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Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise

edubook-Ram Kumar Sah

 Education and Humanity - Education First Class 11 English Exercise . 

This article provides a comprehensive solution for Class 11 English Unit 1, Chapter 1: Education and Humanity, specifically focusing on the topic of Education First. All exercises of this chapter are covered in this solution. To access this solution, please refer to Edubook Ram Kumar Sah . It is an excellent resource for students looking for content related to SEE, Class 11, Class 12, and IOE. In addition to English, Nepali, Social, Science, Computer, and many other topics are also covered on this website. Don't forget to share this blog with your friends who may find this information helpful.

Education and Humanity - Education First is the first chapter of Class 11 English , and it explores the essential role of education in human life. This chapter emphasizes the importance of education and how it shapes an individual's thinking, behavior, and overall personality. The exercise for this chapter includes a variety of activities such as reading comprehension, critical thinking, writing, and grammar exercises.

The summary of this chapter provides an overview of the key concepts and ideas discussed throughout the chapter. It highlights the main themes and the significance of education in shaping human life. The critical thinking exercises challenge students to think critically about the topics covered in the chapter and encourage them to develop their analytical skills.

The writing exercises in this chapter focus on developing writing skills such as creative writing, letter writing, and essay writing. It provides students with an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas on the importance of education in their lives.

The grammar exercises in this chapter are designed to improve the students' grammar skills. It covers a range of topics such as tense, subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, and more.

Overall, this chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of the importance of education in human life. Through the exercises included in this chapter, students can develop their critical thinking, writing, and grammar skills, which will be helpful in their academic and personal lives.

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Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise ram kumar sah

Exercise of   Unit 1 Education First Class 11 English 

Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise

Summary of   Unit 1 Education And Humanity ( Education  First) Class 11 English 

Education  first.

Malala Yousafzai, a young activist for girls' education, delivered a speech at the United Nations Youth Assembly after surviving an assassination attempt by the Taliban in Pakistan in 2012. She thanked those who supported her and spoke about the importance of education, equality, and peace. Yousafzai emphasized that education is a fundamental right for all children and that everyone should have the opportunity to receive an education. She expressed her compassion for the Taliban who attacked her, stating that she does not hate them and does not wish to seek revenge. She also highlighted the importance of nonviolence, which she learned from her mother, father, and other historical figures such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela. Yousafzai spoke about the power of education, stating that the Taliban is afraid of it and that they use violence to prevent girls from attending school. She condemned their actions, saying that they are misusing the name of Islam and that education is a duty and responsibility for all children. Yousafzai concluded her speech by advocating for peace, emphasizing that it is necessary for education, and expressing her hope that children around the world will have access to education and be treated with dignity and equality.

Basic human rights are the main problems faced by both men and women, but the impact on women is much greater. Therefore, we need to empower women through education and provide them with equal opportunities so that they can contribute to society in a positive way.

Education is the key to unlocking our potential and achieving our goals. It is through education that we can fight ignorance, poverty, and injustice. Education is the weapon that we can use to bring positive change to our society. However, millions of children around the world are denied the right to education due to poverty, conflict, discrimination, and other factors.

Therefore, we need to work together to ensure that every child, regardless of their gender, race, religion, or social status, has access to quality education. We need to invest in education and provide the necessary resources and infrastructure to support it. We need to train and support teachers and provide them with the tools and skills they need to provide quality education to their students.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we need to stand together and work towards the common goal of ensuring that every child has access to education. We need to support the Global Education First Initiative and the work of the UN Special Envoy Mr. Gordon Brown. We need to work towards creating a world where every child can fulfill their potential and achieve their dreams. We need to be the voice of the voiceless and stand up for the rights of the marginalized and oppressed. Thank you.

Critical Thinking Of   Unit 1 Education And Humanity ( Education  First) Class 11 English 

A.  all children have the right to quality education. how can we ensure this right to every child discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school. .

Ensuring the right to quality education for every child is crucial for the development of a society. It is the responsibility of both the government and parents to make sure that every child has access to education. In this regard, the role of the government and parents is crucial and complementary.

The government's role is to ensure that there are enough schools in the country, with adequate infrastructure, qualified teachers, and appropriate teaching materials. The government should also create policies that ensure that every child, regardless of their socio-economic background, has equal access to education. This may include providing free education or subsidies for economically disadvantaged families. Additionally, governments must enforce laws that require children to attend school and penalize parents who do not send their children to school.

Parents also play an important role in ensuring that their children receive a quality education. They should encourage their children to attend school regularly, monitor their academic progress, and ensure they complete their homework. Furthermore, parents must support their children's education by providing a conducive environment for studying and creating a positive attitude towards learning.

To ensure every child's right to quality education, the government and parents must work together. Parents should work with the schools to monitor their children's progress and attend parent-teacher meetings. The government should involve parents in policy-making processes related to education and ensure that parents are aware of their children's rights to education.

In conclusion, education is a fundamental right that every child deserves. It is the responsibility of both the government and parents to make sure that every child has access to quality education. Governments must create policies that ensure access to education, while parents should support their children's education and work closely with the schools. Only then can we ensure that every child's right to education is fulfilled.

 B.   A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples.

Answer : 

The saying by Confucius, "If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children," is an insightful reminder of the importance of investing in education for long-term benefits.

The saying highlights the idea that planting rice is a short-term plan that yields quick results, whereas planting trees is a long-term plan that requires patience and commitment, but eventually leads to greater rewards. However, the ultimate plan, according to Confucius, is to educate children, which is a long-term investment that reaps benefits not only for the individual but also for the society as a whole.

By educating children, we are not only building a better future for them but also for future generations. Education provides the tools and skills needed to navigate the complexities of life, to think critically, and to make informed decisions. It helps individuals to develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute positively to society.

For instance, imagine a village where the majority of the people are farmers. If they focus only on planting rice, they may have a good harvest for that year. However, if they plant trees, it will benefit the environment and provide shade, wood for fuel and construction, and fruits for food. Similarly, if they focus on educating their children, they will be able to break the cycle of poverty and make better choices for themselves and their community in the long term.

In another example, consider a country that invests heavily in education. This country will have a skilled workforce, which will lead to economic growth and development. The educated population will also be able to make informed decisions about governance and policy-making, leading to a more stable and prosperous society.

In conclusion, Confucius' saying highlights the importance of investing in education for long-term benefits. By prioritizing education, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and for future generations. It is not just an investment in the individual but an investment in the future of society as a whole.

Writing Of   Unit 1 Education And Humanity ( Education  First) Class 11 English 

❋ "education empowers a person". elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.  .


The statement "education empowers a person" highlights the significance of education in the development of an individual's personality and skill set. Education not only provides knowledge but also the necessary tools and skills to apply it in practical life. Here are some examples of how education empowers a person:

1. Professional Development: Education is vital for career growth and professional development. A person with a degree or specialized training is more likely to get a better job and higher pay. For instance, an engineer with a degree is more competent in his/her field than someone who is self-taught or lacks formal education.

2. Critical Thinking: Education equips an individual with the ability to think critically and make informed decisions. A well-educated person can analyze situations, weigh the pros and cons, and make rational choices. For instance, a doctor with a medical degree is better equipped to diagnose and treat patients than someone with only basic knowledge of medicine.

3. Personal Growth: Education also facilitates personal growth and development. It broadens one's perspective and provides exposure to diverse cultures and ideas. For example, a person who has studied literature can appreciate different writing styles, genres, and authors.

4. Socio-Economic Development: Education plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of a society. Educated individuals are more likely to participate in social and political activities, resulting in better governance. Moreover, education provides access to better healthcare, sanitation, and other basic necessities of life.

In conclusion, education empowers an individual by providing them with knowledge, skills, and tools necessary for personal and professional growth. It also has a positive impact on society's development, leading to better governance and socio-economic growth.

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Class 11 English Unit 16 Critical Thinking Exercise, Grammar Notes

This article is about Class 11 English Unit 16 Exercise Notes. The title of this unit is 'Critical Thinking'. Summary, questions answers solution and grammar of this chapter is discussed here.

For complete notes of Class 11 English Book, go to this link - Class 11 English Guide & Notes.

Unit 16 Critical Thinking Exercise

Critical Thinking Class 11

The existence of the soul is a crucial philosophical question. No matter how many times "religions" claim it to exist, how can we be sure? A slew of recent scientific studies has shed light on this age-old spiritual curiosity.

The concept of a soul is intertwined with our outlook on the future and our faith in life after death. Despite claims to the contrary, it is dependent on the physical body to be the ultimate  principle by which we think and feel.

Many people just assume it's there without doing any research or thinking about it. Birth and death are mysterious phenomena that play with our consciousness during sleep and even everyday mental functions like imagination and memory point to a life force called the lantal that is separate from our physical bodies. So, there must be something spiritual like the soul which controls the emotional functions of our body.

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Critical Thinking (What Is the Soul?)

Ways with words

Find the words from the text that mean the following. The first letter is given.

  • misleading or illusionary → deceptive
  • in a natural state; not yet processed or refined → crude
  • a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead → unicorn
  • never dying or decaying → immortal
  • come to an end; stop → cease
  • to activate or put into motion → actuate


Answer these questions.

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul?

The difference between the body and the soul is that the body is physical and exists in time and space, while the soul is thought to be non-physical and exists in time only.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind?

The psychologists' saying that there is no such thing as mind refers to the idea that mental activities and experiences can be reduced to or explained by physical processes in the body.

c. How can a mental activity be reduced to a physical activity?

A mental activity can be reduced to a physical activity by explaining how it is produced by or related to physical processes in the body, such as brain activity or nervous system activity.

d. How are mind and body related?

Mind and body are related in that mental activities and experiences are thought to be produced by or related to physical processes in the body.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person's death?

The relation between mind and memory is that memory is a mental process or activity that involves storing and retrieving information. Memory doesn't survive a person's death because it is connected with the brain which decays at death.

f. How is our power on the earth's surface entirely dependent upon the sun?

Our power on the earth's surface is dependent upon the sun because the sun is the source of energy for all life on Earth through photosynthesis and the warming of the Earth's surface.

Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer

The concept of the soul is a complex and multifaceted idea that has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries. It is often associated with religious or spiritual traditions, but it has also been a subject of philosophical and scientific inquiry.

Arguments for the existence of the soul:

  • Religious and spiritual beliefs often posit the existence of an immortal and incorporeal essence that animates the body, known as the soul.
  • Dualism, the philosophical idea that mind and body are two separate entities, suggests that the soul is the non-physical component of a person.
  • Some argue that consciousness cannot be fully explained by physical processes, and therefore must be the result of a non-physical soul.
  • The subjective experiences of individuals, such as near-death experiences or mystical experiences, are sometimes seen as evidence for the existence of the soul.
  • Some belief systems hold that the soul continues to exist after death, providing a basis for life after death.

Arguments against the existence of the soul:

  • Scientific evidence, such as the study of the brain and its correlation with behavior and cognition, suggests that consciousness and mental processes can be fully explained by physical processes.
  • Naturalistic explanations of existence, such as materialism, do not require the existence of a non-physical soul.
  • The lack of empirical evidence for the existence of the soul and the abundance of evidence for physical explanations of consciousness and mental processes.
  • The concept of the soul is often culturally specific and not universally accepted, leading to questions about its validity as a concept.
  • The idea of the soul often relies on non-scientific and unverifiable assumptions, such as the existence of an afterlife.

Overall, the existence of the soul is a complex and controversial issue that has yet to be resolved. While some people believe in the existence of the soul as a non-physical aspect of a person that may survive the death of the body, others view it as a metaphysical or dualistic concept that is not supported by scientific evidence. Still others may view it as an open question that cannot be definitively proven or disproven at this time. Ultimately, whether or not one believes in the existence of the soul is a matter of personal belief and cannot be definitively proven or disproven.

If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss

The idea that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is a common theme in psychology and personal development literature. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes can influence our physical and emotional well-being, and that changing these mental states can lead to changes in our bodies and our behavior.

One way that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is through the power of suggestion or belief. If a person believes that they can change their body in a certain way, they may be more likely to take actions that support this change and to feel motivated and empowered to make the necessary changes. For example, if a person believes that they can become more physically fit or lose weight, they may be more likely to exercise regularly and to make healthier dietary choices. These behaviors, in turn, can lead to physical changes in the body, such as increased muscle mass or weight loss.

Another way that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is through the influence of emotions and stress on physical health. Our emotional states and stress levels can have a significant impact on our bodies, and changing our emotional states or reducing our stress levels can lead to physical changes in the body. For example, if a person is able to reduce their stress levels or improve their emotional well-being, they may experience improvements in physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, or digestive problems.

Overall, the idea that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is based on the recognition that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can have a significant impact on our physical health and well-being. By changing our minds and adopting more positive and empowering beliefs and attitudes, we may be able to make positive changes in our bodies and our lives.

Write critically on the topic, The existence of God

The existence of God is a topic that has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries. It is a complex and multifaceted issue that involves a wide range of philosophical, scientific, and spiritual perspectives.

There are many arguments for and against the existence of God. Some people argue that the existence of God is the best explanation for the existence of the universe and the apparent design and order that it exhibits. They may point to the existence of seemingly irreducible complexity in the natural world, such as the intricate structure of cells and the fine-tuning of physical constants, as evidence that the universe must have been created or designed by an intelligent being. Others argue that the existence of God is incompatible with scientific evidence and that there are alternative naturalistic explanations for the observed complexity and order in the universe.

One of the main arguments against the existence of God is the problem of evil. This argument asserts that the existence of suffering and evil in the world is incompatible with the existence of a benevolent and all-powerful God. Some people argue that if God were truly good and all-powerful, he would prevent or eliminate suffering and evil, and the fact that suffering and evil exist suggests that God does not exist or is not good or all-powerful. Others argue that the existence of evil and suffering is not necessarily incompatible with the existence of God, and that theodicy, or the defense of God's goodness and justice in the face of evil, is a complex and multifaceted issue that cannot be fully resolved.

Overall, the existence of God is a complex and controversial topic that has yet to be conclusively proven or disproven.

Write critically on the topic, Religion influences ethics and morality

Religion has a significant influence on ethics and morality, as it often provides a framework for understanding and interpreting moral principles and values. Many religious traditions have codes of conduct or moral teachings that guide the behavior of their followers, and these teachings often shape the way that people understand and apply ethical principles.

One way that religion influences ethics and morality is through the provision of a moral authority or standard. Many religious traditions view their moral teachings as being based on divine revelation or the will of God, and they may argue that these teachings provide a higher or more objective standard of morality than human reason or preference. This can give religious believers a sense of certainty or conviction in their moral beliefs, and it can also provide a basis for moral judgment or criticism of others.

Religion can also influence ethics and morality through its impact on social norms and expectations. Many religious traditions have strong communities and social networks that provide support and guidance to their members, and these communities often have shared moral values and expectations. This can create a sense of social pressure or conformity to moral norms, and it can also contribute to the development of moral consensus or agreement within a religious community.

Overall, religion has a significant influence on ethics and morality, as it provides a framework for understanding and interpreting moral principles and values, and it has an impact on social norms and expectations. While religion is not the only source of moral guidance or authority, it plays an important role in shaping the way that many people understand and apply ethical principles in their lives.

Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/negative statement or a question

  • I/live in a flat when I was a child. → I used to live in a flat when I was a child.
  • She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it. → She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.
  • He/go to fishing in the summer? → Did he used to go to fishing in the summer?
  • My sister/play tennis when she was at school. → My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.
  • He/play football every weekend? → Did he used to play football every weekend?
  • My grandfather/speak five languages. → My grandfather used to speak five languages.
  • I/not hate school from the beginning. → I didn't used to hate school from the beginning.
  • You/live in Kathmandu? → Did you used to live in Kathmandu?
  • He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child. → He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.
  • She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans. → She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

Write a short paragraph describing your past habits.

In the past, I had a number of habits that I no longer engage in. One of these habits was staying up late and sleeping in, which I did frequently during my college years. I also used to be a very irregular exerciser, only fitting in workouts when I had the time and motivation. Another past habit was procrastinating on tasks and projects, which I struggled with during my early career. These past habits have changed or evolved over time, and I no longer engage in them in the same way that I used to.

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Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-1 Education and Humanity ‘Education First’ Exercises

critical thinking class 11 exercise unit 1

Education and Humanity ‘Education First’

critical thinking class 11 exercise unit 1

Exercises from the Book

Ways with words  (Page:7)

A) Find the words from the text which mean the following.

a) a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission

b) the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect

Ans: Dignity

c) harm done to someone in response to harm

Ans: revenge

d) a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters

Ans: extremist

e) sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

Ans: compassion

f) a person who is believed to speak for God

Ans: prophet

g) the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence

Ans: Philosophy

h) the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy

Ans: violence

i) an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things

Ans: prejudice

B) Match the words on the left with their opposite meanings on the right.

a. honour i. disgrace
b. innocent ii. guilty
c. brutality iii. kindness
d. forgiveness iv. punishment
e. illiteracy v. literacy

Comprehension  Page: 8

Answer the following questions.

A. Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world?

Ans: The speaker received thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world for her fast recovery and a new life. On the 9 th of October 2012, the Taliban shot her on the left side of her forehead.

B. According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?

Ans: There are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers, who are not only speaking for human rights, but who are struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace and equality.

 C. What has she learnt from Gandhi?

Ans: She has learnt the philosophy of nonviolence from Gandhi.

D. In what sense is peace necessary for education?

Ans: In many parts of the world wars and conflicts stop children to go to their schools. So, peace is necessary for education.

E. According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?

Ans: Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of basic rights are the main problems faced by both men and women.

F. What is Malala calling upon all governments?

Ans: She is calling upon all governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world.

G. What is the main message of this speech?

Ans: Education is the only solution to end all problems of the world like poverty, injustice, violence and ignorance. Education empowers ourselves with the weapon of knowledge. So, we must give priority to education.

Critical Thinking (Page: 9)

A) All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.

Ans: All children have the right to quality education. We can ensure this right to every child by making education compulsory to all children by the government. The government and the parents should play a vital role to make sure that every child can attend school.

Parents have a lasting impact on children’s learning by creating a fruitful environment for learning. When parents give time for their children’s education, children are more engaged with their school work, stay in school longer, and achieve better learning outcomes.

Education  should be administered by governmental bodies or non-profit institutions. They should take control over of education sectors to ensure education for all. Government should make education free for all children. Government should fight against terrorism, ignorance and violence to protect children from brutality and harm. It must expand the educational opportunities for girls. Government should establish stable peace  in the country to create an environment for education.

B)  Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?

Yes, I think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country, Nepal.

In these days, each and every person should be allowed to live equally and respectably but girls are deprived of their basic rights of education. Male dominated societies are creating some boundaries to create discrimination between girls and boys in terms of education. This case is more visible in rural terai and hilly mountain areas of Nepal. In rural and remote areas of  Nepal, most of the societies are patriarchal. Girls are given certain tasks in kitchen and they are sent to government schools. Boys are considered as a backbone of their family. So, they send boys to private boarding schools. A family invests a lot for boys to secure his future.  Girls are the victims of social, moral, ethical, economical and cultural problems created by male dominated society.

Strategies to Overcome  Discrimination Against Girls:

By Governments:

A) Government should ensure equal access to and completion of secondary an education to girls.

(b) Government must start functional literacy and numeracy programmes, for out-of-school girls

(c) Promote human rights education in educational programmes to girls.

(d) Increase enrolment and improve retention rates of girls by allocating appropriate budgetary resources

e) should run campaigns and flexible school schedules, incentives, scholarships, access programmes for out-of-school girls

(f) Provide education and skills training to increase girls opportunities for employment and access to decision-making processes;

(g) Provide education to increase girls’ knowledge and skills related to the functioning of economic, financial and political systems.

C) A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate with examples.

Ans: The meaning of this saying is that if we want Progress and development of humanity then we must invest in  education of children .

Rice is a short term investment. It generates returns in a year. The tree is a longer term investment requiring ten years to mature. The well educated child influences the future forever through his or her influence on endless generations. Therefore the education of a child is a worthy and a wise investment. It takes time to educate people and turn them into productive members of our society. It is not a task like growing crops or trees where you will see the benefits in one to ten years.

Good education is the best long term investment for society. We can see that in East Asia today: their postwar investments in education are paying off tremendously as East Asia is now the fastest growing region in the world. Asian countries like Japan, China and India are growing faster and faster because of their long term vision in Education.

A) Recall your school days. Write in three paragraphs of an event that you always remember.

A school organizes many events where students can participate to explore their inner talents. These events help the students to socialize them.

I used to take part in school events during my school days. I used to take part in annual function of my school. It was organized in the month of Magh of 2066 BS. I participated in Speech competition. My topic was ‘An Importance of Girls Education’. On that day, our principal sir wished me best luck for the speech. The event began when our social teacher gave welcome speech to the all parents. At the beginning I was nervous to deliver my speech but later on I spoke fluently on my topic. I was shocked when principal sir announced my name for the first prize of speech competition. I received a medal and certificate from a board member of our school. We took group photograph for a memory. My class teacher patted my back and said that he loved my speech. I introduced my parents to my class teacher. We discussed about school events and board exams.

The event changed my life completely. Before that event I was shy and nervous boy. After that event I participated in all contests of our school events. Now, I miss my school days and evens. My school days were golden days of my life.

B “Education empowers a person”. Elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.

Ans: Education is very important in everybody’s life. It enables people to face the challenges of life efficiently. Despite this, education remains a luxury that most people consider not a necessity. January 24 is the International Day of Education. It is a day to celebrate the transformative power of education and its role in human well-being. Education is one of the most powerful tools that can help people build a better world. Education can also be used to describe various aspects of a person’s life. Education can provide a child with the independence and confidence to live a life of their choice. It also helps them develop their personality and contribute to the society. Education is the key to development. It can change the course of a person’s life and elevate the whole society. With education and learning, students will have a better understanding of the world’s right and wrongs, which will help them come up with better solutions. Education has the power to lift all. It can improve the quality of life for all.

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High Approach

Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Exercises

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By Suraj Chaudhary

August 3, 2023

Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Solution

This article has all the exercises of unit 16 of class 11’s English, Critical Thinking (What Is The Soul?)

Ways with words

A. the words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below..

  • unquestionable, impossible to doubt →  indubitable
  • never done or known before →  unprecedented
  • emergence or origination emanation
  • obviously or clearly evidently
  • impossible to achieve or overcome →  insuperable
  • moved with a violent, irregular action →  agitated
  • appropriate or suitable →  apt
  • force back →  repel
  • conservative →  orthodox
  • up to now →  hitherto

B. Find the words from the text that mean the following.

a. misleading or illusionary ( deceptive ) b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined ( crude ) c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead ( unicorn ) d. never dying or decaying ( immortal ) e. come to an end; stop ( cease ) f. to activate or put into motion ( actuate )


Answer these questions..

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul? → The body exists in time and space whereas the soul exists in time only. In simple words, the body is a visible entity whereas the soul is not visible.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind? → Psychologists believe that there is no existence of the mind as they study mental processes and human behaviors by observing, interpreting, and recording how people relate to one another and the environment.

c. How can a mental activity be reduced to physical activity? → Mental activity can be reduced to physical activity by saying the mind is just an emotion of the body which is really an elaborate scientific construction.

d. How are mind and body related? → Mind and body are related as they are merely convenient ways of collecting and organizing events inside a man’s head into two groups according to causal relations.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person’s death? → Memory is the most essential characteristic of the mind. No, memory doesn’t survive a person’s death because it is connected with a certain kind of brain structure that decays at death. Thus, memory also dies.

f. How is our power on the earth’s surface entirely dependent upon the sun? → Our power on the earth’s surface is entirely dependent upon the sun as it warms our seas, regulates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.

Critical Thinking

a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer. → I believe that souls do exist. Have you ever imagined your own death? Have you ever thought that what happens after the incident that the world calls death? Could you ever convince yourself that your existence on this planet earth would be finished once you die? I couldn’t ever convince myself with the fact that I’ll be finished once I die. Death would cause the degradation of my physical body but it’s just unimaginable that I will too get over once the death occurs. This “I” is nothing but the soul. I know that the science that we’re familiar with hasn’t proved the existence of souls yet. But we shouldn’t be hopeless. The boundary of science is expanding day by day. Even the fans and lights that we use every day were once unimaginable but we know that today they exist. There are new fields added to science every day. Some of the fields that have tried to progress in this topic are metaphysics, parapsychology, etc. As far as ancient science is concerned, it had proved the existence of the soul long ago. It also developed methods by which one can experience one’s soul. But anyway, I hope that there would be a day when modern science will too prove the existence of the soul.

b. If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss. → I support the statement that “If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind.” Psychologists say our “self-talk” or “internal dialogue” can make or break a fitness routine. The problem is that many people simply aren’t aware of how destructive their thoughts are. The thing that precedes our behavior is a thought, and we sometimes aren’t good at getting in touch with our thoughts. Let me take my fitness example. The first step in charting the right course to fitness is to recognize how my thoughts are undermining my exercise plans. The second step is to challenge the negative thinking – and there’s certainly no shortage of that when it comes to exercise. It can be tough for beginners to master the skills necessary to adhere to an exercise plan, but give it time. If I could stick it out for six months, it starts to become a part of who I am versus what I do. Plus, I’ll probably see some positive results that can motivate me to keep at it. Among them: better muscle tone, feeling stronger and more fit, weight loss, improved mood, and better sleep.

Write critically on the given topics.

A. the existence of god.

Answer: The existence of God is foundational to the study of theology. The Bible does not seek to prove God’s existence but rather takes it for granted. Scripture expresses a strong doctrine of a natural revelation: the existence and attributes of God are evident from the creation itself, even though sinful human beings suppress and distort their natural knowledge of God. The dominant question in the Old and New Testaments is not whether God is, but rather who God is. Philosophers both Christian and non-Christian have offered a wide range of arguments for God’s existence, and the discipline of natural theology (what can be known or proven about God from nature alone) is flourishing today. Some philosophers, however, have proposed that belief in God is rationally justified even without theistic arguments or evidence. Meanwhile, professing atheists have offered arguments against God’s existence; the most popular is the argument from evil, which contends that the existence and extent of evil in the world gives us good reason not to believe in God. In response, Christian thinkers have developed various theodicies, which seek to explain why God is morally justified in permitting the evils we observe. If theology is the study of God and his works, then the existence of God is as foundational to theology as the existence of rocks is to geology. Two basic questions have been raised regarding belief in God’s existence: (1) Is it true? (2) Is it rationally justified (and if so, on what grounds)? The second is distinct from the first because a belief can be true without being rationally justified (e.g., someone might irrationally believe that he’ll die on a Thursday, a belief that turns out by chance to be true). Philosophers have grappled with both questions for millennia. In this essay, we will consider what the Bible says in answer to these questions, before sampling the answers of some influential Christian thinkers.

A. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.

a. I/live in a flat when I was a child. → I used to live in a flat when I was a child.

b. She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it. → She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

c. He/go to fishing in the summer? → Did he use to go fishing in the summer?

d. My sister/play tennis when she was at school. → My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.

e. He/play football every weekend? → Did he use to play football every weekend?

f. My grandfather/speak five languages. → My grandfather used to speak five languages.

g. I/not hate school from the beginning. → I did not use to hate school from the beginning.

h. You/live in Kathmandu? → Did he use to live in Kathmandu?

i. He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child. → He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

j. She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans. → She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

B. Write a short paragraph describing your past habits.

→ For five years, I lived with my uncle. I used to begin my regular tasks in the mornings at my uncle’s home. Despite having a full-time job at home, I used to strive for first place in my class. My instructors utilized locally accessible materials to make their lessons successful, despite the fact that my school lacked enough resources. They’d cheer us up in class by being nice. Project work was assigned by our English instructor. It proved to be very beneficial to our academic endeavors.

If you have any confusion, feel free to drop a comment down below. In the meantime, you can read these articles.

  • CS50: How To Study At Harvard For FREE (and get a free certificate)
  • How To Get A Domain Name For FREE in 2022
  • How To Stop Ads On YouTube and Other Websites
  • How To Use Microsoft Office Apps For FREE (even offline)
  • How To Read Wall Street Journal, NY Times, etc For FREE
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  • How to use Spotify for FREE

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Suraj Chaudhary is a writer, developer, founder, and a constant learner. He shares lessons and resources for living a fuller life every week. On this blog, he shares helpful guides and helpful articles that help his 70,000+ monthly readers find answers, solve problems, and meet their curious needs.

7 thoughts on “Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Exercises”

You made some clear points there. I looked on the internet for the topic and found most people will approve with your site.

You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation however I in finding this matter to be actually one thing which I feel I would by no means understand. It seems too complex and extremely wide for me. I am taking a look ahead for your subsequent submit, I’ll try to get the hold of it!

An impressive share, I just given this onto a colleague who was doing a little analysis on this. And he in fact bought me breakfast because I found it for him.. smile. So let me reword that: Thnx for the treat! But yeah Thnkx for spending the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love reading more on this topic. If possible, as you become expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more details? It is highly helpful for me. Big thumb up for this blog post!

Good day! I simply would like to give an enormous thumbs up for the nice info you will have here on this post. I shall be coming again to your weblog for more soon.

This website is really a walk-through for all the data you wanted about this and didn’t know who to ask. Glimpse right here, and you’ll undoubtedly discover it.

hi!,I like your writing so much! percentage we keep in touch extra approximately your post on AOL? I require a specialist on this area to unravel my problem. Maybe that is you! Taking a look forward to peer you.

Sure, shoot an email at [email protected]

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All Class Book Solution

Class - 11 English Section - I Unit - 16 Critical Thinking

Book Soluction Nepal

Class - 11 English

Section - I

  • Critical Thinking

Ways with words

A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below.

1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt

Answer 👉 indubitable

2. never done or known before

Answer 👉 unprecedented

3. emergence or origination

Answer 👉 emanation

4. obviously or clearly

Answer 👉 evidently

5. impossible to achieve or overcome

Answer 👉 insuperable

6. moved with a violent, irregular action

Answer 👉 agitated

7. appropriate or suitable

Answer 👉 apt

8. force back

Answer 👉 repel

9. conservative

Answer 👉 orthodox

10. up to now

Answer 👉 hitherto

B. Find the words from the text that mean the following.

Answer 👉 

a. misleading or illusionary (deceptive)

b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined (crude)

c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead (unicorn)

d. never dying or decaying (immortal)

e. come to an end; stop (cease)

f. to activate or put into motion (actuate)

Class 11 English Guide


Answer these questions.

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul?

Answer 👉 The body is the physical aspect of a person and the soul is often considered to be the non-physical aspect of a person that is often seen as the essence of their being. The concept of the soul varies across different cultures and religious beliefs, but it is generally thought to be separate from the physical body and to exist after death.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind?

Answer 👉 By saying that there is no such thing as mind, psychologists mean that the mind cannot be considered a separate entity from the brain and body. Instead, they view mental activities, such as thoughts and emotions, as being the result of physical and biological processes in the brain and body.

c. How can a mental activity be reduced to a physical activity?

Answer 👉  Mental activity can be reduced to physical activity by looking at the underlying biological and neural processes that are responsible for mental activities. For example, a thought can be traced back to specific neural pathways and electrical signals in the brain.

d. How are mind and body related?

Answer 👉 The relationship between the mind and body is complex and multi-faceted. Many psychologists believe that the mind and body are deeply interconnected, with the brain and nervous system playing a central role in shaping our mental experiences and behavior.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person's death?

Answer 👉 The mind and memory are closely related, as the mind is responsible for the storage and retrieval of memories. However, the exact relationship between the mind and memory is not fully understood, and it is a topic of ongoing research. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that memory survives a person's death, and most psychologists believe that memories are stored in the brain and are lost when the brain ceases to function.

f. How is our power on the earth's surface entirely dependent upon the sun?

Answer 👉 Our power on the earth's surface is entirely dependent upon the sun because the sun is the source of all energy on earth. Through photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun to produce food and oxygen. This energy is then passed on to other living things, including humans, who rely on it for survival. Additionally, the sun plays a key role in regulating the earth's climate, and its energy is used to generate electricity in many parts of the world.

a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer.

Answer 👉 The existence of the soul is a philosophical and spiritual concept that has been debated for centuries and is still not scientifically proven. Some people believe that the soul is an immortal and incorporeal essence that animates the body and gives us consciousness, free will, and moral responsibility. They argue that the soul provides an explanation for the unity and persistence of personal identity and for the existence of consciousness and subjective experience, which cannot be reduced to physical processes in the brain. However, others argue that the soul is a purely religious or cultural invention, and that consciousness and mental phenomena can be fully explained by biological, neurological, and computational processes in the brain.

b. If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss.

Answer 👉 The idea that changing one's mind can lead to a change in one's body is a common psychological concept that is supported by various theories and empirical evidence. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and positive psychology focus on changing one's thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes in order to improve physical health, well-being, and performance. Research has shown that our thoughts and emotions can influence the physiological systems of the body, such as the immune system, the cardiovascular system, and the endocrine system. Furthermore, the placebo effect demonstrates that our expectations and beliefs can have a powerful impact on the physical sensations and experiences we have, even if they are not objectively real. In other words, our mind and body are interconnected and influence each other in complex and dynamic ways, which is why changing one's mind can lead to a change in one's body.

Write critically on the given topics.

a. The existence of God

Answer 👉  The existence of God is a subject that has been debated and discussed by scholars, philosophers, theologians, and common people alike for centuries. Some argue that the existence of God is self-evident and can be deduced through reason and intuition. They point to the complexities of the universe, the intricacies of life, and the fact that everything appears to have a purpose, as evidence of the existence of an intelligent creator.

Others argue that the existence of God is not supported by empirical evidence and that belief in God is based on faith and tradition. They point to the diversity of religious beliefs and the lack of scientific evidence for the existence of God as evidence of the unreliability of religious claims. They argue that the concept of God is a human invention, used to explain the mysteries of the universe and provide comfort in the face of adversity.

Regardless of one's position on the existence of God, it is clear that the question of God's existence has been central to human inquiry for centuries and continues to be an important subject of discussion and debate.

b. Religion influences ethics and morality

Religion is a powerful force that has shaped the course of human history and influenced the development of ethics and morality. It provides a framework for understanding the meaning of life, the nature of good and evil, and the purpose of existence. It also provides a set of moral codes and principles that individuals can use to guide their behavior and make decisions about right and wrong.

Many argue that religion has a positive impact on ethics and morality by promoting kindness, compassion, and fairness, and by providing guidance on how to live a virtuous life. For example, many religious teachings emphasize the importance of helping others, treating others with respect and dignity, and living a life of integrity.

However, there are also those who argue that religion can have a negative impact on ethics and morality by promoting prejudice, discrimination, and violence. For example, some religious traditions have been used to justify acts of violence and discrimination against certain groups of people, such as women and members of minority religious groups.

Regardless of one's perspective on the influence of religion on ethics and morality, it is clear that religion has played an important role in shaping human thought and behavior throughout history, and continues to do so today.

A. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.

a. I/live in a flat when I was a child.

I used to live in a flat when I was a child.

b. She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

c. He/go to fishing in the summer?

Did he use to go fishing in the summer?

d. My sister/play tennis when she was at school.

My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.

e. He/play football every weekend?

Did he use to play football every weekend?

f. My grandfather/speak five languages.

My grandfather used to speak five languages.

g. I/not hate school from the beginning.

I did not use to hate school from the beginning.

h. You/live in Kathmandu?

Did you use to live in Kathmandu?

i. He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

j. She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

B. Write a short paragraph describing your past habits.

Answer 👉 For five years, I lived with my uncle. I used to begin my regular tasks in the mornings at my uncle’s home. Despite having a full-time job at home, I used to strive for first place in my class. My instructors utilised locally accessible materials to make their lessons successful, despite the fact that my school lacked enough resources. They’d cheer us up in class by being nice. Project work was assigned by our English instructor. It proved to be very beneficial to our academic endeavours.

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Education and Humanity Exercise : Question Answers and Grammar

Share this article, education and humanity, ways with words, a. find the words from the text which mean the following., b. match the words on the left with their opposite meanings on the right., c. using dictionary, a. study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions., i. what is the headword in the first entry, ii. how many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given, iii. what do the abbreviations u, opp, pl, and sth stand for, iv. what is the british english spelling of ‘humanize’, v. how is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced, vi. if we say every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied, b. arrange the following words in alphabetical order., i. advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement, ii. smoke small smart speaking smelling smoothly smuggler smashed smearing smallpox, iii. terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly.

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Class 11 English Notes


Answer the following questions., a. why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world, b. according to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for, c. what has she learnt from gandhi, d. in what sense is peace necessary for education, e. according to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women, f. what is malala calling upon all governments, g. what is the main message of this speech, critical thinking, a. ‘all children have the right to quality education. how can we ensure this right to every child discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.’, b.’do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country what strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls’, c. ‘a chinese philosopher confucius said, “if your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” what is the meaning of this saying elaborate this with examples.’, classify the underlined words into different word classes., a. the man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend., b. i bought a round table in the supermarket., c. alas, she is dead., d. hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy., e. i have never been to japan., f. ann drove a car safely., g. nobody has claimed it., h. she cut her hand with a knife., i. they have postponed the program because of rain., j. everybody comes to the party., k. all such people ought to be avoided., l. all of the food has gone., m. what was that noise, n. one must not boast of one’s own success., o. nobody was there to rescue the child., p. neither of the accusations is true., q. neither answer is correct., r. here is the book that you lent me., s. without health there is no happiness., don't miss our nepali guide.

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critical thinking class 11 exercise

High Approach

Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Exercises

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By Suraj Chaudhary

August 3, 2023

Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Solution

This article has all the exercises of unit 16 of class 11’s English, Critical Thinking (What Is The Soul?)

Ways with words

A. the words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below..

  • unquestionable, impossible to doubt →  indubitable
  • never done or known before →  unprecedented
  • emergence or origination emanation
  • obviously or clearly evidently
  • impossible to achieve or overcome →  insuperable
  • moved with a violent, irregular action →  agitated
  • appropriate or suitable →  apt
  • force back →  repel
  • conservative →  orthodox
  • up to now →  hitherto

B. Find the words from the text that mean the following.

a. misleading or illusionary ( deceptive ) b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined ( crude ) c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead ( unicorn ) d. never dying or decaying ( immortal ) e. come to an end; stop ( cease ) f. to activate or put into motion ( actuate )


Answer these questions..

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul? → The body exists in time and space whereas the soul exists in time only. In simple words, the body is a visible entity whereas the soul is not visible.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind? → Psychologists believe that there is no existence of the mind as they study mental processes and human behaviors by observing, interpreting, and recording how people relate to one another and the environment.

c. How can a mental activity be reduced to physical activity? → Mental activity can be reduced to physical activity by saying the mind is just an emotion of the body which is really an elaborate scientific construction.

d. How are mind and body related? → Mind and body are related as they are merely convenient ways of collecting and organizing events inside a man’s head into two groups according to causal relations.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person’s death? → Memory is the most essential characteristic of the mind. No, memory doesn’t survive a person’s death because it is connected with a certain kind of brain structure that decays at death. Thus, memory also dies.

f. How is our power on the earth’s surface entirely dependent upon the sun? → Our power on the earth’s surface is entirely dependent upon the sun as it warms our seas, regulates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.

  • Critical Thinking

a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer. → I believe that souls do exist. Have you ever imagined your own death? Have you ever thought that what happens after the incident that the world calls death? Could you ever convince yourself that your existence on this planet earth would be finished once you die? I couldn’t ever convince myself with the fact that I’ll be finished once I die. Death would cause the degradation of my physical body but it’s just unimaginable that I will too get over once the death occurs. This “I” is nothing but the soul. I know that the science that we’re familiar with hasn’t proved the existence of souls yet. But we shouldn’t be hopeless. The boundary of science is expanding day by day. Even the fans and lights that we use every day were once unimaginable but we know that today they exist. There are new fields added to science every day. Some of the fields that have tried to progress in this topic are metaphysics, parapsychology, etc. As far as ancient science is concerned, it had proved the existence of the soul long ago. It also developed methods by which one can experience one’s soul. But anyway, I hope that there would be a day when modern science will too prove the existence of the soul.

b. If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss. → I support the statement that “If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind.” Psychologists say our “self-talk” or “internal dialogue” can make or break a fitness routine. The problem is that many people simply aren’t aware of how destructive their thoughts are. The thing that precedes our behavior is a thought, and we sometimes aren’t good at getting in touch with our thoughts. Let me take my fitness example. The first step in charting the right course to fitness is to recognize how my thoughts are undermining my exercise plans. The second step is to challenge the negative thinking – and there’s certainly no shortage of that when it comes to exercise. It can be tough for beginners to master the skills necessary to adhere to an exercise plan, but give it time. If I could stick it out for six months, it starts to become a part of who I am versus what I do. Plus, I’ll probably see some positive results that can motivate me to keep at it. Among them: better muscle tone, feeling stronger and more fit, weight loss, improved mood, and better sleep.

Write critically on the given topics.

A. the existence of god.

Answer: The existence of God is foundational to the study of theology. The Bible does not seek to prove God’s existence but rather takes it for granted. Scripture expresses a strong doctrine of a natural revelation: the existence and attributes of God are evident from the creation itself, even though sinful human beings suppress and distort their natural knowledge of God. The dominant question in the Old and New Testaments is not whether God is, but rather who God is. Philosophers both Christian and non-Christian have offered a wide range of arguments for God’s existence, and the discipline of natural theology (what can be known or proven about God from nature alone) is flourishing today. Some philosophers, however, have proposed that belief in God is rationally justified even without theistic arguments or evidence. Meanwhile, professing atheists have offered arguments against God’s existence; the most popular is the argument from evil, which contends that the existence and extent of evil in the world gives us good reason not to believe in God. In response, Christian thinkers have developed various theodicies, which seek to explain why God is morally justified in permitting the evils we observe. If theology is the study of God and his works, then the existence of God is as foundational to theology as the existence of rocks is to geology. Two basic questions have been raised regarding belief in God’s existence: (1) Is it true? (2) Is it rationally justified (and if so, on what grounds)? The second is distinct from the first because a belief can be true without being rationally justified (e.g., someone might irrationally believe that he’ll die on a Thursday, a belief that turns out by chance to be true). Philosophers have grappled with both questions for millennia. In this essay, we will consider what the Bible says in answer to these questions, before sampling the answers of some influential Christian thinkers.

A. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.

a. I/live in a flat when I was a child. → I used to live in a flat when I was a child.

b. She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it. → She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

c. He/go to fishing in the summer? → Did he use to go fishing in the summer?

d. My sister/play tennis when she was at school. → My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.

e. He/play football every weekend? → Did he use to play football every weekend?

f. My grandfather/speak five languages. → My grandfather used to speak five languages.

g. I/not hate school from the beginning. → I did not use to hate school from the beginning.

h. You/live in Kathmandu? → Did he use to live in Kathmandu?

i. He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child. → He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

j. She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans. → She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

B. Write a short paragraph describing your past habits.

→ For five years, I lived with my uncle. I used to begin my regular tasks in the mornings at my uncle’s home. Despite having a full-time job at home, I used to strive for first place in my class. My instructors utilized locally accessible materials to make their lessons successful, despite the fact that my school lacked enough resources. They’d cheer us up in class by being nice. Project work was assigned by our English instructor. It proved to be very beneficial to our academic endeavors.

If you have any confusion, feel free to drop a comment down below. In the meantime, you can read these articles.

  • CS50: How To Study At Harvard For FREE (and get a free certificate)
  • How To Get A Domain Name For FREE in 2022
  • How To Stop Ads On YouTube and Other Websites
  • How To Use Microsoft Office Apps For FREE (even offline)
  • How To Read Wall Street Journal, NY Times, etc For FREE
  • Best Websites To Watch Movies Online For FREE
  • How to use Spotify for FREE

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Suraj Chaudhary is a writer, developer, founder, and a constant learner. He shares lessons and resources for living a fuller life every week. On this blog, he shares helpful guides and helpful articles that help his 70,000+ monthly readers find answers, solve problems, and meet their curious needs.

7 thoughts on “Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Exercises”

You made some clear points there. I looked on the internet for the topic and found most people will approve with your site.

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An impressive share, I just given this onto a colleague who was doing a little analysis on this. And he in fact bought me breakfast because I found it for him.. smile. So let me reword that: Thnx for the treat! But yeah Thnkx for spending the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love reading more on this topic. If possible, as you become expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more details? It is highly helpful for me. Big thumb up for this blog post!

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Sure, shoot an email at [email protected]

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Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit 16 Critical Thinking What Is the Soul? Exercise

critical thinking class 11 exercise

                           What Is the Soul?

critical thinking class 11 exercise

Ways with words A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below.

Across Down 3. emergence or origination

1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt- Indubitable 5. impossible to achieve or overcome- Insuperable

2. never done or known before- Unprecedented 7. appropriate or suitable- Apt

4. obviously or clearly-Evidently 8. force back- Repel

6. moved with a violent, irregular action-Agitated 10. up to now- Hitherto

9. conservative-Orthodox

B. Find the words from the text that mean the following. The first letter is given. a. misleading or illusionary ( deceptive …………) b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined ( crude       )                                                                                                                    c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead ( unicorn ………) d. never dying or decaying ( immortal ……….) e. come to an end; stop ( cease ………..) f. to activate or put into motion ( actuate …………)

Comprehension Answer these questions.

a . What’s the difference between the body and the soul?

Ans: The body is in time and space, but the soul is in time only.  b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such t hing as mind?

Ans: It is an attempt to reduce everything that seems to be mental activity to an activity of the body. c. How can a mental activity be reduced to a physical activity?

Ans: What we can say, on the basis of physics itself, is that what we have hitherto called our body is really an elaborate scientific construction not corresponding to any physical reality. The modern would-be materialist thus finds himself in a curious position, for, while he may with a certain degree of success reduce the activities of the mind to those of the body. d. How are mind and body related?

Ans: Mind is an emanation of body, and body is an invention of mind. e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person’s death?

The most essential characteristic of mind is memory, and there is no reason whatever to suppose that the memory associated with a given person survives that person’s death. Indeed there is every reason to think the opposite, for memory is clearly connected with a certain kind of brain structure, and since this structure decays at death, there is every reason to suppose that memory also must cease. f. How is our power on the earth’s surface entirely dependent upon the sun?

Ans:  Our power on the earth’s surface entirely dependent upon the sun because we could hardly realize any of our wishes if the sun grew cold.

Critical thinking a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer.

 Ans:     Yes, I believe that soul really exists. All over the world people hold strong faith in a divinity. This faith lies at the root of almost all established religions of our world. Numerous individuals have looked for an association with a higher or otherworldly force, and the followers of all creeds believe that this force, generally personified as the Supreme Being in the human image, has spread the word about itself through the interior profound or mysterious consciousness of some extraordinary messengers.

Common people give it the name God, and many philosophers call it the Cosmic Soul, from which all individual souls emerge. The truth about the spirit is among the main inquiries of life. Despite the fact that religions talk endlessly about its reality, there is also a large number of skeptics and agnostics who ask whether spirits really exist.

In my opinion, soul really exists because it keeps reminding us about our goals in life. When we go to sleep, we often have dreams, which we like to share with others. Speaking logically, if we are deep in sleep, then we cannot consciously know what happens there. And the question arises who then remembers what has happened in that dream. Surely, there must be some consciousness working at a higher level, beyond both conscious and unconscious states of mind. It means that our soul is awake whether we are asleep or awake.

Thus, we can conclude that our soul is permanent while our body is temporary. That is why religions believe that the soul departs after the death of a living body, becoming one with the Cosmic Soul – only to return in a new body. This eternal energy is our guardian, which guides us till our last breath.

b. If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss.

To balance our life, there should be a balance between your body and mind. It means that if you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. It indicates the importance of mental health. 

The normal grown-up considers 60,000 contemplations each day. It is our musings that lead to our activities. We can be completely changed or adjusted by recharging our perspectives . To recharge our psyches we should zero in on that which is acceptable and unadulterated and empty those things into our brains until that which involved it already is weakened and in the end supplanted with the new. Whatever we center around gets greater.

Similarly, in the event that we center around those things we don’t need, they additionally increment. The state of our psyches is dictated by the eating regimen that we feed our mind, similarly as the state of bodies is controlled by the eating routine that we feed our stomachs.

Actually like our bodies, our psyches require exercise and rest just as sustenance to develop and look after wellness. Mental sustenance is the food you feed your psyche. When you get up toward the beginning of the day, start taking care of your psyche with positive extraordinary data. Data took care of to the psyche inside 15 minutes of enlivening is processed rapidly and proficiently.

Similarly as you have a lounge area to take care of your body, you need a lounge area to take care of your psyche. A position of isolation where you go each day when you alert.

Writing Write critically on the given topics. a. The existence of God

In the huge investigation of reasoning, a specific inquiry has perplexed even the most clever personalities. This inquiry is, “Does God exist?” Philosophers have thought about the response to this inquiry for quite a long time, each concocting their own contention and purposes for their reasoning. A foundation of discussion frequently utilized is Antony Flew’s story of the two adventurers, who discover a nursery so wonderful, that one of the pioneers is positive that there should be a landscaper watching out for it, regardless of whether he can’t be identified in any capacity. The other adventurer isn’t so effortlessly persuaded that a grounds-keeper exists by any means. This is a similarity for the theists, who put stock in God with no confirmation, and the agnostics, who can’t be persuaded of God’s presence on the grounds that there is no unmistakable.

One viewpoint comes from Sigmund Freud who accepted religion was set up due to the human need to have a sense of safety.  On the off chance that the skeptic utilized this viewpoint when reacting to the theist, his perspective would reflect this. He would ask the his kindred pioneer for what reason he has a sense of safety when he can pin the presence of the lovely nursery on the landscaper, rather than simply tolerating that the normal nursery is simply excellent. Another point of view that the skeptic voyager may utilize comes from Richard Dawkins who assembled his speculations from Charles Darwin and his hypothesis of normal choice. Dawkins dismisses any hypothesis that has God as a maker since he trusts Darwin’s speculations of development which has no requirement for God to exist.

b. Religion influences ethics and morality

Religion, ethics and morality go together. Religion and ethical quality are firmly associated with one another. What is acceptable is additionally willed by God. The satisfaction of God’s will and the exhibition of good activity, thusly, are two parts of a similar cycle. Both profound quality and religion are interior and worried about a higher law which remains far beyond the circle of the state and outside state control.

Ethical quality readies the route for the propagation of strict convictions while religion builds up ethical quality with its extraordinary authorizations. Sure of the ethical fundamentals are clarified as having an extraordinary beginning. Salvation and blessedness are deciphered as far as the person’s connection to the ethical beliefs.

Virtues showed up at by man over the span of living are appropriated by and consolidated into religion. In joining these qualities, religion fortifies and returns them to individuals in a refined and solidified structure. The conviction that they came from God gave them more prominent restricting force. 

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Critical thinking definition

critical thinking class 11 exercise

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

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  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

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Critical Thinking (What Is the Soul?)

Find the words from the text that mean the following. the first letter is given..

  • misleading or illusionary → deceptive
  • in a natural state; not yet processed or refined → crude
  • a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead → unicorn
  • never dying or decaying → immortal
  • come to an end; stop → cease
  • to activate or put into motion → actuate

Answer these questions.

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul?

The difference between the body and the soul is that the body is physical and exists in time and space, while the soul is thought to be non-physical and exists in time only.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind?

The psychologists' saying that there is no such thing as mind refers to the idea that mental activities and experiences can be reduced to or explained by physical processes in the body.

c. How can a mental activity be reduced to a physical activity?

A mental activity can be reduced to a physical activity by explaining how it is produced by or related to physical processes in the body, such as brain activity or nervous system activity.

d. How are mind and body related?

Mind and body are related in that mental activities and experiences are thought to be produced by or related to physical processes in the body.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person's death?

The relation between mind and memory is that memory is a mental process or activity that involves storing and retrieving information. Memory doesn't survive a person's death because it is connected with the brain which decays at death.

f. How is our power on the earth's surface entirely dependent upon the sun?

Our power on the earth's surface is dependent upon the sun because the sun is the source of energy for all life on Earth through photosynthesis and the warming of the Earth's surface.

Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer

The concept of the soul is a complex and multifaceted idea that has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries. It is often associated with religious or spiritual traditions, but it has also been a subject of philosophical and scientific inquiry.

Arguments for the existence of the soul:

  • Religious and spiritual beliefs often posit the existence of an immortal and incorporeal essence that animates the body, known as the soul.
  • Dualism, the philosophical idea that mind and body are two separate entities, suggests that the soul is the non-physical component of a person.
  • Some argue that consciousness cannot be fully explained by physical processes, and therefore must be the result of a non-physical soul.
  • The subjective experiences of individuals, such as near-death experiences or mystical experiences, are sometimes seen as evidence for the existence of the soul.
  • Some belief systems hold that the soul continues to exist after death, providing a basis for life after death.

Arguments against the existence of the soul:

  • Scientific evidence, such as the study of the brain and its correlation with behavior and cognition, suggests that consciousness and mental processes can be fully explained by physical processes.
  • Naturalistic explanations of existence, such as materialism, do not require the existence of a non-physical soul.
  • The lack of empirical evidence for the existence of the soul and the abundance of evidence for physical explanations of consciousness and mental processes.
  • The concept of the soul is often culturally specific and not universally accepted, leading to questions about its validity as a concept.
  • The idea of the soul often relies on non-scientific and unverifiable assumptions, such as the existence of an afterlife.

Overall, the existence of the soul is a complex and controversial issue that has yet to be resolved. While some people believe in the existence of the soul as a non-physical aspect of a person that may survive the death of the body, others view it as a metaphysical or dualistic concept that is not supported by scientific evidence. Still others may view it as an open question that cannot be definitively proven or disproven at this time. Ultimately, whether or not one believes in the existence of the soul is a matter of personal belief and cannot be definitively proven or disproven.

If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss

The idea that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is a common theme in psychology and personal development literature. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes can influence our physical and emotional well-being, and that changing these mental states can lead to changes in our bodies and our behavior.

One way that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is through the power of suggestion or belief. If a person believes that they can change their body in a certain way, they may be more likely to take actions that support this change and to feel motivated and empowered to make the necessary changes. For example, if a person believes that they can become more physically fit or lose weight, they may be more likely to exercise regularly and to make healthier dietary choices. These behaviors, in turn, can lead to physical changes in the body, such as increased muscle mass or weight loss.

Another way that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is through the influence of emotions and stress on physical health. Our emotional states and stress levels can have a significant impact on our bodies, and changing our emotional states or reducing our stress levels can lead to physical changes in the body. For example, if a person is able to reduce their stress levels or improve their emotional well-being, they may experience improvements in physical symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, or digestive problems.

Overall, the idea that changing one's mind can lead to changes in one's body is based on the recognition that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can have a significant impact on our physical health and well-being. By changing our minds and adopting more positive and empowering beliefs and attitudes, we may be able to make positive changes in our bodies and our lives.

Write critically on the topic, The existence of God

The existence of God is a topic that has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and scientists for centuries. It is a complex and multifaceted issue that involves a wide range of philosophical, scientific, and spiritual perspectives.

There are many arguments for and against the existence of God. Some people argue that the existence of God is the best explanation for the existence of the universe and the apparent design and order that it exhibits. They may point to the existence of seemingly irreducible complexity in the natural world, such as the intricate structure of cells and the fine-tuning of physical constants, as evidence that the universe must have been created or designed by an intelligent being. Others argue that the existence of God is incompatible with scientific evidence and that there are alternative naturalistic explanations for the observed complexity and order in the universe.

One of the main arguments against the existence of God is the problem of evil. This argument asserts that the existence of suffering and evil in the world is incompatible with the existence of a benevolent and all-powerful God. Some people argue that if God were truly good and all-powerful, he would prevent or eliminate suffering and evil, and the fact that suffering and evil exist suggests that God does not exist or is not good or all-powerful. Others argue that the existence of evil and suffering is not necessarily incompatible with the existence of God, and that theodicy, or the defense of God's goodness and justice in the face of evil, is a complex and multifaceted issue that cannot be fully resolved.

Overall, the existence of God is a complex and controversial topic that has yet to be conclusively proven or disproven.

Write critically on the topic, Religion influences ethics and morality

Religion has a significant influence on ethics and morality, as it often provides a framework for understanding and interpreting moral principles and values. Many religious traditions have codes of conduct or moral teachings that guide the behavior of their followers, and these teachings often shape the way that people understand and apply ethical principles.

One way that religion influences ethics and morality is through the provision of a moral authority or standard. Many religious traditions view their moral teachings as being based on divine revelation or the will of God, and they may argue that these teachings provide a higher or more objective standard of morality than human reason or preference. This can give religious believers a sense of certainty or conviction in their moral beliefs, and it can also provide a basis for moral judgment or criticism of others.

Religion can also influence ethics and morality through its impact on social norms and expectations. Many religious traditions have strong communities and social networks that provide support and guidance to their members, and these communities often have shared moral values and expectations. This can create a sense of social pressure or conformity to moral norms, and it can also contribute to the development of moral consensus or agreement within a religious community.

Overall, religion has a significant influence on ethics and morality, as it provides a framework for understanding and interpreting moral principles and values, and it has an impact on social norms and expectations. While religion is not the only source of moral guidance or authority, it plays an important role in shaping the way that many people understand and apply ethical principles in their lives.

Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/negative statement or a question

  • I/live in a flat when I was a child. → I used to live in a flat when I was a child.
  • She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it. → She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.
  • He/go to fishing in the summer? → Did he used to go to fishing in the summer?
  • My sister/play tennis when she was at school. → My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.
  • He/play football every weekend? → Did he used to play football every weekend?
  • My grandfather/speak five languages. → My grandfather used to speak five languages.
  • I/not hate school from the beginning. → I didn't used to hate school from the beginning.
  • You/live in Kathmandu? → Did you used to live in Kathmandu?
  • He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child. → He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.
  • She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans. → She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

Write a short paragraph describing your past habits.

In the past, I had a number of habits that I no longer engage in. One of these habits was staying up late and sleeping in, which I did frequently during my college years. I also used to be a very irregular exerciser, only fitting in workouts when I had the time and motivation. Another past habit was procrastinating on tasks and projects, which I struggled with during my early career. These past habits have changed or evolved over time, and I no longer engage in them in the same way that I used to.


11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

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Critical thinking activities encourage individuals to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to develop informed opinions and make reasoned decisions. Engaging in such exercises cultivates intellectual agility, fostering a deeper understanding of complex issues and honing problem-solving skills for navigating an increasingly intricate world. Through critical thinking, individuals empower themselves to challenge assumptions, uncover biases, and constructively contribute to discourse, thereby enriching both personal growth and societal progress.

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What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a 21st-century skill that enables a person to think rationally and logically in order to reach a plausible conclusion. A critical thinker assesses facts and figures and data objectively and determines what to believe and what not to believe. Critical thinking skills empower a person to decipher complex problems and make impartial and better decisions based on effective information.

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Importance of Acquiring Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking skills cultivate habits of mind such as strategic thinking, skepticism, discerning fallacy from the facts, asking good questions and probing deep into the issues to find the truth. Acquiring critical thinking skills was never as valuable as it is today because of the prevalence of the modern knowledge economy. Today, information and technology are the driving forces behind the global economy. To keep pace with ever-changing technology and new inventions, one has to be flexible enough to embrace changes swiftly.

Today critical thinking skills are one of the most sought-after skills by the companies. In fact, critical thinking skills are paramount not only for active learning and academic achievement but also for the professional career of the students. The lack of critical thinking skills catalyzes memorization of the topics without a deeper insight, egocentrism, closed-mindedness, reduced student interest in the classroom and not being able to make timely and better decisions.

Benefits of Critical Thinking Skills in Education

Certain strategies are more eloquent than others in teaching students how to think critically. Encouraging critical thinking in the class is indispensable for the learning and growth of the students. In this way, we can raise a generation of innovators and thinkers rather than followers. Some of the benefits offered by thinking critically in the classroom are given below:

  • It allows a student to decipher problems and think through the situations in a disciplined and systematic manner
  • Through a critical thinking ability, a student can comprehend the logical correlation between distinct ideas
  • The student is able to rethink and re-justify his beliefs and ideas based on facts and figures
  • Critical thinking skills make the students curious about things around them
  • A student who is a critical thinker is creative and always strives to come up with out of the box solutions to intricate problems

Read our article: How to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in Students? Creative Strategies and Real-World Examples

  • Critical thinking skills assist in the enhanced student learning experience in the classroom and prepares the students for lifelong learning and success
  • The critical thinking process is the foundation of new discoveries and inventions in the world of science and technology
  • The ability to think critically allows the students to think intellectually and enhances their presentation skills, hence they can convey their ideas and thoughts in a logical and convincing manner
  • Critical thinking skills make students a terrific communicator because they have logical reasons behind their ideas

Critical Thinking Lessons and Activities

11 Activities that Promote Critical Thinking in the Class

We have compiled a list of 11 activities that will facilitate you to promote critical thinking abilities in the students. We have also covered problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest in our another article. Click here to read it.

1. Worst Case Scenario

Divide students into teams and introduce each team with a hypothetical challenging scenario. Allocate minimum resources and time to each team and ask them to reach a viable conclusion using those resources. The scenarios can include situations like stranded on an island or stuck in a forest. Students will come up with creative solutions to come out from the imaginary problematic situation they are encountering. Besides encouraging students to think critically, this activity will enhance teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills of the students.

Read our article: 10 Innovative Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom

2. If You Build It

It is a very flexible game that allows students to think creatively. To start this activity, divide students into groups. Give each group a limited amount of resources such as pipe cleaners, blocks, and marshmallows etc. Every group is supposed to use these resources and construct a certain item such as building, tower or a bridge in a limited time. You can use a variety of materials in the classroom to challenge the students. This activity is helpful in promoting teamwork and creative skills among the students.

It is also one of the classics which can be used in the classroom to encourage critical thinking. Print pictures of objects, animals or concepts and start by telling a unique story about the printed picture. The next student is supposed to continue the story and pass the picture to the other student and so on.

4. Keeping it Real

In this activity, you can ask students to identify a real-world problem in their schools, community or city. After the problem is recognized, students should work in teams to come up with the best possible outcome of that problem.

5. Save the Egg

Make groups of three or four in the class. Ask them to drop an egg from a certain height and think of creative ideas to save the egg from breaking. Students can come up with diverse ideas to conserve the egg like a soft-landing material or any other device. Remember that this activity can get chaotic, so select the area in the school that can be cleaned easily afterward and where there are no chances of damaging the school property.

6. Start a Debate

In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science. Encourage students to participate in the debate by expressing their views and ideas on the topic. Conclude the debate with a viable solution or fresh ideas generated during the activity through brainstorming.

7. Create and Invent

This project-based learning activity is best for teaching in the engineering class. Divide students into groups. Present a problem to the students and ask them to build a model or simulate a product using computer animations or graphics that will solve the problem. After students are done with building models, each group is supposed to explain their proposed product to the rest of the class. The primary objective of this activity is to promote creative thinking and problem-solving skills among the students.

8. Select from Alternatives

This activity can be used in computer science, engineering or any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) classes. Introduce a variety of alternatives such as different formulas for solving the same problem, different computer codes, product designs or distinct explanations of the same topic.

Form groups in the class and ask them to select the best alternative. Each group will then explain its chosen alternative to the rest of the class with reasonable justification of its preference. During the process, the rest of the class can participate by asking questions from the group. This activity is very helpful in nurturing logical thinking and analytical skills among the students.

9. Reading and Critiquing

Present an article from a journal related to any topic that you are teaching. Ask the students to read the article critically and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the article. Students can write about what they think about the article, any misleading statement or biases of the author and critique it by using their own judgments.

In this way, students can challenge the fallacies and rationality of judgments in the article. Hence, they can use their own thinking to come up with novel ideas pertaining to the topic.

10. Think Pair Share

In this activity, students will come up with their own questions. Make pairs or groups in the class and ask the students to discuss the questions together. The activity will be useful if the teacher gives students a topic on which the question should be based.

For example, if the teacher is teaching biology, the questions of the students can be based on reverse osmosis, human heart, respiratory system and so on. This activity drives student engagement and supports higher-order thinking skills among students.

11. Big Paper – Silent Conversation

Silence is a great way to slow down thinking and promote deep reflection on any subject. Present a driving question to the students and divide them into groups. The students will discuss the question with their teammates and brainstorm their ideas on a big paper. After reflection and discussion, students can write their findings in silence. This is a great learning activity for students who are introverts and love to ruminate silently rather than thinking aloud.

Finally, for students with critical thinking, you can go to GS-JJ.co m to customize exclusive rewards, which not only enlivens the classroom, but also promotes the development and training of students for critical thinking.

rafia shabbir

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Thanks for the great article! Especially with the post-pandemic learning gap, these critical thinking skills are essential! It’s also important to teach them a growth mindset. If you are interested in that, please check out The Teachers’ Blog!

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Class 11 english notes: guide & summary 2081, section i : language developement.

Unit Topic Link
1. Education First - Education and Humanity
2. Communication: Freewriting
3. Media and Society
4. History and Culture
5. Life and Love
6. Health and Exercise
7. Foresters without Diplomas
8. Humour and Satire
9. Democracy and Human Rights
10. The Tattered Blanket
11. Arts and creation
12. Fantasy
13. Mahabir Pun
14. Power and Politics
15. War and Peace
16. Critical Thinking
17. Globalization and Diaspora
18. Immigration and Identity
19. Travel and Tourism
20. Science and Technology

Section II : Literature

Unit Story Exercise
1. The Selfish Giant
2. The Oval Portrait
3. God Sees the Truth but Waits
4. The Wish
5. Civil Peace
6. Two Little Soldiers
7. An Astrologer's Day
Unit Poem Exercise
1. Corona Says
2. A Red, Red Rose
3. All the world’s a stage
4. Who are you little I?
5. The Gift in Wartime
Unit Essay Exercise
1. Sharing Tradition
2. How to Live Before You die?
3. What I require from Life?
4. What is Poverty?
5. Scientific Research is the token for mankind’s survival

One Act Plays

Unit Play Exercise
1. A Sunny Morning
2. Refund
3. Trifles

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40 Activities For Developing Critical Thinking in EFL Classes

critical thinking class 11 exercise

In this article, I’m going to tackle critical thinking; what it is, what it involves, and some practical activities to develop it in EFL classes.

Critical thinking is one of the main purposes of education. Teachers should prepare their students to think critically from the first day of school. Critical thinking helps students to lead successful, fulfilling lives and become engaged citizens.

What Is Meant By Critical Thinking?

In today’s world, critical thinking is:

  • The ability to think about one’s thinking to recognize and improve it.
  • The process of applying, analyzing, constructing and evaluating information.
  • Making reasoned judgments using certain criteria to judge the quality of something.

What Critical Thinking Involves?

  • Asking questions,
  • Defining a problem,
  • Examining evidence,
  • Analyzing assumptions and biases,
  • Avoiding emotional reasoning,
  • Avoiding oversimplification,
  • Considering all interpretations,
  • Using higher level thinking skills; analyzing, evaluating and
  • Reaching creative solutions for problems.

Why Teach Critical Thinking?

Teachers should focus mainly to develop their students’ critical thinking to help them:  

  • Be active receptors of the massive information that they receive nowadays.
  • Solve the complex problems that they face every day.
  • Make sound decisions about personal and civic affairs.

The Main Teaching Strategies To Develop Critical Thinking

  • Using ongoing classroom assessment.
  • Putting students in group learning situations to get continuous support and feedback from other students.
  • Presenting case studies to the class without a conclusion and using discussion and debate methods.
  • Using critical questions.
  • Using dialogues written or oral and encouraging students to analyze them.
  • Using comparisons to show the pros and cons of two things.

Example #1 of a Critical Thinking Activity

Using debates

Letter x Email

Broom x Vacuum cleaner

Telephone (landline) x Cell phone

Oven x Microwave

Sponge and soap x Dishwasher

Candle x Bulb

Book x Kindle

1. Ask the class who, in their own opinion, wins and why?

2. Ask students to pretend to be the item that they choose, try to list its advantages, and debate them with the other student.

3. Ask students to act out what they prepared in front of the class.

4.  Ask the class to listen and take notes.

Example #2 of a Critical Thinking Activity

Using short stories

Ask students to read the following short story and answer the questions below:

Just before Christmas my father took me skiing at Mount Baker. He’d had to fight for the privilege of my company, because my mother was still angry with him for sneaking me into a nightclub during his last visit, to see Thelonious Monk.

  • Write an introduction to this short story.
  • Write the second paragraph.
  • Do you think they stayed up all night in the nightclub? What did they do?
  • What do you think about the father?
  • Do you think the family enjoyed Christmas?
  • If you were the mother, would you be angry?
  • What did you learn from the story?
  • Can you guess the best/worst case scenario of how the story will end?
  • Why did the father take the kid to the nightclub?
  • Do you think the mother wanted to go to the nightclub?
  • Do you like such a father?
  • Do you think the dad lives with the family?
  • What are the feelings of the kid?
  • Do you think the kid has siblings?
  • Did the kid solve the problem with his mother?
  • What would you do if you were in his/her shoes?
  • How old is he or she?
  • Where do they live? Country or town?
  • Do you think the kid is good at school?
  • Why did the father sneak the kid into the nightclub?
  • Do you think the mother was right when she got angry?
  • What do you think of the dad?
  • Should the kid apologize to the mother and how?
  • Does the father accompany his kid often or rarely?
  • What do you think happened before Christmas?
  • Why did the father not take the mother along? …. etc.

When asking students such critical thinking questions, the teacher should:

  • Keep the discussion focused.
  • Keep the discussion reasonable.
  • Stimulate the discussion with more probing questions.
  • Summarize periodically what has and what has not been dealt with or resolved.
  • Engage as many students as possible in the discussion.

More Examples of Activities For Developing Critical Thinking in EFL Classes

3. Write a title on the board, divide the students into groups, and they sit together and make a story (each group will have a different story and then share it with the whole class).

4. Use a short story, ask students about their opinions of the characters, then discuss with the whole class whether they agree or disagree asking why?

5. Draw objects and ask them about them (compare and contrast).

6. Write an essay on a certain topic or respond to an email.

7. Suggest a suitable title for a story.

8. Transfer information to others

9. Brainstorm ideas using a mind map.

10. Summarize a text and give opinions.

11. Ask what-if questions (what if you were Oliver twist/Cinderella).

12. Ask students to complete a sentence.

13. Ask about the moral of a story.

14. Give students a problem related to their environment and ask them to do research about it and give some creative solutions for it.

15. Ask open-ended questions; questions that have many possible answers (e.g. should we spend more money developing earth or exploring space?). Divide the class into groups, each thinks of answers and then shares them.

16. Give a situation and encourage students (in groups) to analyze, evaluate, and make judgments.

17. Ask students to make an end to a story.

18. Ask students to criticize a certain situation.

19. List the advantages and disadvantages of a topic.

20. Introduce some situations using (what would you do in the following situation? what if we do not have …., what would happen if …?

21. Ask students: which is different: milk, water, soda, or juice? Why? Which one is better (in pairs and students pick different sides)

22. Imagine you are the president, the mayor, a leader, a doctor etc… What decisions would you take first?

Reading Activities

Let’s brainstorm some ideas of how to promote critical thinking after reading a story, e.g. “Cinderella”.

23. Analyze characters: Do you like “Character”? Why?

24. Use what-if questions: What if Cinderella was ugly?

25. Introduce or remove a character then ask for the impact on the storyline.

26. Ask for another ending for the story.

27. Ask for their thoughts about what’s after the ending.

28. Change the setting and ask for the results.

29. Ask students to watch the movie after reading the story and then compare the characters and the storyline!

Speaking activities

30. Ask students to look at a certain picture and describe their feelings about it.

31. Ask students to compare things.

32. Introduce a problem and ask students to give as many solutions as possible for it.

33. Ask students to gather information from conflicting resources.

34. Ask controversial questions.

35. Encourage Role Plays.

36. Ask students about their priority: education/health/entertainment and why?

Listening activities

37. Prediction.

38. Making inferences.

39. Drawing conclusions.

40. Differentiating between facts and opinions.

Writing Activities

41. Writing blurbs to pictures or ads … etc.

42. Writing Commentaries.

43. Responding to emails, letters or SMS.

For setting students up for success in critical thinking activities teachers need to:

  • Brainstorm enough information before asking students to carry out a certain task.
  • Encourage them to participate.
  • Provide them with help and guidance (when needed).
  • Assure them that there are no “wrong answers”.
  • Accept all answers and points of view.
  • Appreciate their efforts.
  • Praise their trials.
  • Teach them critical thinking skills!

Here are some critical thinking skills that students need to learn:

  • Thinking outside the box.
  • Asking questions and then questioning answers.
  • Analyzing the reading or the listening text.
  • Logically addressing an issue.
  • Supporting their stance with evidence.
  • Respectfully refuting others’ opinions.
  • Evaluating the truth of a claim or argument.

Adapted from U.S. Department of State English Language Programs – Samar Aal

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Unit 16 Critical Thinking | What Is the Soul | Language Development Class 11| Compulsory English by Suraj Bhatt



Critical Thinking:  What is the Soul?

Before you read.

a. Which one do you think is primary: body or soul? Why?

I think the body is primary because I feel my body through my senses, but the soul is just a mere word for me, which I have heard about many times but never seen.

b. “A circle has no beginning”? Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Explain. 

Yes, I agree with this statement. A circle has no beginning, middle, or end. That's why it is called infinity. It is endless and eternal.


A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve thee puzzle based on the meaning clues given below.

1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt 》 indubitable

2. never done or known before 》 unprecedented

3. emergence or origination 》 emanation

4. obviously or clearly 》 evidently

5. impossible to achieve or overcome 》 insuperable

6. moved with a violent, irregular action 》 agitated

7. appropriate or suitable 》 apt

8. force back 》 repel

9. conservative 》 orthodox

10. up to now 》 hitherto

a. misleading or illusionary (d..............)

b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined (c.............)

c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead (u...........)

d. never dying or decaying (i................)

e. come to an end; stop (c.............)

f. to activate or put into motion (a..............)


a. What's the difference between the body and the soul?

The difference between the body and the soul is that the body is in time and space (seen), but the soul is in time only (unseen). Here, the body and the soul are two different aspects, both physical and spiritual.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists' saying that there is no such thing as mind?

By the psychologists' saying that there is no such thing as a mind, I understand that the psychologists believe that there is no existence of a mind.

A mental activity can be reduced to a physical activity with the help of body functions. Mental activities can be reduced at the time when the body starts functioning, in comparison to mental activities. As the body functions much, the mind gets much rest.

Both mind and body are related, as the mind is an emanation (source) of the body, whereas the body is an invention of the mind. These two aspects are merely convenient ways of organising events.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person's death?

The relationship between the mind and memory is that memory is the most essential characteristic of the mind. No, memory doesn't survive a person's death. Memory is connected with a certain kind of brain structure. When a death occurs, this structure also decays with it, and memory also stops functioning.

f. How is our power on the earth's surface entirely dependent upon the sun?

Our power on the earth's surface is entirely dependent upon the sun, as it provides energy to all living creatures. The sun's heat energy has maintained lives as well as food items for all.


a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your  answer.

Yes, I believe that the soul really exists. People all over the world hold strong faith in the existence of God and his divinity. This faith is quite strong and is mostly seen in all religions. All these established religions speak about God's greatness along with the existence of various things. In most religious books, there is mention of the human soul and even afterlife stories. Though no one has seen the soul through their naked eyes, they believe in the existence of the soul and even various supernatural powers. Their keen faith in religion has made them believe in these unbelievable forces. I'm also a Hindu and quite devoted to my religion. In Hindu mythology, there are various unbelievable things mentioned that are beyond our imagination. The term "God" is used by worldly people to refer to the most powerful being on this planet. God is considered to be a sacred soul who is beyond all the living beings on this planet. God is also referred to as the creator of the entire universe.

There are many debates regarding these questions. Even many popular dictionaries explain their meanings. The soul is defined as the spirit or essence of a person, usually thought to consist of one's thoughts and personality. Often believed to live on after the person's death. The soul is an invisible entity but remains on this planet. According to religious books, after the death of a person, a soul gets separated from the body. It keeps on moving on this planet. The soul gets tested many times and finally gets placed in heaven or hell. The soul of the person should be cleaned and purified to reach heaven. Being a religious guy, I believe in the existence of the soul, though I haven't seen it in reality.

All the activities of human beings spread over the entire life span. All these activities are governed by the mind. The subtle, as well as imperceptible, thoughts and feelings arising in the mind determine the nature and direction of human actions.

The mind is one of the most powerful organs in the human body. It regulates all the functions of all other organs. When our minds are unstable or don't function properly, they affect the whole functioning of our bodies. Being both physically and emotionally fit is the key to success in all aspects of life. All human beings need to be aware of the consequences of mental illness. All people must give utmost importance to keeping their minds healthy. They should be careful about their minds, just as they are conscious of keeping their physical bodies healthy.

By fitness of the mind, we refer to a state of psychological well-being. It reflects a positive sense of how we feel, think, and act, thereby improving our ability to enjoy life. It contributes to the inner capacity for self-determination. It is an active, positive word that casts off any negative thoughts that come to mind. This term "mental fitness" is increasingly being used by psychologists, mental health practitioners, schools, organisations, and the general population to denote logical thinking, clear comprehension, and reasoning ability.

We can't separate mental and physical health from each other. Both are really very important. A person is considered fit and healthy if his or her mental and physical health are balanced and function properly. Thus, everyone needs to change their minds first. If our minds function properly, we find automatic changes in our bodies. Everyone in this world has to work towards achieving a balance between mental and physical well-being and get the necessary help when either of them becomes unsteady.

Write critically on the given topics. 

a. The existence of God

According to the different religions, religious leaders, and people in the world, the existence of God is understood or believed to be a reality. They don't compromise on this statement. However, I think that the reality of the judgements that believers make about God's existence considerably varies and divides into different classes. All these religious claims depend on the understanding and beliefs of the people. Religious leaders are quite sure about their sources of information about the existence of God. If anyone tries to go against them or claim a question about the existence of the almighty God, they start showing their aggression against them. For these religious leaders, the existence of God is right, and God is the only hope for human beings' survival.

As in my case too, whenever I feel myself guilty, I ask for excuses from God. Though I haven't seen God, the fear of God always hovers in my mind. The concept of God always prevents me from doing the wrong things. The sense of God makes me walk on the paths of moral standards. My parents taught me religious things while I was a child. I got to know about our gods in different forms. I worship God every single day and have keen faith in the existence of God. For me, God is the most powerful entity who is both the creator and protector of the entire world and all living beings. God knows everything and goes beyond everything. God is present everywhere. I don't have any proof of God's existence, but I believe in it.

Here in this world, people debate the existence of the almighty God. There is no proof behind God's existence, but people have keen faith in his existence. The majority of people are on the side of the existence of God, as most people in the world are connected with religions. Disbelievers and non-religious people are ready to die but not ready to accept the existence of God. Most people in the world feel good when they hear about the greatness of God. At a time of crisis in humanity, people try to ask for help from the almighty God. For them, God is the only hope for the well-being of human beings.

By religion, we mean a belief in a spiritual or metaphysical reality (often including at least one deity), accompanied by practices or rituals pertaining to the belief. Religion is the main source that forms a moral foundation for billions of people throughout the world. Being religious or having a belief in God is necessary to be moral and have good values in life. Religion influences the ethics and morality of the people.

In the present world, most people are connected to religions. From birth to death, people involve themselves in religious activities. All these three terms—religion, ethics, and morality—move together. Religion and ethical qualities are firmly associated with one another.

Religion can make people feel good about themselves by making them feel that they are part of a larger culture. The self-esteem of all religious people is very high, and they are mentally strong too. Religion promotes good morals and ethics. It always teaches us knowledge regarding forgiveness. It instills internal courage to do the right things in life.

Religion keeps people within moral and ethnic bounds. It inculcates strong beliefs about virtue, morality, fear of God, sin, and karma, or divine justice, in people. If a large number of people still believe in good values and virtue, it is because they believe in the rule of God and the promise of the scriptures. Every religion teaches its followers to cultivate virtue, follow the law of God, and lead their lives righteously. Thus, religions are the real moral guardians of the world. Religions ensure that the world does not fall into chaos and moral confusion. In the absence of religions, it will be difficult for people to keep their faith in the virtue of righteous living. Thus, religion influences morality and ethics. It always promotes virtue, morality, and good values.


A. Notice the use of used to in the following text .

I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things which shocked our parents. We used to do things our mothers never did. We used to cut our hair, we used to wear short skirts. We used to sing songs but did not use to dance. 

Used to + infinitive' is used to talk about a repeated action, state or situation in the past which has now changed.

Now, rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.

a. I/live in a flat when I was a child.

I used to live in a flat when I was a child

b. She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

c. He/go to fishing in the summer?

Did he use to go fishing in the summer?

d. My sister/play tennis when she was at school.

My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.

e. He/play football every weekend?

Did he use to play football every weekend?

f. My grandfather/speak five languages.

My grandfather used to speak five languages.

g. I/not hate school from the beginning.

I did not use to hate school from the beginning.

h. You/live in Kathmandu?

Did you use to live in Kathmandu?

i. He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

j. She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.




Thanks for Visiting my Website:  Suraj Bhatt

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Class - 11 English Section - I Unit - 16 Critical Thinking

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Class - 11 English

Section - I

A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below.

1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt

Answer 👉 indubitable

2. never done or known before

Answer 👉 unprecedented

3. emergence or origination

Answer 👉 emanation

4. obviously or clearly

Answer 👉 evidently

5. impossible to achieve or overcome

Answer 👉 insuperable

6. moved with a violent, irregular action

Answer 👉 agitated

7. appropriate or suitable

Answer 👉 apt

8. force back

Answer 👉 repel

9. conservative

Answer 👉 orthodox

10. up to now

Answer 👉 hitherto

Answer 👉 

a. misleading or illusionary (deceptive)

b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined (crude)

c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead (unicorn)

d. never dying or decaying (immortal)

e. come to an end; stop (cease)

f. to activate or put into motion (actuate)

Class 11 English Guide

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul?

Answer 👉 The body is the physical aspect of a person and the soul is often considered to be the non-physical aspect of a person that is often seen as the essence of their being. The concept of the soul varies across different cultures and religious beliefs, but it is generally thought to be separate from the physical body and to exist after death.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind?

Answer 👉 By saying that there is no such thing as mind, psychologists mean that the mind cannot be considered a separate entity from the brain and body. Instead, they view mental activities, such as thoughts and emotions, as being the result of physical and biological processes in the brain and body.

Answer 👉  Mental activity can be reduced to physical activity by looking at the underlying biological and neural processes that are responsible for mental activities. For example, a thought can be traced back to specific neural pathways and electrical signals in the brain.

Answer 👉 The relationship between the mind and body is complex and multi-faceted. Many psychologists believe that the mind and body are deeply interconnected, with the brain and nervous system playing a central role in shaping our mental experiences and behavior.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person's death?

Answer 👉 The mind and memory are closely related, as the mind is responsible for the storage and retrieval of memories. However, the exact relationship between the mind and memory is not fully understood, and it is a topic of ongoing research. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that memory survives a person's death, and most psychologists believe that memories are stored in the brain and are lost when the brain ceases to function.

Answer 👉 Our power on the earth's surface is entirely dependent upon the sun because the sun is the source of all energy on earth. Through photosynthesis, plants use energy from the sun to produce food and oxygen. This energy is then passed on to other living things, including humans, who rely on it for survival. Additionally, the sun plays a key role in regulating the earth's climate, and its energy is used to generate electricity in many parts of the world.

a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer.

Answer 👉 The existence of the soul is a philosophical and spiritual concept that has been debated for centuries and is still not scientifically proven. Some people believe that the soul is an immortal and incorporeal essence that animates the body and gives us consciousness, free will, and moral responsibility. They argue that the soul provides an explanation for the unity and persistence of personal identity and for the existence of consciousness and subjective experience, which cannot be reduced to physical processes in the brain. However, others argue that the soul is a purely religious or cultural invention, and that consciousness and mental phenomena can be fully explained by biological, neurological, and computational processes in the brain.

Answer 👉 The idea that changing one's mind can lead to a change in one's body is a common psychological concept that is supported by various theories and empirical evidence. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and positive psychology focus on changing one's thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes in order to improve physical health, well-being, and performance. Research has shown that our thoughts and emotions can influence the physiological systems of the body, such as the immune system, the cardiovascular system, and the endocrine system. Furthermore, the placebo effect demonstrates that our expectations and beliefs can have a powerful impact on the physical sensations and experiences we have, even if they are not objectively real. In other words, our mind and body are interconnected and influence each other in complex and dynamic ways, which is why changing one's mind can lead to a change in one's body.

Answer 👉  The existence of God is a subject that has been debated and discussed by scholars, philosophers, theologians, and common people alike for centuries. Some argue that the existence of God is self-evident and can be deduced through reason and intuition. They point to the complexities of the universe, the intricacies of life, and the fact that everything appears to have a purpose, as evidence of the existence of an intelligent creator.

Others argue that the existence of God is not supported by empirical evidence and that belief in God is based on faith and tradition. They point to the diversity of religious beliefs and the lack of scientific evidence for the existence of God as evidence of the unreliability of religious claims. They argue that the concept of God is a human invention, used to explain the mysteries of the universe and provide comfort in the face of adversity.

Regardless of one's position on the existence of God, it is clear that the question of God's existence has been central to human inquiry for centuries and continues to be an important subject of discussion and debate.

Religion is a powerful force that has shaped the course of human history and influenced the development of ethics and morality. It provides a framework for understanding the meaning of life, the nature of good and evil, and the purpose of existence. It also provides a set of moral codes and principles that individuals can use to guide their behavior and make decisions about right and wrong.

Many argue that religion has a positive impact on ethics and morality by promoting kindness, compassion, and fairness, and by providing guidance on how to live a virtuous life. For example, many religious teachings emphasize the importance of helping others, treating others with respect and dignity, and living a life of integrity.

However, there are also those who argue that religion can have a negative impact on ethics and morality by promoting prejudice, discrimination, and violence. For example, some religious traditions have been used to justify acts of violence and discrimination against certain groups of people, such as women and members of minority religious groups.

Regardless of one's perspective on the influence of religion on ethics and morality, it is clear that religion has played an important role in shaping human thought and behavior throughout history, and continues to do so today.

A. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.

I used to live in a flat when I was a child.

Answer 👉 For five years, I lived with my uncle. I used to begin my regular tasks in the mornings at my uncle’s home. Despite having a full-time job at home, I used to strive for first place in my class. My instructors utilised locally accessible materials to make their lessons successful, despite the fact that my school lacked enough resources. They’d cheer us up in class by being nice. Project work was assigned by our English instructor. It proved to be very beneficial to our academic endeavours.

  • Education and Humanity
  • Communication
  • Media and Society
  • History and Culture
  • Life and Love
  • Health and Solution
  • Ecology and Development
  • Humour and Satire
  • Democracy and Human Rights
  • Home Life and Family Relationship
  • Arts and Creations
  • Career and Entrepreneurship
  • Power and Politics
  • War and Peace
  • Globalisation and Diaspora
  • Immigration and Identity
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Science and Technology
  • The Selfish Giant
  • The Oval Portrait
  • God Sees the Truth but Waits
  • Civil Peace
  • Two Little Soldiers
  • An Astrologer’s Day
  • Corona Says
  • A Red, Red Rose
  • All the World’s a Stage
  • Who are you, little i?
  • The Gift in Wartime
  • Sharing Tradition
  • How to Live Before You Die
  • What I Require from Life
  • What is Poverty?
  • Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival
  • A Sunny Morning

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LOST AT SEA activity (FREE Critical Thinking Lesson Plans)

Lost at Sea Critical Thinking activity last updated Oct 7, 2021:

The Lost at Sea Activity is a fantastic team-building activity. 

Lost at Sea is a classic activity that can be found all across the Internet.

We’ve adapted it in our CRITICAL THINKING lesson plans to help teachers introduce the idea of criterion based decision making

Plus, we made the activity look visually appealing for school. Check it out!

Psst. it’s free 2 hours and 101 slides / pages of free content.

The original activity comes from PACE: Profession of Arms Centre of Excellence which is a dedicated champion to strengthening Air Force culture. 

  • The Pace website provides a variety of tools on their teamwork page . 
  • These include a series of TEAMBUILDER activities including the  original “Lost at Sea” activity

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So, in this Educircles version of Lost at Sea, this activity has been adapted to highlight the importance of criteria based thinking (critical thinking), instead of relying solely on emotional intuitive responses.

In the original activity:

  • Students are divided into groups. 
  • They are given a hypothetical scenario where they are on a yacht in the middle of the ocean. 
  • The yacht catches on fire and the students are given a list of 15 items that they need to rank in order of importance. 
  • At the end, the answers are given. (Rankings provided by an expert, in this case, the US Coast Guard) 

The original goal according to PACEsetter is a tabletop scenario designed to 

  • “help individuals work together in a time constrained environment, 
  • collaborate on how a project should best be accomplished and 
  • experience pressure to go along with the crowd and see the consequences.” 

Lost at Sea is also a fantastic opportunity to help us think more critically.

In this Educircles version, we suggest three strategies to help students think more critically:

Use criteria 

Be open-minded.

  • Be full minded  (have lots of high quality information to help make an informed decision)

We have adapted the original activity for students as follows:

  • We provide a high-interest, visually appealing slideshow to introduce and explain the activity, objects, and answers to students.
  • We explain with images and words what each of the 15 items are.
  • We provide student worksheet that allows students to record their ranking based on their individual thinking, group thinking  and  based on criteria.

At the end of the activity, we invite students to think about strategies that might help them to 

  • trick other people, and 
  • think about strategies that might help them to think more critically.

Ultimately, the goal is to begin a conversation about what critical thinking is, and what it is not.

Critical Thinking Strategies used in the Lost at Sea Activity

  • After students have had an opportunity to rank the 15 items based on their individual ideas, and group ideas, students are then given the criteria that the experts used.
  • Criteria are a set of rules that we can use to help us make decisions. 
  • In this case, the criteria (according to the US Coast Guard) are to select objects that 1) attract attention to ourselves, and 2)help us to stay alive until we are rescued. 
  • in any group scenario, team members can disagree because they’re coming from different perspectives. 
  • In critical thinking, it’s important to be able to stay open-minded and accept that other people’s points of view might be equally valid and deserve careful consideration.
  • In fact in this scenario, some objects can be used in different ways – and depending on how they are used, they might be rank higher or lower. 
  • It’s up to the students to try to remain open-minded and consider opposing points of view. 
  • For example, the oil and gas mixture could be used as fuel for an engine. However, the criteria is not to try to get the land, but to stay alive until we are rescued. So from that perspective the oil and gas mixture might not be very useful. 
  • On the other hand, the oil and gas mixture can be lit and create a visible signal that can be seen from far away. In this case, this item becomes incredibly useful under the goal of attracting attention to ourselves.

Be full minded (have lots of high quality information to help you make an informed decision)

  • One of the challenges of this activity is that students don’t always know what all the items are, or why they might be significant. 
  • In our slideshow, we explain what each item is and we provide a little bit of background information to help students make an informed decision about how to use the item. 

critical thinking class 11 exercise


Note:  the slides from this Taste of Critical Thinking come from our larger “ Exploring the 6Cs – Chapter 6 Critical Thinking ” lesson package, specifically the following slides:  1-35, 36-80, 97-101

critical thinking class 11 exercise

How to make informed decisions (Critical Thinking Lesson Plans)

Critical thinking lesson plans help students make informed decisions by using strategies: use criteria, be open minded, identify bias, etc. Learn More

LOST AT SEA – DAY/LESSON 1 – Introduction / Lost at Sea Activity (slides 1-35) – 45 MIN 

  • Introduce concept of Critical Thinking (slides 1-7) – 5 min
  • MINDS ON! Brainstorm strategies to trick people / think critically (slide 8) – 5 min
  • Introduction of scenario (slides 9-17) – 5 minutes
  • Explanation of handout / items (slides 18-33) – 5 min
  • Independent work period (slide 34) – 5 min
  • Step 2: IN GROUPS (slide 35) – 20 minutes

LOST AT SEA – DAY/LESSON 2 –  Lost at Sea Activity continued (slides 36-80) – 55 MIN

  • Explain criteria (slides 36-39) – 5 min
  • Review items (slides 40-54) – 5 min
  • Work Period (slide 56) 10 min
  • Instructions (slide 57-58)
  • Answers with explanations (slides 59-73)
  • Step 5: Calculate Individual Scores
  • Step 6: Calculate Group Scores
  • Step 7: Calculate Criteria Scores
  • Discussion (slide 78-79) – 5 min
  • Reflection: Brainstorm strategies to trick people / think critically (slide 80) – 5 minutes
  • Discussion: Obstacles and strategies (slides 81-85) – 5 minutes

How do you do the Lost at Sea activity with your students?

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Compulsory English Class - 11 NEB [Summary & Complete Exercise]

Compulsory english note grade 11 all chapters.

NEB Grade -11 Compulsory English Book Texts, Summary & Exercise

Introduction to Compulsory English of Grade -11

The compulsory English book for grade 11 has been designed, considering the students' overall skill development. It is divided into two sections:

Section - I Language Development

Section -II Literature.

In this article, we have organized all the reading text, summary and Question answers along with all the required exercises for the grade - 11 Compulsory English new curriculum. Here you can find all the exercises and summaries for your best reading experience. We welcome your constructive feedback in our comment section.

Section I: Language Development

Section II: Literature

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Critical Thinking Exercises

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Critical thinking is a skill that students develop gradually as they progress in school. While the skill becomes more important in higher grades, some students find it difficult to understand the concept of critical thinking .

The reason critical thinking can be difficult to grasp is because it requires students to set aside assumptions and beliefs to learn to think without bias or judgment.

Critical thinking involves suspending your beliefs to explore and question topics from a "blank page" point of view. It also involves the ability to distinguish fact from opinion when exploring a topic.

These exercises are designed to help develop critical thinking skills.

Critical Thinking Exercise 1: Tour Guide for an Alien

This exercise provides an opportunity to think outside your normal way of thinking.

Pretend that you have been assigned the task of conducting a tour for aliens who are visiting the earth and observing human life. You're riding along in a blimp, viewing the landscape below, and you float over a professional baseball stadium. One of the aliens looks down and is very confused by what he sees. You explain that there is a game going on and he asks several important questions.

  • What is a game? 
  • Why are there no female players?
  • Why do people get so excited about watching other people play games?
  • What is a team?
  • Why can't the people in the seats go down on the field and join in?

If you try to answer these questions fully, it will quickly become apparent that we carry around certain assumptions and values. We support a certain team, for instance, because it makes us feel like we're a part of a community. This sense of community is a value that matters to some people more than others.

Furthermore, when trying to explain team sports to an alien, you have to explain the value we place on winning and losing.

When you think like an alien tour guide, you are forced to take a deeper look at the things we do and things we value. Sometimes they don't sound logical from the outside looking in.

Critical Thinking Exercise 2: Fact or Opinion

Do you think you know the difference between fact and opinion? It's not always easy to discern. When you visit websites, do you believe everything you read? The abundance of available information makes it more important than ever for students to develop critical thinking skills. Additionally, it's an important reminder that you must use trustworthy sources in your school work.

If you don't learn the difference between fact and opinion, you may end up reading and watching things that continue to reinforce beliefs and assumptions you already own.

For this exercise, read each statement and try to determine whether it sounds like a fact or an opinion. This can be completed alone or with a study partner .

  • My mom is the best mom on earth.
  • My dad is taller than your dad.
  • My telephone number is difficult to memorize.
  • The deepest part of the ocean is 35,813 feet deep.
  • Dogs make better pets than turtles.
  • Smoking is bad for your health.
  • Eighty-five percent of all cases of lung cancer in the U.S. are caused by smoking.
  • If you flatten and stretch out a Slinky toy it will be 87 feet long.
  • Slinky toys are fun.
  • One out of every one hundred American citizens is color blind.
  • Two out of ten American citizens are boring.

You will probably find some of the statements easy to judge but other statements difficult. If you can effectively debate the truthfulness of a statement with your partner, then it's most likely an opinion.

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critical thinking class 11 exercise

85 Fun Critical Thinking Questions for Kids & Teens

students laughing as they answer critical thinking questions

Have you ever thought about using fun questions to practice critical thinking?

Students may need a little guidance to think their way through questions that lack straightforward answers.

But it is that process that is important!

How the Right Questions Encourage Critical Thinking

Every parent knows how natural it is for children to ask questions. 

It should be encouraged. After all, asking questions helps with critical thinking.

As they grow older, however, training them to answer questions can be equally beneficial.

Posing questions that encourage kids to analyze, compare, and evaluate information can help them develop their ability to think critically about tough topics in the future. 

Of course, critical thinking questions for kids need to be age-appropriate—even better if you can mix a little fun into it!

That’s what I hope to help you with today. I’ve organized the questions below into three different ages groups:

  • Upper elementary
  • Middle school
  • High school 

20 Questions: Exercises in Critical Thinking

Get a Question-Based Critical Thinking Exercise—Free!

Introduce critical thinking gently & easily with thought-provoking exercises.

Upper Elementary

Students in upper elementary grades can be reluctant to put themselves out there, especially with answers that seem weird. 

In some cases, such hesitancy is actually fear of differing from their peers (and a barrier to critical thinking ). 

But that’s exactly why it’s important to practice answering ambiguous questions. 

We want our children to stand firm for their beliefs—not cave to peer pressure. 

Additionally, students may feel uneasy about answering serious questions, uncertain of tackling “big” problems. 

However, with careful use of creative questions for kids, it’s possible to engage even the most reluctant children in this age group. 

The idea is to simply get them interested in the conversation and questions asked.

If you have an especially reserved student, try starting with the funny critical thinking questions. 

Humor is a natural icebreaker that can make critical thinking questions more lighthearted and enjoyable. 

Of course, most younger kids just like to be silly, so playing upon that can keep them active and engaged.

With that said, here are some great questions to get you started:

1. Someone gives you a penguin. You can’t sell it or give it away. What do you do with it?

2. What would it be like if people could fly?

3. If animals could talk, what question would you ask? 

4. If you were ice cream, what kind would you be and why?

5. Do you want to travel back in time? If yes, how far back would you go? If no, why not?

6. What could you invent that would help your family? 

7. If you could stay up all night, what would you do?

8. What does the man on the moon do during the day?

9. What makes something weird or normal? 

10. Can you describe the tastes “salty” and “sweet” without using those words?

11. What does it feel like to ride a rollercoaster?

12. What makes a joke funny?

13. What two items would you take if you knew you would be stranded on an island and why?

14. Do you have a favorite way of laughing?

15. What noise makes you cringe and cover your ears? Why?

16. If you could be the parent for the day, what would you do?

17. If you could jump into your favorite movie and change the outcome, which one would you pick and why?

18. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

19. What makes a day “perfect”?

20. If you owned a store, what kind of products would you sell?

21. If your parents were your age, would you be friends with them?

22. Would you still like your favorite food if it tasted the same as always, but now had an awful smell?

23. What would you do if you forgot to put your shoes on before leaving home?

24. Who would you be if you were a cartoon character?

25. How many hot dogs do you think you could eat in one sitting?

26. If you could breathe under water, what would you explore?

27. At what age do you think you stop being a kid?

28. If you had springs in your legs, what would you be able to do?

29. Can you describe the color blue to someone if they’re blind?

Middle School

At this point, students start to acquire more complex skills and are able to form their own conclusions based on the information they’re given. 

However, we can’t expect deep philosophical debates with 12 and 13 year olds. 

That said, as parent-teachers, we can certainly begin using more challenging questions to help them examine and rationalize their thought processes. 

Browse the fun critical thinking questions below for students in this age range. 

You might be surprised to see how receptive middle school kids can be to such thought-provoking (yet still fun) questions .

30. What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?

31. What does it mean to be lucky?

32. If you woke up in the middle of a dream, where would you be?

33. Is it ever okay to lie? Why or why not?

34. If you were solely responsible for creating laws, what one law would you make?

35. What makes a person a good friend?

36. What do you think is the most important skill you can take into adulthood?

37. If you had to give up lunch or dinner, which would you choose? Why?

38. How much money would you need to be considered rich?

39. If you knew you wouldn’t get caught, would you cheat on a test?

40. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?

41. What is your greatest strength? How is that an asset?

42. If you had an opportunity to visit the International Space Station, would you do it?

43. Is it better to keep the peace or speak your mind?

44. Imagine yourself as your favorite animal. How would you spend your day?

45. Would you be friends with someone who didn’t have the same values as you?

46. How much screen time do you think is too much?

47. Can you describe your favorite color without naming it?

48. If you suddenly became blind, would you see things differently?

49. Would you ever go skydiving?

50. Describe the time you were the happiest in your life. Why did this make you happy?

51. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

52. If you had to move to a new city, would you change how you present yourself to others?

53. What do you need to do in order to be famous?

54. If you could rewrite the ending of your favorite book or movie, what changes would you make?

55. How would you tackle a huge goal?

56. How would you sell ice to an eskimo in Alaska successfully?

57. What makes you unique?

High School

Critical thinking takes on an entirely different role once students reach high school. 

At this age, they have a greater sense of right and wrong (and what makes things so) as well as a better understanding of the world’s challenges.

Guiding teens to delve deeper and contemplate such things is an important part of developing their reasoning and critical thinking skills. 

critical thinking class 11 exercise

Whether it’s fun questions about hypothetical superpowers or tough critical thinking questions about life, older teens typically have what it takes to think their way to a logical conclusion . 

Of course, use your discernment as you choose discussion topics, but here are some questions to help get you started:

58. How can you avoid [common problem] in the future?

59. Do you think it’s okay to take a life in order to save 5, 10, 20 or more people?

60. If you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would it be?

61. Is it better to give or receive a gift?

62. How important is it to be financially secure? Why?

63. If it was up to you, what one rule would you change in your family?

64. What would you do if a group of friends wanted to do something that you thought was a bad idea?

65. How do you know that something is a fact rather than an opinion?

66. What would it take to get you to change your mind?

67. What’s the most important thing in your life?

68. If money were of no concern, what job would you choose and why?

69. How do you know if you’re happy?

70. Do you think euthanasia is moral?

71. What is something you can do today that you weren’t able to do a year ago?

72. Is social media a good thing or not?

73. Is it right to keep animals in a zoo?

74. How does your attitude affect your abilities?

75. What would you do if you found out a friend was doing something dangerous?

76. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why?

77. What will life on Earth look like in 50 years?

78. Which is more important, ending world hunger or global warming?

79. Is it a good idea to lower the voting age to 16? Why or why not?

80. If the electrical power went out today, how would you cook if using wood wasn’t an option?

81. If you could magically transport yourself to any other place, where would that be and why?

82. When should teenagers be able to stay out all night?

83. Does the number zero actually exist?

84. What defines a generous person?

85. Does an influential person influence everyone?

Feel free to print out these fun critical thinking questions and incorporate them into your homeschool week!

critical thinking class 11 exercise

will your children recognize truth?

About the author.

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Jordan Mitchell

CBSE Skill Education

Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes

Teachers and Examiners ( CBSESkillEduction ) collaborated to create the Creative and Critical Thinking Class 11 Notes . All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Artificial Intelligence (417) .

creative and critical thinking class 11 notes

Design Thinking Framework

Design concepts (ideas for new goods, structures, machines, etc.) are generated through cognitive, strategic, and practical processes, according to the definition of design thinking. In corporate and social situations, design thinking is also linked to recommendations for the invention of goods and services.

The goal of design thinking, which is a framework centred on solutions, is to generate as many ideas and potential solutions as you can. Both a fundamental design thinking theory and a step in the process, ideation is.

There is a five stages of Design Thinkin – a. Empathize b. Define c. Ideate d. Prototype e. Test


Empathic design thinking is the first step. To better grasp the issue, one must let go of any preconceived views and immerse themselves in the situation. Simply said, empathy is the ability to put oneself in the shoes of another person and understand how they might be feeling about their issue, circumstance, or situation.

The data gathered during the Empathize stage is put to use in the Define stage to generate insights and to identify the issue that needs to be fixed. It’s a chance for the design thinker to frame the problem or challenge in terms of unmet user demands, with a human-centered approach to problem-solving.

The issue has now become clear, so it is time to come up with solutions. As part of the problem-solving process, many ideas are being generated. Idea generation is the main focus of ideation. One shouldn’t worry about whether the ideas developed during brainstorming are realistic, doable, or even viable.

The thinkers’ sole responsibility is to generate as many ideas as they can for them. Thinking broadly in terms of concepts and results is necessary. There are numerous brainstorming tools available for use at this point.

The creation of a model intended to address customer issues at the prototype stage is tested throughout the subsequent step of the process. A prototype’s creation is not a meticulous procedure. A simple sketch, poster, group role-playing, homemade “gadget,” or a 3D printed object are some examples.

The prototypes must be quick to develop, simple, and affordable. Prototypes are therefore thought of as crude representations of what the finished product is supposed to look like.

Testing prototypes with end users is one of the most crucial steps in the design thinking process. Often, this process is seen running concurrently with prototyping. The designers get feedback on the prototype(s) and another chance to engage with and sympathise with the people for whom they are developing solutions during testing. The goal of testing is to discover as much as possible about the user, the issue, and any viable solutions.

Right Questioning

A greater comprehension of the problem results in the development of excellent solutions when outstanding questions are asked. Designers are expected to connect with consumers and users frequently as part of the process of designing solutions using the design thinking framework in order to collect specific information about the issues and users’ expectations. The best method to handle the situation is to thoroughly analyse these facts.

5 W’s and One H question

The What, When, Where, Who, and Why of an occurrence are simply referred to as the 5Ws, and the How of the incident is the 1H. If the answers to these questions are discovered, the circumstance will be sufficiently known to end a case.

Identifying the problem to solve

The process of solving an issue involves defining it, identifying its root cause, generating potential solutions through brainstorming, and narrowing down the options to find the best one.

Many people spend their entire working day dealing with problems. You may encounter difficulties that are big or tiny, straightforward or complex, whether you’re working to solve a problem for an internal or external client.

Ideation is the process of coming up with ideas and solutions through exercises like brainstorming, prototyping, and sketching. Design thinkers produce ideas during the ideation stage through imaginative and inquisitive actions, which take the shape of questions and solutions.


Ideation Will Help You –

a. Ask the right questions and innovate with a strong focus on your users, their needs, and your insights about them. b. Bring together perspectives and strengths of your team members. c. Get obvious solutions out of your heads, and drive your team beyond them.

Ideation Techniques –

Brainstorm – Participants should feel free to express their opinions without fear of judgment. So that there are numerous solutions accessible for resolving the problem

Brain dump – Similar to brainstorming, a brain dump involves individuals writing down their thoughts on paper or post-it notes and then sharing them with the larger group.

Brain writing – Brain writing, commonly referred to as “individual brainstorming,” is quite similar to a brainstorming session. The participants brainstorm ideas on paper, then hand off their own piece of paper to another participant after a short while so that they can build on one another’s ideas.

A Focus on Empathy

The first step in design thinking is empathy because it enables designers to understand, communicate with, and even share the sentiments of consumers. We may connect with how other people could be feeling about their issue, circumstance, or situation by empathising with them.

What’s an Empathy Map?

The empathy map is a very helpful tool for identifying user needs and getting a better knowledge of the current issue. Additionally, it aids in strengthening that comprehension by providing understanding of user behaviour.

Empathy Mapping

You can utilise the empathy map activity to generate a truthful broad depiction of the user or users in order to create a “persona” or profile for the user. A user’s education, lifestyle, hobbies, values, objectives, wants, thoughts, desires, attitudes, and activities can all be included in a persona.

Employability Skills Class 11 Notes

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  • Unit 2 : Self-Management Skills – III
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Employability Skills Class 11 MCQ

Employability skills class 11 questions and answers, subject specific skills notes.

  • Unit 1: Introduction To AI
  • Unit 2: AI Applications & Methodologie
  • Unit 3: Maths For AI
  • Unit 4: AI Values (Ethical Decision Making)
  • Unit 5: Introduction To Storytelling
  • Unit 6: Critical & Creative Thinking
  • Unit 7: Data Analysis (Computational Thinking)
  • Unit 8: Regression
  • Unit 9: Classification & Clustering
  • Unit 10: AI Values (Bias Awareness)

Open Minds Foundation

Critical thinking: a practical group exercise for the classroom

by Open Minds Foundation | Critical Thinking Featured , Uncategorized

critical thinking class 11 exercise

Tackling the challenge of classroom groupthink

One of the core challenges of working with young people is how to manage the problem of groupthink . As you might expect, groupthink occurs in a group of people and usually stems from a desire not to upset the balance of the group, or draw attention to your own thoughts or potentially outlier opinions. The result is a conclusion that is drawn and agreed by group consensus without critical reasoning or proper evaluation of the problem. 

At best, groupthink can result in a homogenous, narrow-minded opinion; at worst, it can foster extreme and downright dangerous views that go unchallenged. Young people are particularly at risk from groupthink, because their thoughts and opinions are less engrained than their adult counterparts, and it is easy to adopt group consensus, bow to peer pressure , or just go along with their friends. In the positive, they are also however highly receptive to changing their views, and can be challenged in their thinking with positive consequences.

critical thinking class 11 exercise

Demonstrating groupthink: a practical exercise to foster critical thinking

We were delighted to come across an excellent exercise for actively demonstrating groupthink to a group of young people. Exploring the topic of the Salem Witch Trials, before introducing the concept of groupthink the exercise is as follows:

  • Step 1: Explain to the group that each person in the group will be given a ‘role’ of either a witch, villager, or witch hunter.
  • Step 2: Ask the group to question their fellow students to identify witches. Ask them to form groups that do not include a witch, but may include either villagers or witch hunters. Advise them that the largest group in the room that forms without a witch will be the winner.
  • Step 3: Privately provide roles to each student, but ONLY assign the role of villager or witch hunter. No witches.
  • Step 4: Give the students a set period of time to identify witches, form groups and complete the challenge.
  • Step 5: Ask the witches to reveal themselves. As no witches have been assigned, no one should step forward.

During step 4, teachers are likely to see demonstrable evidence of groupthink, in addition to a number of other coercive control issues, with some individuals dominating conversation, and suspicions and alliances arising. Students will experience the realities of groupthink and coercive control, making it easier for the teacher to evidence.

During step 5, the teacher is likely to be met with incredulity. Perhaps accusation that the game has been played wrong, or that certain individuals  were definitely witches. At this stage, the teacher can introduce the concept of groupthink and coercive control, as well as critical thinking and questioning what they know. After all, were there really witches at the Salem witch trials, or was it just a case of people believing the bias they’d been told?

Use with caution: this should be delivered as a facilitated discussion led by a qualified teacher or professional. Students should be encouraged to embrace the roles they are given, but should be moderated and mediated if required.

critical thinking class 11 exercise

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  • Developing critical thinking through play
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Craig B. Barkacs MBA, JD

Critical Thinking Is All About “Connecting the Dots”

Why memory is the missing piece in teaching critical thinking..

Updated July 23, 2024 | Reviewed by Monica Vilhauer

  • Critical thinking requires us to simultaneously analyze and interpret different pieces of information.
  • To effectively interpret information, one must first be able to remember it.
  • With technology reducing our memory skills, we must work on strengthening them.

I have a couple of questions for my regular (or semi-regular) readers, touching on a topic I’ve discussed many times on this blog. When it comes to power, persuasion , and influence, why is critical thinking so crucial? Alternatively, what are some common traps and pitfalls for those who prioritize critical thinking? It's not necessary that you go in to great detail—just any vague or general information that comes to mind will do.

Great! Regardless of whether you recalled anything specific, the key is you made the effort to remember something. Like many questions I pose here, the real purpose is to illustrate a point. If you aim to be influential and persuasive—i.e., successful—in both work and life, you must be proficient in critical thinking. To achieve this proficiency, you need to cultivate and exercise your memory , a skill that is increasingly at risk in a technology-saturated age.

Remembering Is the Foundation of Knowing

Learning and remembering something are often discussed as if they are two separate processes, but they are inextricably linked . Consider this: Everything you know now is something you once had to learn, from basic facts to complex knowledge and skills. Retaining this information as actual knowledge, rather than fleeting stimuli, depends entirely on memory. Without memory, there is no knowledge. Consequently, there can be no critical thinking, as it relies on prior knowledge, which in turn relies on memory.

Students sometimes tell me that they want to learn how to be good critical thinkers but complain about having to “memorize stuff.” On these occasions I will often say, in a playfully teasing manner, “What I hear you saying is that you're bothered by having to remember stuff.” This usually helps them see how silly and unreasonable it is to complain about memorizing information, as there isn’t a single course in existence that doesn’t require remembering something . The ability to remember is at the core of critical thinking, and I often use the simple visual demonstration that follows to illustrate this point.

Collecting Dots and Connecting the Dots

Benjamin Bloom, an educational psychologist, developed a model known as the “Taxonomy of Learning.” Originally intended for educational psychology, this model also highlights why memory is the foundation of critical thinking—or any kind of thinking at all.

Humans are creatures of interpretation, constantly processing the information we perceive. This ability has made us the scientists, inventors, and artists that we are today. To interpret information, however, we must first remember it—not all information, obviously, as that’s impossible. Thanks to technology (which we’ll get to momentarily) we have vast amounts of information potentially at our fingertips. But how do you know what information to look up in a given situation? To know where to start and avoid endlessly searching irrelevant data, you need to remember enough of the right kind of information.

Think of a crime movie where an investigator, while reviewing evidence, suddenly has an epiphany and rushes off to confirm their hunch. These scenes illustrate that while the investigator needs more information, they remember enough to know what to search for.

Here’s a visual demonstration I use in class to help my students understand. Imagine you have pieces of information represented as five dots:

Craig Barkacs

Now let’s say that any coherent shape or picture you can draw using these dots is an interpretation of the information. When examined together, what might these five dots mean? Here’s one way to connect the dots.

Craig Barkacs

What does this shape represent? Many people will quickly say it’s a house, a common and reasonable interpretation. But not everyone sees it as a house. Some might say it’s the home plate used in baseball. Even when people connect the dots (i.e., interpret a cluster of information) the same way using the same lines, they don’t necessarily interpret the picture the same way. The situation becomes more complex when people connect the dots differently, creating a completely different shape or picture.

Craig Barkacs

Now, having connected the dots differently, instead of a house, we have a star. Or at least some would consider it a star; others might say it’s an occult or magic symbol—these are all very different interpretations. This shows that with the same pieces of information, people can “connect the dots” differently, and even when they connect them the same way, they see different things.

Now what happens when additional information is added or an alleged “missing dot” is perceived by others?

Craig Barkacs

With just one additional dot, what could have previously been interpreted as a 5-pointed star can now be reasonably interpreted as the Star of David.

Finally, sometimes the additional information can lead to a completely different shape or image, resulting in a “eureka” moment of insight. What previously appeared as different types of stars now looks like a circle.

critical thinking class 11 exercise

I use this classroom demonstration to illustrate how people can interpret the same objective information in highly subjective ways, creating different narratives for themselves and others. This is a crucial point to remember when aiming to influence or persuade others—i.e., the need to see things from their perspective. Additionally, this activity powerfully underscores the importance of “collecting dots”—that is, the importance of remembering crucial bits of information. Without enough such dots, you lack the basic information needed to form meaningful ideas. Without meaningful ideas, you can’t think critically, influence, or persuade. It’s as straightforward as that.

Memory in the Age of Omnipresent Technology

Why is it so crucial to recognize that memory is foundational to critical thinking, power, influence, and persuasion? Partly because this fact isn’t widely acknowledged—and it needs to be. Additionally, we live in an era where memory is under unprecedented assault. While technology allows us to achieve remarkable feats unimaginable to previous generations, it comes at a cost. One such cost is “digital-induced amnesia,” where our memory capabilities atrophy due to information overload and technology taking over many of the cognitive tasks we used to perform ourselves.

Memory doesn’t exist in isolation. It’s closely tied to traits like the ability to focus and pay attention . If you’re not paying attention, you can’t absorb the information that you want or need to remember. Unfortunately, technology also impacts our ability to focus , and this doesn’t even touch on the dramatic ways AI ’s explosive development might undermine our thinking skills .

This article won’t delve into specifics on improving focus and memory in an age of tech ubiquity. Fortunately, resources from Psychology Today can help with that. My goal here is to convince you why memory is so vital for anyone who wishes to be a critical thinker and a persuasive, influential person. Now you know. Whether you’ll remember or not...only time will tell.

Craig B. Barkacs MBA, JD

Craig Barkacs, MBA, JD, is a professor of business law at the University of San Diego School of Business and a trial lawyer with three decades of experience as an attorney in high-profile cases.

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 Full exercise of What is the Soul? | Language Development | Class 11 English Notes NEB

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5 Interview Questions That Gauge Critical Thinking Skills

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As a job candidate, you're likely to encounter interview questions designed to assess your critical thinking skills. Employers highly value these skills because they demonstrate your ability to analyze information, solve problems creatively, and make sound decisions. In a world filled with AI, an overabundance of data, increasingly rapid decision-making, and greater autonomy with remote work, critical thinking skills are atop employers' lists of desired candidate traits.

Questions That Assess Critical Thinking Skills

Every company will put their own spin of critical thinking interview questions, but here are five of the most common questions that you should be ready to answer:

  • Tell me about a time you had to solve a complex problem at work. What was your approach?
  • What do you think are the three biggest challenges facing our industry right now? How would you address them?
  • Describe a time when you had to make an important decision with limited information or time. How did you handle it?
  • Tell me about a time your initial approach to solving a problem didn't work. How did you pivot?
  • If you were in charge of our company, what's one major change you would make and why?

The good news with these five questions is that if you construct good answers for each of them, you'll be well-positioned to handle any other variations you come across.

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When you're answering critical thinking interview questions, it's vital for you to demonstrate how you analyze situations, assess and solve challenges, and reflect and learn from your experiences. And that's where the SHER Method can be especially helpful.

The SHER Method is a structured approach to answering interview questions that stands for Situation, Hurdle, Endgame, and Reflection. When using this method, you start by briefly describing the Situation or context of the experience you're sharing. Next, you explain the Hurdle or challenge you faced. Then, you detail the Endgame, which includes the actions you took to address the challenge and the results you achieved. Finally, you conclude with a Reflection, sharing what you learned from the experience and how it has influenced your subsequent professional conduct.

The SHER Method is particularly powerful for demonstrating critical thinking skills because it guides candidates to systematically analyze a situation, identify challenges, explain their problem-solving process, and reflect on outcomes and lessons learned. It showcases your ability to think critically and learn from experiences in a structured and compelling way. And that's really the foundation of critical thinking skills.

When answering critical thinking interview questions, keep these points in mind:

  • Use specific examples from your experience
  • Clearly explain your thought process and reasoning
  • Demonstrate a systematic approach to problem-solving
  • Show that you consider multiple perspectives
  • Emphasize data-driven decision making
  • Highlight your ability to adapt and learn from experiences
  • Be prepared to discuss both successes and failures
  • Show how you've applied lessons learned to future situations

Specific Answers To Critical Thinking Interview Questions

Let's look at some specific answers to some of the aforementioned questions that assess critical thinking skills.

Question 1: Tell me about a time you had to solve a complex problem at work. What was your approach?

Why is this an important question that is often included in interviews? It's because there is no shortage of complex problems that need solving, and when a company is making a big hire, it hopes the candidate has some good solutions.

In your answer, describe the complex problem you faced, explain the main challenges you encountered, detail the steps you took to solve the problem, and share what you learned from the experience.

Here's an example answer: "In my previous role as a project manager, we were tasked with implementing a new software system that would integrate multiple departments. The primary challenge was significant resistance to change from each department. I started by mapping out all the current processes and identifying areas of overlap. Then, I conducted interviews with key stakeholders from each department to understand their specific needs and concerns. Using this information, I created a phased implementation plan that addressed each department's unique requirements while still achieving our overall integration goals. This experience taught me the importance of stakeholder engagement in managing complex changes. I've since incorporated regular cross-departmental meetings into all my projects to ensure alignment and address concerns proactively."

Question 2: What do you think are the three biggest challenges facing our industry right now? How would you address them?

Why is this an important question that is often included in interviews? Simply put, it evaluates your strategic thinking and industry knowledge. If you're interviewing somewhere that prioritizes industry veterans, this question is quite common.

In your response, acknowledge the current state of the industry, identify three specific challenges, propose solutions for each challenge, and conclude with a forward-looking statement.

Here's an example answer: "The [specific] industry is currently facing significant disruption due to technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and regulatory pressures. The three biggest challenges I see are: 1) Adapting to rapidly evolving technology, 2) Meeting increasing customer demands for personalization, and 3) Navigating complex regulatory environments. To address these challenges, I would: 1) Implement a continuous learning program to keep our team updated on the latest technologies, 2) Invest in data analytics to better understand and predict customer preferences, and 3) Establish a dedicated regulatory compliance team to ensure we stay ahead of legal requirements. These challenges also present opportunities for companies that can adapt quickly. By addressing them proactively, we can position ourselves as industry leaders."

Question 3: Describe a time when you had to make an important decision with limited information or time. How did you handle it?

This question assesses your decision-making skills under pressure, which are relevant to lots of companies these days. In your answer, set the scene, explain the constraints you faced, detail your decision-making process, and share the outcome and lessons learned.

For example: "During a critical product launch, we discovered a potential safety issue just 24 hours before the scheduled release. We had limited time to gather information and make a decision, and any delay would result in significant financial losses. I quickly assembled a cross-functional team including engineering, legal, and marketing. We conducted a rapid risk assessment, weighing the potential safety concerns against the impact of delaying the launch. Based on our analysis, we decided to postpone the launch by one week to thoroughly address the safety issue. This decision ultimately saved us from potential legal issues and reputational damage. It reinforced for me the importance of prioritizing safety and quality over short-term gains, and the value of having a diverse team for rapid problem-solving."

Demonstrate Critical Thinking Skills Through Your Answers

Remember that when companies ask about critical thinking skills, they're not just looking for the correct answer but for insight into how you think and approach challenges. By demonstrating your ability to analyze situations, overcome obstacles, implement solutions, and learn from outcomes, you'll position yourself as someone who exercises critical thinking skills all day, every day.

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critical thinking class 11 exercise

Critical Thinking - What is the Soul? : Full exercise and solution. Completely covered notes with all question answer and grammar solved.

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Do you know how to showcase your critical thinking skills in a job interview? Here are 5 critical thinking interview questions and answers to help you prepare.

Critical Thinking Exercises

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Critical thinking is a skill that students develop gradually as they progress in school. While the skill becomes more important in higher grades, some students find it difficult to understand the concept of critical thinking .

The reason critical thinking can be difficult to grasp is because it requires students to set aside assumptions and beliefs to learn to think without bias or judgment.

Critical thinking involves suspending your beliefs to explore and question topics from a "blank page" point of view. It also involves the ability to distinguish fact from opinion when exploring a topic.

These exercises are designed to help develop critical thinking skills.

Critical Thinking Exercise 1: Tour Guide for an Alien

This exercise provides an opportunity to think outside your normal way of thinking.

Pretend that you have been assigned the task of conducting a tour for aliens who are visiting the earth and observing human life. You're riding along in a blimp, viewing the landscape below, and you float over a professional baseball stadium. One of the aliens looks down and is very confused by what he sees. You explain that there is a game going on and he asks several important questions.

  • What is a game? 
  • Why are there no female players?
  • Why do people get so excited about watching other people play games?
  • What is a team?
  • Why can't the people in the seats go down on the field and join in?

If you try to answer these questions fully, it will quickly become apparent that we carry around certain assumptions and values. We support a certain team, for instance, because it makes us feel like we're a part of a community. This sense of community is a value that matters to some people more than others.

Furthermore, when trying to explain team sports to an alien, you have to explain the value we place on winning and losing.

When you think like an alien tour guide, you are forced to take a deeper look at the things we do and things we value. Sometimes they don't sound logical from the outside looking in.

Critical Thinking Exercise 2: Fact or Opinion

Do you think you know the difference between fact and opinion? It's not always easy to discern. When you visit websites, do you believe everything you read? The abundance of available information makes it more important than ever for students to develop critical thinking skills. Additionally, it's an important reminder that you must use trustworthy sources in your school work.

If you don't learn the difference between fact and opinion, you may end up reading and watching things that continue to reinforce beliefs and assumptions you already own.

For this exercise, read each statement and try to determine whether it sounds like a fact or an opinion. This can be completed alone or with a study partner .

  • My mom is the best mom on earth.
  • My dad is taller than your dad.
  • My telephone number is difficult to memorize.
  • The deepest part of the ocean is 35,813 feet deep.
  • Dogs make better pets than turtles.
  • Smoking is bad for your health.
  • Eighty-five percent of all cases of lung cancer in the U.S. are caused by smoking.
  • If you flatten and stretch out a Slinky toy it will be 87 feet long.
  • Slinky toys are fun.
  • One out of every one hundred American citizens is color blind.
  • Two out of ten American citizens are boring.

You will probably find some of the statements easy to judge but other statements difficult. If you can effectively debate the truthfulness of a statement with your partner, then it's most likely an opinion.

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PHIL102: Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic

Course introduction.

  • Time: 40 hours
  • College Credit Recommended ($25 Proctor Fee) -->
  • Free Certificate

The course touches upon a wide range of reasoning skills, from verbal argument analysis to formal logic, visual and statistical reasoning, scientific methodology, and creative thinking. Mastering these skills will help you become a more perceptive reader and listener, a more persuasive writer and presenter, and a more effective researcher and scientist.

The first unit introduces the terrain of critical thinking and covers the basics of meaning analysis, while the second unit provides a primer for analyzing arguments. All of the material in these first units will be built upon in subsequent units, which cover informal and formal logic, Venn diagrams, scientific reasoning, and strategic and creative thinking.

Course Syllabus

First, read the course syllabus. Then, enroll in the course by clicking "Enroll me". Click Unit 1 to read its introduction and learning outcomes. You will then see the learning materials and instructions on how to use them.

critical thinking class 11 exercise unit 1

Unit 1: Introduction and Meaning Analysis

Critical thinking is a broad classification for a diverse array of reasoning techniques. In general, critical thinking works by breaking arguments and claims down to their basic underlying structure so we can see them clearly and determine whether they are rational. The idea is to help us do a better job of understanding and evaluating what we read, what we hear, and what we write and say.

In this unit, we will define the broad contours of critical thinking and learn why it is a valuable and useful object of study. We will also introduce the fundamentals of meaning analysis: the difference between literal meaning and implication, the principles of definition, how to identify when a disagreement is merely verbal, the distinction between necessary and sufficient conditions, and problems with the imprecision of ordinary language.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 5 hours.

Unit 2: Argument Analysis

Arguments are the fundamental components of all rational discourse: nearly everything we read and write, like scientific reports, newspaper columns, and personal letters, as well as most of our verbal conversations, contain arguments. Picking the arguments out from the rest of our often convoluted discourse can be difficult. Once we have identified an argument, we still need to determine whether or not it is sound. Luckily, arguments obey a set of formal rules that we can use to determine whether they are good or bad.

In this unit, you will learn how to identify arguments, what makes an argument sound as opposed to unsound or merely valid, the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning, and how to map arguments to reveal their structure.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 7 hours.

Unit 3: Basic Sentential Logic

This unit introduces a topic that many students find intimidating: formal logic. Although it sounds difficult and complicated, formal (or symbolic) logic is actually a fairly straightforward way of revealing the structure of reasoning. By translating arguments into symbols, you can more readily see what is right and wrong with them and learn how to formulate better arguments. Advanced courses in formal logic focus on using rules of inference to construct elaborate proofs. Using these techniques, you can solve many complicated problems simply by manipulating symbols on the page. In this course, however, you will only be looking at the most basic properties of a system of logic. In this unit, you will learn how to turn phrases in ordinary language into well-formed formulas, draw truth tables for formulas, and evaluate arguments using those truth tables.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 13 hours.

Unit 4: Venn Diagrams

In addition to using predicate logic, the limitations of sentential logic can also be overcome by using Venn diagrams to illustrate statements and arguments. Statements that include general words like "some" or "few" as well as absolute words like "every" and "all" – so-called categorical statements – lend themselves to being represented on paper as circles that may or may not overlap.

Venn diagrams are especially helpful when dealing with logical arguments called syllogisms. Syllogisms are a special type of three-step argument with two premises and a conclusion, which involve quantifying terms. In this unit, you will learn the basic principles of Venn diagrams, how to use them to represent statements, and how to use them to evaluate arguments.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 6 hours.

Unit 5: Fallacies

Now that you have studied the necessary structure of a good argument and can represent its structure visually, you might think it would be simple to pick out bad arguments. However, identifying bad arguments can be very tricky in practice. Very often, what at first appears to be ironclad reasoning turns out to contain one or more subtle errors.

Fortunately, there are many easily identifiable fallacies (mistakes of reasoning) that you can learn to recognize by their structure or content. In this unit, you will learn about the nature of fallacies, look at a couple of different ways of classifying them, and spend some time dealing with the most common fallacies in detail.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 3 hours.

Unit 6: Scientific Reasoning

Unlike the syllogistic arguments you explored in the last unit, which are a form of deductive argument, scientific reasoning is empirical. This means that it depends on observation and evidence, not logical principles. Although some principles of deductive reasoning do apply in science, such as the principle of contradiction, scientific arguments are often inductive. For this reason, science often deals with confirmation and disconfirmation.

Nonetheless, there are general guidelines about what constitutes good scientific reasoning, and scientists are trained to be critical of their inferences and those of others in the scientific community. In this unit, you will investigate some standard methods of scientific reasoning, some principles of confirmation and disconfirmation, and some techniques for identifying and reasoning about causation.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 4 hours.

Unit 7: Strategic Reasoning and Creativity

While most of this course has focused on the types of reasoning necessary to critique and evaluate existing knowledge or to extend our knowledge following correct procedures and rules, an enormous branch of our reasoning practice runs in the opposite direction. Strategic reasoning, problem-solving, and creative thinking all rely on an ineffable component of novelty supplied by the thinker.

Despite their seemingly mystical nature, problem-solving and creative thinking are best approached by following tried and tested procedures that prompt our cognitive faculties to produce new ideas and solutions by extending our existing knowledge. In this unit, you will investigate problem-solving techniques, representing complex problems visually, making decisions in risky and uncertain scenarios, and creative thinking in general.

Completing this unit should take you approximately 2 hours.

Study Guide

This study guide will help you get ready for the final exam. It discusses the key topics in each unit, walks through the learning outcomes, and lists important vocabulary terms. It is not meant to replace the course materials!

critical thinking class 11 exercise unit 1

Course Feedback Survey

Please take a few minutes to give us feedback about this course. We appreciate your feedback, whether you completed the whole course or even just a few resources. Your feedback will help us make our courses better, and we use your feedback each time we make updates to our courses.

If you come across any urgent problems, email [email protected].

critical thinking class 11 exercise unit 1

Certificate Final Exam

Take this exam if you want to earn a free Course Completion Certificate.

To receive a free Course Completion Certificate, you will need to earn a grade of 70% or higher on this final exam. Your grade for the exam will be calculated as soon as you complete it. If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you can take it again as many times as you want, with a 7-day waiting period between each attempt.

Once you pass this final exam, you will be awarded a free Course Completion Certificate .

critical thinking class 11 exercise unit 1

Saylor Direct Credit

Take this exam if you want to earn college credit for this course . This course is eligible for college credit through Saylor Academy's Saylor Direct Credit Program .

The Saylor Direct Credit Final Exam requires a proctoring fee of $5 . To pass this course and earn a Credly Badge and official transcript , you will need to earn a grade of 70% or higher on the Saylor Direct Credit Final Exam. Your grade for this exam will be calculated as soon as you complete it. If you do not pass the exam on your first try, you can take it again a maximum of 3 times , with a 14-day waiting period between each attempt.

We are partnering with SmarterProctoring to help make the proctoring fee more affordable. We will be recording you, your screen, and the audio in your room during the exam. This is an automated proctoring service, but no decisions are automated; recordings are only viewed by our staff with the purpose of making sure it is you taking the exam and verifying any questions about exam integrity. We understand that there are challenges with learning at home - we won't invalidate your exam just because your child ran into the room!


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Once you pass this final exam, you will be awarded a Credly Badge  and can request an official transcript .

Saylor Direct Credit Exam

This exam is part of the Saylor Direct College Credit program. Before attempting this exam, review the Saylor Direct Credit page for complete requirements.

Essential exam information:

  • You must take this exam with our automated proctor. If you cannot, please contact us to request an override.
  • The automated proctoring session will cost $5 .
  • This is a closed-book, closed-notes exam (see allowed resources below).
  • You will have two (2) hours to complete this exam.
  • You have up to 3 attempts, but you must wait 14 days between consecutive attempts of this exam.
  • The passing grade is 70% or higher.
  • This exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions.

Some details about taking your exam:

  • Exam questions are distributed across multiple pages.
  • Exam questions will have several plausible options; be sure to pick the answer that best satisfies each part of the question.
  • Your answers are saved each time you move to another page within the exam.
  • You can answer the questions in any order.
  • You can go directly to any question by clicking its number in the navigation panel.
  • You can flag a question to remind yourself to return to it later.
  • You will receive your grade as soon as you submit your answers.

Allowed resources:

Gather these resources before you start your exam.

  • Blank paper

What should I do before my exam?

  • Gather these before you start your exam:
  •   A photo I.D. to show before your exam.
  •   A credit card to pay the automated proctoring fee.
  •   (optional) Blank paper and pencil.
  •   (optional) A glass of water.
  • Make sure your work area is well-lit and your face is visible.
  • We will be recording your screen, so close any extra tabs!
  • Disconnect any extra monitors attached to your computer.
  • You will have up to two (2) hours to complete your exam. Try to make sure you won't be interrupted during that time!
  • You will require at least 1mbps of internet bandwidth. Ask others sharing your connection not to stream during your exam.
  • Take a deep breath; you got this!

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11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

Ignite your child’s curiosity with our exclusive “Learning Adventures Activity Workbook for Kids” a perfect blend of education and adventure!

Critical thinking activities encourage individuals to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to develop informed opinions and make reasoned decisions. Engaging in such exercises cultivates intellectual agility, fostering a deeper understanding of complex issues and honing problem-solving skills for navigating an increasingly intricate world. Through critical thinking, individuals empower themselves to challenge assumptions, uncover biases, and constructively contribute to discourse, thereby enriching both personal growth and societal progress.

Critical thinking serves as the cornerstone of effective problem-solving, enabling individuals to dissect challenges, explore diverse perspectives, and devise innovative solutions grounded in logic and evidence. For engaging problem solving activities, read our article problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest.

52 Critical Thinking Flashcards for Problem Solving

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a 21st-century skill that enables a person to think rationally and logically in order to reach a plausible conclusion. A critical thinker assesses facts and figures and data objectively and determines what to believe and what not to believe. Critical thinking skills empower a person to decipher complex problems and make impartial and better decisions based on effective information.

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Importance of Acquiring Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking skills cultivate habits of mind such as strategic thinking, skepticism, discerning fallacy from the facts, asking good questions and probing deep into the issues to find the truth. Acquiring critical thinking skills was never as valuable as it is today because of the prevalence of the modern knowledge economy. Today, information and technology are the driving forces behind the global economy. To keep pace with ever-changing technology and new inventions, one has to be flexible enough to embrace changes swiftly.

Today critical thinking skills are one of the most sought-after skills by the companies. In fact, critical thinking skills are paramount not only for active learning and academic achievement but also for the professional career of the students. The lack of critical thinking skills catalyzes memorization of the topics without a deeper insight, egocentrism, closed-mindedness, reduced student interest in the classroom and not being able to make timely and better decisions.

Benefits of Critical Thinking Skills in Education

Certain strategies are more eloquent than others in teaching students how to think critically. Encouraging critical thinking in the class is indispensable for the learning and growth of the students. In this way, we can raise a generation of innovators and thinkers rather than followers. Some of the benefits offered by thinking critically in the classroom are given below:

  • It allows a student to decipher problems and think through the situations in a disciplined and systematic manner
  • Through a critical thinking ability, a student can comprehend the logical correlation between distinct ideas
  • The student is able to rethink and re-justify his beliefs and ideas based on facts and figures
  • Critical thinking skills make the students curious about things around them
  • A student who is a critical thinker is creative and always strives to come up with out of the box solutions to intricate problems

Read our article: How to Foster Critical Thinking Skills in Students? Creative Strategies and Real-World Examples

  • Critical thinking skills assist in the enhanced student learning experience in the classroom and prepares the students for lifelong learning and success
  • The critical thinking process is the foundation of new discoveries and inventions in the world of science and technology
  • The ability to think critically allows the students to think intellectually and enhances their presentation skills, hence they can convey their ideas and thoughts in a logical and convincing manner
  • Critical thinking skills make students a terrific communicator because they have logical reasons behind their ideas

Critical Thinking Lessons and Activities

11 Activities that Promote Critical Thinking in the Class

We have compiled a list of 11 activities that will facilitate you to promote critical thinking abilities in the students. We have also covered problem solving activities that enhance student’s interest in our another article. Click here to read it.

1. Worst Case Scenario

Divide students into teams and introduce each team with a hypothetical challenging scenario. Allocate minimum resources and time to each team and ask them to reach a viable conclusion using those resources. The scenarios can include situations like stranded on an island or stuck in a forest. Students will come up with creative solutions to come out from the imaginary problematic situation they are encountering. Besides encouraging students to think critically, this activity will enhance teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills of the students.

Read our article: 10 Innovative Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking in the Classroom

2. If You Build It

It is a very flexible game that allows students to think creatively. To start this activity, divide students into groups. Give each group a limited amount of resources such as pipe cleaners, blocks, and marshmallows etc. Every group is supposed to use these resources and construct a certain item such as building, tower or a bridge in a limited time. You can use a variety of materials in the classroom to challenge the students. This activity is helpful in promoting teamwork and creative skills among the students.

It is also one of the classics which can be used in the classroom to encourage critical thinking. Print pictures of objects, animals or concepts and start by telling a unique story about the printed picture. The next student is supposed to continue the story and pass the picture to the other student and so on.

4. Keeping it Real

In this activity, you can ask students to identify a real-world problem in their schools, community or city. After the problem is recognized, students should work in teams to come up with the best possible outcome of that problem.

5. Save the Egg

Make groups of three or four in the class. Ask them to drop an egg from a certain height and think of creative ideas to save the egg from breaking. Students can come up with diverse ideas to conserve the egg like a soft-landing material or any other device. Remember that this activity can get chaotic, so select the area in the school that can be cleaned easily afterward and where there are no chances of damaging the school property.

6. Start a Debate

In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science. Encourage students to participate in the debate by expressing their views and ideas on the topic. Conclude the debate with a viable solution or fresh ideas generated during the activity through brainstorming.

7. Create and Invent

This project-based learning activity is best for teaching in the engineering class. Divide students into groups. Present a problem to the students and ask them to build a model or simulate a product using computer animations or graphics that will solve the problem. After students are done with building models, each group is supposed to explain their proposed product to the rest of the class. The primary objective of this activity is to promote creative thinking and problem-solving skills among the students.

8. Select from Alternatives

This activity can be used in computer science, engineering or any of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) classes. Introduce a variety of alternatives such as different formulas for solving the same problem, different computer codes, product designs or distinct explanations of the same topic.

Form groups in the class and ask them to select the best alternative. Each group will then explain its chosen alternative to the rest of the class with reasonable justification of its preference. During the process, the rest of the class can participate by asking questions from the group. This activity is very helpful in nurturing logical thinking and analytical skills among the students.

9. Reading and Critiquing

Present an article from a journal related to any topic that you are teaching. Ask the students to read the article critically and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in the article. Students can write about what they think about the article, any misleading statement or biases of the author and critique it by using their own judgments.

In this way, students can challenge the fallacies and rationality of judgments in the article. Hence, they can use their own thinking to come up with novel ideas pertaining to the topic.

10. Think Pair Share

In this activity, students will come up with their own questions. Make pairs or groups in the class and ask the students to discuss the questions together. The activity will be useful if the teacher gives students a topic on which the question should be based.

For example, if the teacher is teaching biology, the questions of the students can be based on reverse osmosis, human heart, respiratory system and so on. This activity drives student engagement and supports higher-order thinking skills among students.

11. Big Paper – Silent Conversation

Silence is a great way to slow down thinking and promote deep reflection on any subject. Present a driving question to the students and divide them into groups. The students will discuss the question with their teammates and brainstorm their ideas on a big paper. After reflection and discussion, students can write their findings in silence. This is a great learning activity for students who are introverts and love to ruminate silently rather than thinking aloud.

Finally, for students with critical thinking, you can go to GS-JJ.co m to customize exclusive rewards, which not only enlivens the classroom, but also promotes the development and training of students for critical thinking.

rafia shabbir

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4 thoughts on “ 11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class ”

  • Pingback: What is Growth Mindset? 50+ Motivational Quotes on Growth Mindset - Educationise
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Thanks for the great article! Especially with the post-pandemic learning gap, these critical thinking skills are essential! It’s also important to teach them a growth mindset. If you are interested in that, please check out The Teachers’ Blog!

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Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise

edubook-Ram Kumar Sah

 Education and Humanity - Education First Class 11 English Exercise . 

This article provides a comprehensive solution for Class 11 English Unit 1, Chapter 1: Education and Humanity, specifically focusing on the topic of Education First. All exercises of this chapter are covered in this solution. To access this solution, please refer to Edubook Ram Kumar Sah . It is an excellent resource for students looking for content related to SEE, Class 11, Class 12, and IOE. In addition to English, Nepali, Social, Science, Computer, and many other topics are also covered on this website. Don't forget to share this blog with your friends who may find this information helpful.

Education and Humanity - Education First is the first chapter of Class 11 English , and it explores the essential role of education in human life. This chapter emphasizes the importance of education and how it shapes an individual's thinking, behavior, and overall personality. The exercise for this chapter includes a variety of activities such as reading comprehension, critical thinking, writing, and grammar exercises.

The summary of this chapter provides an overview of the key concepts and ideas discussed throughout the chapter. It highlights the main themes and the significance of education in shaping human life. The critical thinking exercises challenge students to think critically about the topics covered in the chapter and encourage them to develop their analytical skills.

The writing exercises in this chapter focus on developing writing skills such as creative writing, letter writing, and essay writing. It provides students with an opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas on the importance of education in their lives.

The grammar exercises in this chapter are designed to improve the students' grammar skills. It covers a range of topics such as tense, subject-verb agreement, sentence structure, and more.

Overall, this chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of the importance of education in human life. Through the exercises included in this chapter, students can develop their critical thinking, writing, and grammar skills, which will be helpful in their academic and personal lives.

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Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise ram kumar sah

Exercise of   Unit 1 Education First Class 11 English 

Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise

Summary of   Unit 1 Education And Humanity ( Education  First) Class 11 English 

Education  first.

Malala Yousafzai, a young activist for girls' education, delivered a speech at the United Nations Youth Assembly after surviving an assassination attempt by the Taliban in Pakistan in 2012. She thanked those who supported her and spoke about the importance of education, equality, and peace. Yousafzai emphasized that education is a fundamental right for all children and that everyone should have the opportunity to receive an education. She expressed her compassion for the Taliban who attacked her, stating that she does not hate them and does not wish to seek revenge. She also highlighted the importance of nonviolence, which she learned from her mother, father, and other historical figures such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela. Yousafzai spoke about the power of education, stating that the Taliban is afraid of it and that they use violence to prevent girls from attending school. She condemned their actions, saying that they are misusing the name of Islam and that education is a duty and responsibility for all children. Yousafzai concluded her speech by advocating for peace, emphasizing that it is necessary for education, and expressing her hope that children around the world will have access to education and be treated with dignity and equality.

Basic human rights are the main problems faced by both men and women, but the impact on women is much greater. Therefore, we need to empower women through education and provide them with equal opportunities so that they can contribute to society in a positive way.

Education is the key to unlocking our potential and achieving our goals. It is through education that we can fight ignorance, poverty, and injustice. Education is the weapon that we can use to bring positive change to our society. However, millions of children around the world are denied the right to education due to poverty, conflict, discrimination, and other factors.

Therefore, we need to work together to ensure that every child, regardless of their gender, race, religion, or social status, has access to quality education. We need to invest in education and provide the necessary resources and infrastructure to support it. We need to train and support teachers and provide them with the tools and skills they need to provide quality education to their students.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we need to stand together and work towards the common goal of ensuring that every child has access to education. We need to support the Global Education First Initiative and the work of the UN Special Envoy Mr. Gordon Brown. We need to work towards creating a world where every child can fulfill their potential and achieve their dreams. We need to be the voice of the voiceless and stand up for the rights of the marginalized and oppressed. Thank you.

Critical Thinking Of   Unit 1 Education And Humanity ( Education  First) Class 11 English 

A.  all children have the right to quality education. how can we ensure this right to every child discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school. .

Ensuring the right to quality education for every child is crucial for the development of a society. It is the responsibility of both the government and parents to make sure that every child has access to education. In this regard, the role of the government and parents is crucial and complementary.

The government's role is to ensure that there are enough schools in the country, with adequate infrastructure, qualified teachers, and appropriate teaching materials. The government should also create policies that ensure that every child, regardless of their socio-economic background, has equal access to education. This may include providing free education or subsidies for economically disadvantaged families. Additionally, governments must enforce laws that require children to attend school and penalize parents who do not send their children to school.

Parents also play an important role in ensuring that their children receive a quality education. They should encourage their children to attend school regularly, monitor their academic progress, and ensure they complete their homework. Furthermore, parents must support their children's education by providing a conducive environment for studying and creating a positive attitude towards learning.

To ensure every child's right to quality education, the government and parents must work together. Parents should work with the schools to monitor their children's progress and attend parent-teacher meetings. The government should involve parents in policy-making processes related to education and ensure that parents are aware of their children's rights to education.

In conclusion, education is a fundamental right that every child deserves. It is the responsibility of both the government and parents to make sure that every child has access to quality education. Governments must create policies that ensure access to education, while parents should support their children's education and work closely with the schools. Only then can we ensure that every child's right to education is fulfilled.

 B.   A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples.

Answer : 

The saying by Confucius, "If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children," is an insightful reminder of the importance of investing in education for long-term benefits.

The saying highlights the idea that planting rice is a short-term plan that yields quick results, whereas planting trees is a long-term plan that requires patience and commitment, but eventually leads to greater rewards. However, the ultimate plan, according to Confucius, is to educate children, which is a long-term investment that reaps benefits not only for the individual but also for the society as a whole.

By educating children, we are not only building a better future for them but also for future generations. Education provides the tools and skills needed to navigate the complexities of life, to think critically, and to make informed decisions. It helps individuals to develop a sense of social responsibility and contribute positively to society.

For instance, imagine a village where the majority of the people are farmers. If they focus only on planting rice, they may have a good harvest for that year. However, if they plant trees, it will benefit the environment and provide shade, wood for fuel and construction, and fruits for food. Similarly, if they focus on educating their children, they will be able to break the cycle of poverty and make better choices for themselves and their community in the long term.

In another example, consider a country that invests heavily in education. This country will have a skilled workforce, which will lead to economic growth and development. The educated population will also be able to make informed decisions about governance and policy-making, leading to a more stable and prosperous society.

In conclusion, Confucius' saying highlights the importance of investing in education for long-term benefits. By prioritizing education, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and for future generations. It is not just an investment in the individual but an investment in the future of society as a whole.

Writing Of   Unit 1 Education And Humanity ( Education  First) Class 11 English 

❋ "education empowers a person". elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.  .


The statement "education empowers a person" highlights the significance of education in the development of an individual's personality and skill set. Education not only provides knowledge but also the necessary tools and skills to apply it in practical life. Here are some examples of how education empowers a person:

1. Professional Development: Education is vital for career growth and professional development. A person with a degree or specialized training is more likely to get a better job and higher pay. For instance, an engineer with a degree is more competent in his/her field than someone who is self-taught or lacks formal education.

2. Critical Thinking: Education equips an individual with the ability to think critically and make informed decisions. A well-educated person can analyze situations, weigh the pros and cons, and make rational choices. For instance, a doctor with a medical degree is better equipped to diagnose and treat patients than someone with only basic knowledge of medicine.

3. Personal Growth: Education also facilitates personal growth and development. It broadens one's perspective and provides exposure to diverse cultures and ideas. For example, a person who has studied literature can appreciate different writing styles, genres, and authors.

4. Socio-Economic Development: Education plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of a society. Educated individuals are more likely to participate in social and political activities, resulting in better governance. Moreover, education provides access to better healthcare, sanitation, and other basic necessities of life.

In conclusion, education empowers an individual by providing them with knowledge, skills, and tools necessary for personal and professional growth. It also has a positive impact on society's development, leading to better governance and socio-economic growth.

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Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-1 Education and Humanity ‘Education First’ Exercises

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Education and Humanity ‘Education First’

education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

Exercises from the Book

Ways with words  (Page:7)

A) Find the words from the text which mean the following.

a) a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission

b) the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect

Ans: Dignity

c) harm done to someone in response to harm

Ans: revenge

d) a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters

Ans: extremist

e) sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

Ans: compassion

f) a person who is believed to speak for God

Ans: prophet

g) the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence

Ans: Philosophy

h) the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy

Ans: violence

i) an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things

Ans: prejudice

B) Match the words on the left with their opposite meanings on the right.

a. honour i. disgrace
b. innocent ii. guilty
c. brutality iii. kindness
d. forgiveness iv. punishment
e. illiteracy v. literacy

Comprehension  Page: 8

Answer the following questions.

A. Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world?

Ans: The speaker received thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world for her fast recovery and a new life. On the 9 th of October 2012, the Taliban shot her on the left side of her forehead.

B. According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?

Ans: There are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers, who are not only speaking for human rights, but who are struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace and equality.

 C. What has she learnt from Gandhi?

Ans: She has learnt the philosophy of nonviolence from Gandhi.

D. In what sense is peace necessary for education?

Ans: In many parts of the world wars and conflicts stop children to go to their schools. So, peace is necessary for education.

E. According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?

Ans: Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of basic rights are the main problems faced by both men and women.

F. What is Malala calling upon all governments?

Ans: She is calling upon all governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world.

G. What is the main message of this speech?

Ans: Education is the only solution to end all problems of the world like poverty, injustice, violence and ignorance. Education empowers ourselves with the weapon of knowledge. So, we must give priority to education.

Critical Thinking (Page: 9)

A) All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.

Ans: All children have the right to quality education. We can ensure this right to every child by making education compulsory to all children by the government. The government and the parents should play a vital role to make sure that every child can attend school.

Parents have a lasting impact on children’s learning by creating a fruitful environment for learning. When parents give time for their children’s education, children are more engaged with their school work, stay in school longer, and achieve better learning outcomes.

Education  should be administered by governmental bodies or non-profit institutions. They should take control over of education sectors to ensure education for all. Government should make education free for all children. Government should fight against terrorism, ignorance and violence to protect children from brutality and harm. It must expand the educational opportunities for girls. Government should establish stable peace  in the country to create an environment for education.

B)  Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?

Yes, I think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country, Nepal.

In these days, each and every person should be allowed to live equally and respectably but girls are deprived of their basic rights of education. Male dominated societies are creating some boundaries to create discrimination between girls and boys in terms of education. This case is more visible in rural terai and hilly mountain areas of Nepal. In rural and remote areas of  Nepal, most of the societies are patriarchal. Girls are given certain tasks in kitchen and they are sent to government schools. Boys are considered as a backbone of their family. So, they send boys to private boarding schools. A family invests a lot for boys to secure his future.  Girls are the victims of social, moral, ethical, economical and cultural problems created by male dominated society.

Strategies to Overcome  Discrimination Against Girls:

By Governments:

A) Government should ensure equal access to and completion of secondary an education to girls.

(b) Government must start functional literacy and numeracy programmes, for out-of-school girls

(c) Promote human rights education in educational programmes to girls.

(d) Increase enrolment and improve retention rates of girls by allocating appropriate budgetary resources

e) should run campaigns and flexible school schedules, incentives, scholarships, access programmes for out-of-school girls

(f) Provide education and skills training to increase girls opportunities for employment and access to decision-making processes;

(g) Provide education to increase girls’ knowledge and skills related to the functioning of economic, financial and political systems.

C) A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate with examples.

Ans: The meaning of this saying is that if we want Progress and development of humanity then we must invest in  education of children .

Rice is a short term investment. It generates returns in a year. The tree is a longer term investment requiring ten years to mature. The well educated child influences the future forever through his or her influence on endless generations. Therefore the education of a child is a worthy and a wise investment. It takes time to educate people and turn them into productive members of our society. It is not a task like growing crops or trees where you will see the benefits in one to ten years.

Good education is the best long term investment for society. We can see that in East Asia today: their postwar investments in education are paying off tremendously as East Asia is now the fastest growing region in the world. Asian countries like Japan, China and India are growing faster and faster because of their long term vision in Education.

A) Recall your school days. Write in three paragraphs of an event that you always remember.

A school organizes many events where students can participate to explore their inner talents. These events help the students to socialize them.

I used to take part in school events during my school days. I used to take part in annual function of my school. It was organized in the month of Magh of 2066 BS. I participated in Speech competition. My topic was ‘An Importance of Girls Education’. On that day, our principal sir wished me best luck for the speech. The event began when our social teacher gave welcome speech to the all parents. At the beginning I was nervous to deliver my speech but later on I spoke fluently on my topic. I was shocked when principal sir announced my name for the first prize of speech competition. I received a medal and certificate from a board member of our school. We took group photograph for a memory. My class teacher patted my back and said that he loved my speech. I introduced my parents to my class teacher. We discussed about school events and board exams.

The event changed my life completely. Before that event I was shy and nervous boy. After that event I participated in all contests of our school events. Now, I miss my school days and evens. My school days were golden days of my life.

B “Education empowers a person”. Elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.

Ans: Education is very important in everybody’s life. It enables people to face the challenges of life efficiently. Despite this, education remains a luxury that most people consider not a necessity. January 24 is the International Day of Education. It is a day to celebrate the transformative power of education and its role in human well-being. Education is one of the most powerful tools that can help people build a better world. Education can also be used to describe various aspects of a person’s life. Education can provide a child with the independence and confidence to live a life of their choice. It also helps them develop their personality and contribute to the society. Education is the key to development. It can change the course of a person’s life and elevate the whole society. With education and learning, students will have a better understanding of the world’s right and wrongs, which will help them come up with better solutions. Education has the power to lift all. It can improve the quality of life for all.

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NEB Plus 2 Notes

Critical Thinking Exercise : Question Answers and Grammar

Share this article, critical thinking, ways with words, a. the words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below., 1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt, 2. never done or known before, 3. emergence or origination, 4. obviously or clearly, 5. impossible to achieve or overcome, 6. moved with a violent, irregular action, 7. appropriate or suitable, 8. force back, 9. conservative, 10. up to now, b. find the words from the text that mean the following..

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Class 11 English Notes


Answer these questions., a. what’s the difference between the body and the soul, b. what do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind, c. how can a mental activity be reduced to a physical activity, d. how are mind and body related, e. what is the relation between mind and memory does memory survive a person’s death, f. how is our power on the earth’s surface entirely dependent upon the sun, a. do you believe that soul really exists write your arguments in support of your answer., b. if you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. discuss., write critically on the given topics., a. the existence of god, a. rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. you can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question., a. i/live in a flat when i was a child., b. she/love eating chocolate but now she hates it., c. he/go to fishing in the summer, d. my sister/play tennis when she was at school., e. he/play football every weekend, f. my grandfather/speak five languages., g. i/not hate school from the beginning., h. you/live in kathmandu, i. he/play dandibiyo when he was a small child., j. she/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans., b. write a short paragraph describing your past habits., don't miss our nepali guide.

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Education and Humanity class 11 English Unit 1

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Here is the solution of the exercises of unit 1 Education and Humanity class11 English.

Education and Humanity class 11

A. Find the words from the text which mean the following.

a. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission

b. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect

c. harm done to someone in response to harm

d. a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters

e. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others

f. a person who is believed to speak for Godg.

g. the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence

h. the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy

i. an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things

B. Match the words on the left with their opposite meanings on the right.

  • honour                         i. kindness
  • innocent                      ii. literacy
  • brutality                       iii. guilty
  • forgiveness                  iv. disgrace
  • illiteracy                      v. punishment
  • honour                         iv. disgrace
  • innocent                      iii. guilty
  • brutality                       i. kindness
  • forgiveness                  v. punishment
  • illiteracy                      ii. lite

Using dictionary : Education and Humanity Class 11

Education and Humanity class 11

Dictionary contains at least three forms of information about a word: pronunciation, word class and meaning.

Look at the following dictionary entry of the words ‘humanity’ and ‘humanize’ (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9th edition):

humanity/hjuːˈmænəti/ noun1 [U] people in general: He was found guilty of crimes against humanity. 2 [U] the state of being a person rather than a god, an animal or a machine: The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus. united by a sense of common humanity3 [U] the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is .OPP inhumanity 4(the) humanities [pl.] the subjects of study that are about the way people think and behave, for example literature, language, history and philosophy: The college offers a wide range of courses in the arts and humanities.

humanize(BrE also -ise) /ˈhjuːmənaɪz/ verb~sth to make sth more pleasant or suitable for people; to make sth more HUMANE: These measures are intended to humanize the prison system.

a. Study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions

i. What is the headword in the first entry?

-The headword in the first entry is ‘humanity’.

ii. How many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given?

– Four meanings of the world ‘humanity’ are given.

iii. What do the abbreviations U, OPP, pl, and sth stand for?

-The abbreviation U stands for uncountable, OPP stands for opposite, pl stands for plural and sth stands for something.

iv. What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’

-The British English spelling of ‘humanize’ is ‘humanise’.

v. How is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced?

-The word ‘humanize’ is pronounced as ‘/ˈhjuːmənaɪz/’.

vi. If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity , which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied?

If- we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, the third meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied.

b. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

i. advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement

-acute advance agreement aid allergy amuse analysis anxiety assure attain

ii. smoke small smart speaking smelling smoothly smuggler smashed smearing smallpox

-small smallpox smart smashes smearing smelling smoke smoothly smuggler speaking

iii. terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly territory terror

-terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly territory terror

Comprehension : Education and Humanity Class 11

Education and Humanity class 11

a. Answer the following questions.

i. Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world?

-The speaker received thousands of good-wishes and gifts from all over the world for her speedy recovery and a new life.

ii. According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?

-According to the speaker, hundreds of human rights activists and social workers are struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace and equality.

iv. What has she learnt from Gandhi?

-She has learnt the philosophy of non-violence from Gandhi.

v. In what sense is peace necessary for education?

-Peace is necessary for education as violence, wars and conflicts prevent the children from going to their schools.

vi. According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?

-According to the speaker, the main problems faced by both men and women are poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and the deprivation of the basic rights.

vii. What is Malala calling upon all governments?

-Malala is calling upon all governments to ensure free compulsory education for every child all over the world and to fight against terrorism and violence to protect children from brutality and harm.

vii.What is the main message of this speech?

-The main message of this speech is to raise voice for girls’ education and to advocate the importance of education.

Critical Thinking

Education and Humanity class 11

a. All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.

Role of Parents and Government in Quality Education

      Education can be perceived as a human asset that enhances knowledge, skills, talent, abilities and capabilities to make person’s life much more valuable. Quality education is the excellence of knowledge and information that spreads from educational professionals and platforms to make bright future. Such education helps the student in becoming an active and productive members of society. Quality education is the demand of today’s world and therefore, all the children should have the access to the right to quality education. For that parents’ and government’s role can be very vital.

   Home is considered as the first school and parents as the first teacher of children as their education begins from home and parents have a major role in shaping up their character. Parents can offer a helping hand in the educational journey of children by providing them a better educational environment at home beside sending them to school. Sending the children to school does not end the responsibility of parents but adds to their responsibilities. Being a part of children’s learning activity enhances their level of confidence. For instance, reading lesson together with children at home can be one of the best ways to be close with the children’s learning at school. Parents can also play an important role in triggering children interest toward education. For that, parents should foster the reading culture at home. A child grown up being familiar with books is likely to fall in love with books. Gifting the children books and visiting the library with the children together can be a good idea to help them get additional knowledge an information than the classroom lesson.

   Another major duty of parents is to keep an eye on the child’s activity at school and home. If children are performing well, they should be encouraged to continue their performance and if their performance is not satisfactory, proper counselling and suggestions must be provided to them. Parents also should be in frequent contact with the school to know how children are performing at school. They should attend the parent teacher meetings and interaction sessions. It is good to keep a good relation with children’s teachers so that they can learn from the teachers about the children’s activities at school and make sure to correct the children if something is wrong. In today’s busy world, parents are busy with their tight schedules but they should set some time for their children at home because what really matter for the parents is the education of their children. So parents should keep children’s education and learning at the top of priority list.

   Apart from parents, the government also plays a vital role for the children right to education. In the context of Nepal, two major types of school- government school and private schools- are delivering education. Private schools are owned by private organization or individuals and wholly supported by the payment of fees from the parents. Government schools on the other hand, are established, administered and supported by the government. In the context of Nepal, there is much gap between private schools and government schools in terms of delivering quality education. In such scenario, government’s role can prove very significant to uplift the quality education in government schools.

         To begin with, the government should allocate sufficient amount of budget to government schools. The establishment of proper infrastructure, library, lab in schools is possible only through government’s financial support which certainly contributes to quality education. The aforementioned things are of no value unless there is strong human manpower to utilize those resource. Therefore, qualified teachers must be selected through a transparent examination system. Moreover, the government should also manage the available manpower properly. In Nepal, there is the insufficient availability of teachers. They teach many subjects as they are master in one subject. When a teacher who is master in one subject teaches many subjects throughout the day and gets exhausted at the end, then how can he prepare for the next day class? As quantity increases quality decreases, so when more subjects are allotted to one teacher then quality of teaching suffers. So appropriate number of periods should be allocated to teachers. The government should act towards empowering school leaders and teachers towards professional responsibility and set standards and support them wholly in a quest to deliver quality learning prospects for the learners. So, the government should provide training, seminars, webinars to the teachers time and again.

Education and Humanity class 11

a. Recall your school days. Write in three paragraphs of an event that you always remember.

School life is always special for every student as it contains multiple cherishing moments and also some embarrassing ones. When I turn the pages of my school life, I find many of such which are permanently imprinted in my mind. Recalling some of them gives me joy and recalling some of them makes me feel embarrassed even in the present. I still remember an event in which I was very nervous and that nervousness made the situation even worse.

In our school, there was the system of delivering a speech by the students on Friday in front of the assembly and once I got that chance. I prepared the speech entitled ‘Value of Discipline’ with the help of my English teacher who was very supportive. In fact, the speech contained less my ideas but more of my teacher. I even wrote it down in the copy and tried to memorize it so that I could deliver it without any interruption. I delivered it in front of the mirror thousand times as actor does rehearsal before the play and I was ready for Friday.

Finally, I was in front of the school assembly on Friday ready to deliver the speech. I knew all the words, sentences, paragraphs even. As I held the microphone and looked at the students standing in front of me, I could see only their curious eyes. They were looking at me with curiosity. Suddenly, I felt the light disappearing and darkness everywhere. In fact, I could feel extreme heat on my forehead near my eyes. There was the river of sweat all over my body. I tried to speak but my voice was trembling which caused a laughter among the students and I was more nervous. As a result, my mind turned blank and all the words, sentences and paragraphs were gone! I had no option but to say “Thank you” without actually delivering my speech which caused again a burst of laughter among the students and smile among the teachers.

b. “Education empowers a person”. Elaborate this statement giving examples of your personal experience.

The given statement “Education empowers a person” sheds light on the fact that education is one of the most important tools that can invest people with knowledge, skills and values they need to build a better world. Education in its narrowest definition refers to the idea of going to school and learning about different subjects. However, true education is beyond going to school and gaining bookish knowledge. Education means inculcating moral values, positive thinking, attitude of helping, attitude of giving to society and ethical values. When these qualities are transferred to people, they become educated in true sense.

Firstly, education empowers a person by offering knowledge. With education and learning comes a better understanding of the right and wrong which inspires problem-solving skills. Educated person is rational knowing the difference between right and wrong. Though I have seen the people of my community smoking, drinking and gambling, I have remained away from these evils because of my education. I understand the impacts of these harmful activities. Likewise, an educated person can tackle any problem more easily in comparison to an uneducated person. He can view the problem from different angles as education broadens the mind and offers multiple perspectives to look at the same thing.

Similarly, education enables a man by providing independence and independent thinking. I have seen many people in my community who completed their education despite the problems and now they are living an independent life. They have good income as well as a happy family. An educated person is conscious enough to take his own decision as he is capable of analyzing both the merits and demerits of anything. Such capacity is useful tool to take the right decision.

Likewise, education means not only knowledge but also skills. Educated individuals can survive in any part of the world with the power of their skills. After completing his Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering from Nepal, my brother went to USA last year for his further study. He is not only studying there but also working in an internal company as a computer engineer. So, it can be said that educated person with skill is acknowledged in any part of the world. To sum up, education has the power to empower a person by offering knowledge, vision to differentiate right and wrong, independence, independent thinking and skills.

Grammar : Education and Humanity Class 11

Education and Humanity class 11

Word Classes/ Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech

  • Preposition
  • Conjunction
  • Interjection

Education and Humanity class 11

  • Noun is a naming word for person, place, and object. Eg: man, Ram, school, Pokhara, stone, gold
  • It can be singular, plural or collective. Eg: a boy, boys, army
  • It can be common or proper: city, Kathmandu, boy, Johnson

Education and Humanity class 11

  • Pronoun is a word that substitutes noun: William is a boy. He studies in grade 11.
  • Subject Pronoun          Object Pronoun           Possessive Pronoun     Reflexive Pronou n

I                                   me                               my                               myself

We                               us                                 our                               ourselves

You                             you                              your                             yourself/yourselves

He                               him                              his                                himself

She                              her                               her                               herself

They                            them                            their                             themselves

  • Relative pronoun: A relative pronoun is one which is used to refer to nouns mentioned previously, whether they are people, places, things, animals. Eg: who/whom/whose, where, which, when etc.

3. Adjective:

  • Adjective is a word that shows the quality and quantity of noun or pronoun. Eg: beautiful, cruel, many, less, few etc
  • Articles are adjective: a/an/the
  • A verb is a doing word that shows an action, an event or a state. Verb can divided into two: main verb and auxiliary verb.
  • Main verb: It shows physical or mental action. Eg: dance, think
  • Auxiliary verb: it is the helping verb that comes before main verb. Eg: is/am/are, was/were, will, have/has/had etc.

education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

  • Adverb describes the quality of verb.
  • Generally, it ends with ‘ly’. (Exception fast, hard)
  • Expression before verb such as never, seldom, usually, sometimes etc. are also adverbs

6. Preposition

education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

  • Preposition describes the time, place and direction of noun or pronoun. Eg: in, on, at, into, round etc.

7. Conjunction

education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

  • Conjunction joins words or clauses. Eg: and, but, so, because, if, though, in spite of, neither…nor etc.

8. Interjection

education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

  • I nterjection expresses human emotion. Eg: hurray, congratulations, alas, wow etc.

B. Classify the underlined words into different word classes .

a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend.

  • who: Pronoun
  • wearing: Verb
  • my: Pronoun

b. I bought a round table in the supermarket.

  • round: Adjective
  • the: Adjective

c. Alas , he is dead.

  • Alas: Interjection

d. Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy.

  • hard: Adverb
  • but: Conjunction
  • very: Adverb

e. I have never been to Japan.

  • never: Adverb
  • to: Preposition

Suggested Reading :

Should and Had Better, Class 11 English Grammar

education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

YouTube Video :

Section I : Language Development

  • Education and humanity
  • Communication
  • Media and society
  • History and culture
  • Life and love
  • Health and exercise
  • Ecology and development
  • Humour and satire
  • Democracy and human rights
  • Home life and family relationship
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  • Career and entrepreneurship
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  • War and peace

Critical thinking

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Unit 1 Education and Humanity : English NEB Class 11

Notes of English - Education and humanity CLASS 11 ENG . Padandas Notes

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Education and Humanity: Summary , Excercise Question Answers and Grammar

Ways with words

A. find the words from the text which mean the following..

a. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission - envoy

b. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect - dignity

c. harm done to someone in response to harm - revenge

d. a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters - extremist

e. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others - compassion

f. a person who is believed to speak for God - prophet

g. the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence - philosophy

h. the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy - violence

i. an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things - prejudice

honour – disgrace innocent – guilty brutality – kindness forgiveness – punishment illiteracy – literacy

C. Using dictionary

A. study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions..

  • What is the headword in the first entry? The headword in the first entry is Humanity.
  • How many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given? Four meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given.
  • What do the abbreviations U, OPP, pl, and sth stand for? U, OPP, pl and sth stand for uncountable, opposite, plural and something respectively.
  • What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’? The British English spelling of ‘humanize’ is humanise.
  • How is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced? The word ‘humanize’ is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmÉ™naɪz /.
  • If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied? If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary of ‘humanity’ is applied.
  • advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement acute, advance, agreement, aid, allergy, amuse, analysis, anxiety, assure, attain
  • smoke small smart speaking smelling smoothly smuggler smashed smearing smallpox small, smallpox, smart, smashed,speaking, smearing, smelling, smoke, smoothly, smuggler,
  • terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly terminal, terminate, terminology, terms, terrace, terrible, territory, terror

Answer the following questions., why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world.

Answer - The speaker, Malala Yousafzai, received thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world as a result of her remarkable role in advocating for the betterment of children deprived of education and their fundamental rights. She bravely fought against the extremist Taliban, who oppressed women and denied children their right to education. In an attempt to encourage her and show support, people worldwide expressed their admiration and well-wishes for her, hoping for her speedy recovery from the gunshot injury she sustained when she was shot by the Taliban.

  • According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for ?

Answer -  According to the speaker, hundreds of human rights activists and social workers are struggling to achieve their goals of education, peace, and equality.

What has she learnt from Gandhi?

Answer - She learnt the value of nonviolence from Gandhi.

In what sense is peace necessary for education?

Answer - Peace is necessary for education in several ways. Firstly, a peaceful environment provides a sense of safety and security for children to pursue their education. In situations of violence, wars, or conflicts, children are often afraid to go to school, and their learning is disrupted. Secondly, a peaceful environment promotes a stress-free and friendly atmosphere that is conducive to effective learning. When students are free from fear and tension, they can focus better on their studies and engage in a more productive learning process. Therefore, peace is crucial for creating the necessary conditions for quality education.

According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?

Answer -  According to the speaker, both men and women face several common challenges. These include poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism, and the deprivation of basic rights. These problems affect individuals regardless of their gender, highlighting the need for collective efforts to address them.

What is Malala calling upon all governments?

Answer - Malala is calling upon all governments to provide free education to every child worldwide, to actively combat terrorism and violence, and to protect children from any form of cruelty and harm.

What is the main message of this speech?

The main message of this speech is that education holds the power to overcome challenges such as illiteracy, terrorism, violence, and the violation of fundamental rights. It emphasizes that education should be prioritized by all governments as a means to combat these issues. By providing education to every child, we can bring about positive change and transform the world.

Click the question to view the answer or find the question below of this page. Important Questions - Education and humanity

  • All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.

Classify the underlined words into different word classes.

a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend. who – pronoun wearing – verb my – determiner

b. I bought a round table in the supermarket. round – adjective the – determiner

c. Alas, she is dead. Alas – interjection

d. Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy. hard – adverb wife – noun very – adverb

e. I have never been to Japan. never – adverb

f. Ann drove a car safely. Ann – Noun Safely – Adverb

g. Nobody has claimed it. nobody – pronoun it – pronoun

h. She cut her hand with a knife. her – determiner with – preposition

i. They have postponed the program because of rain. have – verb because of – preposition rain – noun

j. Everybody comes to the party. everybody – pronoun

k. All such people ought to be avoided. all – determiner such – determiner

l. All of the food has gone. all – pronoun

m. What was that noise? what – pronoun

n. One must not boast of one’s own success. one – pronoun

o. Nobody was there to rescue the child. nobody – pronoun

p. Neither of the accusations is true. neither – pronoun

q. Neither answer is correct. neither – determiner

r. Here is the book that you lent me. here – adverb that – pronoun

s. Without health there is no happiness. without – proposition health – noun happiness – noun

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Education and Humanity Complete Exercise Solution PDF

Unit 1 Education and Humanity Complete Exercise Solution PDF For NEB Class 11 English

Related questions

  • Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world ?
  • Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?
  • A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples

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Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Exercises

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By Suraj Chaudhary

August 3, 2023

Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Solution

This article has all the exercises of unit 16 of class 11’s English, Critical Thinking (What Is The Soul?)

A. the words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below..

  • unquestionable, impossible to doubt →  indubitable
  • never done or known before →  unprecedented
  • emergence or origination emanation
  • obviously or clearly evidently
  • impossible to achieve or overcome →  insuperable
  • moved with a violent, irregular action →  agitated
  • appropriate or suitable →  apt
  • force back →  repel
  • conservative →  orthodox
  • up to now →  hitherto

B. Find the words from the text that mean the following.

a. misleading or illusionary ( deceptive ) b. in a natural state; not yet processed or refined ( crude ) c. a mystical horse like animal with a single straight horn projecting from its forehead ( unicorn ) d. never dying or decaying ( immortal ) e. come to an end; stop ( cease ) f. to activate or put into motion ( actuate )

Answer these questions..

a. What’s the difference between the body and the soul? → The body exists in time and space whereas the soul exists in time only. In simple words, the body is a visible entity whereas the soul is not visible.

b. What do you understand by the psychologists’ saying that there is no such thing as mind? → Psychologists believe that there is no existence of the mind as they study mental processes and human behaviors by observing, interpreting, and recording how people relate to one another and the environment.

c. How can a mental activity be reduced to physical activity? → Mental activity can be reduced to physical activity by saying the mind is just an emotion of the body which is really an elaborate scientific construction.

d. How are mind and body related? → Mind and body are related as they are merely convenient ways of collecting and organizing events inside a man’s head into two groups according to causal relations.

e. What is the relation between mind and memory? Does memory survive a person’s death? → Memory is the most essential characteristic of the mind. No, memory doesn’t survive a person’s death because it is connected with a certain kind of brain structure that decays at death. Thus, memory also dies.

f. How is our power on the earth’s surface entirely dependent upon the sun? → Our power on the earth’s surface is entirely dependent upon the sun as it warms our seas, regulates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.

a. Do you believe that soul really exists? Write your arguments in support of your answer. → I believe that souls do exist. Have you ever imagined your own death? Have you ever thought that what happens after the incident that the world calls death? Could you ever convince yourself that your existence on this planet earth would be finished once you die? I couldn’t ever convince myself with the fact that I’ll be finished once I die. Death would cause the degradation of my physical body but it’s just unimaginable that I will too get over once the death occurs. This “I” is nothing but the soul. I know that the science that we’re familiar with hasn’t proved the existence of souls yet. But we shouldn’t be hopeless. The boundary of science is expanding day by day. Even the fans and lights that we use every day were once unimaginable but we know that today they exist. There are new fields added to science every day. Some of the fields that have tried to progress in this topic are metaphysics, parapsychology, etc. As far as ancient science is concerned, it had proved the existence of the soul long ago. It also developed methods by which one can experience one’s soul. But anyway, I hope that there would be a day when modern science will too prove the existence of the soul.

b. If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind. Discuss. → I support the statement that “If you want to change your body, you first have to change your mind.” Psychologists say our “self-talk” or “internal dialogue” can make or break a fitness routine. The problem is that many people simply aren’t aware of how destructive their thoughts are. The thing that precedes our behavior is a thought, and we sometimes aren’t good at getting in touch with our thoughts. Let me take my fitness example. The first step in charting the right course to fitness is to recognize how my thoughts are undermining my exercise plans. The second step is to challenge the negative thinking – and there’s certainly no shortage of that when it comes to exercise. It can be tough for beginners to master the skills necessary to adhere to an exercise plan, but give it time. If I could stick it out for six months, it starts to become a part of who I am versus what I do. Plus, I’ll probably see some positive results that can motivate me to keep at it. Among them: better muscle tone, feeling stronger and more fit, weight loss, improved mood, and better sleep.

Write critically on the given topics.

A. the existence of god.

Answer: The existence of God is foundational to the study of theology. The Bible does not seek to prove God’s existence but rather takes it for granted. Scripture expresses a strong doctrine of a natural revelation: the existence and attributes of God are evident from the creation itself, even though sinful human beings suppress and distort their natural knowledge of God. The dominant question in the Old and New Testaments is not whether God is, but rather who God is. Philosophers both Christian and non-Christian have offered a wide range of arguments for God’s existence, and the discipline of natural theology (what can be known or proven about God from nature alone) is flourishing today. Some philosophers, however, have proposed that belief in God is rationally justified even without theistic arguments or evidence. Meanwhile, professing atheists have offered arguments against God’s existence; the most popular is the argument from evil, which contends that the existence and extent of evil in the world gives us good reason not to believe in God. In response, Christian thinkers have developed various theodicies, which seek to explain why God is morally justified in permitting the evils we observe. If theology is the study of God and his works, then the existence of God is as foundational to theology as the existence of rocks is to geology. Two basic questions have been raised regarding belief in God’s existence: (1) Is it true? (2) Is it rationally justified (and if so, on what grounds)? The second is distinct from the first because a belief can be true without being rationally justified (e.g., someone might irrationally believe that he’ll die on a Thursday, a belief that turns out by chance to be true). Philosophers have grappled with both questions for millennia. In this essay, we will consider what the Bible says in answer to these questions, before sampling the answers of some influential Christian thinkers.

A. Rewrite the following sentences using ‘used to’. You can make an affirmative/ negative statement or a question.

a. I/live in a flat when I was a child. → I used to live in a flat when I was a child.

b. She/love eating chocolate but now she hates it. → She used to love eating chocolate but now she hates it.

c. He/go to fishing in the summer? → Did he use to go fishing in the summer?

d. My sister/play tennis when she was at school. → My sister used to play tennis when she was at school.

e. He/play football every weekend? → Did he use to play football every weekend?

f. My grandfather/speak five languages. → My grandfather used to speak five languages.

g. I/not hate school from the beginning. → I did not use to hate school from the beginning.

h. You/live in Kathmandu? → Did he use to live in Kathmandu?

i. He/play Dandibiyo when he was a small child. → He used to play Dandibiyo when he was a small child.

j. She/wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans. → She used to wear a frock when she was small but nowadays she wears jeans.

B. Write a short paragraph describing your past habits.

→ For five years, I lived with my uncle. I used to begin my regular tasks in the mornings at my uncle’s home. Despite having a full-time job at home, I used to strive for first place in my class. My instructors utilized locally accessible materials to make their lessons successful, despite the fact that my school lacked enough resources. They’d cheer us up in class by being nice. Project work was assigned by our English instructor. It proved to be very beneficial to our academic endeavors.

If you have any confusion, feel free to drop a comment down below. In the meantime, you can read these articles.

  • CS50: How To Study At Harvard For FREE (and get a free certificate)
  • How To Get A Domain Name For FREE in 2022
  • How To Stop Ads On YouTube and Other Websites
  • How To Use Microsoft Office Apps For FREE (even offline)
  • How To Read Wall Street Journal, NY Times, etc For FREE
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  • How to use Spotify for FREE

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Suraj Chaudhary is a writer, developer, founder, and a constant learner. He shares lessons and resources for living a fuller life every week. On this blog, he shares helpful guides and helpful articles that help his 70,000+ monthly readers find answers, solve problems, and meet their curious needs.

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Education and Humanity [Education First] Summary & Exercise

Education first - education & humanity, main summary of the text, exercise of education & humanity, word classes, reading comprehension, answer the following questions: , critical thinking, post a comment, oops no internet.

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Education and Humanity: Summary & Exercise (Education First) [Class-11]

Exercise of education first, ways with words, a. find the words from the text which mean the following..

a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission → envoy

the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect → dignity

the harm is done to someone in response to harm → revenge

a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters → extremist

sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others → compassion

a person who is believed to speak for God → prophet

the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence → philosophy

the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy → violence

an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things → prejudice



a. honour

iv. disgrace

b. innocent

iii. guilty

c. brutality

i. kindness

d. forgiveness

v. punishment

e. illiteracy

ii. literacy

A dictionary contains at least three forms of information about a word: pronunciation, word class and meaning.

Look at the following dictionary entry of the words ‘humanity’ and ‘humanize’ (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 9th edition):

humanity /hjuːˈmænəti/ noun 1 [U] people in general: He was found guilty of crimes against humanity. 2 [U] the state of being a person rather than a god, an animal or a machine: The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus. united by a sense of common humanity 3 [U] the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary; the quality of being humane: The judge was praised for his courage and humanity. OPP inhumanity 4(the) humanities [pl.] the subjects of study that are about the way people think and behave, for example literature, language, history and philosophy: The college offers a wide range of courses in the arts and humanities. humanize(BrE also -ise) /ˈhjuːmənaɪz/ verb~sth to make sth more pleasant or suitable for people; to make sth more HUMANE: These measures are intended to humanize the prison system.

What is the headword in the first entry? → Humanity

How many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given? → 4

What do the abbreviations U, OPP, pl, and sth stand for? → U = uncountable, OPP = opposite, pl = plural, sth = something

What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’? → Humanise

How is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced? → /ˈhjuːmənaɪz/

If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied? → If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, the meaning of ‘humanity’ applied is the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary; the quality of being humane (दयालु).

advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement → advance, analysis, amuse, assure, allergy, attain, aid, anxiety, acute, agreement

smoke small smart speaking smelling smooth smuggler smashed smearing smallpox → smoke, small, smart, speaking, smelling, smoothly, smuggler, smashed, smearing, smallpox

terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly territory terror → terminal, terminate, terminology, termite, terms, terrace, terrible, terrible, territory, terror

c. Make a list of five new words from the reading text. Using a dictionary, write their meanings and use the words in sentences of your own.

envoy → a person who is sent as a representative of a government to another country: The envoy was sent to negotiate a peace treaty.

dignity → the quality of being worthy of honour or respect: The dignity of the office of the president is being undermined.

compassion → sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others: The doctor showed compassion for the sick patient.

prophet → a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God: The prophet was sent to the people to teach them about God.

philosophy → the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence: The philosophy of the school is based on the teachings of Plato.

violence → the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy: The violence of the storm destroyed the house.

Reading Comprehension

Answer the following questions, why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world.

The speaker, Malala Yousafzai, played a remarkable role for the betterment of children who are deprived of education and their fundamental rights. She raised her voice for the rights of women and the communities suppressed by the extremist Taliban. So, people from all over the world sent her thousands of well wishes and gifts to encourage and support her.

According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?

According to the speaker, hundreds of human activists and social workers are struggling for achieving their goals of education, peace and equality.

She learnt the value of nonviolence from Gandhi.

Peace is necessary for education because it is only in a peaceful environment that education can flourish. War and conflicts create a hostile environment that prevents students from going to school.

According to the speaker, poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism and deprivation of basic rights are the main problems faced by both men and women.

Malala is calling upon all governments to ensure free education for children, to fight against terrorism and violence, and to protect them from brutality and harm.

The main message of this speech is that education is the only endeavour to eradicate problems like illiteracy, terrorism, violence, and harassment of fundamental human rights. So, concerned authorities should prioritize providing free education for all.

A. all children have the right to quality education. how can we ensure this right for every child discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school..

Quality education is crucial for the development of a person and their surroundings. All children have the right to quality education, and none of them should be held back due to poverty, racism, religious background, or discrimination. As responsible citizens, we can ensure that every child has this right by educating the government and parents about the importance of their role in quality education.

Role of Government:

The government should provide free education to all children and should make sure that the schools are safe and secure for the children.

They should ensure that teachers are well paid so they are motivated enough in providing their services.

The government should make sure that the schools are well equipped with all the necessary facilities like books, stationery, and other resources.

They should regularly update the curriculum and make sure that the students are learning the latest and relevant information.

They should host regular seminars and workshops for the teachers to make them aware of the latest teaching methods and techniques.

Role of Parents:

The parents should make sure that their children are going to school regularly and are getting a proper education.

They should make sure that their children are not being harassed or bullied by anyone.

They should talk to their children and make sure that they are not being forced to do anything against their will.

They should give their children the freedom to choose their own careers and should not force them to do something they don't want to do.

They should spend some time with their children and listen to their problems and concerns.

b. Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?

In our country, discrimination between sons and daughters is still practised in terms of providing education. The parents still prefer to educate their sons rather than their daughters. They think that educating their daughters is a waste of money and resources because daughters have to go to their husband's homes after marriage. So, they prefer to educate their sons and spend the money on their daughters' marriage. This is a very wrong practice and should be stopped.

To overcome this discrimination, the government should make sure that the parents are aware of the importance of educating their daughters. They should also make sure that the parents are aware of the fact that educating their daughters is not a waste of money and resources but an investment in their future. Parents should be aware of the fact that educating their daughters will help them become independent and self-reliant. They should be aware of the fact that educating their daughters will help them become a better mother and wife. They should know about the other benefits of educating their daughters like they will be able to earn money and help their parents in their old age.

There are many examples of women like Malala Yousafzai and Queen Elizabeth I who have achieved great heights in their lives by getting a good education. So, we should inform the parents about that fact and encourage them to support their daughters in getting a good education. We should actively involve ourselves in helping them overcome their misconceptions and prejudices. Policies should be made to encourage parents to educate their daughters. The government should provide them with some financial incentives to encourage them to educate their daughters.

Thus, we can overcome this discrimination by making parents aware of the importance of educating their daughters.

c. A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate on this with examples.

The saying by Confucius is a metaphor for long-term thinking and planning. It suggests that we should think about the long-term consequences of our actions and make decisions that will have positive effects over the long term.

The first part of the saying, "If your plan is for one year, plant rice," means that if you only have a short-term plan or goal, you should focus on something that will have immediate benefits. Planting rice is a good example of this, as it is a crop that can be harvested within a year.

The second part of the saying, "if your plan is for ten years, plant trees," suggests that if you have a longer-term plan or goal, you should focus on something that will have benefits over a longer period of time. Planting trees is a good example of this, as trees take longer to grow and mature, but they can provide benefits such as shade, oxygen, and habitat for wildlife for many years.

The final part of the saying, "if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children," suggests that if you have a very long-term plan or goal, you should focus on something that will have even longer-lasting benefits. Educating children is a good example of this, as the knowledge and skills they learn will stay with them for their entire lives and can be passed down to future generations.

Overall, the saying by Confucius is a reminder to think about the long-term consequences of our actions and to make decisions that will have positive effects over the long term. It encourages us to think beyond our own needs and to consider the needs of future generations.

Classify the underlined words into different word classes

The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle's friend. → who - pronoun, wearing - verb

I bought a round table in the supermarket. → round - adjective, the - determiner

Alas, she is dead. → alas - interjection, is - verb

Hari works very hard all the time but his wife is very lazy. → hard - adverb, but - conjunction, wife - noun, very - adverb

I have never been to Japan. → never - adverb, to - preposition

Read a paragraph from an English newspaper and make a list of about 20 words. Categorize them into different 'Word classes'. You can refer to the grammar book for help


Word Class



































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[Updated] Class 11 English Section I Unit 1 Education And Humanity Ways with words Solution

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 Education And Humanity

Answer 👉 envoy

Answer 👉 dignity

Answer 👉 revenge

Answer 👉 extremist

Answer 👉 compassion

f. a person who is believed to speak for God

Answer 👉 prophet

Answer 👉 philosophy

Answer 👉 violence

Answer 👉 prejudice

Answer 👉 

honour – disgrace

innocent – guilty

brutality – kindness

forgiveness – punishment

illiteracy – literacy

a. Study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions.

Answer 👉 The headword in the first entry is Humanity.

ii. How many meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given?

Answer 👉 Four meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given.

Answer 👉 U, OPP, pl and sth stand for uncountable, opposite, plural and something respectively.

iv. What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’?

Answer 👉 The British English spelling of ‘humanize’ is humanise.

v. How is the word ‘humanize’ pronounced?

Answer 👉 The word ‘humanize’ is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmənaɪz /.

vi. If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied?

Answer 👉 When the phrase "sense of humanity" is used, it typically refers to a person's compassion, empathy, and concern for the well-being and dignity of other people, especially those who are vulnerable or in need. In this context, "humanity" refers to the qualities and characteristics that define being human, such as kindness, generosity, and the ability to show understanding and support for others. By saying "every person should have the sense of humanity," the emphasis is on the importance of treating others with respect and dignity, and recognizing our shared humanity despite our differences.

Answer 👉   acute, advance, agreement, aid, allergy, amuse, analysis, anxiety, assure, attain

Answer 👉   small, smallpox, smart, smashed,speaking, smearing, smelling, smoke, smoothly, smuggler,

iii. terminal terminate terminology termite terms terrace terrible terribly

Answer 👉   terminal, terminate, terminology, terms, terrace, terrible, territory, terror

a. Why did the speaker receive thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world?

Answer 👉   The speaker received thousands of good-wishes cards and gifts from all over the world because they made a public announcement that they were looking for 100 cards for their 100th birthday. This announcement generated a lot of attention and people from all over the world responded by sending cards and gifts to the speaker as a way of wishing them a happy birthday.

b. According to the speaker, what are hundreds of human rights activists and social workers struggling for?

Answer 👉   According to the speaker, hundreds of human rights activists and social workers are struggling for the rights and protection of individuals, who are often marginalized and discriminated against, and for a more just and equitable society.

c. What has she learned from Gandhi?

Answer 👉   She learned the value of nonviolence from Gandhi.

d. In what sense is peace necessary for education?

Answer 👉   According to the speaker, peace is necessary for education because it creates a safe and secure environment that allows children to focus on learning. Without peace, children are often forced to flee their homes and face dangers such as violence, abuse, and exploitation. This disrupts their education and puts them at risk, making it difficult for them to build a better future for themselves and their communities. The speaker highlights the importance of creating and maintaining peace so that every child has the opportunity to receive a quality education and reach their full potential.

e. According to the speaker, what are the main problems faced by both men and women?

Answer 👉   According to the speaker, the main problems faced by both men and women are poverty, inequality, lack of access to education, and discrimination. The speaker highlights that these issues affect both genders, but women are often impacted more severely due to gender-based violence, limited access to healthcare, and unequal pay. The speaker also mentions that these problems are interrelated and must be addressed holistically to achieve a more equal and just society.

f. What is Malala calling upon all governments?

Answer 👉   According to the speaker, Malala is calling upon all governments to provide free and compulsory education for every child, regardless of gender.

g. What is the main message of this speech?

Answer 👉   The main message of this speech is that every child, regardless of gender, deserves the right to education and that peace is necessary for education to thrive. The speaker, Malala, is calling upon all governments to prioritize the education of children, particularly girls, and to create peaceful environments where children can learn and grow. She emphasizes the struggles faced by both men and women in accessing education and highlights the efforts of human rights activists and social workers in advocating for education rights. The speech advocates for a world where every child has the opportunity to receive a quality education, which is essential for the development of individuals, communities, and the world as a whole.

a. ‘All children have the right to quality education. How can we ensure this right to every child? Discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.’

Answer 👉   To ensure that every child has the right to quality education, both the government and parents play important roles.

The government's role is crucial in ensuring access to education for all children. They can do this by investing in education infrastructure and resources, such as building schools and providing educational materials, as well as by enacting policies that promote inclusivity and equity in the education system. Additionally, the government can work to ensure that teachers are well trained and paid fairly, which can help to improve the quality of education that children receive.

Parents also have a significant role to play in making sure that their children have access to quality education. They can support their children's education by encouraging them to attend school regularly and to do their best, as well as by providing a safe and supportive environment for learning at home. Parents can also help by advocating for better educational opportunities and resources in their communities, and by working with their local schools and government to improve the education system.

In conclusion, both the government and parents have important responsibilities to ensure that every child has the right to quality education. By working together, they can help to create an education system that is inclusive, equitable, and provides all children with the opportunities and resources they need to succeed.

b.’Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?’

Answer 👉  

Yes, unfortunately, discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of access to education still exists in many countries, including Nepal. Some of the strategies that could be used to overcome such discrimination against girls are:

Raising Awareness: It is important to raise awareness about the importance of education for all children, regardless of gender, and the negative effects of discrimination. This could be done through media campaigns, community meetings, and workshops.

Providing financial support: Many families in Nepal may not be able to afford to send their daughters to school. Providing financial support for school fees, uniforms, and supplies can help increase enrollment and reduce dropout rates for girls.

Improving school infrastructure: Improving school infrastructure, such as building separate toilets for girls, can make schools a more comfortable and safe place for girls to attend.

Encouraging community involvement: Engaging local communities in the education process can help to build support for girls’ education and reduce discrimination. This could be done through involving local leaders, teachers, and parents in discussions and workshops on the importance of education for all children.

Increasing female role models: Highlighting successful women who have overcome discrimination and achieved success through education can inspire girls to pursue their own education and break down gender stereotypes.

It is important to note that while these strategies can help reduce discrimination, a comprehensive and sustained effort is needed to ensure that all children, regardless of gender, have equal access to quality education.

c. ‘A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples.’

The saying by Confucius is a proverb that speaks to the importance of investing in education for the long-term future. The metaphor used in the saying compares different investments with different time horizons: planting rice for one year, planting trees for ten years, and educating children for one hundred years. The message of the saying is that education is the most valuable investment one can make, as its benefits can last for many generations.

For example, if you invest in planting rice, you will only get a short-term benefit, as the crop will only last for one year. On the other hand, if you invest in planting trees, the benefits will be more long-lasting, as the trees will provide benefits for ten years or more. However, the greatest investment of all is in educating children, as the benefits of a good education can last a lifetime and can be passed down to future generations. Investing in a child's education not only benefits the individual, but also the society as a whole, as educated individuals are more likely to contribute to their communities in positive ways.

a. The man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend.

who – pronoun

wearing – verb

my – determiner

round – adjective

the – determiner

c. Alas, she is dead.

Alas – interjection

hard – adverb

wife – noun

very – adverb

never – adverb

f. Ann drove a car safely.

Ann – Noun

Safely – Adverb

g. Nobody has claimed it.

nobody – pronoun

it – pronoun

h. She cut her hand with a knife.

her – determiner

with – preposition

i. They have postponed the program because of rain.

have – verb

because of – preposition

rain – noun

j. Everybody comes to the party.

everybody – pronoun

k. All such people ought to be avoided.

all – determiner

such – determiner

l. All of the food has gone.

all – pronoun

m. What was that noise?

what – pronoun

n. One must not boast of one’s own success.

one – pronoun

o. Nobody was there to rescue the child.

P. neither of the accusations is true..

Answer 👉   neither – pronoun

q. Neither answer is correct.

neither – determiner

r. Here is the book that you lent me.

here – adverb

that – pronoun

s. Without health there is no happiness.

without – proposition

health – noun

happiness – noun

a. Recall your school days. Write in three paragraphs of an event that you always  remember.

Answer 👉   One event that I always remember from my school days in Nepal was when I was in 7th grade. Our school organized a field trip to Chitwan National Park. It was my first time visiting a national park, and I was so excited to see all the different animals up close. We went on a jungle safari and saw one-horned rhinos, elephants, and even a Bengal tiger from a safe distance. It was a beautiful day, and the whole experience was incredibly educational. I learned about the importance of wildlife conservation and how we can work together to protect our natural resources.

Another event that stands out in my mind is when I was in 10th grade. Our school organized an inter-school debate competition, and I was selected to represent my school. I was nervous, but also excited to showcase my speaking skills. The topic of the debate was "The Importance of Education in Building a Better Future." I remember feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment when I won the competition. The experience taught me the importance of preparation, public speaking, and how education can help shape our future.

Finally, one more event that I always remember from my school days was when I was in 12th grade. It was graduation day, and I was filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, I was sad to be leaving my school and friends, but on the other hand, I was excited to start a new chapter in my life. The graduation ceremony was filled with speeches and awards, and I felt proud to have made it this far. It was a day that I will never forget, and it reminded me of how much I had grown and how much I had learned during my school years.

b. "Education empowers a person". Elaborate this statement giving examples of  your personal experience.

Education has the ability to provide individuals with knowledge, skills, and confidence, which in turn can help them make informed decisions and achieve their goals. It provides a sense of empowerment and helps individuals to gain control over their own lives. By gaining knowledge and skills, people are better equipped to participate in society, advocate for their own rights and the rights of others, and make a positive impact on their communities.

For example, an individual who has a strong educational background may be more confident in their ability to secure a job and negotiate their salary. They are also better equipped to make informed decisions about their health, financial investments, and political participation. Education can also empower people to start their own businesses, or become advocates for important causes they believe in.

In short, education empowers individuals by providing them with the tools they need to succeed and make a positive impact in the world. It is an essential tool for personal and societal growth, and can be instrumental in breaking the cycle of poverty and inequality.

Project Work

Visit a woman who is famous in your community. Ask her questions how she was able  to attend school and the struggle she made for education. Prepare a poster of her life  story and present it in class.

Answer 👉   This is the project work so do yourself. This is the sample how to collect data.

Research the woman's background: Start by gathering information about the woman you would like to visit and her education journey. Ask her friends, family members, or community members if they have any information that could be useful.

Prepare a list of questions: Write down a list of questions you would like to ask the woman. Ask about her early life, what motivated her to pursue education, and the challenges she faced while trying to attend school.

Visit the woman and interview her: Set up a time to visit the woman and ask her the questions you prepared. Make sure to take notes during the interview so you can later use the information for your poster.

Create the poster: Once you have all the information you need, start creating the poster. You could include a picture of the woman, a brief biography, and a timeline of her education journey. Highlight the challenges she faced and how she overcame them. Also, mention how education has empowered her and how it has impacted her life.

Present the poster in class: Finally, present the poster in class and share the woman's story with your classmates. This will help raise awareness about the importance of education and inspire others to pursue their dreams.

By following these steps, you can create a meaningful poster that highlights the importance of education and the struggles that people face to attain it.

Class 12 English Unit 1 Education And Humanity  Ways with words full solution

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Education and Humanity Exercise : Question Answers and Grammar

class-11-english- chapter-1-notes

a. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission envoy

b. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect dignity

c. harm done to someone in response to harm revenge

d. a person who holds extreme views in political or religious matters extremist

e. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others compassion

f. a person who is believed to speak for God prophet

g. the study of the nature of knowledge, reality and existence philosophy

h. the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage or destroy violence

i. an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things prejudice

honour – disgrace innocent – guilty brutality – kindness forgiveness – punishment illiteracy – literacy

A. study the dictionary entry above and answer these questions., i. what is the headword in the first entry.

The headword in the first entry is Humanity.

Four meanings of the word ‘humanity’ are given.

U, OPP, pl and sth stand for uncountable, opposite, plural and something respectively.

iv. What is the British English spelling of ‘humanize’?

The British English spelling of ‘humanize’ is humanise.

The word ‘humanize’ is pronounced as /ˈhjuːmənaɪz /.

vi. If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, which meaning of ‘humanity’ is applied?

If we say Every person should have the sense of humanity, the quality of being kind to people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary of ‘humanity’ is applied.

I. advance analysis amuse assure allergy attain aid anxiety acute agreement.

acute, advance, agreement, aid, allergy, amuse, analysis, anxiety, assure, attain

small, smallpox, smart, smashed,speaking, smearing, smelling, smoke, smoothly, smuggler,

terminal, terminate, terminology, terms, terrace, terrible, territory, terror


  • The speaker received numerous good-wishes cards and gifts worldwide because she was shot by the Taliban on the left side of her forehead and required hospitalization for treatment and recovery.
  • According to the speaker, hundreds of human rights activists and social workers are striving to achieve goals related to education, peace, and equality.
  • She learned the value of nonviolence from Gandhi.
  • Peace is essential for qualitative education. Children can only receive meaningful education in a peaceful environment. Without peace, fear may prevent children from attending school and focusing on their studies.
  • Poverty, ignorance, injustice, racism, and the denial of basic rights are the primary challenges faced by both genders.
  • Malala urges all governments to ensure free education for every child worldwide, combat terrorism and violence, and protect them from brutality and harm.
  • The central message is that education is a powerful tool capable of addressing issues like illiteracy, terrorism, violence, and the violation of fundamental human rights. Providing education to all children should be a top priority for governments.

A. ‘all children have the right to quality education. how can we ensure this right to every child discuss the role of the government and the parents to make sure that every child can attend school.’.

Quality education is the demand of 21st century. There is different aspects related to get the quality education. The role of parents, government and schools are the main stakeholders related to a student’s quality education.

Role of Government – The government can subsidize education in several forms including school fees for low-income parents. – Providing equality in education whereby the government ensures that the public schools offer a high quality of knowledge to the learners. – A government should ensure that teachers are well paid so that they are motivated in the provision of their services. – A government should put in place rules that could check to eliminate outdated syllabus since it misdirects many teachers and learners in schools.

Roles of Parents – Kids would be easily inspired by what their parents do. So it would be good to be a role model in their learning phase. – Parents should talk to their kid about how their school life and different memories associated with it. – Parents should help them to be more organized with their daily routine and find enough time for the lessons. – Parents should make sure that the kids are provided with a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere at home.

b.’Do you think that there is still discrimination between sons and daughters in terms of providing education in our country? What strategies do you suggest to overcome such discrimination against girls?’

Education in Nepal is still in its background phase. While advancements have been made to provide free education through government schools, this education is widely considered to be insufficient in comparison to the education provided by private schools. In comparison to private schools, government schools are less funded and provide a poorer quality of education. Despite this, a large number of girls are enrolled in government schools, while their brothers receive the opportunity for quality, or at least better, education in private schools. This disparity can be traced back to a history of gender based marginalization in the Nepalese society. More significantly, girls are discriminated in terms of education because their parents think that they go to their new homes after their marriage and cannot care their parents when they get older. Finally people still believe that males are physically, mentally and politically strong so that parents send their sons to high quality schools and girls to lower one.

A number of strategies should be applied by all to afford education to the girls to bring about the prosperity of the nation. Some of them are listed below:

1. Gender biases should be ended. 2. Women should be given platforms to be in power and achieve economic success. 3. Violence and sexual assault against women should be ended. 4. The preference for the son should be removed from the people’s psychology. 5. Money given in the name of dowry should be invested in the girl’s education.

c. ‘A Chinese philosopher Confucius said, “If your plan is for one year, plant rice; if your plan is for ten years, plant trees; if your plan is for one hundred years, educate children.” What is the meaning of this saying? Elaborate this with examples.’

The sole meaning of above statement is that our destination decide what type of efforts should be applied. If our set our goals and destination big then surely it will take a long time to achieve it. One of the philosophical doctrines presented by the Chinese philosopher before Christ, confusion is the key factor for bringing prolonged dimensional change in the life of people. It is not like planting rice and planting trees whose output appears within a year or within a decade. We have to wait for almost a century to get better result.

Actually the above statement is explaining about the importance of education. At present time people without education is just like a pen without ink. Education shapes our future. It makes us well reputed in the society. Furthermore, without education thinking of a developed country is just like building castle in air. If today’s children are provided a quality education then they will play a crucial role in the development of the nation and create civilized society in future. Therefore, children should be provided with the best possible education as an investment so that it will benefit the whole country in the future.

A. the man who is wearing glasses is my uncle’s friend..

who – pronoun wearing – verb my – determiner

round – adjective the – determiner

Alas – interjection

hard – adverb wife – noun very – adverb

never – adverb

Ann – Noun Safely – Adverb

nobody – pronoun it – pronoun

her – determiner with – preposition

have – verb because of – preposition rain – noun

everybody – pronoun

all – determiner such – determiner

all – pronoun

what – pronoun

n. One must not boast of one’s own success.

one – pronoun

nobody – pronoun

neither – pronoun

neither – determiner

here – adverb that – pronoun

without – proposition health – noun happiness – noun

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Critical thinking definition

education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

Are there any services that can help me use more critical thinking?

We understand that it's difficult to learn how to use critical thinking more effectively in just one article, but our service is here to help.

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education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

Women should be given platforms to be in power and achieve economic success. 3. Violence and sexual assault against women should be ended. 4. The preference for the son should be removed from the people's psychology. 5. Money given in the name of dowry should be invested in the girl's education. c.

Education and Humanity - Education First Class 11 English Exercise . This article provides a comprehensive solution for Class 11 English Unit 1, Chapter 1: Education and Humanity, specifically focusing on the topic of Education First. All exercises of this chapter are covered in this solution. To access this solution, please refer to Edubook ...

Summary. This chapter, Education First, includes the speech delivered by Malala at the United Nations Youth Assembly on 12 July 2013. First of all, she thanks everyone who prayed for her fast recovery and sent her thousands of good wish cards and gifts from all over the world. She thanks all the children whose innocent words encouraged her and ...

Education empowers ourselves with the weapon of knowledge. So, we must give priority to education. Critical Thinking ... Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-1 Education and Humanity 'Education First' class 11 english education and humanity unit 1 Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-1 Education and Humanity 'Education First' Exercises ...

Psychologists say our "self talk" or "internal dialogue" can make or break a fitness routine. The problem is that many people simply aren't aware of how destructive their thoughts are. The thing that precedes our behavior is a thought, and we sometimes aren't good at getting in touch with our thoughts. Let me take my fitness example.

By Sanjeev Niraula April 3, 2021September 21, 2021. Here is the solution of the exercises of unit 1 Education and Humanity class11 English. A. Find the words from the text which mean the following. Answer: a. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission. Envoy. b. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

Class 11 English book Unit 1 Education and Humanity exercise Questions Answers NotesDownload Link - https://www.thesrzone.com/2021/05/class-11-english-note-u...

It emphasizes that education should be prioritized by all governments as a means to combat these issues. By providing education to every child, we can bring about positive change and transform the world. Critical thinking. Click the question to view the answer or find the question below of this page. Important Questions - Education and humanity

FULL EXERCISE || Unit-1|| EDUCATION AND HUMANITY ||Compulsory English | GRADE 11 -NEBhttps://www.dreamslearningzone.com/2021/11/class-11-language-development...

Education and Humanity (Education First) A. Find the words from the text which mean the following. B. Match the words on the left with their opposite meanings on the right. C. Using dictionary. Dictionary contains at least three forms of information about a word: pronunciation, word class and meaning. Look at the following dictionary entry of ...

This article has all the exercises of unit 16 of class 11's English, Critical Thinking (What Is The Soul?) Ways with words A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below. unquestionable, impossible to doubt → indubitable; never done or known before

Proper education will help to be kind to other human beings and creatures. After being educated, our children will educate their children and so on. Education first is the speech given by Malala, included in NEB -11 C. English under Education & Humanity. This article includes summary & exercise.

The main message of this speech is that education is the only endeavour to eradicate problems like illiteracy, terrorism, violence, and harassment of fundamental human rights. So, concerned authorities should prioritize providing free education for all. Critical thinking a. All children have the right to quality education.

Unit: 1. Education and Humanity. Education First Notes. Full Exercise questions answers Solution and notes of class 11 english chapter 1 is here. This chapter is named "Education First" and is part of the unit "Education and Humanity". The speech of Malala Yousafzai, delivered before the United Nations General Assembly, is covered in this chapter.

Ways with words. A. Find the words from the text which mean the following. a. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission. Answer 👉 envoy. b. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. Answer 👉 dignity. c. harm done to someone in response to harm. Answer 👉 revenge.

This article is about Class 11 English Unit 16 Exercise Notes. The title of this unit is 'Critical Thinking'. Summary, questions answers solution and grammar of this chapter is discussed here. For complete notes of Class 11 English Book, go to this link - Class 11 English Guide & Notes.

a philosophy of life; a set of beliefs and theories that helps us make sense of a whole of a wide range of issues in life; one criterion for judging is internal consistency. moral statement. a statement asserting that an action is right or wrong (moral or immoral) or that something (such as a person or motive) is good or bad. moral argument.

Dualism, the philosophical idea that mind and body are two separate entities, suggests that the soul is the non-physical component of a person. Some argue that consciousness cannot be fully explained by physical processes, and therefore must be the result of a non-physical soul. The subjective experiences of individuals, such as near-death ...

The main message of this speech is that education is such a weapon that eradicate the problems like illiteracy, terrorism, violence and harassment of fundamentals rights of human. So, providing education to every children in this world should be the first priority of all governments. Critical thinking a.

Education and Humanity; Communication; Media and Society; History and Culture; Life and Love; Health and Exercise; Ecology and Development; Humour and Satire; Democracy and Human Rights; Home Life and Family Relationship; Arts and Creation; Fantasy; Career and Entrepreneurship; Power and Politics; War and Peace; Critical Thinking; Globalization ...

6. Start a Debate. In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science.

Critical Thinking. Total Page: 0. ... We provide educational materials for class eleven and twelve students. We are determined to make education free and accessible to all. Curriculum. Nepali; Social; English; View all; Books. English - Class 11English - Class 12View all; Let's Get Connected.

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement. Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process ...


  1. Unit 16 : Critical Thinking Full Exercise

    Psychologists say our "self talk" or "internal dialogue" can make or break a fitness routine. The problem is that many people simply aren't aware of how destructive their thoughts are. The thing that precedes our behavior is a thought, and we sometimes aren't good at getting in touch with our thoughts. Let me take my fitness example.

  2. Unit 1 : Critical Thinking Full Exercise

    a. Convergent thinking Convergent thinking is the type of thinking that focuses on coming up with the single, well-established answer to a problem. It is oriented toward deriving the single best, or most often correct answer to a question. b. Divergent thinking Divergent thinking is a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by ...

  3. Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise

    Education and Humanity - Education First Class 11 English Exercise . This article provides a comprehensive solution for Class 11 English Unit 1, Chapter 1: Education and Humanity, specifically focusing on the topic of Education First. All exercises of this chapter are covered in this solution. To access this solution, please refer to Edubook ...

  4. Class 11 English

    Our Guide Apps are on Play Store!Download Link : https://www.tsz.com.np/2023/03/guides-link.htmlAccess notes and guides for Class 12 English, Class 12 Englis...

  5. Class 11 English Unit 16 Critical Thinking Exercise, Grammar Notes

    2 min read. This article is about Class 11 English Unit 16 Exercise Notes. The title of this unit is 'Critical Thinking'. Summary, questions answers solution and grammar of this chapter is discussed here. For complete notes of Class 11 English Book, go to this link - Class 11 English Guide & Notes.

  6. Class XI English /Language Development.../Unit -1 [ Critical Thinking

    Class XI English /Language Development.../Unit -1 [ Critical Thinking].... Complete exercise By Gokarn Parshad Bhatta

  7. Solution of Critical Thinking (What Is the Soul?)

    Dualism, the philosophical idea that mind and body are two separate entities, suggests that the soul is the non-physical component of a person. Some argue that consciousness cannot be fully explained by physical processes, and therefore must be the result of a non-physical soul. The subjective experiences of individuals, such as near-death ...

  8. Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-1 Education and Humanity

    Class 11 New Compulsory English Unit-1 Education and Humanity 'Education First' Exercises. By Your All Notes June 18, 2021 Updated: July 13, 2021 961 Comments 9 Mins Read. ... Critical Thinking (Page: 9)

  9. Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Exercises 2024

    This article has all the exercises of unit 16 of class 11's English, Critical Thinking (What Is The Soul?) Ways with words A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below. unquestionable, impossible to doubt → indubitable; never done or known before

  10. Complete Exercises And Grammar of Critical Thinking

    This video contains the exercises of Unit 16 of the English chapter "Critical Thinking". What is the Soul? - All Exercise Solved, Class -11, New Course - 207...

  11. Education and Humanity class 11 English Unit 1

    By Sanjeev Niraula April 3, 2021September 21, 2021. Here is the solution of the exercises of unit 1 Education and Humanity class11 English. A. Find the words from the text which mean the following. Answer: a. a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission. Envoy. b. the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect.

  12. Critical Thinking: Chapter 1 Flashcards

    a method of developing the argument of a paragraph in three steps: if a major premise is true and a minor premise is true then a conclusion or prediction can be made. Define: an argument. A premise that leads to a conclusion. Chapter 1 discusses. Moral Subjectivism.

  13. Critical Thinking Quiz #1: Chapter 1 Flashcards

    D) All of these are correct. (MC) Once the process of identifying and ranking your goals is complete, you should: D) Focus on devising effective plans and strategies to achieve them. (MC) Much of our failure to achieve our short term goals is because we: A) Skip one or more of the steps in the goal seeking process.

  14. Class

    Class - 11 English. Section - I. Unit - 16. Critical Thinking. Ways with words. A. The words in the crossword puzzle are from the text. Find them from the text to solve the puzzle based on the meaning clues given below. Answer 👉. 1. unquestionable, impossible to doubt. Answer 👉 indubitable . 2. never done or known before. Answer 👉 ...

  15. Unit 1 : Education And Humanity Full Exercise

    2. Women should be given platforms to be in power and achieve economic success. 3. Violence and sexual assault against women should be ended. 4. The preference for the son should be removed from the people's psychology. 5. Money given in the name of dowry should be invested in the girl's education. c.

  16. critical thinking class 11 exercise

    Unit 16: Critical Thinking Complete Exercises. By Suraj Chaudhary. August 3, 2023. This article has all the exercises of unit 16 of class 11's English, Critical Thinking (What I

  17. Critical Thinking Exercises for Students

    Critical Thinking Exercise 1: Tour Guide for an Alien. Read More. Enhance Reading & Writing with Critical Thinking. By Richard Nordquist. This exercise provides an opportunity to think outside your normal way of thinking. Pretend that you have been assigned the task of conducting a tour for aliens who are visiting the earth and observing human ...

  18. PHIL102: Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic

    Unit 1: Introduction and Meaning Analysis. Critical thinking is a broad classification for a diverse array of reasoning techniques. In general, critical thinking works by breaking arguments and claims down to their basic underlying structure so we can see them clearly and determine whether they are rational.

  19. Class 11

    THIS VIDEO INCLUDES FOLLOWING THINGS :1. What is the soul class 112. critical thinking class 113. Class 11 unit 16 exercises4. Unit 16 class 11 exercises5. w...

  20. Know Thyself

    NEB desk is an education portal that is primarily focused to provide NEB Class 11 and 12 English notes. All chapter exercises are open. Know Thyself - Unit 1 Critical Thinking (Critical Thinking & Writing)

  21. 10 Great Critical Thinking Activities That Engage Your Learners

    Critical thinking exercises like the ones we shared here play a crucial role in fostering intellectual growth and preparing learners for the complexities of the modern world. Through group discussions, debates, and problem-solving tasks, learners are encouraged to question assumptions, examine multiple perspectives, and seek evidence-based ...

  22. 11 Activities That Promote Critical Thinking In The Class

    6. Start a Debate. In this activity, the teacher can act as a facilitator and spark an interesting conversation in the class on any given topic. Give a small introductory speech on an open-ended topic. The topic can be related to current affairs, technological development or a new discovery in the field of science.

  23. education and humanity class 11 exercise critical thinking

    Privacy Policy; Terms and Conditions; _Mathematics; Unit 1 Education and Humanity (Education First) Class 11 English Exercise. Education and Humanity - Education ...