respiratory health, and the role vape use may play in smoking cessation. 12 We are unable to know with certainty the extent of nicotine uptake among young people that would have been seen in the absence of vaping availability, and it remains possible that some young vape pen users may have started on conventional cigarettes regardless. That said, declining nicotine use over the past several decades would argue that many young vape pen users would have never had nicotine uptake had vape pens not been introduced. 1 2 It remains an open question whether public health measures encouraging vaping for nicotine cessation will benefit current smokers enough to offset the impact of vaping uptake among young, never smokers. 75

Vaping lung injury—clinical presentations

Vaping related lung injury: 2012-19.

The potential health effects of vape pen use are varied and centered on injury to the airways and lung parenchyma. Before the 2019 EVALI outbreak, the medical literature detailed case reports of sporadic vaping related acute lung injury. The first known case was reported in 2012, when a patient presented with cough, diffuse ground glass opacities, and lipid laden macrophages (LLM) on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) return in the context of vape pen use. 76 Over the following seven years, an additional 15 cases of vaping related acute lung injury were reported in the literature. These cases included a wide range of diffuse parenchymal lung disease without any clear unifying features, and included cases of eosinophilic pneumonia, 77 78 79 hypersensitivity pneumonitis, 80 organizing pneumonia, 81 82 diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, 83 84 and giant cell foreign body reaction. 85 Although parenchymal lung injury predominated the cases reported, additional cases detailed episodes of status asthmaticus 86 and pneumothoraces 87 attributed to vaping. Non-respiratory vape pen injury has also been described, including cases of nicotine toxicity from vape solution ingestion, 88 89 and injuries sustained owing to vape pen device explosions. 90

The 2019 EVALI outbreak

In the summer of 2019 the EVALI outbreak led to 2807 cases of idiopathic acute lung injury in predominantly young, healthy individuals, which resulted in 68 deaths. 19 91 Epidemiological work to uncover the cause of the outbreak identified an association with vaping, particularly the use of THC-containing products, among affected individuals. CDC criteria for EVALI ( box 1 ) included individuals presenting with respiratory symptoms who had pulmonary infiltrates on imaging in the context of having vaped or dabbed within 90 days of symptom onset, without an alternative identifiable cause. 92 93 After peaking in September 2019, EVALI case numbers steadily declined, 91 likely owing to identification of a link with vaping, and subsequent removal of offending agents from circulation. Regardless, sporadic cases continue to be reported, and a high index of suspicion is required to differentiate EVALI from covid-19 pneumonia. 94 95 A strong association emerged between EVALI cases and the presence of vitamin E acetate in the BAL return of affected individuals 96 ; however, no definitive causal link has been established. Interestingly, the EVALI outbreak was nearly entirely contained within the US with the exception of several dozen cases, at least one of which was caused by an imported US product. 97 98 99 The pattern of cases and lung injury is most suggestive of a vape solution contaminant that was introduced into the distribution pipeline in US markets, leading to a geographically contained pattern of lung injury among users. CDC case criteria for EVALI may have obscured a potential link between viral pneumonia and EVALI, and cases may have been under-recognized following the onset of the covid-19 pandemic.

CDC criteria for establishing EVALI diagnosis

Cdc lung injury surveillance, primary case definitions, confirmed case.

Vape use* in 90 days prior to symptom onset; and

Pulmonary infiltrate on chest radiograph or ground glass opacities on chest computed tomography (CT) scan; and

Absence of pulmonary infection on initial investigation†; and

Absence of alternative plausible diagnosis (eg, cardiac, rheumatological, or neoplastic process).

Probable case

Pulmonary infiltrate on chest radiograph or ground glass opacities on chest CT; and

Infection has been identified; however is not thought to represent the sole cause of lung injury OR minimum criteria** to exclude infection have not been performed but infection is not thought to be the sole cause of lung injury

*Use of e-cigarette, vape pen, or dabbing.

†Minimum criteria for absence of pulmonary infection: negative respiratory viral panel, negative influenza testing (if supported by local epidemiological data), and all other clinically indicated infectious respiratory disease testing is negative.

EVALI—clinical, radiographic, and pathologic features

In the right clinical context, diagnosis of EVALI includes identification of characteristic radiographic and pathologic features. EVALI patients largely fit a pattern of diffuse, acute lung injury in the context of vape pen exposure. A systematic review of 200 reported cases of EVALI showed that those affected were predominantly men in their teens to early 30s, and most (80%) had been using THC-containing products. 100 Presentations included predominantly respiratory (95%), constitutional (87%), and gastrointestinal symptoms (73%). Radiological studies mostly featured diffuse ground glass opacities bilaterally. Of 92 cases that underwent BAL, alveolar fluid samples were most commonly neutrophil predominant, and 81% were additionally positive for LLM on Oil Red O staining. Lung biopsy was not required to achieve the diagnosis; however, of 33 cases that underwent tissue biopsy, common features included organizing pneumonia, inflammation, foamy macrophages, and fibrinous exudates.


Most patients with EVALI recovered, and prognosis was generally favorable. A systematic review of identified cases found that most patients with confirmed disease required admission to hospital (94%), and a quarter were intubated. 100 Mortality among EVALI patients was low, with estimates around 2-3% across multiple studies. 101 102 103 Mortality was associated with age over 35 and underlying asthma, cardiac disease, or mental health conditions. 103 Notably, the cohorts studied only included patients who presented for medical care, and the samples are likely biased toward a more symptomatic population. It is likely that many individuals experiencing mild symptoms of EVALI did not present for medical care, and would have self-discontinued vaping following extensive media coverage of the outbreak at that time. Although most EVALI survivors recovered well, case series of some individuals show persistent radiographic abnormalities 101 and sustained reductions in DLCO. 104 105 Pulmonary function evaluation of EVALI survivors showed normalization in FEV 1 /FVC on spirometry in some, 106 while others had more variable outcomes. 105 107 108

Vaping induced lung injury—pathophysiology

The causes underlying vaping related acute lung injury remain interesting to clinicians, scientists, and public health officials; multiple mechanisms of injury have been proposed and are summarized in figure 2 . 31 109 110 Despite increased scientific interest in vaping related lung injury following the EVALI outbreak, the pool of data from which to draw meaningful conclusions is limited because of small scale human studies and ongoing conflicts due to tobacco industry funding. 111 Further, insufficient time has elapsed since widespread vaping uptake, and available studies reflect the effects of vaping on lung health over a maximum 10-15 year timespan. The longitudinal effects of vaping may take decades to fully manifest and ongoing prospective work is required to better understand the impacts of vaping on respiratory health.

Fig 2

Schematic illustrating pathophysiology of vaping lung injury

Pro-inflammatory vape aerosol effects

While multiple pathophysiological pathways have been proposed for vaping related lung injury, they all center on the vape aerosol itself as the conduit of lung inflammation. Vape aerosols have been found to harbor a number of toxic substances, including thermal degradation products of the various vape solution components. 112 Mass spectrometry analysis of vape aerosols has identified a variety of oxidative and pro-inflammatory substances including benzene, acrolein, volatile organic compounds, and propylene oxide. 16 17 Vaping additionally leads to airway deposition of ultrafine particles, 14 113 as well as the heavy metals manganese and zinc which are emitted from the vaping coils. 15 114 Fourth generation vape pens allow for high wattage aerosol generation, which can cause airway epithelial injury and tissue hypoxia, 115 116 as well as formaldehyde exposure similar to that of cigarette smoke. 117 Common carrier solutions such as propylene glycol have been associated with increased airway hyper-reactivity among vape pen users, 31 118 119 and have been associated with chronic respiratory conditions among theater workers exposed to aerosolized propylene glycol used in the generation of artificial fog. 120 Nicotine salts used in pod based vape pen solutions, including Juul, have been found to penetrate the cell membrane and have cytotoxic effects. 121

The myriad available vape pen flavors correlate with an expansive list of chemical compounds with potential adverse respiratory effects. Flavorants have come under increased scrutiny in recent years and have been found to contribute to the majority of aldehyde production during vape aerosol production. 122 Compounds such as cinnamaldehyde, 123 124 2,5-dimethylpyrazine (chocolate flavoring), 125 and 2,3-pentanedione 126 are common flavor additives and have been found to contribute to airway inflammation and altered immunological responses. The flavorant diacetyl garnered particular attention after it was identified on mass spectrometry in most vape solutions tested. 127 Diacetyl is most widely associated with an outbreak of diacetyl associated bronchiolitis obliterans (“popcorn lung”) among workers at a microwave popcorn plant in 2002. 128 Identification of diacetyl in vape solutions raises the possibility of development of a similar pattern of bronchiolitis obliterans among individuals who have chronic vape aerosol exposure to diacetyl-containing vape solutions. 129

Studies of vape aerosols have suggested multiple pro-inflammatory effects on the respiratory system. This includes increased airway resistance, 130 impaired response to infection, 131 and impaired mucociliary clearance. 132 Vape aerosols have further been found to induce oxidative stress in lung epithelial cells, 133 and to both induce DNA damage and impair DNA repair, consistent with a potential carcinogenic effect. 134 Mice chronically exposed to vape aerosols developed increased airway hyper-reactivity and parenchymal changes consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 135 Human studies have been more limited, but reveal increased airway edema and friability among vape pen users, as well as altered gene transcription and decreased innate immunity. 136 137 138 Upregulation of neutrophil elastase and matrix metalloproteases among vape users suggests increased proteolysis, potentially putting those patients at risk of chronic respiratory conditions. 139

THC-containing products

Of particular interest during the 2019 EVALI outbreak was the high prevalence of THC use among EVALI cases, 19 raising questions about a novel mechanism of lung injury specific to THC-containing vape solutions. These solutions differ from conventional nicotine based products because of the need for a carrier capable of emulsifying the lipid based THC component. In this context, additional vape solution ingredients rose to attention as potential culprits—namely, THC itself, which has been found to degrade to methacrolein and benzene, 140 as well as vitamin E acetate which was found to be a common oil based diluent. 141

Vitamin E acetate has garnered increasing attention as a potential culprit in the pathophysiology of the EVALI outbreak. Vitamin E acetate was found in 94% of BAL samples collected from EVALI patients, compared with none identified in unaffected vape pen users. 96 Thermal degradation of vitamin E acetate under conditions similar to those in THC vape pens has shown production of ketene, alkene, and benzene, which may mediate epithelial lung injury when inhaled. 39 Previous work had found that vitamin E acetate impairs pulmonary surfactant function, 142 and subsequent studies have shown a dose dependent adverse effect on lung parenchyma by vitamin E acetate, including toxicity to type II pneumocytes, and increased inflammatory cytokines. 143 Mice exposed to aerosols containing vitamin E acetate developed LLM and increased alveolar protein content, suggesting epithelial injury. 140 143

The pathophysiological insult underlying vaping related lung injury may be multitudinous, including potentially compound effects from multiple ingredients comprising a vape aerosol. The heterogeneity of available vape solutions on the market further complicates efforts to pinpoint particular elements of the vape aerosol that may be pathogenic, as no two users are likely to be exposed to the same combination of vape solution products. Further, vape users may be exposed to vape solutions containing terpenes, medium chain triglycerides, or coconut oil, the effects of which on respiratory epithelium remain under investigation. 144

Lipid laden macrophages

Lipid laden alveolar macrophages have risen to prominence as potential markers of vaping related lung injury. Alveolar macrophages describe a scavenger white blood cell responsible for clearing alveolar spaces of particulate matter and modulating the inflammatory response in the lung parenchyma. 145 LLM describe alveolar macrophages that have phagocytosed fat containing deposits, as seen on Oil Red O staining, and have been described in a wide variety of pulmonary conditions, including aspiration, lipoid pneumonia, organizing pneumonia, and medication induced pneumonitis. 146 147 During the EVALI outbreak, LLM were identified in the alveolar spaces of affected patients, both in the BAL fluid and on both transbronchial and surgical lung biopsies. 148 149 Of 52 EVALI cases reported in the literature who underwent BAL, LLM were identified in over 80%. 19 100 101 148 149 150 151 152 153 Accordingly, attention turned to LLM as not only a potential marker of lung injury in EVALI, but as a possible contributor to lung inflammation itself. This concern was compounded by the frequent reported use of oil based THC vape products among EVALI patients, raising the possibility of lipid deposits in the alveolus resulting from inhalation of THC-containing vape aerosols. 154 The combination of LLM, acute lung injury, and inhalational exposure to an oil based substance raised the concern for exogenous lipoid pneumonia. 152 153 However, further evaluation of the radiographic and histopathologic findings failed to identify cardinal features that would support a diagnosis of exogenous lipoid pneumonia—namely, low attenuation areas on CT imaging and foreign body giant cells on histopathology. 155 156 However, differences in the particle size and distribution between vape aerosol exposure and traditional causes of lipoid pneumonia (ie, aspiration of a large volume of an oil-containing substance), could reasonably lead to differences in radiographic appearance, although this would not account for the lack of characteristic histopathologic features on biopsy that would support a diagnosis of lipoid pneumonia.

Recent work suggests that LLM reflect a non-specific marker of vaping, rather than a marker of lung injury. One study found that LLM were not unique to EVALI and could be identified in healthy vape pen users, as well as conventional cigarette smokers, but not in never smokers. 157 Interestingly, this work showed increased cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 among healthy vape users, suggesting that cigarette and vape pen use are associated with a pro-inflammatory state in the lung. 157 An alternative theory supports LLM presence reflecting macrophage clearance of intra-alveolar cell debris rather than exogenous lipid exposure. 149 150 Such a pattern would be in keeping with the role of alveolar macrophages as modulating the inflammatory response in the lung parenchyma. 158 Taken together, available data would support LLM serving as a non-specific marker of vape product use, rather than playing a direct role in vaping related lung injury pathogenesis. 102

Clinical aspects

A high index of suspicion is required in establishing a diagnosis of vaping related lung injury, and a general approach is summarized in figure 3 . Clinicians may consider the diagnosis when faced with a patient with new respiratory symptoms in the context of vape pen use, without an alternative cause to account for their symptoms. Suspicion should be especially high if respiratory complaints are coupled with constitutional and gastrointestinal symptoms. Patients may present with non-specific markers indicative of an ongoing inflammatory process: fevers, leukocytosis, elevated C reactive protein, or elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. 19

Fig 3

Flowchart outlining the procedure for diagnosing a vaping related lung injury

Vaping related lung injury is a diagnosis of exclusion. Chest imaging via radiograph or CT may identify a variety of patterns, although diffuse ground glass opacities remain the most common radiographic finding. Generally, patients with an abnormal chest radiograph should undergo a chest CT for further evaluation of possible vaping related lung injury.

Exclusion of infectious causes is recommended. Testing should include evaluation for bacterial and viral causes of pneumonia, as deemed appropriate by clinical judgment and epidemiological data. Exclusion of common viral causes of pneumonia is imperative, particularly influenza and SARS-CoV-2. Bronchoscopy with BAL should be considered on a case-by-case basis for those with more severe disease and may be helpful to identify patients with vaping mediated eosinophilic lung injury. Further, lung biopsy may be beneficial to exclude alternative causes of lung injury in severe cases. 92

No definitive therapy has been identified for the treatment of vaping related lung injury, and data are limited to case reports and public health guidance on the topic. Management includes supportive care and strong consideration for systemic corticosteroids for severe cases of vaping related lung injury. CDC guidance encourages consideration of systemic corticosteroids for patients requiring admission to hospital, or those with higher risk factors for adverse outcomes, including age over 50, immunosuppressed status, or underlying cardiopulmonary disease. 100 Further, given case reports of vaping mediated acute eosinophilic pneumonia, steroids should be implemented in those patients who have undergone a confirmatory BAL. 77 79

Additional therapeutic options include empiric antibiotics and/or antivirals, depending on the clinical scenario. For patients requiring admission to hospital, prompt subspecialty consultation with a pulmonologist can help guide management. Outpatient follow-up with chest imaging and spirometry is recommended, as well as referral to a pulmonologist. Counseling regarding vaping cessation is also a core component in the post-discharge care for this patient population. Interventions specific to vaping cessation remain under investigation; however, literature supports the use of behavioral counseling and/or pharmacotherapy to support nicotine cessation efforts. 66

Health outcomes among vape pen users

Health outcomes among chronic vape pen users remains an open question. To date, no large scale prospective cohort studies exist that can establish a causal link between vape use and adverse respiratory outcomes. One small scale prospective cohort study did not identify any spirometric or radiographic changes among vape pen users over a 3.5 year period. 159 Given that vaping remains a relatively novel phenomenon, many users will have a less than 10 “pack year” history of vape pen use, arguably too brief an exposure period to reflect the potential harmful nature of chronic vaping. Studies encompassing a longer period of observation of vape pen users have not yet taken place, although advances in electronic medical record (EMR) data collection on vaping habits make such work within reach.

Current understanding of the health effects of vaping is largely limited to case reports of acute lung injury, and health surveys drawing associations between vaping exposure and patient reported outcomes. Within these limitations, however, early work suggests a correlation between vape pen use and poorer cardiopulmonary outcomes. Survey studies of teens who regularly vape found increased frequencies of respiratory symptoms, including productive cough, that were independent of smoking status. 160 161 These findings were corroborated in a survey series identifying more severe asthma symptoms and more days of school missed owing to asthma among vape pen users, regardless of cigarette smoking status. 162 163 164 Studies among adults have shown a similar pattern, with increased prevalence of chronic respiratory conditions (ie, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) among vape pen users, 165 166 and higher risk of myocardial infarction and stroke, but lower risk of diabetes. 167

The effects of vaping on lung function as determined by spirometric studies are more varied. Reported studies have assessed lung function after a brief exposure to vape aerosols, varying from 5-60 minutes in duration, and no longer term observational cohort studies exist. While some studies have shown increased airway resistance after vaping exposure, 130 168 169 others have shown no change in lung function. 137 170 171 The cumulative exposure of habitual vape pen users to vape aerosols is much longer than the period evaluated in these studies, and the impact of vaping on longer term respiratory heath remains to be seen. Recent work evaluating ventilation-perfusion matching among chronic vapers compared with healthy controls found increased ventilation-perfusion mismatch, despite normal spirometry in both groups. 172 Such work reinforces the notion that changes in spirometry are a feature of more advanced airways disease, and early studies, although inconsistent, may foreshadow future respiratory impairment in chronic vapers.

Covid-19 and vaping

The covid-19 pandemic brought renewed attention to the potential health impacts of vaping. Studies investigating the role of vaping in covid-19 prevalence and outcomes have been limited by the small size of the populations studied and results have been inconsistent. Early work noted a geographic association in the US between vaping prevalence and covid-19 cases, 173 and a subsequent survey study found that a covid-19 diagnosis was five times more likely among teens who had ever vaped. 174 In contrast, a UK survey study found no association between vaping status and covid-19 infection rates, although captured a much smaller population of vape pen users. 175 Reports of nicotine use upregulating the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptor, 176 which serves as the binding site for SARS-CoV-2 entry, raised the possibility of increased susceptibility to covid-19 among chronic nicotine vape pen users. 177 178 Further, vape use associated with sharing devices and frequent touching of the mouth and face were posited as potential confounders contributing to increased prevalence of covid-19 in this population. 179

Covid-19 outcomes among chronic vape pen users remain an open question. While smoking has been associated with progression to more severe infections, 180 181 no investigation has been performed to date among vaping cohorts. The young average age of chronic vape pen users may prove a protective factor, as risk of severe covid-19 infection has been shown to increase with age. 182 Regardless, a prudent recommendation remains to abstain from vaping to mitigate risk of progression to severe covid-19 infection. 183

Increased awareness of respiratory health brought about by covid-19 and EVALI is galvanizing the changing patterns in vape pen use. 184 Survey studies have consistently shown trends toward decreasing use among adolescents and young adults. 174 185 186 In one study, up to two thirds of participants endorsed decreasing or quitting vaping owing to a combination of factors including difficulty purchasing vape products during the pandemic, concerns about vaping effects on lung health, and difficulty concealing vape use while living with family. 174 Such results are reflected in nationwide trends that show halting growth in vaping use among high school students. 8 These trends are encouraging in that public health interventions countering nicotine use among teens may be meeting some measure of success.

Clinical impact—collecting and recording a vaping history

Vaping history in electronic medical records.

Efforts to prevent, diagnose, and treat vaping related lung injury begin with the ability of our healthcare system to identify vape users. Since vaping related lung injury remains a diagnosis of exclusion, clinicians must have a high index of suspicion when confronted with idiopathic lung injury in a patient with vaping exposure. Unlike cigarette use, vape pen use is not built into most EMR systems, and is not included in meaningful use criteria for EMRs. 187 Retrospective analysis of outpatient visits showed that a vaping history was collected in less than 0.1% of patients in 2015, 188 although this number has been increasing. 189 190 In part augmented by EMR frameworks that prompt collection of data on vaping history, more recent estimates indicate that a vaping history is being collected in up to 6% of patients. 191 Compared with the widespread use of vaping, particularly among adolescent and young adult populations, this number remains low. Considering generational trends in nicotine use, vaping will likely eventually overcome cigarettes as the most common mode of nicotine use, raising the importance of collecting a vaping related history. Further, EMR integration of vaping history is imperative to allow for retrospective, large scale analyses of vape exposure on longitudinal health outcomes at a population level.

Practical considerations—gathering a vaping history

As vaping becomes more common, the clinician’s ability to accurately collect a vaping history and identify patients who may benefit from nicotine cessation programs becomes more important. Reassuringly, gathering a vaping history is not dissimilar to asking about smoking and use of other tobacco products, and is summarized in box 2 . Collecting a vaping history is of particular importance for providers caring for adolescents and young adults who are among the highest risk demographics for vape pen use. Adolescents and young adults may be reluctant to share their vaping history, particularly if they are using THC-containing or CBD-containing vape solutions. Familiarity with vernacular terms to describe vaping, assuming a non-judgmental approach, and asking parents or guardians to step away during history taking will help to break down these barriers. 192

Practical guide to collecting a vaping history

Ask with empathy.

Young adults may be reluctant to share history of vaping use. Familiarity with vaping terminology, asking in a non-judgmental manner, and asking in a confidential space may help.

Ask what they are vaping

Vape products— vape pens commonly contain nicotine or an alternative active ingredient, such as THC or CBD. Providers may also inquire about flavorants, or other vape solution additives, that their patient is consuming, particularly if vaping related lung injury is suspected.

Source— ask where they source their product from. Sources may include commercially available products, third party distributors, or friends or local contacts.

Ask how they are vaping

Device— What style of device are they using?

Frequency— How many times a day do they use their vape pen (with frequent use considered >5 times a day)? Alternatively, providers may inquire how long it takes to deplete a vape solution cartridge (with use of one or more pods a day considered heavy use).

Nicotine concentration— For individuals consuming nicotine-containing products, clinicians may inquire about concentration and frequency of use, as this may allow for development of a nicotine replacement therapy plan.

Ask about other inhaled products

Clinicians should ask patients who vape about use of other inhaled products, particularly cigarettes. Further, clinicians may ask about use of water pipes, heat-not-burn devices, THC-containing products, or dabbing.

The following provides a practical guide on considerations when collecting a vaping history. Of note, collecting a partial history is preferable to no history at all, and simply recording whether a patient is vaping or not adds valuable information to the medical record.

Vape use— age at time of vaping onset and frequency of vape pen use. Vape pen use >5 times a day would be considered frequent. Alternatively, clinicians may inquire how long it takes to deplete a vape solution pod (use of one or more pods a day would be considered heavy use), or how frequently users are refilling their vape pens for refillable models.

Vape products— given significant variation in vape solutions available on the market, and variable risk profiles of the multitude of additives, inquiring as to which products a patient is using may add useful information. Further, clinicians may inquire about use of nicotine versus THC-containing vape solutions, and whether said products are commercially available or are customized by third party sellers.

Concurrent smoking— simultaneous use of multiple inhaled products is common among vape users, including concurrent use of conventional cigarettes, water pipes, heat-not-burn devices, and THC-containing or CBD-containing products. Among those using marijuana products, gathering a history regarding the type of product use, the device, and the modality of aerosol generation may be warranted. Gathering such detailed information may be challenging in the face of rapidly evolving product availability and changing popular terminology. Lastly, clinicians may wish to inquire about “dabbing”—the practice of inhaling heated butane hash oil, a concentrated THC wax—which may also be associated with lung injury. 193

Future directions

Our understanding of the effects of vaping on respiratory health is in its early stages and multiple trials are under way. Future work requires enhanced understanding of the effects of vape aerosols on lung biology, such as ongoing investigations into biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation among vape users ( NCT03823885 ). Additional studies seek to elucidate the relation between vape aerosol exposure and cardiopulmonary outcomes among vape pen users ( NCT03863509 , NCT05199480 ), while an ongoing prospective cohort study will allow for longitudinal assessment of airway reactivity and spirometric changes among chronic vape pen users ( NCT04395274 ).

Public health and policy interventions are vital in supporting both our understanding of vaping on respiratory health and curbing the vaping epidemic among teens. Ongoing, large scale randomized controlled studies seek to assess the impact of the FDA’s “The Real Cost” advertisement campaign for vaping prevention ( NCT04836455 ) and another trial is assessing the impact of a vaping prevention curriculum among adolescents ( NCT04843501 ). Current trials are seeking to understand the potential for various therapies as tools for vaping cessation, including nicotine patches ( NCT04974580 ), varenicline ( NCT04602494 ), and text message intervention ( NCT04919590 ).

Finally, evaluation of vaping as a potential tool for harm reduction among current cigarette smokers is undergoing further evaluation ( NCT03235505 ), which will add to the body of work and eventually lead to clear policy guidance.

Several guidelines on the management of vaping related lung injury have been published and are summarized in table 1 . 194 195 196 Given the relatively small number of cases, the fact that vaping related lung injury remains a newer clinical entity, and the lack of clinical trials on the topic, guideline recommendations reflect best practices and expert opinion. Further, published guidelines focus on the diagnosis and management of EVALI, and no guidelines exist to date for the management of vaping related lung injury more generally.

Summary of clinical guidelines

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Vaping has grown in popularity internationally over the past decade, in part propelled by innovations in vape pen design and nicotine flavoring. Teens and young adults have seen the biggest uptake in use of vape pens, which have superseded conventional cigarettes as the preferred modality of nicotine consumption. Despite their widespread popularity, relatively little is known about the potential effects of chronic vaping on the respiratory system, and a growing body of literature supports the notion that vaping is not without risk. The 2019 EVALI outbreak highlighted the potential harms of vaping, and the consequences of long term use remain unknown.

Discussions regarding the potential harms of vaping are reminiscent of scientific debates about the health effects of cigarette use in the 1940s. Interesting parallels persist, including the fact that only a minority of conventional cigarette users develop acute lung injury, yet the health impact of sustained, longitudinal cigarette use is unquestioned. The true impact of vaping on respiratory health will manifest over the coming decades, but in the interval a prudent and time tested recommendation remains to abstain from consumption of inhaled nicotine and other products.

Questions for future research

How does chronic vape aerosol exposure affect respiratory health?

Does use of vape pens affect respiratory physiology (airway resistance, V/Q matching, etc) in those with underlying lung disease?

What is the role for vape pen use in promoting smoking cessation?

What is the significance of pulmonary alveolar macrophages in the pathophysiology of vaping related lung injury?

Are particular populations more susceptible to vaping related lung injury (ie, by sex, demographic, underlying comorbidity, or age)?

Series explanation: State of the Art Reviews are commissioned on the basis of their relevance to academics and specialists in the US and internationally. For this reason they are written predominantly by US authors

Contributors: AJ conceived of, researched, and wrote the piece. She is the guarantor.

Competing interests: I have read and understood the BMJ policy on declaration of interests and declare the following interests: AJ receives consulting fees from DawnLight, Inc for work unrelated to this piece.

Patient involvement: No patients were directly involved in the creation of this article.

Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

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essay on how vaping is bad

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Vaping — Should Vaping be Banned


Should Vaping Be Banned

  • Categories: Vaping

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Words: 1175 |

Published: Feb 13, 2024

Words: 1175 | Pages: 3 | 6 min read

Table of contents

What are vapes.

  • Vaping doesn’t have a bad smell to it where as smoking has a horrible odor that sticks to you clothes, hair and fingers and usually perfume and soap can’t cover the smell of this on your hair, clothes and hands until you have a shower. This is because it has an ashy smell that tends to linger when you smoke. This is because ciagarettes contain products like tar and oil. One cigarette can cause all of this and ever a taste and smell of your breath. When you change to Vaping all these smells and tastes go away due to different scents and flavors which make the experience a lot more pleasuring for you and people around you
  • It makes your personal view change on various things. A lot of smokers think that they can’t quit and are stuck with smoking, so there isn't really any bother with exercise because smoking makes it harder, or eating healthy, or make better life choices because smoking is already bad for the,. Why start exercising if smoking makes it hard to exercise in the first place? Vaping changes the perspective. Many who switch from smoking to vaping have improvement with depression, obesity, and other chronic issues that they didn’t bother to fix because they thought there was no point.
  • It saves you money Vaping is very a lot cheaper in comparison to the cost of cigarettes. Your able to get a starter kit for vaping for around half the price of half a box of cigarettes. After you invest into a good vape, they only thing you will have to pay for is a new coil and the juice you prefer when you begin to run out. According to NerdWallet, if you smoke a pack of cigarettes per day, vaping an equivalent amount will save you almost $1,200
  • The experience of vaping is not as harsh as smoking. Vaping is the preferred way to consume medical cannabis because the experience is smoother than it is when smoking. The heat from smoking can be just as bothersome to a person’s air passageways as the chemicals in a cigarette. Because vaping allows you to customize the temperature, you can dial your product to the correct temperature for a more pleasurable experience.
  • Vaping will still cause a dry mouth. Nicotine is a stimulant. It will cause your body to get rid of fluids when you use it. That means you still end up with a dry mouth when you’re vaping. But the dry mouth might be so bothering that it might cause someone to switch back to smoking. Usually tho if you have a bottle of water on the ready it will be okay.
  • There is a higher risk of an allergic reaction. Many of the different juices that are used in vaping products are based on real food items. If you have a juice that is flavored like walnuts, for example, then there will be walnut products contained in the aerosol produced. If you’re allergic to walnuts, then you could experience an allergic reaction that is similar to what you’d experience if you consumed the actual food. For people with severe allergies to certain food products, it is necessary to avoid flavors that could trigger a food allergy.
  • Vaping may come with its own dangers If you choose vaping over smoking, then you’re eliminating the hundreds of chemicals that are present in each cigarette and the smoke it produces. That makes vaping a healthier choice for current smokers. You may, however, be trading one set of problems for another. When using e-cigs, there is evidence of lead, nitrosamines, and formaldehyde exposure, which are known neurotoxins and carcinogens. These toxic items have been found to be equal, if not higher, to what is found in cigarettes.
  • Vaping also has an issue with the battery being safe. Vapes usually have rechargeable batteries. These batteries can overheat when used and create contact injuries. In May 2018, The Washington Post reported that an exploding vape pen caused a 38-year-old man from Florida to die because it sent projectiles into his head. The man also suffered burns over 80% of his body in the incident. When you choose your vape make sure it’s the best one even tho thies incidents happen rarely it’s better to be safe then sorry.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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essay on how vaping is bad

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Why Vaping Is Bad Essay Examples

Why Vaping Is Bad - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Vaping is bad because of the chemicals in e-cigarettes, including nicotine and other harmful substances. These chemicals can cause damage to the lungs and other organs, leading to serious health problems. Additionally, vaping can be addictive and lead to long-term dependency on nicotine. Vaping has also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, COPD, and other respiratory illnesses.

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  • Cause and Effect Essay (Smoking Cigarettes)
  • Causes and Effects of Smoking Cigarettes
  • Vaping is dangerous to your health
  • Vaping is addictive
  • Vaping is a gateway to smoking
  • Vaping is expensive
  • Concerns about Youth Vaping
  • Effect of Vaping and Smoking on Health
  • I believe that tobacco and cigarettes should be banned from the United
  • Vaping is harmful to the environment
  • Juuling and Teenagers: Why Vaping is a Dangerous Trend
  • Vaping is harmful to others
  • Vaping is a fire hazard
  • Opposition to S.78 and the tobacco industry
  • Vaping is illegal in some places
  • Respiratory Assessment
  • Should Cigarettes Be Banned
  • Teen Vaping And Its Consequences
  • The Negative Effects of Marijuana
  • Vaping can be a distraction
  • Vaping can be disruptive
  • The Pros And the Cons Vaping Devices, also Called E-cigarettes
  • The Solution to Vaping Problem
  • Vaping can be smelly
  • Why Are People Still Smoking?
  • Why People Should Stop Smoking?
  • Vaping can be messy
  • Vaping can be dangerous to children
  • Vaping can be dangerous to pets
  • Vaping can be dangerous to your home

How to Write An Perfect Essay About Why Vaping Is Bad

Are you looking for tips on how to write an essay about why vaping is bad? Well, look no further! Here are some suggestions that will help you write a great paper:

  • First, pick your topic. If you’re writing a paper on why vaping is bad then the first thing you need to do is find out what makes it bad.
  • Next, come up with some ideas for your essay. You can brainstorm some topics and then narrow them down until you have one final idea for your paper.
  • Now that you have an idea, start writing! You can start by outlining what you will be writing about in each section of your paper so that it’s easier for you when it comes time to actually start writing those sections later on down the road when things get busy around here at home (or wherever else).
  • Finally, make sure everything flows smoothly together so that people who read your paper won’t feel like something doesn’t quite add up or make sense within their own minds as well as others around them who may want to read this type of information too.

What is a vape?

A vape is an electronic cigarette that produces vapor from a chemical liquid. It consists of a mouthpiece, a battery, a heating element, and a special refill. Inhaling and exhaling vapor from a vape resembles the process of smoking a regular cigarette, so it is often seen as an alternative. The difference is that tobacco products produce smoke with a pungent odor, while a vape produces vapor similar to water vapor, but with a dash of flavorings and toxic substances.

The electronic cigarette can look like a pen, a rectangular box or a flash drive. It is not conspicuous and easy to cover with your hand. Also, the vape for smoking does not leave an unpleasant odor on clothing, skin and hair. It is because of these reasons it is especially popular among teenagers and young adults.

essay on how vaping is bad

Why smoking is so dangerous?

How is a vape harmful?

Because of the unsafe composition of vaping fluid, vaping increases the risks of heart, vascular, and respiratory system problems. In September 2019, there was an outbreak of severe lung disease in the United States. Health authorities conducted a study and proved that smoking electronic cigarettes caused the problem.

Scientists from the U.S. National Academies have published 47 conclusions about vaping, most of which are negative. The few positive points suggest that quitting regular cigarettes reduces the effects of carcinogenic particles in the smoke.

The main negative effects of vaping are:

  • the occurrence of addiction;
  • Inhaling vapors of liquids that can be toxic and deadly;
  • Low quality devices may explode and burn your skin;
  • The material used to make the device may release toxins.

The harm from a vape doesn’t stop there. The effects that occur after years of e-cigarette use remain unknown. This is because vaping is a relatively new product and researchers have not had a chance to study the long-term effects.

essay on how vaping is bad

What happens when you stop smoking?

What is dangerous for lung and heart health?

A 2019 medical study proved that vaping affects the heart, lungs, and worsens circulation. There is a link between smoking e-cigarettes and an increased risk of heart attack, stroke or angina. And the risks increase regardless of a person’s lifestyle or other habits. A 2018 experiment on rats confirmed that long-term exposure to vaping can damage the lungs in the same way that tobacco smoke does.

There are also studies that have not found a direct link between vaping and lung or heart disease. They do, however, put smokers of all cigarettes at higher risk.

All reputable studies agree that vaping is less harmful than cigarettes, but it is impossible to call it safe.

Essay on Why Vaping Is Bad: Structure

Thesis Statement: Vaping is bad for you and for the environment because it causes health problems and pollutes the air.

Introduction: Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking cigarettes, but there are many reasons why it’s not a good idea.

Body Paragraph 1: The first reason is that vaping is bad for your health.

Body Paragraph 2: Second, vaping can harm the environment by releasing toxic chemicals into the air.

Conclusion: In conclusion, vaping should be avoided at all costs because it causes health problems and pollutes the air.

essay on how vaping is bad

6 signs that your child may be vaping

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